Daily Archives: October 22, 2023

Boy Scouts’ bankruptcy judge approves nearly $250 million in fees – Reuters

Posted: October 22, 2023 at 9:58 am

The statue of a scout stands in the entrance to Boy Scouts of America headquarters in Irving, Texas, February 5, 2013. REUTERS/Tim Sharp Acquire Licensing Rights

Oct 18 (Reuters) - The Boy Scouts of America has received a U.S. bankruptcy judge's approval to pay about $245 million in fees to lawyers and financial advisers who crafted the youth organization's $2.46 billion settlement of sex abuse claims.

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Laurie Selber Silverstein in Wilmington, Delaware, late on Tuesday mostly approved final fee applications from more than two dozen law firms and advisers who worked on the bankruptcy case. The overall bankruptcy fees could end up closer to $275 million, based on outstanding requests for payment from other groups that participated in the bankruptcy.

Silverstein had decried the "staggering" legal fees racked up in the case in 2021, when the number crossed the $100 million threshold.

White & Case, which served as lead counsel during the Boy Scouts' bankruptcy, received the highest fee award, at $71 million. Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones, which represented the official committee of abuse claimants, received $37.8 million, and Alvarez & Marsal, the Boy Scouts' financial adviser, received $19 million.

White & Case attorneys told Silverstein at an Oct. 5 hearing that they recognized the fees were high, but noted that the case was extraordinarily complex and ultimately led to a successful bankruptcy settlement that allowed the Boy Scouts to emerge from Chapter 11 in April.

White & Case attorney Jessica Lauria said at the Oct. 5 hearing that the Boy Scouts' overall fees compare favorably to amounts spent on other complex bankruptcies, pointing out that Johnson & Johnson spent more than $170 million on failed efforts to resolve talc-related lawsuits through a subsidiary's bankruptcy cases.

The fees approved Wednesday include payments for the Boy Scouts' court-appointed committees representing sex abuse claimants and other creditors, and a future claims representative that advocated for abuse victims who had not yet stepped forward when the case was filed in February 2020.

The judge deferred ruling on an additional $5 million in fees requested by those parties, which have been challenged as unreasonable by the U.S. Department of Justice's bankruptcy watchdog.

Silverstein is still considering separate requests for payment from other groups that helped negotiate the Boy Scouts' bankruptcy settlement, including a $21 million request from the Coalition of Abused Scouts for Justice, the largest group of abuse claimants in the case, a $3.5 million request from two firms that advocated for plaintiffs with higher-value abuse claims, and a $1.5 million request from a group of Catholic organizations that sponsored Scouting programs.

Debtors do not normally cover the legal costs of outside groups, other than those that are officially appointed by the court. But the abuse claimants and Catholic group have sought reimbursement for their "substantial contribution" to the success of the Boy Scouts' bankruptcy settlement.

The Boy Scouts exited bankruptcy in April after finalizing a settlement that resolved the claims of more than 80,000 men who say they were abused as children by troop leaders.

Read more:

US Boy Scouts exits Chapter 11 bankruptcy after abuse settlement

Boy Scouts victims begin receiving settlement payouts as appeals continue

Boy Scouts bankruptcy judge bemoans 'staggering' legal fees

Reporting by Dietrich Knauth

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

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Boy Scouts' bankruptcy judge approves nearly $250 million in fees - Reuters

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What CARD’s Clean Slate Post-Bankruptcy Could Mean For Autism … – Behavioral Health Business

Posted: at 9:57 am

The Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD) bankruptcy was bad news for investors placing big bets in the autism therapy space. But there are upsides for the company.

CARDs new owners, Doreen Granpeeseh and Sangam Pant get a clean slate at the scaled autism therapy company. And its a company with which they are well acquainted. Granpeesheh founded the company. She was its CEO for all but a few years of its 32-year existence. Pant, Granpeeshehs business partner, has advised and worked with the company for years.

About a month before closing, Granpeesheh and Pant set about remaking CARDs finances. Granpeesheh personally threw herself into leadership and staffing efforts. She re-hired several ex-CARD executives. She also whittled down the top administrative structure of the company, flattening its hierarchy.

As we were doing this, our goal was to bring in as many savings as we could, and we were successful, Granpeesheh said on the Behavioral Health Business Perspectives podcast. Were starting out with a much more lean company.

Thats the answer. We have to keep the company lean, go back to taking care of our patients and staff and also pay attention to the business.

Henderson, Nevada-based CARD remains largely intact and at similar staffing levels post-bankruptcy. The Audax Group bought 15 clinics and three special education schools in the bankruptcy proceedings. That leaves CARD with 115 centers and other business assets.

