Daily Archives: October 29, 2023

A Forty-Something’s Guide to the Best Brain Boosting Nootropics – Psychedelic Spotlight

Posted: October 29, 2023 at 7:47 am

I have a challenge for you: Log onto Amazon or even Google and type in the keywords nootropics and brain boosting supplements. From there, simply scroll through the myriad of different brands and products all offering, or in some cases, promising, to give you some kind of cognitive boost or mental performance edge.

According to data from Polaris Market Research, the global nootropic market in 2021 was worth an estimated $10.69 billion dollars. Yes. Thats billion with a big ol B.

Its a market that has experienced fairly impressive growth within the last 10 years and primarily coinciding with a growing desire amongst Gen Xers, Millennials and even Gen Zers to migrate as far away as possible from prescription drugs like Adderall and Ritalin which were handed out to many of us in our childhood and teenage years like candy on Halloween.

Heck, for some nootropics have become a cleaner and healthier alternative to caffeine-fueled beverages like coffee and energy drinks. Sure, walking into work with a venti iced coffee may look cool, but there is nothing cool, fun, or desirable about the inevitable crash it delivers just an hour or two later.

One can make the argument that nootropics, and most particularly, adaptogen-derived nootropic supplements were the first little indicator of what was to come with psychedelics push into mainstream society some ten or so years ago when they first started to be discovered by super slick entrepreneurs and Silicon Valley coders.

I like to think of nootropics as the straight-edged buttoned-up siblings to certain psychedelics like magic mushrooms and LSD. Theyre the brother or sister that comes home from school and goes straight to their room to finish their homework before even considering a bit of relaxation.

My first introduction to nootropics came around 2013 when I read an article about Lions Mane supplements in a Mens Health Magazine. I dont remember all of the details about the article, but I do recall it sharing the story of this entrepreneur who weaned himself off of Adderall which he had been taking religiously since he was first prescribed it in his late teens. At the time, I was early in my professional career and looking for any way to gain a competitive mental edge so that I could ascend the corporate ladder. So I figured what the hell and ordered my first bottle of Lions Mane supplements from Amazon.

For entertainment and engagement purposes, I should probably go on about how that first bottle of Lions Mane changed my life and helped me unlock a new level of mental and physical performance that I had never been able to achieve before. But thats not what happened. That first bottle of Lions Mane sucked. It did nothing for me and I think it ended up in the garbage with about half of the pills still left in it. Whomp. Whomp.

My journey back to revisiting nootropics wouldnt come until 2020 when I found myself gaining control of my mental and physical health through the occasional microdosing of magic mushrooms, or as I like to refer to it as, shrooming.

I had initially started shrooming on a weekly basis with the intention of unpacking certain traumas in my life that I finally felt prepared to deal with and address head-on. In that process, however, I started to unlock a level of mental clarity that I feel like I had never experienced before.

For context, for as far back as I can remember, brain fog has been one of my ultimate arch nemesis in life. The kryptonite, if you will, to my Superman. Or at least my ability to become Superman.

That brain fog was always especially present for me in the mornings. In fact, I have vivid memories of sitting in class back in 1st grade struggling to pay attention to what the teacher was talking about. This would be something that would persist throughout almost every grade thereafter and even through my high school years.

Around the time I was in junior high, so probably 13 years old, I was diagnosed with a spatial/learning disability. The term ADHD was never used, at least not in my presence, but I was told that because of this disability I needed to be placed into a Resource Specialist Program (RSP) where I, along with other kids with a similar diagnoses, would be afforded the opportunity to learn and study subjects like mathematics at a slower pace.

Mathematics was hell on earth for me. If my brain was an engine built specifically for a Honda Civic, trying to get it to work for things like algebra and geometry would be like trying to make that engine work beneath the hood of a fighter jet. Not happening and certainly nowhere close to being cleared for take off.

With a lot of time, frustration, and the occasional throwing my math book against the wall, I managed to successfully pass every math class required of me to graduate from high school.

As for the brain fog, I learned to deal with it and simply accept my fate in having to live with it up until my mid-twenties when I first discovered a beverage that promised to give me wings. Red Bull was a game changer in my life. Never before had I found myself in a situation where I could eliminate that brain fog simply by drinking a beverage.

At first, one can was all it took to give me the wings necessary to power through those late nights of knocking out coursework while I attended the Art Institute in pursuit of my Bachelors Degree in Hospitality Management.

For the first time in my life, math started to actually make sense. But, it only made sense in blocks of 20-30 minutes, or while the mental buzz from a can of Red Bull lasted. So, one can eventually became two, which became three and, well, you get the picture. I eventually reached a point where my body essentially developed an immunity to Red Bull. I could drink three or four cans in the span of an hour (not recommended) and still sit there enveloped within the weight of that dreaded brain fog.

In the interest of moving things along here so we can get into what we came here to discuss, nootropics, in the years that followed my brief Red Bull addiction, I would go through periods in which things like iced green tea with matcha, cold brew coffee, caffeine pills, and even a brief stint with Adderall, would all have their day as the beverage, supplement, or drug that kept me going.

Finally, in 2020, and with my 40s quickly approaching, I knew something had to change. Shrooming was helping me unlock a new and fascinating level of mental clarity in my life. But, as amazing as it was in helping me unpack and address trauma and become better in-tune with who I am as a person, it wasnt what I would consider to be conducive in helping me achieve the level of mental clarity and focus needed on a daily basis with my career.

Finding myself more dialed-in now with the exciting world of fungi, I started to revisit nootropics. And thanks to the wonders of big brother (insert sarcastic tone here), simply speaking the words nootropics or ashwagandha out loud would prompt a flood of sponsored content on my Instagram feed for some of the many different nootropic and adaptogen-based supplements that have exploded onto the market in recent years.

And so I embarked on a journey to try and discover some of the best nootropic and adaptogen-based supplements out there that were designed to banish brain fog into the shadow realm and help me find that flow state that all the cool people on social media like to talk about.

As I share some of the products and supplements that have exceeded my expectations and that I feel confident enough in personally endorsing, it is important to note a few things:

First, none of the brands of the products and supplements I am mentioning here are, in any way, paid sponsors of either myself personally or Psychedelic Spotlight. My reviews are 100% authentic based on my personal experience and use of them.

Next, it goes without saying that everyones body is different. Therefore, how these products and supplements affect me and my own mental and physical state of wellbeing, may not translate over into everyone else who tries them. It is also super important to mention that consulting with your doctor or physician before integrating any of these products or supplements into your everyday life is highly recommended and most especially if you intend for them to become a replacement for any prescription medication.

