Daily Archives: October 12, 2023

Noel Hudson: What, exactly, was the well-regulated militia? – VTDigger

Posted: October 12, 2023 at 2:21 am

This commentary is by Noel Hudson, a lawyer who lives in Montpelier.

Self-proclaimed militias have been an increasingly visible part of the American scene since the 1990s, so far culminating in their leading role during the storming of the capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

The movement has manifested locally in Vermont with the worrisome antics of Daniel Banyai and his Slate Ridge militia training facility in Pawlet.

During its most recent legislative session, Vermont responded by joining the many other states that have prohibited, with varying degrees of severity, the formation and training of private militias. Public reaction to militias, both locally and nationwide, often is confused regarding the constitutional principles at stake. This confusion understandably focused on the importance of a well regulated militia in the Second Amendment is both misplaced and unnecessary.

Simply put, there are no Second Amendment-related rights at issue in suppressing private militias, nor has any significant court decision ever recognized any.

The Second Amendment often reads mysteriously to contemporary Americans, mostly because it comes down emphatically on one side of a debate that Americans stopped having nearly two centuries ago. The question was: What type of military force can be maintained by a stable republic? A professional army, or a citizen militia?

For a large portion of colonists and subsequent early Americans, the answer was, in no uncertain terms, a citizen militia. The prevailing republican ethos that fueled Americas revolution, imported and nurtured by various British dissidents and Cromwellian republican refugees, viewed a professional army (a standing army in the lingo of the period) as inevitably fatal to republican government, a virtual guarantee of a return to monarchy or some other form of tyranny.

The danger stemmed precisely from the armys professional nature: Paid soldiers were economically dependent on following orders, no matter how extra-legal, unjust or tyrannical those orders might be, rendering them mercenaries in all but name. A government in possession of such power, as all European monarchies were, could never resist the temptation to use it.

On the other hand, a militia composed of armed citizens would respond only to orders that were just and legitimate. With the military function in the hands of the citizenry, a would-be tyrant would have no effective fighting force at his disposal, and republican government would be sustained.

The ideal of the republican militia survived the American Revolution, but the events of the war complicated matters. As the colonial legislatures became independent shadow governments organizing against the British empire, striking the first blows in Lexington and Concord in the spring of 1775, faith in the citizen militias was strong. But the reality of the fighting in and around Boston that year was that the British force involved was small and inexperienced.

Such favorable conditions wouldnt last, and by the end of 1776, a massive army of the Crowns best redcoats and a large contingent of battle-hardened German mercenaries had annihilated the combined militias of New England and roamed the mid-Atlantic almost at will. General Washington, long a militia skeptic, finally had room in the wake of the catastrophe to demand authorization for a professional army, shorn of the colonial militias democratic command structure and complete with pay, imported drill masters, and harsh military discipline.

It was this far more effective but ideologically deviant Continental Army that won the war, with no small help from the uber-monarchical French army and navy.

Even waning ideologies can be durable, and the wartime lessons were of small effect. There was little appetite in early America to move on from the militia, a disposition helped by the public memory of the wars first year, and which settled into an iconography that lasts to this day.

The Continental Army was disbanded promptly upon victory, and the prevailing assumption through the confederation period and among the Constitutional Congress formed in 1787 was that the state militias would be the principal military force of the states and of the United States. Our Constitution as drafted in 1787 reflects that assumption in the militia clauses of Article I.

But the recent war and the judgment of its most illustrious veterans, Washington and Alexander Hamilton, led the Constitutions drafters also to include in Article I a provision for a professional federal army. For several decades, the requirement that the federal army and its funding be formally reauthorized by Congress every two years ensured that it remained a nominal force compared to the state militias.

Nevertheless, the mere possibility that the new Constitution would facilitate the establishment of a standing army provoked an enormous storm of protest. Attachment to the militias remained of fundamental importance to a critical mass of the citizenry, among several points of debate that nearly prevented the Constitution from being ratified.

