Daily Archives: July 20, 2024

AI and Google advertising: Whats next? – Search Engine Land

Posted: July 20, 2024 at 4:21 am

AI is impacting every aspect of Google, including SEO and Google Ads.

In a recent article in Search Engine Land, Anna Crowe masterfully discussed the impact of generative AI on SEO. Its a great article, and I encourage you to read it if you havent already.

I want to expand on what Crowe wrote, focusing on AIs impact on Google advertising, both now and in the future.

One of the most startling findings in Crowes article is that AI is increasing Google search volume, but organic listings arent benefiting from that increase.

Crowe estimates that search volume is up 6 times searches per day (thanks to AI), yet AI is leading to a 60% decrease in average CTR.

This, in turn, could lead to a 30% reduction in organic traffic.

In Crowes words, Every single website is going to feel the pain.

Why arent organic listings benefiting from the increased search volume? Because organic listings are being moved further down the SERPs than ever before.

Googles introduction of AI Overviews on SERPs is one of the main contributors to this phenomenon.

If you havent seen them yet, heres what these AI Overviews look like on SERPs:

As of this writing, AI Overviews have been rolled out only to U.S.-based searchers.

As you can see, AI Overviews push organic results further down the page. Consequently, organic listings even those with top search rankings can fall below the fold.

Given this placement, its not surprising that traffic to these sites is dropping.

The situation on the advertising side of the equation looks quite different.

Crowe reports that we will start seeing ad placements above AI Overviews and put them at the top of SERPs.

This prime placement of ads on SERPs isnt too surprising, given that advertising is an important revenue source for Google. Why wouldnt they reserve that prime real estate for advertisers?

Its also possible (although Im just speculating) that the cards that contain organic links at the bottom of AI Overviews might someday be replaced with ads.

With these changes, two questions are top of mind for Google advertising professionals:

Crowe also speculates that we may see a drop in CPCs with these additional ad placements (a.k.a. ad inventory).

While I agree its possible, its not something Im counting on or even all that excited about, to be honest.

I feel this way for two reasons:

Advertisers have witnessed a steady decline in the power of standalone keyword targeting over the past few years, and many advertising pros (myself included) predict that this trend will continue.

With AI-driven campaign types on offer, such as Performance Max and Demand Gen, standalone keyword-based traditional search advertising seemed to be on its way out.

But now, Im starting to think that keywords are rising from the dead for two reasons:

Ginny Marvin, Ads Product Liaison at Google, outlined these changes in a recent LinkedIn post.

These updates include automatically including misspellings in negative keyword lists and allowing brand inclusions and exclusions across additional campaign types theyre updates weve wanted for years!

What does all of this mean for Google advertisers?

This means that to be successful, you need to master all aspects of your Google Ads program, from Search to Performance Max to Display ads and more.

Even more importantly, you need to know how to integrate all of the targeting options, ad formats and campaign types to achieve peak performance.

To be more specific, here are six recommendations to stay ahead of the AI curve.

Broad match isnt what it was a few years ago.

The new broad match is dramatically different. Its so different that its too bad Google didnt give it a new name.

Todays broad match uses contextual signals and other signals, such as keywords in the ad group, landing page, user search behavior and user location, to understand intent.

Dig deeper: What to know about PPC keyword research tools and match types

With Googles commitment to AI, you can be sure that AI-driven campaigns like Performance Max arent going anywhere.

If you havent already, add a Performance Max to the mix and see how it affects account performance.

Get familiar with the pros and cons of this format and how it will interact with your current search keyword-targeted campaigns, as it will only become more important.

Your best-performing combination might include Performance Max, or it might not. The only way to know for sure is to test.

Dont let biases or preconceived ideas get in the way of bringing in more targeted traffic. Its not a question of whether Search is better than Performance Max or vice versa. Its a question of what works best for every Google Ads program.

Abandon the idea that you can copy and paste a successful strategy from one campaign to another. Its not so simple.

Weve repeatedly found that strategies that work well in one account may differ dramatically from those that work well in another even when the accounts provide similar services or products in the same industry.

Crowe points out in her article that Google is facing an indexing crisis. The amount of content that Google has to crawl and index is growing exponentially thanks, in part, to AI-generated content.