Looking to slow down a bit, Granpeesheh had planned an exit to a board role after selling a majority stake in the company. She reversed course when the bankruptcy proceedings began.

[Granpeeshehs] buying back the company at a lot less than what she was paid, Kevin Taggart, managing partner at the M&A advisory firm Mertz Taggart, told Behavioral Health Business. The sales good for many stakeholders other than the debt and equity holders.

Blackstone (NYSE: BX) invested $700 million for a 70% stake in the company in May 2018. Ares Capital Corp (Nasdaq: ARCC) provided at least $253 million in debt to CARD. This included $18 million to finance the bankruptcy, according to a review of bankruptcy documents.

Other investors find themselves in the same situation.

Starting around 2017, the market for autism therapy platforms was hot. Valuations for autism therapy providers were at an all-time high. M&A volumes hit a streak of historic highs leading into the pandemic. On top of that, deals were financed when interest rates were low, based on continued low Federal Reserve rates.

But then the COVID pandemic led to a series of headwinds that made these juicy deals bitter.

The Federal Reserve interest rate has doubled since this same time five years ago, sending the cost of new debt and variable-rate financing through the roof. A national reassessment of work-life balance and other needs facilitated the Great Resignation phenomenon. Inflation made doing business more expensive while worsening workforce challenges.

The year 2023 has been rough for autism therapy platforms. Several have whittled their footprints or offerings to adjust to the headwinds in the market, showing a reassessment of how to approach the autism therapy market.

Golden Gate Capital-backed Invo Healthcare closed its home- and clinic-based operations over the summer. Arsenal Meanwhile, Capital Partners-backed autism provider Hopebridge has pulled back from the Colorado market and faces substantial Medicaid rate cuts in Indiana, its home state, and where it operates the most locations.

CARD culled underperforming clinics from its portfolio as a last-ditch effort before filing bankruptcy.

These painful adjustments reset platforms for the present reality of an unfavorable autism therapy market. The major headwinds workforce issues, flat or diminishing payer rates, high-interest rates make meeting the tantalizingly high demand for autism therapy services a complicated prospect.

I think a lot of investors mistook a surplus of demand for an easy ability to generate good financial outcomes, John Hennegan, partner with Chicago-based private equity firm Shore Capital Partners, told BHB. Meaning that there were so many children who needed access to care, they assumed your financial success would follow.

In the five to seven years leading into 2023, several large platforms grew through aggressive M&A or de novo strategies, often opting for large national footprints. CARD and others opted for the latter approach. Hennegan notes that the greater focus across the autism therapy industry is on market density.

Despite the challenges from the investment perspective, the bankruptcy for CARD allows it to go through a cleansing process, Adam Abramowitz, managing director and head of health care for Intrepid Investment Bankers, told BHB.

Thats a real benefit for CARD, Abramowitz said. You can unload a lot of baggage and distractions and focus on the right operational things and not have these other factors that are negatively impacting the business.

Granpeesheh and Pant acquired CARD for $37.4 million to own the company outright. Granpeesheh held a 21% stake in the company before the deal.

Abramowitz added that Granpeesheh and Pant acquiring the company with cash demonstrates their confidence in the core business at CARD and that they want to help more children and see that entity be successful.

Despite the challenges, there is still a case for new autism investments.

But theres much more to consider in the space than the massive demand for and shortage of service.

You should never invest in a company or target a particular market just because theres a lot of demand, Abramowitz said. That certainly sets a good foundation for opportunity. But youve got to make sure you can make ends meet.

The key to differentiating a business from the rest of the market is with high-quality care and providing value for three constituents, Abramowitz said: patients and families, providers and payers.

The foundation of demand is as strong as ever, Hennegan said.

It is very hard to find a sector anywhere in the economy, particularly within health care, that is this fragmented and growing this quickly, Hennegan said. Is it perfect? No. No sector is.

An additional impact that complicated autism therapy investing is multiple compressions. While low-end valuations havent moved much in recent years, the average for high-end valuations has come down significantly, according to research from The Braff Group. This makes the prospect of selling a platform acquired at the top of the market for a profit nearly impossible.

For CARD, the immediate-term and short-term work focuses on internal reform and a slight focus on reestablishing operations where it pulled back.

We have a lot of work to do with the existing clinics, Granpeesheh said. Our focus will be to get the centers back up to capacity.

After that, the specific growth plan is fuzzy. Granpeesheh said she hopes that CARD will reopen clinics in previously abandoned markets. She mentioned Oregon as an example.

The new reality of the autism sector requires a different approach. Granpeesheh will take over the CEO role at CARD and already plans to establish new programs.

CARD will reestablish programs for adults and older children. In recent years, the company has zeroed in on young children and early intervention. The company will also outsource fewer functions to cut costs.

