Monthly Archives: July 2024

Meet Thomas Vanhercke: innovating with passion – CSIRO

Posted: July 15, 2024 at 10:33 pm

By James Chesters 16 July 2024 4 min read

Senior scientist Thomas Vanhercke didnt plan his career as much as he could have. When he was growing up, he followed his passion instead.

"In science you must be driven by passion, an insatiable thirst for knowledge, and lots of patience, Thomas says.

People always say to follow your heart. It might seem trivial, but its very important.

Following his passion has made Thomas who he is today. His passion for genetics started in high school. Then, he pursued a MSc and PhD in Bioengineering at Ghent University the birthplace of plant genetic engineering.Thomas was intrigued by how genetic research can be applied in agriculture.

Today, Thomas passion and skills make him an expert in metabolic engineering and synthetic biology. This involves genetically engineering microbes and plants to produce specific ingredients and molecules.Thomas leads teams tackling some of the biggest hurdles in food and agriculture.

Thomas Vanhercke currently leads our Synthetic Traits group, overseeing novel protein production research for our Future Protein mission.

Our agricultural and food systems face some serious challenges. From adapting to a changing climate to shifting towards more sustainable practices, Thomas says.

By 2050, the global population will reach 9.7 billion . This will cause the worlds annual demand for protein to almost double. With no more land available for grazing cattle, our current ways of producing protein cant meet future demand.

Malnutrition also remains one of the worlds greatest challenges. Even if food is readily available, people are often undernourished. This is from diets lacking in micronutrients like iron and zinc.

But Thomas is fascinated with how genetic engineering can unlock solutions to agricultural challenges. He sees opportunities where others see problems.

Our Future Protein research brings together expertise from many scientific disciplines and sectors. Were here to tackle the challenges ahead through a coordinated and sustained effort.

Thomas oversees novel protein production research for our Future Protein purpose-led innovation initiative. This means harnessing the potential in existing food streams to produce high-value ingredients.

Technologies like precision fermentation and molecular farming sound futuristic. But they help complement traditional food systems, such as livestock and broadacre crops.

Our scientists use precision fermentation and molecular farming to engineer microbes and plants. Theyre cooking up specific, customised molecules to serve as new ingredients. These will enhance the taste, texture, colour or mouthfeel of our foods.

This process has a long and safe history in supplementing and diversifying our foods. Technological advances have brought down the cost of precision fermentation. So now were using it to create new, high-value food products.

Were not just improving the consumer experience. Precision fermentation can create ingredients that address other concerns such as sustainability, nutrition, or animal welfare, Thomas says.

Red meat, dairy, and seafood are here to stay. These animal-based proteins will continue playing a vital role in human diets globally.

Proteins made through precision fermentation using ingredients like yeast complement animal-based sources. Theyll help us meet growing demand, without sacrificing on quality. This holistic approach offers more protein choices to suit individual dietary, nutritional and taste preferences.

Were not just improving the consumer experience. Precision fermentation can create ingredients that address other concerns such as sustainability, nutrition, or animal welfare, Thomas says.

Thomas says were starting to see lot of activity and investment in this space. This includes developing hybrid food products that combine animal-, plant- and fermentation-derived ingredients.

I think the next exciting frontier will be the boundaries between different food production systems. For example, making sure that no food byproducts go to waste, he says.

Thomas also heads up our Synthetic Traits research, applying engineering principles to plants. Their successes include developing the science for canola crops with high levels of healthy omega-3 oils.

Synthetic biology applies engineering principles to biology. In other words, creating solutions from natures building blocks.

For example, Thomas and his team are working on new crops that can convert their own nitrogen for growth. This will help farmers to use less nitrogen fertiliser which impacts the environment while still growing enough food.

Thomas is clear that great science needs diversity. He believes that innovation relies on people with different knowledge and skills coming together. This diversity could range from technical expertise to research infrastructure. It incorporates business development and intellectual property knowledge, as well as delving into market trends.

No one can do everything by themselves, we each stand on the shoulders of many others, Thomas says.

Diversity of knowledge, experience, and thought are critical, he says.

Thomas has big ideas about how to inspire the next generation of scientists. He believes role models, mentoring, and a strong science curriculum are all important.

I encountered several inspiring people along the way who have gently helped me in stepping outside my comfort zones and have pushed me in the right direction, Thomas says.

Hopefully I am continuing their example by inspiring others around me.

Since taking on more responsibilities as a leader, Thomas doesnt get to spend as much time in the lab. Sometimes wearing a white coat can feel odd. But he takes satisfaction in mentoring others and seeing the excitement when a great result comes in.

