To the editor | Families & Lifestyles | – Jewish News of Greater Phoenix

Posted: March 31, 2021 at 6:17 am

Time for D.C. statehood

The Jewish News' editorial on March 16, It is time for a voting rights compromise, notes that D.C. statehood is an issue worthy of serious consideration and support. I agree and write to offer several reasons why.

In Talmud, Rabbi Hillel says what is hateful to yourself, do not do to your fellow man. In the early 1900s, both Arizona and D.C. desired to be admitted as states. Congress granted Arizonas petition for statehood, yet over 100 years later, the 712,000 residents of D.C. remain without voting rights and representation that we now take for granted. Those in D.C. bear the responsibilities of citizenship without sharing its privileges. D.C. is home to 32,000 veterans, and residents pay more in taxes than 22 other states.

Legislation has been introduced in Congress to grant D.C. statehood. I hope our senators, Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly, will support it. We are fortunate to have senators the people of D.C. have none. As we celebrate Passover, we recall our own struggles and the freedom that followed. Perhaps by next years seder, the Americans who live in our capital will have equal rights, and democracy will be more complete.

Ellie Sims, Phoenix

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To the editor | Families & Lifestyles | - Jewish News of Greater Phoenix

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