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Monthly Archives: May 2023
MACAU DAILY TIMES Meghan, Duchess of Sussex … – Macau Daily Times
Posted: May 18, 2023 at 1:31 am
Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, encouraged women to find inspiration to fight for equity as she accepted the Ms. Foundation Women of Vision Award yesterday [Macau time], with Black Voters Matter co-founder LaTosha Brown.
Its never too late to start, Meghan said at the Ziegfeld Ballroom in Manhattan. You can be the visionary of your own life There is still so much work to be done.
Her acceptance speech closed out the Ms. Foundation for Womens annual gala, part of the nations oldest womens foundation celebration of its 50th anniversary. The gala also kicked off the foundations largest fundraising campaign ever $100 million over the next 12 months that will be used to further the organizations equity-centered initiatives and its mission of advancing womens collective power.
The foundation is already more than halfway to its goal. It announced that the late photographer and philanthropist Lucia Woods Lindley donated $50 million, the largest bequest in the foundations history. Proceeds from the gala itself raised another $1 million, and nearly $500,000 was donated by attendees during dinner.
With her mother, Doria Ragland, in the audience, Meghan recounted how Ms. Magazine was always in their house and how it affected her world view.
I am a woman who remains inspired and driven by this organization, she said, looking over at Ms. Foundation co-founder Gloria Steinem, who introduced her alongside current foundation CEO Teresa C. Younger. It allowed me to recognize that part of my greater value and purpose in life was to advocate for those who felt unheard, to stand up to injustice, and to not be afraid of saying what is true and what is just and what is right.
Though the event was her first public appearance since she skipped the coronation of her father-in-law King Charles III earlier this month in order to stay at home in California for her son Prince Archies fourth birthday, she made no mention of the ceremony. Her husband Prince Harry attended the coronation in London and then rushed back to California.
Meghan and Prince Harry direct their philanthropy through their Archewell Foundation, which provided nearly 13 million COVID-19 vaccines with partner Global Citizen and helped resettle nearly 175,000 refugees from Ukraine and Afghanistan in the United States with partner Welcome.US, according to its 2022 annual report.
Global Citizen CEO Hugh Evans said the Archewell Foundation leaders helped raise hundreds of millions of dollars for the COVID-19 vaccines through Global Citizen VAX Live, while also helping convince the worlds wealthiest nations to provide some of the doses to those living in other nations. Evans said he was impressed with Meghans work ethic as they teamed up at roundtables promoting the event in 2021.
I would say shes willing to roll up her sleeves and be practical, Evans told The Associated Press. When you see someone willing to spend their time, not doing the glamorous stuff, but willing to do the behind- the-scenes stuff, thats always a good sign.
Black Voters Matter co-founder LaTosha Brown received her Woman of Vision award from her longtime friend #MeToo movement founder Tarana Burke, who led the attendees in song to welcome Brown to the stage. Brown then delivered an uplifting song of her own, before delivering a poignant speech about working for change.
Even pain has a purpose, she said. Whats happening in this country right now, this isnt just a matter about what the Republicans or the Democrats are going to do. It really is a question about what is it that were going to do collectively to lean into this moment of discomfort and recognize it as an opportunity to get it right because we havent gotten it right.
Broadway star Audra McDonald took a break from her current tour to attend the gala to show her support for the Duchess of Sussex and Brown. I love her so much, McDonald said of Brown. Its an honor getting to know her a little bit and picking her brain and getting to see that passion and that drive and that wisdom. Shes a hero.
Browns organization Black Voters Matter works with communities in 25 states and the District of Columbia to make their voting more effective, while her Black Voters Matter Capacity Building Institute funds voter education, registrations and other programs to expand access to voting.
I dont know how she does it all, McDonald said. She put the boots on the ground.
The Ms. foundation also honored Wanda Irving, co-founder of Dr. Shalons Maternal Action Project, and Kimberly Inez McGuire, executive director of URGE, as well as Texas abortion rights activist Olivia Julianna and LGBTQ+ advocate Rebekah Bruesehoff.
