Daily Archives: October 13, 2023

Air Seychelles cancels direct flights to Tel Aviv as of October 13 … – Seychelles News Agency

Posted: October 13, 2023 at 11:36 pm

Air Seychelles operated four flights this week in order to return Israelis from their holiday in Seychelles. (Air Seychelles)

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Due to the current war situation in Israel, Air Seychelleswill cancel its direct flights between Mahe and Tel Aviv from October 13 until the end of October, the airline said on Thursday.

Air Seychelles operated four flights this week in order to return Israelis from their holiday in Seychelles.

"The safety of our passengers and creware always our number one priority and a schedule adjustment was done, and risk mitigation plans put in action in order to operate these flights. We will continue to monitor the situation and hope to resume our twice weekly commercial operations when possible,"said the airline.

The Israel-Palestine conflict escalated after gunmen from the Palestinian group Hamas rampaged through Israeli towns and a music festival on Saturday, killing at least 250 Israelis.

Israel retaliated on Tuesday with air strikes on Gaza and a state of war was declared.

According to the United Nations, Israel ordered a direct evacuation on Friday of northern Gaza, home to 1.1 million people within 24 hours.

Seychelles has condemnedall indiscriminate attacks on civilians in both Israel and Palestine.

"Seychelles calls for the belligerents to put an end to military hostilities and return immediately, without pre-conditions, to the negotiating table, under the auspices of the United Nations, to find a lasting and comprehensive peace settlement guaranteeing the rights and security of the Israeli and Palestinian peoples based on the two-state solution," the Foreign Affairs Department said on Tuesday.

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Air Seychelles cancels direct flights to Tel Aviv as of October 13 ... - Seychelles News Agency

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Condor Airlines Becomes Latest Airline To Resume Flights To … – Simple Flying

Posted: at 11:36 pm


Despite being one of the smallest African countries, Seychelles is becoming more widely accessible to travelers from other parts of the world, particularly from Europe. Condor Airlines has become the latest carrier to resume seasonal non-stop flight services from Frankfurt in recent weeks. With the reinstated connections, Seychelles expects many visitors in the fourth quarter.

Although Condor Airlines has been operating flights to Seychelles since 1991, it's primarily been a seasonal route for the airline's winter schedule. Since suspending operations this April in preparation for the summer schedule, this winter's return to Seychelles will see some pleasant changes for the airline and the African country.

Late last month, the German leisure carrier reinstated seasonal flight services to Seychelles as anticipated, except the return of this connection was actually a month ahead of the route's standard winter schedule. The airline also deployed a much bigger aircraft, with its Airbus A330neo already carrying over 300 passengers for the first flight out on September 30th.

Operating one flight per week every Friday, Condor Airlines flight DE 2302 will depart from Frankfurt Airport at approximately 17:45 and is expected to arrive at Victoria Seychelles International Airport at around 05:45 the following day. On Saturdays, flight DE 2303 leaves Seychelles at around 23:30 before returning to Frankfurt at 07:45 the next day. This winter schedule is expected to continue until March next year. From mid-November till March, an additional weekly flight will be added.

You can find flights from Frankfurt to Seychelles here.

With the return of Condor Airlines, Seychelles is expecting more German visitors this year, adding to the 20,000 plus who have visited since 2010. The airline seconds this expectation, highlighting that the average load factor has increased from 63% in 2021 to approximately 78% last year. This year, it has grown to an incredible 97%.

The return of non-stop connections between Frankfurt and Seychelles was followed very closely by the equally welcoming return of Edelweiss Airlines to the African country. Similar to Condor Airlines' frequency, the Swiss leisure carrier will connect Zurich with Seychelles with one flight service per week using its Airbus A340-300 fleet.

Find flights from Zurich to Seychelles here.

Towards this month's end, more international carriers will join the bandwagon. Turkish Airlines will link Istanbul with Seychelles with three weekly flights, while Ethiopian Airlines will increase frequencies to Seychelles from the current daily flight services to double daily flights from Addis Ababa. To keep Russia one of the top three Eastern European markets on Seychelles' arrival list - behind Germany and France - Aeroflot will upgrade connections from Moscow with three weekly flights on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.

Photo: Vincenzo Pace | Simple Flying.

