Daily Archives: December 19, 2023

Maudlin Strangers unveil intense alt rock banger Im Not In The Right Mind [Video] – EARMILK

Posted: December 19, 2023 at 1:34 am

Indie rock band Maudlin Strangers have returned with Im Not In The Right Mind. The song is shared alongside a music video and marks the return of the band after a hiatus.

Im Not In The Right Mind is all about the destructive cycle of addiction. Whether it be drugs, alcohol, a toxic relationship, work and more, distractions we use to numb our emotions can often become debilitating and not healthy. Lyrics including, "I don't want to care right now / I just want to fade out / I'm stuck inside a thought so loud / and I can get out / why does it feel so good / way better than it should," show how he realizes he is in an unhealthy pattern using something to cope with life's hardships. Sonically, the irresistible song features crunchy bass-heavy guitar riffs, and heat pumping drums under lead singer Jake Hays' enthralling vocals. Elements of dark wave, alt rock and indie pop weave together for a must listen to track. The accompanying music video cuts between the dynamic performance of the band to a photographer who inflicts pain and suffering on those she shoots. With every click of the camera, her subject is left in more misery as the photographer is a metaphor for our unhealthy addictions ultimately harming us.

Maudlin Strangers began in 2010 by Los Angeles singer, songwriter and musician Jake Hays. Finding success and building a dedicated fanbase, the outfit toured alongside popular rock bands Bad Suns and Cold War Kids. After taking a hiatus with Hays dedicating time to producing other bands and acting, Maudlin Strangers returned this year with a new lineup including original member Richie Gonzales (drums), Alexander "Schmorgle" Morgan (guitar/keys) and Drew Bruchs (bass) alongside Jake Hays. Check out Im Not In The Right Mind and listen to one of the best releases this year.

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Maudlin Strangers unveil intense alt rock banger Im Not In The Right Mind [Video] - EARMILK

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US election: how populists encourage blind mistrust and how to push back – The Conversation

Posted: at 1:34 am

Populism is booming. The first US Republican primary is only weeks away and former president Donald Trump, who is a master of populist techniques, commands substantial support. Meanwhile one in three Europeans are now voting for populist parties.

My colleagues and I carried out research of politicians and news media in the US, UK, and Australia that revealed a significant populist strategy to present elites such as opposition politicians, lawyers and civil servants as setting out to misinform and manipulate the public.

At the heart of liberal democracy lies the principle of pluralism, that there are diverse views on how society should work and that numerous institutions operate independently to balance competing interests. For this principle to work, its important that the public trust that these diverse voices act in good faith.

However, populists seek to chip away at this by accusing a wide variety of organisations as either being run by elites, or working as agents of elite interests.

The specifics may vary depending on the national context, such as who exactly the elites are and why they supposedly collude. But the overall function remains the same: to discredit democratic institutions or the media.

This is because when people see institutions such as the judiciary, the media and universities as connected to them and working for the good of the public, the more likely they are to listen to or trust them.

This might sound familiar as prominent populist, Donald Trump, has regularly spoken of witch hunts and the deep state, making these central to his efforts to deflect accountability for his past actions as he heads for the 2024 Republican nomination for US president.

But this is not a new strategy for him. In his 2016 presidential bid, Trump often spoke of special interests in control who rigged the political and economic system and criticised various organisations of secretly working to undermine him.

In our research, my colleagues and I argued that this technique is so widespread because its psychological functions are to again erode social trust in democratic institutions. Its also important to note that the idea of elite collusion storylines and terminology are not easily addressed by using fact-based responses because they are not centred on what the information is, but rather, on who conveys the information.

Populists often present themselves as someone who truly works in the public interest, and fighting for the rights of the outsider or normal working people. For politicians, this can help propel them to power. It can also help cultivate an idea of shared experiences, such as when Trump recently claimed both he and the public suffered from the elites working against them.

However, buying into this populist way of thinking limits the range of information sources or media outlets that people can engage with or trust. Regardless of how convincing arguments may be or how robust their evidence may seem these others are then to be seen as enemies.

Its important, of course, not to have blind trust in every claim made by established democractic institutions. They can get things wrong, they can be biased, or cause significant harm.

Yet, voters should be equally wary of falling into a state of blind mistrust, where they reject anything a group or organisation says because they are labelled the elite.

But it is exactly this kind of generalised, extreme scepticism that populists such as Trump and another Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy try to cultivate.

There is a further danger in adopting this worldview because this idea of colluding with elites, whether they are opposition politicians, academics, writers or civil servants, is a key part of how populists justify dismantling democratic checks and balances.

A case in point is Hungarys prime minister, Viktor Orbn. His partys electoral rhetoric repeatedly lambasted national institutions such as universities and the state broadcaster as mouthpieces of powerful elites. Then, when they came to power, they worked to take direct control of these institutions.

As the US approaches the Republican primary season, and the long run towards the November election, this should serve as a significant warning.

