Daily Archives: April 30, 2023

Next top cop should come from within CPD, residents say – Chicago Sun-Times

Posted: April 30, 2023 at 11:38 pm

Attendees at a community forum on the search for the next Chicago police superintendent advocated for the next leader to be chosen from within the department.

The virtual forum earlier this week was hosted by the Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability, the civilian agency tasked with finding former Supt. David Browns replacement. The commission is conducting a nationwide search for his successor and will present three candidates to new Mayor Brandon Johnson by mid-July.

During Tuesdays forum, Anthony Driver Jr., interim president of the commission, said six applications have been submitted so far. The deadline to apply is May 7.

Several participants told the commission casting a nationwide net was a step in the wrong direction and the next superintendent should have a fundamental understanding of Chicago that can only come from years of experience in the city.

This nonsense of bringing in people from outside the city of Chicago and expecting them to understand the complications and things that our communities go through has been an abject failure, Will Powers said.

We see it time and time again, where individuals dont know the city of Chicago, dont know our diverse and culturally different communities, Powers said. We need someone from within the Chicago Police Department that is a proven leader that can bring these communities together.

Others echoed Powers comments, urging the commission to prioritize CPD candidates.

You should be looking for someone from the Chicago Police Department, someone whos been there for a good while, Walter Kindred said. Someone who has a good relationship with all the other commanders and lieutenants.

Kesha Williams put it simply, asking the commission, Why would we look nationwide for someone? I wouldnt want anyone to come inside my home that doesnt live here and start moving furniture and cooking in my kitchen. Chicago needs a Chicago commander.

Multiple speakers at the forum suggested 3rd District Cmdr. Roderick Watson be considered for the position. Watson, 56, has been with the department since 1996.

I want to give kudos to Commander Watson and everything hes done, said Donnell Williams of the Flourishing Community Initiative. Being intentional with good relationships in the community but also being intentional with meeting people where they are.

Residents will have more opportunities to weigh in on the search next month. The next community forum is scheduled for May 4 at Theodore Roosevelt High School. Another two will be held on May 10 at Kennedy High School and on May 22 at the Beverly Arts Center.

The head of the civilian commission has vowed to find a visionary who can shepherd the department through a time of great change.

After decades of calls for more civilian oversight of the police department, the City Council passed an ordinance in July 2021 creating both the commission and new councils covering each of the citys 22 police districts.

The commission also fills Police Board vacancies and has the power to select and remove the top official in the Civilian Office of Police Accountability, with City Council approval. It sets CPD policy and establishes goals for the department and those oversight agencies.

Contributing: Tom Schuba

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Next top cop should come from within CPD, residents say - Chicago Sun-Times

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LGBTQ Flag Burned at Pasadena Buddhist Temple; Police … – The Rafu Shimpo

Posted: at 11:38 pm

Bobby Fukumoto took this photo of the burned remnants of a LTBTQ flag at Pasadena Buddhist Temple on Tuesday.


PASADENA An LGBTQ pride flag that hung at the Pasadena Buddhist Temple was burned on Monday evening, in what police investigators are saying is a possible hate crime.

Rev. Gregory Gibbs said the temples volunteer maintenance crew discovered the remnants of the burned flag on the ground early Tuesday morning. The hand-painted rainbow flag had been displayed at the temple for years.

A neighbor told us she saw the fire and put it out with a garden hose, Gibbs told The Rafu. It was already destroyed for the most part, but she was afraid the flames would spread to the trees next to the fence.

Gibbs told ABC7 that the temple never received complaints about the flag until a couple weeks ago when a man came in and objected to the flag. Surveillance video of the man has been shared with the police.

Pasadena Police sent their captain of arson investigations, and theyve been very helpful, said Gibbs. This is an act of hate. We try to open our house of worship to everyone and anyone. We recently organized our LGBTQ support center, along with the Gardena Buddhist Church. We want everyone to feel welcome here.

Gardena Buddhist Churchs Ichi-mi program provides a safe space for LGBTQ+ identifying people within the Sangha, their family members, and allies.

A Black Lives Matter flag and a similar rainbow flag hang outside the Pasadena temple. Gibbs said they will look to replace the one that was destroyed.

According to the latest L.A. County Human Relations Commission hate crimes report, religious and sexual orientation hate crimes have risen. Sexual orientation hate crimes rose in 2021 for the second year in a row, increasing 15% from 122 to 140.