And finally, not all of these products are derived specifically from mushrooms. The key here is identifying the products and supplements that I found to be most effective with eliminating my brain fog and helping me achieve something close to a flow state. More importantly, I have found it to be beneficial incorporating some of these products into my everyday life as supplements in between my own shrooming schedule.

Im sure there are plenty that I have not yet tried, so feel free to offer your suggestions in the comments.

In 2011, the science-fiction thriller Limitless starring Bradley Cooper introduced audiences to a nootropic drug called NZT-48 which, in the film, provides Coopers character with the ability to use his brain fully and to improve his lifestyle in a manner that exceeds all expectations.

Spoiler alert: The NZT-48 featured in Limitless is a very far cry from the NZT-48 that I have been taking over-the-counter and on a regular basis over the past six months.

No, I havent been able to become fluent in Chinese overnight, nor will you catch me at the blackjack tables here in Vegas racking up millions by counting cards. Sorry to burst your bubble.

However, it has proven to be a game changer for me and my everyday cognitive abilities such as my mood, ability to focus and stay focused while working on specific tasks, and my ability to access thoughts and ideas a lot faster than I am able to otherwise.

The effects are certainly palpable but without being overly intense or uncomfortable. For example, a typical dose of Adderall usually induces about 15 to 20 minutes of intense physical and mental comfortability for me. I get hot, especially in my face, my heartbeat increases, and I feel jittery. So much so, that it becomes impossible for me to sit still. Once this intense wave passes, I find myself in a more comfortable state of mind that is conducive to focusing on whatever it is I need to focus on. But, those 15 to 20 minutes are a wave so intense that I feel like it's not even worth trying to ride out.

For me, NZT-48 feels a lot like accessing the tail end of an Adderall high in the sense of it putting me in a comfortable state of mind where I feel positive and somewhat optimistic and dialed-in enough from a mental standpoint to function efficiently.

It eliminates about 85% of my brain fog and goes a long way with helping my brain function at a pace that is ideal for taking care of what I need to take care of in my professional life on a daily basis.

According to its label, the key ingredients in a single dose of NZT-48 are Theobromine, Ginkgo Biloba, Alpha GPC, and Huperzine A.

A bottle good enough for a 30-day supply (sticking with the recommended one pill per day) will set you back by about $60 USD, so it's not cheap.

And while it may not morph me into the next Steve Jobs while it burns a hole in my pocket each month, NZT-48 has been one of the most effective brain boosting supplements I have discovered recently and would certainly say that it is worth trying for anyone struggling with brain fog.

Picture this: You snooze through your alarm clock and wake up several minutes later than you needed to. In ten minutes you are scheduled to jump on a Zoom call and deliver a presentation to your boss and fellow colleagues.

Do you.

a.) Sprint to your Keurig and brew a cup of coffee

b.) Do 50 jumping jacks to get the blood flowing

c.) Pound a Red Bull, or

d.) Tear open an Alpha Brain Instant, mix it in water, and chug it

If you answered b and it actually worked, just know that the rest of us who suffer from brain fog are looking at you and judging you heavily. In pure admiration, of course.

For the past year or so the only effective option for me from the above listed selections has been d, an Alpha Brain Instant for Memory and Focus.

As wonderful as NZT-48 has been with helping to significantly reduce my brain fog and get my brain humming like a well oiled machine on a daily basis, its effects have not nearly been as instantaneous nor impactful in a scenario for me where I have to rev my brain up and get it going from 0 to 60 at the snap of my fingers.

In these scenarios, I shatter the break only in emergency glass and grab a packet of Alpha Brains Instant Memory and Focus supplement produced by ONNIT.

Its worth noting that this supplement also comes in pill form, however, in my experience with using these supplements, the instant powdered formula which you simply mix in a glass of water and drink, not only goes to work faster, but its effects on my cognitive performance seem to be far more intense and impactful.

In fact, I found this supplement to be the closest thing in terms of how it makes me feel mentally and physically shortly after consuming it, to that of a single dose of Adderall. Within about 3 minutes of consuming a full glass of water mixed with the Alpha Brain Instant Memory and Focus, my face becomes warm and I find myself feeling like I could charge through a wall if such a task was ever required of me and in the spirit of the Kool-Aid Man.

Now aside from the very obvious chaos bursting through walls would create, the main challenge that this nootropic supplement presents me with is being able to slow down a flow state that becomes more of a roaring river so that its effects do not become counterproductive.

Yes. I am able to effectively access thoughts, words, and ideas quickly and efficiently which is generally something I struggle with. However, grabbing a branch floating down a steady river versus a roaring river bursting at the seams are two very different tasks.

In the case of NZT-48, I feel as if the flow comes to me, slowly and calmly. Whereas with the Alpha Brain, I have to catch the flow before it disappears. But, once I am able to catch it, I find myself riding a fast current that affords me the ability to think, move, and function at hyper speed without being held back by anything related to my brain fog challenges.

This, of course, is great in situations where I know I have to function at my absolute best for at least an hour or so because as you probably know, most fast moving rivers typically have to drop off and plunge somewhere eventually down the line. But, gaining an understanding of how long the effects of the Alpha Brain Memory and Focus supplement last within my body has allowed me to make the most effective use of this very powerful supplement.

The crash, which tends to occur a couple of hours after consuming the supplement, isnt as bad as a caffeine or sugary energy drink crash for me. Its a much softer landing that doesnt leave me full of regret or questioning my life choices.

A box of 30 packets which equates to 30 servings goes for about $50 USD on Amazon which is still a bit on the pricey side, but not quite as bad as the NZT-48 when you break it down by serving.

I have also found that grocers like Whole Foods and Sprouts sell the Alpha Brain Memory and Focus in individual packets, so if youre not ready to commit to an entire 30 serving box, this might be a better option for you if you happen to live in an area where either of these grocery stores are available.

So far, the previous two nootropic products I have reviewed and provided recommendations for are those that come in pill and powdered format. Mojos Extra Strength Microdose Brain Boost (Mojo) is my entry in the gummy category and for good reason.

I find gummy-based supplements to be really cool because if youre not in need of a full dose, then just take a little nibble off the edge. Or, if you need an extra boost, just pop an extra one in your mouth (so long as youre exceeding the recommended dosage, of course). Point is, gummies can be super convenient in ways that pills and things you have to stir into water arent.

And for anyone who might be fixated on the word microdose being part of the name of the product here, I hate to be the bearer of bad news and tell you that these Mojo gummies do not include psilocybin or any true psychoactive substance for that matter.

So what do they include? Mojos gummies are infused with Lions Mane, Cordyceps Sinensis, Cordyceps Militaris, and Ginger Root, all of which they refer to as their Mushroom Cognition Blend. Panax Ginseng and L-Theanine are part of what they call their Energy Blend and are responsible for the 62.5mg of slow-release caffeine that comes with each dose. And for clarity sake a single dose of the Extra Strength Mojo Brain Boost gummies is one gummy.

