Daily Archives: June 27, 2024

Conservatives win longtime Liberal stronghold Toronto-St. Paul’s in shock byelection result – CBC.ca

Posted: June 27, 2024 at 1:59 am

Conservatives win longtime Liberal stronghold Toronto-St. Paul's in shock byelection result  CBC.ca

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Conservatives win longtime Liberal stronghold Toronto-St. Paul's in shock byelection result - CBC.ca

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Mark Rutte: The liberal stalwart headed for NATO’s top job – DW (English)

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Mark Rutte: The liberal stalwart headed for NATO's top job  DW (English)


Mark Rutte: The liberal stalwart headed for NATO's top job - DW (English)

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Liberal minister tells MPs to ‘stop the navel-gazing’ and get back to work after Toronto byelection loss – MSN

Posted: at 1:59 am

Liberal minister tells MPs to 'stop the navel-gazing' and get back to work after Toronto byelection loss  MSN

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Liberal minister tells MPs to 'stop the navel-gazing' and get back to work after Toronto byelection loss - MSN

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Liberal minister tells MPs to stop ‘navel-gazing,’ get back to work after Toronto byelection fiasco – National Post

Posted: at 1:59 am

Liberal minister tells MPs to stop 'navel-gazing,' get back to work after Toronto byelection fiasco  National Post

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Liberal minister tells MPs to stop 'navel-gazing,' get back to work after Toronto byelection fiasco - National Post

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Bill Maher Nukes Stupid Liberal Ideas During Incredible Rant: VIDEO – Outkick

Posted: at 1:59 am

PublishedJune 26, 2024 11:50 AM EDT|UpdatedJune 26, 2024 11:50 AM EDT

Bill Maher isn't afraid to take a blowtorch to dumb liberal ideas.

Maher, who is very liberal, has become a prominent voice of reason on the left because he's actually willing to call out his own side.

He regularly criticizes liberals for pushing nonsense such as de-funding the police, not supporting Israel and has even taken an approach to guns you rarely see among liberals in 2024.

You might not agree with Maher on much, but you can't deny he's not afraid to call out his own side. That was on full display during an appearance at The Aspen Institute.

Maher said the following, in part, during his rant as he unloaded on liberals:

"Part of it the left has to own. They are aggressively anti-common sense. The Democrats keep running on this idea saying to the American people, 'You can't possibly think you can do worse than Donald Trump,' and they keep saying, 'Yes we can. Yes we can.' And I understand that. I do. I would never vote for Donald Trump and as I said, I think the Republicans are worse. You know, it's funny. When I talk to, you know, my friends around my age - 40 - they are always b*tiching to me about their kids who are in, like, their 20s and they're, like, super woke and they're driving their parents crazy and everything is like, 'You don't get it, mom! That's old thinking.' And I'm like, 'Don't get what? Abolish the police? Tear down statues of Lincoln? Maybe give communism another shot? Get rid of the Border Patrol? Get rid of capitalism? White supremacy has never been worse? Gender is always just a social construct? It's okay to have penises in the women's swimming pool? In women's prisons?' No, it's not that I'm old. It's that your ideas are stupid."

You can watch his full comments in the video linked here starting around 12:30, and make sure to let me know your thoughts at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.

Bill Maher tears apart stupid liberal ideas. (Photo by Noam Galai/Getty Images)

It's hard to argue with what Maher said as he rattled off stupid ideas. Is there any common sense person who thinks a wide open border, rampant crime, no cops to keep the public safe, trying to institute communism and other garbage like that is a good idea?

Of course not. Yet, we have politicians who brag about wanting to ban guns and also spread constant misinformation about the war between Hamas and Israel.

We have a sitting Supreme Court Justice - Ketanji Brown Jackson -who can't define what a woman is. We're truly living in a crazy time, and it deserves to be called out.

Props to Maher for, once again, speaking his mind against his own side. More people should do the same. Let me know what you think at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.

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Bill Maher Nukes Stupid Liberal Ideas During Incredible Rant: VIDEO - Outkick

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Opinion: Regardless of leader, the Liberals are at risk of a worse fate after Toronto-St. Paul’s by-election – The Globe and Mail

Posted: at 1:59 am

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Liberal Party candidate Leslie Church, third from left, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speak to supporters at a campaign volunteer event in Toronto, on May 30.Arlyn McAdorey/The Canadian Press

The shocking result in the Toronto-St. Pauls by-election leaves the Liberals with only one question: should they lose the next election with Justin Trudeau as leader, or should they lose it led by someone else?

After an excruciatingly slow vote count over Monday night and into Tuesday morning, Conservative candidate Don Stewart snatched from the Liberals what used to be one of their safest seats, a riding in the heart of the Grit bastion of downtown Toronto, a riding that had withstood the tsunami of 2011, when veteran Liberal MP Carolyn Bennett held on even as the Liberals nationally suffered the worst result in the history of the party, being reduced to third place in the House of Commons.