Thomas doesnt hesitate when asked what he enjoys most about his work.

I love collaborating with colleagues from diverse science backgrounds when developing new ideas. And thinking about the next frontier in research innovation and impact. That is really the coolest part of my job, he says.

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Meet Thomas Vanhercke: innovating with passion - CSIRO

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Moolenaar, Lawmakers Seek Answers After USDA Approves Chinese Genetically Engineered Soybeans – Select Committee on the CCP |

Posted: at 10:33 pm

WASHINGTON D.C. --Chairman John Moolenaar (R-MI) of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party wrote to Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, inquiring why the U.S. Department of Agriculture greenlit a Chinese agricultural biotech company with close links to the Chinese government operating in the United States. The firm, Qi Biodesign, is a company that makes genetically engineered soybean seeds and was prioritized for USDA regulatory approval ahead of many American agricultural companies that currently face extensive delays.

Select Committee Members Neal Dunn (R-FL), Dusty Johnson (SD), Ashley Hinson (R-IA), Carlos Gimenez (R-FL), and Ben Cline (R-VA) joined the letter.

The lawmakers outline a host of concerns writing,Qi Biodesign and other PRC firms like it are directly supported by the PRC government with the explicit purpose to replicate and replace U.S. agriculture biotechnology. While the PRC is clear-eyed about its desire to never allow its agriculture industry to be reliant on foreign technology, it appears the USDA is approving PRC agriculture biotechnology without concern for U.S. supply chains or trade negotiations. USDAs clearance of Qi Biodesigns products undermines years of hard-nosed U.S. trade demands and could make U.S. farmers complicit in the PRCs desire to replace them.

In an era when the Chinese government forbids U.S. agricultural companies from operating in China, Chairman Moolenaar underscores how perplexing it is for USDA to extend these benefits to companies beholden to our chief adversary. Moreover, the decision to welcome a Chinese government-backed company that sells genetically engineered soybeans into the U.S. raises serious questions for American consumers that mistrust genetic engineering in China.

Government-backed actors from China also have a long history of stealing U.S. agricultural intellectual property, with some going as far as digging up seeds in U.S. farm fields to smuggle back to China. In light of the growing threat, Chairman Moolenaar requests the Secretary of Agriculture that immediately revisit the regulatory status review for Qi Biodesign and asks for a briefing to address the following questions:

Read the lawmakers' letter to the FDAHERE.

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Moolenaar, Lawmakers Seek Answers After USDA Approves Chinese Genetically Engineered Soybeans - Select Committee on the CCP |

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PoLoPo: The startup making egg protein from potatoes – ISRAEL21c

Posted: at 10:33 pm

Over the past few years more and more companies have been hitting the food market with enticing offers of plant-based protein.

While this may be great news for vegans, plant-based proteins are incomplete because they are low in at least one essential amino acid. Animal-based proteins, meanwhile, contain all nine essential amino acids.

But what if we were to find a way to produce animal protein from plants?

Israel-based startup PoLoPo says it can produce protein from potatoes that is identical to protein derived from chicken eggs.

We use the plant molecular farming method, which is production of valuable metabolites and proteins [through the manipulation of the cell factory] in the plant, PoLoPo CEO and cofounder Maya Sapir-Mir tells ISRAEL21c.

We teach the plant to generate properties that originate in a completely different biological source, she adds.

Essentially, molecular farming entails insertion of genes useful for food production, through genetic engineering, into host plants that would otherwise not express those genes.

Regular potatoes already contain protein, but in very small quantities. Through molecular farming, PoLoPo specialists have created a new strain of potatoes.

The company claims this one-of-a-kind strain produces a lot more protein, and its molecular consistency is indistinguishable from egg protein, which is rich in ovalbumin a major protein component of egg white.

Our market product will be functional protein powder generated from our potato strain, explains Sapir-Mir.

PoLoPo was officially founded in 2022 by Sapir-Mir and her longtime research partner, Raya Liberman-Aloni.

The two plant scientists met 17 years ago during their doctoral studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, specializing in metabolic engineering of plants.

We were researching the behavior of proteins in plants from citrus fruits to tomatoes, and even tobacco, explains Sapir-Mir.

We were always the odd ones out in academia, she laughs.

In 2017, the two women came up with a business idea to create a plant that produces animal protein for the food industry.

It took us some time to settle on potatoes, but once we got there, all the other pieces started falling into place.