Investigative journalists have exposed Trumpite proposals to remove democratic checks and balances and eliminate independent institutions through partisan appointments should he win in 2024. However, it is crucial to also see that, in an echo of Orbn, use of anti-elite talking points are a central part of populist candidates justification for taking control.

Not everyone who votes for populist parties harbours anti-democratic or anti-liberal sentiments. They can be critical citizens who value democracy. However, such individuals may be unaware that, despite populisms self-proclaimed role as the champion of the will of the people, it subtly undermines fundamental pillars of liberal democracies.

So, there is an opportunity to reach out to those who may be sympathetic to populist politics but could reject it if they grasped the full implications of, for instance, Trumps relentless attempts to undermine the US legal system before the 2024 election. To educate people about the impact of populist agendas could empower them to dismiss or question populist language.

Recent studies have demonstrated that educating people about the manipulative tactics employed by politicians and those with a political objective, whether its climate change pseudoscience or fake news, significantly reduces their effectiveness.

As the US gears up for the 2024 election, its crucial for people to understand how populists cultivate blind mistrust of independent institutions. By fostering this understanding, theres an opportunity to appeal to voters who lean towards populist politics. Getting them to recognise the potential dangers to liberal democracy could encourage choices at the ballot box that aim to safeguard democratic values.

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US election: how populists encourage blind mistrust and how to push back - The Conversation

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Lessons from the Netherlands on the rise of the populist radical right – UK in a Changing Europe

Posted: at 1:34 am

Lonie de Jonge and Stijn van Kessel analyse the outcome of the recent Dutch elections and the success of the far-right Party for Freedom, highlighting that mainstream parties and the media play a role in the rise of populist radical right parties.

In the recent Dutch parliamentary elections, Geert Wilderss Party for Freedom (PVV) emerged as the largest party, securing an impressive 37 out of 150 parliamentary seats and garnering nearly a quarter of the votes. While the landslide victory of the PVV is substantial (particularly by the standards of the fragmented Dutch political landscape), its not unprecedented in the European context.

The PVV forms part of a cohort of far-right parties belonging to the populist radical right (PRR) that have gained prominence across Europe over the past decades. In recent elections, similar parties have made significant electoral gains in countries like Sweden, Italy, Finland, and Switzerland. In all of these countries, PRR parties have either entered government or offered parliamentary support for minority coalitions.

The PVV is characterised by nativism, authoritarianism, and populism, making it a textbook case of a PRR party. The PVV party manifesto is steeped in anti-immigrant rhetoric, advocating for stringent border controls to thwart off the alleged tsunami of asylum seekers. It promotes a ban on all Islamic schools, Qurans and mosques. In line with its authoritarian outlook, the PVV embraces law and order and demands increased allocation of resources to law enforcement. Finally, the party is also unmistakably populist: Wilders presents himself as the defender of ordinary people against a morally corrupt left-liberal elite.

Although the PVV assumes explicitly far-right positions, its supporters are not uniformly aligned with those views. In fact, research shows that the support base is heterogeneous, thereby debunking the stereotypical view of the poorly-educated angry white man. So why did nearly a quarter of Dutch voters cast their ballots for the PVV?

The success of this party (and PRR parties elsewhere) is a matter of demand and supply. On the one hand, there needs to be a breeding ground; in other words, sufficient voters who are susceptible to far-right ideas (demand). On the other hand, there needs to be a credible political contender that can translate lingering demand into actual voters (supply).

Voter demand

PRR parties across Europe primarily attract voters based on their core themes, namely: opposition to immigration and multiculturalism. Their voters are often characterised by a mix of populist anti-elite attitudes and support for anti-immigration stances. However, socio-economic issues were also high on the agenda in the run-up to the Dutch elections. Bestaanszekerheid (which roughly translates into existential security) was perhaps the key term of these elections.

The PVV linked this theme to immigration, for instance by attributing the housing crisis to the supposed prioritisation of asylum seekers. By using a so-called welfare-chauvinist discourse, Wilders appealed to voters who seek economic protection by the state (thereby essentially competing with left-wing parties), but who are culturally more conservative. Previous research indicates that there is a substantial electoral potential here: in the Netherlands (and beyond), many voters combine socio-economically left-wing views with culturally right-wing positions.

The fact that many of these voters cast their ballots for PRR parties suggests that the left struggles to reach this segment of the electorate. In the most recent Dutch elections, the left indeed experienced significant electoral losses, partly in favour of the newcomer party, New Social Contract, led by former Christian democrat Pieter Omtzigt.

However, there was no massive electoral exodus from the left to the right; in fact, most voters tend to move between ideologically similar parties. It is therefore mistaken to characterise the Dutch vote as a drastic shift to the right. In reality, voters attitudes and stances are fairly stable, and the breeding ground for the far right has existed for years. To explain why so many people voted for Wilders this time, we also need to look at the supply side.

