This Day In History, April 2nd, 2021 – "The Great War" – Signals AZ

Posted: April 2, 2021 at 10:50 am

By Staff | on April 02, 2021

It was just 104 years ago today, April 2, 1917, when President Wilson, the man who had run on avoiding the war in Europe, asked Congress to declare war on Germany. And Congress granted the declaration. Societal upheavals change with the tide of the mob, and in this instance, when the loudest voices declared peace and isolationism, they then started to call for war. The popular song of the day was I Didnt Raise My Boy To Be A Soldier, it was then replaced with Over There. And thus we did, the American Soldier has never been ordinary, but extraordinary. Not to insult any allies, but the Americans won the day, but at a terrible cost, and the war that was meant to end all wars, only created more troubles, more wars, and arguably still today, many of our 21st century problems. General Sherman once was quoted for saying War is Hell, but another quote follows, that War is the legitimate object of Peace. Leadership demands that one should know the difference between the two.

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This Day In History, April 2nd, 2021 - "The Great War" - Signals AZ

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