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Monthly Archives: May 2023
Opinion | The Republican Embrace of Vigilantism Is No Accident – The New York Times
Posted: May 18, 2023 at 1:37 am
Although it is possible the jury made a mistake when it handed down a guilty verdict, neither Carlson nor Rittenhouse nor Abbott tried to argue the case on the merits. Instead, they made a simple assumption: that any violence against a left-wing protester is justified on its face. Perry had lived out the right-wing fantasy of lethal violence in defense of order. By their lights, he had done nothing wrong.
Prominent conservatives have taken the same view of Daniel Penny, the 24-year-old assailant in the killing of Jordan Neely in a New York City subway car this month. What we know is that Neely, who was homeless, was erratic and acting hostile toward other passengers. Witnesses said he had not attacked anyone. At some point, Penny, a former Marine, placed Neely in a chokehold, which killed him. Two other passengers restrained Neely while he struggled on the ground. Penny is now charged with second-degree manslaughter.
We dont know much, yet, about Pennys mind-set or motivation during his confrontation on the subway. But this has not stopped conservatives from valorizing him in the same way they valorized Rittenhouse and Perry. The Marine who stepped in to protect others is a hero, said Greene, now a congresswoman. The decision to charge Penny, said the Fox News host Greg Gutfeld, was pro-criminal and anti-hero.
In a testament to conservative enthusiasm for Penny, an online fund-raiser has raised more than $2 million for his legal defense. And DeSantis, now angling for the Republican presidential nomination, stepped in with a message of support. We must defeat the Soros-Funded DAs, stop the Lefts pro-criminal agenda, and take back the streets for law abiding citizens, he said on Twitter. We stand with Good Samaritans like Daniel Penny. Lets show this Marine Americas got his back.
Its the same language, the same tropes, the same ideas. In listening to conservative fans of Rittenhouse, Perry and Penny, you would never know that there were actual people on the other side of these confrontations. You would never know that those people were, in life, entitled to the protection of the law and that they are, in death, entitled to a full account of the last moments of their lives, with legal responsibility for the men who killed them, if thats what a jury decides.
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Opinion | The Republican Embrace of Vigilantism Is No Accident - The New York Times
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ELECTION 2023 | GOP’s Hunt, Rager cruise to wins in Republican … –
Posted: at 1:37 am
EBENSBURG, Pa. Party-endorsed Republican candidates Keith Rager and incumbent Commissioner Scott Hunt cruised by two opponents on Tuesday in the Republican primary for two Cambria County commissioner slots on the November ballot.
They will face incumbent Commissioners Thomas Chernisky and William B.J. Smith, who ran unopposed on the Democratic ticket, in November for the three commissioners seats.
In a rare move, the Cambria County Republican Committee last month endorsed Rager and Hunt in the primary without endorsing Johnstown candidates John DeBartola and Joseph Taranto.
On Tuesday, the winners each received more votes than the combined total of Taranto and DeBartola.
Final totals were Hunt, 8,934 (38%); Rager, 7,938 (34%); DeBartola, 3,361 (14%); and Taranto, 3,178 (13%).
Hunt, of Southmont, was first elected commssioner in 2019 and previously served as Upper Yoder Township supervisor.
I think my hard work over the past three and a half years was noticed, Hunt said in a telephone interview late Tuesday. I think the voters responded to the position that I did what I said I was going to do.
He added that his ability to work with the two Democratic commissioners has been an asset in the election.
People are looking for elected officials who are experienced and even-tempered, Hunt said. Ive been able to work with anyone to better our county. Ive always been less about an agenda and more about working together to improve the area.
Rager, of Salix, said he was grateful to his supporters and is already looking toward November.
Im starting tomorrow, he said.
Rager sees some room for change in the county operations. He wants to look at the budget and review the operations of the county Veterans Affairs office.
The former Marine and member of the Forest Hills school board was employed by UPS for many years.
I fixed the UPS center, and when I was doing that, I learned you never change anything until you get in there and see how things are working, Rager said.
DeBartola and Taranto ran as a team, pushing to change the county operation.
As commissioners, we will overhaul the services provided by the county. In doing so, we will see that they are streamlined and effective offering services on par with or better than other areas, not lagging far behind, the two said, announcing their candidacies.
