Four Cartier watches? Bah! Libs hand out the equivalent of 90 a year to party hacks – Crikey

Posted: April 19, 2021 at 7:07 am

Christine Holgate's $20,000 spend is pretty tame when you consider the Liberals squander $450,000 a year on Australia Post directors.

Christine Holgate not only lost her job but took a severe reputation hit for trying to reward staff for hard work. Her only actual error was buying Cartier watches rather than sending her executive team and partners to a Bledisloe Cup game. She should have known better we do sports in Australia, not luxury items.

Her $20,000 expenditure for four watches looks trivial compared with the $450,000 retirement scheme the Liberal Party extracts from Australia Post annually. What you say? Thats the equivalent of 90 Cartier watches a year.

The Liberal Party appears to use board positions as a thank you for loyal dedication. If you were concerned that government or party officials were poorly paid and not keeping up with the private sector, take some comfort that their post-retirement fun is looked after.

The good old Australia Post with its dedicated posties is not immune to government board stacking. Four of the eight board members are highly linked to the Liberals.

Heres who they are and what they got:

I am not an expert on Holgate-gate, but I know one thing: people in glass houses should not offer up cushy board postings.

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Peter FrayEditor-in-chief of Crikey

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Four Cartier watches? Bah! Libs hand out the equivalent of 90 a year to party hacks - Crikey

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