Daily Archives: November 8, 2023

Liberal Arts, IST student scores sports technology internship with … – Pennsylvania State University

Posted: November 8, 2023 at 9:15 pm

LaRue who also is working on certificates in information security systems and national security agency worked with the Dolphins information technology department, where she conducted research about different software systems that could be integrated into the current systems of the stadium to increase efficiency and productivity.

A lot of my research culminated in meeting with different software companies and conducting meetings with them to see what was best for the stadium, LaRue said. Some of my work also allowed me to work Rolling Loud Miamis [an annual hip-hop festival hosted at Hard Rock Stadium] point and sell systems, where I helped troubleshoot the different concert venues technical difficulties.

During her time as an intern, LaRue worked on a final group project with other departmental interns to create an event for the stadiums new Paddock Club, a luxury experience for people interested in the Miami Grand Prix. Their teamwork and creative input resulted in a pitch for an e-sporting stadium event for next summer.

Our group decided that having an event for gaming with preexisting sponsors of the Miami Dolphins would help bring people of all ages together, especially our younger audiences. The interaction among fans is what brings Miami fans closer, LaRue said.

LaRue said her sociology courses helped her work well with the other interns.

Especially in terms of listening to their likes and investigating why they liked certain aspects of an event over others, my sociology degree has helped bridge the communication gap between all the interns so that we could reach a win-win pitch, she said.

After her internship at Hard Rock Stadium, LaRue applied for a position with Penn State football this semester. She landed a recruitment internship, where she now welcomes athletic recruits, gives on-field assistance, and creates communication charts for game days.

During my summer internship, I learned a lot about time management, networking and how to manage my manager how to learn more from the opportunities presented to me in my position, LaRue said. I hope to expand and reflect on these lessons and apply them to my work with Penn State football, especially capitalizing on other peoples experiences of football for the interests of the team and fanbase.

LaRue is applying for full-time positions in the sports technology field.

My sociology degree, especially approaching graduation, is helping me use my business side and be open-minded when it comes to the world and possibilities of a job offer, she said.

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Liberal Arts, IST student scores sports technology internship with ... - Pennsylvania State University

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And the award for the worst Liberal Party leader goes to… – The New Daily

Posted: at 9:15 pm

On Wednesday a desperate headline was made out of an irrelevant Scott Morrison warning Anthony Albanese about the Prime Ministers China visit.

Theres a dog across the road, barks a bit. Her woof-woofs would be of greater value.

The dog has never been a wrecking ball trashing Australian diplomacy, doesnt have a track record of lying or duplicitous governance, suffers from no strange ideology potentially distorting her judgement and is not a Donald Trump fan.

In my book, that makes her more worth listening to than Mr Morrison.

It must have been a very quiet day in London for Mr Morrison to be noticed on the sidelines of the grandiosely-titled Alliance for Responsible Citizenship conference a three-day right-wing gathering providing a culture wars echo chamber for conservative spear-carriers and failed Liberal leaders, with Messrs Howard, Abbott and Morrison among the 100 or so Australians attending at somebody elses expense.

Each of the three failed PMs has managed to generate a headline while on tour, Howard dissing multiculturalism, Abbott dismissing the climate cult, and Morrison sledging Mr Albaneses China visit.

Ill come back to the last of those, but first the confluence of the Liberal trio poses a perennial question that probably wont be asked in London: Who has been the worst leader of the federal Liberal Party?

Its a tough one.

The conservative faithful would no doubt nominate any and all of the parliamentary leaders who failed to win government, so the question needs refining: Which leader of the federal Liberal Party has done the most damage to Australia?

The race is open-ended, given Peter Dutton is doing his utmost to be divisive, misleading, negative and to keep the culture wars firing. He displays an inclination to combine the worst traits of Howard and Abbott, but he is yet to have the opportunity of being prime minister to test the full potential of his hostility.

In chronological order then, the main charge that tends to be made against the Howard prime ministership is that it set the tone for what came after the weakening of the public service, the elevation of the culture wars, the demise of ministerial responsibility and the dismissal of the black arm band view of our history just when Australia was opening up to owning its past.

Good government, then not so much

The first two terms of the Howard Government featured good governance. There was genuine ministerial responsibility ministers were sacked for failures. Major difficult tax reform the GST was taken to an election for a mandate. And, most famously, there was gun control.