DeBartola did not respond to a request for comments following the teams defeat.
Randy Griffith is a multimedia reporter for The Tribune-Democrat. He can be reached at 532-5057. Follow him on Twitter@PhotoGriffer57.
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Republican Presidential Candidates Are Floundering on How Early to Ban Abortion – Yahoo News
Posted: at 1:37 am
Former US president Donald Trump on the 4th hole at Trump International Golf Links & Hotel in Doonbeg, Co. Clare, during his visit to Ireland. Picture date: Thursday May 4, 2023. (Photo by Brian Lawless/PA Images via Getty Images) | GREER, UNITED STATES - MAY 04: Republican presidential candidate and former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley holds a rally in Greer, South Carolina, United States on May 4, 2023 (Photo by Peter Zay/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
Were being forced into the 2024 presidential election far too early. This is giving political reporters ulcersand its also giving Republican candidates more and more opportunities to flounder about just how much they want to restrict abortion. Though they consistently agree that talking about banning abortion does them no favors (because it is extremely popular), they continue to spout their extreme anti-abortion opinions at nearly every opportunity.
I think the media has tried to divide [the American public] by saying we have to decide certain weeks, Republican hopeful Nikki Haley said of abortion ban specifics on Face the Nation on Sunday.In states, yes. At the federal level, its not realistic. (A classic, noncommittal politician sentence.)
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In a direct contrast, Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), who is exploring running for president, went hard out of the gate, saying he supports a 20-week federal abortion ban. It makes total sense to me, he told New Hampshire media in April. Hilariously, he walked that back almost immediately.
Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) said last yearbefore Dobbs sent abortion policy back to the statesthat the state-level abortion ban he signed into law should be reconsidered to add rape and incest exceptions if Roe was overturned. Well, here we are, and Hutchinson has maintained that hed support a national abortion ban if it includes some exceptions. (Yes, Hutchinson is running. Right now, hes the forgotten candidate, but elections are long and everyone seems to get their moment in the spotlight.)
I would support the restrictions, and I would advocate for the exceptions of the life of the mother and the cases of rape and incest, he told CNN last month. I believe thats where the American public is. I dont think anything will come out of Congress without those exceptions. And I certainly would sign a pro-life bill, but I would expect those exceptions to be in place.
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Exceptions to abortion bans are incredibly hard to use and require very intense burdens of proofso in practice, they end up simply being total bans. Of course, Hutchinson is also ignoring the fact that nearly two-thirds of Americans think abortion should be legal, including more than half of people living in states won by Donald Trump in 2020.
Speaking of... Lets talk about Trump, whos never met a political stance he could stick to. In an interview with The Messenger, a newly launched news website, the former president commented on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R)and likely rival for the GOP nominationsigning a six-week abortion ban. He has to do what he has to do, Trump said. If you look at what DeSantis did, a lot of people dont even know if he knew what he was doing. But he signed six weeks, and many people within the pro-life movement feel that that was too harsh.
Reporter Marc Caputo noted that Trump himself wouldnt declare if he agreed with the many people within the pro-life movement regarding how harsh a six-week abortion ban is or isnt. (For the record, from any sensible persons perspective, isnt just harshits cruel.)
This is typical of Trump: When asked repeatedly by the Washington Post whether he agreed with the six-week ban, he wouldnt comment. The Post also reported that the former president maintains it is a states rights issue and not something he should focus his time on.
While DeSantis hasnt officially declared, hes signed increasingly more stringent anti-abortion laws, decimating abortion access in the southeastthough, so far, hes kept fairly quiet about it.
All of this flailing comes as anti-abortion groups want to make national abortion bans (of any kind) the standard in order to get an endorsement. Even back in October, shortly before the midterm elections, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America was mad that Republican candidates were focusing on the economy instead of abortion after overturning Roe v. Wade. Pro-life Republicans must account for their policy positions on abortion, Mallory Carroll, a spokesperson for SBA, told Politico at the time. With pro-abortion Democrats holding rallies specifically to talk about abortion, pro-life Republicans have an opportunity to present a strong contrast to that.