Party supply

Mainstream parties tend to portray themselves as victims who are suffering the consequences of the success of PRR parties, but they actually play an important role in their rise. Voters respond to what the political supply side has on offer. Over the past decades, PRR parties politicised new socio-cultural divisions by focussing on themes like immigration, multiculturalism, and security. Centre-right parties have tapped into these themes, fearing electoral competition and aiming to regain or attract support.

Research indicates that when mainstream parties adopt far-right themes, it often boosts support for PRR parties. This was evident in the Dutch election, where the PVV attracted many voters from the conservative-liberal VVD in particular.

Early on in the campaign the VVD signalled openness to govern with the PVV. The new party leader, Dilan Yeilgz, thereby broke with the policy of her predecessor, Mark Rutte. This signalled to voters that the PVV was a credible political contender with coalition potential. At the same time, the VVD chose to campaign on migration a theme that voters primarily associate with the PVV. We know that when mainstream parties and the media focus on themes that are owned by the far right, it tends to increase support for these parties.

The milder rhetoric and willingness to compromise that Wilders displayed during the campaign will also have persuaded some to vote for the radical right instead of the centre right. (Though anyone who reads the PVV election manifesto will see that there are few discernible differences from previous editions.)

The media also played an important role in mainstreaming Wilders. For example, the public broadcasters childrens TV news programme showed Wilders visiting an animal shelter with young kittens. The item, titled Cuddling cats with Geert Wilders, was widely shared and is perhaps the most striking example of how the far-right politician was being normalised.

Lessons for the media and mainstream parties

The rise of the far right is not purely driven by citizens concerns and demands. Media and mainstream political parties determine which themes and parties are discussed and therefore influence political demand as well as supply. It is obvious that many mainstream parties, especially those on the centre right, are seeking to regain the confidence of voters who are attracted to far-right politics. But moving closer to the territory of PRR parties, a trend also observed among prominent centre-right parties in countries like Germany, France and the UK, is unlikely to bear much fruit.

By Dr Stijn van Kessel, Reader (Associate Professor), European politics, Queen Mary University of London, and Dr Lonie de Jonge, Assistant Professor, European politics and society, the University of Groningen.

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Lessons from the Netherlands on the rise of the populist radical right - UK in a Changing Europe

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HCSO to release body cam footage to plaintiff alleging Fourth Amendment violation – Smoky Mountain News

Posted: at 1:33 am

Monroe A. Miller Jr. petitioned the court on Nov. 22 to obtain the footage. On Dec. 14 following the hearing and his review of the recordings, visiting Superior Court Judge Steve Warren, of Asheville, published his order granting permission, albeit with some noteworthy restrictions.

On Nov. 9 at about 1:25 p.m., two Haywood County Sheriffs deputies visited Millers property along with the plaintiff in an ongoing civil dispute his sister, Linda Overcash as well as her attorney, Mark Melrose. Their civil dispute is over how to split up their late fathers estate. Monroe Albert Miller, who passed away on Jan. 20, 2017, is assumed to have left behind a good deal of money, along with a Haywood County home appraised at over $1 million dollars.

he was co-founder of one of the earliest Computer Companies, Electronic Associates, Inc., a NYSE listed company located in New Jersey, where he designed and manufactured many of the first electronic computers used in industry and the early space program, his obituary reads. In 1955, he founded Milgo Electronic Corporation, a company heavily involved in tracking and communication in the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo space programs. He and the company were also instrumental in the development of the first, and subsequently, the high speed modem. He served as President and Chairman of the Board until all its NYSE listed stock was acquired in 1977. Milgo's Miami, Florida facility employed more than 2500 and also carried out world- wide manufacturing and marketing operations in many foreign countries.

The group was there to survey the property. Also present on Nov. 9 was Terry Ramey, a Haywood County commissioner and staunch ally of Miller, as well as Millers attorney, Ed Bleynat.

The petition notes that after the visit, on that same day, Miller requested the recordings from Wilke. That communication was entered into evidence as part of the petition.

Deputies appeared indoctrinated by Mark Melrose on the aspects of the order issued, the initial request reads.

Deputies kicked Terry Ramey, Haywood County Commissioner, out of the dwelling also, even though he was acting as my agent, which was allowed in the Order, it later reads.

A Nov. 15 response from Haywood County Sheriffs Office Public Information Officer Gina Zachary notes that because there was no court order mandating the office provide the footage and audio, it could not be turned over at that time. A week later, Miller submitted the petition to the court.

Also included as evidence in the petition is a series of messages between Miller and Wilke from the evening of Nov. 9. In those messages, Miller alleges the deputies violated his rights.

You have made serious, unfounded allegations about my deputies and any further contact will need to be from your legal counsel to ours, Wilke replied. Your multiple public information requests will be handled in as reasonably prompt manner as possible.