The commission reported that after declining in 2020, religiously motivated crime rose 29% from 86 to 111. They represented 14% of all reported hate crimes in 2021, up from 13%.

The Japanese American National Museum issued a statement condemning the incident as an act of hate, noting other cases of vandalism at local houses of worship, including Islamic Center of Southern California in Los Angeles during Ramadan, one of the holiest months for Muslims; and two separate anti-semitic acts of violence outside two different synagogues in L.A.s Pico-Robertson neighborhood.

We are deeply troubled by these hateful acts and by the rise in hate crimes across the country, said Ann Burroughs, president and CEO of JANM. These are intentional crimes that are solely motivated by prejudice, bias, and animus. They create fear and division and further sow mistrust that damages the fabric of our society and fragments our communities.

Our hearts are with the members of the Pasadena Buddhist Temple, the Islamic Center of Southern California, the Beit El synagogue in Los Angeles, and with communities across the country who are targets of these hateful acts. The history of the World War ll incarceration of Japanese Americans is rooted in hate, prejudice and discrimination and JANM therefore has a moral obligation to stand with communities of color who are confronting hate head on.

Anyone with information about the incident should call the Pasadena Police at (626) 744-4241.

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LGBTQ Flag Burned at Pasadena Buddhist Temple; Police ... - The Rafu Shimpo

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Providing programs and resources to help families reach goals of … – Rapid Growth

Posted: at 11:38 pm

It takes a village to raise a child. Part of that helpful village within the greater Grand Rapids region is the Kent District Library (KDL) offering many resources to families and their young ones. Early literacy is part of KDLs strategic pillar of engagement and service. Programming for adolescents helps push forward countywide goals such as First Steps Kent, an early literacy nonprofit ensuring children have exposure to books at a young age.

First Steps Kent works on policies and provides programs and support for children and their families, to ensure young ones are on track when they start kindergarten. The independent nonprofit focuses on equity and inclusion, offers early investments and provides supportive policies and programs to remove barriers so all young children can reach their full potential.The Ready by Five Childhood Millage is one of those investments, which provides funding for health, well-being and school readiness programs for children younger than five years old. Approved by Kent County voters in November 2018, this millage makes the county the first in the state to have tax dollars designated specifically for early childhood programming. This will provide $6.5 million a year from 2019 to 2014, totaling $39 million.

Dawn Heerspink, branch librarian at the Byron Township Branch works in a youth-focused role, offering programming for birth to upper elementary-age children. Heerspink serves on an early literacy programming group and oversees babytime for caregivers and children 0-18 months old, storytimes for young children, and helps plan school visits focused on supporting literacy and encouraging the love of reading. She also provides recommendations for young readers' material, maintains the youth collection and helps young people see the Library as a place where they can learn, grow and thrive.One of the greatest assets KDL offers to support early literacy and positive first experiences with books is our interactive storytimes, Heerspink says. Storytime programming fills a need to offer a free opportunity for caregivers and young children to bond, meet other families in the community and start to develop the pre-reading and emotional and social skills they need to navigate the world.

Heerspink says youth librarians are great resources for families in their childrens literacy journeys.

Youth librarians learn how to choose developmentally appropriate books, songs and rhymes, how to create a welcoming environment for caregivers and for children and receive information on applying the Kent County Success Basics, a countywide initiative focused on five fun and effective ways to set children up for lifelong literacy and learning, she says.In recent years, youth librarians have also received training to be intentional in book selection so that our read-alouds reflect all members of our communities.

KDL also offers 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten, a reading program for caregivers to explore books with young children before starting school.

Caregivers and children receive fun animal tracking sheets and stickers to help them reach their goal of looking at and listening to 1,000 books, Heerspink says. As a celebration of the accomplishment, KDL awards each child who completes it with a book bag of their own and a certificate of achievement.This program is being redesigned for a relaunch in fall 2023. Starting in June, young readers can participate in Summer Wonder, KDLs annual summer reading and learning program.

We know that it is vitally important that children have books in their homes, so Summer Wonder offers a book prize to child completers, she says.

Aside from books and audiobooks, research also shows the importance of play. Symbolic play such as using a block to represent a pancake in a play kitchen area in the WonderKnook spaces can spark imagination and even more learning, says Heerspink.

