Daily Archives: January 5, 2024

ACLU Charges FBI Raid on Journalist Tim Burke Violates 1st Amendment Rights – The Peoples Vanguard of Davis

Posted: January 5, 2024 at 6:34 pm

By Avery Redula

TAMPA, FL. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is under fire for raiding journalist Tim Burkes home by the Florida American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

The DOJ seized records Burke had regarding the outtakes of the interview between Tucker Carlson and Ye, the singer and songwriter formerly known as Kanye West. Ye made several offensive and antisemitic statements in this report.

The DOJ justified the raid by alleging Burke violated the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, which protects against hacking and improper computer access. The government asserts Burke was unauthorized to access this interview footage, violating the act and rationalizing the seizure of materials.

The federal government also asserts that Burke is not a journalist because he was not working at a news outlet at the time of obtaining interview footage.

However, Burke has stated he was able to view the footage on Fox News in a way that was publicly and legally accessible. Burke also has a long career and history in journalism.

Several organizations partnered with the ACLU to send a letter to the DOJ to defend Burke and demand justification for the raid.

Within the letter, the ACLU calls upon the government to explain whether or not proper procedures were enacted during the raid. Additionally, since the government asserts Burke is not a journalist, the ACLU said there needs to be clarity on why he is not considered as such in order to protect free speech rights for other journalists not working for a traditional news outlet.

The ACLU asserts this information must be made public, or the public will question if the DOJ is abusing its power and undermining journalists freedom of speech.

The ACLU added, one does not need to work full-time as a journalist in order to engage in protected journalism, that the law protects anyone with a purpose to disseminate information to the public, regardless of whether their own byline is attached.

And its quite common for journalists including freelancers, producers, researchers, editors, news services and consultants to provide research and documents for stories they do not themselves write, or even provide written copy without receiving a byline. That does not deprive them of constitutional protection. Courts have rightly warned against limiting the First Amendments press clause to established media.

Additionally, the letter argues the interview footage should be released to the public, noting, Among other things, Ye made anti-Semitic remarks, which are a matter of public concernouttakes also showed that Carlson and Fox News may have intentionally omitted those portions of the interview to cast Ye in a more sympathetic light. Burke has a history of breaking news of national interest during his long career in journalism.

In the final pages of the letter, ACLU and other organizations demand actions of the DOJ to enact oversight on prosecutors and the judge involved in the case, and investigate whether they followed proper discretion in regards to Burkes first amendment rights and for the consideration of protecting journalistic interests and expression.

The ACLU also submitted an amicus brief to the 11th circuit court of appeals in support of Burke, and similar to the letter, argues the search warrant on Burkes property should be released to the public in order to, preserve press freedoms and increase transparency.

The brief formally argues release of the warrant details will show on whether the government knew Burke was a journalist. If this is the case, said the ACLU, then the federal government was violating policy by failing to provide notice to Burke of the raid of newsgathering materials, as journalists are required to be given notice.

The ACLU also argues for the release of the footage and journalistic material gathered to be returned to Burke, so that he may continue his investigation into Tucker Carlson and Ye. The brief argues this is a violation of Burkes First Amendment rights and instills fear into journalists of legal consequences if they choose to investigate powerful figures.

Organizations such as the Freedom of the Press Foundation agree with the assertions of the ACLU and the infringement of First Amendment rights.

Seth Stern, the advocacy director of this foundation, said, A key function of the press is to report news that might embarrass powerful people and companies. If Burke is being investigated for locating and publicizing publicly available interview outtakes merely because Fox News wouldve preferred the footage remain secret, that poses serious First Amendment problems.

It would be extremely problematic and unconstitutional to criminalize access to publicly available information simply because powerful people would prefer it be kept private. It is antithetical to the Fourth Estates constitutionally-protected function to place a burden on journalists to intuit what publicly-available, newsworthy information public figures want kept secret, and to abide by their wishes, the letter to the DOJ argued. The letter by the ACLU and others noted, their interest is compounded by the nationwide outrage following the August police raid of the Marion County Record based on allegations of computer crimes by its reporters. Given these and other investigations, journalists around the country are left uncertain about whether they could be prosecuted for acts of routine journalism on the mistaken grounds that they violated state or federal computer crime laws.

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ACLU Charges FBI Raid on Journalist Tim Burke Violates 1st Amendment Rights - The Peoples Vanguard of Davis

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Engineers Triumph in First Amendment Rights Cases – BNN Breaking

Posted: at 6:34 pm

Engineers Win Landmark First Amendment Cases Against State Licensing Boards

In an era where freedom of speech is under constant scrutiny, two unlicensed engineers have stood up against the system, challenging the authority of state boards in Oregon and North Carolina, and securing a landmark victory for their First Amendment rights. The cases of Mats Jarlstrom and Wayne Nutt have become symbols of resistance against the suppression of free speech and professional opinion in the field of engineering.

In Oregon, Mats Jarlstrom, an engineer unlicensed in the state, was engaged in an uphill battle against the state licensing board. His research on yellow light timing was met with attempts of suppression, as it underscored the potential danger from shortened yellow light times. These times, allegedly manipulated to increase revenue through traffic citations, posed a significant risk to peoples safety. Despite the boards resistance, Jarlstrom persisted, successfully arguing that his research should not be stonewalled.

Meanwhile, in North Carolina, Wayne Nutt, a retired engineer, faced similar challenges. Despite having a career in chemical engineering from 1967 to 2013, Nutt was warned by the Board of Examiners and Surveyors not to offer his expertise on engineering matters without a professional engineers license. This demand came despite Nutt being exempt from the licensing requirement due to an industrial exception.

Refusing to be silenced, Nutt sued the board, securing representation from the Institute for Justice. A federal court ruled in his favor, stating that his expert opinion is protected by the First Amendment and cannot be legally suppressed by the state. The court cited the boards attempts to stifle Nutts testimony by implying he would be breaking the law as a violation of his First Amendment rights.