I no longer say I am fighting for equality, said Julianna, accepting her award as an emerging leader. In modern day America I am not fighting for equality. I am fighting for liberation from a white supremacist patriarchal system. As an openly queer Latin woman, make no mistake, I do not want to be equal to men in this country. I do not want the power to oppress with intention.
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Tanzanian traders strike over high taxes in rare protest – Macau Business
Posted: at 1:30 am
More than 1,000 shops in Tanzanias busiest market remained shut for a third day on Wednesday as traders protested a new tax, in a rare public protest against the government.
Stores in Kariakoo, a massive market located in the financial capital Dar es Salaam, closed their doors on Monday, calling for an end to multiple taxes, harassment by police and the tax collectors after the new levy came into effect last month.
We pay a lot of taxes but the closure of shops was prompted by the demand to register our stores and pay the new store tax, one of the traders said during an ongoing meeting with Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa on Wednesday that was broadcast live on television.
We always pay import taxes and we are required to pay for the same goods once they are in store, said Elimringi Goodluck, another trader.
Thats double taxation, he added.
You have a serious demand and we are here to listen to your grievances, Majaliwa told the traders as he opened the meeting on Wednesday morning.
Speak freely, I will protect you Lets be patient and note the challenges, said Majaliwa who was accompanied by ministers and tax officials during the talks.
The closures at Kariakoo a commercial hub that trades with other regions and neighbouring countries came as the East African nation witnesses a gradual opening of freedoms under President Samia Suluhu Hassan, who came to power two years ago.
Hassans predecessor John Magufuli, who died in 2021 after six years of heavy-handed rule, was nicknamed the Bulldozer for his hardline policies.
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Italy floods kill at least two – Macau Business
Posted: at 1:30 am
Floods caused by heavy rains in Italys northern Emilia Romagna region have killed two people, authorities said on Wednesday, as local mayors warned residents they were still in danger.
At the moment there are two dead the emergency is still underway, the region said in a statement, after desperate efforts overnight to save children and the elderly from rising waters.
The victims were a man in Forli, near Bologna, and one in Cesena, whose wife was also missing, the region said.
A third victim was found Wednesday on a beach in Cesenatico, according to media reports.
The civil protection agency said 14 rivers had broken their banks across the region between Tuesday and Wednesday, and 23 towns were flooded.
It urged maximum caution on Twitter, as mayors warned people to stay on high ground.
About 5,000 people have been evacuated, but that number might rise, Civil Protection Minister Nello Musumeci told Radio 24.
Photographs showed streets transformed into rivers, and firemen moving people to safety in rubber dinghies.
We absolutely must not lower our guards, Cesena mayor Enzo Lattuca said on Facebook.
Residents must not under any account go into basements or cellars, and stay out of ground floors if possible, he said.
Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on Tuesday tweeted her support for those affected and said the government was ready to intervene with the necessary aid.
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Indiana Jones: six things to know – Macau Business
Posted: at 1:30 am
Indiana Jones turned archaeology into a swashbuckling adventure of snake pits and lost treasures.
As 80-year-old Harrison Ford dons the beat-up fedora and ever-trusty whip for a fifth and final outing in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, premiering at the Cannes Film Festival on Thursday, here are six facts about one of the worlds best-loved movie heroes:
Fittingly for the globetrotting Indy, whose escapades have taken him from the Himalayas to Shanghai nightclubs, the project was born in Hawaii.
It was there, lounging on a Maui beach in 1977, that George Lucas and Steven Spielberg mulled ideas to follow their respective hits, Star Wars and Jaws.
The beach brainstorms would make movie history.
Produced by Lucas and directed by Spielberg, 1981s Raiders of the Lost Ark was a triumph at the box office and scooped four Oscars.
Two sequels Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) built a legend that has inspired theme parks, video games and mountains of merchandise.
A fourth outing nearly two decades later, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull brought the combined box office takings to nearly $2 billion.