Directions found on the back of a bag of these Mojo gummies also recommend that you consume your dosage 30-60 minutes ahead of any planned activity and to take it on an empty stomach.

From my own experience, these typically begin to kick in within 5-10 minutes from consuming them which I love. I also love the advantage these gummies afford with being able to control the dosage to a point where I can decide for myself just how dialed-in I need them to help make me based on how many I take versus pill-based supplements which I find you dont have as much control over.

According to the dosage directions on the packaging, 2-3 gummies gives you a next level buzz where you are hyper-focused and nothing else matters.

I have found that two gummies is my sweet spot for feeling focused enough to tackle whatever task is at hand, even if its just powering through the rest of my afternoon. In fact, these Mojo gummies have become my go-to supplement whenever Im in need of an energy pick-me-up instead of coffee or an energy drink.

The one downside here is that they are not cheap. Although, that seems to be a common theme here with most of these brain boosting supplements.

At standard price, a pack of 20 gummies will run you $31.99 USD which shakes out to about $1.60 USD per gummy. A can of Monster energy drink will usually go for almost three bucks so if youre looking to use these gummies as a replacement for energy drinks, then youre at least in the same ballpark from a cost perspective. Plus, these gummies will probably make you feel a lot better than a Monster and should spare you from the dreaded energy drink crash.

Gwella also offers a few different options such as a monthly subscription option that does provide you with slightly more cost effective options especially if these end up becoming part of your daily or weekly routine.

In summary, its important to remember that everyones body is different and will therefore respond differently to nootropics and other brain boosting supplements.

What has been super effective for me might be useless to you. However, I do stand by each of these products I have reviewed here and would not hesitate to recommend them to my closest friends and family.

But listen, if youre like me and were born in a year that does not start with a 20, then youre probably at a stage in your life where its time to leave those sugary energy drinks to the Gen Zers who have very important TikTok recordings to power through. You also owe it to yourself to maintain or even sharpen your cognitive abilities as much as possible despite that crummy feeling you get everytime you hear a high school jam of yours playing in a grocery store.

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A Forty-Something's Guide to the Best Brain Boosting Nootropics - Psychedelic Spotlight

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Unlocking brain health: The nootropic revolution – Smartbrief

Posted: at 7:47 am

(Image credit: New Age Drinks - BrainPOP Drinks)

In todays fast-paced world, the demand for staying focused, alert and mentally sharp has never been higher. Consumers are increasingly turning to functional beverages that strive to enhance their cognitive abilities and promote brain health. According to data from Euromonitor, the US functional beverage marketcurrently valued at $48.4 billionis forecast to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 6.6% between 2020 and 2025. A driving force behind this growth is the rise of nootropics, natural ingredients that support cognitive function such as caffeine, L-theanine, ginkgo biloba and lions mane mushrooms.

Jamba Dunn, founder and CEO of functional beverage brand Rowdy Mermaid, highlighted the modern need for mental clarity, saying, Modern lifestyles often involve high levels of stress, fast-paced work environments, and demanding cognitive tasks. Many individuals are looking for solutions to help them stay alert and focused throughout the day.

This sentiment is echoed by Sierra Hooshiari, founder of New Age Drinks BrainPOP Drink, who explained that the recent awakening in society has been in the realm of mental health. The trend towards brain health and brain nutrition is something that was kind of the next logical step from where we were before, she added.

Whats driving this nootropic revolution in functional beverages? Its a combination of factors, according to Rocco LaVista, co-founder of Beverage USA, the parent company ofnootropic energy drink brand Nerd Focus: Firstly, heightened awareness of cognitive health and well-being has driven consumers to seek innovative and effective ways to enhance focus and mental clarity. Secondly, a growing interest in natural and functional ingredients has prompted beverage manufacturers to incorporate nootropics into their product offerings, responding to the demand for healthier alternatives. Thirdly, as research into nootropics advances, consumers are gaining confidence in their safety and efficacy.

New Hope Networks assessment of the functional food and beverage market found that brain and cognitive health are in the top 10 health concerns consumers are actively trying to manage and improve through functional food and drinks that contain nootropic ingredients.

One key ingredient leading the charge in the world of nootropics is lions mane mushrooms. The fungi are believed to stimulate the production of nerve growth factor in the brain, supporting the growth and maintenance of nerve cells. Dunn said that Rowdy Mermaids mission is centered on providing sustainably sourced functional plant medicine to consumers, and lions mane aligns seamlessly with this objective.

Rowdy Mermaid developed the Roaring Pineapple kombucha variety to emphasize the benefits of lions mane and showcase the potential for mental clarity through its packaging. Dunn explained that the company believed that lions mane was being underutilized in the category due to its cognitive advantages and could blend well with a delicious kombucha flavor.

Nerd Focus, on the other hand, utilizes a blend of ingredients including Huperzine-A, Alpha-GPC, Ginkgo Biloba, DMAE, and GABA to create a beverage that offers mental clarity, stress relief, enhanced cognitive abilities and memory retention.

Nootropics are designed to support overall brain health and cognitive performance, making them valuable for individuals seeking an edge in their daily activities, said LaVista.

The role of minerals, such as magnesium and Vitamin D, should not be underestimated. These elements are often included in functional beverages to support overall brain health. As Hooshiari highlights, BrainPOP Drink includes a combination of clean caffeine, minerals, and vitamins, providing consumers with a comprehensive approach to brain health.

I really wanted to demystify and break down that barrier to what a nootropic is, she said. And Im hoping that BrainPOP kind of does that in a very gentle and subtle way.

Education plays a crucial role in this burgeoning industry. As Dunn states, beverage companies are likely to invest more in clinical research to validate the effectiveness and safety of their products as the market expands. With increased consumer awareness, the industry anticipates a shift towards more informed and discerning choices. LaVista emphasizes the importance of education in helping consumers make informed decisions about what they consume, by providing detailed information about the ingredients used, their mechanisms of action, and the research supporting their efficacy.

Hooshiari emphasizes that nootropics can be seen as a path to better health, stating, Its this elite erudite kind of word. But really, anything thats brain enhancing is something thats like moving you in the direction of health.

The use of nootropic ingredients and their integration into functional beverages is changing the way we view cognitive enhancement, and products that support mental health and cognitive function will only continue to grow.

The field of nootropics is in a state of constant evolution, with researchers exploring new compounds and ingredients for cognitive enhancement, said Dunn. Emerging options are drawing attention. These emerging nootropics signal a dynamic and promising future for cognitive enhancement.

