Daily Archives: October 25, 2023

North Macedonia Curbed Roma Citizens’ Freedom of Movement … – Balkan Insight

Posted: October 25, 2023 at 4:25 pm

The European Court of Human Rights, ECHR found in a judgment published on Tuesday that four citizens of North Macedonia of Roma origin were discriminated against in 2014 when border authorities prevented them from leaving their own country.

The first incident had happened on November 29, 2014 at Skopje airport when the first plaintiff, named as Ms. Memedova, was prevented from departing to Germany, where she said she was going to visit her son.

The second plaintiff, named as Ms. Kurtishova, was prevented from flying from the same airport on June 19 the same year. The other three plaintiffs, a married couple named as Abazov and Abazova and their driver, named as Memedovski, were rebuffed at the Tabanovce border crossing with Serbia on March 4, 2014.

The ECHR found that the first four plaintiffs had been discriminated against and that their rights to freedom of movement and freedom to choose ones own residence within a states territory, as well as freedom to leave any country, including ones own, had been violated.

It also found that North Macedonia violated the European Convention on Human Rights provision prohibiting discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status.

The court however found that the case brought by the fifth plaintiff, the driver of the married couple, was inadmissible.

The judgment, which was reached on October 3 has been already appealed by the government of North Macedonia.

Strasbourg ordered the country to pay for plaintiffs costs and expenses plus compensation of 3,000 euros and 4,100 euros to the first and second plaintiffs respectively, for suffering non-pecuniary damage such as distress and frustration, stemming from the actions of the state authorities.

An additional joint sum of 5,900 euros is to be paid to the third and fourth applicants, the married couple.

The easing of the visa regime for travelling into the Schengen Zone for most of the Western Balkan countries in 2009 resulted in a surge of asylum requests by people from the region to the more developed European countries.

Many people coming from impoverished regions in the Balkans used the novelty to travel and ask for asylum in countries with long asylum procedures like Germany, Belgium and Sweden. Even if eventually turned down and ordered to return, during their prolonged stay they would receive state benefits far surpassing what they would earn or receive in welfare payments in their home countries.

The situation caused these countries to increase the pressure on the Balkan states to do more to prevent these people from reaching their borders, and also to introduce or consider introducing protective mechanisms to suspend visa-free travel.

North Macedonia started boosted checks on departing passengers at its borders in 2011 after a memo from the Interior Ministry that ordered the strengthening of the controls during exit from the territory of Republic of Macedonia of organised groups, potential asylum seekers, citing article 15 of the Border Control Law as a legal basis.

But human rights groups and later the State Ombudsmans office, as well as the Constitutional Court, determined that this article contained no basis for border services to prevent their own citizens from exiting the country, except if they were found to be a threat to national security, public policies, international relations or public health.

In June 2014, the then Interior Ministry spokesperson, Marija Jakovlevska, told BIRN that during 2012 and 2013, the border authorities prevented the exit of 15,590 citizens.

Subsequent unofficial data and research by human rights groups in the country has suggested that the countrys impoverished and marginalised Roma population was the most common target for border turnbacks.


North Macedonia Curbed Roma Citizens' Freedom of Movement ... - Balkan Insight

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NCT 127: We are limitless but that freedom also has a lot of … – NME

Posted: at 4:25 pm

NCT 127 have never been a group that you could describe as meek, but on their latest comeback their fifth album Fact Check they sound more confident than ever. Check the facts, go check that, they challenge in the title tracks chorus, almost daring you to tell them anything thats come before (boasts about iconic status, likening themselves to Banksy and claiming a spot next to the Mona Lisa) is inaccurate.

When we heard Fact Check, we thought, Oh this is a song we should do because its a song that we will probably be able to perform really well, rapper Johnny explains as NME meets eight of the groups nine members at SM Entertainments headquarters in Seoul (Taeil is sitting out promotions as he recovers from an injury). The song itself has Afrobeats so it has a lot of energy, so the people watching would have a lot of fun listening to it as well.

We always have confidence while going into the recording booth, but this time the beat itself, too it gives you those vibes, Jaehyun adds. Listening to our members chants or ad libs, they all gave the confident energy.

NCT 127 will continue to spread that energy as they kick off their new world tour in Seoul in November with a whopping six shows at KSPO Dome. Before that, though, watch NMEs In Conversation video interview with the group above as they discuss the idea of being limitless, share the stories behind some of the songs on Fact Check and reflect on what makes NCT 127 so special.

NME: Fact Check contains the idea of being limitless, which is something that comes up a few times in your back catalogue. How does the idea of limitlessness motivate you or help in pushing you forwards?

Mark: Well, I think when it comes to the concept of being limitless, it goes back to how we first originated. Its in our roots NCT, like the brand itself, was always aiming for having infinite possibilities and being basically limitless. So I think that term really suits our music and our concepts very well. I think were still striving for that. Whether it be our style, aesthetics or just our music and our performance, were always pushing forward and broadening boundaries. So, yeah, were limitless.

