Dry scalp: Causes and treatment options – Medical News Today

Posted: July 5, 2021 at 5:51 am

People can have dry skin anywhere on their body, including the scalp. Although dry scalp and dandruff have similar symptoms, they have different causes and treatments.

This article will describe what a dry scalp is and how it differs from dandruff. It will also look at some of the common causes of dry scalp, some available treatments, and a few prevention strategies.

People can have dry skin anywhere on the body, including the scalp. Dry skin occurs when the skin loses water too quickly.

A person with dry skin on the scalp may notice:

There are many potential causes of dry skin, such as low humidity or indoor heating. In fact, the American Skin Association notes that dry skin is not usually anything to worry about.

Sometimes, however, an underlying skin condition might be the cause of a dry scalp. When this is the case, a person might need medical treatment.

The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) says that some people are more at risk of dry skin than others. These people include:

Lots of different things can lead to dry skin and a dry scalp. Some examples include:

Sometimes, underlying health conditions can also lead to a dry scalp. These might include the following.

Atopic dermatitis is the most common form of eczema.

In children, atopic dermatitis causes dry, itchy rashes anywhere on the body. In adults, rashes are less common, and a person may have skin that is extremely dry and easily irritated.

Contact dermatitis, which is another form of eczema, happens when the skin has an allergic reaction to something it comes into contact with.

On the scalp, hair care products, hair dye, and hair accessories can all lead to contact dermatitis. Contact dermatitis can cause itching and burning or blistering of the skin.

Around 50% of people with psoriasis experience flare-ups on the scalp. A person may also experience:

Learn more about scalp psoriasis here.

The best treatment for a dry scalp will depend on what is causing it.

In many cases, making healthy lifestyle choices will help. Some examples include:

Other causes may need additional treatment. If contact dermatitis is the cause, a person may require corticosteroids.

Treatments for other medical conditions that can cause a dry scalp include the following.

Doctors recommend that people with atopic dermatitis avoid triggers, or things that make the condition worse. Triggers are different for everyone, but some common ones include:

Sometimes, people may need medical treatment. Doctors might recommend special shampoos or biologic medications that help control the immune system.

Learn more about how to treat atopic dermatitis here.

Over-the-counter products can sometimes help treat scalp psoriasis.

According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, people should try to look for shampoos that contain salicylic acid or coal tar.

In more severe cases, doctors might recommend phototherapy, which uses UV light to slow skin cell growth, or biologic drugs, which help control the inflammation.

Dandruff is a common skin condition. It causes gray or white flakes of skin to appear on the scalp and in the hair.

Dandruff only affects the scalp, but people with a dry scalp tend to experience dry skin on other parts of the body as well.

According to the AAD, researchers are unsure of the exact cause of dandruff. However, it may be the result of other skin conditions, such as:

The above conditions can also lead to dry skin on the scalp.

Learn more about the difference between dry scalp and dandruff here.

A person can use medicated shampoos to treat dandruff.

Learn more about how to treat dandruff here.

There are lots of things that people can do to help prevent developing dry skin on the scalp. These include:

Anyone who suspects that they have an underlying skin condition should talk with a doctor. This is especially true if the symptoms are interfering with their everyday life.

The doctor will assess the persons skin and recommend the best treatment or course of action for them.

A person with a dry scalp may experience itching and flaking skin. Although it may look like dandruff, a dry scalp is different. The two conditions have different causes and different treatments.

Many dry scalp cases resolve on their own with a few lifestyle changes. These changes include drinking plenty of water and avoiding harsh shampoos and hair care products.

Sometimes, a dry scalp may be a symptom of an underlying skin condition. When this is the case, a person can talk with a doctor. They will be able to assess the skin and recommend the best course of action.

Dry scalp: Causes and treatment options - Medical News Today

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