Monthly Archives: July 2024

Family of Chicago woman missing in the Bahamas push authorities to continue searching as they mark her birthday – The Albany Herald

Posted: July 14, 2024 at 12:54 am

(CNN) The family of Taylor Casey, a Chicago woman who has been missing in the Bahamas for nearly a month, gathered Thursday to mark her birthday and to plead with authorities to continue searching for her.

The pain I felt 42 years ago while birthing you doesnt compare to the pain I feel on today with you missing out of our lives, Colette Seymore, Caseys mother, said during a news conference in downtown Chicago livestreamed by CNN affiliate WLS.

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Family of Chicago woman missing in the Bahamas push authorities to continue searching as they mark her birthday - The Albany Herald

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Search Continues For Black Woman In Bahamas 3 Weeks After Her Disappearance – Black Information Network

Posted: at 12:54 am

Police are still searching for Chicago woman Taylor Casey after she went missing in the Bahamas roughly three weeks ago.

Casey was last seen on June 19 on Paradise Island in Nassau, where she traveled to attend the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat. The retreat confirmed Casey's disappearance after she didn't show up for class on June 20.

According to CNN, investigators in the Bahamas are employing search dogs, marine teams, and flight crews in the search for Casey.

Earlier in the search, Police Commissioner Clayton Fernander said a police dog picked up a scent from a tent and tracked it to a body of water. The search crew found Casey's cell phone in the water the following day and asked American authorities to help access the phone's content.

Caseys mother, Colette Seymore, traveled to the Bahamas last week to try to get answers regarding her daughter's disappearance.

I had to return home without her, Seymore said in a statement. This is every mothers worst nightmare.

The family is urging the FBI to take over the missing person investigation.

I felt an urgent need to return because without U.S. government support, we may never find out what happened to my Taylor," Seymore said.

The Black Information Network is your source for Black News! Get the latest news 24/7 on The Black Information Network. Listen now on the iHeartRadio app or click HERE to tune in live.

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Search Continues For Black Woman In Bahamas 3 Weeks After Her Disappearance - Black Information Network

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Join’s 25th Anniversary Virtual Panel on July 17: The Next 25 Years of Space Exploration – To the Moon, Mars and Beyond –

Posted: at 12:53 am

In the 25 years since first launched its space news mission on July 20, 1999, humanity has accomplished amazing feats in astronomical research and spaceflight. But what lies ahead in the next quarter century?

Join as we celebrate our 25th anniversary by looking to the future of humanity's reach into the cosmos with the live virtual panel "The Next 25 Years of Space Exploration - To the Moon, Mars and Beyond" at 12 p.m. EDT on July 17 on this page and on the homepage.

Moderated by Editor-in-Chief Tariq Malik, a 23-year veteran of, our panelists will discuss the great strides to date in the fields of exoplanet research, the search for life, human spaceflight and astronomical discoveries, and how giant new observatories, new spacecraft and technical advances could yield even more advancements.

Our panelists will be:

Be sure to join us at on July 17 for what promises to be an amazing discussion on the future of space exploration and astronomy.

Breaking space news, the latest updates on rocket launches, skywatching events and more!

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Join's 25th Anniversary Virtual Panel on July 17: The Next 25 Years of Space Exploration - To the Moon, Mars and Beyond -

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Voyagers of Mars: The First CHAPEA Crews Yearlong Journey – NASA

Posted: at 12:53 am

When the first humans travel to the Red Planet, they will need to know how to repair and maintain equipment, grow their own food, and stay healthy, all while contending with Earth-to-Mars communication delays. They must also find ways to build comradery and have fun.

The first all-volunteer CHAPEA (Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog) crew accomplished all of that and more during their 378-day analog mission on the surface of Mars.

Living in the isolated Mars Dune Alpha, a 3D-printed, 1,700-square-foot habitat, crew members Kelly Haston, Ross Brockwell, Nathan Jones, and Anca Selariu faced the rigors of a simulated Mars expedition, enduring stressors akin to those of a real mission to the Red Planet. They also celebrated holidays and birthdays, gave each other haircuts, and found moments of levity in isolation. Their journey will help scientists understand the challenges of deep space missions and offer invaluable insights into the resilience of the human spirit.