When the recalcitrant anti-federalists succeeded in agitating to amend the Constitution with a Bill of Rights, the Second and Third Amendments were aimed squarely at preserving the states citizen militias and preventing a federal standing army. State constitutions already had parallel militia and arms-bearing clauses, ensuring that state governments were constrained from establishing professional military forces as well.

The first Congresses and President Washington duly complied with the Constitutions command to regulate the militias, passing the Militia Acts of 1792 and the Militia Act of 1795.

While Article I of the U.S. Constitution, the founding-era state constitutions, and the federal Militia Acts of the 1790s are hardly obscure documents, they specify and implement the original meaning of the Second Amendment and its militia clause in ways that can seem discordant, fantastic, even alien to people steeped in contemporary rhetoric. So it is worth looking squarely at the complex brew of rights and obligations that the anti-federalists attempted to cement immovably in place with the Second Amendment.

Firstly, a well-regulated militia meant universal conscription, every man a soldier as a duty of citizenship and for no compensation. With few exceptions, every free white male between ages 17 and 45 was permanently enrolled and semi-mobilized in times of peace (and, implicitly, fully mobilized during war), including that large contingent of men who did not own land and therefore did not even have the right to vote.

These militiamen were required to serve for their entire adult lives. The average life expectancy of the time was 35 years; as a practical matter, there was no retirement age. Federal law specified at length the type of firearm, ammunition and other supplies that every militiaman was required to buy and maintain for militia duty; functionally, this was an onerous tax in addition to being a draft.

The militiamen answered to an officer corps appointed by their state governments and a chain of command that ended with each states governor. At the election of Congress, all state militias could be put under command of the U.S. president. By 1795, the president did not even need Congress to act in order to take command of the state militias; he could do so on his own authority. A libertarian paradise early America was not, but the alternative was a large professional army that few people wanted and many dreaded.

As decades passed and early Americans endured the heavy burden of militia service, however, that alternative looked better and better. Disillusionment with the militias accelerated after the War of 1812, when their poor performance in battle led again to disasters that finally started to seem predictable.

By the end of the 19th century, hardly anyone complained about Americas permanent professional military and professional law enforcement officers displacing the state militias. By the end of the 20th century, hardly anyone remembered accurately what the state militias were.

But it is worth remembering what they were, as our contemporary world is full of internet-fueled nonsense about what a well-regulated militia was and how it worked. Legions of contemporary firearms enthusiasts insist with equal parts confidence and ignorance that well-regulated had nothing to do with government regulation at all, and that our Constitution enshrines the right of independent bands of armed men to make fundamental decisions about what our laws mean and whether we live in a state of peace or war, all while answerable to no one but themselves. This belief appears to be widespread, passionately held, and often put forth with deliberate menace.

Vermonts Legislature and Gov. Scott should be commended for taking a step against this dangerous vision. It has no redeeming value, no practical promise, and no serious basis in our nations history or law.

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Noel Hudson: What, exactly, was the well-regulated militia? - VTDigger

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Berkshire residents and officials join the debate at the statehouse … – Berkshire Eagle

Posted: at 2:21 am

The state House Ways and Means Committee heard testimony from citizens, guns rights groups, firearms trainers, district attorneys, Catholic clergy, anti-gun groups and others during a public hearing for what has become a lightning rod of a sweeping gun-related bill on Tuesday.

The bill, HD.4607, An Act Modernizing Firearm Laws, has sparked opposition in the Berkshires, with the Cheshire Select Board, Police Department and town leaders going so far as to send a letter to state Rep. John Barrett III, D-North Adams, asking him not to support HD.4420, the original iteration of the bill.

The bill proposes another step to apply for a gun license namely, an interview with a police officer. It also proposes additional license qualification criteria: applicants cannot have a harassment prevention order against them, nor can they pose a risk to public safety/themselves. The bill would also essentially ban ghost guns, or untraceable, homemade firearms.