To lose St. Pauls means the Liberals are at risk of an even worse fate in the next election. The message is stark: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau simply must stand down and let someone else lead the party, which now confronts electoral oblivion.


A new poll this week from the Angus Reid Institute asked respondents whether they would be more or less inclined to vote for a number of potential replacements for Mr. Trudeau, including Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, former Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney and Foreign Affairs Minister Mlanie Joly. In a head-to-head comparison, respondents on balance said every candidate mentioned would make them even less likely to support the Liberals.

(The online survey of more than 3,000 adults was conducted in mid-June, with a comparative margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.)

There is no comfort for the Grits anywhere. They are deeply unpopular from sea to sea to sea, including in the urban cores that were once their final refuge. Taxes are too high, growth too low, interest rates too steep, mortgages and rent too burdensome.

It doesnt matter who leads them. The Canadian electorate wants them gone.

The Liberals clearly knew they were in trouble in a riding they had held for more than 30 years, a riding they simply could not afford to lose. So they pulled out all the stops. Mr. Trudeau and much of his cabinet and caucus campaigned in Toronto-St. Pauls during the by-election campaign. There were plenty of your-government-working-for you announcements.

The Tories claimed that the Liberal governments decision last week to designate Irans Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization was an attempt to placate the relatively large Jewish vote in the riding. The Tories may have been right.

And the Grits employed rhetorical overkill equal to anything Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre has employed. Ms. Freeland on Monday warned voters in St. Pauls that the Conservative alternative to her party is really cold and cruel and small. The alternative is cuts and austerity, not believing in ourselves as a country, not believing in our community and in our neighbours.

Ms. Freelands riding of University-Rosedale is right next door to Toronto-St Pauls. If St. Pauls is lost, then her riding is at risk. Downtown Montreal and Vancouver are at risk. Nothing is safe, anywhere.

But those who might replace Mr. Trudeau in hopes of preventing such a tidal wave must convince Liberal supporters that they could achieve a better result. Not a victory, mind you, just not a shellacking. Its a tall order.

The Tories also fought hard to win the by-election. Mr. Poilievre was door-knocking in the riding even before the writ had been issued. He knew what a victory here would mean. He must be elated to have pulled this off.

By-election votes are often protest votes. In the general election, whenever it comes, Toronto-St. Pauls may well revert back to the Liberals. The real fights, the fights that will decide the election, will be in dozens of seats in suburban Toronto and in the surrounding 905, named after the regions area code. That fight will be mirrored in Greater Vancouver and in other urban cores.

But this result suggests the Tories are well placed to win those fights. Toronto-St. Pauls has sent a stern message. The Liberal Party is at risk of being obliterated in the next election. And it doesnt matter who leads them.

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Opinion: Regardless of leader, the Liberals are at risk of a worse fate after Toronto-St. Paul's by-election - The Globe and Mail

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For opposing genocide, Bowman is framed as antisemitic by liberal Zionists – Mondoweiss

Posted: at 1:59 am

Today is primary day in New York and the marquee race is the effort by the Democratic establishment and the Israel lobby to destroy the political career of Rep. Jamaal Bowman because he dared to criticize Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.

The effort against a sitting congressperson, who is a member of the Squad, is now the most expensive in U.S. political history with a mind-boggling $23 million-plus being spent on ads so far, almost all of that money being pro-Israel. Ads by the Israel-right-or-wrong group AIPAC hide its agenda, accusing Bowman of not supporting Joe Bidens policy putting the entire economy at risk.

Bowmans opponent in the Bronx/Westchester district, George Latimer, was recruited to run by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), says ABC News, citing a NYT article. And duly, Democratic Party heavyweights have fallen into line with the lobby and savaged the incumbent. Hillary Clinton, an AIPAC darling, said, we need strong, principled Democrats in Congress more than ever.

While former governor Andrew Cuomo said this morning that Bowman will be soundly defeated and The message is clear: anti-semitism in any and all forms will not be tolerated in New York. And Bowman cant call himself a progressive.

The shock of the race and really it shouldnt be a shock is that once again liberal Zionist media are joining in the pileup on a progressive who dared to criticize Israel.

The shock of the race and really, it shouldnt be a shock is that, once again, liberal Zionist media are joining in the pileup on a progressive who dared to criticize Israel. The liberals are echoing the antisemitism charge from the Israel lobby, or trying to justify it.

Bowman has earned this smear because he is one of the few figures in the Democratic Party who has refused to back down in calling the Gaza genocide a genocide. By standing up for Palestinian humanity, Bowman has, in fact, echoed the Democratic base which overwhelmingly believes that the Israeli slaughter is genocidal (Israel has now killed 37,000 people, most of them civilians, with another 10,000 under the rubble of Gaza, in response to the Hamas atrocities of October 7).

