Teacher salary: the 35% utopia and the picture of discord – Explica

Posted: February 21, 2021 at 12:08 am

The five teaching unions of the Nation met with the Minister of Education, Nicols Trotta, and agreed on the wage claim: floor is 29%. The number jumps from the projection of the Minister of Economy, Martn Guzmn, on the inflation of the year despite the jump to 4% in January. With optimism, the teachers predict to close even higher in number.

In a joint scheme, all sectors are listened to. It is a negotiation process, Summarized Nicols Trotta, who led the virtual meeting from Palacio Sarmiento. On the other side of the screen they sat CTERA, UDA, CEA, SADOP and AMET.

The meeting had as a backdrop a meeting alone between Alberto Fernndez, Sonia Alesso (leader of Ctera), Roberto Baradel (Suteba) and the national deputy Hugo Yasky. It was at the Rosada and it lasted half an hour. We have a direct arrival with the President, was the Chicana from the national union. The photo did not like in the corridors of Education.

A simple statement from Ctera detailed that they spoke about lthe serious situation that the teachers of Chubut are going through; the National Vaccination Plan for education workers; the Law of Educational Financing; and the formation of the Economic and Social Council . On one side was the joint negotiation.

Where they did talk about numbers was at the platform meeting between Trotta and the union leaders. The number is closer to 35% than 29%, they pointed to Chronicle from the union halls. At another union table they were more cautious: We want it to be at least 2 or 3 points above 29%. Next week a new meeting will begin to put an end to the joint novel.

Our objective is to strengthen the instance of the parity that not only understands the salary aspect but also allows us to rethink the direction of the school in Argentina, said Trotta.

After the meeting, the head of Pizzurno shot that there is not only the starting salary of the teachers in Argentina, which for us is very important, but also strengthen the teaching incentive, which is the other component and whose amount in 2020 was doubled .

Last year the parties met four times. It was in February when the initial minimum teacher salary was set at 23,000 pesos, with a second tranche amounting to 25,000 pesos as of July 1 of the same year , detailed Education.

The agreement reached the payment of a extraordinary lump sum of $ 4,840. In July, the continuation of the payment of an exceptional amount FONID extraordinary sum COVID 19 was agreed and the working conditions were agreed with a view to returning to classrooms in person.

Finally, the last joint meeting of 2020 was in November, where the national minimum teacher salary was raised to 27,500 pesos as of December 1, 2020.

The City of Buenos Aires will have the first joint meeting of the year on Monday. The teachers closely follow the negotiation of the Nation since it is what marks us, said Alejandra Bonato -UTE union secretary- before Phase 5 by FM Milenium.

We are going to return to the classroom without even a hint of salary recomposition, added the leader, who summarized: We lost around 40 salary points. We want it to be above inflation .

From Ademys a Buenos Aires union that carries out a 72-hour strike it also demands a larger budget for infrastructure. On Monday, February 22, the debate between the 17 Buenos Aires teaching unions and the Minister of Education, Soledad Acua, will begin.

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Teacher salary: the 35% utopia and the picture of discord - Explica

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