As a result, Google might not even try to index all content, starting with content thats generic.

To quote Crowe again, Today, the best way to get your content seen by Google is through content written with experience and opinion. AI cannot write based on experience.

Dig deeper: PPC landing pages: How to craft a winning post-click experience

All of this may sound overwhelming, but its not really.

Ever since I started in Google advertising, oh so many years ago, Ive always approached it with a marketing-first mindset. My primary focus is always on how we can use a clients Google Ads account to achieve the goals of the marketing teams we support.

Its a focus that my team and I continue to maintain today.

Whenever we encounter accounts that are overworked, over-targeted and over-tinkered, we start with the fundamentals.

We start by asking, How is this ad program supporting the companys goals? or even, Does this ad program support the companys goals at all? Often, it does not.

Its a straightforward approach, but youd be amazed at how well it works. We strip things down and laser-focus on aligning the advertising of the clients product/service with the clients business and marketing goals.

How we achieve that alignment may be a little different than before with the introduction of AI, but the basics still apply.

AI may have created new challenges. But the solution remains the same.

Ill leave you with one final note of optimism.

Even though Google is eager to keep people on its pages as long as possible, that doesnt mean your website will become obsolete anytime soon.

No matter how well information is presented on the SERPs, users still need to go to your site to talk to you about your service or product (for now, at least). You still have plenty of opportunities to engage with them and win them over on your own home turf.

However, as mentioned above, it is more important than ever to ensure that your website is well-designed and has the content you need to engage and convert leads.

Theres no question that AI is changing Google Ads in many important ways and will continue to do so.

Thats why all of the predictions and recommendations Ive written about above are just for this moment.

A month from now, a year from now, well need to reconsider keyword management and how it relates to account strategies once again.

Because generative AI will continue to evolve and how people use it will evolve along with it.

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AI and Google advertising: Whats next? - Search Engine Land

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Google is turning off its goo.gl shortener links next year – Engadget

Posted: at 4:21 am

Starting on August 23 this year, when someone clicks on a goo.gl link, it could first take them to a page with a warning that says the link "will no longer work in the near future" before taking them to the website they want to visit. Google shut down its goo.gl URL shortening service way back in 2018 and stopped users from being able to create new links. Now, the company has announced that it will stop supporting all existing goo.gl links altogether: The URLs will return a "404 page not found" result by August 25, 2025.

Google is giving developers ample time to move to other shorteners by displaying the aforementioned warning page to visitors over the next year. It will only show up for a percentage of existing links at first, but that percentage will keep growing until it appears for most, if not all, goo.gl links by their shutdown date. The company warns that the interstitial warning pages could cause disruptions and prevent users from getting to the URL they actually want to go to, so it's advising developers to change their shortened links as soon as possible.

The goo.gl link shortener service joins quite a large number of old features and services in Google's ever-growing product graveyard. They include the Hangouts chat app, the Stadia cloud gaming service and Google+, which once tried to take on Facebook.

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Google is turning off its goo.gl shortener links next year - Engadget

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Google has pre-announced the Pixel 9 Pro Fold, a phone with a terrible name but 100% more hinges than the next iPhone over to you, Apple – iMore

Posted: at 4:21 am

As we edge our way closer to the launch of the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro, the rest of the smartphone market isn't sitting on its hands and waiting. We already expected that Google would announce new Pixel phones soon enough and the company has now confirmed it August 13 is the big day.

That unveiling will see the arrival of a slew of new handsets including the Pixel 9 and Pixel 9 Pro, but there's one phone that is sure to capture the attention more than the others and it's one that I'm particularly keen to take a look at. That phone is the Pixel 9 Pro Fold, a device that as the name suggests, will be foldable.

I've long had an interest in foldable phones of all shapes and sizes, although I admit that I'm more interested in phones that fold open into tablets than a reimagining of the flip phone years. Because of that, the Pixel 9 Pro Fold is right up my alley despite having a terrible name. But with the iPhone Fold (or whatever it winds up being called) still seemingly years away, Google's new foldable is just another reminder of just how far behind it's fallen in a key aspect of the smartphone world excitement.