Millers chief complaint is that he and Ramey were forced to remain outside while the others had full run of his home. The petition also notes that the order for a law enforcement escort during the survey said that one deputy would be present, but two showed up.

In order to keep the peace and allow a thorough inspection of the property the presence of a uniformed law enforcement officer would be helpful, that order reads.

The order also says that Overcash and Melrose should be allowed adequate space to engage in private conversations during the inspection and that Miller, Ramey and Bleynat shall remain 50 feet or more from the Petitioners and their attorneys while the Petitioners and their attorneys are outside the dwelling during this inspection.

The two deputies violated my Fourth Amendment rights, the petition claims. There was no reason, nor was Mark Melrose authorized, to bring two deputies for this visit. He took a Haywood County Sheriffs Deputy off-line for no good reason, therefore interfereing (sic) with the operation of a law enforcement agency by hindering and obstructing the second law enforcement officer in the performance of his duty.

According to court documents, Miller submitted a complaint against Melrose to the North Carolina Bar Association, something he has done in the past against multiple local attorneys. For his part, in an email to Bleynat, Melrose alleged that Miller behaved inappropriately and without an understanding of proper procedure when he showed up at Melrose's office seeking a signature for the receipt of a $5,000 check he was ordered by a judge to provide to cover administrative costs related to the dispute over the estate.

Your client just came to my office trying to get my staff to sign a document indicating receipt of a check, the email reads. I did not speak with him. He was instructed by my staff to call your office. Please advise Mr. Miller to never come to my office again, and advise him that I am not legally permitted to talk to him nor is my staff.

In court on Dec. 14, Wilke was accompanied by members of his command staff, as well as Zachary. While Ramey didnt accompany Miller, he did show up a few minutes after the hearing began. Neither side was represented by an attorney that morning. The hearing was the first of the day in Haywood County Superior Court, and when Warren took the bench, he brought Miller and Wilke up to argue their positions, noting that while he was called in the day before to review a case he wasnt familiar with, hed made time to review the petition. He went through state law outlining the procedure for a person to obtain law enforcement agency recordings.

That statute dictates that the court must consider a few things.

First, the person requesting the recording must be authorized to receive it. In this case, because Miller is depicted in the recording as stipulated by Wilke in court he is authorized. Next, the judge asked whether the recording may contain confidential information. It was acknowledged by both parties that it likely included conversations covered by attorney-client privilege. Miller agreed that audio in such segments could be redacted, which Warren said rendered that issue moot. Other concerns were whether the recording could reveal information that is highly sensitive or personal; if the disclosure could create a serious threat to the fair, impartial, and orderly administration of justice; or if its disclosure could jeopardize an active or inactive internal or criminal investigation. It was agreed that none of those would be an issue.

Wilke voiced concern that it could be technically cumbersome to redact the audio from the recordings while maintaining their integrity. In addition, according to statute, the disclosure of the recordings cant jeopardize the safety of a person, nor can it harm anyones reputation. Wilke said that Miller frequently uses a blog he has maintained for several years to launch personal attacks against numerous individuals.

While the sheriff said hed love the recordings to be made public because theyd refute the claim that we violated Mr. Millers Fourth Amendment Rights, he was concerned that Miller would use parts of the recording out of context to attack his deputies character and reputation. Warren addressed this in the order. First, he listed specific segments of the video that contain conversations covered by attorney-client privilege for which the audio must be redacted. He also gave Miller strict orders for how he can use the recording, once released to him.

No portion of the released videos may be published other than in a pending court proceeding, it reads, or to any party to any current or future lawsuit or witness is (sic) said lawsuit who are all hereby ordered not to publicly disclose the contents of said video. Said Order is punishable by contempt.

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HCSO to release body cam footage to plaintiff alleging Fourth Amendment violation - Smoky Mountain News

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Inside Lionel Richie’s Star-Studded ‘Dancing on the Sand’ Weekend In the Bahamas – PEOPLE

Posted: at 1:31 am

If Lionel Richie's on an island, there's a party going on right there.

The music legend and American Idol judge, 74, took to the Caribbean this month to headline "Lionel Richie and Friends Dancing on the Sand", a weekend experience for music fans that featured an intimate Q&A with the singer along with poolside parties and a star-studded concert series.

Put on by music experiential company Vibee, the weekend kicked off welcoming fans to the sprawling Atlantis Paradise Island Bahamas properties in Nassau, where guests were first invited to a poolside welcome reception with Lionel Richie's hits and island tunes in heavy rotation by the DJ.

As fans settled in to their accommodations, they were invited to enjoy a meal at the resort's celebrity chef restaurants, including Paranza, one of the newest by Michelin-starred chef Mike White. The menu features innovative Italian cuisine and seafood specialties like grilled sword fish with Sicilian caponata, zucchini and salsa pepe uva. Among the guests in town, actor and comedian Craig Robinson was spotted enjoying a meal at Paranza ahead of the weekend's performances.