As the crew concluded their journey on July 6, NASA astronaut and Deputy Director of Flight Operations Kjell Lindgren opened the habitat door and welcomed them home.

The crew and their families have committed a year of their lives in service to NASA, the country, and humanitys exploration of space. Thank you for committing yourselves to research that will enable our future exploration of space, he said. Your fingerprints are going to be an indelible part of those first footprints on Mars.

The CHAPEA crew brought their diverse backgrounds and experiences to the mission, collaborating with NASAs scientists and engineers to collect data that will provide insight into maintaining crew health and performance for future missions to Mars.

Kelly Haston: Mission Commander and Pioneering Scientist

Haston, the mission commander, is a research scientist who builds human disease models. She has spearheaded innovative stem cell-based projects, deriving multiple cell types for work in infertility, liver disease, and neurodegeneration. Her role was pivotal in maintaining crew morale and ensuring the success of daily operations.

She highlighted the importance of teamwork and adaptability in a mission with such high stakes.

We had to rely on each other and our training to navigate the challenges we faced, she said. Every day brought new obstacles, but also new opportunities for growth and learning.

Nathan Jones: Medical Officer and Expert Communicator

Jones, the crew medical officer, used his emergency and international medicine experience to tackle the unique challenges of the Mars mission. His expertise in problem-solving and effective communication in a time-sensitive and resource-limited environment was essential due to the approximately one-hour transmission delay. Even something as simple as when to communicate is important, said Jones. The crew had to consider what observations were essential to report to each other or Mission Control to avoid overburdening the team or unnecessarily using the limited bandwidth to Earth.

Everything we do in CHAPEA is touched by the heroes working on the ground at NASA, he said. We couldnt ask for a better experience or better people to work with.

The experience evolved into a journey of personal growth for Jones. I am constantly looking forward, planning for the future, he said. I learned to take time to enjoy the current season and be patient for the coming ones.

He also discovered a new hobby: art. I have even surprised myself with how well some of my sketches have turned out, he said.

Anca Selariu: Microbiologist and Innovative Thinker

Anca Selariu brought expertise as a microbiologist in the U.S. Navy, with a background in viral vaccine discovery, prion transmission, gene therapy development, and infectious disease research management.

Selariu expressed that she owes much to the Navy, including her involvement in CHAPEA, as it helped shape her both personally and professionally. I hope to bring back a fresh perspective, along with a strong inclination to think differently about a problem, and test which questions are worth asking before we set out answering them, she said.

Reflecting on the mission, Selariu said, Every day seemed to be a new revelation about something; about Earth, about art, about humans, about cultures, about the history of life in the universe what little we know of it.

She added, As much as I appreciate having information at my fingertips, I will miss the luxury of being unplugged in a world that now validates humans by their digital presence.

Ross Brockwell: Structural Engineer and Problem Solver

Brockwell, the missions flight engineer, focused on infrastructure, building design, and organizational leadership. His structural engineering background influenced his approach to problem solving in the CHAPEA habitat.

An engineering perspective leads you to build an understanding of how things will react and interact, anticipate possible failure points, and ensure redundancy and contingency planning, he said.

That mindset helped the crew develop creative solutions to mission challenges, such as using a 3D printer to design part adapters and tools and find ways to connect as a team. Several things we wanted to do for fun required innovation, one being developing a bracket so we could safely and securely mount our mini-basketball hoop, he said.

He advises Artemis Generation members interested in contributing to future analog missions to think about systems engineering theory and learn to develop and integrate whole systems while solving individual challenges.

Brockwell believes the most important attributes for a CHAPEA crew member are imagination and a strong sense of wonder. Of course, one needs to have patience, self-control, emotional regulation, and a sense of humor, he said. I would also add perspective, which means understanding the importance of exploration missions on behalf of humankind and appreciating being part of something greater than oneself.

A Vision for the Future

As the first CHAPEA mission concludes, the data collected and experiences shared by the crew will pave the way for future explorations, bringing humanity one step closer to setting foot on Mars.