The groups position has only gotten clearer since then. In April, SBAs president said there is now a standard that Trump is running afoul of: We will oppose any presidential candidate who refuses to embrace at a minimum a 15-week national standard to stop painful late-term abortions while allowing states to enact further protections, Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of SBA Pro-Life America, told the New York Times.
This goes against what voters actually want, though. In state-level votes since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, efforts to preserve abortion access have prevailed. Yet Republicans are ignoring that factor dont careand a growing number have committed themselves to looking indecisive and squabbling over deeply unpopular policies in public for the next 18 months.
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Republican Presidential Candidates Are Floundering on How Early to Ban Abortion - Yahoo News
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Virginia is the eighth Republican-led state to leave ERIC – NPR
Posted: at 1:37 am
A voter fills out his ballot at an early voting location in Alexandria, Va., on Sept. 26, 2022. Andrew Harnik/AP hide caption
A voter fills out his ballot at an early voting location in Alexandria, Va., on Sept. 26, 2022.
Virginia on Thursday became the latest Republican-led state to withdraw from a multistate partnership that until early 2022 was considered a widely trusted, bipartisan effort to share voter information.
The move makes Virginia the eighth state to leave the Electronic Registration Information Center, or ERIC, amid fringe conservative media reports and conspiracy theories attempting to connect the group to liberal donors and activists.
Virginia's departure is notable because the state was a founding member of the compact in 2012, under former GOP Gov. Bob McDonnell.
As recently as three months ago, Republican voting officials in other states that have since pulled out were praising it as a "godsend" and "one of the best fraud-fighting tools we've got."
But in a letter obtained by member station VPM, Virginia's commissioner of elections, Susan Beals, said a slew of concerns caused her to rethink the state's membership. She cited the recent exit of nearby states, "increasing concerns regarding stewardship, maintenance, privacy, and confidentiality of voter information" and "controversy surrounding the historical sharing of data with outside organizations leveraged for political purposes."
ERIC did previously share, for research purposes, some anonymized data with an outside elections organization led by ERIC's founder David Becker, but each state that participated did so voluntarily.
"We will pursue other information arrangements with our neighboring states and look to other opportunities to partner with states in an apolitical fashion," Beals wrote.
Beals was appointed to the post last year by Republican Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin. She previously served as an aide to state Sen. Amanda Chase, who went on to become arguably the state's most prominent election denier.
Beals did not immediately respond to requests for comment. ERIC's executive director, Shane Hamlin, confirmed that the organization received Virginia's resignation Thursday, and Macaulay Porter, a spokesperson for Youngkin, confirmed in a statement that Virginia was withdrawing.
Youngkin, who has hinted at a possible presidential run, dodged questions about the legitimacy of the 2020 election until after he secured the GOP gubernatorial nomination. He later acknowledged the vote was legitimate but campaigned for candidates who felt otherwise, including Arizona gubernatorial hopeful Kari Lake.
Delegate Marcus Simon, a Democrat who previously led the House of Delegates' election committee, accused Youngkin and Beals of "going full MAGA." He argued Virginia's voter rolls would become worse as a result of the move, a sentiment previously expressed by voting experts after other states departed ERIC.
"This was to prevent all the things that you Republicans say could happen people voting across state lines or voting in more than one state," Simon said. "It's data driven. And it's science based. And apparently, we're leaving, because somebody in the administration wants to align themselves with these MAGA Republicans that believe the election was stolen."
ERIC is the only way states currently have to share election data, as well as data from state motor vehicle agencies and other government departments.
The organization anonymizes the data it receives from states, then compares it to spit out reports that local election administrators can use to correct outdated addresses, remove dead voters, and reach out to eligible people who aren't registered.
For the first 10 years, ERIC grew steadily with states like South Carolina, Connecticut and, most recently, New Jersey joining.
And one of its biggest calling cards was helping to catch the small amount of voter fraud that does happen every federal election. A January report from the Florida Department of State Office of Election Crimes and Security said it had "used data provided by ERIC to identify" hundreds of voters who appeared to have voted in Florida and in another ERIC member state in the same election.
Florida has since announced its departure from ERIC.
Ryan Germany, who worked as general counsel for Georgia Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, said at an elections event recently that he saw how ERIC transformed the accuracy of their voter lists.