Next up on the itinerary, Richie sat for a no-holds-barred interview in a theater full of his biggest fans, where he discussed his legendary career, from his Tuskegee beginnings as frontman of The Commodores to how he first found then maintained success as a solo artist. The Idol judge even poked fun at his A-list colleagues Katy Perry and Luke Bryan's antics behind the scenes, crediting them with keeping him on his toes.


Fans in the audience were delighted to hear details of Richie's recent experience walking youngest daughter Sofia down the aisle, and his life as a grandfather to daughter Nicole Richie's children Harlow, 15, and Sparrow, 14. The star drew his biggest laughs when he joked that the teens prefer their tablets and iPhones over chatting with their famous grandpa. That is, he said, until he brings someone like Bruno Mars into the room.

From the resort's expansive aquarium and luxury shops to numerous pools and waterslides, there was no shortage of daytime activities for attendees. But when night fell, it was all about the music. The first evening of performances featured Nile Rogers and CHIC, Vanessa Carlton and Jake Wesley Rogers, who are all friends of Richie. Fans danced into the night before some made their way to the resort's full-service casino to try their luck.


The weekend ended with a night of performances by Megan Moroney, Sheryl Crow and finally the man of the hour, Lionel Richie, who, rocking a sparkling blue Members Only-style jacket, brought the crowd to their feet as he opened with his 1983 ballad, "Hello." The star wasn't singing long before the crowd joined in, nearly drowning him out with their own performance of the classic.


It was the same for songs "Easy," "Dancing on the Ceiling" and more, but the chorus reached its peak belting out his hit "All Night Long" as he closed out the night, and a fun-filled weekend.

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Inside Lionel Richie's Star-Studded 'Dancing on the Sand' Weekend In the Bahamas - PEOPLE

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7 Top-Rated Bahamas All-Inclusive Resorts You Should Book – TheTravel

Posted: at 1:31 am


Paradise found! A crowning jewel of the Lucayan Archipelago in the North Atlantic, The Bahamas boasts over 3,000 islets, islands, and cays. Nassau is the capital and the largest city, which also offers plenty of things to do, including (of course) basking in the gorgeous Nassau beaches! It can be remembered when now-retired astronaut Scott Kelly described The Bahamas as "the most beautiful place from space," and for good reason. The island country is a beacon of tropical paradise with its awe-striking beauty of pristine beaches and azure seas.

Travelers who visit The Bahamas may never want to leave. With its unspoiled nature, unique and diverse marine life, and legendary Bahamian hospitality, nobody wants to be away from this gorgeous island country. For discerning globetrotters who want to experience the wonders of The Bahamas without the need to worry about other expenses during their staycation, here are the 7 top-rated all-inclusive resorts in the island country!

All resorts recommended in this article were selected after extensive research on the top-rated all-inclusive resorts in The Bahamas. Our Meta Study determined these resorts based on their ratings on the renowned booking websites of Kayak, TripAdvisor, and Booking.com. We also considered the reviews, which unquestionably attest to the excellent amenities and services of these all-inclusive resorts in The Bahamas.

Related: Here's How Far $100 Will Get You In The Bahamas

Among swaying palm trees on the south shore of Grand Bahama Island sits the Victorian-style resort Viva Fortuna Beach by Wyndham on 26 acres of white sand beaches, lush foliage, and diverse wildlife. With 276 beautiful rooms featuring private balconies, travelers will have unparalleled relaxation after a day of exploring the island while taking in the views of the azure Bahamas waters. The sparkling pools are inviting, where guests can unwind after working up a sweat at the fitness center or at any time of day. For traveling families with kids in tow, there's a kiddie pool for the little ones so that they, too, can have their time of life. Its location on Grand Bahama Island is a dream destination and offers lots of things to do for all types of travelers.

Inclusions feature select water activities, meals and snacks, unlimited drinks, theme nights, and entertainment.

Nassau's gorgeous Cable Beach houses the charming Breezes Resort, which features two seaside towers, where rooms and suites are furnished with mahogany wood and modern glass. The rooms on the eighth floor of the West Wing and the fourth floor of the East Wing offer spectacular vistas of the ocean, gardens, and swimming pools. Dining is unbeatable and pleases every palate, from mouthwatering Italian to Asian-fusion fare, with indoor and outdoor dining options. Its buffet breakfast is a guest favorite, but for those who want to explore more of the country's delicious cuisine, the resort is a stone's throw away from the local restaurants in The Bahamas that suit any craving, including Oh Andros, which serves delicious seafood Bahamian style.

Resort Passes are available to guests who want to make the most of their staycation.