The inspiration behind the character came from both real and imaginary sources.
There was the archaeologist Hiram Bingham who discovered Machu Picchu, Tintin creator Herge, and Clint Eastwoods Westerns.
As for the name, Lucas first chose Indiana Smith changed to Jones by Spielberg taking the first part from his Alaskan Malamute pet dog, already the inspiration for Chewbacca in Star Wars.
Although Spielberg dreamed of directing a James Bond film, Lucas insisted part of Indys appeal was that this hero would be a Bond without the gadgets.
There would be no explosive watches or Aston Martins with ejectable seats Indy would triumph with ropes, knives and ingenuity.
He bore all the hallmarks of a classic Lucas-Spielberg character: a geeky hero with a comical, ironic side, whoseaffairs with women were more complicated than any Bond-style conquests.
While the Indiana Jones project was brewing, Spielberg was on the back foot after his film, 1941, flopped.
He was also gaining a reputation as a big-spending director who ran overtime and could be tyrannical on set, even leaving two days early from the filming of Jaws, fearing his team would try to drown him, such was his unpopularity.
Lucass project marked a career turning point for Spielberg proving he could work fast, on time, in budget, and with big success.
Spielberg wanted Ford, but Lucas was reluctant to re-use his lead actor from Star Wars, from which he wanted a break.
Nick Nolte, Jeff Bridges and Bill Murray were considered before the spotlight settled on Tom Selleck, but the moustachioed charmer had already signed up for TV detective show Magnum, PI.
Later, thousands of actresses tried out for the role of Willie in the second film, including Sharon Stone, but it finally went to Kate Capshaw.
Capshaw did not go on to a glittering Hollywood career, but she did become Mrs Spielberg in 1991.
Indys extreme fear of snakes, or ophidiophobia, has been a frequent plot point.
For the classic scene in which Indy falls into a pit full of the slithering reptiles, Spielberg did not hold back on the props: 6,500 live cobras, plus a few bits of watering hoses.
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MACAU DAILY TIMES Inter beats city rival to reach first … – Macau Daily Times
Posted: at 1:30 am
Inter Milan 1, AC Milan 0
Inter Milan reached its first Champions League final in more than a decade with a 1-0 victory against city rival AC Milan yesterday [Macau time].
Inter had a 2-0 lead from the first leg of the semifinal and Lautaro Martinezs 74th-minute goal ended any hopes for Milan to stage a comeback.
Several players from both teams fell to the ground in tears at the final whistle as the Nerazzurri won the so-called Euroderby 3-0 on aggregate to progress to its first final since it won the league, Italian Cup and Champions League under Jos Mourinho in 2010.
Inter players and staff celebrated for long afterwards with their fans, singing and dancing in front of the Curva Nord packed full of Nerazzurri supporters in an electric atmosphere at San Siro the stadium that both teams share.
Its obviously a great emotion, a dream that I had together with the guys, that we nurtured right from when the draw was made, Inter coach Stefano Inzaghi said. We had to believe in ourselves and we have got here by merit, no one has gifted us anything.
We had a long road, with difficulties but I think we earned it. I think probably from tomorrow well realize more what we have done. But its a wonderful night with the fans, with our family, you cant ask for anything more.
Inter will face either 14-time champion Real Madrid or another juggernaut in Manchester City on June 10 in Istanbul.
Whoever we end up with, we will be unlucky, because they are two really great teams with incredible quality, Inzaghi said with a wry smile. I will watch tomorrows match, like I watched the first leg. Obviously we will follow it closely.
For Milan, the lengthy wait goes on. It last reached the showpiece event in 2007, when it won the last of its seven titles.
At the moment theres only disappointment, theres only disappointment because we could have been in a Champions League final, Milan coach Stefano Pioli said. But if we think that last year we went out in the group stage and this year we managed to reach the semifinals we can and should be proud.
But its clear we dreamt of reaching the final, we wanted the final, we wanted to beat our rivals.