But even with all these airlines' efforts, Emirates will eventually continue outranking them all and remain as the leading carrier for passengers to Seychelles by maintaining seven weekly flights. By this month, the Gulf carrier will resume double daily flights to ensure Seychelles is significantly well-connected to the world. Celebrating these enhanced connections was Bernadette Willemin, the Director General for Destination Marketing at Tourism Seychelles, as she highlighted:

"The Seychelles Islands have always been known for its unparalleled natural beauty and vibrant culture and with these new connections, we eagerly anticipate welcoming travelers from across the globe to experience our unique paradise.

Besides these airlines, Seychelles is also served by others such as Air Seychelles, Qatar Airways, Air Austral, Kenya Airways, and Etihad Airways - albeit the list will likely grow in the coming years. With the new and improved flight connections that further make it a promising holiday destination, Seychelles is confident in expecting ramped-up tourist arrivals for the final quarter of this year.

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Condor Airlines Becomes Latest Airline To Resume Flights To ... - Simple Flying

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Seychelles Opposition Leader Patrick Herminie Arrested for … – Bitter Winter

Posted: at 11:36 pm

by Massimo Introvigne

The main leader of the opposition in the Seychelles and former speaker of the National Assembly, medical doctor Patrick Herminie, is the victim of a witch hunt. Not in a metaphorical sense. He was arrested and charged on October 2 for what under Seychelles law is the crime of being in possession of anything intended to be used for the purpose of witchcraft, conspiracy to exercise witchcraft, counseling and procuring another person in exercising witchcraft and soliciting any person to advise on any matter for any purpose whatsoever by witchcraft.

The story started with two corpses dug up in a cemetery, in what authorities suspected was a ritual of witchcraft, although Herminie was not accused of being involved in the incident, and with the arrest on September 21 at Seychelles National Airport of a Tanzanian citizen. He was trying to enter the country with what the police described as black wooden artifacts, stones, small bottles of brownish liquid, an assortment of powders, and a number of documents with strange language and symbols that may be described as demonic and satanic. Five Seychellois were arrested as accomplices of the Tanzanian. The police claims that one of them mentioned Herminie in a WhatsApp conversation in a way raising the suspicion that the politician was also involved in witchcraft and satanism.

Herminie and the other Seychellois defendants were released on bail on October 2, waiting for a next trial hearing on November 3, while the Tanzanian remains in jail.

Advocacy for Alleged Witches, an international organization that campaigns for the elimination of anti-witchcraft statutes in Africa and other countries, protested the arrest. Its director Leo Igwe stated that, Advocacy for Alleged Witches is asking the government of Seychelles to drop these charges because they are absurd and constitute a show of shame and embarrassment. The prosecution of Herminie and other co-accused is witch hunting in both literal and political sense.And witch hunting should have no place in 21st century politics in Seychelles. Otherwise, how does the government define witchcraft or witchcraft items?How does the government distinguish witchcraft items, whatever that means, from traditional religious objects? How did the prosecutors know that the said items were intended for use in witchcraft? Are stones, black wooden artifacts , and small bottles of brownish liquid witchcraft materials?I mean how will state prosecutors establish that some symbols are demonic and satanic? At a time of growing cases of witch persecution in many parts of Africa, the government of Seychelles should discontinue this unfortunate and unwarranted instance of witch hunting.

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Seychelles Opposition Leader Patrick Herminie Arrested for ... - Bitter Winter

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Seychelles’ 5 Leaders of the Opposition in the Third Republic – Seychelles News Agency

Posted: at 11:36 pm

(Seychelles News Agency) - On June 18in 1993, the Third Republic of Seychelles was born and a multi-party politics was introduced following 16 years of one-party rule.

This brought about a new governance structure under the new Constitution, and a governance structure adhering to the principles of the Separation of Powers.

Under the new Constitution, Cabinet Ministers could not be Members of the National Assembly and vice-versa.

On July 30, 2023, the Seychelles' National Assembly celebrated its 30thanniversary.

SNA brings you the Leaders ofthe Opposition who have served in this era.

James Mancham-1st Assembly

The late former President of Seychelles (1976 to 1977) became the first Leader of the Opposition on July 30, 1993, for the Assembly's first sitting by a proclamation gazetted by the then President France Albert Rene, representing the Seychelles People's Progressive Front Party (SPPF).