Storytelling through play can encourage a love of connecting to books and books can inspire childrens play as they learn about characters and the world, she says. There are large benefits to play that support many domains of early learning, including the opportunity to develop vocabulary, acquire counting and comparison skills and cooperation with others.

Heerspink says that early child literacy is such an important topic because its much more than a student being able to read in school.

A childs learning starts with feeling safe, loved and supported, she says. Looking at and reading books with a child is one of the best ways to slow down, spend time together and relax. Allowing an infant to look at a board book and just flip pages back and forth demonstrates thatthe adult in their life acknowledges their ability to explore the world around them. I like telling caregivers that its OK to not read every word on a page (or no words at all!) if they are looking at books with their child, following their lead and facilitating the experience by pointing out items in illustrations, asking questions and responding to their childs level of interest.

Made possible by millages, private and community donations and book sales, KDL offers a wide variety of programming for free in a welcoming environment.

Our childrens spaces are friendly, inviting and full of a wealth of materials that your local youth librarian will be happy to help you with, Heerspink says. There are a dozen more ways KDL supports early literacy from books for babies to customized book bundles for caregivers to digital and physical books, your public library offers a free, safe place to encourage the child in your life to grow.


Literacy Matters is a series focused on the importance of knowledge, community resources seeking to remove barriers to access and the value of our library systems to society. Literacy Matters is supported by Kent District Library.

Sarah briefly lived in Grand Rapids years ago, before moving back to Lansing, but that West Michigan love never really left her heart. Through her coverage on small businesses, arts and culture, dining, and anything mitten-made, shes committed to convincing any and everyone -- just how great the Great Lakes state is. Sarah received her degrees in Journalism and Professional Communications. You can find her in a record shop, a local concert, or eating one too many desserts at a bakery. If by chance, shes not at any of those places, you can contact her at [emailprotected]

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VIDEO: Pressley Responds to Senate’s Vote on Equal Rights … – Representative Ayanna Pressley

Posted: at 11:38 pm

Pressley, Bush, Frankel Led ERA Caucus, Dem. Womens Caucus in March to Senate Prior to Vote

WASHINGTON At a Capitol Hill press conference today, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (MA-07), Co-Chair of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Caucus, responded to the Senates vote on S.J.Res.4, the Senate companion to her joint resolution with Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) to remove the arbitrary deadline for ratification of the ERA and positively affirm it as the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The resolution received 51 votes of support, short of the 60 necessary for passage in the Senate.

Earlier today, Rep. Pressley, along with ERA Caucus Co-Chair Congresswoman Cori Bush (MO-01) and Democratic Womens Caucus Chair Congresswoman Lois Frankel (FL-22), led the ERA Caucus and the Democratic Womens Caucus members in marching to the Senate chamber to demand passage of the bill.

Full video of Rep. Pressleys remarks is available here and a transcript is available below. Video of the lawmakers march to the Senate is available here.

Transcript: Rep. Pressley Responds to Senates Vote on Equal Rights AmendmentU.S. Senate SwampApril 27, 2023

You know, having been an aide before I was an elected official for some 16 years, you know, very often our aides write these incredible talking points for us. And then as Members, we get up here and just adlib.

Im gonna do a mix because I am a little emotional.

I understand Leader Schumer very much when he said that were not going to curse the darkness, but I want to talk about what it felt like to be in the Senate chamber today.

Myself, Congresswoman Cori Bush who is founding Co-Chair of the ERA Caucus in the House, the first in the history of the House we led a House delegation of our colleagues to sit in the Senate chamber today when the vote took place.

It was very demoralizing to learn that there were colleagues who did not even deem this issue worthy of debate. It was incredibly hurtful to see those colleagues come in to vote today and defiantly put their thumb down as if they were not birthed by women and dont have women in their own families or daughters that they are raising.

I wish that I could say Im disappointed. But in order to be disappointed, I would have to be surprised. It is simply another day in this place. Another day of obstruction of justice, of the undermining of democracy, of demoralizing and dangerous attacks against women.

And yet despite it all, we aint gonna let nobody turn us around. Because the women of this country, sadly, are battle tested. Were battle tested because we have had to soldier on. We have taken care of our families, our communities, this democracy.

In the midst of and in the residual aftermath of policy violence, I would venture to guess that you have grown tired and weary of our statistics of all the disparate treatment that women experience in this country. Imagine how tired we are of living them.