We don't know all that much about the Pixel 9 Pro Fold right now and we might have to wait until next month to get the full details. That being said, Google's Pixel phones tend to leak more than a leaky thing in leaktown so perhaps not. But Google has given us a glimpse of what we can expect in terms of the image at the top of this piece and the video below this text.

That video focuses heavily on Gemini, the chatbot technology that is sure to be a focus of the phone's unveiling a month or so before Apple Intelligence launches on the iPhone with iOS 18.

I have to say the Pixel 9 Pro Fold (have I mentioned how terrible that name is yet?) is a looker, and I do find it a more aesthetically pleasing device than its contemporaries like the Samsung Galaxy Fold family. But I'll likely never buy one because I want my foldable phone to be an iPhone. I want it to run iOS and tie into iCloud and have all my photos, currently safe and sound in iCloud Photos.

So what gives, Apple? Sure, the iPhone 16 models look cool and I'll no doubt own an iPhone 16 Pro Max in some shade of gray by the end of September. But am I excited about that? Not really. I'm more excited about having a new screen that isn't scratched if I'm being absolutely honest. There's talk that the iPhone 17 will hold up better than its predecessors, thankfully. But it still won't fold.

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Apple will never join a market until it thinks it can do it right, and it's hard to argue with successes like the Apple Watch and the iPhone. But it was relatively early to the game with the hugely expensive Apple Vision Pro, a device that isn't expected to sell well and instead seems designed to get people used to the idea of spatial computing. A foldable iPhone isn't too much to ask, is it?

I'm worried that I won't be excited about another iPhone until I can fold it in half. An iPhone Pro Max that turns into an iPad mini at will sounds like a productivity and gaming powerhouse.

But Apple won't make one. And I now find myself looking at a Pixel and wishing that it ran iOS instead.


Google has pre-announced the Pixel 9 Pro Fold, a phone with a terrible name but 100% more hinges than the next iPhone over to you, Apple - iMore

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Jeff Bezos Wants to Colonize the Moon – Investopedia

Posted: at 4:20 am

Amazon.com Inc. (AMZN) CEO Jeff Bezos believes that humans will one day spend most of their time away from planet Earth and is keen to cash in on this vision by colonizing one of the key future locations of heavy industry: the moon.

At the Space Development Conference in Los Angeles,Bezos, owner of a private spaceflight company called Blue Origin, said he can see the moon one day becoming the manufacturing sector of the universe, according to Geekwire.

Over the coming years, the billionaire predicted that heavy industry, the manufacturing of large, heavy articles and materials in bulk, will move to other planets, the moon and even asteroids, leaving Earth as a place for "residential and light industrial.

The Earth is not a very good place to do heavy industry, he said. Its convenient for us right now. But in the not-too-distant future Im talking decades, maybe 100 years itll start to be easier to do a lot of the things that we currently do on Earth in space, because well have so much energy. We will have to leave this planet. Were going to leave it, and its going to make this planet better.

Bezos went on to describe the moons surface as perfect for heavy industry because it has sunlight 24/7 for solar cells, plenty of water to create fuel and lots of solid materials to build with.

The technology entrepreneur hopes to one day partner Blue Origin with Nasa and the European Space Agency to colonize the moon. Until then, his rocket company will press ahead with plans to launch ships that carry people into space.

We will have to leave this planet, Bezos said. Were going to leave it, and its going to make this planet better. Well come and go, and the people who want to stay, will stay. (See also: SpaceX to Build Mars Rocket Factory in Los Angeles.)

Tesla Inc. (TSLA) CEO Elon Musks venture SpaceX plans to send two private citizens around the moon later this year.

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Jeff Bezos Wants to Colonize the Moon - Investopedia

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Moon Cave Discovery Key To Lunar Colonization? – Giant Freakin Robot

Posted: at 4:20 am

However, these Moon caves could help with more than just shelter. Scientists have long been in the search for signs that life existed on the moon at some point. With how exposed to the elements the exterior of the moon is, any remnants of life would have been highly damaged.

But any other life forms that did once live on the Moon likely also had the wherewithal to seek shelter, which means if there were going to be fossils or anything else that showed signs of life, they would likely also be in the caves.

