SpaceX is really just SPAC and an ex – TechCrunch

Posted: February 25, 2021 at 1:03 am

Hello and welcome back toEquity, TechCrunchs venture capital-focused podcast, where we unpack the numbers behind the headlines.

This is our first-ever Wednesday episode. If you want to learn more about the latest edition of the podcast, head here for more. This week we talked about space, an increasingly active part of the global economy, and a place where were seeing more and more young tech companies place their focus.

We were lucky to have TechCrunchs Darrell Etherington join us for the show. Hes our resident expert, so we had to have him on to chat about the space startup ecosystem. Heres the rundown:

As we get more comfortable in our Wednesday episodes, well tinker with the format and the like. As we do, werealways taking feedback at, or over on Twitter. Hit us up, were having a lot of fun but are always looking for ways to sharpen the show!

Equity drops every Monday at 7:00 a.m. PST, Wednesday, and Friday morning at 7:00 a.m. PST, so subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts,Overcast,Spotifyand all the casts.

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SpaceX is really just SPAC and an ex - TechCrunch

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