Whether or not you liked the policies, they were legitimately introduced and Australia was better for them.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton.

Then good government went to hell in the third and fourth terms, starting with the children overboard lie and going downhill from there. The Tampa affair, demonising refugees, joining disastrous American military adventures, ditching the concept of ministerial responsibility, running dead on climate, turning superannuation into an egregiously iniquitous and extravagant tax haven for the wealthy and the great sin of omission not investing the resources boom windfall.

But then came Tony Abbott, the great wrecker.

His signature achievement was destroying anything like effective carbon policy in keeping with his unrepentant and continuing climate denialism, locking Australia into a lost decade aligned with Saudi Arabia and Russia.

Repealing the resources rent tax was a close second, popular with party donors but denying the Commonwealth a reasonable and valuable revenue stream. On a much smaller scale but symptomatic and with the same mentality and popularity with party donors was ditching Labors fringe benefits reform to tighten the car novated lease tax rort.

Successful as an Opposition Leader success being winning government he seemed to remain in that role despite becoming prime minister, continuing to kick any head he saw.

Politicisation of the public service was pushed to another level. Among his very first decisions were the night of the short knives sacking quality public servants and pulling Steve Bracks off the plane to New York so he could send his great supporter and fellow climate vandal Nick Minchin as consul-general instead.

Abbotts head-loppers

Whether or not they had any connection to the Labor Party, anyone appointed by the previous government was a candidate for non-renewal.

John Howard had achievements. Tony Abbott had unrelenting pugilistic snark blessed by George Pells conservative theology.

By comparison, Scott Morrison was mainly just weird, influenced by his even stranger and crueller prosperity theology. The lies, the duplicity and secrecy, the further climate scepticism and defenestration of the public service were topped by the sheer nuttiness of his clandestine multi-ministries and his pushing of corrupt pork barrelling to previously unimagined multi-billion-dollar levels.

Id argue the most damage he did though was his disastrous mangling of our diplomatic ties and setting Australias course to be even more of Americas Deputy Dawg through the AUKUS nuclear-powered submarine stunt a course Defence Minister and Deputy PM Richard Marles continues to sail.

Stacking key security and defence posts with a range of Sinophobes, dingo warriors and American admirals and spooks while sidelining diplomacy is proving to be his lasting legacy.

The epitome of Mr Morrisons ineptitude, fresh from basking in the warm inner glow of a conversation with Donald Trump, was needlessly managing to push the steadily escalating tension with our most important economic partner over the edge in the way he bellowed a demand for a weapons-inspector-style investigation of the origins of COVID.

As with everything else that went wrong on his watch, from Robodebt to grants corruption, Mr Morrison is unrepentant, still seeking some sort of relevance in conservative circles, a master of the cascading Bart Simpson defence: I wasnt there; I didnt do it; you didnt see me; you cant prove a thing.

In the footsteps of Gough

Mr Albaneses China trip, 50 years after Gough Whitlams historic visit and recognition of China, is another delicate and cautious step towards a healthier relationship, despite the surrendering of Australian sovereignty to the US.

It was a clear message received by we members of the Asia Pacific Journalism Centre visit to China last month.

As Karen Middleton reported in The Saturday Paper, China hopes for an independent Australia, rather than one in lockstep with its great rival.

That does not appear to be on Australias political horizon, but civilised diplomatic behaviour, agreeing where we can, differing when we must, is a massive improvement on Morrisons tone-deaf blundering making difficult situations worse.

Australia has been capable of independent policy in the past. When China was starving thanks to Maos disastrous Great Leap Forward, the Menzies government was prepared to provide wheat against US policy at the time of not trading with China.

Humanity and longer-sighted diplomacy trumped the domestic political perceptions and Americas wishes.

So Morrisons greatest damage to Australias best interests may be repairable more quickly than Abbotts. (And, as I keep trying to remind people, it was smashem Peter Dutton who actually led the domestic political COVID charge against China.)

Thus, for mine in this quick once-over-lightly summary, Tony Abbott wins as the worst Liberal Party leader.

Its not a definitive judgement. Historians will eventually deliver hefty tomes on the subject. And given the trajectory of the LNP, theres always another contender.

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And the award for the worst Liberal Party leader goes to... - The New Daily

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