Ironically, the cave that has been discovered was right in the vicinity of where Apollo 11 first landed in 1969. That means astronauts were likely within walking distance of making this discovery decades ago. But with confirmation coming now, scientists are positive that many other moon caves exist that could also be explored.

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Moon Cave Discovery Key To Lunar Colonization? - Giant Freakin Robot

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Cave discovered in the Moons hidden depths – Global Village space

Posted: at 4:20 am

Astronomers and space explorers have made a groundbreaking discovery on the Moona cave at least 100 meters deep that could serve as an excellent location for establishing a lunar settlement. This finding marks a significant step forward in the plans for lunar colonization, providing a potential solution to the challenges posed by the Moons harsh environment.

The cave, located in Mare Tranquillitatis, or the Sea of Tranquility, was discovered by two engineers from the University of Trento, ItalyLorenzo Bruzzone and Leonardo Carrer. They utilized space radar to shoot a radar signal through an entrance-like hole in the wall of a pit on Mare Tranquillitatis, a site visible from the Moons surface and close to the Apollo 11 landing site. This technique revealed the presence of a substantial underground cavity, confirming long-held hypotheses about the existence of lunar caves.

Read More: NASAs Juno mission unveils fiery lava lakes on Jupiters Moon Io

The newly discovered cave is seen as a promising site for a lunar base. Its size and structure offer natural protection against the Moons extreme surface conditions, including radiation, temperature fluctuations, and space storms. The caves overhanging walls and gently declining floor make it an ideal candidate for future human habitation. This discovery is particularly significant as it aligns with the plans to protect future lunar settlers from the harsh surface environment.

Helen Sharman, the first British astronaut in space, highlighted the caves potential for future colonization, predicting that within twenty to thirty years, humans could be living in these lunar pits. She noted the challenges posed by the caves depth, suggesting that future explorers might need to use abseiling techniques, jet packs, or elevators to access it.

The discovery was made using NASAs Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), which captured radar images of the lunar surface. Analysis of these images with advanced signal processing technologies confirmed the presence of an empty lava tube beneath the Moons surface. This finding provides the first direct evidence of an accessible rock tunnel, which researchers believe could serve as a natural shelter for astronauts.

The closest terrestrial resemblance to these lunar caves is found in the volcanic caves of Lanzarote, Canary Islands, which researchers visited for comparison. These caves, formed by flowing lava, offer insights into the formation and potential uses of lunar caves. The stability and protective qualities of these caves make them suitable for long-term human exploration and habitation.

Read More: Chinas Change-6 probe makes historic return from the Moon

While the discovery is exciting, significant challenges remain. Accessing the cave involves descending a steep, debris-laden slope, which poses risks to explorers. Researchers are considering various methods to ensure safe entry and exit, as well as strategies to reinforce the caves walls and ceilings to prevent collapse.

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Cave discovered in the Moons hidden depths - Global Village space

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How Black Lives Matter and Covid reshaped university syllabuses – Times Higher Education

Posted: at 4:20 am

The number of university courses referencing topics such as diversity and social justice has risen significantly since the Black Lives Matter movement and the end ofthe Covid-19 pandemic, data suggests.

According to the Open Syllabus database, anonline open-source platform that catalogues and tracks trends inmore than 20million syllabuses across more than 120 countries, 5.9per cent of courses mentioned diversity in 2023 an uptick from 4.2per cent in 2018, and a record high for the period 2008-23 for which information isavailable. Of the major anglophone sectors in the database, the rate was highest in the US, at 7.6per cent.

While use of the term equality has largely hovered around the 0.5per cent mark globally, it is as high as 1.2per cent in the UK.

Meanwhile, references to inclusivity have shot up in recent years. In 2023, 0.9per cent of courses mentioned inclusion, which was almost double the rate of five years before. In Canada, it was even higher, at 1.7per cent.

Carrie Paechter, professor of childhood, youth and family life at Nottingham Trent University, said mentions of diversity would be higher because it was a good catch-all term, but was unsurprised to learn that references to inclusion were on the rise.

Particularly the more forward-thinking universities are really starting to think about inclusivity for neuroatypical students, or those from care backgrounds, or with hidden disabilities, students who are carersthings that we have started to think about that were rather ignored in the past, she said.