One of the biggest things I have learned on this long-duration mission is that we should never underestimate the effects of small gains over time, said Jones. Be willing to do the hard things now and it may make all the difference for the future.

Selariu emphasized the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in upcoming space missions. What everyone at CHAPEA seems to have in common is passion for space and drive to pursue it no matter the challenges, inconvenience, and personal sacrifices.

Brockwell looks forward to missions to the Red Planet becoming a reality. It still fills me with awe and excitement to think that one day there will be people on the surface of other worlds, overcoming immense challenges and expanding the existence and awareness of life from Earth.

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Voyagers of Mars: The First CHAPEA Crews Yearlong Journey - NASA

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On Asia trip, Greg Abbott touts AI, space as Texas advantages – The Dallas Morning News

Posted: at 12:53 am

NAGOYA, JAPAN The beaten path to national security has typically involved developing lethal weapons, a skilled military, and the food and fuel needed to sustain a country.

With advanced technology increasingly charting the worlds future, Gov. Greg Abbott has focused on two areas of exploration artificial intelligence and outer space as core themes of his economic development trip to East Asia.

Working to entice business and political leaders in Taiwan, South Korea and Japan to invest in Texas, Abbott says AI and space exploration can lead to greater security and economic power.

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The role that Taiwan plays on the global stage is so incredibly important, Abbott told Taiwan President Lai Ching-te during a Sunday meeting in Taipei. Trade is an obvious one, semiconductors technology, innovation is another one, but what you do also is so important for world peace and for democracy across the globe.

Taiwan faces a threat from China, which doesnt recognize its independence and hasnt ruled out using force to bring the island nation under Beijings control. South Korea is threatened by North Korea, where officials continue testing sophisticated weapon systems in hopes of boosting its nuclear deterrence. Japan may have to spend more on defense, particularly if former President Donald Trump is reelected and follows through on plans to rework various military alliances. In 2019, Trump asked Japan to quadruple the money it pays to station U.S. troops in the country to $8 billion. Japan did not comply.

On Wednesday, Abbott said mastering AI could lead to a robust defense against cyberwars and defense systems in space could affect military conflicts.

U.S. military officials are already on top of the issues, he said.

This information I shared is public information from the United States Army, so it was not me creating this concept, Abbott told The Dallas Morning News after arriving in Japan. What we are creating is making sure that Texas is going to be at the center of what will be involved in shaping the future.

Abbott has said countries in line for prosperity, security and a bigger role on the national stage are likely ones whose leaders pick the fruits of emerging technology, particularly manufacturing semiconductors and advanced chips.

We have applications of artificial intelligence in Texas led by people like Elon Musk, who resides and works in Texas, Abbott said in response to a question from a South Korean reporter about Samsung Electronics investment in Texas. Now with what Samsung is going to be doing in Texas, we will continue to expand Texas lead in the field of artificial intelligence.

Musks Space X launches advanced rockets from its facility across the bay from South Padre Island. Samsung is scheduled to launch operations this year on a $17 billion semiconductor plant in Taylor.

It could be the economic future. It could be the military future, Abbott said. It could be a battle of different sorts, on another battlefield, where bullets are not being shot, but a battle in cyberspace, in outer space and all different types of arenas.

Abbott told South Korean Foreign Affairs Minister Cho Tae-yul on Monday that his nations security would be aided by being on the winning side of the race to dominate the AI and space exploration industries.

The winners of the AI race will be the winners of the world, Abbott said. That partnership between Korea and the other countries in this region will help determine the outcome.

Cho agreed.

We are now committed to playing a larger and bigger role, he said. Korea has come of age. We have to meet that level of expectation.

Abbott hopes America can be in the pole position for futuristic conflicts involving advanced technologies and says partnerships with East Asian nations will help.

Taiwan, with a semiconductor industry critical to the worlds economy, is Texas seventh-largest trade partner, totaling $21.3 billion in 2023. Its the worlds largest producer of semiconductors, providing more than 90% of advanced chips used in cell phones, aircraft, electric vehicles and AI.

Taiwan-based companies have been expanding into Texas for years. GlobiTech, a subsidiary of Taiwan-based GlobalWafer Co., is building a $5 billion silicon wafer plant in Sherman that is expected to create at least 1,500 new jobs. As an incentive to build, Texas provided a $15 million cash grant from its enterprise fund.