It really is the many versus the money, as Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said at a rally for Bowman over the weekend to which pro-Israel advocates in the party respond: thats an antisemitic trope.

Lets look at the liberal media. Jonathan Chait in New York magazine (as quoted by the Jewish Insider) denounces Bowman for caving to the progressive wing and ignoring liberal Jews.

Bowman has simply gotten so carried away with the logic of progressive-movement politics that hes lost all sight of the practical opportunities to build an electoral coalition rooted in the liberal side of the intra-Jewish debateBowman seems almost to crave political martyrdom. But if he does lose, it would be more accurate to attribute his demise to political suicide.

As if Bowman is a fringe figure. When that progressive wing is the Democratic base on Israel.

Amy Walter on the PBS News Hour also threw Bowman under the bus, saying he was a newbie who is vulnerable because he hasnt supported Biden enough. Walter thereby bought into the cover for the giant ad buy, whose true agenda is Israel Israel Israel.

Worse is Michelle Goldberg in the New York Times, in essence accusing Bowman of antisemitism: through his rhetoric on Israel, Bowman has confirmed the fears of many of his critics.

Goldberg has herself been highly critical of Israel, but here she returns to the liberal Zionist brand. Anti-Zionism is antisemitism, and if youre for boycott, a traditional tool against oppression, you dont like Jews:

Bowman has also been reckless in stomping on ideological land minesThough he says he continues to support a two-state solution, hes fallen into the left-wing habit of using Zionist as an insult,

Bowman is right to be outspoken about the suffering being inflicted on Gaza. But recently, as hes leaned into anti-Zionist rhetoric calling Israel, for example, a settler-colonial project Ive sometimes wondered if hes given up trying to win, setting himself up instead as a political martyr last month he promised, in a private video meeting, to come out for the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israel. This decision baffled me [B]y aligning himself with the anti-Zionist boycott movement, even as he says publicly that he still believes Israel has a right to exist, Bowman confirms the fears of many of his local critics.

Notice that Bowman is right to be outspoken about the suffering being inflicted on Gaza? This is an understatement, but typical of liberal Zionists. The progressive base is horrified by the unending slaughter of children with U.S. armaments and the trapping of whole families under the rubble of ruined cities. Bowman has stood up for decent, moral, human values, and refused to back down. It is a noble stand and deserves praise by liberals and progressives.

Goldberg accuses Bowman of leaning into anti-Zionist rhetoric, again suggesting hes antisemitic. Here she singles out the boycott movement. But it should be honorable among liberals to advocate for boycott as progressives did in Montgomery in 1955 and in South Africa in the 80s and 90s. It should also be perfectly acceptable in the U.S. discourse to attack Zionism. After all, Zionism is the Jewish nationalist ideology that has produced apartheid and ethnic cleansing and that today claims that it is right to kill hundreds of Palestinian civilians in order to free four Jews.

Fundamentally Goldberg thinks that because so many American Jews are wedded to Israel, this takes precedence over everything else, media critic Donald Johnson writes to me. Or, as the right-wing Jewish News Syndicate reminds us this week: Zionism is part and parcel of Judaism.

See the original post:

For opposing genocide, Bowman is framed as antisemitic by liberal Zionists - Mondoweiss

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Conservatives win longtime Liberal stronghold of Toronto-St. Paul’s – Toronto Sun

Posted: at 1:59 am

Conservatives win longtime Liberal stronghold of Toronto-St. Paul's  Toronto Sun

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Conservatives win longtime Liberal stronghold of Toronto-St. Paul's - Toronto Sun

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Conservatives take Toronto-St. Paul’s riding in major upset for Liberals – The Globe and Mail

Posted: at 1:59 am

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Conservative candidate Don Stewart won the Toronto-St. Paul's by-election.Supplied

Prime Minister Justin Trudeaus Liberals were hit with a stunning upset in a Monday night by-election, losing a midtown Toronto riding the party had held for three decades and raising even more questions about the minority governments prospects in next years general election.

The dramatic result in Toronto-St. Pauls even surprised Conservatives, who for weeks have said they were not expecting to win the long-shot seat.

Conservative candidate Don Stewart snatched the win from the Liberals with just 590 votes separating the two parties.

Mr. Stewart, a marketing and finance professional, won with 42.1 per cent of the vote, with all of the polls reporting around 5 a.m. on Tuesday. Liberal Leslie Church was second with 40.5 per cent of the vote and NDP candidate Amrit Parhar won 10.9 per cent of the vote.

