LETTER: P.E.I. government showing no regard for public input on land protection issue – The Journal Pioneer

Posted: March 29, 2021 at 1:46 am

I am writing as a result of Ms. Diamonds excellent letter on land protection (Lack of political will continues to plague land policy in P.E.I., Feb. 24, Journal Pioneer) and subsequently P.E.I. Environment Minister Steven Myers's willingness to push through the Water Act with no regard for public input and the long-term welfare of all people residing on Prince Edward Island.

Islanders are frustrated to no end with successive provincial governments' attempts to give our most precious resources to corporate P.E.I.

In fact, taxpayers have already funded, in large part, the endless studies of the relationship between the people, the Water Act and the Lands Protection Act, and the corporations, to no avail.

Successive provincial administrations (Liberal and Conservative) have waffled relentlessly in a concentrated effort to please corporate P.E.I., even though the outcome will be to the detriment of Island residents.

It is time for Islanders to hold a referendum on both the Water Act and the Lands Protection Act. The legislative assembly is in session and it is incumbent upon the opposition to introduce motions to that effect. Lets get this done.

If the Irvings leave, so be it, we will not only survive but most likely thrive. The hundreds of millions in profits that leave the Island would be welcome here.

And if our politicians are worth their salt, they will not allow off-Island interests to have such crippling control of our economy ever again.

It is time to remind our political masters who really matters. Our political system is not working for the people.

Our politicians are destroying the citizens' faith in the political process by bending to the pressure of the almighty dollar; the benefit of which has little to do with society at large.

Time for electoral reform and tools such as recall and termination of engagement when members of the legislative assembly go rogue supporting executive approved legislation detrimental to the greater public good.

Wayne Carver,



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LETTER: P.E.I. government showing no regard for public input on land protection issue - The Journal Pioneer