Joe Karaganis, Open Syllabus founder, said that there had been a clear rise in the appearance of the three key terms, particularly since 2019, and that their growth seemed to be correlated.

I think the change in 2018-19 is significant, he told Times Higher Education. Its the year when in the US, at least BLM and the [George] Floyd murder pushed these issues into the curriculum for classes dealing with race, social justice and adjacent topics.

The proportion of courses referencing social justice rose from 0.5per cent in 2019 to 0.9per cent last year, while racism was also cited more, as was racial justice.

Covid and Black Lives Matter probably combined to make us think more about some of those things in terms of social justice about Black Lives Matter, and equality, diversity and inclusion in terms of Covid because it was very much in our faces as staff in terms of who had access and who didnt, said Professor Paechter.

References to diversity were most frequent in sociology courses, with mentions in 16.1per cent of syllabuses, followed by history (15per cent), media (12.5per cent) and education (10per cent).


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How Black Lives Matter and Covid reshaped university syllabuses - Times Higher Education

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Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson reveals reason for party switch in 2024 RNC speech – WFAA.com

Posted: at 4:20 am

In a speech at the 2024 RNC, Johnson spoke openly about why he switched parties, citing the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests as the catalyst.

DALLAS Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson spoke on why he switched parties during his speech at the 2024 Republican National Convention.

Mayor Johnson stuck very much to Tuesday's theme of public safety, citing it as the main reason he split from the Democratic Party.

Johnson, who hasn't spoken much on his transition from blue to red, shared that a catalyst for his switch to the Republican Party was the Black Lives Matter protests in the wake of the death of George Floyd in 2020.

"I've been a Democrat my entire life, albeit a conservative one, but when those activists tried to scare my kids, my fellow Democrats were silent," Johnson said.

In contrast, Johnson said he was supported by conservatives, even though he was not a member of their party at the time. Johnson also detailed that support and funding for policing is a policy that lined up more with his beliefs growing up.

"I grew up in high-crime neighborhoods," Johnson said. "What we wanted was more and better policing, not less."

Johnson has said in the past that he believes Dallas' growth and success can be partly attributed to the fact that he's "always run the city like a Republican mayor would run the city."

"I wanted to say I didn't leave the Democratic Party because they left me first," Johnson stated. "But the truth is, on matters of public safety, the Democrats were actually never there for me, for Dallas families, or for the American people."

Johnson went on to lambast his former party further, saying as a whole, Democrats have failed to maintain safe cities.

"Today's woke Democratic Party is with the criminals, not with the victims," Johnson said. "Democrats are good at using safe words, but terrible at building safe neighborhoods and safe cities."

With Johnson at the helm, Dallas is the largest city in the U.S. to be led by a Republican mayor. Mayor Johnson cited his leadership as the reason for a three-year reduction in violent crime in Dallas.

In the past, Johnson and Dallas Police Chief Eddie Garcia, have credited that number to a policy of hot spot policing, where police will heavily target areas where crime is known to occur.

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Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson reveals reason for party switch in 2024 RNC speech - WFAA.com

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Looking Back On the BLM Summer – Splice Today

Posted: at 4:20 am

The media stoked unrest by feeding the public false narratives.

Im thinking about another summer, back in 2020; the worst of my life. On top of Covid, which had me isolated from most of the world, there were the BLM protest/riots that were not just on TV constantly, but going on within hearing distance of my home in Richmond, Virginia. Week after week, police planes and helicopters flew over my head. Night after night, the often violent protesters hit the streets, ostensibly to express their outrage over George Floyds death at the hands of the Minneapolis police.

Floyd, whod served a five-year prison sentence for a home invasion during which he put a gun against the abdomen of a female victim (some hero), was just the flashpoint, as Richmond, like any American city, had its share of discontents who were sick of being Covid shut-ins and wanted the release of the mask-free nightly ruckus in the streets. The media, normally a reliable echo of the government's often absurd masking directives, went silent on the mask issue in this instance. Apparently, we were witnessing some new social justice importance/risk calculus that hadnt yet been articulated to the public.

The summer was handled reverently by the media, because the perception at the time was that white police officers were brutalizing black men across America. A handful of videos can have a powerful effect when spread over the Internet. Consumers of mass media accept, at this point, that convicted Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd by kneeling on his windpipe on May 22, 2020.