"We have just seen that list maintenance is so much better with ERIC," Germany said. "It's because of the cross-state data, yes. But even without it, it makes for better in-state maintenance, it makes for catching more dead people that we might not catch through our normal state process."
But recently, the organization has become the latest aspect of American voting to turn polarized.
A far-right website targeted the organization last year with a series of articles claiming ERIC was a left-wing plot to steal elections. That set off a chain reaction of grassroots pressure in conservative states.
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Councilman Matthew Reilly resigns as chairman of Cranston … – WLNE-TV (ABC6)
Posted: at 1:37 am
Cranston police share this booking photo of Matthew Reilly.
CRANSTON, R.I. (WLNE) Cranstons Mayor Kenneth Hopkins announced Councilman Matthew Reilly resigned from his position of chairman of the Cranston Republican Party.
The mayor made the announcement in his first public comment following Reillys arrest Monday.
My hope is Matt will get whatever care and attention he needs for his own well-being, the mayor said in a release.
I agree with Council President (Jessica) Marino that everyone should allow the court system and judicial process to work towards an appropriate resolution, he continued.
Marino also issued a statement on Tuesday, saying in part, The news of Cranston Republican Party Chairman Matthew Reilly/ Ward 6 Councilman Matthew Reillys arrest and criminal charges are very concerning and disappointing.
Reilly remains on the city council at this time.
Police said at about 11:30 a.m. Monday, someone signaled to an officer in the area of Pontiac Avenue and Marine Drive about a man who looked like he was choking.
The officer saw the man, later identified as Councilman Matthew Reilly, appearing to have a medical episode. The officer noticed Reilly, 41, was holding a glass pipe and a lighter
Reilly was charged with one count of drug possession andwas arraigned by a bail commissioner and released pending a court appearance on June 15.
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Preliminary results: Gedon, Anastos to punch Republican ticket for … – Lock Haven Express
Posted: at 1:37 am
LOCK HAVEN Newcomers Cathy Gedon and Jacqui Anastos, Republican candidates, are punching their ticket for Clinton County Auditor, according to preliminary Primary Election results.
Gedon was the top vote-getter, according to preliminary results, with 2,484. Of that number, 2,233 were cast in-person on Tuesday and another 251 were by mail-in ballot.
Anastos followed behind with 2,055 votes. Of that number, 1,857 were cast at the polls on Tuesday and another 198 were cast via mail-in ballot.
Incumbent Brooke Fravel fell behind with 1,914 votes. Of that number, 1,741 were cast in person and another 173 were by mail-in ballot.
Thirteen write-in votes were also recorded by the Clinton County Voter Registrars office on Tuesday night.
On the Democrat side, incumbent Michelle Crowell was the lone candidate on Tuesdays ballot. Crowell received 2,120 votes. Of that number, 1,411 were cast in-person and another 709 were by mail-in ballot.
Another 153 votes were cast as write-ins.
Three seats are open for Clinton County Auditor this election cycle.
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Long recused, House Speaker to vote on gambling legislation after ethics opinion – WRAL News
Posted: at 1:36 am
North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore will vote on legislation involving gambling in the state, a change from his previous position, after an opinion from ethics committee ruled he had no obligation to recuse himself based on past legal work for The Catawba Nation.
Moore, a Cleveland County Republican, has long recused himself on gambling matters, including last year's contentious mobile sports wagering bill that failed by a single vote in the House. The Catawba Nation have a temporary casino in Kings Mountain with plans to construct a larger permanent facility there.
Moore said he did legal work for the tribe in its acquisition of land.
The question before the committee was "must a lawyer-legislator include a former gaming client in that legislator's ongoing conflict of interest analysis with respect to prospective official or legislative action when legal representation for that gaming client has concluded, there is a formal written agreement terminating the attorney-client relationship, and all fees have been settled between the lawyer-legislator and the former gaming client."
The committee answered: No.
In August of 2022, Moore said he was not doing any work for the Catawba, was not still being paid by the tribe and held no ownership interest in the casino, but still felt he needed to recuse himself.
"I'm recused on any legislation because of work I did with developers in our town on real estate side of all that," Moore said at that time. "Because of that I'm recused and I don't handle any of it. So I don't even have conversations with members about it. When this comes up in caucus, I leave."