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Unlocking brain health: The nootropic revolution - Smartbrief

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Customer Review: How I Dropped Two Pants Sizes With Inno Supps … – Muscle & Fitness

Posted: at 7:47 am

This is sponsored content. M&F is not endorsing the websites or products listed in this article

Lets face it: many of us have been there. Youre doing everything you can to battle those stubborn pockets of fat, but they just wont budge. It didnt matter how hard I worked out or what I ate; I was stuck in that same frustrating cycle until I discovered Inno Supps Inno Shred Inferno. This potent fat-burning formula by supplement powerhouse Inno Supps has been my go-to for the past few months and the results have been absolutely mind-blowing.

Keep reading if youre trying to shed fat, boost your metabolism, and supercharge your fitness goals. Im here to tell you about the game-changer Inno Supps Inno Shred Inferno is the solution.

It worked so well for me that I felt compelled to share my story. Inno Supps Inno Shred Inferno played a pivotal role in my journey.

Inno Supps Inno Shred Inferno is like a magic potion that will kickstart your metabolism and send your bodys fat-burning into overdrive. Your body becomes a true fat-burning furnace. The cutting-edge blend of natural ingredients is a powerhouse, and its precisely what my body needs to start shedding those extra pounds.

Within just a few weeks, I could feel the difference. My clothes fit better, and I saw the scale numbers drop steadily due to Inno Supps Inno Shred Inferno.

Battling those irresistible carb cravings is one of the toughest challenges on any weight loss journey. I am no different. The carbs would call me late at night, and Id find myself mindlessly snacking just for a quick fix.

Inno Supps Inno Shred Inferno came to my rescue by helping me curb those unhealthy urges. Thats because it has Chromax, a premier form of chromium that blocks your body from absorbing carbs that keep your cravings at bay. Its like having a reliable ally in your corner, making it easier to stick to your healthy eating plan and stay on track.

One of the standout features of Inno Supps Inno Shred Inferno is its ability to block your body from storing those stubborn, hard-to-lose fat deposits. Think of those areas on your body that youre trying to burn fat from (like that stubborn belly fat).

This means you not only burn existing fat but also prevent new fat from taking its place. For me, this was like a double whammy against unwanted weight gain!

Now, lets talk about the energy boost. Inno Supps Inno Shred Inferno is unlike any other fat burner Ive tried. The natural nootropics in this supplement work in perfect harmony with the natural caffeine to provide me with explosive, all-day energy. The best part was that I didnt get jitters and absolutely no crashes. Its smooth, clean and keeps you focused and energized from dawn until dusk.

Inno Supps Inno Shred Inferno doesnt just stop at burning fat and boosting energy; it also enhances my mental clarity and focus. The natural nootropics help increase dopamine levels, making it easier to stay on track with your workouts and dietary goals. I found myself more motivated and dialed in than ever before, making my fitness journey more enjoyable and rewarding.

Inno Supps Inno Shred Inferno has been my secret weapon for peak performance. Ive dropped two pants sizes! I hit my fitness goals faster than I ever thought possible.

Its a natural, effective, clean, fat-burning solution that will give you the edge you need to succeed. If this is what youre looking for, Im telling you, you have to give Inno Supps Inno Shred Inferno a try!

If youre ready to ignite your weight loss journey, say goodbye to stubborn fat and hello to the new, more confident you, click here to visit the Inno Supps website and experience Inno Supps Inno Shred Inferno for yourself!

This is sponsored content. M&F is not endorsing the websites or products listed in this article

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Customer Review: How I Dropped Two Pants Sizes With Inno Supps ... - Muscle & Fitness

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One research firm thinks Mississippi is a lot smarter than everyone … – Darkhorse Press

Posted: at 7:47 am

A new study has revealed what researchers believe to be the states with the best average SAT scores, and Mississippi ranks in the top five, with some of the best-performing students in the U.S.

New data reveals which states have the highest average SAT scores to uncover where has the best and brightest students, with Mississippi ranking in the top five.

The ranking, pulled by nootropics expert Nootroedge, analyzed the average SAT test scores by state. The average SAT score is derived from combining scores from all test sections: reading, writing and language, and math to calculate each states average out of a total score of 1600.

The SAT a standardized test widely used for college admissions has been used for a whopping 96 years; however, as of January 2024, big changes are happening with the test switching to a fully digital format.

Currently, the PSAT/NMSQT is taking place from October 2 to October 31 and being offered in a fully digital format in preparation for students who will be taking the digital SAT next year.

The data has identified which states have the highest achieving students but, more importantly, highlighted the states where students struggle most.

Its no surprise that some students are struggling, as according to a recent survey from BestCollege over half (51%) of students have had problems or challenges with their academics over the last year, with many struggling to focus and meet deadlines.

But this isnt the case in Wisconsin, as the state has the highest average SAT scores scoring 1,252 out of 1600 crowning it as the top state with the most academically-savvy students.

Ranking in second place, Wyomings average SAT score was 1244 making it another strong state for student academics, performing 12% higher than the national average of 1,107.

Kansas had the third-highest average SAT score of 1238 just six points less than Wyoming and 12% higher than the national average. Following in fourth place, Utahs average SAT score was 1233, putting it closely behind second and third place.

Mississippi ranked in fifth place with an average score of 1226 11% higher than the national average, indicating that similar to the other top four states, there are plenty of intellectual students residing in these states.

Minnesota came in sixth pace with an average score of 1225 just one point less than Mississippi. In seventh place, Nebraskas average score is 1222, which is still 10% higher than the national average.

Kentucky and South Dakota ranked in eighth and ninth place, respectively, both having an average score of 1219. Finally, North Dakota had an average score of 1212, with the tenth-highest average SAT score.

On the other end of the scale, the state with the lowest average SAT score is West Virginia with an average score of 938 out of a possible 1600 almost 15% less than the national average. Oklahoma had the second-lowest average score of 951 13 points less than West Virginia.

Ranking in 48th place, with the third lowest average score, Idaho had an average score of 968, making it another struggling state for students undertaking SATs.

Delaware followed with the fourth-lowest score of 968, which is still 13% less than the national average. Finally, Rhode Island had the fifth-lowest average score of 971.

Further Google keyword data analysis by nootropics expert Nootroedge, has also revealed what students are searching for help with the most. Searches show students are concerned with their studies overall, especially when it comes to writing essays and completing coursework.

Overall, it seems the nations students need more support in some areas than others, with the most popular search this year coming out as citation machine a tool where students input details and receive a citation matched to each referencing style (MLA, APA etc).

Additionally, its no surprise given the recent rise in popularity of AI tools that AI essay writer was also one of the most searched-for phrases over the past year.

Speaking on the findings, Thomas Riley, Nootropics Expert at Nootroedge says: For those who are preparing for their SATs or who are currently undertaking their PSATs it is important to focus on honing your concentration and memory skills to ensure you are well prepared for the test.

