Daily Archives: October 9, 2023

Air Seychelles denies flight to Israel made emergency landing in … – The Times of Israel

Posted: October 9, 2023 at 12:24 am

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Free sterilisation of dogs camp in Seychelles to start in October – Seychelles News Agency

Posted: at 12:24 am

Sterilising a dog also brings health benefits to the animal. (Seychelles News Agency)

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Five volunteer veterinarians will join the Department of Agriculture on La Digue to carry out another free dog sterilisation camp as part of efforts to reduceand control the around 6,000-strong stray dog population in Seychelles.

Carried out under the 2023 Dog Control Programme, the next camp is expected to take place in mid-October. The department has already carried out three other camps at Grand Anse Mahe, Anse Etoile, and Beau Vallon.

In an interview with SNA, the department's chief animal health and livestock officer, Rodney Philo, said that at each location a little over 100 dogs - male and female - were sterilised.

"This number could have been higher. We, unfortunately, had to turn away some people because their dogs were in heat or had a health condition.We are getting high turnouts during the free sterilisation camps.When it was paid, people didnot really come to have their pets sterilised," said Philo.

He shared that the free camps, however, come at an expense to the department and the government.

"This is a very costly operation for us. To sterilise a dog that weighs 4 to 5 kilos, it costs SCR 700($54). This means thatjust for the medicationto sterilise the 103 dogs at Beau Vallon, it costs us SCR76,500, ($6,000)," said Philo.

Stray dogs, which normally walk around in packs, cause a nuisance in the communities, showing aggression towards people in public areas, fighting and eating, or causing harm to livestock on farms or other pets on private properties. Some dogs with owners, but who are not properly kept on the owner's property, also add to the problem.

With the stray dog situation in the country at an alarming level, through the Dog Control Programme, the department seeks to prevent unwanted litters, which will directly reduce the stray dog population and save up on the resources of the department and its partners. Dog shelters in the country are currently operating at capacity and are understaffed.

Sterilising a dog also brings health benefits to the animal as it becomes less prone to certain cancers, behavioural issues, and life-threatening conditions.

"Pet owners need to be more responsible. It is the release of unwanted litter by pet owners on the street that contributes to worsening the stray dog situation in the country. We highly encourage the public to call us when they have unwanted pets wepickthemupand eitherrehome the animalswith the help of SSPCA or Pet Havenorhumanelyputthemto sleep after sevendays," said Philo.

He shared that the department is working on bringing in an expert, specialised in humanly catching stray dogs to provide training to the relevant local staff. For example, the department's staff will be trained on how to use a shotgun to tranquilise stray dogs, allowing for safer capture for both the dog and the person.

Philo noted that the stray cats are also a concern for the department.

"We are discussing the possibility of undertaking cat sterilisation camps. We want to focus on bringing down the number of stray dogs first, then tackle the cat problem," he continued.


Free sterilisation of dogs camp in Seychelles to start in October - Seychelles News Agency

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Seychelles: Small Islands With Big Aspirations – AllAfrica – Top Africa News

Posted: at 12:23 am

Victoria, Seychelles Everyone knows that small island states are on the frontline of global warming. Rising sea levels, acidification destroying fisheries and coral reefs, and changing patterns of rainfall are just some of the challenges. Some low-lying islands have already been lost to the ocean.

These challenges are real and can hardly be understated. Yet there is another side to the story, too: one that tells of a creative response and new opportunities. The fact is that small island states are on the frontline of the Blue Economy.

Several years ago, in 2016, I wrote a book (Rethinking the Oceans: Towards the Blue Economy) to show why urgent action was needed. The interconnected seas cover most of our planet and yet we have always treated them as second best, as if the riches that are found there will last forever. Instead, I have for long argued that our approach must be sustainable. It must serve not only today's needs but also tomorrow's generations.

A decade ago, the idea of the Blue Economy was poorly understood. Why, people would ask, is it any different from how the sea has always been used? Things have changed since then and the question is no longer 'why' but 'how'. In my second book on the subject, Revisiting the Ocean: Living the Blue Economy, I show what progress has been made and where we can find some of the most important changes.

There is a great deal more to be done, not least of all in stemming the relentless flow of harmful practices. But there are already signs of progress. To show this, I look to local communities and business startups, to visionaries and philanthropists, as well as international bodies. Go to remote beaches to see how communities (often led by women) are taking matters into their own hands. Or to the workshops of inventive young entrepreneurs who are finding ways to do things better. I am a realist but also an optimist and in my new book I try to balance a pervasive sense of impending doom with a strong message of hope.

COP28 will bring together the great and the good, drawn by the prospect of a new approach. But it will also attract those who are not so enamoured with a sustainable approach to the ocean. Fast-growing nations with, literally, billions of mouths to feed will not so easily be persuaded that sustainability is the right approach. Nor will commercial and other interests which are poised to scrape the ocean floor for rich mineral reserves. Yet, if we are not to destroy our planet, restraint has to win the day. In the crowded rooms of the upcoming event in Dubai, we must lose no opportunity to press the case.

My own nation, Seychelles, has one of the world's smallest populations and yet, surrounded by a vast stretch of ocean, we have pioneered new ways to sensibly manage this immense gift of nature. Planning our marine space in a rational way is how we are making progress and I commend the lessons to other small island nations. We have also been innovative in attracting funds and the ways we have done this, too, is a shared resource.

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Under the auspices of the European Union, Seychelles last year hosted an event where African entrepreneurs displayed their exciting ideas and projects. Fabrics produced from leaves and fish skin gathered locally, natural fertilisers from seaweed, productive ways to recycle fishing nets, and desalination units using renewable energy. With the help of large funding bodies like the UN and EU, much more can be done to unleash creative energy. Revolutions invariably start in small ways and nothing short of an ocean revolution is needed. Urgently!

I look forward to COP28 and I know that the host nation, the United Arab Emirates, will do all that it can to lead by example. Let us go to the conference with enthusiasm, welcoming every new initiative. I will be there, along with friends from other small island states and it is up to us all to make our voice heard.

Copies of my new book will be available at the event (as well as direct from https://www.jamesmichelfoundation.org) and I hope I can share with you some of my own ideas and a record of the wonderful efforts being made around the world to save our precious ocean.

James Michel is a former president of the Republic of Seychelles and a leading international advocate of the Blue Economy.

IPS UN Bureau

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Observer Group lauds Elections Commission of Maldives in its … – Commonwealth

Posted: at 12:23 am

The Commonwealth Group observing the presidential run-off election in Maldives has praised the countrys Elections Commission for implementing some of the recommendations it made from the first round of voting.