As CEO, Granpeesheh plans to be very hands-on and spend a lot of time in the field to understand the deeper issues centers face. In so doing, she hopes to show frontline staff that she prioritizes their issues.

Although its a bigger company, its still half the size of what Im used to, so its not that hard for us to interact with our employees and get focused on what we need in order to do their jobs better, Granpeesheh said.

Staffing is CARDs No. 1 challenge, Granpeesheh said. The company has about half as many board-certified behavioral analysts (BCBAs) as it had in the past, she added.

To address retention, she plans on reestablishing incentive efforts, including a bonus system for registered behavior technicians, and other programs to enrich clinicians work lives.

CARD will also broaden its clinician hiring beyond clinicians that focus on early intervention. The company will also deepen its training efforts, Granpeesheh said. In doing so, she hopes to deepen a mission-focused culture.

The people who last and come in and make this a career are mission-driven, Granpeesheh said. It really is about reminding people about the mission and giving them a sense of how much of an impact they have on those with autism and their families.


What CARD's Clean Slate Post-Bankruptcy Could Mean For Autism ... - Behavioral Health Business

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8 Senators Ask U.S. Treasury to Consider ‘Going Concern’ Bid to … – International Brotherhood of Teamsters

Posted: at 9:57 am

Eight U.S. senators, including Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and Roger Marshall (R-KS), have formally requested the Department of the Treasury consider a potential going concern bid to save good-paying, union trucking jobs as Yellow Corp.s bankruptcy proceedings continue.

Sen. Marshall issued a letter to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Oct. 19 about interested parties attempting to make a going concern bid before the U.S. Bankruptcy Court of Delaware. To aid the effort, the Kansas senator asked the Treasury to work with the U.S. Justice Department to extend the maturity date of loans that Yellow obtained under the CARES Act a move that would secure financing for the bid and help retain thousands of trucking jobs that may otherwise remain lost in the wake of Yellows collapse.

Through no fault of their own, 30,000 employees have been left without a job after [Yellows] utter mismanagement of the company. This comes even after Yellows union workers provided concessions with their own money and benefits to help the company reach financial stability, Sen. Marshall wrote to Yellen. It would be a disservice to these workers to not allow the opportunity for a going concern bid. I ask Treasury to seek the authority to change the terms of the loan provided to Yellow. It will not only benefit the economy, but also protect thousands of workers across the nation.

Yellow Corp. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Aug. 6, resulting in job losses for 22,000 hardworking Teamsters. With bankruptcy proceedings underway and the threat of liquidation of Yellows freight and real estate assets, the Teamsters are fighting for significant corporate bankruptcy reform in the U.S. to ensure workers are first in line for financial restitution. Teamsters at Yellow were the companys biggest creditors, voluntarily sacrificing more than $5 billion in wage and pension concessions to keep Yellow afloat for the last 20 years.

In addition to Sen. Marshall, seven other senators issued a joint letter to the U.S. Treasury on Oct. 6. Alongside Sen. Brown and Sen. Sanders, the letter was signed by Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Sen. Robert P. Casey Jr. (D-PA), Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA), and Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN).

It is our understanding that a [going concern] bid would expediate payments to creditors, including to taxpayers, while preserving jobs, the senators wrote to the Treasury. A going concern bid has the potential to make [working] families whole again as new ownership will have the incentive to build a sustainable future for Yellows workforce and shareholders. We urge you to do what is possible to reimburse taxpayers while potentially preserving tens of thousands of American jobs.

The entire Teamsters Union is keeping a close eye on the proceedings in Delaware as the Yellow bankruptcy carries on, and we are extremely grateful for the support of these U.S. senators standing up for American workers seeking relief, said Teamsters General President Sean M. OBrien. With the assistance of the U.S. Treasury and the Justice Department, if a going concern bid is presented during this bankruptcy process, the Teamsters will do everything in our power to rebuild as many strong union jobs as possible in the less-than-truckload space that Yellow abandoned with its corporate recklessness. The battle for high-paying careers in American trucking is far from over.

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8 Senators Ask U.S. Treasury to Consider 'Going Concern' Bid to ... - International Brotherhood of Teamsters

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Fake news, real victims: The tragedy of the Middle East bombings – The Hill

Posted: at 9:56 am

We’re into a new chapter in fake news. The blast at the hospital in Gaza does not mean there are two sides to the story; it means there are two entirely different stories, and neither side is going to back away for a moment and say, you have got a point, let’s look into the matter more carefully. 