But I am emboldened in this moment and grateful for the partnership and leadership of Senator Cardin, Majority Leader Schumer, Congresswoman Bush, our Senate colleagues, and advocates.

And I also want to give a shout out to Congresswoman Maloney and Congresswoman Speier because they were very intentional as they passed the baton in this fight to two Black women. And those two Black women are leading and centering those who have historically had our contributions erased from history and who were not reflected in the founding document of this country.

So this is a movement now being led by and centering the most marginalized who are in the greatest need of these protections and rights. Its been over 100 years now. Some might think thats a testament to our resilience. I think its a pathetic commentary.

For 100 years now a broad, diverse, multiracial intergenerational of justice seekers, table shakers and movement builders have been organizing relentlessly to enshrine gender equality into the highest law of the land.

Weve done so because for too long our Constitution has failed to recognize the dignity, humanity and equality of women, LGBTQ folks and other marginalized people. Im so proud to join Senator Cardin, our colleagues in introducing a joint resolution to remove the arbitrary deadline imposed by Congress on ratification of the ERA. Our bill would enshrine the ERA as the 28th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America at a time when we face daily sexism, pregnancy discrimination, pay inequities, sexual violence and persistent legislated attacks on our bodily autonomy. Our bill is essential.

But once again, the Jim Crow era rules of the United States Senate are obstructing justice and LGBTQ folks and other marginalized communities. Today, the obstruction of the ERA by some callous Senate Republicans is only the latest example of a damning failure to do the bare minimum to protect our fundamental rights at defining moments in our nations history.

The Senates failure to pass our bill means constitutional inequality. The daily indignities of disparities that come with it will remain the status quo. For now. We aint gonna let nobody turn us around.

Despite this devastating setback, we remain resolved and determined. As Shirley Chisholm, the first Black woman elected to Congress and a key strategist to the fight to pass the ERA once said, It is time to sweep away these relics of the past and set further generations free of them.

Her words were true 50 years ago, and they remain true today.

On days like this, I cant help but to think of our 14-year-old daughter Cora. She asked me why at every rally and march we chant when we fight, we win.

I told her, Baby girl, because its the truth. I will not be made a liar to my kid. When we fight, we win. And I do not want my daughter or any daughter, to continue to live in a country where we have normalized and internalized the disparate treatment of women and LGBTQ folks and disparities that follow.

This fight isnt over. Im proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with this coalition.

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Educators Need More Than Self-Care. They Need Self-Compassion. – EdSurge

Posted: at 11:38 pm

Its no secret that educators and school leaders endure a lot of stress, from managing classroom and school communities to monitoring staff and student morale. When that stress mounts, negative feelings can shift inward. Educators may even shoulder the expectation that they must solve every problem on their own. But theres a way to handle that stress, and it begins with self-compassion.

Simply put, self-compassion means treating yourself with care. As a developmental psychologist and researcher who studies educator well-being at Committee for Children, a global nonprofit focused on social-emotional learning and development, Im well-acquainted with the myriad of challenges educators face. Extensive research suggests that practicing self-compassion is a vital strategy for educators to support and strengthen their mental health. But with so many competing demands, it can be difficult to prioritize it.

Educators spend a lot of time if not most of their time caring for others, which can make it challenging to prioritize themselves. As a mother, I can say thats also true for parenting, which is problematic for educators who are also parents because the demands for attention and care are increased. While fixing up a hot cup of tea at the end of the day is a part of self-care, meaningful, lasting self-compassion requires intentional and consistent attention to our emotional and mental needs. And it takes time and patience for the work of self-compassion to bear fruit.

A common way to practice self-compassion is to consider how you would treat a good friend in the situation youre experiencing, and then extend that same kindness and care to yourself. Its about giving yourself grace. All self-compassion begins with this simple concept, but the long-term effects can be profound. In schools, theres a clear link between educator well-being and the way students experience school. There is also evidence of an association between educator well-being and academic success in the classroom.

So, in the face of chronic stress, how can educators practice self-compassion? The following research-backed strategies offer a starting place. These strategies are simple, but they all take practice. Of course, these tips arent going to solve the systemic problems that put stress on educators such as a lack of resources or support, but with consistency and intentionality, they can help educators manage and reframe their stress in positive and empowering ways.

According to Dr. Kristin Neff, a widely recognized research psychologist, self-compassion can improve well-being and it helps us work toward our goals with positive motivation (the desire for our own happiness) rather than negative motivation (fear of failure and inadequacy).