The Commonwealth Observer Group said it was impressed by the Elections Commissions efforts to improve processes, including around the protection of secrecy of the ballot - which included relocation of some polling stations to more spacious facilities and modification of voting booths.

Issuing the Groups Interim Statement at a press conference in the capital,Mal, the former President of the Republic of Seychelles and Chairof the Commonwealth Observer Group, H.E. Danny Faure, said:

Voter verification was yet again well managed during this election. We also observed the changes introduced in relation to applying indelible ink to the voters. The additional ballot boxes at some polling stations significantly improved queue management and led to a smooth process.

The statement also commended Maldivians in the UK where the Commonwealth debuted its first ever diaspora voting observation mission. It noted that polling was conducted according to prescribed procedures, with a high degree of transparency and professionalism.

The Groups overall assessment is that thesecond round ofthe Presidential Election was peaceful and transparent, and it praised theMaldivian people for their commitment tothe democratic process of their country.

In concluding the press conference, the Chairperson said:

On behalf of theCommonwealthObserver Group, I extend my congratulations and best wishes to the people of the Maldives on this PresidentialElection and to President-electDr. MohamedMuizzu.We look forward to seeingtheorderly and peaceful transition ofpower, atruetestament totheCommonwealths democratic values.

The final report, which will set out the Groups full findings on the entire election process, and offer recommendations for consideration, will be submitted first to the Commonwealth Secretary-General, and thereafter shared with the Government of Maldives, Elections Commission, political parties, and Commonwealth governments, before being made public.

Read full interim statement

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25 of the best hotels in the Indian Ocean – The Times

Posted: at 12:23 am

Nowhere epitomises desert-island escapism quite as magnificently as the Indian Ocean. This region has an obvious advantage unbeatable screensaver scenery, with palm trees, turquoise seas and bleached blond beaches pretty much standard.

But those Crusoe landscapes are only part of the reason why Ive been drawn back dozens of times over the years (largely for work, admittedly, but the best kind of work). It is also home to some of the best-designed resorts on the planet, so your Maldivian bedroom may come with a retractable roof letting you fall asleep looking at the stars; or have a massage 8m below the waves at an underwater spa.

Fortunately, chefs enjoy a week on the beach as much as the rest of us and many have Indian Ocean outposts, so Ive dined at restaurants as good as any in the worlds leading capital cities. Better, arguably for instance, the contemporary curries of Vineet Bhatia, the father of modern Indian cooking, are only improved by the sultry heat of Mauritius.

Theres top-notch pampering everywhere, but especially in Sri Lanka, where theyve been practising ancient ayurvedic therapies for almost as long as they have in India. Meanwhile encounters with the giant tortoises in the Seychelles provide an unforgettable Disney-cute moment for children of all ages.

A holiday in paradise doesnt have to cost a fortune either. Zanzibar has some excellent all-inclusive resorts with prices that shouldnt prove too spicy, even for a committed bargain hunter.

The region has been a honeymoon favourite for ever and although hotel and travel companies are starting to set their sights on families and other non-coupley visitors, something the region doesnt have is fly-by-night fads or trends. It doesnt need them the Indian Ocean already has a winning formula.

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The countrys latest gold standard Soneva Fushi was the resort that first put the Maldives on the map, introducing the archipelagos no news, no shoes castaway-chic trademark. Since then it has been joined by Soneva Jani, which cemented the brands reputation for barefoot brilliance. When it opens in January, Soneva Secret will take the concept two steps further no neighbours and nothing on the horizon either. Squirrelled away in the super-remote Haa Dhaalu atoll, the 14 villas are so well spaced a brass band could be playing next door and you wouldnt hear a thing. Each has driftwood decor with 007 touches, such as retractable roofs as well as its own entourage, from personal butlers and chefs to therapists, as well as yoga and dive instructors, all on hand to satisfy every peel-me-a-grape request. The top suite will be the countrys first floating villa, using technology developed during the construction of Hong Kongs airport. Details Seven nights full board from 15,960pp, including flights and transfers (originaltravel.co.uk)

Recent opening with easy eating The beaches in the Maldives are so sizzlingly good it can be hard to leave your sunlounger, even when youre starving. The team at the zingy new Dhawa Ihuru feels your pain and so has introduced the Nectar concept, allowing guests to order Japanese, Indian, Chinese, Maldivian and Mediterranean meals direct to their favourite palm tree. If you prefer conventions such as dining tables and chairs, theres the beachside Riveli Restaurant. Alternatively, take a free shuttle boat to dine at nearby sister island Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru. To help you work up the requisite appetite, theres a colourful house reef and a 24-hour gym. Details Seven nights all-inclusive from 2,562pp, including flights and transfers (kenwoodtravel.co.uk)

New family-friendly stay The sight of half-eaten rusk ground into the floor can kill the mood for most holidaymakers. The new Avani+ Fares in the Baa Atoll, a Unesco biosphere reserve, appreciates that children dont always have the best table manners so it has Petit Bistro, a dining club just for kids, as well as six more restaurants for those who can use a knife and fork. There are kids and teens clubs too, if parents fancy a break. The focus for the progeny-free is the fancy spa, and DJs and fire dancing at after-dark beach parties. All ages will love spotting dolphins in the lagoon and snorkelling with manta rays at Hanifaru Bay. Details Seven nights all-inclusive from 3,487pp, including flights and transfers (destinology.co.uk)

A truly comprehensive all-in This is one of the Maldives best all-inclusives so youll be embedded in luxury without running the risk of a nervous breakdown at the cost of every glass of champagne poolside. There are more bubbles in the complimentary minibar, which is restocked daily (something that many other all-ins charge for). The 90 villas are spacious, with a zesty design and bikes parked outside for outings to the spa or dive centre (again and even more unusually included). There is a childrens club and family-friendly sittings in the underwater restaurant; or make friends with the fish during daily snorkelling excursions. And if youre already frazzled by the school run and the maths homework, there are still some half-term bargains available. Details Seven nights all-inclusive from 3,699pp, including flights and transfers (bestattravel.co.uk)

A revamped old favourite Huvafen Fushi has been one of the archipelagos best-loved resorts since it opened in 2004. But popularity takes its toll on paintwork so it closed in May for a top-to-toe refurbishment. It relaunches on November 1 with a new look that, rather appropriately, is less radical facelift, more refreshed after a good holiday. Villas are minimalist havens but with a warmer palette of lagoon-green teals and Piz-Buin bronzes. Some things dont need tinkering with. The main draw here will still be a massage in its underwater spa, watching the fish as your aches float away. Details Seven nights B&B from 5,556pp, including flights and transfers (elegantresorts.com)