First, there’s the question of facts. Any deaths are tragic, but we cannot be sure of the numbers. Did 500 people really die in and around the hospital? Who’s counting? Could the number have been more like 100 or 200? Maybe not, but is there any remote chance Hamas will welcome an independent team of observers to come up with the real numbers, the extent of the damage, the exact location where the missile or missiles landed? 

Of course not. Hamas is not likely to consider inviting or admitting impartial observers to take a look, much less conduct a thorough investigation. Or, if observers are eventually invited, they will surely be selected to be “neutral” on the side of Hamas. Or, if both Israelis and Palestinians are persuaded by some miracle to form a single team, we may be sure they would come out with their own extremely different reports of what happened and who was responsible. 

That is how it’s always been in the quest for incontrovertible facts on which bitter enemies might agree. A joint investigation, if it ever happens, will blow up in rhetoric and false conclusions before it begins.  

Before getting too deep into the topic, let’s assume the Israelis are correct when they say a rocket misfired by Hamas fell short, or off course, landing on or near the hospital. Israeli intelligence, monitoring all that’s going on near its borders, is simply too advanced, too sophisticated to doubt the ability of veteran Israeli analysts to come up with a realistic idea of what happened, even if they failed to warn in advance of the Hamas attacks that have killed more than 1,400 people inside southern Israel. 

That’s not to say that Israel would share all the details of its intelligence or would not be tempted to skew the truth for the sake of convincing the world that the blast at the hospital had to have been perpetrated by a rocket or rockets and not a bomb. Whatever Israel says, however verifiable and irrefutable, there’s not a chance it will resolve the question of who was responsible to the satisfaction of the rest of the world. 

That said, those who are on Israel’s side as an independent Jewish state surrounded by Islamic foes will support the Israeli version regardless of any investigation or corroboration. And we may be equally sure that anti-Israeli states, groups and individuals will go on blaming Israel not only for blowing up the hospital but also for ongoing bombing and shelling intended finally to destroy Hamas. In the end, Israel will have killed many more Palestinians than Hamas killed in its initial attack on southern Israel. 

It’s that reality that provides a certain truth to the anti-Israel campaign waged by Israel’s worst enemies, notably Iran but also Arab nations with which Israel has been trying to form decent relations. Can Israel’s diplomatic ties with its close Arab neighbors, Egypt and Jordan, survive the slaughter? And does Israel, amid all the charges and counter-charges, still have a chance of forming diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia, the richest, most powerful Arab nation, with which it was negotiating before the war? 

Not just Israel’s arch foe, Iran, but sympathizers with Palestine throughout the region and the world will go on saying forever that an Israeli plane bombed the hospital. No way will Palestinians, defending their right to recover the land from which they were driven after the founding of Israel as the Jewish homeland in 1948, accept any report or study or satellite or electronic imagery revealing contrary evidence. 

The danger inherent in fake news has still worse consequences. Iran, Islamic but not Arab, may cast off all constraints about finally developing nuclear warheads with Israel as the target. China and Russia will be as reluctant to blame Hamas for its wanton cruelty or to come down on Iran for going nuclear as they are to vote for resolutions in the U.N. Security Council denouncing North Korea for testing missiles carrying nuclear warheads. Those harboring antisemitic sentiments are sure to turn the blast at the hospital into an excuse for denouncing Israel’s very right to exist. 

In the rush to attack Israel, it will be easy to forget the welfare and survival of the 2.3 million Palestinians crowded into Gaza. Israel, looking for revenge, is obviously not worried about them, Nor are Israel’s enemies. They could not have found a more terrific peg for venting their pent-up fury. For them, the survival of desperate people, hungry, thirsty and dirty, cowering in terror, counts for less than the excitement of advancing their anti-Israel agenda 

Donald Kirk has been a journalist for more than 60 years, focusing much of his career on conflict in Asia and the Middle East, including as a correspondent for the Washington Star and Chicago Tribune. He is currently a freelance correspondent covering North and South Korea, and is the author of several books about Asian affairs.   

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Fake news, real victims: The tragedy of the Middle East bombings - The Hill

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New YouTube Recommendation Feature After Government Notice On Fake News – NDTV

Posted: at 9:56 am

YouTube will list credible news sources on a "Watch Page" which it will roll out in the coming months

Google-owned YouTube will list credible news sources on a "Watch Page" which it will roll out in the coming months in India, a senior company official said today.

"Today, I am thrilled to introduce 'Watch Page' for news... the Watch Page will recommend videos available from credible sources," YouTube India, head of government affairs and Public Policy, Mira Chatt said at the Google for India event.

She said that the Watch Page will be rolled out in coming months in India.

Recently, the government asked YouTube to identify fake news channels on its platform.

Sources, however, told Press Trust of India that the government has not defined "fake news" in its communication to YouTube.