Both cases culminated in a resounding affirmation of constitutional rights: the government may regulate the act of engineering, but it cannot regulate the speech of engineers. Through their tenacity, Jarlstrom and Nutt have set a precedent that echoes far beyond their individual cases, marking a significant win for the freedom of speech within the engineering community and beyond.

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Florida disputes the First Amendment lawsuits filed by Students for Justice in Palestine at USF and UF – WMNF

Posted: at 6:34 pm

Palestine flag. By Sen Kinane/WMNF News.

By Jim Saunders 2023 The News Service of Florida

TALLAHASSEE Gov. Ron DeSantis and the state university system are trying to fend off lawsuits from pro-Palestinian student groups that allege First Amendment violations amid campus debates about the war between Israel and Hamas.

Attorneys for DeSantis and the university system last week filed documents arguing for the dismissal of the lawsuits and requesting that Chief U.S. District Judge Mark Walker reject preliminary injunctions sought by the groups Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of Florida and Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of South Florida.

Walker is scheduled to hold a hearing Jan. 26 in Tallahassee.

The UF and USF groups filed the lawsuits in November after university system Chancellor Ray Rodrigues on Oct. 24 issued a memorandum to university presidents linking the groups to the National Students for Justice in Palestine. Rodrigues memo said the national group had released a toolkit supporting Hamas attack on Israel that started the war known as Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.

These (UF and USF) chapters exist under the headship of the National Students for Justice in Palestine, who distributed a toolkit identifying themselves as part of the Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, Rodrigues memorandum said. Based on the National SJPs support of terrorism, in consultation with Governor DeSantis, the student chapters must be deactivated. These two student chapters may form another organization that complies with Florida state statutes and university policies.

The lawsuits contend that Rodrigues directive violated First Amendment rights and are seeking to prevent it from being carried out.

But in documents filed last week arguing against a preliminary injunction, attorneys for Rodrigues and the university systems Board of Governors said UF and USF had not disbanded the groups. They also said Rodrigues memorandum is not enforceable, and the Board (of Governors) cannot deactivate student groups.

The chancellors memorandum is akin to an open letter, much like the dozens of statements released by public officials across the country on the same topic over the last 10 weeks, the documents filed in the UF and USF cases said. The chancellors memorandum is no more actionable than these innumerable statements by other public officials.

In his memorandum, Rodrigues pointed to a state law that bars providing support to terrorist organizations. Attorneys for the university system last week wrote that the memorandum does not purport to prohibit, for example, speech or viewpoints critical of Israel or supportive of Palestinian freedom, nor does it support an inference that university regulations or Florida statutes do not apply equally to all similarly situated groups.

Faced with extraordinary tensions and fear on campuses and troubling indicia of disruption from SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine), the chancellor took a reasonable, proactive step based on policies and laws of general applicability: He exhorted universities to follow their existing legal obligations to ensure SJP chapters do not engage in the unlawful tactics that the national SJP encouraged them to deploy, or in other conduct that would violate university policies or state law, the university systems attorneys wrote in arguments joined by DeSantis.

But the lawsuits said the UF and USF groups do not have formal relationships with the national organization. The UF case said Rodrigues memorandum advances unsubstantiated claims that Floridas SJP chapters have violated the states material support for terrorism statute.

By ordering the deactivation of UF SJP on the basis of its constitutionally protected association with an independent group engaged in constitutionally protected speech, the order stifles UF SJPs pro-Palestinian advocacy on campus at a time when the Palestine-Israel conflict is a matter of vital public discourse and concern, the UF lawsuit said. If allowed to take effect, the deactivation order will deprive UF SJP and its members of the resources, platforms and modes of recruitment that enable it to exist and engage in its mission.

The UF lawsuit, filed by American Civil Liberties Union attorneys, said students on public university campuses have the First Amendment right to speak and associate through the formation of student organizations.

The deactivation order denies UF SJP members the right to collectively speak and associate, the lawsuit said. The deactivation order unconstitutionally censors and penalizes UF SJP on the basis of its First Amendment protected association with NSJP (National Students for Justice in Palestine).

During a Nov. 9 Board of Governors meeting, Rodrigues said the next step on the issue was to seek legal guidance to evaluate some of the positions espoused on behalf of the universities and to gather additional information regarding the student groups compliance with laws and policies. Neither the chancellor nor the board indicated an intent or plan to take any further actions in response, the university systems attorneys wrote last week.

But the student groups lawsuits cited fears that deactivation could still occur.

Debates and protests have occurred on campuses across the country after Hamas Oct. 7 attack and as Israel has bombed Gaza in retaliation. Florida leaders have taken numerous steps to show support for Israel during the war.

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Florida disputes the First Amendment lawsuits filed by Students for Justice in Palestine at USF and UF - WMNF

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White People Are Going to Colonize Mars, and Other Fears From Today’s Campuses – Tablet Magazine

Posted: at 6:33 pm

It was a belated awakening. For many American Jews, Oct. 7 uncovered the deep rot in the elite institutions they had invested in for decades, psychically and financially. A recent poll found that 73% of Jewish students experienced or witnessed antisemitic incidents since the beginning of this academic school year, a 22-fold increase over the year before. Jewish students have been punched, spat upon, assaulted with sticks, shouted at, and corralled by students in kaffiyehs.

But it shouldnt have come as a surprise that the DEI regime has fostered the flourishing of campus antisemitism under the Palestinian banner. Having established Jews as members of the oppressor class and defined justice as the dismantling of this class, the officially sanctioned ideology has given license to the Palestinian vanguard to demand fulfillment of the progressive promise, by any means necessary, while turning Jewish students into piatas.

In New York City public colleges, a kippa-wearing, red-headed leprechaun named Ilya Bratmanformer U.S. Army tankist, applied linguist, long-distance runner, and immigrant from the former Soviet Unionhas witnessed up close the socialization of young Americans into this toxic worldview. A teacher of English composition at Baruch and John Jay colleges who holds a Ph.D. in education from the Jewish Theological Seminary, he also serves as executive director of Hillel at eight CUNY and SUNY colleges.