The Maldives grande dame Baros, the third oldest resort in the Maldives, celebrates its 50th anniversary in December. Those early pioneers had their pick of the prime locations so Baros is built on a former coconut plantation that is particularly lush, with one of the destinations best house reefs a few fin splashes away, which means its ageing even better than Helen Mirren. Five decades work has allowed them to get that hospitality thing down to a fine art slick enough to have gained fans such as Penlope Cruz. The villas are equally sleek, decorated in the shades of the deep blue sea, many with butler service and private pools. Dining is suitably red carpet. Details Seven nights B&B from 3,260pp, including flights and transfers (scottdunn.com)

Great value spot with easy transfers Sand and sea do not discriminate between four and five-star resorts, so the scenery on Bandos is as stellar as anywhere in the archipelago but the prices arent nearly so sky-high. It is only a ten-minute ferry ride from the capital, Mal, so you will see a fair bit of cargo traffic but that proximity also means a mercifully short transfer after an overnight flight. Rooms are traditional, with thatched ceilings, bare floorboards and simple wooden furniture; many have four-poster beds and outdoor bathrooms. The four restaurants include a Japanese teppanyaki table where a chef slices, dices and cooks in front of you, and one of the three bars is overwater and perfectly perched for the unbeatable sunset views. Details Seven nights B&B from 1,379pp, including flights and transfers (virginholidays.co.uk)

Romantic escape where you meet the locals Most guests to the Maldives never get to hang out with someone who actually comes from the country. If youre seeking somewhere that offers more of a cultural immersion, Alila Kothaifaru combines the laid-back luxe of pool villas and a treetop spa with the chance to visit the nearby community of Maduvvaree and have a home-cooked Maldivian lunch with a local family. The resort is good on romantic moments too. This year it has built the Shack on its private sand spit, a classy upgrade on the castaway prototype thats just for two. Guests arrive by traditional dhoni boat, have a massage and drinks before dinner under the stars. Details Seven nights B&B from 4,274pp, including flights and transfers (fandptravel.com)

Adults-only pampering Anantara Veli has recently emerged from a nine-month renovation and has been reborn as a swanky, adults-only resort where the focus is on wellness. Guests can transform their stylish tropical villa into a private spa sanctuary for the night, with light, sound and scent therapy, ayurvedic spa amenities, in-room yoga and treatments and an earthing mat for meditation. The rest of the resort bolsters your emotional health, with first-rate Japanese, Mediterranean, Indian and Thai restaurants, a spa with a hammam, and activities such as cookery classes, beach games and surf lessons, as well as the chance to kick back and watch a film at its cinema under the stars. Details Seven nights half-board from 2,629pp, including flights and transfers. Book by October 14 (ba.com)

Two holidays in one resort One side of the resort has the stillness of the bird-filled lagoon; the other designer-clad people-watching at the beach. In between are vast tropical gardens and Constance Prince Maurice, many experts top pick for Mauritius. The resort works as well for honeymooners as families. The former will love last-night candlelit dinners on the floating decks of Le Barachois restaurant, overlooking the lagoon and mountains; youngsters will love the kids club, which offers everything from manicures to cookery classes. Add an excellent spa, a kitesurfing school, a TikTok-bossing beachfront infinity pool and access to two golf courses at the nearby sister resort Constance Belle Mare Plage and everyone else should be happy too. Details Seven nights B&B from 2,129pp including flights and transfers (tui.co.uk)

Grande dame gets a reglam LUX* Belle Mare is the grandest of Mauritian grandes dames, on one of its best beaches, overlooking a glimmering lagoon and with a lush jungle backdrop. The old girl is back at centre stage after a makeover that has added a moodboard of pastels in coral, green and sandy white to its tropical architecture, as well as throwing in some billowing linen for your Insta reels. Thankfully, the trademark LUX* focus on dining and wellness remains intact. There is contemporary Indian cooking by Vineet Bhatia, in the signature restaurant Amari by Vineet, and innovative treatments such as aerial Thai yoga. As the resort is on the windier east coast there are plenty of kitesurfing spots nearby. Details Seven nights B&B from 1,940pp, including flights, transfer and 300 spa and dining credit per room (cazloyd.com)


Take it to the beach After displaying admirable imagination on their carefree piazza-style living concept, the owners clearly ran out of steam when choosing their hotels name. Still, Long Beach is an accurate description of the half mile of killer white sand that fronts the resort. Clever design divides the 255 bright and zesty rooms between three hubs, four swimming pools and lush landscaping, giving the welcome impression of boutique intimacy. There are myriad ways to keep active from football and beach volleyball to golf and nature walks and almost as many ways to refuel, with Chinese, Japanese and Italian cuisine, and a Mauritian restaurant where you can sink your toes into the sand during candlelit dinners. Details Seven nights all-inclusive from 2,124pp, including flights and transfers (firstchoice.co.uk)

Back to Mauritian roots Zilwa means islander in Creole, and the design of Zilwa Attitude at the northern tip of the island has been inspired by the traditional wood-and-thatch fishermens homes, so it feels more like a local village than a standard resort. Cuisine stays close to home too its seven restaurants segue through the islands culinary influences, including Chinese and Indian, but the highlight is probably a casual lunch at Taba-J, which offers a spin on typical Mauritian street-food shacks with its fabulous rotis, faratas, dholl puris and curry of the day (warning: they can be spicy). The 214 rustic rooms are rooted in the region too, sporting the red, blue, yellow and green of the Mauritian flag. Details Seven nights all-inclusive from 1,643pp, including flights and transfers (kuoni.co.uk)

Private island sophistication If you cant decide between the naturally lush beaches of the Seychelles and the Maldives, the island of Desroches is a classy compromise. It has the dreamy Seychellois jade-green jungle and Jurassic Park-style wildlife, but it also has eight miles of pearl-white beaches and pristine reefs. Design for the Four Seasons 71 villas and suites draws on Creole heritage and colonial influences, so youll feel like very posh pirates. Active options include all the usual suspects paddleboarding, kayaking, diving, sunrise and sunset yoga and you also get to meet the 150 resident Aldabra giant tortoises. Details Seven nights all-inclusive from 6,620pp, including flights and transfers (elegantresorts.com)