Once at college concentration will become an essential skill, and it can often be difficult to hone, especially for students with their ever-changing schedules or stacked exam schedules, which is why natural supplements ideally that include ingredients such as Bacopa and L-theanine can be useful to help enhance their learning and revision skills. They can also help to reduce the brain fog after a lively weekend spent socializing!

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One research firm thinks Mississippi is a lot smarter than everyone ... - Darkhorse Press

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Assistance from AI: Virginian students struggle the most in the U.S. … – Augusta Free Press

Posted: at 7:47 am

( Kaikoro stock.adobe.com)

American students study, memorize, write and plan their education knowing what to avoid.

And plagiarism is on the list of what to avoid.

A new study reveals that students in the United States are looking to artificial intelligence (AI) tools for help with studies according to Google search data.

Nootropics expertNootroedge created a ranking of states in which college students are most struggling with their educational endeavors. Students are struggling the most in Virginia.

AI essay writer was one of the most searched phrases, which suggests that students are increasingly reliant on AI for academic assistance. AI essay writer had a monthly average of 35,004 searches in the last year, and was the 7th most searched term within the study. Searches for chatgpt essay had an average of 3,267 monthly searches in the past year.

Many colleges are now implementing AI checkers to detect the use of AI in students work.

The findings show Virginiastudents seek more assistance than any other state. More than 1,100 help-related Google searches per 100,000 people in the past year were from Virginians, 50 percent higher than Alaska, the state where students require the least support.

For those who are struggling with their college work whether its something like getting used to essay citations or something deeper like studying generally seeking support online is a great way to receive non-judgmental and free advice at any time they may need it, Thomas Riley, Nootropics Expert atNootroedge, said.

Riley cautions students to recognize the difference between their academic integrity and seeking assistance online.

Students most need help with providing citations of sources in essays, especially in the APA format, and how to check for plagiarism before submitting written work.

On the other hand, students in the U.S. are skilled at writing because they need the least help with their dissertation or defining academic writing.

Virginias students look for the most help with how to effectively study.

Maryland is No. 2 with 1,071 study-related searches per 100,000 individuals. Spell checking with Grammarly was among the searches, as well as how to write a solid conclusion to an essay.

Arizona is No. 3, followed by Florida and Utah.

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Here’s What You Should Know About Stem Cell Beauty Products – Who What Wear

Posted: at 7:47 am

Using stem cell therapies in aesthetic medicine is nothing new, according to Ava Shamban, MD, a board-certified dermatologist based in Beverly Hills. The concept has been around for decades, she says, but there are certain benefits, particularly in regenerative medicine,that have proven to be very important and effective since the cells are undifferentiated. These cells can develop into specific characteristics of an organ or type of tissue to compensate or replace certain areas of damage within the body, she says. Ultimately, when programmed, the stem cells will turn into the cell type that is needed to replace the damaged or affected cells in that area. They are basically our repair kit where and when needed.

You may know about PRP (platelet-rich plasma), or the vampire facial, but you might not have heard of PRF, or platelet-rich fibrin. The treatments are similar, in that they place the patients blood in a centrifuge to separate its layers, but PRP is spun at a high speed, causing the stem cells to go to the bottom. PRF is spun at a slower speed, allowing the stem cells, white blood cells, and fibrin to remain in the platelet. It is then injected into the skin, almost like filler, and helps with wrinkles and lines. Research has shown PRF to be more effective in improving skin texture and skin laxity than PRP.

Another way that stem cells are being used in aesthetic treatments is through stem cell facelifts. The process, which includes fat transfer from another part of your body, like the stomach, was known as the original filler, according to Shamban. The issues are the super-sterile environment and the fact they need to be treated like an infant, as they are super fragile due to the architecture of these cells, she says. When the fat was transferred, she says, the face would blow up or shrink. It was also unstable if the patient gained weight and was not easy to control due to the contouring effects and irregularities.

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After Death Dangles Answers to the Only Important Question – The Stream

Posted: at 7:47 am

Supposed you walked in to meet the oncologist whod completed your cancer screening, and he spent 20 minutes telling you what strong, healthy teeth you had? And how he admired the car which youd parked outside his office. And how hed enjoyed the pet photos he saw you post on Facebook.

You might start to get impatient. Maybe scared and angry. If he kept up his dawdling, you might even blurt out something like, Yeah, but none of that matters if Im on the fast track to death! So doctor, tell me do I have terminal cancer?

And then he answered like Dr. Leo Spaceman on TVs classic 30 Rock: We have absolutely no way of knowing. Medicine isnt a science, you know! Would you like some erectile dysfunction gummies? Theyre free!

Dr. Leo Spaceman is more than just a brilliant comic character. In fact, hes a perfect stand-in for all our secular sciences, from the hard ones such as physics to the soft ones like psychology, when faced with only question that really matters: Do our lives endure and have meaning, or are they just multiplied by zero when our brain waves flatline, and eager doctors harvest our useable organs?

Doktors Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Charles Darwin and Stephen Hawking prove no more helpful in the end than Dr. Spaceman.

You can pile up a hugely impressive number, even rope in infinity, on one side of the equation. But multiply it by zero and you still get zero. Thats the math problem each one of us will face, sooner or later.

It was easier, in a sense, before Christianity. Pagans were able to cobble together a sufficient sense of meaning for their lives by imagining some vague sense of immortality in the form of an heroic reputation, or at least of thriving descendants.

But then Christ came and dangled the offer of something much vaster: real, personal immortality, with forgiveness of sins, purification and healing, and eternity spent in communion with the good people who wed loved, in the presence of God. Or judgment for our unrepented sins and eternal punishment, with the devil and all his angels.

Wed have to study 2,000 years of intellectual history to understand all the highways and byways along which our culture traveled, to get to our spot today: Where ever-increasing numbers of Westerners young and old have lost faith in Jesus promise, and face the Abyss grasping at straws.

In fact, theyre worse off than pagans. Having heard the prospect of heaven, and waved it off as a daydream, people arent even interested in leaving behind a noble reputation, or happy thriving descendants. Compared to genuine, personal immortality, all those old comforts seem cold. Fewer and fewer of us are willing to make our short, finite lives less pleasant, moment to moment, for the sake of those once-loved things.

Jesus ripped out paganisms heart, and no Wizard of Oz can replace it. A post-Christian world is vastly worse than a pagan one less noble, less courageous, increasingly incapable of self-sacrifice or even of self-restraint. Were barely able at this point even to refuse the next Dunkin Munchkin, or OnlyFans strumpet, in our rational self-interest. Comparison with the divine goods of Christianity has hollowed out forever the merely human ones. All thats left is fleeting pleasure, and the flinch to avoid any pain.