The bill further regulates the states assault weapons ban, training for owners and where people are allowed to carry guns.

Signs dotting Berkshire lawns imploring people to stop bill HD.4420 and to contact your state rep, bear the numbers of the originally proposed law, and not the current proposal. The House released amended language last week, with changes where serial numbers are required on guns to combat "ghost guns," and updates a list of banned firearms.

Vicki Zacharewicz of Pittsfield, a volunteer with the Massachusetts chapter of Moms Demand Action, said that shes had conversations with people in Pittsfield and all over Berkshire County about the new proposed laws, and shes heard support.

The response has been overwhelmingly positive, she said. Ive met with members of the District Attorneys office as well as the Pittsfield Police Department, and they support efforts to strengthen gun safety measures.

Second Amendment supporters, as well as Cheshire officials, have argued that the bill doesnt allow possession of commonly used guns. The revised bill seeks to limit that concern by grandfathering in guns already legally owned that will be regulated by the proposed law.

The proposed law says that people must obtain permission to carry a gun before entering a private commercial or residential space its still up to businesses whether to allow firearms. It also would implement a uniform statewide training regimen.

Zacharewicz said Pittsfield Police gave Moms Demand Action 100 gun locks, and the organization has given away more than a third of them in a few months.

Even in this beautiful rural area which I live, it is not difficult to find stories about unsecured firearms in childrens homes, she said.

Zacharewicz noted that Mount Greylock Regional School District and Pittsfield Public Schools adopted secure storage resolutions that commit the schools to disseminate this information to parents on an annual basis.

Anne Thalheimer spoke to the committee in support of the proposal, and evoked the tragic 1992 shooting at Bard College at Simon's Rock in Great Barrington, when a student killed 18-year-old student Galen Gibson and 37-year-old professor Nacunan Saez.

The killer, Wayne Lo, also wounded four others with a semiautomatic assault rifle. Thalheimer said if the proposed law were in place, it would have prevented the shooting.

Among opponents, Michael Harris of the Gun Owners Action League was the first of many to decry what he called disdain from the government toward gun rights. Others said they felt like they were being treated as second-class citizens for owning a gun.

Multiple people who spoke in opposition to the bill were more militantly opposed, stating succinctly, I will not comply. Several opponents took to yelling, one even swore at the committee.

Thomas Swenson of Fitchburg said he believes that the motivation behind the legislation is retribution against the Second Amendment community following the U.S. Supreme Courts ruling in the Bruen case. That ruling struck down a New York state law requiring persons seeking a license to carry a concealed weapon to show "proper cause" that it was necessary for their protection.

Multiple opponents to the bill made frequent references on Tuesday to violence in inner-city neighborhoods, and said the bill does nothing to stop gang violence.

Members of the Black and Latino Caucus stated their strong support for the bill, arguing that the reason for Massachusetts comparatively low level of gun deaths is because of the states stringent laws.

Still, state Rep. Bud Williams, D-Springfield, pointed out more has to be done: In Springfield in 1999 there were seven murders in the whole city. Fast forward to 2023 and theres 27. Thats way too much.

Domestic violence survivor advocates said the bill goes a long way in keeping guns out of the hands of violent/potentially violent partners. One speaker, Jody Marchand, who was in support of the bill, recalled her husbands killing of their 17-year-old daughter in 2010 following a domestic dispute.

More than 160 people were signed up to speak at the beginning of the hearing, which ran into the evening. A House vote and debate on the bill could come as early as this month.

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Berkshire residents and officials join the debate at the statehouse ... - Berkshire Eagle

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Why Online Roulette Is Merging with Game Shows and … – UrbanMatter

Posted: at 2:19 am

Roulette is one of the timeless casino games that most people are familiar with to some degree. Yet, the move online has caused some major changes that are worth understanding before you start placing your bets and waiting to see where the wheel stops spinning.