All-action resort If you are more busy bee than sunlounger lizard, punch Constance Ephelia into your holiday sat nav. There are water sports, tennis, squash, rock-climbing, diving and snorkelling in the national marine park of Port Launay, access to two golf courses and zip lines strung over the forest canopy. That should surely tire you out enough to flop at one of its five pools, two boulder-strewn beaches or huge spa. There are 313 rooms sprinkled throughout the resorts 290 tropical acres and five bars and six restaurants to cover all your culinary whims. Details Seven nights half-board from 3,242pp, including flights and transfers (abercrombieandkent.co.uk)

Picture-perfect boutique While on a Vogue shoot in the Seventies the fashion photographer Gian Paolo Barbieri found the skinny beach and sexy drape of jungle at Anse aux Poules Bleues so irresistible that he bought a plot and built Mango House. Now converted into an adults-only boutique hideaway, Barbieris artiness prevails in mementoes dotted throughout the original building, while the photogenic 41 rooms have muslin-draped four-poster beds framing distant misty mountains. The resort is in a corner of southwest Mah that has barely changed since the snappers day it is low-key, lush and popular with locals visiting its trio of restaurants, including Moutya, where Creole dishes are cooked in coconut husks over coals. Details Seven nights B&B from 2,799pp, including flights and transfers (turquoiseholidays.co.uk)

Spa-lover central Raffles Seychelles offers an adorable David Attenborough moment: the chance to meet the resorts 100-year-old Aldabra tortoises. But you can also explore and improve your inner world at its stress-busting spa. The dozen treatment pavilions built into the hillsides greenery are open-air, so the sea breezes and ocean waves add some nature-based therapy to the intricate pearl and caviar facials, tai chi-balancing massages and wildflower-strewn candlelit bathing rituals. The 86 tropically modern villas are also wedged into that steep hillside, so they have the same to-die-for outlook onto the bay. Most have plunge pools where you can extend your spa soaks, and all have butler service to ensure that your martinis are expertly shaken or stirred while you stay nicely chilled. Details Seven nights half-board from 4,045pp, including flights and transfers (inspiringtravel.co.uk)

Original 18th-century features in atmospheric town This converted 18th-century mansion, formerly owned by a printing company, makes the ideal boutique base in the world heritage town of Galle. On a prime spot on Pedlar Street, its in the thick of the cool indie fashion stores and laid-back restaurants that have made the old Dutch quarter of the south coasts port city a magnet for digital nomads. Rooms in the main building have a pared-back minimalist aesthetic that works beautifully with their original beams and antique hardwood floors, while more contemporary suites are dotted in villas down the road. Theres a dinky pool and a frangipani-filled courtyard for relaxed seafood suppers. Details B&B doubles from 175 (thefortprinters.com). Fly to Colombo

The modernist architects house Its impossible to get more than three sentences into a Sri Lanka guidebook without finding a mention of the local architect Geoffrey Bawa, whose indoor-outdoor tropical modernism style is still much copied 20 years after his death. Lunuganga is the 15-acre rubber plantation that he transformed over four decades into his wildly romantic private home. Its a tourist sight in its own right but once the day-trippers have gone you get its whimsical gardens and misty lake to yourself and a choice of ten characterful bedrooms including Bawas old suite and Cinnamon Hill, a secluded outbuilding with alfresco bathroom. The estate is pin-drop quiet but the bustle, beaches and bars of the popular west-coast Bentota resort are only a short tuk-tuk ride away. Details B&B doubles from 125 (teardrop-hotels.com). Fly to Colombo

Plantation escape Perched above the Ravana Ella waterfall in an unspoilt valley, this is the place to dunk your traditional Sri Lankan gnanakatha cookies in your tea. You can enjoy tours of the organic tea plantation, tastings of its artisanal brews, tea and food pairing workshops, and the chance to pick and process your own batch of tea. Cheerful rooms are divided between a 100-year-old farmhouse, old tea pickers quarters and a 1930s planters bungalow. A stay is the highlight of a tour that also includes a tea-themed trek along the Pekoe Trail, passing eucalyptus forests, Buddhist temples and waterfalls, a scenic train ride from Kandy to Ella and time on the beach at Tangalle. Details Eight nights B&B from 2,895pp, including flights, transfers, some extra meals and carbon contribution (experiencetravelgroup.com)

Tea and therapy Vickum Nawagamuwage is a former global consultant for Deloitte who was one memo away from burnout when he called time and returned home to set up Santani Wellness. His spaceship-sleek wellness retreat on a former tea plantation near Kandy plugs you back into nature for a subtle reboot. Yoga is riverside, mountain biking and hiking are through lush jungles and afterwards ayurvedic doctors advise on personalised treatments. Rooms that are more modern meditation caves with views over the craggy Knuckles mountains further encourage decompression. Meals are nutritionally balanced and, of course, theres plenty of tea and sympathy. Details Seven nights full board from 3,329pp, including flights, transfers and treatments (healingholidays.com)

Island castaway fantasy OK, Fanjove is hardly cheap, but it is miles more affordable than Mnemba, Tanzanias only other private-island resort, which is so wildly expensive that its in the Is that Bill Gates at the bar? category. Whats more, Fanjove is looking the real Crusoe-with-knobs-on deal right now after a complete rebuild thats given extra castaway oomph to its ten thatched shoreline villas and open-air restaurant. There are sunset dhow cruises and sundowners at the 19th-century lighthouse; otherwise its wildlife rather than nightlife, thanks to pristine coral reefs and seas full of spinner dolphins and green turtles. Details Seven nights all-inclusive from 4,645pp, including flights and transfers (expertafrica.com)

Fishing-village escapism Locals also call the island Nosy Boraha; holidaymakers will be delighted to call this dot off the northeast coast of Madagascar home its 85 sq miles of utter heaven. Its empty beaches and sleepy fishing villages epitomise slow-lane living, while the eco-focused Mantis Soanambo helps to apply the brakes too, with 48 pared-back rooms in tropical gardens. This is the place to be between July and September, when humpback whales pass through the channel between le St Marie and the mainland to their breeding grounds. Year-round on le aux Nattes, accessible only by dugout canoe, a network of trails lead to even sleepier villages and emptier beaches. Details Eight nights B&B from 1,595pp, including flights and transfers (steppestravel.com)

Moorish marine park all-inclusive The image of Zanzibars all-inclusive resorts as a bit tacky is changing thanks to properties such as Emerald Zanzibar, standing on Muyuni beach within a protected marine park where you can see surgeonfish and snappers among the corals. The low-rise Moorish design in its 250 suites, inspired by the islands Arabic history, features atmospheric dark woods and latticework. Theyre spacious enough to sleep three, and a child sharing with two adults can stay and eat for free. The spa also nods to heritage with a Zanzi Island Spice ritual that uses local coffee, cinnamon and orange for a lively scrub and massage. Details Seven nights all-inclusive from 1,229pp, including flights (awayholidays.co.uk)