On the day we met, Bratman was hosting dinner for 200 Jewish students at a synagogue on 23rd Street near Lexington Avenue. After passing a phalanx of security guards into a social room, they began filling their plates with grilled meat and salads prepared by Bratmans favorite Georgian caterer.

The narrative of victimhood has become welded to these young peoples identity, leading to a sense of grievance toward America.



After the students use cookie cutters to shape chocolate chip cookie dough into Stars of David, Bratman grabbed a microphone and stepped forward. Last week, everybody was already seated in my 8:00 a.m. class, and a student comes in and she says to me, Wow, I cant believe you bombed that hospital last night and killed all those people.

The social room, for the first time, went dead quiet.

The student of course was referring to deaths and injuries at the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza, whose courtyard was hit on Oct. 17 by a rocket misfired from inside Gaza by Palestinian Islamic Jihad, but which was widely misreported as having been the result of an Israeli missile.

Bratmans reaction, as a teacher, was to affirm the importance of sound reasoning and argumentationand, of course, language. I told her, Wow, I cant believe you forgot completely everything I taught you about the accusative voice and the proper use of the pronoun you, because you just said that I did this, he recounted. I bombed the hospital. What hospital? Where? Who?

He went on. Did you hear that Hamas said they did it? Bratman said he asked the student, referring to a conversation Israel had recorded between two terrorists apparently acknowledging the bombing was an own goal.

The students response was emblematic of the sectarian worldview into which young Americans are regimented, whereby the value, even the truthfulness, of an argument or action is assessed based on the identity of its author, rather than on its own merits. I will never believe that, she told him, even if they came to my face and say, Hamas, we did it. I will never believe it.

Bratman told me the students think hes a fool to read the newspapers and interrogate different sources in search of the truth. They tell him that mainstream media is all fake news, and they get their information from TikTok, which is real people talking about real things. Ive seen it, they tell him. On Instagram, on TikTok, Ive seen it.

They dont read anything. They just read headlines and pictures and memes. And they base their whole worldview on a set of memes.

Ilya Bratman was born in Moscow. He emigrated to the U.S. in 1992 with his parents, graduated from college at the University of Pittsburgh in 1999, then joined the U.S. Army, where he served four years in active duty and four years in the reserves.

Bratman believes strongly in America and the American dream. Teaching American students in New York City has brought him face-to-face with an entirely different worldviewone that appears to be particularly common among students from officially sanctioned minority backgrounds. The students dont appreciate what a gift theyve been given to live in America. Instead, they are lost in a zero-sum game of calculating relative oppressions. This fixation stops them from learning, Bratman believes, in part because it assures them that they will fail.

More on DEI and Campus Antisemitism

In his composition classes, he explained, he tries to get his students to create and support an argument. One week, he asked them to write about space exploration. Should we go to space? Or should we not?

One girl argued in favor of space travel because white people will move to space, maybe to Mars, or wherever, creating a gap, or an opening into which the indigenous brown and black people can move up in the class structure and fill that gap left behind by the white people who will move to Mars.

Theres a lot to unpack there, isnt there? Bratman responded. First of all, the belief in this structure where white people are on top, everybody else on the bottom, and the only way to move up is if the white people leave.

Another girl wrote that no, we should not have space travel because then the white people would colonize the Martian people, as they always do, and ruin the Martians lives.

Bratman said he asked, Does it help you to blame somebody? Do you actually become better? Do you strive further? Do you succeed better because you can blame someone?

He told me the students have no answer, but they know life is a victimhood competition. Im a victim and therefore you owe me, and therefore I dont have to do anything because I cannot succeed.

The narrative of victimhood has become welded to these young peoples identity, leading to an increased detachment from, and a sense of grievance toward, Americathe irony of course being that they and their parents chose to immigrate here. One girl in the class told him: I am here in this country against my will. Bratman asked her: Whos holding you? Tell me, please. Im frightened for you, showcasing his high-energy, high-drama style. Everybodys laughing, and I asked her, Where are you from? And she says, Haiti. OK. And where were you born? And she says, Brooklyn.

So youre actually from Brooklyn. Your parents are from Haiti, he repeated. Whos holding you back? Do you really want to go to Haiti today? You should actually go and see what life is like in a noncapitalist, depressed country that is in a desperate economic struggle. Or go to Gaza to a totalitarian, autocratic, hateful, homophobic nation. Or go to North Korea, go to Iran, go to all the places as a young woman, and see what life is really like.

None of that is understood, he told me. The students are pawns of teachers who want them to believe they can never succeed. And these teachers have been spectacularly successful at convincing them it is true.

Bratman teaches his Jewish students to adopt a different approach to the worldone anchored in tradition, learning, and the study of Jewish texts. At the dinner in the 23rd Street synagogue, he invited the students to let him know if theyd like to join him in studying Pirkei Avot in honor of IDF soldiers called up for duty. He also has a club of about 80 boys who are laying tefillin every day.

Bratman told me that, in spite of the recent stresses, hes not worried about his Jewish students. Ninety-nine point nine percent of them are rational people who go out and get jobs, they get married and I go to their weddings and brises.

But there is something terribly wrong with the others, he believes. A lot of these students, theyre nice, theyre wonderful people, right? But they look at me as a Jew, and say, well, you know, because youre supportive of this Israel story and Israel narrative, you kind of stand with the oppressor, you know, and Im Hispanic or Black and I have to stand with the oppressed. Or Im gay and I have to stand with the oppressed.

Bratmans worry is that these students, by adopting a worldview of grievance, are keeping themselves down with imaginary obstacles and denying their own volition. What they dont understand is that [these invented obstacles] are all surmountable. Its my mission to uplift and empower these young people to actually strive for the opportunities that exist and to dispel the false and limiting idea that its all impossible.

Bratman told me he had a student at John Jay whom he will never forget, a student struggling mightily at school. I had many conversations with him, Bratman said. Id say, come, come on, keep going, keep going. And he said, No, Im thinking of dropping out.