The biggest change in recent years has been the switch to online roulette. However, this only tells us part of the story. To understand the current roulette market, we also need to consider the way that live-streaming technology has allowed the industry to expand in so many different ways by giving casinos a new way of presenting their games.

Check the online roulette selection of a casino and youll see that many are live games where a human presenter controls the action. These include versions such as Live Mega Fire Blaze Roulette and Lightning Roulette, each of which has a unique presentation style and gameplay. Providers including Playtech and Evolution create these games and beam them out live from their studios.

The live dealer aspect makes for bigger differences than might be obvious at first sight. This change has allowed the providers to set up themed studios such as in the case of Who Want to Be a Millionaire Live Roulette. The live presenters help to add a game show style too, with the likes of Spin and Win Roulette offering a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.

It has also led to a variety of game shows that arent strictly speaking versions of roulette but that have perhaps been inspired by this games spinning wheel format. Titles such as Funky Time Live and Live Spin a Win offer different ways of playing with a presenter spinning a wheel to reveal the winning players.

The classic roulette rules are used in the majority of online versions of the game. This means that you need to try and predict the number where the ball lands, or choose a series of numbers in the hope that it lands on one of them.

However, the wide range of games we just looked at has also opened up the possibility of adding new rules and features. In some cases, they fit in with the games themes, as we can see by looking at the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire game mentioned earlier which has a bonus game based on the TV show that adds to the basic game of roulette.

Other roulette versions add features like multipliers that get added to randomly selected numbers before each spin, or use spread betting as a way of adding something different to the roulette experience. Yet, the process of choosing and placing a bet is largely unchanged from the original, land-based version of the game.

The way that live dealer roulette has so quickly gained ground in the entertainment sector suggests that it will continue to grow and diversify. This should see the introduction of more themed games and interesting rules that add extra elements to the basic roulette gameplay.

Source: Pixabay

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Best Online Roulette Casinos: How to Choose the Right One for You – Nerdbot

Posted: at 2:19 am

When it comes to choosing an online roulette casino, there are some key factors you should keep in mind. Roulette is a game that is played worldwide and with the convenience of online gambling, players now have the opportunity to enjoy it from the comfort of their own homes. However, with many options available, finding the perfect online roulette casino can be overwhelming. In this blog post, we will discuss various considerations and provide you with a list of top-notch choices.

The first thing you should prioritize is selecting the best online roulette casinos that are trustworthy and ensure a secure gaming environment. Look for casinos that hold licenses from gaming authorities, such as the UK Gambling Commission or the Malta Gaming Authority. These certifications guarantee operations and adherence to regulations.

Moreover, make sure that the chosen casino utilizes encryption technology to safeguard your financial information. Look out for SSL certificates and secure payment options like PayPal or credit card processing for added peace of mind.

Another crucial aspect to consider is the variety of roulette games offered by each casino.

When it comes to roulette, its worth exploring beyond the American versions. Look for casinos that also feature options, like roulette or multi-wheel roulette, to add some excitement and variety to your gaming experience.

Additionally, consider the availability of live dealer roulette games. These games provide a real life casino atmosphere, with dealers conducting the game in real-time. If you enjoy interacting with players and a live dealer, choose a casino that offers a diverse range of live roulette games.

Another crucial aspect to consider is the quality of the casinos software. Reputable online roulette casinos collaborate with known software providers such as Microgaming, NetEnt, or Playtech to ensure gameplay and visually appealing graphics.

Make sure to check the software providers associated with the casino you are considering and read reviews about their games. Seek out casinos that offer a seamless user experience and attractive roulette tables, as these factors significantly influence your enjoyment of the game.

Pay attention to bonuses and promotions offered by casinos. These are incentives used to attract players and reward loyal ones. When selecting a roulette casino, carefully examine their bonus offerings for added value.