Stick to the slow lane Heres an offer you cant refuse: Mafia Island is less touristy than Zanzibar, less expensive than the Maldives and home to the small but perfectly formed Pole Pole eco lodge. Pole means slow in Swahili, and this place takes the term seriously. Activities tend to be snail-paced, so think walks to Arab ruins and local villages or daily snorkelling excursions. The nine timber bungalows are decorated with Swahili fabrics and antique furniture, and are a hop and a skip from the azure waters of Chole Bay actually, make that more of a shuffle; this place doesnt encourage moving fast. Details Seven nights full board from 2,603pp, including flights and transfers (aardvarksafaris.com)

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25 of the best hotels in the Indian Ocean - The Times

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FBI Targets Trump Voters Ahead Of 2024 Election – The Federalist

Posted: at 12:22 am

Less than one year before Americans will begin casting their votes in the 2024 election, the FBI is singling out supporters of Republican frontrunner former President Donald Trump as domestic terrorists, a report from Newsweek shows.

Testimony from more than a dozen current or former government officials who specialize in terrorism to Newsweek confirmed that this increase in targeting was born out of the FBIs decision to lump Trump supporters into its expanded definition of domestic extremism.

The nations federal law enforcement agency criminalizing opposition to the regime is not new, but it has drastically increased under President Joe Biden. FBI data reviewed by Newsweek indicates nearly two-thirds of the FBIs current investigations center on Trump supporters accused of disregarding anti-riot laws.

[Read: After Ignoring Violent BLM Riots, FBI Targets Trump Supporters For Breaking Anti-Riot Laws]

Despite widespread, leftist-led and encouraged riots during the 2020 summer of rage, FBI data says that spikes in domestic violent extremism and domestic terrorism investigations in 2020 and 2021 show clearly that the main targets of the investigations and cases open were of Trump supporters, not the people who wreaked billions of dollars of damage on American cities.

Similarly, assessments, a shadowy tool used by the FBI to spy on Americans who have political or ideological associations deemed unfavorable by the agency, more than doubled from 2019 to 2021.

A drastic rise in politicized probes of Trump voters follows an avalanche of rhetoric touted by President Joe Biden, his White House, Democrats in Congress, Attorney General Merrick Garland, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and other officials who have named the domestic extremism often pinned on Republican voters as the nations biggest threat.

The increase also serves as a continuation of the Biden regimes persecution of its number one political opponent and his popular brand of wrongthink ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

A majority of Americans say the administrations malfeasance is proof the U.S. has atwo-tiered system of justice. After a year of smears andsham felony indictments, morethan half of the nationsays they want the lefts enforcement arm to be punished for weaponizing its power against the American people to achieve political goals.

The FBI denies targeting Americans based on ideology, but days after the events on Jan. 6, 2021, the agency broadened its anti-government or anti-authority violent extremists-other (AGAAVE) classification so that it could jumpstart investigations into Americans based on their political affiliations.

The shift received hardly any attention, emboldening the FBI in October 2022 to create a whole new terrorism category, AGAAVE-Other, devoted to monitoring anyone the agency deemed an anti-government domestic violent extremist with seemingly adverse political affiliations.

Trump and his famous slogan Make America Great Again were not officially assigned to this category on paper or in the FBIs joint report to Congress. Newsweek noted, however, that government insiders acknowledge that it applies to political violence ascribed to the former presidents supporters.

One unnamed senior intelligence official told Newsweek that he believed Trumps army constitutes the greatest threat of violence domesticallypoliticallythats the reality and the problem set.

Biden tried to demonize half the country ahead of the November 2022 midterms by accusing MAGA Republicans of beinga threat to the very soul of this country. This screed was one of the many public confirmations his administration gave to his allies at the DOJ and FBI to keep persecuting their political foes.

Under Bidens rule, the FBI launched attacks on concerned parents, raided a pastors home,refused to protect Republican-nominated Supreme Court justices from coordinated influence campaigns designed to undermine theDobbs v. Jacksonruling, and attempted topunish Republican statesforprotecting childrenincluding the unborn.

In a statement to The Federalist, the FBI claimed it does not target Americans based on political belief or any First Amendment protected activity.

Any allegation that the FBI targets individuals solely for their political beliefs is categorically false, an FBI spokeswoman wrote. The FBI investigates those who commit acts of violence or threaten violence, and we do not take action based on political belief or any First Amendment protected activity.

FBI Director Christopher Wray also claimed previously that his agency does not target people for their religious beliefs, despite a leaked memo labeling traditional Catholics violent white supremacists suggesting otherwise. The release of an unredacted version of the memo targeting traditional Catholics challenged that claim.

This article has been updated since publication.

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @jordanboydtx.

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10 Ways Democrats Are Already Rigging The 2024 Election – The Federalist

Posted: at 12:22 am

Its no secret by now that Democrats love rigging elections in their favor.

During the 2016 contest, agencies such as the Department of Justice (DOJ) and FBI willingly partook in a Hillary Clinton campaign-funded operation to convince the American public that Donald Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin and the Russian government to steal the election. The FBI didnt just launch an investigation into Trump based on uncorroborated intelligence; it used the Clinton-funded Steele dossier to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on his campaign.

These kinds of nefarious activities continued into the 2020 election, in which these agencies (along with the CIA) worked overtime to discredit damaging reporting about then-candidate Joe Biden. These departments even went so far as to pressure Big Tech platforms in the months leading up to the election to censor information like the Hunter Biden laptop story when it became public. Like clockwork, these companies acquiesced.

And who could forget Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, whose Zuckbucks flooded local election offices in key battleground states to change how elections were administered and effectively fund a Democrat get-out-the-vote operation?

Now, as the country hurtles towards another intense presidential election, Democrats are once again putting their feet on the electoral scale to rig the 2024 contest in their favor.

Another facet of so-called law enforcement agencies election interference is their blatant targeting of conservatives. Within the past few years, the FBI has been caught directing its fire at parents attending school board meetings, Catholics who attend Latin Mass, and innocent pro-lifers, to name a few.

Given these actions, it wasnt shocking when Newsweek reported on Wednesday that the agency is gearing up to single out supporters of former President Donald Trump as domestic terrorists ahead of the 2024 contest. As The Federalists Jordan Boyd reported, Testimony from more than a dozen current or former government officials who specialize in terrorism to Newsweek confirmed that this increase in targeting was born out of the FBIs decision to lump Trump supporters into its expanded definition of domestic extremism.'