Mira Chatt said the platform removed more than 2 million videos in India between April and June, 2023 that were violating its policies.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

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Fake news exposed: Injured Gaza baby photo proven to be AI-generated – The Jerusalem Post

Posted: at 9:56 am

Aya Isleem, a Palestinian journalist based in Gaza tweeted a photo of what seems to be a Palestinian baby in the rubble, writing just one word Gaza.

Isleem hinted that the baby was Palestinian, who was injured by Israel Defence Forces (IDF), but after many complaints, X (formerly Twitter) flagged the image, explaining that it is actually an AI-generated photo.

Readers added context they thought people might want to know: The image is AI-generated and has AI artifacts on the baby's hand. The generated image has been shared on social media since at least eight months earlier.

A social media influencer, Andy Ng, showed a screenshot of this image 8 months ago when it was also flagged as AI-generated.

Walla! recently reported that the new version of the AI art generator DALLE 3, has reservations about generating images symbolizing Israeli advocacy, like a robust Israeli soldier with an eagle and the country's flag.

While the platform avoids generating conflict-related visuals, users have found workarounds, such as using generic symbols or posing indirect questions. Israelis are innovatively navigating these limitations. The power of DALLE 3 lies in its ability to incorporate text and produce compelling visuals quickly.

For those seeking fewer restrictions, alternatives like Leonardo or Midjourney offer more flexibility on sensitive subjects.

Sacha Roytman Dratwa, CEO of Combat Antisemitism Movement and a world-class expert on social media explained to The Jerusalem Post on Thursday that "The war of narratives and images has taken an unprecedented turn, with evidence suggesting that Hamas is utilizing AI tools to manipulate images, including those of deceased children, as uncovered by X.

"It is deeply concerning to witness how Hamas propaganda resorts to disinformation and fabricated visuals in an attempt to sway public opinion. This organization is employing every means possible to distort facts," Roytman Dratwa concluded.

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Fake news exposed: Injured Gaza baby photo proven to be AI-generated - The Jerusalem Post

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Social media trolling and spread of fake news are threat to Irish … – The Irish Times

Posted: at 9:56 am

The leadership of the Green Party has argued that widespread trolling on social media, and the dissemination of fake news, conspiracy theories, and disinformation, now pose a threat to Irish democracy.

Party leader Eamon Ryan and deputy leader Catherine Martin both devoted key passages of their respective speeches to the partys national convention in Cork to harsh criticism of the baleful effects of social media platforms, where trolls were bombarding people with false information and prejudicial opinions.

Mr Ryan said that was particularly so in relation to messages on climate change. Ms Martin, the Minister for Media, also told delegates that her department was currently working on a national counter-disinformation strategy.

The digital revolution has its darker side, Mr Ryan told delegates during his keynote speech at the conference in Cork.

[Greens in power: Will partys difficult second album turn out to be a hit?]

The algorithms are designed to hold our attention by promoting what we like, confirming our existing prejudices. It is a threat to our democracy as we are bombarded with disinformation, fake news and conspiracy theories.

Mr Ryan said that some with a vested interest in the status quo trolled against those advocating change.

They attack the climate messenger from the safety of a fake ID, he contended.

In comments made during the course of the conference on Saturday, Mr Ryan and Ms Martin also pointed to trolling in relation to other issues, including immigration, refugees, and the ongoing violence in Israel and Gaza.

Mr Ryan said good quality public broadcasting was one way in which to combat such false narratives. He said that such media should be funded from a variety of sources but did not elaborate on the nature of the sources.

The convention focused largely on what the party said was its achievements in Government and claimed that many of its big policy targets set out in the Programme for Government had been achieved.

In the past, small parties in Government were described as the mudguard. This time around we are the vanguard for change, Mr Ryan claimed.

In her speech, Ms Martin said the growth of disinformation and misinformation by bad actors had challenged Irish democracy and Irish society, and had the potential to undermine public confidence in news, information, and the political system.

It is a complex issue and no one approach will solve it. But this Government and I, as Minister for Media, are taking unprecedented steps to address this. Work is well under way in my department on the development of a national counter-disinformation strategy and new laws ... to reduce the availability of harmful online content.

Ms Martin said a counter to that trend of disinformation was top-quality public sector journalism and broadcasting. She instanced the work of RT journalist Paul Cunningham and cameraman Owen Corcoran from the Middle East this week.

In his speech, Mr Ryan said he would campaign to get a polluter pays principle applied at next months COP 28 negotiations in Dubai to make the fossil fuel, aviation, and maritime sectors pay for providing clean power to 600 million people currently without electricity in Africa.

He said he had been supported in the stance by colleagues at the European Environment Council earlier this week.