Unless. What if But no, thats just a wish-fulfilment fantasy. Isnt it?

The beautifully made, calmly persuasive, and moving new film After Death throws out a lifeline to a burned-out, despairing culture. It interviews sober, highly-educated Americans who saw the Other Side whose hearts stopped, brains flat-lined, and bodies went cold. Then by some medical miracle, they were revived. And they tell us, without any evidence of hysteria or superstition, what they saw.

Some of the things they saw puzzle the secular scientists whove spent decades poring over their accounts. Patients felt their selves (or souls) leave their bodies and hover over operating tables. They report on medical details, or fragments of conversation, or events that occurred in the roomthings they had no material way of knowing, with eyes shut, ears plugged, and brains inactive. And yet they saw. They heard. They knew.

Other reports were less scientifically interesting, but much more meaningful. People whose brains were barely operating had complex experiences of remembering long-lost events from their livesboth joyful ones they treasured, and old sins they now regretted. They reported meeting family members, now looking much younger than when theyd known them, and radiantly happy.

And one after another of these people whod undergone a Near Death Experience (NDE) recalled encountering a vastly luminous Light that offered them welcome and forgiveness. Some of them saw a recognizable Jesus. Others recall a more cosmic Presence who didnt yet show His face.

And others (the films says between a third and quarter) who report an NDE saw something quite different: Dark figures trying to drag them down, accusing them of their faults, hustling them ever further into cold, and pain, and punishment. One of those who recalls such an experience was a lapsed Buddhist youth whod been urged to suicide by a spirit, which goaded him to the brink then abandoned him once hed died. Another who entered the darkness was an ex-Christian professor, who desperately called on the Jesus hed known as a child. Who promptly came to rescue him.

Not all the stories are sunny. None of those whod seen what they now call heaven was glad to be forced to return to earth. Each says he felt more alive while in the Beyond than theyd ever felt in life, before or since. Some marriages collapsed, under the scorn and skepticism of an unbelieving spouse.

But the overall impact of the scrupulously documented testimonies in After Death is undeniable. There is powerful, empirical evidence that the current scientific consensus is wrong. Just as our physicists cant explain why the universe just happened to turn out designed for life, and biologists cant explain how life arose from dead chemicals, physicians cannot explain how dead brains have all these experiences.

Dr. Freud and Dr. Spaceman just have to shrug, and its time for believers in Jesus to step up with words of hope. Go see this amazing film, which opens this weekend, and drag your skeptical friends. You might just be rescuing them from their secret shame of despair.

John Zmirak is a senior editor at The Stream and author or co-author of ten books, including The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism. He is co-author with Jason Jones of God, Guns, & the Government.

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Igniting Hope conference aims to end race-based health disparities … – University at Buffalo

Posted: at 7:47 am

On Sept. 30, 300 community members along with UB students, faculty and staff gathered for the sixth annual Igniting Hope conference. The gathering has matured into what organizers describe as a movement aimed at bringing lasting change to the region by ending race-based disparities and their devastating impacts on the health of Black people, Hispanic people and other underrepresented groups.

The movement and the conference clearly benefit from the UB-supported institute, which indicates the universitys strong support of our work with the community, providing critical longevity to the movement, said organizer Timothy F. Murphy, SUNY Distinguished Professor and director of UBs Community Health Equity Research Institute and the Clinical and Translational Science Institute.

President Satish K. Tripathi made welcoming remarks in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, noting that health inequity is a problem that will take the entire university community to address, regardless of specialty.

But doing so will require the clear demonstration that change is possible, said Rev. George Nicholas, pastor of the Lincoln Memorial United Methodist Church, CEO of the Buffalo Center for Health Equity and a conference organizer.

Quoting Malcolm X, who famously said Education is the passport to the future, Nicholas noted that three-quarters of third-graders in the Buffalo Public Schools are not reading at grade level.

If theyre already behind in third grade, how can they ever dream of getting ahead? he asked. Nicholas said it is critical that demonstration projects start be implemented.

What if we do a demonstration project on the East Side where we find a neighborhood or two and commit to bringing every child up to grade level, bringing every home up to code, and improving primary care access, he said. Success in one neighborhood will demonstrate that it is possible to do it in others.

A communitys access to primary care, for one thing, improves outcomes and lowers costs. We know this stuff! he declared. We know the barriers.

One often underappreciated barrier is difficulty in accessing dental care, according to Marcelo Araujo, dean of the School of Dental Medicine. He introduced the first keynote speaker, Natalia Chalmers, chief dental officer of the Office of the Administrator, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Chalmers informed the audience that when people without dental insurance have dental pain or issues, they go to the emergency room, where a visit can cost anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars. And they dont even get an extraction, she said. Instead, they get an opioid prescription and theyre told they should go to a dentist. So dont go to the ER for a toothache you wont get better.

When the system fails, she said, tragedies can happen. In 2007, a 12-year-old Black boy living in Maryland developed a tooth abscess. Without adequate insurance, he lacked regular dental care. It developed into a severe brain infection that killed him. That tragedy spurred outrage, she said, and almost overnight the state boosted Medicaid reimbursement for dental care.

Chalmers said that remote area medical clinics are often the only way that underinsured families get access to any dental care; these RAMs, as they are known, are temporary medical and dental clinics where volunteer providers provide care to hundreds of patients, typically during a weekend.

They are a great point of access, she said, but do you really want to wake up at 4 a.m. so you can get a number and wait in line for hours for dental care? Is this equitable access to care? Chalmers looks forward to a day when there is no need for RAMs to exist.

The afternoon keynote topic delved into issues at the core of medical research, such as informed consent and medical mistrust. Moderated by Jamal Williams, assistant professor of psychiatry in the Jacobs School, the session featured David Lacks and Veronica Robinson, the grandson and great granddaughter, respectively, of Henrietta Lacks.

Lacks was the young, African American mother whose cancerous cell tissue has become, since her untimely death in 1951, one of the most important medical research tools ever discovered. Without her knowledge or consent, tissue was removed during a biopsy she underwent at John Hopkins Medicine and shared with the hospitals tissue lab.

Unlike all other cells, hers (now named HeLa cells after her) didnt die in the lab. Instead, they rapidly divided over and over, a phenomenon that to this day remains a unique medical mystery. HeLa cells have played a major role in the development of major medical advances, from new cancer treatments to the invention of vaccines that protect against polio and COVID-19 to in vitro fertilization.

Today, Lacks family members are active in the National Institutes of Healths HeLa Genome Committee, but for decades they had no idea of the extraordinary role Henrietta played in modern medicine. Neither she nor her family was ever given the opportunity to provide informed consent. Only after a tenacious science writer named Rebecca Skloot started researching the story, which eventually became The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, did the family learn about their ancestors incredible legacy.