Do you feel like that concept gives you more freedom as a group than if you didnt have it?

Jaehyun: What I think is that if you have more freedom, then you also have more responsibility. So I think that also relates to the limitless thing, because we do feel limitless but that also follows [with] more strict stuff. So we are limitless, but that also has a lot of responsibilities to it [like] not getting [things] wrong while performing. We all have our positions while dancing but you shouldnt get it wrong.

In Fact Check theres also the lines I am the art and Hang me in the Louvre what moment from NCT 127s story so far do you think is deserving of a spot in the Louvre?

Johnny: Well, thats my part, so thanks for bringing that up. I would have to say the beginning, like Limitless, when we first showed ourselves to the world as a limitless concept. So the song Limitless by NCT 127 would be the song the art to put in the Louvre, Id say.

One of my favourite songs on the album so far is Love Is A Beauty. The Korean title translates to Star Poetry or Stars Poetry, which sounds very romantic but I believe its actually about your experiences as a group. How does that Korean title relate to the stories that youre telling that song? Doyoung:I really like the lyrics of (Love is a beauty). In the lyrics, theres ametaphoricallinethat expressessparkling nine stars. I dont know if Taeil intended it, but it has the vibe of telling the story thatweve become the stars. Also, when our fans look at us, they look at usas iftheyre looking atthe stars. So the songs we sing feel like a gift for our fans. I really like the lyrics of (Love is a beauty) in that sense. Mark and Taeyong, you worked with Taeil on writing that song. What were your inspirations or intentions behind Love Is A Beauty?

Mark: Well, for me, I didnt really discuss with Taeil about how I pictured our members, the nine of us, to be stars. I didnt really get that idea. I guess we each had our own different interpretations. So, for me, I feel like the title of the song really just mapped out how I should write this what do I think of love? How do I think of it as beautiful? I realise that love does not really come easy, but loving you is easy for me. That was what I thought was beautiful and thats how I wrote my part.

Taeyong: I actually dont know about love, but when I go out with my team and see our fans, NCTzens, [in] that time Im learning a lot of some kind of love. So I wanted that attitude, that kind of emotion in the lyrics.

In Je ne sais quoi, theres the line We got the sauce What is the 127 sauce? What does each of the members bring to it to make 127 what it is?

Johnny: I mean, you could say that NCT 127s kind of like a four-course meal because each member brings something else to the table. I think thats what makes a team a team and each one of us really has a different story, a different background and a different thing they do bring to the table.

Mark: Im more of a ranch.

Johnny: Well, are you?

Mark: There are hot sauces, theres ranch

Johnny: But actually, how every member is so different makes NCT 127 so special, in my opinion.

Mark: We can fit anyones taste too because we have that many different sauces.

Johnny: For example, I think each member has a different taste in music like each and everyone likes different types of music. But in the end, we do make one sound together and that just brings a bunch of genres together to make NCT 127.

When you guys are starting work on a new album, do you go back and look at your last release to evaluate the things that you did well and what you want to work on and improve? If so, what were your conclusions from 2 Baddies and Ay-Yo that you brought into Fact Check?

Mark: One thing that I remember is this is just a detailed part is for example, we had a song called (Gold Dust) in the 2 Baddies album.. right? For a second, I questioned myself but it sounded so good when we did it a concert so we were like, We should have another song like . I think that kind of made Love Is A Beauty for this album. We really do evaluate and reflect on what we had, not even just on the previous album but like, even to the Sticker album to the Kick It album. I remember being in the car with Johnny after we finished our recording and we really compared together and were like, This ones good, this ones similar to that. So I think its an ongoing process.

One of the exciting things about NCT 127 is how you have this very experimental side but have still been able to become so big. Last year, you headlined the Olympic Stadium here twice. What are your memories of those shows? Yuta:I was very proud of the fact that we were able to perform at such a huge stadium in Korea.Also, as a multinational group and a Japanese myself, when we were doing the other dome tour (in Japan), the members complimented me a lot that I did exceptionally well. On the other hand, because this time we performed it at significantKoreanspots, I could truly feel that the members felt this true happiness rising from deep inside them. Of course I had that same feeling of joy but it was just very heart-warming to witness the members feeling something beyond that. Taeyong: When that concert got to the end, I saw Doyoung crying. I thought the members are really important to me in that time so I want to protect them. Im really proud of our team too.

You celebrated your seventh anniversary together earlier this year. How would you say NCT 127 has evolved in that time as a group and where do you want to go next? Doyoung:Weve grown up, as you see now. Wevematureda lot, right?Not just appearance wise, but when we look back at our debut, it feels like we were almost babies. I think weve grown so much. Especially in terms of mindset or what weve learned throughout our career, those piled up over the past 7 years. Even times when its physically tiring, we learned to rely on each other emotionally which had a healthy impact on the group.

The rest is here:

NCT 127: We are limitless but that freedom also has a lot of ... - NME

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