Mancham remained in the post until parliament was dissolved in February 1998 by President Rene for fresh elections in March of the same year.

Wavel Ramkalawan - 2nd,3rd, 4thAssembly

Ramkalawan, who is the current President of Seychelles since Ocotboer 2020, became the Leader of the Opposition for the first time after the 1998 parliamentary elections held on March 21to 25.

The National Assembly was after these elections made up of 34 members, one more than the last session.

The Seychelles Peoples Progressive Front (SPPF)won over 50 percent in all districts but lost to Ramkalawan in the central district of St Louis.

After the 2002 National Assembly elections which was sworn in on December 17, Ramkalawan remained as the Leader of the Opposition

His party - the Seychelles National Party won 40 percent of the total votes and in had 11 members in the National Assembly.

After the elections in 2007, the SNP got 43.8percent ofthe total votes thus earning 11 seats in the Assembly of which 4 were proportionately elected.

Ramkalawan remained as the Leader of the Opposition until 2011 when the SNP boycotted the parliamentary elections of that year.

David Pierre - 5thAssembly

In the 2011 elections, only the SPPF and the Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) contested the election and Pierre was able to poll in 3,828 votes which added up to 10.89 percent of the 35,145 valid votes cast.

Though PDM contested in the elections, it did not win any seat as according to the Electoral Commission it had won only about 7 percent of the total votes cast. The leader of PDM did not agree with the decision taken and decided to bring this case before the Constitutional Court.

PDM won its appeal for the allocation of a proportionately elected seat in the National Assembly and Pierre nominated and voted himself Leader of the Opposition until he resigned on May 15 in 2016.

Francesca Monnaie - 5thAssembly

After Pierre submitted his resignation, Monnaie was sworn in as the Leader of the Opposition on May 16. She was formerly the Popular Democratic Movement's secretary general.

Wavel Ramkalawan - 6thAssembly

In the parliamentary elections of September 2016, the Linyon Demokratik Seselwa (LDS) opposition coalition party, which included the SNP, for the first time in parliament history, won more seats than the government.

LDS occupied 15 seats while the United Seychelles party had 10.

Ramkalawan was appointed as the Leader of the Opposition until the general elections of October 2020 in which he was elected President.

Sebastien Pillay-7thAssembly

After the October 2020 general elections, United Seychelles became the opposition party in the National Assembly after winning only 6 out of 20 constituencies.

Pillay was elected as the Leader of the Opposition of the 7thAssembly on October 28.

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Seychelles' 5 Leaders of the Opposition in the Third Republic - Seychelles News Agency

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5 customs administrations from Indian Ocean agree to create … – Seychelles News Agency

Posted: at 11:36 pm

The meeting aimed at establishing various aspects of the committee including its purposes, functions and objectives, and with the creation of its secretariat. (Seychelles News Agency)

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(Seychelles News Agency) - Five customs administrations from the Indian Ocean region met in Seychelles on Friday to discuss the proposal of setting up of a regional committee and agreed upon the principle.

The meeting was the first one held for the proposed Indian Ocean Islands Customs Committee with representatives from Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion and Seychelles.

Held at the Savoy Seychelles Resort & Spa, the meeting aimed at establishing various aspects of the committee including its purposes, functions and objectives, and with the creation of its secretariat.

In his opening address, the acting commissioner of the Seychelles Revenue Commission (SRC), Fred Morel, said the creation of the committee was proposed in November 2022. This was through an international cooperation meeting in which a letter of intent was signed and the idea for a Customs Committee was proposed.

In June 2023, at the last Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) meeting, the Council of Ministers approved the implementation of the Customs Committee and mandated the IOC's Secretariat to give its support.

The heads of all the five Customs Administrations of Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion and Seychelles agreed to the creation of the committee.

"The idea of having such a committee in place is a positive one which will bring with it a wealth of opportunities and benefits in terms of the establishment of a platform to facilitate the exchange of ideas," said Morel.

He said that "through capacity building and technical assistance, we will be able to support each other to develop the competencies of our officers to improve trade facilitation and to intensify our fight against drug trafficking and other illicit activities posing a threat to our society."