Former business associates, IRS and FBI whistleblowers, bank records, text messages, emails, reporting from a highly credible informant, and even President Joe Biden himself have all corroborated different aspects of the latters involvement in his familys corrupt foreign business ventures. But according to Democrats and their legacy media allies, this is just evidence of a fathers love for his son.

From the moment mountains of evidence began piling up, implicating Biden in playing a major role in his familys international influence-peddling scheme, Democrats have done all they can to hide, excuse, and obfuscate the massive scandal surrounding the sitting president. With help from the DOJ which almost got away with offering Bidens son, Hunter, a sweetheart plea agreement to evade future criminal charges and has routinely hindered investigative efforts into the Bidens these acts represent a clear attempt by Democrats to hide damning information about the sitting president from the American public ahead of the 2024 election.

Who needs free and fair elections when you can just throw your political opponents behind bars ahead of a major election? Spanning four separate cases and 91 felony counts, the DOJ and leftist prosecutors seemingly coordinated efforts to imprison Trump could not represent a more obvious attempt to interfere in the election process.

While 25 states passed legislation banning or restricting the use of Zuckbucks in elections, that hasnt stopped nonprofits like the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) one of the Zuckerberg-funded groups that meddled in the 2020 election from attempting to replicate their 2020 strategy for future elections.

Last year, CTCL and other left-wing groups launched the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence, an $80 millionventuredesignedto systematically influence every aspect of election administration and advance Democrat-backed voting policies in local election offices. Through the use of scholarships and low entrance fees, the coalition seeks to make the 2020 private hijacking of election offices look like childs play.

Its not surprising the same agencies that pushed Big Tech platforms to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story ahead of the 2020 election would continue their censorship practices years later. As indicated in several federal court rulings, the Biden administration has been actively colluding with social media giants like Facebook to suppress commentary and facts posted online that it claims are examples of misinformation. Equally alarming is that in spite of these rulings barring such authoritarian behavior, the administration has continued to appeal the decisions to regain the power to stifle speech online.

And these actions dont even include the efforts undertaken by left-wing groups such as Vote.org, which have pressured Big Tech platforms to adopt plans to combat so-called election disinformation.

Sometimes the only way to win the game is to change the rules in your favor and thats exactly what Democrats have been doing to Americas election laws.

After expanding insecure voting practices such as mass unsupervised mail-in voting and the use of ballot drop boxes during the 2020 election, Democrat-controlled state legislatures have sought to enshrine these policies into law across the country. States such as New Mexico, Minnesota, and Michigan have all adopted sloppy election procedures under the guise of democracy and so-called voting rights.

Meanwhile, in states where Democrats dont hold power, the DOJ and leftist lawyers have stepped in to launch dishonest lawsuits against Republican-backed election integrity laws. For example, the DOJlaunched a lawsuit against a Georgia election integrity law requiring voter ID in June 2021, in which the agency parroted the lie that Georgias law was designed todeny[] or abridg[e] nonwhite Americans right to vote.

Shortly after taking office, Biden took the unprecedented step of ordering hundreds of federal agencies to interfere in state and local election administration. Executive Order 14019 mandated all departments use U.S. taxpayer money to boost voter registration and get-out-the-vote activities. Agencies were also instructed to develop a strategic plan explaining how they intended to fulfill this directive.

While the Biden administration has routinelystonewalledefforts by good government groups to acquire these plans, available information reveals an apparently partisan venture aimed at registering voters who are likely to support Democrats. Recent reporting from The Daily Signal indicates agencies such as the Indian Health Service are collaborating with leftist groups like Demos and the ACLU to register and turn out voters under Executive Order 14019.

The Biden bribery scandal isnt the only subject legacy media continue to lie about. In the months leading up to and after the 2022 midterms, media propagandists launched a full-scale attack on GOP voters seeking to legally observe the elections process. Despite their repeated insistence of a widespread conspiracy of Republicans threatening election officials, there is no evidence to suggest such an assertion is true. In fact, Bidens own DOJ all but admitted as much last year.

The corporate presss goals in regurgitating this false narrative are to both cast their political opponents as extremists and dissuade conservatives who have legitimate concerns about election integrity from partaking in legal forms of electoral oversight (such as poll watching).

While federal law prohibits tax-exempt 501(c)(3) groups from engaging in partisan voter registration, that hasnt stopped left-wing nonprofits from skirting the legal system by targeting voting demographics favorable to Democrats.

Organizations such as Restoration of America and Capital Research Center have issued reports in recent months detailing how leftist billionaires bankroll nonprofit groups to register likely-Democrat voters. Instead of explicitly stating theyre registering voters for the Democrat Party, groups like the Voter Registration Project target people of color, women, and young people. In other words, they specifically aim to register demographics likely to vote for Democrats.

Shawn Fleetwood is a staff writer for The Federalist and a graduate of the University of Mary Washington. He previously served as a state content writer for Convention of States Action and his work has been featured in numerous outlets, including RealClearPolitics, RealClearHealth, and Conservative Review. Follow him on Twitter @ShawnFleetwood

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Here’s What Dems Said About The Border Wall Under Trump – The Federalist

Posted: at 12:22 am

After two and a half years of having millions of illegal immigrants pour across Americas southern border, the Biden administration finally decided to resume construction of former President Donald Trumps border wall on Thursday.

The Department of Homeland Securitys announcement that it plans to rebuild a portion of the fortification in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas came as quite a surprise, given that Biden pledged during his presidential run that there would not be another foot of wall constructed [under his] administration. Then again, the Delaware Democrat has never been known as someone who tells the truth.

Aside from failed presidential candidates like Robert Francis ORourke, very few Democrats have openly criticized Biden for authorizing continued construction of the border wall. Given Democrat politicos knack for conveniently forgetting what side of an issue they held two minutes ago, it seems only fair to remind them and the rest of the country what they had to say about the issue when Trump was president.

Ahead of the 2019 government shutdown over border security, the then-House speaker didnt mince words when criticizing Trump amid his insistence that Congress fund new wall construction along the U.S.-Mexico border. In fact, Pelosi called the wall an immorality and claimed it is the least effective way to protect the border and the most costly.

I cant think of any reason why anyone would think its a good idea unless this has something to do with something else, she said.

The infamous KJP had some choice words for Trumps wall before becoming Bidens White House press secretary.

Amid the 2020 Covid outbreak, the Leninist girl scout from New York claimed the wall was a xenophobic campaign stunt that falls down in the wind.