These could include rewards, deposit match bonuses, or free spins. However, its important to remember that bonuses often come with terms and conditions such as wagering requirements. Before accepting any bonus offers, make sure you fully understand these requirements. Its also an idea to check if the casino provides promotions or a loyalty program to keep players engaged and rewarded in the long run.

Before signing up with a roulette casino, ensure they offer a range of convenient payment options. Look for casinos that support methods like credit or debit cards, e-wallets, bank transfers, or prepaid cards.

Check if there are any fees associated with deposits or withdrawals and how long the processing times are. Trustworthy online casinos generally process withdrawals quickly and offer options to cater to their players needs.

In todays world, it is essential to select an online roulette casino that is optimized for mobile play. Confirm whether the casino has a website that adapts to screen sizes or if they provide a dedicated mobile app.

Playing roulette on your device allows you to enjoy the game while being on the move, no matter where you are. When selecting a casino for playing roulette, its important to consider the compatibility of the platform across various devices. This ensures a seamless gaming experience regardless of whether youre using a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Picking the online roulette casino is essential to guarantee a fun and secure gaming experience. Make sure to take into account factors like trustworthiness and security measures, game variety, software providers, available bonuses, and promotions payment options as well as mobile compatibility when making your decision.

By keeping these aspects in mind and conducting thorough research, youll be able to find the best online roulette casino that aligns with your preferences while providing a fair and thrilling gaming environment. Remember to gamble only wager amounts that you can comfortably afford to lose.

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Popular Online Casino Games You Won’t Find in Land-Based Casinos – PennLive

Posted: at 2:19 am

After the profound transformation casino gambling has undergone in the digital age, brick-and-mortar casinos, which have long dominated the industry, lost ground to high-quality online platforms. As their influence and market share dwindle, online casinos continue to find ways to set themselves apart from their land-based counterparts. There are things you can do in a digital space that are impossible at a brick-and-mortar casino.

There are many reasons for the shift towards online casinos, such as convenience, technological advances, and online gambling legalization spreading across the United States.

One reason to play at online casinos that dont get much attention is that they offer games you will never see at land-based locations. Look high and low, but you wont find some of the most exciting online games available at a land-based operator.

This article explores a few of the most popular online casino games exclusive to online platforms and explains why each offers a unique digital gaming experience.

This electrifying game from Evolution Gaming is a roulette variant that maximizes the fun. The game is a fusion of classic roulette that you can play at any brick-and-mortar casino with cutting-edge digital gaming tech. The twists afforded by the digital additions to roulette make this title stand out among other online games in the genre.

Lightning Roulettes primary trick is adding RNG, like a slot machine, that chooses Lucky Numbers every game round. Its also a live dealer game, among the most exciting and immersive games you can play online.

Lightning Roulette introduces an element of unpredictability and excitement that is absent from traditional roulette games. The potential for massive payouts through multipliers adds a thrilling dimension to every spin of the wheel, making it an exclusive and enticing offering in online casinos. Imagine sitting at a digital roulette table, knowing every round could see you claim a 500:1 payout without risking extra money.

Lightning Roulette was so popular that it won the Game of the Year at the EGR Operator Awards in 2018 and Product Innovation of the Year at the Global Gaming Awards.

The game of Blackjack Switch is one of the newer variants of the popular casino classic and was created in 2009 by Geoff Hall. Hall, a card counter, became frustrated after being dealt two losing hands. He wished he could switch the cards and make two good hands out of garbage.

Hall, motivated by his frustration with traditional blackjack, created a game where you can win big if you are a savvy player.

In traditional blackjack, you can hit or stand when you are dealt cards. But, in Blackjack Switch, you are dealt two hands and can switch two of your cards to create two new hands. If you switch, you can hit on either hand or stay.

The ability to switch cards between hands introduces a strategic element that is not present in standard blackjack. This game allows you to mitigate unfavorable deals and enhance your prospects of winning, making it a captivating variation for those seeking a fresh take on a classic.