The main purposes of the committee are to facilitate the implementation of projects of common interest and encourage the coordination of customs good practices to ensure security and facilitate trade. It will also intensify technical cooperation to pool together resources to address the Technical Assistance and Capacity Building (TACB) needs within the region.

The commissioner of Customs in Seychelles, Paul Barrack, said that this committee will also allow customs officers to get training and courses in countries that have the necessary expertise. Additionally, each country will share experiences in areas where they have advanced knowledge and capacity.

The committee's creation is supported by the IOC as a regional approach is being encouraged to better develop areas such the economy, Blue Economy and maritime security.

"We want to try and encourage more exchanges within the region, where such a partnership will help in many areas, as we do not want to see one country develop, while others are left behind," added the international cooperation manager of the regional directorate of Reunion, Thierry Sourama.

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Ocean Science as a Pillar of Sustainable Ocean Management: – IOC-UNESCO

Posted: at 11:36 pm

Climate action, the sustainable use and management of biodiversity, food security, coastal resilience, access to renewable energy, and human health are all dependent on humanitys capacity to sustainably manage the ocean. Sustainable ocean management is integrally linked to the development of a sustainable and equitable ocean economy, which is an aspiration and indeed a necessity for a growing number of Member States, including many Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States.

Via its diverse portfolio of programmes and initiatives, UNESCOs Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission is uniquely placed within the UN system to catalyse and support action across all elements of the ocean science value chain that are needed to support sustainable ocean management. The core programmatic work of IOC/UNESCO is strongly complemented by its role as the coordinator of theUN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, a UN-wide initiative that commenced in 2021 and that provides a global framework to create the conditions for sustainable ocean management.

The high-level side event entitled Ocean Science as a Pillar of Sustainable Ocean Management is co-hosted by IOC/UNESCO with France in its role as co-host of the 2025 UN Ocean Conference. It has the primary objective of highlighting the fundamental importance of sustainable ocean management to meet global, regional and national policy goals for climate, biodiversity, sustainable ocean economies, and coastal resilience, amongst others. In doing this it would provide opportunities to:

The programme of the side-event is as follows:

13.30 13.35 Welcome and Outline of Event, Ms Genie Godula, Moderator

13.35 13.42 Opening Remarks, Mme Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO

13.42 13.50 Keynote Address, HE Wavel Ramkalawan (TBC), President of the Republic of Seychelles

13.50 14.35 Moderated Panel Discussion: Accelerating the ocean climate economy nexus through evidence based sustainable ocean management, Q&A with audience


HE Abraao Vicente, Minister of the Sea, Cabo Verde (TBC)

HE Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Indonesia

Mr Henrik Harboe, Special Envoy (Ocean) and Sherpa for the High-Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, Norway

MsRena Lee, Ambassador for Oceans and Law of the Sea Issues and Special Envoy of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Singapore, President of the UN Intergovernmental Conference on an International Legally Binding Instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ)

14.35 14.38 Synthesis & Way Forward

Dr Vladimir Ryabinin, Executive Secretary, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, Assistant Director-General of UNESCO

14.38 14.45 Closing

HE Herv Berville, Secrtaire d'tat auprs de la Premire ministre, charg de la Mer, France

HE Franz Tattenbach, Minister of Environment and Energy, Costa Rica

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Supreme Court ruling tells LGBTQ people in Mauritius that their … – OHCHR

Posted: at 11:36 pm

GENEVA (13 October 2023) Mauritius Supreme Court decision to decriminalise same-sex relations amongst consenting adults is a crucial step forward for equality, a UN human rights expert said today.

"I am profoundly encouraged by the Supreme Courts findings, which evoke the principle of equality and the imperative of respecting all the elements that create a persons identity and their experience," said the UN independent expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, Victor Madrigal-Borloz.

I also note that the judgment has explicitly recognised that the legislation criminalising homosexuality was never an expression of indigenous Mauritian values, but an imposition of the British colonial project, Madrigal-Borloz said.

The Supreme Court determination concluded a court case challenging the constitutionality of parts of the Mauritius Criminal Code which criminalised same-sex sexual conduct between consenting adults and carried a sentence of five years imprisonment.