Paradise Island offers tons of things to do, including a nice soak in the sun at one of its beautiful beaches. This is included in the offerings of Hotel Riu Palace, which features direct beach access reserved for guests with comfortable lounge chairs and umbrellas while taking in the gorgeous sight of the Bahamian waters. For couples, the resort offers a romantic al fresco dinner to enjoy different delicious specialties for anyone's craving. Those who fancy watersports activities can have their time of life windsurfing, kayaking, scuba diving, or playing beach volleyball. The resort's Renova Spa also offers the ultimate relaxation after a day outside. There's also a nice swim-up bar to enjoy some carefully crafted cocktails.

Related: 8 Things To Do In Staniel Cay: Complete Guide To The Bahamas' Crown Jewel

Overlooking the harbor along the North Atlantic Ocean, Lighthouse Pointe at Grand Lucayan Resort is a family-friendly destination in The Bahamas with spacious, well-appointed rooms with private balconies offering stunning ocean and harbor views. The pool offers breathtaking views of the turquoise waters. There are also live music, movie nights, and themed dinner nights perfect for families and friends alike who love the nightlife. The beach is also a perfect spot for guests to dip their toes in the white sand while enjoying the smell of the ocean breeze. To make the most of their time in The Bahamas' natural marine life, diving and snorkeling are a feat.

Don't forget to take a trip to the Port Lucaya Marketplace, which is only a walking distance away, to buy some souvenirs. It's one of the best things to do in Freeport before heading back home!

Offering luxury accommodation and unparalleled comfort, Sandals Royal Bahamian is a dream come true for lovers alike. This award-winning adults-only all-inclusive resort features two gorgeous white sand beaches on its offshore island in Nassau with lovely pastel rooms complete with luxe amenities. The walk-in shower, swim-up pool, and walk-out patio in each suite with private lounge chairs and a bistro set are perfect for couples who fancy a languid morning coffee. The resort's award-winning spa also sets the mood. Sandals Royal Bahamian is where guests can experience royal treatment. It's one of the luxury spa resorts in Nassau to indulge in world-class relaxation.

One of the resort's inclusions is unlimited fine dining at its on-site specialty restaurants, offering different fares ranging from the Caribbean to Japanese cuisine.

Tucked away in an idyllic spot on the south shore of Paradise Island, Warwick Paradise Island is another gem in The Bahamas for adults seeking unique solitude while being surrounded by pristine beaches. Conde Nest Traveler named the resort the second-best resort in The Bahamas, and for good reason. Its private harbor, white sand beach, reputable dining, and gorgeous swimming pool with a bar offer unbeatable relaxation and satisfaction for discerning globetrotters. And because it's close to Cabbage Beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in Nassau, guests will enjoy the hallmarks of The Bahamas and its marvelous natural beauty.

Related: Book These 10 Amazing Nassau Excursions For A Unique Bahamas Experience

Topping this list is Small Hope Bay Lodge, located on Andros Island, which is The Bahamas' largest and virtually untouched island. Featuring rustic beachfront cabins that allow guests to wake up to the sound of enchanting waves, the award-winning historic resort has lived up to its heritage since its establishment in the 1960s. The rooms are beautifully decorated with local artwork and handcrafted furniture and accented by Androsia Batik. What makes it even more alluring and worth the price tag is that it's an eco-friendly resort that uses solar-powered showers, reverse osmosis water coolers, and ceiling fans. The gorgeous beachfront views are second to none, and its all-inclusive packages are tailored to every type of travelermay it be a group of friends, traveling families, a solo vacationer, or couples.

The resort's location on Andros Island offers exciting water activities for daring travelers, including fishing, diving, and many island adventures.

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7 Top-Rated Bahamas All-Inclusive Resorts You Should Book - TheTravel

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December Cruise To Bahamas Rerouted To Canada – Jalopnik

Posted: at 1:31 am

Imagine treating your family to a Christmas cruise to somewhere warm and sunny to destress and relax this holiday season and maybe even get a tan your coworkers will envy come Jan 2. Instead, Mother Nature and the cruise line conspire to send you, not to the beautiful Caribbean, but to sunny Boston, Massachusetts and Newfoundland, Canada, in the middle of December.

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Its happened to at least one cruise; the MSC Cruises ship MSC Meraviglia was supposed to sail from New York Saturday, down the east coast and dock in Florida before heading to the Bahamas, according to CBS. Instead, the ship docked in Boston Sunday. From there, it will go on to Portland, Maine and St. Johns in Newfoundland, Canada. The move has, understandably, pissed people off, including a Reddit user who took to /r/cruise to express their dismay.

Just got this email tonight about our carribbean cruise leaving in the morning that we have had planned since August. Not sure what to do. We have all of our holiday plans built around this cruise, lots of money, hotel bookings, airfare, etc. Really upset. In my 30 years of cruising, almost 50 sailings, this has NEVER EVER happened, with such a drastic change in itinerary with almost zero notice. Advice?

MSC Cruises does seem to be offering a credit to customers so they might rescheduled their cruises, but that means folks who planned for this cruise could still be out thousands of dollars, not to mention PTO days, with such a late change of itinerary.