He continued: "It's always better to be safe than sorry. It's like anything else, sometimes it's the appearance and I like to always err on the side of caution."
Family members or associates of key South Carolina politicians reportedly hold shares in companies doing business with the Catawba casino and receive money from gaming.
Construction on the permanent facility is stalled due to an review by the National Indian Gaming Commission into whether or not the Catawba are deriving enough of the benefit from the casino.
"The Catawba Nation continues to work closely with the National Indian Gaming Commission on its review of our casino project and necessary agreements," said Glen White, director of communications for Delaware North, which runs the gaming operations. "While we dont have a timetable for construction, infrastructure work is continuing on two key projects needed for development of the permanent casino resort, both of which are being funded by the Catawba Nation: Doubling the size of the Dixon School Road Bridge over I-85 near the casino entrance and new sewer lines."
As an attorney, Moore has worked with others who have interest before the legislature.
"Anytime I've done work for any developers, any kind of matters like that, if there's legislation that's come up that would have a significant impact or benefit on those, I recuse on those matters," Moore said in August of 2022.
Theres been some talk at the legislature of authorizing more casinos to operate in the state, potentially including in Bergers Rockingham County district. But no language to that effect was included in the Senate budget proposal that lawmakers rolled out this week, and Berger said senators dont plan to add anything of the sort to the sports gambling bill.
Moore's decision to recuse in June 2022 likely prevented the mobile sports wagering bill from passing the House. Rep. Destin Hall, who fills in for Moore when he recuses himself, also did not vote on the measure, which ended up failing by a single vote. Had Moore and Hall, who supported the bill this year, voted yes, it would have passed.
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Long recused, House Speaker to vote on gambling legislation after ethics opinion - WRAL News
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Ivan Toneys betting ban shames the whole of football, not just the Brentford striker – The Athletic
Posted: at 1:36 am
A friend of mine got sucked into gambling a few years ago. I wont use his name but he was sucked in bad. Bad enough that he looked over a bridge and thought about ending everything. Bad enough that he drove up and down motorways at terrifying speeds, hoping he might crash, after lost nights at casinos.
He was luckily able to bring himself back from the brink. Not everyone does, though. Its hard to put yourself into the shoes of that person: the problem gambler, the addict.
He did, however, try to explain it in an open letter he posted online to Brigid Simmonds, chair of the Betting & Gaming Council, and Michael Dugher, then the shadow secretary of state for culture, media and sport.
Its a hamster wheel of misery, he wrote. Gambling owns them. Lives in them. Comforts them. Loathes them. Goads them. Waits for them around every corner. Pretends to be their friend while simultaneously destroying the very core of their being.
And reading these words can change your perspective when you look at the football industry, with all its contradictions and hypocrisies, and try to make sense of why, or how, a high-profile, rich and successful footballer could succumb to gambling.
A few years back, I might have been sitting here writing what a fool Ivan Toney had been. What a fool to put himself in a position, as a Premier League player, where he had got an eight-month ban through gambling. And maybe, when we get more information, it will be easy to conclude that, yes, there are parts of this story when he has been foolish in the extreme.
At the same time, I cannot help think there is a bigger debate to be had here about the sports relationship with gambling. That, to me, feels more worthwhile than bashing up Toney without being in possession of the full facts.
As it stands, the written reasons into Toneys case have not been released by the FA. We dont know what he was betting on or whether he was using inside information as a player for Brentford and, previously, Peterborough United and Newcastle United, featuring loan spells at Wigan Athletic and Scunthorpe United.
All we have been told so far is that the FA initially charged him with 262 breaches of its betting rules from February 25, 2017, to January 23, 2021, before withdrawing 30 of those charges.
Toney admitted the offences and will be banned until January 16 next year. He will not even be allowed to train with his club until mid-September. Brentford, on the face of it, are fully entitled to be horrified about losing their best player.
What has not been disclosed, however, is what brought Toney to this position and the mitigating circumstances, if there are any.
Every footballer knows there are rules in place and consequences for those who ignore them. So what was it? Boredom? Recklessness? More money than sense? Or had he been sucked in, too? Is there something more to this story that, once the FA releases the full report, will provide some context to what he has done, and why?