However, theres a counter-narrative in the dark places where no media oxygen is needed to keep it alive. Before examining that, let's look at the origins of the BLM movement, which sprang from the police killing of Michael Brown in 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri. Most people remember the Hands up, don't shoot murder that took the life of a young black man, but how many know that Brown never said that? That was a lie spread by bystanders that the media amplified without seeking corroboration, which is its usual practice, especially in racial matters. In fact, Michael Brown was the aggressor. He tried to take away the arresting officer's gun after the cop told him not to walk in the middle of the street, which is a sure way to end one's life.

The grand jury declined to indict the officerWilsonwho pulled the trigger, and then, on March 4, 2015, the Obama DOJ issued an exhaustive, 86-page investigative reportthat concluded there is no credible evidence that Wilson willfully shot Brown as he was attempting to surrender or was otherwise not posing a threat.

Black Lives Matter is based on a big lie the media propagated, and still does. That lie, repeated so many times, has now become axiomatic in progressive circles. That's their truth. In August 2019, the Associated Press ran a storyabout Brown's death, describing it like this: Words were exchanged, the white officer confronted the 18-year-old Brown, who was black. The situation escalated, with the officer and Brown scuffling. The officer shot and killed Brown, who was unarmed. That's a textbook example of how the media lies without actually telling a lie, and it happens all the time.

Nearly two years later, On May 24, 2021, six years after the DOJ report was released, PBS ran an interviewof Michael Brown's father, conducted by Yamiche Alcindor, a journalist whos also worked for The New York Times and NBC News. The interview was conducted as if the Obama DOJ report was never released. Alcindor described Michael Brown to his father as a teenager walking down the street. That's it. PBS correspondent Judy Woodruff introduced the bogus interview with this: Nearly seven years ago, 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot and killed by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. Woodruff, who like Alcindor was aware of the DOJ report, neglected to mention the rest of the story because it doesn't fit the narrative.

False narratives like this one are spread by some prominent Democrats. On August 9, 2019, Kamala Harris tweeted: Michael Browns murder forever changed Ferguson and America. His tragic death sparked a desperately needed conversation and a nationwide movement. We must fight for stronger accountability and racial equity in our justice system. Michael Brown wasnt murdered.

On the same day, Elizabeth Warren tweeted: 5 years ago Michael Brown was murdered by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. Michael was unarmed yet he was shot 6 times. I stand with activists and organizers who continue the fight for justice for Michael. We must confront systemic racism and police violence head on. Brown was unarmed, but he was trying to arm himself with a cops gun. No systemic racism was involved in his death.

Fast forward to the George Floyd incident. After the twisting of the Michael Brown story to fit in with the systemic racism narrative, how reliable are the events of that day in May as the media has told them? The public heard from the media repeatedly that Floyd told the officers he couldnt breathe while Derek Chauvin had his knee on his neck area, but they didn't hear that Floyd said the same thing when the police tried to put him in their car.

An autopsy Hennepin County coroner Andrew Baker conducted 12 hours after Floyd died found no evidence suggesting he died of asphyxiation, but a new coroner's report was issued two days later, after the Minnesota Attorney General, Keith Ellison, met with Baker. This one said Floyd died of asphyxiation. Floyd had pre-existing health conditionscoronary artery disease and hypertension. Dr. Baker told the Hennepin County Attorneys office that Floyd had a fentanyl level of 11 ng/mL in his body, which he said was a fatal level; 3ng/mL could even be fatal, he added. Floyds level can cause pulmonary edema, and Floyds lungs were swollen to two to three times their normal size at the time of his death. One artery was 75 percent blocked. Moreover, theres police body cam video footage from the time when Floyd was put into the ambulance (which police called before Derek Chauvin began kneeling on his neck) showing that the oxygen tubing was tied up, not even connected to the oxygen source. That mightve been a fatal mistake.