Americas favorite fake Indian referred to Trumps wall as racist during a 2020 CNN town hall and introduced legislation to redirect funds allocated for the project towards the governments Covid response.

Schumer has repeatedly referred to the border wall as expensive and ineffective.

The Democrat Minnesota congresswoman who routinely espouses her hatred for Jewish people had something to say about racism in May 2020.

Much like his fellow socialists in Congress, the Vermont senator called Trumps wall racist and accused the former president of ripping babies from their mothers and instituting a Muslim ban.

Before she became vice president and Bidens border czar, then Sen. Kamala Harris called Trumps wall wasteful and a vanity project several times throughout the 2019 government shutdown. She additionally referred to it as stupid and useless.

Shawn Fleetwood is a staff writer for The Federalist and a graduate of the University of Mary Washington. He previously served as a state content writer for Convention of States Action and his work has been featured in numerous outlets, including RealClearPolitics, RealClearHealth, and Conservative Review. Follow him on Twitter @ShawnFleetwood

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How Conservatives Quietly Outmaneuvered McConnell On Ukraine – The Federalist

Posted: at 12:22 am

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell suffered a stunning blow this weekend when Republicans in the upper chamber disregarded his repeated calls for prioritizing Ukraine funding by passing the House GOPs short-term spending bill, which included no provisions for the Volodymyr Zelensky regime.

Publicly, McConnell pretended his move to finance the proxy war in Ukraine was temporarily tabled for the convenience of avoiding an imminent government shutdown. Behind closed doors, the Senate minority leaders plan to indefinitely send U.S. tax dollars to Eastern Europe was shunned by nearly every member of his party who expressed discomfort with hinging the fate of the government shutdown on Ukraine.

One source familiar with the situation told The Federalist that even McConnell quietly acknowledged to his colleagues that any spending bill that included Ukraine funding was not a winning issue for the party. Yet, he was so committed to putting another countrys financial well-being ahead of his own that he fought his own conference on it.

The Senate GOPs defiance of McConnell was confirmed when they, at the urging of Senate GOP steering committee members like Sens. Mike Lee and Rick Scott, passed House Republicans continuing resolution (CR) instead of the Senate bill.

When I came in on Saturday morning, I was convinced we were not going to win. The headwinds were totally opposed to us. And then by 1 oclock, we had decisively defeated McConnell, a Senate staffer told The Federalist.

Corporate media and Beltway insiders paint the titanic twist as a sign that the longest-serving Senate party leader in US history is losing control of his conference. The Senate Republicans who defied McConnell and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumers expensive spending package, however, are simply finally harnessing the collective decision-making power theyve always had to better reflect the party and constituents.

Spending negotiations did not start looking grim for McConnell until just one day before FY 2023 spending was set to expire. Up until that point, McConnell was armed with his deal, the support of the Pentagon, and prepared to send billions more U.S. tax dollars to Ukraine.

Its rumored that Pentagon officials are on their way over to the Capitol to lobby for Schumer-McConnell. The Military Industrial Complex doesnt like to lose, Lee wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

The package was standard for the Republican leader who has spent the last two and a half years pressuring his colleagues to join Democrats in subsidizing the war in Eastern Europe.

McConnell previously argued that sending Ukraine money without oversight is obviously in Americas self-interest because it benefits the vast U.S. military-industrial complex.

Republicans should welcome Democrats who are finally willing to spend money on our defense industrial base, McConnell demanded in his Sept. 11 Senate floor remarks. Such a bipartisan consensus will not survive if we turn our backs on this conflict.

The minority leaders insistence that Ukraine needs an endless stream of U.S. tax dollars was supported by a majority of his colleagues over the last two years with few objections.

Polls, however, show that sending an endless supply of cash is increasingly unpopular with the American people. With the 2024 election nearing, Republicans in both chambers quickly realized they couldnt afford to risk their congressional careers over another forever war to appease the defense industry and their allies in congressional leadership.

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy confirmed on Friday night that the Senates misguided bill, which included funding for Ukraine, would be dead on arrival.

McCarthys firmness was unsurprising given the job pressure he faced from members of the House Freedom Caucus who wanted to leverage their GOP majority power to address the surging border crisis, punish the weaponization of the federal government, and cut off American sponsorship of the proxy war.

Senate Republicans grumblings about lining Zelenskys pockets also preceded the weekend fight but rarely made it beyond the walls of their offices. Despite wariness from House Republicans and his conference about indefinitely funding an overseas war, McConnell doubled down on his quest to pass his own legislative package, which catered to Zelenskys pleas for cash.

While he prepped for a cloture vote in the Senate, House Democrats prepared to support the McConnell bill with a procedural motion to take over the floor. Senate insiders told The Federalist that, at the time, they believed that would happen.

House Democrats understood that waiting for the Senate to take their first cloture vote on the Schumer-McConnell package would have forced the burden of the shutdown on the House GOP, which would have had to choose to pass the Senate bill with Ukraine funding or shut things down. The move would have also likely provided the heat to oust McCarthy from speakership, something Senate Republicans like McConnell would likely disapprove of.

The Democrats in the lower chamber tried to use every trick in the book, including magic minutes andpulling a fire alarmto delay the Houses CR vote and make the Senate decide on its bill first.

By midday Saturday, however, Senate Republicans were toying with the idea of abandoning the high-level spending proposed by the Democrat and GOP upper chamber leaders in favor of the Houses CR.

Senators Lee and Scott specifically proposed during a Saturday conference lunch that Republicans in the upper chamber wait for their House GOP colleagues to send over the stopgap. Waiting for the House bill, they argued, would rid them of the burden of passing legislation that goes against Americans wishes on Ukraine, keep Republicans from becoming shutdown scapegoats, and harbor McCarthy from the threat of removal for a little longer.

Even shadow leadership race candidates Sens. Cornyn and Thune, who started September by eviscerating House Republicans for opposing the Senate unipartys spending plan, expressed support for the plan so they would be seen as sympathetic to the conference that might one day choose them to lead the party.

By the end of the lunch, McConnell and Sen. Susan Collins were the only GOP senators who vocalized disdain for passing the Houses CR. McConnell was eventually forced to publicly declare Republicans intent to pass the stopgap in an attempt to maintain his appearance of control.

Schumer tried to stifle the vote by starting a live quorum, which requires all senators to convene in the Senate chambers to fulfill their duties to vote. Republicans were prepared to either take down cloture or abstain from voting altogether, but Schumer eventually relented and left his bill off the table.