PoLoPo is still in the research and development (R&D) phase. It has raised over $2 million so far in its first and only funding round, which allowed the company to weather the storm of October 7 relatively unscathed.

We have just opened our second funding round that hopefully will jumpstart us from the R&D phase to commercial phase, says Sapir-Mir.

The company, which has six full-time employees and three part-time workers, hopes its product will hit the market by 2027.

Sapir-Mir admits, however, the company will not be able to operate commercially in Israel or Europe due to strict regulations applied on GMO (genetically modified organisms) products.

The plan is to first enter the market in the United States. Weve already applied for a USDA permit to grow our plants in the US, she explains.

She adds that in the future the restrictions on genetically modified food products in Israel and Europe will likely be eased because theres no food security without GMO.

The food industry utilizes egg protein, normally generated from egg whites, in very, very large quantities, explains Sapir-Mir.

Ovalbumin has a host of valuable and functional properties revered by the food industry.

If you were to take a random product off a supermarket shelf and look at the label, theres a good chance youd see egg protein among the ingredients, she says.

Sapir-Mir adds that egg protein is used commercially in sweets, meat products, baked goods and even plant-based milk.

Once our product becomes fully commercialized, scaleup will be very easy. And at full scale, we will have competitive pricing compared to other commercial egg proteins on the market, notes Sapir-Mir.

Our hope is that one day our product replaces egg protein entirely.


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Here’s Why I Rejected the FIRE Movement — and How I’m Approaching Retirement Planning Instead – The Motley Fool

Posted: at 10:33 pm

I like the idea of financial independence, but there are parts of the FIRE movement I truly find problematic.

I've never really been the type of person to embrace fads or trends. When my childhood friends were doing everything humanly possible to poof up their hair back in the '80s, I was pulling mine into a ponytail and calling it a day. And when the grunge movement took over in the '90s, I refused to spend my after-school hours listening to depressing music or limit my wardrobe to ripped jeans and oversized flannels.

Similarly, in the context of financial matters, I've never been inclined to jump on the latest trend. When meme stocks were all the rage, I stuck with the companies I knew and trusted. And when everyone I knew was buying crypto, I stayed away because it wasn't in my comfort zone.

Image source: Getty Images.

Along these lines, I've done my fair share of reading about the FIRE movement in the context of retirement planning. Short for Financial Independence, Retire Early, the FIRE movement encourages people to live well below their means, save the bulk of their income, and attain financial security at a young enough age to stop working well ahead of their peers.

While I can see why the FIRE movement appeals to some people, it's something I rejected from the start. Here's why -- and what I'm doing to prepare for retirement instead.

I've always been a pretty aggressive saver, even back when my only source of income was the $5 per hour I earned as a babysitter during my high school years. At the same time, I'm a big proponent of enjoying life. And I feel that the FIRE movement would impede my ability to do that.

I won't say how much of my income I save for retirement now, but I'll acknowledge that it's above the 15% to 20% many financial experts recommend. But some FIRE movement folks will tell you that you should be saving 50% of your income, 70%, or even more. Frankly, I can't see how that would be possible without making myself miserable.

Maybe it's also the fact that I have three kids, and that's an expense right there. But even if that weren't the case, I can't see how spending just 30% of my paycheck would make for an enjoyable existence. It would probably mean living in cramped quarters, never taking vacations, and driving a car with taped-on windows (after driving the same car for 17 years, I almost got to that point, but I upgraded just in time). I just don't see that as a healthy or reasonable way to live.

A big part of the reason I've never been into the FIRE movement is that I don't want to retire early. Part of me, in fact, never really wants to retire at all.

Now the part of the movement I am a fan of is the financial independence aspect. The idea of not having to rely on a job for income sounds nice in theory. But I'm not willing to sacrifice my family's happiness to get to that point in my 40s.

None of us have a crystal ball, and I unfortunately know too many people who have passed away at younger ages than what's the norm. I take comfort in the fact that some of those people enjoyed life to the fullest while they were still on this planet. And I'm not going to sacrifice near-term joy when I have no idea what the future holds.

Of course, I'm not going to avoid saving for retirement because there's no guarantee of living to a certain age, either. There needs to be a balance. To me, it's somewhere in between saving more than 15% to 20% of my income, but definitely not 50%.

It's also worth noting that it's more than possible to pull off early retirement without setting aside 50% of your income or more each year. If you start early and invest well, you may find that you can retire in your 50s on relatively modest monthly retirement plan contributions.