According to the World Population Review, the countries on Abbotts East Asia business trip lead the world in semiconductor production in 2024. Taiwan ranks first, with South Korea second and Japan third. The United States is fourth; China is fifth.

Semiconductor manufacturing in the United States has been aided by companies like Samsung Electronics of South Korea building facilities in Texas cities, including Taylor.

The 2022 Chips and Science Act is causing American semiconductor production to soar, including in Texas, where the Legislature approved similar legislation.

As the home of Dallas-based Texas Instruments, the birthplace of the integrated circuit, Texas leads the nation with 15 existing or announced semiconductor plants and component manufacturing facilities, according to Abbotts office.

Texas officials are thrilled that the Army Futures Command headquarters, established in 2018 to stay at the forefront of changing technology, is in Austin.

Every 40 years the United States Army sets up a headquarters where they will establish a beachhead, where theyre going to design the future of warfare, Abbott said. These are the kinds of things they are working on in Austin, Texas.

On Wednesday, the fourth full day of his Asia trip, Abbott toured the Toyota Museum and met Japanese business leaders to discuss Texas investments.

His trip continues Thursday with meetings in Tokyo and a reception sponsored by Rahm Emanuel, the U.S. Ambassador to Japan.

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On Asia trip, Greg Abbott touts AI, space as Texas advantages - The Dallas Morning News

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KAERI and LG Innotek to develop nuclear batteries for space exploration – Nuclear Engineering

Posted: at 12:53 am

The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) and South Korean electronic component manufacturing firm LG Innotek have signed a mutual cooperation agreement to cooperate in the development of thermoelectric technology for nuclear batteries used in the space and defence sectors.

Research to develop nuclear batteries as a stable energy source in space exploration is yielding results. However, it has the limitation of relying on imports for key component materials for batteries, KAERI noted. Now South Koreas public and private sectors have joined forces to overcome these limitations.

Through this new agreement, the two organisations plan to strengthen their independent development capabilities for local production of thermoelectric elements, a key component of nuclear batteries. A thermoelectric element is a semiconductor that converts heat into electrical energy and consists of an insulating substrate made of ceramic, electrodes, and P-type and N-type thermoelectric materials.

A nuclear battery produces electricity by utilising the decay heat of radioactive isotopes and does not require an external power source. As a result, it can be a stable energy source even in space environments with extremely low and high temperatures. KAERI first succeeded in developing a nuclear battery in 2022, and is now making efforts to enhance its performance. However, 100% of the thermoelectric materials used are imported. To securing independent space exploration technology in the future, dependence on imports of key components is an issue that must be resolved, KAERI said.

Accordingly, KAERI and LG Innotek will cooperate in developing design, processing, and evaluation technologies for thermoelectric elements for nuclear cells. They will design, synthesise, and process thermoelectric materials for thermoelectric elements, and will begin to localise thermoelectric elements. KAERI will focus on developing high-output thermoelectric device technology. LG Innotek, which has expertise in manufacturing and selling thermoelectric materials, plans to focus on developing high-efficiency energy conversion thermoelectric materials and to establish a domestic supply chain.

Researcher Jeong Young-wook, head of KAERIs Hanaro Quantum Science Institute, said, In the era of new space, we will actively cooperate with private companies to secure core nuclear battery technology at an early stage. He added, We will contribute to helping Korea lead international space development cooperation.

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The House’s 2025 NASA Budget Creates Problems for Science, Artemis – The Planetary Society

Posted: at 12:53 am

The Planetary Society, along with a coalition of scientific organizations and over 40 members of Congress, supports a restoration of space science funding to $9 billion. It was a lofty goal, but one fully justified: NASA has been directed to pursue a series of ambitious new missions that will probe the frontiers of human knowledge, fromMars Sample Return, to theHabitable Worlds Observatory, toDragonfly at Titan. There are dozens more missions in various stages of development that address the highest-priority questions in Earth Science, solar physics, planetary science, and astronomy, and they are facing delays and cancellations due to these severe budget deficits. Restoring NASAs Science Mission Directorate to $9 billion would address the needs of every high-priority science project and account for the cost increases in personnel and materials from recent inflation.