Had they asked her, she would have probably given consent, said Veronica. We have been unwilling participants, which keeps us from being a part of science, she said of her family and the African American community as a whole. It starts with saying we cant be silenced anymore.

The Henrietta Lacks story is a story of science at its best and at its worst, said Williams.

We are now at another critical juncture, he said, which is the intersection of having to reckon with past exploitation in biomedical research and the need for historically marginalized groups to be included in studies that pertain to their long-term health.

Understandably, the Lacks family was skeptical when Skloot began her research.

When we were introduced to her, I thought, is this just another white woman who wants something from us? said Veronica. That was a big fear of the family, but Rebecca was very persistent. It has opened up a lot of conversations.

David noted, She took but she also gave back. The biggest thing to come out of this is communication. Even if you dont monetize it, let people know whats going on!

Veronica agreed, noting, One of the worst things you can take from a person is their right to know; then you cant make informed decisions. If it comes from me, then its not medical waste, its mine. Theres a difference between something thats given and something thats taken. We have to change that narrative.

In addition to the keynote speeches, breakout sessions took place on topics including Black Lungs Matter, food and elders, neighborhood restoration and medical mistrust.

More information about Henrietta Lacks, the Igniting Hope conference and the issues discussed at it is available in the Sept. 26 WBFO conversation with Pastor George Nicholas.

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10 Best Horror Anime on Crunchyroll – Screen Rant

Posted: at 7:47 am

The series discussed contain graphic violence, mature subject matter, and content viewers may find disturbing.

With Halloween fast approaching, many anime fans are wondering what the best horror anime on Crunchyroll are. Crunchyroll's extensive anime catalog doesn't actually have "Horror" listed as a distinct genre. The closest thing is the "Supernatural" genre, and that should be the starting point for any interested Horror fans. It takes some digging to find them, but there are some fantastic and fantastically creepy Horror series to be found in Crunchyroll's catalog. Fans of Horror are sure to find all the thrills and frights they can handle in the best horror anime on Crunchyroll.

The best horror anime on Crunchyroll take various approaches to delivering scares to the audience. From ghosts and zombies to plots based on traditional folklore and urban legends, Crunchyroll's horror catalog finds inspiration for its supernatural terror tales from diverse sources. There are even a few Horror Comedy series to balance out the scares with some lighter ghost stories.

Year Released


Number of Episodes


The name Yamishibai is a pun based on kamishibai, a type of Japanese street performance involving a storyteller using pictures to accompany their story. Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai makes use of this premise to fascinating and chilling effect. The series is a compilation of four-minute short stories framed as stories being told by a masked street performer. The stories themselves are based on Japanese folktales and urban legends and range from unsettling to downright nightmarish. The art style is particularly interesting, resembling the style of picture boards used in real kamishibai performances. They're more static images that move or change slightly than full animation, but that contributes to the uncanniness of the on-screen stories and really adds to the series' overall aura of creepiness.

The exact English name of the series has been translated in several different ways but is listed in the Crunchyroll catalog as Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai.

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Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead is primarily a comedy, but the series isn't shy about depicting the Zombie Apocalypse in all its gory glory. Zom 100 thrives on dark comedy and the basic comedic premise driving the series is that protagonist Akira finds the zombie apocalypse preferable to his previous soul-crushing desk job. Despite the comedic elements, the backdrop of the Zombie Apocalypse leads to plenty of legitimately horrifying scenes. The zombies themselves are depicted in a very horrifying style and the zombie-related violence is frequently intense and depicted on-screen. Although the series was plagued by delays and the last episodes of Zom 100's first season have been put on indefinite hiatus, the anime adaptation shows a lot of potential, and original the manga has been unaffected by this hiatus for any fans who want to keep following the story.

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Accompanied by their elite samurai guards, a group of condemned criminals are sent to a mysterious island on a mission to retrieve the elixir of immortality for the Shogun. As soon as they reach the island though, some of the criminals try to escape or attack their guard and are immediately killed by the samurai. Some of the criminals attack each other. The survivors soon discover that the series lives up to its name. The island is beautiful but monstrous. The island is full of giant mutants and ruled over by a group of eight malevolent god-like shape-shifters. Even things as simple as the island's flowers and butterflies are terrifyingly lethal. Even before Hell's Paradise fully embraces the survival-horror premise and the full nature of the island is revealed, there are scenes of disturbingly graphic violence that set the tone of the rest of the series.

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Miko Yotsuya is a high schooler who can see ghosts, a problem she hopes will go away if she ignores it. When that doesn't work, Miko soon finds herself embroiled in various ghostly escapades throughout the series. Originally a webcomic published on the popular Japanese art website Pixiv, Mieruko-chan is really more of a supernatural comedy series with creepy aspects than a full-on horror story, though most of the ghost designs are suitably scary and well-drawn. Mieruko-chan is a welcome change of pace from more intense Horror anime and is a good choice for horror fans looking for moderate scares balanced with humorous scenes.

Year Released


Number of Episodes

12 + 2 OVAs

An episodic compilation of adapting the works of legendary horror mangaka Junji Ito, Junji Ito Collection brings the original manga stories to life in a horrifying new way. Ito is a master of unsettling art, and the anime adaptation of his stories adds not only full color but also movement and audio components that aren't present in the original black-and-white manga images. Each individual episode of Junji Ito Collection consists of two standalone shorts. While the stories themselves are scary, the series' representation of Ito's signature art style is sufficiently uncanny that it manages to be highly unsettling even when nothing particularly scary is unfolding on-screen.

Junji Ito's manga is available to read on Viz's website with a subscription.

Year Released


Number of Episodes


Although primarily an action-oriented series, Hellsing has clear horror-genre underpinnings and doesn't shy away from the scariest aspects of having a ruthless Vampire monster hunter for its protagonist. Alucard is at least nominally heroic and on the side of good, but he isn't a nice person. He's very much a monster who hunts other monsters, both literal and metaphorical. He's creepy at the best of times, and when unleashing his full power in battle, he comes across as a powerful, almost Cthulhu-like entity that just happens to be contained in a humanoid form. The rest of the series is filled with horrifying monster designs, intense violence, and bad guys that are so despicable that they deserve every terror Alucard unleashes on them.

Year Released


Number of Episodes

46 + 2 Specials

For a horror series, Mushi-shi is pretty laid-back. The series follows Ginko, a traveler who's equal parts wandering exorcist and therapist. He helps people haunted by Mushi, supernatural creatures that aren't necessarily evil but are nevertheless dangerous because of their supernatural powers and not operating within the constraints of human morality. Thanks to Ginko's intervention, many of the human characters and Mushi get fairly happy endings, though that isn't a universal rule. That also doesn't mean there are no scary parts in Mushi-shi. In general, the Mushi themselves are inherently weird and mysterious, and manage to be unsettling just by existing. The series' general aura of strangeness and low-key horror is punctuated by moments that are overtly and openly scary.