But that strategy won't work if you want to retire in your 30s or 40s. To do that, you probably need to take frugal living to a pretty big extreme.

I respect people who have the dedication to do that. I'm just not one of them.

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Here's Why I Rejected the FIRE Movement -- and How I'm Approaching Retirement Planning Instead - The Motley Fool

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(07/10/24) Dividends: A Tool to Help You Achieve Financial Independence –

Posted: at 10:33 pm

July 4 marked the United States 248th Independence Day. While the holiday brings to mind fireworks, barbecues, and family gatherings, it is also a reminder of the principles of independence, self-reliance, and freedom that have shaped the United States. I believe in the power of dividend growth investing to build rising passive income and asset-reliant financial independence over the long-run, explains Ben Reynolds, editor of Sure Dividend.

The concept of independence extends beyond national sovereignty to individual autonomy. And individual autonomy is all-but-impossible without financial independence.

(Editors Note:Ben Reynolds is speaking at thePowerful Investing & Trading Strategies Virtual Expo, which runs Aug. 20-22, 2024.Click HEREto register)

Financial independence, much like the independence celebrated on July 4, represents freedom from external control (to a large degree) and the ability to make choices without undue constraints. There are two forms of financial independence: Self-reliance and asset reliance.

1. Self-reliant financial independence is when you can support yourself through your work. You are able to trade your time and energy to create economic value for yourself.

2. Asset-reliant financial independence is when the passive income from your assets exceeds your expenses. You no longer have to trade your time and energy to support yourself.

Regarding the latter, dividend growth investing can help you achieve it and it offers several advantages:

Financial independence is one aspect of a lifelong pursuit of true personal freedom. To practice dividend growth investing in the pursuit or maintenance of financial independence is to honor the principles of freedom and self-reliance that are at the core of what the United States represents.

Subscribe to Sure Dividend here...

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The Atlas Shrugged Experiment: This Culture War is Really About Greed – Daily Kos

Posted: July 14, 2024 at 12:57 am

What very few in MSM seem comfortable communicating is that this contemporary culture war, that is supposedly defined by Project 2025 and the Trump candidacy, is in reality an attempt by the ultra-rich that will be ultra-powerful to institutionally throw off, through their bought out proxies, the costs to them and the restraints upon them imposed by constitutional democracy and its peaceful ordering of society through the rule of law that is not only accessible to all but is alsojustly applied to all.

This is why Biden is their enemy. He fully manifests the virtues of democracy. As a result, he represents a cost factor on the personal financial ledgers of the ultra-rich.

Therefore, if there is a suggestion of Biden's slightest misstep (a stutter, a cold, a bad camera angle) it is reported, amplified, even manufactured by the owned MSM as clear evidence of unfitness.

Meanwhile, Biden's opponent is a monster whose slightest actual deed would have ended Joes presidency. Biden's opponent is an endless offense to humanity, democracy and the presidency. Bidens opponent is old, overweight and a painted-coiffed pile of unstable physical-spiritual-mental ill health. In all of these instances, he is given a pass by the owned MSM.

Why? It's transactional. Bidens opponent will give the ultra-rich a huge tax cut, will relieve Big Oil of the financial burden of ceasing its world destroying business, will diminishthe costs of an aging population, will strip bare the aspirationsof new generations, will blunt the threat to the autocratic rule of the hundred-or-so that is posed by humanitarianism (including reproductive rights) and multiculturalism (including BLM), will repurpose the legal apparatus that holds the corrupt accountable, will remove restraints on foreign bad actors that are either of service to billionaire gangsters here or are too costly to stop there, etcetera, etcetera, and so on and so forth for the new fascist state of Amerika.

In brief, democratic civilization costs the ultra-rich more than they care to invest in, now that they are the ultra-rich and now that they have the candidate and the means to become the fascist cloaked ultra-powerful.

The day the CBS newsroom became a commercial zone, and the Fourth Estate started its free fall into the disastrous Murdoch News-Entertainment era, we as a nation started our slide into where we are now: a species seeking information about where itcan find the most efficient routes to self-stimulating their nervous systems via the psychologically hottest click-bait.

By this writing, I also accuse all the ultra-rich that go along to get along within their exclusive club. I also accuse all the advantage seeking, hand wringing, privileged White boys and girls in democratic circles. The Congressional Black Caucus is not going anywhere are they? We know why.

In the final analysis, this whole Atlas Shrugged experiment is a corruption game that our president, Joe Biden, does not play. He and his true allies, that include us the Blue Wave that he keeps riding to victory, will glide over his opponent and all the gangster billionaires and their bought out whores this Fall.