And Im like, no, no, get through this class. I got you. I got you. And I carried him through this course. And on the last day he came to see me, and he said, I dropped out of all the classes except for yours. Everybody in my family, including my mother and my grandparentsI dont know my fathermy uncles and everybody said, What are you doing? Why are you going to college? You can get a job now for $20 an hour, and when you graduate, youre gonna get a job for $20 an hour. Whats the purpose?

Bratman seemed genuinely sadnot angry or offended, just sadabout what he heard next. No one ever believed in me, the student said. I cant believe that the first and only person whos ever believed in me is a white Jew.

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White People Are Going to Colonize Mars, and Other Fears From Today's Campuses - Tablet Magazine

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SpaceX Must Build 1,000 Starships In 10 Years To Reach Mars Goal. So Far, 0 Starships Have Made It To Space – Jalopnik

Posted: at 6:33 pm

Elon Musk is all about leaving Earth behind and heading to Mars on one of his rockets and taking a whole bunch of people with him. Hes previously said that to make regular flights back and forth between Earth and Mars a reality, his company SpaceX would need to build about 1,000 Starships.

According to Bob: Public Transit Is a Car Enthusiast's Best Friend

Thats going to take a while, considering theres only a few Starships in various stages of construction right now and it hasnt you know been to space, let alone Mars. In a recent Twitter (or X, I do not care) post, Musk suggested SpaceX may actually need to build Starships even faster than he initially anticipated to make his weird Mars colony a reality.

To achieve Mars colonization in roughly three decades, we need ship production to be 100/year, but ideally rising to 300/year, Musk wrote on Twitter. That is a shit ton of ships. To put that in perspective, over the past three decades, Boeing has built an average of about 300 of its 737 aircraft per year. Keep in mind, 737s are a lot easier to build than rocket ships meant to go to Mars, and Boeing is really good at building them something SpaceX cannot say at this point about Starship.

The 737s pace of production isnt the only airline-related goal SpaceX is after. Gwynne Shotwell, Musks second in command at the company, said last year that engineers have ...designed Starship to be as much like aircraft operations as we possibly can get it We want to talk about dozens of launches a day, if not hundreds of launches a day, Ars Technica reports. This needs to happen for SpaceX so it can lift millions of tons of equipment into space for a theoretical Mars settlement. Many of the launches will reportedly be Starship refueling tankers needed to make the interplanetary trip a reality. Think of them like space gas stations in a way.

Heres how Musk and SpaceX plan to make the Starship and Super Heavy booster work over and over again and what exactly theyll be used for, according to Ars Technica:

SpaceX still aims to make the Starship and its Super Heavy booster rapidly reusable. The crux is that the ship, the part that would travel into orbit, and eventually to the Moon or Mars, wont be reused as often as the booster. These ships will come in a number of different configurations, including crew and cargo transports, refueling ships, fuel depots, and satellite deployers.

The booster design will be the same across the different types of ships in the fleet. The Super Heavy, with more than 30 Raptor engines, will also return to SpaceXs launch sites about six minutes after liftoff, similar to the way SpaceX recovers its Falcon boosters today. Theoretically, Musk wrote, the booster could be ready for another flight in an hour.

With the Starship itself, the laws of physics and the realities of geography come into play. SpaceX will initially have Super Heavy and Starship launch and landing pads in South Texas and Cape Canaveral, Florida, although the company has flirted with the idea of offshore launch and landing platforms.

As an object flies in low-Earth orbit, the Earth rotates underneath it. This means that a satellite, or Starship, will find itself offset some 22.5 degrees in longitude from its launch site after a single 90-minute orbit around the planet. It could take several hours, or up to a day, for a Starship in low-Earth orbit to line up with one of the recovery sites.

The ship needs to complete at least one orbit, but often several to have the ground track line abc up with the launch site, so reuse may only be daily, Musk wrote, according to Ars Technica. This means that ship production needs to be roughly an order of magnitude higher than booster production.

Despite Musks general shittiness and desire to overpromise and underdeliver, Ars Technica says hes actually been fairly level-headed when it comes to SpaceX. Hell, hes even apparently said his schedule predictions are often aspirations. Yeah bud, you think?

Only time will tell if Musks goals for SpaceX can happen. His past successes and failures have had about as wide a range as the companies hes owned. Will Mars travel end up like the Tesla Supercharger network which is pretty much the gold standard of charging right now? Or will it end up like his underground Las Vegas tunnels which are really just a joke at this point?

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SpaceX Must Build 1,000 Starships In 10 Years To Reach Mars Goal. So Far, 0 Starships Have Made It To Space - Jalopnik

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Putin’s ‘peace’ is a partitioned Ukraine – The Spectator

Posted: at 6:33 pm

Is Vladimir Putin trying to end his war in Ukraine? According to recent reports, the Kremlin has launched a new back-channel diplomacy to reach out to senior officials in the Joe Biden administration. Putins message: to signal that he could accept a ceasefire that freezes the fighting along current lines.

Reactions to the story have been furious. Some Ukrainians, sheltering from Russias biggest-ever missile and drone assaults of the war over Christmas, saw it as evidence of a nefarious Washington insider plot to sell Kyiv down the river. President Volodymyr Zelensky dismissed Putins initiative as disingenuous, saying that he saw no sign Russia genuinely wanted to negotiate. We just see brazen willingness to kill, he told the New York Times.

Even Zaluzhny has admitted that a magical breakthrough to reconquer its lost territories was unrealistic

In one sense, Zelensky is right: Putins ceasefire proposal will lock in Russias military gains, allow Putin to claim victory, reward aggression and effectively partition Ukraine. Nor does Putins reported offer to talk show any real willingness to compromise. We have repeatedly proved that we are able to solve the most difficult tasks and will never retreat, because there is no force that can divide us, Putin told his nation in his New Years address hardly the words of a man preparing any kind of climbdown.