The Minneapolis police chief said on the witness stand during officer Derek Chauvins trial that he didn't recognize the technique that Chauvin used to subdue Floyda maximal restraint techniquebut three Minneapolis police officers stated on camera in the film, The Fall of Minneapolis,that they were trained in that particular MRT, which employs a knee on the side of the head. While Chauvin was wrong (and perhaps criminally wrong) to have kept his knee on Floyds neck area for so long, there's reasonable doubt he was guilty of murder.

A strong case could be made that George Floyd died of medical complications brought on by his panicked overreaction (both physical and verbal) to being arrested for passing a phony $20 bill, during which he appeared to be out of control, and high on something. Methamphetamine was also found in his blood. But Chauvin was tried in a heavily-fortified building surrounded by barbed wire. A mob was waiting outside, ready to do to that building what they'd already done to the third precinct police stationburn it and wreck it, with no resistance from the Minneapolis police department. The mob wouldn't have stopped there, however. They wouldve burned much of Minneapolis. One thing was clear. Only one verdict would do. The jurors knew their lives depended on it.

The lesson is that we're just one media-driven false narrative away from total mayhem again. It's time for the public to stop trusting that corrupt, dishonest media. That's the same media that gave us no inkling that Joe Bidens too addled to be reelected until the evening of the Presidents alarming debate with Donald Trump. Suddenly, they had to act shocked because their dishonesty and incompetence was revealed.


Looking Back On the BLM Summer - Splice Today

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Report from Black Lives Matter UK Festival of Collective Liberation – Freedom News

Posted: at 4:20 am

The first Festival of Collective Liberation organised by Black Livers Matter UK took place in London on July 13. The programme included of panel discussions and workshops, as well as book stalls, art and music.

Aside from the large-scale opening and closing sessions, the day was organised around two 90 minute time slots, in each of which ten sessions were available at a time across the building. From this vast list, I opted for Reflections on Sudan: 1989 2024 and Blood and Smartphones: The Genocide in DR Congo.

Lina Dohia led the panel on Sudans recent history, discussing how the Rebel Support Forces (RSF) transformed from a paramilitary wing of the state army to a powerful force of its own. Across all industries, from hotels to banks to mining, the RSF is the biggest employer in Sudan and a mercenary power internationally legitimised by selling its services to the EU and Middle Eastern states. Speakers across the panel emphasised the disenfranchisement of people living on the Sudanese peripheries from which the RSF recruit, and noted the impact of neoliberalism that has left young people with no option but to sell their bodies as fighters in petroldollar wars.

Speakers Hamid Khalafalah and Asil Sidahmed outlined Sudans post-independence cycle of short-lived democracies, military coups and revolutions, and traced the root cause to how Sudanese identity has been complicated by centuries of Ottoman, Egyptian, and Anglo-Egyptian colonisation, with the British cherry-picking particular tribes to run the country when they left. This legacy of historical colonialism was connected to ongoing exploitation in the late capitalist world economy, with members of the panel highlighting that US sanctions were only recently lifted when Sudan agreed to normalise relations with Israel.

The discussion of genocide in DR Congo, led by Tatiana Giraud, raised number of similar themes, including significant Western sway in wars labelled as tribal by mainstream media. Giraud spoke at length about the estimated two million women who have been raped since the start of the Second Congo War, and the urgent need to regulate tagging of metals mined in the Congo to identify a paper trail from big corporations to child labour. Panellist Luc Kangele (Genocost) explained that the cobalt, coltan, and uranium mined in DR Congo are vital to US military supremacy and the future of nuclear warfare. He also emphasised the human and environmental cost of electric cars, whose battery production has polluted rivers, destroyed ecosystems, resulted in birth defects, and threatens the Congo Basin, the worlds second largest rainforest in the world and largest carbon sink.

A concluding session brought together Sudanese, Congolese and Palestinian speakers, along with a video presentation from a Haitian comrade, in a panel structured around Ruth Wilson Gilmores concept of organised abandonment. The panel, chaired by Mohammed Elnaiem of the Decolonial Centre, discussed commonalities across the impacts of late stage capitalism and the rise of militarism across the world, pointing out that international solidarity is based on identifying these specific commonalities. In an insightful concluding comment, Lina Dohia insisted that solidarity must be rooted not only a common enemy, but also in shared values.

~ Tallulah Griffith

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Report from Black Lives Matter UK Festival of Collective Liberation - Freedom News

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