Biden will endure in excellence for democracy and The People for another four years. But let me pose another not so subtle reason why Bidens re-election is being so unjustly opposed by so many that might not even be billionaires, might not even be Republicans; a very bright and capable Non-White woman waits in the wings.

The Non-White male president. The old man president. The Non-White female president. True Blue Democrats. One after the other. Can you imagine?

Yes, I can.


The Atlas Shrugged Experiment: This Culture War is Really About Greed - Daily Kos

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What’s the Best Argument for Libertarianism? – Reason

Posted: at 12:57 am

Free State Project activist Dennis Pratt and Soho Forum Director Gene Epstein debate the resolution, "A better way to persuade more people of libertarianism is to convince them of the ethics stemming from self-ownership and the non-aggression principle, without relying primarily on consequentialist/utilitarian arguments."

Dennis Pratt, a libertarian writer and activist in New Hampshire, took the affirmative, arguing that the consequentialist arguments typical of libertarian economists are only narrowly effective, don't represent the core of libertarianism, and are too difficult for most people to quickly grasp. The philosophy of self-ownership, he said, has far more force in its ability to persuade the most people.

Soho Forum Director Gene Epstein disagreed. While he espouses the same philosophy as his opponent, he made the argument that the empirical facts related to the poor results of government interventions can get many people to rethink their anti-libertarian assumptions.

The debate occurred on June 20, 2024, at the Porcupine Freedom Festival in Lancaster, New Hampshire, and was moderated by Free State Project founder Jason Sorens.

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What's the Best Argument for Libertarianism? - Reason

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Libertarians in a Quandry Does the State, or the National Organization get to Name their Presidential Pick on the Colorado Ballot? – The Ark Valley…

Posted: at 12:57 am

Well, now its getting interesting. First, there was a mad scramble to collect signatures to place Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who had been running as an independent candidate, on the states Libertarian ballot. State Libertarians accomplished that.

But now the national Libertarian party has filed paperwork that counters that effort. Turns out that the official paperwork has designated the Libertarian national candidate Chase Oliver as their Colorado general election ballot name.

A month ago, the state LIbertarian party held a vote and rejected the national nominee; which is what led to the wild petition process to select Kennedy. The agreement with the Kennedy campaign included getting him to agree to a set of state party principles and a fundraising collaboration.

With the petition process complete, the Colorado Libertarians got set to file documents making Kennedy and his VP pick California lawyer Nicole Shanahan, the partys official nominees in the state. At that moment the national partys secretary, Caryn Ann Harlos who happens to live in Castle Rock, filed ahead of them. Her forms nominated Oliver and his running mate, Michael ter Maat.

Colorado law is silent on intra-party conflicts regarding candidate nominations, according to the spokesman for the Colorado Secretary of States Office Jack Todd, in an email to Colorado Politics. But he added that parties can not place multiple candidates on the ballot for president and vice president.

What to do?

According to Colorado Politics, both sides accusing the other of going rogue and suggesting the dispute could land in court.

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Libertarians in a Quandry Does the State, or the National Organization get to Name their Presidential Pick on the Colorado Ballot? - The Ark Valley...

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Libertarians in standoff over presidential ticket in Colorado; divided Republicans plan dueling meetings over Dave Williams; Social Security can be…

Posted: at 12:57 am

Today is July 11, 2024, and here's what you need to know:

Rival factions of the Colorado Republican Party have scheduled separate meetings a week apart in different corners of the state later this month to consider whether to remove Dave Williams as the state party's chairman, though the meeting set by Williams' allies is only planned to last long enough to gavel in and then immediately recess.

Leaders of both groups accuse the others of staging "illegal" and "fraudulent" meetings in what they characterize as attempts to hijack the state Republican Party for their own gain, even as GOP candidates are left scrambling to prepare for a crucial election just months away.

The Libertarian Party of Colorado's plans to place independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the state's ballot hit a snag this week when a national party official filed paperwork instead designating the Libertarians' presidential nominee, Chase Oliver, to Colorado's general election ballot.

The move has led to a standoff between the state and national Libertarian parties over which has the authority to put a presidential and vice presidential ticket in front of Colorado voters, with both sides accusing the other of going rogue and suggesting the dispute could land in court.

After voting a month ago to reject the ticket nominated by the national party, the state Libertarians' board announced last week that it would nominate Kennedy after reaching what it described as a "groundbreaking partnership" with his campaign. Elements of the agreement included securing the candidate's signature on a pledge to abide by a list of the party's principles and an intention to collaborate on fundraising, the party said.