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Putin's 'peace' is a partitioned Ukraine - The Spectator

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Russia’s War on Woke: Putin Is Trying to Unite the Far Right and Undermine the West – Foreign Affairs Magazine

Posted: at 6:33 pm

In March of this year, Russia will hold presidential elections. The contest, like ones past, will be highly choreographed, and its outcome is preordained. President Vladimir Putin, who has ruled Russia for more than 23 years, will dominate the race from the beginning. Every media outlet in Russia will promote his candidacy and praise his performance. His nominal opponents will, in fact, be government loyalists lined up to make the contest appear competitive. When all the ballots are counted, he will easily win.

Yet even though the election will be a farce, it is worth watching. That is because it is an opportunity for Putin to signal his plans for the next six years and, relatedly, to test different messaging strategies. Analysts can therefore expect him to do two main things. One is to play up Russias struggle against the West. But the other is something that Westerners will find familiar from domestic politics: decrying socially liberal, or woke, policies. Putin will, for example, talk a lot about family values, arguing that Russians should have traditional two-parent households with lots of children. He will denounce the so-called LGBT movement as a foreign campaign to undermine Russian life. And he will rail against abortions, even though most Russians support the right to have them.

The parallels with the American right are not coincidental. Putin and his advisers have adopted the views and rhetoric of conservative American firebrands, such as anchors on the Fox News channel. The Kremlin has done so because, by embracing the culture wars, it believes it can win over support from populist politicians in Washington and elsewhere. In fact, Russia has already won international right-wing fans. Conservative leaders across the United States and Europe, including former U.S. President Donald Trump, have praised Putin. Some of them have suggested they are happy to compromise over Ukraines future.

Putins far-right rhetoric and policies are thus a form of statecraft. By championing such causes, the president appears to believe he can undermine Western societies from within. He likely thinks he can thereby tear down the rules-based international order. And he probably hopes he can replace it with a new, conservative global system with the Kremlin at its center.

When Putin first came to power, he was not a culture warrior. In fact, until 2012, the Kremlin was driven by a moderate agenda. Under his first deputy chief of staff, Vladislav Surkov, Putin focused on economic development. Although Surkov was an apologist for Putins authoritarian system, he did not despise queer people, immigrants, or women. Instead, he believed that the best base of support for Putin would be cosmopolitan middle-class voters, who tend to be relatively socially liberal.

But Surkovs theory was incorrect. Russias middle class may have supported Putin at first, but as his rule dragged on and became increasingly autocratic, this demographic became critical of the president. During his run for a third presidential term in 2012, hundreds of thousands of middle-class Russians even took to the streets in protest.

Putin won nonetheless. But the demonstrations were a turning point in how he thought about power. He felt betrayed, so he sidelined Surkov. His new chief political strategist, Vyacheslav Volodin, was a conservative ideologue who prompted Putin to focus on enlisting the support of Russias poor and its working class, who were considered more religious and conservative. As a result, Putins rhetoric and policies began to shift away from the economy and the middle class and toward cultural issues, playing up so-called traditional values and skewering a supposedly decadent West.

One of the first symbols of this reversal was a 2013 law, passed and signed at Volodins suggestion, that banned LGBTQ propaganda. In effect, the bill made it illegal for the media to describe nontraditional relationships in a positive fashion, and it banned gay characters from appearing in movies or television shows that might be viewed by anyone under 18. The law was not the only way Putins new regime worked to stigmatize the queer community. Kremlin-controlled media outlets also began branding LGBTQ people as both dangerous to society and inherently sinful. In August 2013, for example, Dmitry Kiselyov, the host of Russian state televisions evening news show, demanded that the government ban heart transplants from gay men killed in accidents. Instead, he said, their hearts should be burned.

At the time, such vitriol was still unusual in Russia, so Kiselyovs statements created a scandal. But Putin seemed happy. In December 2013, he created a new state-owned news agency and named Kiselyov its head. Kiselyovs promotion helped symbolize the changing nature of Russias media outlets. Before Putins third term, state television was dull and sedate. In 2012, however, state broadcasters began behaving as if they were on Fox News, the right-wing U.S. television channel known for drumming up outrage. According to a senior former official in Russian state television, who asked to remain anonymous out of concern about his safety, journalists were told to watch and mimic what they saw on the channel. Kiselyov, for his part, started acting like the Fox News star Bill OReilly, who was famous for his angry diatribes. That OReilly was no fan of Putinhe once called Russias president the devilwas of no concern to Russian anchors. What mattered, as the former official told me, was that OReilly had the flames of hatred bursting from his eyes: his news programs were exciting, with fury, fights, and shouting. Now, so were Kiselyovs.

The state broadcaster was not the only Russian outlet to borrow from Fox News. At the end of 2013, Jack Hanick, a longtime Fox News producer, came to Russia to help the businessman Konstantin Malofeev launch Tsargrad TV, a private far-right channel with ties to the Russian Orthodox Church. In the spring of 2014, Malofeev funded Igor Girkin, then a Russian military commander, as Girkin helped lead Russias invasion of eastern Ukraine.

Ironically, and much like many conservative politicians in the United States, Russias leaders are hardly paragons of right-wing principles. Putin, for instance, divorced his wife in 2014. Putin has not remarried, but he appears to have been involved with Alina Kabaeva, the former Olympic rhythmic gymnastics champion, since at least 2008. They are widely thought to have children together.

Many of Putins cronies are also divorced. Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin divorced his first wife in 2011 and his second in 2017. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin divorced in 2014. Arkady Rotenberg, Putins close friend and a major Russian businessman, divorced in 2013. If these were Soviet times, the separations would have damaged these mens careers; the Soviet Communist Party was ardently against divorce. But today, separations do not matter at all. Russia has, for many years, been among the world champions in divorce. Its current rate3.9 divorces per 1,000 inhabitantsis one of the highest in the world, well above the global average of 1.8. (The rate in the United States is 2.5.)