"This ruling tells gay, lesbian and bisexual, trans and other gender-diverse people living in Mauritius that they are in a country in which their dignity is valued and protected under the rule of law," the expert said. Criminalising homosexuality and other forms of sexual and gender diversity is at the origin of much violence, discrimination and social exclusion. It also violates international human rights law," he said.

The expert said that during a recent visit to Mauritius, he had witnessed efforts by Mauritian LGBT organisation Arc-en-Ciel Collective and other human rights defenders to promote and protect the equality and inclusion of gay, lesbian, trans, and bisexual people. Madrigal-Borloz congratulated the plaintiffs in the case for their determination to bring about effective change.

Rulings like this make it clear why civil society spaces must be nurtured. The work of human rights defenders is the fuel for change toward full respect for diversity and equality in all societies, the expert said.

He also noted that that legal provisions banning homosexuality are often remnants of colonial laws.

"Countries around the world that still criminalise homosexuality and other forms of sexual orientation and gender identity must, without exception, take note of this recent advance in Mauritius, Madrigal-Borloz said.

On the African continent, Mauritius joins Angola, Botswana, Cape Verde, Gabon, Guinea-Bissau, Lesotho, Mozambique, Seychelles and South Africa in definitely dismantling this colonial and odious form of discrimination, the expert said.

All countries in which homosexuality or any other form of gender diversity remain criminalised must examine their legal frameworks to become fully compliant with international human rights law," he said.

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Bitget Lists Big Time (Big Time) in the Innovation and GameFi Zone – PR Newswire

Posted: at 11:36 pm

VICTORIA, Seychelles, Oct. 12, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Bitget, top crypto derivatives and copy trading platform, has listed Big Time, the action role-playing game (RPG) in its Innovation and GameFi Zone on 11th October 2023. This aligns with Bitget's vision of enabling customers to discover the latest innovative assets on the platform, such as leveraged tokens, DeFi tokens, AI tokens, and GameFi projects like Big Time.

With the innovation zone listing of Big Time users can trade Big Time tokens with USDT as the spot trading pair BIGTIME/USDT is now live. Deposits and Withdrawals for BIGTIME are enabled for users to transact accordingly.

Bitget has launched a Deposit Rebate campaign for Big Time tokens. Users can grab a share of US$10,000 worth of BIGTIME. When users deposit $100 or more worth of Big Time tokens they will receive a 10% rebate from a prize pool of US$10,000 worth of Big Time (the final net deposit volume will be used to calculate the rebate). Each user can get up to US$50 worth of BIGTIME.

Designed for the trading of new token offerings, Bitget's innovation zone makes it easier for users to dive into the initial launch phases of upcoming high-potential crypto projects.

Since it's mainly for trending tokens (initial) listing, a 60-day valuation period is given for all the newly listed pairs in the zone. The newly listed tokens will be regularly reviewed to ensure that the token adheres to Bitget's platform standards, including trading volume, liquidity, the team, project development, and other criteria to keep the listing status active.

Big Time is a PC gamethat melds a fast-combat system with an open-gameeconomy. Players have an active role in generating and exchanging game items in their ecosystem. The game has been developed by a highly skilled team of game developers with previous experience in building popular AAA titles like Fortnite, Call of Duty, and World of Warcraft.

"Our Innovation Zone focuses on bringing out gems and lesser-known projects to the masses. Usually, these projects are available in decentralized wallets which require crypto knowledge and proficiency. With Bitget, its a simple step to access and trade these newly launched high-potential tokens," said Gracy Chen, Managing Director at Bitget.

About Bitget

Established in 2018, Bitgetis the world's leading cryptocurrency exchangethat offersCopy Trading servicesas one of its key features. Serving over 20 million users in more than 100 countries and regions, the exchange is committed to helping users trade smarter by providing a secure, one-stop trading solution. Bitget inspires individuals to embrace crypto through collaborations with credible partners, including legendary Argentinian footballer Lionel Messi and official eSports events organizer PGL.

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Bitget Lists Big Time (Big Time) in the Innovation and GameFi Zone - PR Newswire

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Governor General to welcome new heads of mission to Canada – Gouverneure gnrale du Canada

Posted: at 11:36 pm

October 12, 2023

OTTAWA, OntarioMembers of the media are invited to Rideau Hall to cover a presentation of credentials of six new heads of mission to Canada.