A new panel of Colorado lawmakers, officials and industry experts met for the first time on Tuesday to take a closer look at gaps in cell phone coverage across the state.

The newly formed Cell Phone Connectivity Interim Study Committee has begun its work to identify gaps in coverage, particularly in rural areas and underserved communities.

Whether its for work, school, meeting virtually with your doctor, searching for directions, or contacting emergency services quality cell phone connectivity is vital, Committee Chair Rep. Meghan Lukens, D-Steamboat Springs, said. However, many of our neighbors living in rural and mountainous communities are stuck with unreliable cell services. Gaps in cell phone connectivity means Coloradans can find themselves on their own in a dangerous, emergency situation.

Colorado's second-highest court clarified last week that federal law does not prohibit a person's Social Security benefits from being diverted to pay for their ex-spouse's alimony.

Although other states' courts had addressed the issue, the Court of Appeals never previously evaluated the meaning of two provisions of federal law as applied to divorced couples. First, a person's Social Security benefits "shall not be transferable or assignable." However, those payments "shall be subject" to alimony, which Colorado refers to as "spousal maintenance."

The upshot, wrote Judge David H. Yun for a three-judge panel of the Court of Appeals, is that judges may "consider social security retirement benefits, as well as other non-assignable federal benefits, in awarding maintenance or child support, even in circumstances where the order effectively results in an indirect assignment of those benefits."

Colorado's second-highest court reversed a woman's felony convictions for child abuse resulting in death last month after concluding the instructions that a San Miguel County judge provided the jury did not include the necessary language.

Hannah Marshall, 8, and Makayla Roberts, 10, were discovered dead and decomposing in a vehicle located on Frederick Alec Blair's Norwood farm in 2017. A forensic examiner was unable to conclusively state the cause of death because of the condition of the girls' bodies, but evidence suggested long-term malnourishment near the end of their lives.

Among those charged was Madani Ceus. Jurors heard she was in charge of the group of itinerant adults and children living on the farm. At some point, the victims were banished to live in a car with no food. Ceus directed that no one contact them.

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Kennedy Gains Libertarian Ballot Access in Colorado – by Jan Wondra – The Ark Valley Voice

Posted: at 12:57 am

His supporters were out in force (literally) appearing around the (nonpolitical) FIBArk events, waving petitions, and talking up his candidacy and now it is official. The Robert F. Kennedy Jr. -Shanahan campaign has petitioned its way onto the Libertarian ballot slot in Colorado for president and vice president.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Courtesy of NBC News

In an announcement on July 3, the Kennedy campaign said it looks forward to joining forces with the Libertarian Party of Colorado to canvass, phone bank, and turn out the vote for Kennedy and the American freedoms that we will together restore.

It points out that the partnership with the Libertarian Party of Colorado is intended to disrupt the entrenched two-party system and provide Colorado voters with a viable alternative to our last two presidents disastrous status quo in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

Kennedy, whose own, rich, famous family has disavowed his politics, and his stance on issues, is running as an anti-vaccination, anti-government, free-market, less regulation candidate. He often touts conspiracy theories and has been accused of everything from sexual assault to bar-b-qing a dog. He recently sat for an interview in which he reported that he had a flesh-eating worm (pork tapeworm) in his brain and added that it didnt impact his reasoning.

Thank you, Libertarian Party of Colorado and Chair Hannah Goodman for your visionary leadership in defense of freedom, said Kennedy. Together, we will win the White House and steadfastly protect the Bill of Rights, the First and Second Amendments, and all the foundational liberties they secure. Our administration will restore free markets, end corporate welfare, stop the money-printing and unwind the war machine it fuels. On day one, I will pardon Edward Snowden, Ross Ulbricht, and all political and corporate whistleblowers who protect our democracy.

It remains to be seen what such a high-profile third-party candidate might do to the presidential race; but many political observers say that his appeal leans toward the right, and could take votes away from GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump.

The Libertarian Party of Colorado partnership is a testament to Kennedys unifying independent run and how the campaign is bringing this country together, said Libertarian Colorado State Director Isaac James. Our movement has universal appeal because of its common sense values, rooted in the founding principles of our country, and its rejection of the divisive fear narratives used by the establishment parties to steal the wealth of our children and keep their corrupt hold on power.

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Kennedy Gains Libertarian Ballot Access in Colorado - by Jan Wondra - The Ark Valley Voice

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