Putins culture war has not stopped at Russias borders. Beginning in the 2010s, for example, Russian politicians and propagandists began to bemoan the influx of migrants and refugees into Europe, declaring that the continent had lost its identity, culture, and spirituality to people from Africa and the Middle East. Many Euro-Atlantic countries have actually gone down the path of abandoning their roots, including Christian values that form the basis of Western civilization, Putin declared in a 2013 speech. Europeans, he said, have been unable to ensure the integration of foreign languages and foreign cultural elements into their societies.

Moscow has also waded into U.S. politics. When the Black Lives Matter movement took off in 2020, the Kremlin said the cause was a catastrophe for the United States. American elites themselves undermine the statehood of their country, Nikolai Patrushev, the secretary of Russias security council, said in an article. They use street movements in their own interests. They flirt with marginalized people who rob stores under noble slogans. Patrushev even suggested that there were places in the United States where whites are forbidden to enter, and local gangs will take over the police functions. Such remarks could easily have been written by the right-wing media personality and former Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson.

Moscows anti-woke diatribes have, of course, come to feature Ukraine. In a 2022 speech celebrating Russias illegal annexation of four Ukrainian regions, Putin avowed that his country was fighting to protect our children and our grandchildren from sexual deviation and satanism. In this view, Kyiv is now a vehicle for the West, spreading its corrupt liberal values into Russias rightful sphere of influence, and Moscows aggression is actually a defense of tradition. It is a way to make sure that every Russian child would have a mom and dad, not parent number one, parent number two, and parent number three, as Putin put it in September 2022.

In the Kremlins view, trans peoplethe supposed parent number one, parent number two, and parent number threeare especially threatening. As a result, they are now the target of extremely repressive legislation. In July, Russia passed a hastily drafted bill that banned hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery. It also prohibited people from changing their gender identification on passports, annulled any marriage in which one person has changed gender, and deprived transgender adults of the right to adopt children.

At a Russian Supreme Court hearing on whether to designate the LGBT movement as extremist, Moscow, November 2023

Gay cisgender Russians have not been quite so marginalized. But they have faced heavy repression, as well. In November, the Russian Ministry of Justice pronounced the international LGBT social movement to be an extremist organization and banned it. This law might seem to be of little consequence, given that there is no such formal movement. But in practice, the move has criminalized any show of support for gay rights and the very act of being gay in public. Today, any outward display of queer behavior in Russia can lead to a prison sentence of at least five years.

Moscows new right-wing measures are not just targeted at LGBTQ Russians. The Kremlin has also launched attacks on women, in part by promoting restrictions on abortion. At a recent public event, both Putin and Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, criticized abortion, arguing that the country needed more native-born Russians to prevent the country from being overrun by migrants. At the end of the event, both leaders listened as a mother of ten made an orchestrated call to ban the procedure.

So far, no one has drafted a bill outlawing abortion, and the speaker of the Russian Senate, Valentina Matvienko, has promised that the country will not totally ban the right to choose. But regional governments have started prohibiting private clinics from offering abortions. Such restrictions on private clinics might expand in the years ahead.

Putins right-wing policies may play well at home, helping to justify his continued rule and the invasion of Ukraine. But domestic politics alone cannot explain his war on wokeand not just because it includes attacks on European immigration and the racial justice movement in the United States. Contrary to what Putin suggests, Russia is not a fundamentally conservative society. According to surveys by the Levada Center, for example, only one percent of Russians attend church weekly, and more than 65 percent of Russians say that religion does not play a significant role in their lives. According to other Levada surveys, roughly 65 percent of Russians support the right to abortion. Transgender people, meanwhile, make up only a tiny fraction of the countrys populace. Before Putin launched his attacks, they attracted almost no public attention.

Instead, Putins rants appear to be aimed less at a domestic audience and more at right-wingers abroad. They seem to be targeted at Europe and North America in particular, the two places where Moscow has lost the most support over Putins last decade in power. In both regions, mainstream leaders who have isolated Moscow are struggling to fight off insurgent right-wing politicians who support ostensibly Christian values. Increasingly, these populist conservatives are winning. And by embracing their rhetoric, Putin believes he can gain their support and, with it, find a way to improve Russias international position.

It is easy to see why the Kremlin believes such an approach is necessaryand why it will succeed. After Russia occupied Crimea in 2014, the West slapped sanctions on the country, and Putin found it harder (although not impossible) to do business with his usual partners in Europe. But the continents far right remained receptive. The French right-wing leader Marine Le Pen, for example, praised the annexation. She has also asserted that Putin is looking after the interests of his own country and defending its identity. Russian banks, perhaps not coincidentally, have provided loans to her party. It has proved to be a smart investment: In 2017 and 2022, Le Pen was the runner-up in Frances presidential elections.

Le Pen is hardly the only conservative Western politician who developed a loose alliance with the Kremlin. The surging far-right party Alternative for Germany has also been warmly received by the Kremlin, and many of that partys senior officials have spoken fondly of Moscow. One regional leader, for instance, described Putin as an authentic guy, a real man with a healthy framework of values. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who likes to rail against woke policies and the LGBTQ community, has become a committed Putin partner. Orban even blocked European Union aid to Kyiv, aiding Moscows war efforts.

But none of these parties or politicians is as valuable to Putin as former U.S. President Donald Trump. As a candidate and as president, Trump repeatedly complimented Putin, and should Trump win power again in 2024, he has suggested he might stop aiding Ukraine. Trump himself has never cited Putins policies as the reason he likes Russias presidentinstead, he has pointed to Putins supposed strengthbut Trumps advisers have. Steve Bannon, Trumps onetime chief strategist, praised Russias president for being anti-woke. Carlson, perhaps Trumps foremost media booster, delivered a speech in Budapest in which he said that U.S. elites hate Russia because it is a Christian country.

For Putin, then, far-right policies and rhetoric are an effective means of building international support. He is, in essence, forming a kind of Far-Right International, similar to the Communist International, which promoted the Soviet revolution in the first half of the twentieth century. As with the Soviet Union, which never practiced communisms philosophical tenets, it does not matter that Putin and his entourage violate their espoused principles. What matters is that those principles help him gain friends and undermine the liberal order.