Though the legislation contains a number of positive items for individual NASA science projects, the House budget nonetheless demonstrates the negative outcomes of ongoing cuts to NASA as a whole: less exploration, less science return, and more division and uncertainty among the nations scientific disciplines.

There are two particular accounts that illustrate this problem: Artemis and Science.

NASAs Artemis efforts are funded out of the agencys Deep Space Exploration Systems account, which includes the SLS rocket and Orion spacecraft, the Human Landing System contracts with SpaceX and Blue Origin, and related components such as the Gateway space station and new lunar space suits.

The total amount requested by the White House in FY 2025 for this account was $7.6 billion, a few tens of million less than in 2024 but functionally flat. Within this amount, however, NASA had proposed to shift some funding from the SLS and Orion programs to new programs for later Artemis flights. The thinking was that SLS and Orion, having achieved a successful test launch with Artemis I, would move from a more expansive (and expensive) development project into a leaner, focused production model.

The House rejected this proposal and mandated continued funding for both programs at historical levels, roughly half a billion dollars. The legislation also mandates that NASA spend or exceed funding on lunar space suits and the Human Landing System. These limitations leave only the Gateway space station project and two modest technology development programs to absorb the half-billion-dollar hole created by moving funding back to SLS and Orion.

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‘Fly Me to the Moon’: True Story Behind the Space Race Movie – TIME

Posted: at 12:53 am

In the walk-up to the 55th anniversary of the history-making Apollo 11 mission on July 20, Hollywood is hoping that a new movie about NASA staging a fake version of the moon landing will take off at the box office.

In Fly Me to the Moon, launching in theaters July 12, a Nixon White House aide (Woody Harrelson) sends NYC ad executive Kelly Jones (Scarlett Johansson) to NASAs Kennedy Space Center in Florida to oversee a fake version of the first moonwalk on a sound stage in case the real version doesnt pan out. The idea is that the U.S.then in the middle of the Cold War with the Soviet Unioncant afford to fail. The White House wants the American people to see a win, and so goes full steam ahead in its race to be the first country to send a man to the moon more than a decade since the communist nation sent the first artificial satellite into orbit in 1957.

People leaving the theater after Fly Me to the Moon may have two questions: Was there really a PR maven hired to sell the moon to the American people? And did the U.S. government really stage a fake moonwalk in case the actual Apollo 11 mission didnt go to plan? Heres the real history that inspired the movie.

To be clear, the government did not hire a PR maven to oversee the filming of a fake moon landing in case it could not pull off the mission.

"There was no special effort to 'sell' the Apollo programespecially not one aimed at raising funds for the agency either directly or indirectly," Bill Barry, NASAs chief historian from 2010 to 2020, who consulted on the script, tells TIME.

Of the roughly 400,000 people who worked on the moon mission, about three-quarters of those people worked for private contractors, who were providing services that they were allowed to market, according to Richard Jurek, co-author of Marketing the Moon: The Selling of the Apollo Lunar Program.

They were the ones who built up NASA's press kits and did advertising campaigns, Jurek tells TIME. They had to get NASA's permission to do it, but they themselves were doing those [advertising] campaigns.

Its true that the astronauts wore Omega watches because the devices withstood all kinds of tests in different weather conditions. In the movie, Jones is approaching companies like Omega to set up marketing campaigns, but thats not how it would have happened. The movie also implies that money from sponsorship deals was helping pay for the Apollo 11 mission, but that also did not really happen, according to Jurek.

It is stipulated on NASA's website that "as a government agency, NASA will not promote or endorse or appear to promote or endorse a commercial product, service, or activity." So sponsorships were definitely not part of the Apollo 11 PR campaign, Barry notes. Some astronauts have endorsed products, but only after they were no longer on NASA's payroll.

Among the NASA employees that I talked with about the script, this was the thing that caused the most laughs, says Barry. In dealing with the public in any form, I was regularly reminded by our legal folks that giving even the appearance of an endorsement for a commercial product would get me in big trouble.