Until last year, Toronto-St. Pauls was represented by Liberal MP Carolyn Bennett, who had held the seat since 1997 and in the last election won with a 24-percentage-point margin over the second-place Conservatives. The Conservatives managed to close that gap Monday and win with a 1.6-percentage-point margin. The NDP vote share also fell compared to 2021, when they won 16.8 per cent.

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre congratulated Mr. Stewart in a social media post, calling the result a shocking upset in Toronto-St. Pauls, where people voted to axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget and stop the crime.

He said the result shows the Prime Minister needs to call a carbon tax election now.

A Conservative supporter watches a split screen displaying voting results and the Stanley Cup final, at an federal by-election event for Toronto-St.Paul's candidate Don Stewart in Toronto on Monday, June 24, 2024.Chris Young/The Canadian Press

The result stunned Liberals who went to sleep expecting a win and woke up to a loss that will be hard to overstate.

Around 12:30 a.m., Ms. Church was welcomed into her partys headquarters by Liberal Party President Sachit Mehra as the ridings next MP for Toronto-St. Pauls.

Despite the fact that nearly half of the polls had not yet reported results, Ms. Church told supporters: We are feeling great.

Conversely, just before midnight on Monday, Mr. Stewart thanked his supporters and told them the night is still young.

In a brief scrum, Mr. Stewart told reporters his campaigns performance showed the country is waiting for change.

On Tuesday morning, Ms. Church released a statement conceding defeat but promising a rematch in next years federal election. It is a beginning, not an end, she said.

Voters sent the Liberals a message that the party needs to re-earn their trust, she said.

Weve got 16 months until the next election, and I plan to be the Liberal candidate in St. Pauls. We start working to earn back the trust of voters in this riding today.

John Ibbitson: Regardless of leader, the Liberals are at risk of a worse fate after Toronto-St. Pauls by-election

The result in a single riding though spells much more trouble for the Liberals and will dramatically increase the pressure on Mr. Trudeau and his tenure as leader. For months now he has adamantly said he will stay and try for a fourth mandate in government. But if the Liberals cant win Toronto-St. Pauls, its unclear what seats could still be considered safe for them, say political watchers. Even during the partys worst defeat in 2011, it still held on to that seat with an 8-percentage-point margin.

It is a massive win, said Ginny Roth, a partner at Crestview Strategy and previously a senior adviser to Mr. Poilievre during his leadership campaign.

To me, that means the Liberals are under 15 seats in a general election, she said. The party currently holds 155 seats and, in 2011, it held on to 34.

For the Liberals, it is a bolt of political lightning, said Scott Reid, a Liberal strategist and principal at communications firm Feschuk.Reid.

There is no language too hyperbolic to describe the significance of this failure, he said. If you can lose in St. Pauls, then the Liberal Party can lose anywhere, and that means it can lose everything.

Mr. Reid said the result is particularly stinging for the Prime Minister because it tells him in indisputable, undeniable and implacable terms, that his leadership harms his own party.

The message for Liberals and for the Prime Minister in particular is unmistakable: Change or leave. Because the status quo risks carrying the party to an historic humbling.

The only political comparison that will now be moving through the minds of Liberals is 1993 for the Progressive Conservatives, and that is devastation at a near-extinction-level event. In that election, the incumbent party was reduced to just two seats, from which it never recovered.

As Finance Minister Chrystia Freelands former chief of staff, Ms. Church has deep roots in the Liberal Party, but was relatively unknown in the riding. In the tough polling climate earlier this year, the Liberals delayed calling the vote as they searched for someone with better name recognition.

Among those courted by the party was the areas city councillor, Josh Matlow, who three sources said was heavily lobbied by top Liberals.

The Globe and Mail is not identifying the sources because they were not permitted to disclose the internal party strategy.

Despite the early nerves, Liberals had become much more confident in a win in the final week of the race; they poured immense resources into the riding, sending a steady stream of federal cabinet ministers, MPs and Parliament Hill staffers to help in the campaign.

In a statement Tuesday, the Liberal Party sought to play down what it had expected from the results, despite its own president declaring victory just after midnight.

We knew this would be a tough race, with by-elections not often favouring the governing party, said spokesperson Parker Lund.

We know that theres lots of hard work ahead of us, and our Liberal team is ready to keep working to reach Canadians with our positive plan to deliver fairness for every generation.

Turnout in the by-election was higher than typical for such races with 44 per cent of voters casting a ballot. In the most recent Durham by-election, turnout was just 28 per cent.

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Conservatives take Toronto-St. Paul's riding in major upset for Liberals - The Globe and Mail

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Watch: IDF soldier completes Talmud tractate at the Rafah Crossing – Arutz Sheva

Posted: at 1:58 am

Watch: IDF soldier completes Talmud tractate at the Rafah Crossing  Arutz Sheva

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Watch: IDF soldier completes Talmud tractate at the Rafah Crossing - Arutz Sheva

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