With a name that describes the game perfectly, Double Ball Roulette has become a staple of online casinos in the United States. From top-tier studio Evolution Gaming, this live dealer isnt offered by any other provider anywhere online or on land.

Frankly, we cant think of one change to roulette that would make it more exciting than just adding a second ball. Every round delivers two winning numbers in a single spin and broadcasts in HD to your computer or mobile device.

Double Ball Roulette adds extra excitement to the traditional roulette experience, making it a top draw in the digital casino world.

Double Ball Roulettes primary distinction is its use of two balls, which amplifies the excitement and creates more betting possibilities and a higher potential for multiple wins in a single spin.

With the unique set of rules, you can win up to 1,300:1 on each spin. Considering European roulette games off a high payout of 35:1 on a straight bet, Double Ball Roulettes potential ceiling is sky-high. If you are wondering how to get 1,300:1 odds, you just have to hope both balls fall into the slot for the exact number you picked.

The return to player (RTP) for Double Ball Roulette is 97.30%, which adds to this highly entertaining variations appeal.

Deal or No Deal became the first 24-hour online game show when it launched and offered non-stop fun, thrills, and substantial potential cash prizes.

While traditional casino games focus on cards, dice, and roulette wheels, Deal or No Deal brings the excitement of a popular game show to the online casino space. This live dealer game combines elements of chance and strategy, offering you a unique gaming experience.

Deal or No Deal Live brings the thrill of a popular TV game show to the online casino world, offering a unique blend of luck and strategy. The live dealer interaction and the suspense of choosing briefcases create an immersive experience that differentiates it from traditional casino games.

The best Online casinos revolutionized gambling by introducing games that cannot be found in land-based casinos. The games discussed in this articleLightning Roulette, Blackjack Switch, Double Ball Roulette, and Deal or No Deal Livedemonstrate the innovation and excitement that digital casinos bring to the table.

As technology advances and online casinos evolve, we can expect even more inventive and thrilling games to emerge, further blurring the lines between the virtual and physical gambling worlds.

While land-based casinos will always hold their charm, the excitement of online casino games makes them a compelling option if you seek something new.

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Sour Punch Candy Asks You to Test Your Luck with a Ghostly … – PR Newswire

Posted: at 2:19 am

LAPORTE, Ind., Oct. 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- It's Friday the 13th and Sour Punch is asking fans to test their luck with a new spooky (and spicy) treat. Introducing Sour Punch Ghost Pepper Roulette, a new and fun interactive snacking experience that could be a trick or a treat. You might be "dancing with the devil" with the Ghost Pepper flavor, or pleasantly surprised with one of Sour Punch's delicious mouth-watering fruit flavors.

Introducing Sour Punch Ghost Pepper Roulette, a new interactive snacking experience that could be a trick or a treat.

Each pack contains an assortment of four flavors of Sour Punch Straws including Boo Raz, Chilling Cherry, Ghoulish Grape, and Ghost Pepper. All Straws are cloaked in mysterious black, concealing their identity until you take a bite. This is not the first time Sour Punch has asked fans to take a spin with a thrill-seeking treat.

"After the incredible response to our April Fool's Day release of Sour Punch Pickle Roulette, we knew we had to up the ante," said Kyle Stout, Senior Product Manager. "This time, we've found the perfect blend of sweet and heat, delivering just enough spice to make sure you know you've picked the Ghost Pepper straw!"

Sour Punch Ghost Pepper Roulette is exclusively available while limited supplies last at sourpunch.com.

About Sour Punch: Sour Punch is a popular candy brand that has been delighting consumers with its iconic sour blend delicious flavors since 1990. Sour Punch candies are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, including Straws, Bites, Twists, and more. For more information, visit sourpunch.com.

About American Licorice Company: American Licorice Company is a candy manufacturer based in La Porte, Indiana. It has been in business since 1914 and is known for creating popular candy brands such as Sour Punch, Red Vines, and Snaps. For more information, visit americanlicorice.com.