As crappy as cruises are, there was little MSC Cruises could do. Theres no changing the weather forecast for southern Florida and the Bahamas, which hardly counts as pleasant and sunny this week. A huge storm, commonly referred to as a Noreaster, is dragging heavy rain and wind gusts up to 40 knots up the coast just as the MSC Meraviglia would be heading down. The cruise ship isnt the only vessel affected by this extreme weather. At least 11 other cruise ships have been forced to change their itineraries, according to Cruise Hive, though the Meraviglias change seems to be one of the most drastic.

Cruise ships suck, but I wouldnt wish a planned trip to a tropical paradise turning into a winter wonderland tour of St. Johns, Newfoundland (with an average daytime temperature of 34 degrees) on anyone.

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December Cruise To Bahamas Rerouted To Canada - Jalopnik

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Alaska Airlines starts flying to the Bahamas from Seattle and Los Angeles – The Points Guy

Posted: at 1:31 am

Alaska Airlines has been in the news lately for the carrier's proposed merger with Hawaiian Airlines, a move that Alaska CEO Ben Minicucci said will "expand options for West Coast and Hawai'i travelers."

But no one wanted to talk about that Friday morning, when Alaska Airlines celebrated inaugural flights to Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas, from both Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA) and Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).

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Instead, the songs, speeches and snacks all invoked the "It's better in the Bahamas" vibe.

"We were looking for somewhere new to fly that would attract people in the wintertime, and the Caribbean seemed liked a good choice," Kirsten Amrine, Alaska Airlines' vice president of revenue management and network planning, said during a gate-side interview in Seattle. "With our success with Belize and Costa Rica flights and now moving a little further east, it just fits really well into our portfolio," she added.

Related: Hawaii vs. the Caribbean: Which islands should you visit?

The two new seasonal flights to the Bahamas are Alaska's first flights to the Caribbean. They will operate four times a week from LAX and three times a week from SEA on Boeing 737-9 aircraft through April 9, 2024.

Flights leave LA and Seattle in the morning and arrive at Nassau's Lyden Pindling International Airport (NAS) in the late afternoon. Nassau's airport is a U.S. Preclearance facility, so Seattle- and LA-bound passengers clear customs and immigration before boarding and bypass customs on arrival in the U.S.

The flight from Seattle to Nassau is also notable because it's Alaska's 101st nonstop destination from its hometown airport and the first service from SEA to the Caribbean.

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"The plan is to offer the flights between Thanksgiving and spring break for now, and we'll see what happens from there," Amrine said.

The Bahamas consists of more than 700 islands, 16 of which are marketed to tourists. Arriving passengers on Alaska Airlines flights to Nassau can connect to other islands via Bahamasair, one of Alaska's global partner airlines, for experiences that might include swimming with pigs or diving on the Andros Barrier Reef.

Points of View: Which credit card should you use for Alaska Airlines flights?

From the West Coast of the U.S., Hawaii has been the longtime go-to destination for sun and snorkeling. During the winter, Alaska Airlines has been able to support up to 33 flights per day from Alaska, Washington, Oregon and California.

Fourteen of those flights are from Seattle 13 from SEA and one from Seattle Paine Field International Airport (PAE) in Everett. While it at first seems counterintuitive to fly east for beach weather, "a flight to Nassau from Seattle takes just about the same time as a flight to Hawaii," Joy Jibrilu, CEO of Nassau Paradise Island Promotion Board, said. "So, Seattle travelers are closer than ever to experiencing the wonders of Nassau and Paradise Island, with pristine, white sandy beaches, rich Bahamian culture, delightful cuisines and world-class casinos," she said.

In fact, it turns out that it may be faster to fly east to Nassau from Seattle and LA than it is to fly to Honolulu or Maui from both cities.

Alaska Airlines flights from Seattle to Maui and from Seattle to Honolulu clock in at about six hours and 30 minutes. According to the scheduled times listed on Alaska Airlines' website, the new flight from Seattle to Nassau will take six hours and 15 minutes, although the inaugural flight made the trip in five hours and 30 minutes. The scheduled flight time from LA to Nassau is even shorter: just five hours and 15 minutes.

This holiday season, Alaska Airlines is introducing several other new nonstop routes.

On Thursday, the carrier began year-round, daily service between LA and Guatemala City. The same day, the carrier celebrated new seasonal service between Las Vegas and Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; a day later, it kicked off seasonal service between Las Vegas and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

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Alaska Airlines starts flying to the Bahamas from Seattle and Los Angeles - The Points Guy

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You Can Now Fly Nonstop From Los Angeles to Nassau, The Bahamas – Caribbean Journal

Posted: at 1:31 am

In what is another boon for the booming tourism industry in The Bahamas, Alaska Airlines has just kicked off two historic routes to the destination.

Alaska Airlines is now flying nonstop from both Los Angeles and Seattle to Nassau, The Bahamas.