Milan was able to welcome back Rafael Leo. He missed last weeks loss with a thigh injury and the Rossoneri were hoping his comeback would inspire the team to do the same.
The difference was immediately apparent as Milan played with an intensity it sorely lacked in the first leg amid a frantic start from both teams. DANIELLA MATAR, MILAN, MDT/AP
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Titanic shipwreck captured in first full digital scan – Macau Business
Posted: at 1:30 am
The first full-sized 3D scan of the Titanic shipwreck published on Wednesday may reveal more details about the ocean liners fateful journey across the Atlantic more than a century ago.
The high-resolution images, published by the BBC, reconstruct the wreck that lies at a depth of nearly 4,000 metres (13,100 feet) in great detail and were created using deep-sea mapping.
The luxury passenger liner sank after colliding with an iceberg on its maiden voyage from Southampton, England, to New York in April 1912, leaving more than 1,500 dead.
The shipwreck has been explored extensively since it was first discovered in 1985 around 650 kilometres (400 miles) off the coast of Canada, but cameras were never able to capture the ship in its entirety.
The reconstruction was carried out in 2022 by deep-sea mapping company Magellan Ltd and Atlantic Productions, who are making a documentary about the project.
Submersibles remotely controlled from a specialist ship spent over 200 hours surveying the wreck at the bottom of the Atlantic, taking over 700,000 images to create the scan.
Magellans Gerhard Seiffert, who led the planning for the expedition, told the BBC they were not allowed to touch anything so as not to damage the wreck.
The other challenge is that you have to map every square centimetre even uninteresting parts, like on the debris field you have to map mud, but you need this to fill in between all these interesting objects, Seiffert said.
The images show the wreck its stern and bow lying apart surrounded by debris as if it were lifted from the water, revealing even the smallest details, like the serial number on one of the propellers.
The new scans may shed more light on what exactly happened to the liner with historians and scientists racing against time as the ships is disintegrating.
Now we are finally getting to see Titanic without human interpretation, derived directly from evidence and data, Parks Stephenson, who has studied the Titanic for many years, told the BBC.
Stephenson said there is still much to learn from the wreck, which is essentially the last surviving eyewitness to the disaster.
And she has stories to tell, he added.
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Chinese fishing vessel capsizes in Indian Ocean with 39 missing – Macau Business
Posted: at 1:30 am
A Chinese fishing vessel has capsized in the central Indian Ocean, with its crew of 17 Chinese, 17 Indonesian and five Filipino sailors missing, state media reported Wednesday.
A multinational search and rescue operation was under way to locate the mariners, and Chinas premier called on authorities to strengthen safety procedures for fishing operations at sea.
The missing vessel, named Lu Peng Yuan Yu 028, capsized at about 3 am Beijing time on Tuesday (1900 GMT Monday).
President Xi Jinping ordered the coordinated search, CCTV said, but so far, no missing persons have been found.
Teams from around the region are now at the scene and China has deployed two commercial vessels the Lu Peng Yuan Yu 018 and Yuan Fu Hai to help in the operation.
It is necessary to further strengthen the safety management of fishing vessels at sea and implement preventive measures to ensure the safety of maritime transportation, Premier Li Qiang said, urging relevant ministries to strengthen oversight of the fishing sector.
Beijings Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched an emergency mechanism for consular protection involving embassies and consulates in Australia, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Indonesia, the Philippines and other countries, according to CCTV.
The capsized vessel was owned by Penglai Jinglu Fishery Co., one of Chinas major state-run fishing companies.
It was authorised to fish for neon flying squid and Pacific saury, according to data from the North Pacific Fishing Commission.
It left Cape Town on May 5, en route to Busan, according to the MarineTraffic tracking website, which last located the vessel on May 10 to the southeast of Reunion, a tiny French island in the Indian Ocean.
Penglai Jinglu Fishery also runs squid and tuna fishing operations in international waters including the Indian Ocean and waters surrounding Latin America.