If not, then plainly Toney has been stupid in the extreme. For now, though, there are other questions that ought to be asked. And the first is this: is it any wonder that people in football, at all levels, are being enticed into betting when the adverts and temptations are almost everywhere you look?
Last September, I was at the court case of two ex-pros, Alan Rogers and Steven Jennings, who were accused of blackmailing a football manager who, by his own admission, had a gambling addiction.
The case against Rogers and Jennings, who denied the charges, was dropped because the alleged victim made it clear he did not want to continue and the Crown Prosecution Service decided there was no public interest in going through with the trial. A court order was put in place to prevent the disclosure of anything that could lead to the managers identification.
It was still fairly shocking, however, to hear in court that the manager had gambled 879,000 ($1million) across two years, accruing losses of 270,000, and that the judge had concern about his welfare.
The manager, it was said, had up to eight betting accounts. His gambling, ranging from 5 to 400, included a handful of bets on football matches. At some point, he, too, is facing the possibility of a long ban from the football authorities.
If so, I suspect there will be a rush to judgment and little sympathy or understanding about the spiralling effects of addiction and its almost intolerable pressures, chasing the next bet, never being in full control of your life.
It also makes me wonder whether football, as an industry, cares a great deal about this issue (as in, really cares) when, on the one hand, it prohibits any form of betting while, on the other, it promotes gambling and kerching!
Every time Toney has pulled on Brentfords colours this season, he has been advertising Hollywoodbets as the clubs front-of-shirt sponsor. When he joined Brentford, they were playing in the Skybet Championship. Matthew Benham, Brentfords owner, made his fortune from a betting and data-analysis company. Their ground, like all Premier League grounds, is full of advertising trying to tempt you into sticking on a bet. It is everywhere. Not just in the stadiums, either. Its on television. Its on The Athletic (lets not be hypocritical about this), and just about every other media outlet.
The FA, to be fair, does seem to recognise how this looks. It took a while, though, and the governing body made a heap of money before anyone seemed to point out the double standards. In 2017, the FA terminated its contract with Ladbrokes and announced it would no longer have a betting partner.
Other changes are being made. Under pressure from the UK government, Premier League clubs have collectively agreed not to have the names of betting firms across the chests of their shirts by the start of the 2026-27 season.
As it stands, Bournemouth, Leeds, Everton, Fulham, Newcastle, Southampton and West Ham all profit this way, as well as Brentford. They will, however, be allowed to continue featuring gambling brands on the players shirt sleeves and pitch perimeter advertising.
And Toney? Before him, there was the case of Joey Barton, who was banned for 18 months in 2017 and publicly embarrassed the FA by highlighting some of the hypocrisies: What are the FA going to do, march into Ladbrokes and say, Show us everyone whos had a bet? Ladbrokes are going to say, Eff off, we pay you 10million a year, keep your mouth shut. Do the FA not understand thats hush money? Because if they dont do it to Ladbrokes, they cant do it to Betfair, Paddy Power, William Hill.
Apart from the fact the Ladbrokes deal was worth an annual 4million to the FA, it seems like a valid point.
And Toney wont be the last. He has messed up, ultimately, and it is a wretched way to end a season in which he has played with distinction, made his England debut and found himself behind only Erling Haaland and Harry Kane in the list of Premier League scorers.
Toney is a big name these days. That means big headlines, big publicity and big controversy. It also means big responsibilities.
It is just difficult not to think that, behind the headlines, there is another story that puts the whole football industry, rather than just one player, to shame.
(Top photo: Clive Rose/Getty Images)
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Ivan Toneys betting ban shames the whole of football, not just the Brentford striker - The Athletic
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Crypto should be regulated as gambling, UK lawmakers say – Reuters
Posted: at 1:36 am
LONDON, May 17 (Reuters) - Bitcoin , ether and other cryptocurrencies should be regulated as gambling given the significant risks they pose to consumers, a panel of UK lawmakers said in a report on Wednesday.
Britain, which wants to become a global hub for crypto and its underlying blockchain technology, is planning its first rules for cryptoassets, which currently only comply with anti-money laundering safeguards.