Mr Ryan and Ms Martin made numerous references in the course of their speeches to the achievements of the Green Party in Government, including the 3 billion capital funding for climate change announced in the budget, the 1.3 billion afforestation programme recently initiated by Minister of State for Forestry Pippa Hackett, as well as policies to bring cheaper public transport, establish new cycle lands, and promote active travel.

Earlier in the day Mr Ryan said that weather systems have gone off the charts, warning against a pattern of shooting the messenger when it comes to climate action.

Asked about his partys low poll ratings, Mr Ryan said that the climate issue had understandably not been to the forefront of peoples mind because of other major events such as Covid-19, the war in Ukraine, and substantial increases in the cost of living.

[Farmers could be paid for land to slow down flood water, Eamon Ryan says]

What we want to do is radical change. Thats not easy. Im very confident that in the nine months to June that tide will turn.

Mr Ryan repeated his prediction that the party could double its number of councillors to 100 and said there was no reason why it could not reach 10 per cent of support in the next general election, which he said would take place in March 2025.

Asked if he would go into a coalition with Sinn Fin if that was the choice the Greens faced, Mr Ryan said his party was prepared to go into government.

I think we should go into government because I think its not a time for sitting on the bench. Its time for action this decade.

So, yes, I think we should be willing to work with all parties. That would involve difficult programme-for-government negotiations, because, being honest, Sinn Fin has not shown an interest in protecting the environment to the extent that we think is appropriate.

[If that is the option] well sit down with [Sinn Fin] and try to make that happen. We get on well with our Coalition parties, and we have got involved with Labour and the Social Democrats. Thats the nature of our party. We tend to try to work with other people.

Speaking to The Irish Times ahead of the conference, Mr Ryan said Ireland must change how it manages land, including paying farmers to encourage new practices, to reduce flooding risk in the future.

Expanding on the point at the conference, the Green Party leader said Ireland would need to improve its flood prediction capability in future to prevent the extensive damage that occurred in Midleton and other Cork towns and villages this week.

Addressing the flood risk in Midleton required as many as six different interventions in the Owenacurra river which flowed through the town, he said.

Its really complex, but we have to to improve our flood prediction capability. We have really good prediction capability around weather now and very good modelling of weather systems. We need to enhance our modelling of flood systems.

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Social media trolling and spread of fake news are threat to Irish ... - The Irish Times

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FG won’t trample on rights of citizens in fight against fake news, says … – TheCable

Posted: at 9:56 am

Mohammed Idris, minister of information and national orientation, says the federal government will not trample on the rights of citizens in its fight against fake news in the country.

In an interview with NAN, Idris said fake news should be condemned and not tolerated by citizens.

The minister said fake news could lead to anarchy in the society and the loss of lives and property.

We must be in the forefront of advocating for truthful information all the time, he said.

Everything that is fake should not be promoted. This is because it can lead to anarchy and destruction of lives and properties.

And by the way, nobody will want his home, country, state or nation to be in tatters because somebody is encouraging fake news.

Fake news should be condemned in all its ramifications. I have said that it is important for all of us to be careful in the way we navigate these waters.

We know that we dont want fake news.

The minister said the fight against fake news must be collective.

We must collectively come together and see ways and means by which these fake news can be tackled without necessarily trampling on the rights of the people, free press and freedom of information, he said.

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FG won't trample on rights of citizens in fight against fake news, says ... - TheCable

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Russian Propagandists Are Dancing on the Bones of Israel-Hamas … – The Moscow Times

Posted: at 9:56 am

The conflict between Israel and Hamas has dominated the medias attention for almost two weeks now. Russian media has been no exception. However, it has taken a unique approach, not shying away from manipulating the truth and spreading outright lies in order to show President Vladimir Putins regime in the best light possible.

Russian television channels at first reacted to the violent Hamas attack with indignation and disgust. But criticism of Israel soon began to dominate their talking points. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallants remark that his country was fighting against "humanoid animals" gave Putins propagandists the opportunity to get on their high horse and condemn all sides of the conflict. "Israel has abolished all the rules of war. The Israeli army continues to level neighborhoods in the Gaza Strip," said presenter Olesya Loseva during a talk show on Channel One on Oct. 11.

A week later, the anti-Israeli rhetoric from Moscow intensified. The explosion at the Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza is still under investigation. But Russian propagandists did not hesitate to blame Israel, claiming Hamas lacked shells that were powerful enough.