The real head of NASAs public affairs division in the walk-up to the Apollo 11 moon landing was a journalist named Julian Scheer. He oversaw a team of ex-journalists who helped the news media cover the space program and profile the staffers and astronauts. Scheer was the one who insisted the first steps on the moon be broadcast on live television. In contrast to the Soviets, who did not let journalists in on the inner workings of the space program, NASA allowed their staffers and astronauts to speak freely.

In the walk-up to the moon landing, the PR gurus at NASA were largely concerned with what NASA would tell the world if the astronauts died during the mission, so countless statements were prepared that never got used. Once the Apollo 11 astronauts safely returned to the moon, NASAs PR focused on convincing the public that the space program was still necessary to go back to the moon and explore other planets. As Jurek puts it: Most people view NASA as just existing to get astronauts to the moon. So once we did that, it's like, Okay, now what?

When it comes to the idea of a staged moonwalk being filmed, the answer is a little clearer. To most, at least.

There's no evidence whatsoever that NASA ever faked a moonwalk, says Barry.

Its true that there was a space race between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. American leaders feared that if the Soviets got to the moon first, then the communist government would be seen as the superior form of government, compared to the United States democracy. However, nothing suggests that the U.S. were so desperate in their mission that they contemplated faking a moon landing for the American public.

Yet, conspiracy theories persist today, with some doubting the successful Apollo 11 mission involving astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Edwin E. Buzz Aldrin took place at all. There are people who falsely believe that NASA staged the first moonwalk. Barry points out that if the U.S. faked the moon landing, the Soviet government would have been all over that.In fact, Soviet scientists did not question the legitimacy of the feat. The U.S. was also working with countries across the world to communicate with the Apollo spacecraft.

With that said, despite all of the physical rock samples brought from the moon and analyzed by a consortium of highly-respected scientists, a small minority of Americans still think that there was no way NASA had the budget or the time to fulfill President John F. Kennedys pledge to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. One 2021 University of New Hampshire poll found 10% of Americans believe NASA did not land on the moon.

There's only one week in the 1960s when everybody was in favor of spending more money on the space programover 50% of Americans. That's the week we landed on the moon, says Barry.

According to Peter Knight, author of Conspiracy Culture: From the Kennedy Assassination to "The X-Files, the conspiracy theory that the moon landing was a hoax can be traced back to a self-published 1976 book We Never Went to the Moon: Americas Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle by Bill Kaysing, a former U.S. naval officer. The basic premise is that NASA couldnt make JFKs deadline so they sent astronauts into Earths orbit and staged a moonwalk in a film studio. To some, Kaysings military credentials made it seem like he had some kind of inside knowledge.

The book also fit with the culture of the times. The 1970s marked the beginning of years of decline in trust of the U.S. governmentbetween the bungled Vietnam War and Watergate scandals. Conspiracy theories about the sudden assassination of JFK in 1963 had been swirling for years.

For many people, there was a feeling that the government had been lying, Knight tells TIME. Thats the context in which the Kaysing book comes out.

The 1978 fictional film Capricorn One, about NASA staging a fake Mars landing, only fanned the flames. And then Kaysings ideas gained popularity in the 1980s among flat-Earthers, conspiracy theorists who falsely believe that the Earth is flat. Over the years, his false theory spread through talk radio, zines, books, and gun shows in the era before social media.

Moon landing hoax conspiracy theories may be more widespread among Russian citizens than U.S. citizens. A 2020 Russian Public Opinion Research Center poll found half of Russians believed the 1969 moon landing never took place. Offering an explanation as to why the moon landing hoax conspiracy theory endures among some Americans, Knight says: A lot of people felt if we can't cure our problems at home, what are we doing trying to engage in some kind of fantasy idea of space exploration? So I think the conspiracy theories speak to some of those concerns.

When asked whether a movie featuring a staged moon landing could make people wonder if the entire moon landing was a hoax, Barry says he believes anyone who sees the movie will see right off the bat that the film is not a documentary, but a clear parody of conspiracy theorists and a romantic comedy. And for the skeptics, there is plenty of online evidence that we did land on the moon, not just once, but six times.