Even if Putins vision does not come to full fruition, a far-right international would help strengthen his hand. He hopes that it might prompt Western states to weaken sanctions, for example, or to cut back on support for Kyiv. The result might be a more durable Kremlin regime. And for Putin, that in itself would be a win.

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Russia's War on Woke: Putin Is Trying to Unite the Far Right and Undermine the West - Foreign Affairs Magazine

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Putin’s Drive to Rewrite History Snares a Retired Lithuanian Judge – The New York Times

Posted: at 6:33 pm

When the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant last year for President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, a Moscow court launched a surprise counterattack: It ordered the arrest of a 70-year-old retired judge in Lithuania.

The judge, Kornelija Maceviciene, was not connected in any way to the case against Mr. Putin in The Hague or to investigations into Russian war crimes in Ukraine.

Her crime, as the Moscow court sees it, was handing down unjust guilty verdicts against former Soviet officers, nearly all Russians, for their role in a brutal crackdown against pro-independence protesters who had gathered at a television tower in Vilnius, the Lithuanian capital, on Jan. 13, 1991.

In a bloody episode that helped seal the demise of Soviet power, 14 protesters one of them a young woman crushed by a tank were killed and hundreds of others were injured when Soviet forces stormed the tower in an abortive last-ditch attempt to prevent Lithuania from escaping Moscows grip.

After examining copious evidence showing who in 1991 gave the orders to use deadly force and who carried them out, Ms. Maceviciene and two fellow judges ruled in 2019 that scores of Russians, along with a few Ukrainians and Belarusians, were guilty of crimes against humanity, war crimes and other offenses.

That has put her in the sights of Russian authorities beholden to Mr. Putins view that the collapse of the Soviet Union brought about the unjust disintegration of historical Russia a preoccupation that lies at the heart of his military assault on Ukraine.

Setting the historical record straight as Mr. Putin sees it hinges on reframing the demise of Soviet power as a tragic injustice in which Russians were innocent victims, never perpetrators, of violent crimes in defense of Moscows empire.

And doing that requires overturning, or at least discrediting, guilty verdicts handed down by Ms. Maceviciene in Lithuania against the former Soviet military and security officers.

Ms. Macevicienes verdict was clearly unjust, according to an August ruling by the Basmanny District Court in Moscow that ordered her immediate arrest. Two fellow judges and the lead Lithuanian prosecutor in the Vilnius television tower case have also been declared criminals and placed on Russias wanted list for persecuting Russians.

In an interview in Vilnius, Ms. Maceviciene voiced disbelief and alarm that, more than three decades after the bloodshed at the television tower, Russia was now trying to edit out uncomfortable facts and punish her for adjudicating on the events of 1991.

I really cant figure out their logic, she said. The facts of the case are clear.

Saulius Guzevicius, a former special forces commander and an expert on hybrid threats, said Russias pursuit in recent months of judges and prosecutors had sharply escalated a yearslong campaign to rewrite the history of 1991 and discredit us as fascists.

They are sending us a message: We never forget those who went against us, Mr. Guzevicius said. During the Vilnius showdown in 1991, he was part of a security detail assembled by pro-independence activists to protect the Lithuanian legislature.

Under Mr. Putin, Russia has gone to extraordinary lengths to present itself as a guilt-free victim of Western powers and foreign fascists, rewriting history textbooks and punishing historians who delve into Moscows past crimes.

Yuri Dmitriev, an amateur historian in northwestern Russia who found a mass grave containing hundreds of people killed by Stalins secret police, was jailed for 13 years in 2020 on what his family dismissed as trumped-up pedophilia charges. Pro-Kremlin historians claimed, against all evidence, that the bodies include many Soviet soldiers killed by Finnish fascists.

Lithuania, dragooned into the Soviet Union in 1940, was the first Soviet Republic to declare independence from Moscow, setting an example in March 1990 that was later followed by Ukraine and 13 others.

For Mr. Putin, that process, which resulted in the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991, was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century.

Lithuanias efforts to hold accountable those who took part in the 1991 killings in Vilnius began with a trial in 1996 of six Lithuanians who had collaborated with the Soviet military.

The case expanded rapidly after a 2010 change in Lithuanian law to allow defendants to be tried in absentia. That opened the way for scores of former Soviet military and K.G.B. officers sheltering in Russia to be charged and judged by a Lithuanian court.

Of the 67 defendants convicted in 2019 by Ms. Maceviciene and fellow judges, only two appeared in the dock: Yuri Mel, a Russian tank commander; and Gennady Ivanov, another Russian officer in the Soviet military.

The others, including the former Soviet defense minister Marshal Dmitri T. Yazov, were found guilty in absentia of using military acts against civilians prohibited by international humanitarian law and sentenced to years in jail. Marshal Yazov died in Moscow a few months later aged 95.

Vilmantas Vitkauskas, director of the National Crisis Management Center in Lithuania, said that Moscow had no real expectation of getting its hands on Lithuanian judges and prosecutors and was engaged in a psychological operation aimed at spreading fear and caution to deter others from trying to hold Russian citizens to account.

Among those Russia wants to frighten off, he said, are Lithuanian prosecutors and police officers active in international investigations into war crimes in Ukraine. They are sending a signal: Dont mess with Russia, he said.

Russia has also opened criminal cases against three judges and the chief prosecutor in The Hague involved in the case against Mr. Putin.

For Lithuania, a Baltic nation that shares a border with the Russian region of Kaliningrad, getting the facts straight about 1991 is a matter not only of defending the countrys origin story of heroic, peaceful resistance but also of national security.

Like other formerly Soviet lands, Lithuania has always had a few citizens who lament the end of Moscows rule. But the war in Ukraine has turned what used to be seen as a mostly harmless fringe into a source of serious concern.

Russias full-scale invasion, justified on the pretext that Moscow had a duty to protect Ukrainians from fascism, has stoked deep alarm in Baltic States that pro-Kremlin groups, no matter how small, could call for help from Moscow. That is what happened in 1991 when a so-called Citizens Committee, made up of Soviet loyalists in Lithuania, pleaded for Moscow to intervene to crush fascists pushing for independence.