SOURCE American Licorice Company

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Best Table Games Online: UK Casino Games Ranked by Experts – Bookies.com

Posted: at 2:19 am

Players will usually find a wide range of casino table games at UK casinos. Online slots are typically the most popular, and online casino lobbies will generally be packed with hundreds, if not thousands, of slots with different features, themes and bonuses.

The best table games will always popular, though. This section for games in casino lobbies contains traditional online casino table game favourites like blackjack, roulette and baccarat. For many of these games, the rules dont deviate massively from what casino players know and enjoy, but there are a host of betting options, side bets and gameplay features to make each one different.

Our team of casino experts has searched high and low to find the 10 best table games with UK online gambling sites. Weve even included where you can play them for real money in the UK and perhaps even pick up the best online casinos welcome bonuses along the way.

This is one of the more straightforward online table games on the list, but it is deserving of its high ranking. 20p Roulette is a traditional online roulette game, with spins available for the low amount of just 20p. For players looking for an easy introduction at an online roulette site, this is the right game to try. If you know the rules of roulette, it will be easy to jump in and play, as there isnt much distraction.

Play 20p Roulette at Dream Vegas Casino

Much like 20p Roulette, Classic Blackjack isnt much of a departure from traditional a blackjack online game that players will be used to seeing in brick-and-mortar casinos or at online blackjack sites. The user interface is very clear, and the gameplay is smooth. It lacks some side betting options, which you will find in some of other best online casino games on this list, but theres no denying this games popularity on the Casimba casino app.

Play Classic Blackjack at Casimba Casino

While this may seem like a random inclusion on the list, its very much worth its place. Rather than having 3D graphics showing the gameplay, it features Vinnie Jones as the dealer. It isnt a live dealer game, as the footage is all pre-recorded, but tested random number generators ensure players have a fair chance of winning each hand. Its a unique approach to the gameplay, and there are some excellent side bets available.

Play Vinnie Jones Blackjack at BetVictor Casino

Blackjack Multihand is similar to a traditional blackjack online game, in that the aim is to get as close to 21 as possible without going over. Youre also competing against the dealer. The difference here is that multiple hands can be played at the same time. If you find yourself in a hand where the dealer is in a bad spot, it can lead to some big payouts.

Play Blackjack Multihand at LeoVegas Casino

Despite not being a table game in the normal sense, All Aces Poker is an ultra-popular video poker game, often found in an online casinos table games section. Its simplistic graphics and easy-to-follow gameplay make it one of Microgamings best online casino games. Big wins are available, particularly if you manage to hit four aces for a 2,000x payout.

Play All Aces Poker at 21 Casino

With so many varieties of roulette available at UK online casinos, its striking that European Roulette remains one of the most popular. There arent any side bets of note, but the rules and betting table are what most UK casino players will be used to. Theres just a single zero and the usual range of betting options. Its a simple game, but its been produced perfectly.

Play European Roulette at William Hill Casino

This game from Switch Studios is a great example of how a classic game can be given a modern twist. It follows the same rules as a normal blackjack game, but players have a chance of winning an additional bonus in every hand. Pairs are winners, but a pair of picture cards can land a 25x win with the side bet feature.

Play Classic Blackjack with Picture-Perfect Bonus at Karamba Casino

Another example of a simple game perfectly executed is Single Game Blackjack. There are no bells or whistles with this one just a first-person view of your cards with the dealer on the other side of the table. As the name suggests, a single deck is in use, making it easier for players to decide whether to hit or stand.

Play Single Deck Blackjack at Cosmic Spins Casino

101 Roulette is like roulette on steroids. The wheel features numbers from 0 to 100. Many of the same betting options are available here as in any roulette game, such as red or black, odd or even, betting on rows and betting on numbers. With more outcomes, it is of course more volatile, but the lucky number feature adds an additional layer of interest. This is definitely one for roulette fans.