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'Fly Me to the Moon': True Story Behind the Space Race Movie - TIME

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NASA to strengthen ties with Japan, South Korea during week of meetings – UPI News

Posted: at 12:53 am

NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy will travel to Japan and the Republic of Korea on Thursday for a week of meetings with senior government officials and leaders from JAXA and KASA to encourage international cooperation for space exploration. Photo courtesy of NASA/Bill Ingalls

July 10 (UPI) -- NASA is working to strengthen ties with Japan and South Korea, as the space agency prepares to meet this week with government officials in both countries.

NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy will travel to Japan and South Korea on Thursday for a week of meetings with senior government officials and leaders from Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and the recently established Korea AeroSpace Administration to encourage international cooperation for space exploration.

NASA and JAXA are currently working together to advance sustainable human exploration of the moon.

In April, NASA and Japan signed an agreement to produce a pressurized lunar rover that will enable astronauts to travel and work on the moon. Japan will design, develop and operate the rover for crewed and uncrewed exploration, while NASA will provide the launch and delivery of the rover to the moon.

The agreement was signed by NASA Administrator Bill Nelson and Japan's Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Masahito Moriyama on April 9, at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

"It was an honor to sign the historic implementing arrangement that will be long remembered as the symbol of the new era of Japan-U.S. partnership for the lunar exploration," said Moriyama.

In addition, NASA will provide an opportunity for a Japanese astronaut to fly on a future Artemis mission to the moon under the Gateway Implementing Arrangement signed in 2022.

While in Tokyo this week, Melroy plans to participate in the Secure World Foundation's 6th Summit for Space Sustainability, which will address sustainability and debris removal while exploring space.

Melroy also will speak at the 45th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research in Busan, South Korea, to urge international collaboration in space research.

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NASA astronauts emerge from Mars habitat simulation after more than a year – Cosmos

Posted: at 12:53 am

Four NASA astronauts emerged on Saturday from a year-long voyage. But they never actually left Earth.

The astronauts entered a 3D-printed habitat on June 25 last year, calling it home for 378 days. They were the maiden crew of NASAs project Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog (CHAPEA). The artificial alien environment is at the Johnson Space Centre in Houston, Texas.

It was the first time NASA used a simulated Mars environment to test human space missions.

Coming out of the habitat on Saturday afternoon local time, mission commander Kelly Haston began a press conference with: Hello, adding, its actually just so wonderful to be able to say hello to you all.

The crew spent the past 12 months in a habitat known as Mars Dune Alpha. The structure is a little more than 150 square metres in size.

Medical officer and crewmember Nathan Jones says the 378-day confinement went by quickly.

During their stay, the crew simulated Mars mission operations. For example, they went on Marswalks, grew and harvested vegetables to supplement shelf-stable foods and maintained equipment and the habitat.

In addition to their isolation, the crew were subjected to simulated problems such as communication delays with Earth and resource limitations.

The team says, in addition to telling us about future space exploration missions, the experiment also shows the importance of sustainable living on Earth.

Im very grateful to have had this incredible opportunity to live for a year within the spirit of planetary adventure towards an exciting future, says the crews flight engineer Ross Brockwell. And Im grateful for the chance to live the idea that we must utilise resources no faster than they can be replenished and produce waste no faster than they can be processed back into resources.

We cannot live, dream, create or explore on any significant timeframe if we dont live these principles, but if we do, we can achieve and sustain amazing and inspiring things like exploring other worlds.

NASA is preparing to send people to other planetary bodies for the first time since 1972 when the Apollo 17 astronauts went to the Moon. The much awaited Artemis II mission is set to send people back to the Moon as early as next year.

But humans have never set foot on any other body apart from Earth and the Moon. Our near neighbour Mars which may yet offer up clues that it once had life is the next target of crewed missions to other planets in the solar system.

Mars is our goal, says Steve Koerner, deputy director of Johnson Space Centre. The experiment, he adds, is crucial science as we prepare to send people on to the red planet.

Why go to Mars? asks the crews science officer Anca Selariu. Because its possible. Because space can unite and bring out the best in us. Because its one defining step that Earthlings will take to light the way into the next centuries.

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