During the ceremony, the following new heads of mission will present their credentials to the Governor General:

His Excellency Vinh Quang Pham Ambassador-designate of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

His Excellency Dauletbek Kussainov Ambassador-designate of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Her Excellency Sarantogos Erdenetsogt Ambassador-designate of Mongolia

His Excellency Iddo Moed Ambassador-designate of the State of Israel

His Excellency Tan Chin Siong High Commissioner-designate of the Republic of Singapore

His Excellency Ian Dereck Joseph Madeleine High Commissioner-designate of the Republic of Seychelles

Date: October 13, 2023 Time: 1:30 p.m. Location: Rideau Hall

Notes for media:

Media information Rideau Hall Press Office 343-573-7563 media@gg.ca

Stay connected: Follow GovernorGeneralCanada on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

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Letters of Credence Ceremony | The Governor General of Canada – Gouverneure gnrale du Canada

Posted: at 11:36 pm

October 13, 2023

Check against delivery


Before I begin, and in the presence of the Ambassador of Israel, I would like to say a few words about the events continuing to unfold in Israel and the region.

The gruesome terrorist attacks committed by Hamas on Israel shocked the world in their brutality. We are horrified by what we have witnessed.

Canada continues to monitor the latest developments and is greatly concerned for the mounting losses of innocent lives, as well as for those who have been kidnapped.

I extend our deepest condolences, on behalf of all Canadians, to the people of Israel, to the families of the victims, and to everyone impacted by this tragedy. Our country supports you and stands firmly with you during this time of crisis. We condemn any and all actions motivated by hate and discrimination. And we join with people around the world in hoping for a timely and enduring restoration of peace, security and safety.

I would like to begin by acknowledging that Rideau Hall sits on the unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinabe peoples. Land acknowledgements are a way to show respect to those who have been on this land since time immemorial. Gestures like these can lead to greater understanding and respect between peoples, a lesson we can all take to heart, no matter where we come from.

Welcome to your new roles, ambassadors from Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Israel, and the high commissioners from Singapore and Seychelles.

You are all here to answer one, overarching question: how can we work together to make our countries, and this world, a better place?

We face challenges that are unprecedented in our collective history. Our response needs to be dialogue and diplomacy, and, most importantly, action.

Climate change is one example. Around the world, countries are feeling the impact of a warming planet, increased climate disasters and the rise of ocean levels. This past summer, we saw the devastating impact of forest fires and flooding across Canada.

The impacts are wide-ranging and are still being felt today. Not only do these natural disasters bring loss of property and of our natural spaces, but they also impact the quality of the environment across this country and across our borders.

Climate change affects our economies, infrastructure and our very way of life.

This challenge requires a solution not from one country, but many. It requires us to look past barriers of language or culture. It requires people to work together across borders towards a common good. We cannot afford to wait. Our differences are not so different when put in those terms.

Ive spoken about the importance of peace and security. Peace belongs in all places. All of us deserve a safe place to raise families, to build communities and to be who we are, free of judgement.

This is something that I spoke about last month, when the President of Ukraine came to Canada and shared with us his countrys experience in defending itself and fighting the Russian invasion. They still need our support and aid, and wherever I go in Canada, I hear from Canadians who tell me how important it is for us to continue to stand with the Ukrainian people.

To move forward with all of these global and urgent issues, we need all of you, your efforts and your openness. You have each come to Canada as a friend, representing the interests of your country.

I encourage you to learn about Canada and its diverse and culturally rich people, especially our Indigenous peoples. Learn about our storiesthe good and the badand discover the beauty of this land.

There is a word in Inuktitut: ajuinnata. It means a promise, a vow to never give up in the face of challenges. It means committing ourselves to action, no matter how daunting the cause may be.

I talked to President Zelenskyy about this word during his visit last month. He took its meaning to heart and shared it with the world. He, like his people, like all of us, are showing the meaning of perseverance, of ajuinnata.

Let us commit ourselves to persevering against all odds for the good of our citizens and the world.

All of us are part of the solution, and Im grateful to you, and the countries you represent, for your support, your efforts and your continued friendship. I know that our bonds will only deepen in the coming years.

Welcome to Canada.

Thank you.

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Letters of Credence Ceremony | The Governor General of Canada - Gouverneure gnrale du Canada

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