The Republicans had successfully defied McConnell and delayed Democrats spending wishlist until mid-November.

Despite suffering defeat on the short-term funding bill, McConnell is not giving up on his dream to keep Ukraine in the running for future appropriations negotiations. He opened his floor speech on the passage of the CR by pledging to send the Zelensky regime more money before the end of the year.

Im confident the Senate will pass further urgent assistance to Ukraine later this year, McConnell said.

Its difficult to predict where negotiations will go in the next month. The momentum for the Senate GOP to collectively make its own decisions without McConnell, however, is there and waiting for them to grasp it.

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @jordanboydtx.

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Between The Old And New Right, There’s One Major Fault Line – The Federalist

Posted: at 12:22 am

The following is a transcript of remarks I delivered at the American Political Science Associations annual meeting on Sept. 1. Panelists were asked to review the National Conservatism and Freedom Conservatism statements of principles.

Its true that both the National Conservative Statement of Principles which I signed and the Freedom Conservative Statement of Principles are useful distillations of the so-called New Right and the Old Right. I say that as someone with a foot in both camps, working for the organization founded by the Sharon Statement and a group founded by its author Stan Evans. FreeCons cite the statement as their inspiration. Ive spoken at NatCon as well. Like Michael Brendan Dougherty, as a NatCon signer, I have quibbles with both statements but could basically sign both of them as well.

That sentiment is certainly not shared by everyone on the right, new and old, but it reveals an essential point: The primary disagreement between NatCons and FreeCons is their priorities. This is not to minimize that disagreement. It is significant. With certain old conservative institutions run by stalwart defenders of the old agenda, it will be unworkable. But with Republican voters and average Americans, it will not.

Take, for example, the tax bill Donald Trump signed in 2017. Here was a standard bearer of the New Right expending immense political capital behind fiscal conservatism. It became the legislative highlight of his entire presidency, and not merely because Democrats after 2018 declined to cooperate with his administration, but also because the president and people who staffed his administration genuinely wanted to do tax reform and pushed the reconciliation effort hard.

Today, virtually no person in the national conservative camp will argue that was the right move. Importantly, though, virtually no person in the national conservative camp would in theory argue against a more competitive corporate tax rate that helps onshore jobs, or tax relief for overburdened American families increasingly getting less for their money.

Again, this is not true of everyone in the national conservative camp, because it includes a handful of integralist thinkers and heterodox voices who offer provocative dissents. Generally, though, national conservatism believes in free markets, just with the prioritization of families and communities as their moral end. Freedom Conservatives dont disagree with that, perhaps with the exception of some hardcore libertarians.

But this conflict over priorities amounts to a major gulf in policy and tone: When the market fails to provide a living wage for single moms, is the priority to go after government barriers that may burden businesses with costs that cut into wages? Is it to create new cash benefits for parents? Is it to do both?

What about tone? Should conservatives be extolling the virtues of the business whose CEO is pushing ESG and hiking his own salary beyond previously conceivable limits? Should they be supporting the union that might score a win for the single mom? (Even Ben Shapiro has made the conservative case for collective bargaining in the private sector, though critically its nobodys pet issue.) Should they be focused on that mothers inability to send her child to a public school that successfully educates kids, and does so without pushing politically charged policies on sex and race?

Politics aside, what is the most moral way to prioritize family and freedom and flourishing under a set of economic and cultural conditions that threaten all those ideals? Do the free markets we all support need more or less intervention? Do families and individuals need more or less freedom?

Heres the NatCon statement on free markets, which some of us on the New Right might balk at in another context if it came from a FreeCon: We believe that an economy based on private property and free enterprise is best suited to promoting the prosperity of the nation and accords with traditions of individual liberty that are central to the Anglo-American political tradition. We reject the socialist principle, which supposes that the economic activity of the nation can be conducted in accordance with a rational plan dictated by the state.

Heres the FreeCon statement on the same: Most individuals are happiest in loving families, and within stable and prosperous communities in which parents are free to engage in meaningful work, and to raise and educate their children according to their values. The free enterprise system is the foundation of prosperity. Americans can only prosper in an economy in which they can afford the basics of everyday life: food, shelter, health care, and energy. A corrosive combination of government intervention and private cronyism is making these basics unaffordable to many Americans.

Lets turn to foreign affairs. There are few genuine doves in either the FreeCon or NatCon camp. Note most of the NatCon opposition to war policy in Ukraine is explicitly predicated on the need to prioritize China. Many, if not most, NatCons are willing to support a more militaristic approach to Mexican cartels as well.

If we return to the issue of tax reform, most people on the New Right myself included would say Republicans who reeled at the cultural chaos of 2020 expended vast amounts of political capital on a lower priority (without even doing it very well), when they could have met the moment and tackled the corruption of higher education and K-12 or immigration reform, they could have dealt with cronyism in housing and health care, they could have seriously reigned in Big Tech.

Many ostensible disagreements are rooted more in rhetoric and priority disagreements than ideology. Heres a broad but not at all exhaustive list of basic, fundamental points of agreement:

There are some genuine divides among many members of both camps, including:

This question of priorities is the biggest development to conservative political thought because it does change the calculus when decisions have to be made on policies like the tax code, labor, trade, education, and then rhetoric.

The Sharon Statement was a perfect articulation of conservative priorities for 1960. That really has not changed. If anything, contra the FreeCons, it should be used to unite these disparate factions, not as a wedge. The central threat is an ever-expanding federal bureaucracy that seeks, in cooperation with global institutions, to impose progressive ideological ends on individuals, families, schools, and employers by encroaching on personal and corporate freedoms.

These disagreements on rhetoric and priority are not to be minimized. They are significant. Still, its worth considering when internecine squabbles on the right boil over if the apparent divide which often looks and feels very bitter puts the two camps in different ballparks or different sections of the same one. The most important development in conservative thought to continue torturing this metaphor is that people on the right now realize where their tickets are.

Emily Jashinsky is culture editor at The Federalist and host of Federalist Radio Hour. She previously covered politics as a commentary writer for the Washington Examiner. Prior to joining the Examiner, Emily was the spokeswoman for Young Americas Foundation. Shes interviewed leading politicians and entertainers and appeared regularly as a guest on major television news programs, including Fox News Sunday, Media Buzz, and The McLaughlin Group. Her work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, Real Clear Politics, and more. Emily also serves as director of the National Journalism Center, co-host of the weekly news show Counter Points: Friday and a visiting fellow at Independent Women's Forum. Originally from Wisconsin, she is a graduate of George Washington University.

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