Bitcoin and ether account for two-thirds of all cryptoassets and are not backed by any currency or asset, leading to volatility in prices and the potential for all money invested in them to be wiped out, the report from parliament's treasury committee said.
Regulating retail trading and investment in unbacked cryptocurrencies could create a 'halo' effect that leads consumers to think the activity is safer than it is, or protected when it is not, it said.
"We therefore strongly recommend that the Government regulates retail trading and investment activity in unbacked cryptoassets as gambling rather than as a financial service, consistent with its stated principle of same risk, same regulatory outcome," the report said.
Industry body CryptoUK said it strongly disagreed with equating the crypto sector with gambling.
"We are both concerned and disappointed by these claims which are unhelpful, false, fundamentally flawed and unsubstantiated. The statement fails to reflect the true nature, purpose and potential of the crypto industry," CryptoUK said in a statement.
The Financial Conduct Authority has repeatedly warned consumers they could lose all of their money invested in cryptocurrencies.
Cryptoassets globally have a total market capitalisation of about $1.2 trillion, a tiny part of the financial system, but the collapse of crypto firm FTX exchange last year introduced greater urgency into regulating the sector.
"The events of 2022 have highlighted the risks posed to consumers by the cryptoasset industry, large parts of which remain a wild west," said Harriett Baldwin, chair of the treasury committee.
Around 10% of UK adults hold or have held cryptoassets, according to official figures.
The European Union approved the world's first set of comprehensive rules for crypto markets on Tuesday. International regulators are due to propose global norms shortly.
The underlying technology used by cryptoassets has the potential to improve efficiency in payments, the report said.
Reporting by Huw JonesEditing by Christina Fincher
Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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Crypto should be regulated as gambling, UK lawmakers say - Reuters
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PODCAST: Sports-gambling latest and Rick Heller talks ‘special’ team – Hawk Central
Posted: at 1:36 am
Rick Heller dissects Iowa's Sunday sweep over Michigan State
Iowa baseball coach Rick Heller after another step toward the postseason: "We've said this team had a chance to be special since the fall."
Dargan Southard, Hawk Central
Because of the urgency and stakes involved in a late postseason push, Rick Hellers Iowa baseball program has become the focal point of a sports-gambling investigation that has flagged 41 current student-athletes at both Iowa and Iowa State.
Gambling on sports with an NCAA-sanctioned championship college or pro is strictly against NCAA rules and can result in the permanent loss of eligibility. Four Iowa baseball players, including a potential Big Ten Conference player of the year in Keaton Anthony, have now missed six games and as of Wednesday continued to wait to learn their eligibility fate.
But in a taped interview Wednesday morning that will air from 6-7 p.m. on the Hawk Central radio show on KXnO in Des Moines (1460 AM, 106.3 FM), Heller had grown increasingly optimistic that there might be a verdict one way or another soon.
The closing stretch: What Iowa must do to secure NCAA regional
Asked whether any of the four players would be given the green light to come back, Heller responded by saying, I wouldve told you a week ago I didnt have much hope of that. Being in the business that I have been, that stuff doesnt go quick, usually, he said.
I was told that there is a chance. They are pushing, Heller said. I really dont know a whole lot other than when I get told, Hey, keep them ready to go. Were hopeful we can get some sort of ruling and get some finality to it whether theyre out for good or theyre able to come back.
Anthony, reliever Jacob Henderson and backup catchers Gehrig Christensen and Ben Tallman were not in the dugout for the home series vs. Ohio State May 5-7 as Iowa referenced a potential NCAA violation initially in those mysterious absences. The four players returned to the dugout but did not play last weekend in Iowas sweep of Michigan State.
The team was traveling Wednesday to Northwestern for a three-game series that runs Thursday through Saturday. The Big Ten Tournament starts Tuesday in Omaha, and Iowa (37-12, 13-7 conference) is locked into that eight-team field. A strong showing in Evanston against the 8-38 Wildcats, and Iowa would be almost certain to qualify for its first NCAA regional since 2017. If the Hawkeyes could get back Anthony (who is hitting .389 with an on-base percentage of .505 and slugging of .701), that would be a postseason game-changer.
You can listen to the entire Heller interview with the Registers Chad Leistikow and Wednesdays Hawk Central radio show below or at this link.
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