You’ll Be Able to See the Space Station Again This Week in Idaho –

Posted: May 27, 2021 at 8:03 am

I don't know why I'm always so excited when cool stuff flies through the sky at night and we get to see it. From the SpaceX rockets to the Starlink Satellites the night sky is getting a lot more active. Add that to the occasional sighting of the International Space Station and you can pretty much see something exciting every night. even the natural sights are still worth staying up late to see, like the Blood Moon Super Eclipse this morning. This week is an exciting one for night sky viewing as we'll get to see the ISSevery nightas it flies over Twin Falls.

How many times you can see the International Space Station will depend on where you are and how late you want to stay up. From Twin Falls we should be able to see it five times through Memorial Day weekend (at least once each night). Any sightings are contingent on weather conditions.

The ISS passes by us frequently, but if it isn't at the right angle we won't see it. Spot The Station is a website that helps you plan the best times for catching a glimpse of it. Under good conditions and if the station reaches at least a height of 40 degrees, you'll be able to see it if you know where to look.

Seeing the International Space Station is only a matter of knowing when and where to look. There are five times it will fly over us this week and through the weekend where you will get a good look at it. You may also be able to see it on other occasions at lower degrees in the sky, but these are your most likely times to see it each night:

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You'll Be Able to See the Space Station Again This Week in Idaho -

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