We are thrilled to welcome the first nonstop flights on Alaska Airlines fromLos AngelesandSeattle, making it easier than ever for those on the West Coast to visit our beautiful destination, said Joy Jibrilu, CEO of the Nassau Paradise Island Promotion Board. This strategic expansion is a testament to the collaborative efforts between our destination and our airline partners and I want to thank Alaska Airlines and their planning team for working to make this new route a reality. From white sandy beaches and crystal-clear turquoise waters to culture around every corner and a variety of world-class resort options, Nassau & Paradise Island offer something for every type of traveler, and we look forward to having even more West Coast travelers discover what makes our islands so special.

The Los Angeles-Nassau flights are operating four times each week for the peak season.

Seattle-Nassau flights are operating three times per week for the same period.

Both routes will run through April 10, 2024, operated on Boeing 737 aircraft, according to Alaska.

Nassau is one of the hottest destinations in the wider Caribbean, having been named most recently as Caribbean Destination of the Year in the 10th annual Caribbean Travel Awards.

Thats due to a number of factors, from a dynamic, revived downtown area to a Caribbean-leading cultural offering to the continued success of the Baha Mar and Atlantis Paradis Island megaresorts.

Its the second major route between Los Angeles and the Caribbean to launch in the last few years, joined by Cayman Airways landmark service between Grand Cayman and LAX, which recently expanded.

TheBahamasis committed to establishing new partnerships, such as these exciting new routes with Alaska Airlines, that will enhance accessibility to our beautiful shores for all to experience the warm hospitality and rich heritage that awaits, said Bahamas Tourism Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Chester Cooper. In 2023, we surpassed record-breaking tourism arrivals eclipsing 8 million visitors, and with this new service, anticipate this momentum to continue steadfast.

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You Can Now Fly Nonstop From Los Angeles to Nassau, The Bahamas - Caribbean Journal

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Alaska Airlines Launches First-Ever Routes to Guatemala and the Bahamas – Business Traveler USA

Posted: at 1:31 am

Alaska Airlines has recently launched nine new routes to popular vacation destinations across the U.S., Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean, offering passengers more opportunities to escape the winter sun.

These flights were all launched last week and included Alaskas first-ever nonstop services to Guatemala and the Bahamas, giving passengers new access to unspoiled Caribbean beaches and vibrant Central American culture. Additionally, two new Mexican destinations from Las Vegas and seasonal services between popular U.S. destinations are also available.

On December 14, Alaska initiated a year-round, daily service between Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and Guatemala City (GUA). The outbound flights from LAX leave at 11:15 PM daily and arrive at Guatemala City at 6:00 AM the following day. The return flights are scheduled to leave Guatemala at 11:45 AM and arrive in Los Angeles at 3:10 PM.

On December 15, the airline launched its first-ever flights to Nassau (NAS) in the Bahamas from LAX and its primary hub, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA). The LAX-NAS service is year-round, with four flights per week on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, but it will drop to one flight per week starting April 15. Meanwhile, the SEA-NAS service operates thrice a week on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays and is scheduled to end on April 14, 2024.

Alaska Airlines also introduced three seasonal services from Las Vegas (LAS) last week. Two flights to Mexico, Puerto Vallarta (PVR) and Cabo San Lucas (CSL), will operate four times per week and end on April 14 and April 15, respectively. Flights from Las Vegas to San Luis Obispo (SBP) will operate daily until April 15.

The airline launched three other internal U.S. flights last week. These include a daily service between New York (JFK) and Palm Springs (PSP) that will run until May 15. The other two routes are from Orange Countys John Wayne Airport (SNA), connecting to Bozeman Yellowstone (BZN) and Tucson (TUS).

Theres something for everyone in our roster of new flights from amazing beaches to snowy mountains, big city buzz to tranquil deserts, said Kirsten Amrine, vice president of revenue management and network planning at Alaska Airlines.

Were also now flying our guests to countries weve never served before as we increase our international service. The Bahamas off the coast of South Florida offer pristine islands and turquoise waters, and Guatemala in Central America excites with adventure, history and culture.

On December 4, Alaska Airlines agreed to acquire Hawaiian Airlines for $1.9 billion, a move that will provide greater connectivity for travelers and considerably expand the airlines international network.

Alaska Airlines is the countrys fifth largest carrier, trailing the Big Four, while Hawaiian is the 16th. The merger of the complementary networks focused on the West Coast would give passengers access to 138 destinations, including direct service to 29 international locations in the Americas, Asia, Australia, and the Pacific islands, Alaska said.

The number of U.S. destinations Hawaiian residents can reach with just one stop will also triple.

Following the merger, Alaska will control more than half of the market for flights to Hawaii, which draws more than 10 million visitors annually as one of the worlds top tourist destinations.

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Alaska Airlines Launches First-Ever Routes to Guatemala and the Bahamas - Business Traveler USA

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