During the first week of the war, Russian propagandists latched onto confusion in the Western media to discredit their past reports of Russian atrocities in the war in Ukraine. On Oct. 10, journalist Nicole Zedek from the Israeli outlet i24NEWS said IDF officers told her about 40 babies beheaded by militants in a massacre in Kfar Aza. The story spread all over the world, even though the information was not fully verified. According to other journalists present at the scene, the exact number of civilian deaths is unknown. Despite the general confirmation of the crime from soldiers and other journalists on the spot, Russian propagandists clung to the "40 beheaded babies" claim, attempting to accuse the Western media of creating fake news with the account.

"Just one day after the start of the IDF operation, the Western media began to spin stories of another bloody rampage where Hamas militants allegedly killed dozens of babies," Loseva said. Comparisons with the massacre of civilians in Bucha, Ukraine were repeated on Russian TV with clumsy persistence. According to pro-Kremlin spin doctors, if the Western media told a lie once, then everything else they say about the Russian armys actions in Ukraine can be discredited.

Just like they have done with Ukraine, Russian propagandists are using lies and manipulation to distort the words of a country that they do not like. During an interview with Sky News, a journalist asked former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett about the fate that would befall Palestinian civilians. Bennett responded sharply, asking "What is wrong with you? Are you seriously asking about Palestinian civilians?"

Russian propagandist Dmitry Drozdenko distorted Bennetts words, first claiming that Bennett was asked about the babies who are going to die in Gaza. Drozdenko then said Bennett responded "Youre kidding me! So they die. What's the big deal?" Anyone who watched Drozdenkos segment would be left with the impression that Israel had openly adopted a cannibalistic policy against peaceful Palestinians. There was no mention of babies in the original interview.

Another fabrication emerged at the very beginning of the conflict in the Middle East. In the conditions of the ongoing war in Ukraine and the looming end of the Ukrainian Armed Forces summer counteroffensive, propagandists rejoiced at the possibility of putting an end to Western support for Ukraines war effort. "One way or another, this conflict is still reflected in what is happening in Ukraine. Many have begun to understand that Ukraine is like gangrene for Europe. In order to avoid infection, the affected area must be removed," Loseva told viewers on Oct. 10.

On the same day, Meeting Place host Andrei Norkin tried to promote another false narrative that Hamas uses Ukrainian weapons bought on the black market. "Hamas has a huge amount of weapons, which they should not have. They have Javelins and some old samples of Soviet weapons," he said. The propagandist reinforced his assertion with a tweet from far-right U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, who wrote that weapons could have come to Hamas from Afghanistan or Ukraine. Russian propagandists presented this statement as the official position of the United States, even though the White House has not commented on these rumors and Taylor Greene is a notorious supporter of conspiracy theories.

The second piece of supposed evidence used by propagandists was the claim that Western media reported grenade launchers with Ukrainian markings being found near the Israeli city of Ashkelon. However, the BBC quickly said they never reported that. The Ukrainian Defense Ministrys press center warned that "Russian propagandists are distributing a video in which representatives of the Hamas terrorist group allegedly show off Ukrainian weapons. In particular, it is claimed in Arabic that Ukraine sold Western weapons to terrorists. The video lasts only 12 seconds and raises many doubts."

In addition to pushing outright fakes, Russian television is playing a more subtle rhetorical game, dubbing the war between Israel and Hamas a personal defeat for the United States and its allies. "This is certainly the collapse of today's unipolar world order. The fear of the United States has simply disappeared!" said Ruslan Kurbanov, a Russian political scientist and a regular guest on propaganda talk shows.

Some of the guests and presenters even began to build conspiracy theories around the idea that the conflict is beneficial to Britain. However, there is no coherence to their claims. Their theories are built on hatred of the Western world and the exaltation of Putin and Russia. According to these propagandists, Russia and China will create a new world on the wreckage of Washingtons international reputation. But until that world comes, it will be necessary to continue spitting bile at the United States.

The mood was summed up by Channel Ones Ruslan Ostashko at the start of Time Will Tell:

"No conflict in the world is without Washingtons involvement now, he declared, adding that the United States had long tried to achieve its objectives by encouraging divisions between peoples and nations. Having failed to get quick results from fomenting the conflict in Ukraine, they have ignited the conflict in the Middle East as well.

The views expressed in opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect the position of The Moscow Times.

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Empires of lies The China Project – The China Project

Posted: at 9:55 am

The Foreign Ministry, its pique evident in its pithy choice of words and in the semi-hysterical tenor of its reply, responded in top form:

Facts have proven time and again that the U.S. is an empire of lies through and through. Even some in the U.S., such as Senator Rand Paul, acknowledged that the U.S. government is the greatest propagator of disinformation in the history of the world.

State wordsmiths set the tone and content for propaganda, both in the original and in translation. Although this was a diatribe crafted inside the halls of the Foreign Ministry, it quickly got the seal of approval of the official Xinhua News Agency which reproduced it verbatim and sent it flying to key external media in its vast distribution system.