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Canada’s Trudeau wants to be ‘best of friends’ with South Korea – Macau Business
Posted: at 1:30 am
Canada must become the best of friends with South Korea, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told lawmakers in Seoul on Wednesday, as the two countries seek to counter Chinas growing regional influence.
Trudeau is on his first official visit to South Korea, where he will meet President Yoon Suk Yeol.
Im here to tell you that its no longer enough to be friends. We need to be the best of friends, Trudeau said during a speech to Seouls National Assembly.
He told lawmakers that unity was needed as the world was facing a moment of unprecedented uncertainty, with lingering consequences from the Covid-19 pandemic, rising living costs, and the real and terrifying effects of climate change and war.
Trudeau and Yoon are expected to discuss ways to deepen cooperation on supply chains, especially for critical minerals used in electric vehicle batteries, which Canada has reserves of and which are needed by South Koreas car manufacturers.
Canadian media outlets also reported on possible meetings between Trudeau and top executives from South Korean battery maker LG Energy Solution.
The company and its partner, auto manufacturer Stellantis, halted construction work this week on a massive EV battery plant in Canada, saying Trudeaus government has not delivered on what was agreed to.
Trudeaus visit follows a trip by Yoon to Ottawa last year.
Since then, the two countries have released their Indo-Pacific strategies, providing a road map for boosting military and economic relationships in the region, to counter the growing influence of China.
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MACAU DAILY TIMES Smart ball technology to be … – Macau Daily Times
Posted: at 1:30 am
World Rugby will trial smart ball technology at the under-20 world championship in South Africa next month, assisting officials in getting more accuracy about lineouts, potential forward passes and whether the ball has crossed the try line.
The trial comes after match officials expressed a desire for innovations to be explored to support accurate and quick decision-making. There are no plans for the technology to be implemented at the Rugby World Cup in France in September and October, but could offer a glimpse into the future of the game.
The smart ball will be tracked in 3D and in real time, with beacons positioned around the field to determine the exact position of the ball up to 20 times per second and provide immediate feedback on every kick, pass and throw.
The technology will ensure lineouts are taken from the spot the ball left the field of play and provide instantaneous feedback about whether a lineout throw is straight by measuring the angle from release to the moment its touched by a lineout jumper. MDT/AP
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Taipa-Barra LRT connection operational by year-end – Secretary – Macau Business
Posted: at 1:30 am
Secretary for Transport and Public Works Raimundo Arrais do Rosrio has assured that the Taipa Light Rapid Transit (LRT) will be connected to Barra on the Macau Peninsula this year, while revealing that the number of passengers in the transport system has gradually increased.
In comments to TDM TV after an event held as part of the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, the Secretary highlighted that efforts will be carried out so that by the end of this year there is an operational connection between the Taipa LRT Ocean Gardens station and Barra
In an update released earlier this year, the Public Works Bureau said that the LRT section linking Taipas network via the Sai Van Bridge to the Barra transport nexus, which was built in 2020 after about five years of construction work, would come into operation as soon as later this year, with a trial already successfully carried out.
Although the project for the Barra multi-transport complex was completed in 2020, it was not until last year its LRT station was built with a price tag of about MOP1.18 billion after the Covid pandemic and bad weather conditions delayed the project by over two months.
The Secretary also expressed that his Office estimates that two other lines under construction, which seek to expand the existing Taipa network further towards Seac Pai Van and Hengqin, could be completed by the end of 2024.
Rosrio also revealed that ever since the pandemic ended the number of passengers using the Taipa LRT line has increased, especially during the May Golden Week and on the weekends.
The average daily passenger volume of Taipas LRT line stood at 6,500 in April, an increase of 1,750 compared to the previous two months, and the highest figure on record since February 2020.
The future LRT East Line connecting the Gongbei Border checkpoint and the Taipa Ferry terminal via an underwater tunnel connecting the reclaimed areas Zone A and E is expected to be completed by 2028.
At the same event, Rosrio also revealed that a public land auction, the first since 2008, is expected to be announced soon in a matter of some weeks or months.
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