Fans looking for the scariest episodes should watch season 1's Cotton Changeling and season 2's Tree of Eternity.

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The Promised Neverland isn't the first horror story to use a dark plot twist to subvert an initially idyllic setting. In this case, the reveal that the children at the Grace Field House orphanage are in fact being raised as livestock to feed demons who need to eat humans to remain sentient. After that reveal, the plot centers on the characters' attempt to escape the orphanage and somehow overthrow the demons' regime that created the orphanages in the first place. Similar to a series like Stranger Things, much of the horror and lingering unsettling aura of The Promised Neverland comes from the fact that the protagonists are children being placed in very real and often very graphically depicted danger.

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Number of Episodes


Throughout his career, the late Satoshi Kon was a master of blending surreal art and animation with mind-bending stories and themes. The only full-length anime series he directed, Paranoia Agent is a fantastic example of his signature beautiful but bewildering style. What begins as a fairly mundane crime story investigating a series of seemingly random attacks by a young boy with roller skates and a baseball bat gets progressively weirder, more surreal, and more supernatural. Like many of Kon's other works, Paranoia Agent has a major psychological focus, and like many other horror stories, has a clear metaphorical component. In Paranoia Agent's case, the series turns into an examination of coping with grief and processing trauma.

Year Released


Number of Episodes


Mononoke has few jump scares, but it feels like it was designed from the ground up to make viewers as uncomfortable as possible. The art style is gorgeous but full of clashing colors and patterns. In addition to that, it's also heavily steeped in visual symbolism and metaphor, so it's never clear what exactly the audience is supposed to be seeing, or if they're even seeing the same thing as the characters.

While the traveling Medicine Vendor exorcises each of the titular restless spirits he encounters, each storyline is left open-ended, and very few of the lingering uncertainties are resolved. Even the Medicine Vendor himself is a constant mystery. He claims to be a simple merchant, but he's clearly supernatural and all but explicitly established to be immortal and ageless. Mononoke is an underrated gem of historical fiction that all horror fans need to watch, but the series deliberately never does anything to dispel the lingering aura of unease and slow, inescapable dread it builds up from the very first scene.

Whether it's ghosts, zombies, or even Horror Comedy series, there are some real gems in Crunchyroll's Horror catalog. Although the lack of a genre label makes the Horror series hard to find, it's worth the effort to track them down. There are plenty of memorable thrill and frights to be had for anyone brave enough to watch the best horror anime on Crunchyroll.

All anime on this list are available to stream on Crunchyroll!

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10 Flowers That Represent Freedom – AZ Animals

Posted: at 7:47 am

Flowers are a beautiful gesture to give to someone on any special occasion. However, each flower has a specific meaning and symbolism, making them unique. After writing this article, I understand why certain flowers are placed together in a bouquet. Each flower listed in this article originates somewhere in the world, and all represent freedom! Freedom can appear different for everyone. It can mean letting something go, breaking free of a burden, or taking back independence!

The Nerine Flower symbolizes freedom and good fortune. This flower drifted on the seas from South Africa, washing up on the Island of Guernsey Shores. In Greek Mythology, Nerines or Nereids were the nymph offspring of Nereus, the sea God. This pink and violet flower is sensitive to cold weather. Nerines is also called the Guernsey lily because it thrives well on the English Channel Island of Guernsey.

Chris Lawrence Travel/Shutterstock.com

The Strelitzia flower represents freedom, independence, and the immortality of man. The flower obtained its name from a naturalist who became Queen of England in 1761. Strelitzia is also known as the Bird of Paradise Flower because it resembles a tropical birds beak. It is also known as the Crane Flower because of its exotic, tropical appearance. This Strelitzia grows in Southern Africa and Cape Province but was introduced in England in 1773.

Anetta Starowicz/Shutterstock.com

In the Victorian language, Freesia resembles trust, innocence, freedom, and independence. A German Physician, Friedrick Heinrich Theodore Freese, discovered the flower and thus how the flower got its name. The Freesia flower is native to the eastern side of Southern Africa. This beautiful flower comes in white, cream, yellow, orange, red, pink, mauve, and purple. This flower thrives in hardiness zones nine and ten.

New Africa/Shutterstock.com

The Milkweed flower has its name because it releases milky fluid from its stem or leaves if damaged. The flowers genus name, Asclepius, is derived from the son of the Greek God Apollo. In Greek Mythology, Asclepius had the power to raise the dead, which is why the Milkweed plant is associated with freedom and independence.

Nancy J. Ondra/Shutterstock.com

Dandelions symbolize becoming free from things that try to enslave us. It also represents the release of the past and living in the present. Religious and Ancient tribes believed dandelions had healing properties because the forming seeds help detox the body and improve cholesterol levels. The dandelion thrives in North America, Northern Europe, and Asia. This flower is the first sign of spring and is utilized by bees for nectar. The flower is yellow at first but then turns into a bundle of globe-shaped seed heads that are soft and white. Dandelions can produce 20,000 seeds!

Romolo Tavani/Shutterstock.com

The Tulip is native to Central Asia and Turkey. After World War ll, the Netherlands shared thousands of tulip bulbs with Canada to thank them for assisting them during the war. Because of this gesture, tulips represent freedom! Eighty percent of tulips are grown in the Netherlands. These vibrant flowers come in many colors, shapes, and sizes.


The sunflower played a role in the Greek Mythology feud between Apollo and Clytie. Clytie was buried alive and turned into a sunflower by a nymph. No wonder why these flowers are so big! The Beautiful sunflower represents joy and the desire for freedom. This flower is useful for fodder, yellow dye, seeds, and oil. This large flower is native to North and South America.


Roses come in many colors; however, the yellow rose represents freedom from following crowds or trends. The yellow rose is also unique because they do not have a scent, unlike the other colors. The yellow rose was discovered during the 18th century and originated in the Middle East.


The Edelweiss is a mountain flower that symbolizes freedom and independence. The 10th Special Forces Group of Airborne Soldiers of the United States Army has adopted this unique flower. Edelweiss serves as a national symbol on their uniforms. The German Army also wears the flower symbol on the left sides of their hats, whereas Australia wears it on the rear side of their hats. Edelweiss was associated with the Alps peoples purity and patriotic mindsets.

Kluciar Ivan/Shutterstock.com

White lilies represent the rejuvenation of the soul and starting over. The red, orange, and yellow lilies represent freedom and independence. The lily flower grows in tropical areas of Europe, Asia, and North America. The word lily derives from the Latin word lilium.


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