A Vilnius court last year ordered the liquidation on security grounds of the Good Neighbors Forum, a tiny grouping of mostly leftist activists seeking good relations with Moscow and the departure of NATO troops.

Erika Svencioniene, a member of the forum, was charged in December with endangering national security by helping Russia and Belarus and their organizations to act against the Republic of Lithuania. In an interview in her hometown, Jieznas, in southern Lithuania, she denied working against her country and accused the West of luring it into needless confrontation with Russia.

We were given Western sweets but they turned out to be very bitter, Ms. Svencioniene said. I know there is no democracy in my country, she added.

Algirdas Paleckis, co-founder of the forum, is a former leftist member of Parliament whose grandfather served as the puppet leader of Soviet-occupied Lithuania in the 1940s.

Before being found guilty in 2021 of spying for Russia, the grandson was at the forefront of a Russia-orchestrated campaign to deny that Soviet military personnel were responsible for the 1991 bloodshed. He insisted that Lithuanian nationalists had secretly sent snipers to the television tower to shoot their own supporters.

As Mr. Putin took an increasingly authoritarian and nationalistic turn over the past decade, Moscow moved beyond defensive denials and went on the offensive, with Russias intelligence service collecting confidential information about Lithuanian prosecutors and judges involved in the television tower case.

Among its helpers on the ground was Mr. Paleckis, who was jailed for five and a half years for espionage after he was found to have collected information at the behest of Russian intelligence about where prosecutors lived and other personal data. He denied working for Russia and said that he had been collecting information for a book.

Simonas Slapsinskas, one of the prosecutors targeted by Russian intelligence, said that he was unnerved by an announcement in September by the Russian news agency Tass that he was wanted by Moscow to face criminal charges over his persecution of those involved in storming the television tower.

He has stopped traveling abroad, he said, and confined family holidays to the territory of Lithuania. The whole family has had to restrict its movements, he said.

Ms. Maceviciene, the retired judge, has also curtailed her travels.

She said she was dismayed that Russia would try to overturn well-established facts. Of her own position as a target for Russian revenge, she added, I dont know whether to cry or be proud.

Tomas Dapkus contributed reporting.

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Putin Vows to Keep Up Bombardment After a Russian City Is Hit – The New York Times

Posted: at 6:33 pm

President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia vowed on Monday to continue missile strikes on Ukrainian cities, in retaliation for what he called a terror attack on the Russian city of Belgorod last week.

They want to scare us, to create a certain uncertainty inside the country, Mr. Putin said during a televised meeting with the veterans of the war in Ukraine. From our side, we will build up the strikes.

Mr. Putins rare public comments about an attack on the Russian territory comes as his armed forces in recent days have pummeled Ukrainian cities with some of the largest rocket strikes since the start of the invasion, and as both sides look for ways to break a stalemate on the battlefield.

The cycle of strikes and retaliation is raising fears of escalating civilian casualties in the conflict, which began in February 2022.

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Putin lauds Russian unity in his New Year’s address – POLITICO

Posted: at 6:33 pm

Returning to tradition after speaking flanked by soldiers last year, Putin delivered his address to the nation against the backdrop of a snowy Kremlin. In remarks carried by RIA Novosti, he described 2023 as a year marked by high levels of unity in Russian society.

What united us and unites us is the fate of the Fatherland, a deep understanding of the highest significance of the historical stage through which Russia is passing, the president said. He also lauded Russian citizens solidarity, mercy and fortitude.

The nearly 2-year-old war in Ukraine was front and center in the address, with Putin directly addressing Russias armed forces involved in what the Kremlin has termed its special military operation in the neighboring country.

We are proud of you, you are heroes, you feel the support of the entire people, the president said. According to state media, he emphasized that Russia would never retreat and asserted there was no force that could divide Russians and stop the countrys development.

The address broadcast comes a day after shelling in the center of the Russian border city of Belgorod Saturday killed 24 people, including three children. Another 108 people were wounded, Belgorod Gov. Vyacheslav Gladkov said Sunday, making the attack one with the most casualties on Russian soil since the start of Moscows invasion of Ukraine 22 months ago.

As last year, New Years celebrations were toned down in Moscow, with the traditional fireworks and concert on Red Square canceled. After the shelling in Belgorod, local authorities in the Pacific port city of Vladivostok and other places across Russia also canceled their usual New Years firework displays.

Dmitry Medvedev, the deputy secretary of Russias Security Council and former Russian president, also congratulated Russians on the New Year. In video remarks posted to Telegram, he said that thoughts and hearts are with those at the front and that the past year had required a special stability and unity, and true patriotism from Russia.

Medvedev also called on Russians to make 2024 the year of the final defeat of neo-fascism, repeating Putins claims of invading Ukraine to fight neo-Nazis. The Holocaust, World War II and Nazism have been important rhetorical tools for Putin in his bid to legitimize Russias military actions in Ukraine, but historians see their use as disinformation and a cynical ploy to further his aims.

Analysts are describing 2023 as largely a positive year for Putin.

Its been a good year; I would even actually call it a great year for the Russian leader, said Mathieu Boulegue, a consulting fellow for the Russia-Eurasia program at Chatham House think tank in London.

Moscow in May won the fight for the bombed-out Ukrainian city of Bakhmut after the longest and bloodiest battle of the war. In june, Putin defused a revolt against him and reasserted his hold on the Kremlin. A Ukrainian counteroffensive against Russia started with high hopes but ended in disappointment.

As he enters 2024, Putin is wagering that the Wests support for Ukraine will gradually crumble due to political divisions, war fatigue and other diplomatic demands, such as Chinas menacing of Taiwan and war in the Middle East.

Putin is seeking reelection in a March 17 presidential election that he is all but certain to win. Under constitutional reforms he orchestrated, the 71-year-old leader is eligible to seek two more six-year terms after his current term expires, potentially allowing him to remain in power until 2036.

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