Play 101 Roulette at bet365 Casino

Much like the Vinnie Jones Blackjack game on this list, First Person Lightning Roulette uses real life, pre-recorded footage for its gameplay. Its made by Evolution Gaming, as part of a series of table games like it, so players know its a great user experience. With the potential for multipliers to increase winnings on any spin, expect this relatively new table game to continue to grow in popularity at online roulette sites.

Play First Person Lightning Roulette at Videoslots Casino

Online casino games work the same way as they would if you were visiting a brick and mortar casino. Find your chosen table game, be it poker, baccarat or whatever you like. Stake what you would like on the wager and see if it comes in.

Casino table games are those games that are played at tables in real life casinos and appear on tables at online casinos. Games such as online roulette, poker and baccarat are just some of the types you can play at your favourite online casinos.

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Best Table Games Online: UK Casino Games Ranked by Experts - Bookies.com

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The Biggest and Best Casinos in Wales – News from Wales

Posted: at 2:19 am

Wales is a beautiful place to visit. When we think of a Wales holiday we think of greenery and nature maybe Snowdonia, castles the perfect place for a peaceful getaway. However, theres also plenty to do in the evening including an exciting casino scene.

Obviously, its not quite up there with the likes of Las Vegas or Macau, but Wales has plenty of impressive casinos that cater to both locals and tourists. Here, well take a look at some of the biggest and best casinos in Wales.

If you have spent a bit of time practising your skills at online casinos with low deposit amounts and you want to put it to the test with real money at real tables, then Cardiff is certainly a good place to be.

It comes as no surprise that one of the biggest casinos is situated right in the heart of the Welsh capital. Grosvenor Casino Cardiff is a hugely popular destination for casino lovers and anyone looking for a fun and entertaining night out. The casino offers a wide range of gaming options for everyone, including traditional table games like blackjack, roulette, and poker as well as all different slot machines.

Whats more, the casino also hosts lots of poker tournaments giving you that extra layer of excitement and competition. As well as its top-class games, Grosvenor Casino Cardiff is famous for its friendly atmosphere and excellent customer service, making it a great place to visit for a fun night out.

Another excellent casino in Cardiff is the Rainbow Casino, which also has a massive selection of games. Take a step through the doors and you can enjoy classic table games, electronic roulette and all different slot machines. Fancy taking on the house rather than other players? Then why not head to the poker room where you can go face off against others in a Texas Holdem cash game? However, its not all about the games. Its great for a night of entertainment as well, as it often hosts all sorts of special events and promotions, including live entertainment.

If you do manage a win and have some cash to spare, The Rainbow Casino also has a great bar and restaurant, so you have everything you need for a top night out.

If youre looking for a night out with history, then Les Croupiers Casino is one of the oldest casinos in Cardiff, dating back to the 1960s. Over the years, it has earned itself a reputation for its friendly and welcoming atmosphere and, of course, its excellent choice of games.

The casino offers a whole host of options including blackjack, roulette, poker and a whole array of slot machines.

Finally stepping away from Cardiff we move westward to Swansea, where we find another Grosvenor Casino branch, which offers a very similar high-quality gaming experience as its Cardiff counterpart. Again, this casino features all different table games and slot machines and it even has its own dedicated poker room where you can test your skills against other players.

If you are finding it hungry and thirsty work, Grosvenor Casino Swansea has a restaurant and bar, so you can enjoy fine dining and drinks as you play.

So, there you have it! While Wales may not exactly be famous for its casino industry, it has more than enough to offer in terms of gaming and entertainment. The casinos mentioned above are just a few examples of the exciting experiences you can enjoy whether you live in Wales or whether youre just a tourist.

So, if you have had enough of the peaceful nature by day and you are looking for something a little more action-packed at night then Wales has a pretty cool casino scene that is certainly worth exploring. So, why not try your luck and see if you have what it takes to win big?

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The Biggest and Best Casinos in Wales - News from Wales

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