State media outlets such as the Global Times a nationalistic subsidiary of the Communist Partys Peoples Daily newspaper that is dedicated to angry coverage of world affairs in English and Chinese, and the China Daily, a state-owned English publication which has a key role to play in telling Chinas story well to diplomats and other residents of China added to the Foreign Ministry outrage with additional spittle-flecked words, but the Foreign Ministrys term empire of lies was a gem of assonance, a memorable rhetorical flourish. The term is used in English as well as in Chinese, translated literally as hungyn dgu, which echoes the description empire of hacking () that state media used to describe the U.S. after the Edward Snowden revelations of 2013.

As if to buttress the notion that China trades in facts while the U.S. shamefacedly lies, theres even a half-hearted attempt to source the empire of lies jab to Rand Paul, a U.S. senator representing Kentucky.

The Foreign Ministry made the perhaps understandable mistake of conflating libertarian father with libertarian son, for it is pre Ron Paul, a physician and former congressman from Texas, not Rand Paul, who launched the term empire of lies as a descriptor for the United States in his 2008 book, The Revolution: A Manifesto

Its also telling that the Chinese media was careful to lift only half the Rand quote in question, which in the original reads: Truth is treason in the empire of lies.

In China, where truth is sometimes literally and legally be construed as treason when it comes to criticizing X Jnpng or the Communist Party or in shedding light on certain historical events, the first half of the quote cuts uncomfortably close to home.

In The Revolution: A Manifesto, Ron Paul attributes his pungent quote to George Orwell, without a clear citation. (There is no published evidence that Orwell himself said Truth is treason in the empire of lies.)

So where did Chinas wordsmiths find this pseudo-Orwellian gem? Empire of lies is traceable to Ron Pauls 2008 book, and the greatest propagator of disinformation is attributable to his son Rand at a May 2022 Senate hearing described the U.S. government as the greatest propagator of disinformation in world history.

But theres another possible source for the empire of lies meme that is even of more immediate relevance to Chinas wolf warrior diplomats: On February 24, 2022, Vladimir Putin gave a speech announcing that his armies would invade Ukraine in what he called a a special military operation in which castigated the U.S. as an empire of lies. He went on to assert:

One can say with good reason and confidence that the whole so-called Western bloc formed by the United States in its own image and likeness is, in its entirety, the very same empire of lies.

Putin does not credit either Rand Paul or Ron Paul for the quote, but he deems it an American creation: U.S. politicians, political scientists and journalists write and say that a veritable empire of lies has been created inside the United States.

This term now has a life of its own in Russian media, and Chinese media, which sometimes takes its cues from the Kremlin, echoes this, especially on Ukraine-related matters. The U.S. has been tagged an empire of lies numerous times in the last year or so, sometimes in relation to spurious Russian propaganda about secret bio-labs, germ warfare, and COVID origins, but also in cases of documented deceit, such as in the run-up to the war in Iraq.

Last year, a cartoon entitled Empire of Lies ran in the Global Times. Penned by Russian artist Vitaly Podvitski, whose work has appeared in Sputnik News, RIA Novosti, and Channel One Russia, it portrays a sad, hook-nosed Uncle Sam pouring toxic ooze from a garbage can labeled lies on Xinjiang to discredit China.

Another Russian, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, is also fond of the term. He described the entire West as an empire of lies on Chinese state broadcaster CCTV news last month, among other occasions.

There are several books with the title Empire of Lies. mostly in the realm of dystopian fiction, but there is also a political critique of U.S. foreign policy published in March this year by right-wing contrarian and economist Paul Craig Roberts who points to 9/11, COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine as examples of key U.S. deceptions.

There is another possible source of the endurable and enduring empire of lies meme, as ironic as it is unlikely. Its the title of a book about China, published in 2008 by the erudite French-American author Guy Sorman who first visited China in 1967: Empire of Lies: The Truth about China in the Twenty-First Century.

Writing back when the Western honeymoon in China was not yet over, Sorman argued the West conferred greater legitimacy on China than did the Chinese themselves, which gives an insight into why the Chinese media likes to quote foreigners so much.

The uncertain origin of the phrase empire of lies adds another Orwellian twist to this already twisted matter. It certainly sounds like something Orwell would have said or could have said, and you can buy T-shirts (from libertarian-orineted stores) with the quote on it attributed to Orwell, but there is no reliable scholarship that confirms Orwell said or wrote it.

What would the human truth-seeking missile called Orwell have to say about a quote attributed to him that he never made, that has now gone around the world several times, getting reinvigorated and repurposed by authoritarian governments in Russia and China?

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