For example, we may set goals to grow in our careers or friendships, exercise more regularly or improve a creative skill. Whatever those goals may be, self-compassion encourages us to examine our motivations for those goals and adjust them if necessary. If our motivation is negative like exercising more to avoid gaining weight were less likely to stick with that corresponding goal and may end up encouraging more negative thinking during the process. When our motivations are positive and rooted in self-compassion, say exercising consistently to feel more energized at work, that corresponding goal can become an opportunity to care for ourselves and appreciate the progress were continuously making, big or small as it may be. With self-compassion, personal growth is less about bettering ourselves than it is about nurturing and expanding the good qualities we already have.

Educators often hold themselves to high standards, and it is common for educators to feel like theyre not doing enough, or that theyre coming up short. But were all human. Expecting perfection of ourselves can result in feelings of failure or inadequacy.

I often encourage the educators I work with to choose a phrase to repeat when theyre being hard on themselves, inside or outside of school, for example: I will be as kind to myself as I am to my students. I encourage them to write their phrase down and put it on their desk or computer screen. Then, when theyre having a tough moment or notice self-criticism, they can read their phrase as an active reminder of self-compassion.

Another strategy that can be helpful is to set a phone alarm with a soothing message at a time or day when you tend to feel a little overwhelmed after a difficult class period or challenging weekly meeting, for example. That alarm can offer a reminder of your commitment to self-compassion.

One simple strategy to manage stress and improve well-being is to develop a regular gratitude practice where you consistently and intentionally identify the positive things in your classroom, school, or organization. Research suggests that people who regularly practice gratitude report higher self-esteem and satisfaction with life, and the same can be said for educators.

Developing a personal routine to recognize the good things happening in your work, big or small, like teaching a great lesson, building a strong relationship with a colleague or simply enjoying your afternoon coffee can be helpful. School leaders can consider implementing a similar routine with staff, regularly encouraging their team to take stock of whats going well, like a successful conference night, testing day or pep rally. Teachers can also consider a gratitude jar for the whole class, where students can share anonymously. However, take note that a group gratitude practice should not be competitive. Affirmation and rewards have their place, but gratitude encourages us to recognize the good things were seeing, doing or experiencing, regardless of whether theyre tied to metrics of success and recognition.

Of course, gratitude doesnt mean ignoring what isnt working, or pretending like some things dont need to be fixed after all, we dont want to exhibit toxic positivity. Rather, think of gratitude as a well of positivity to dip into, especially when things get tough. Consider each small act of gratitude a drop in the well that youre filling up for future times when you may need a boost.

Positive reframing is a technique that helps us look at a situation in a different, more balanced way. When something has already happened, we cant change how it went, but we can change how we talk to ourselves about it. And if we anticipate something negative will happen in the near future, reframing can help us approach that event with a more healthy outlook. Research shows that how we think about an event affects how we feel about it.

Educators and school leaders can make a practice of reframing challenging situations that occurred with colleagues, students or families. Lets say you need additional time to send out an important email to families, for example. Instead of beating yourself up for being late, think of how youre taking extra time to prepare the best possible message to share with families.

It goes without saying that reframing will not solve the deeper, fundamental issues that can cause chronic stress for educators. It cant magically increase school funding, reverse harmful policies or ensure every student will show up for class. What it can do is build the mental and emotional resilience needed to see these challenges clearly and to respond to them with perspective, optimism and courage. Reframing can help educators tap into the same resilience they strive to help their own students and colleagues discover within themselves.

For many educators, the school year brings countless challenges, but it also presents endless opportunities to grow in self-compassion. Think of self-compassion as a muscle that gets stronger with consistency and time. In the long run, patterns of self-compassion can have profound effects not just on individual educators, but on the school communities for which they care so deeply.


Educators Need More Than Self-Care. They Need Self-Compassion. - EdSurge

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Cannabis Company Ben’s Best Blnz is on a Mission to Right the … – PRINT Magazine

Posted: at 11:38 pm

The top of the website for cannabis company Bens Best Blnzs declares, Our Mission is to sell Great Pot and use the power of our business to Right the Wrongs of the War on Drugs. The bold new brand founded by Ben Cohen (co-founder of Ben & Jerrys Ice Cream) is on a mission to raise awareness around the disproportionate rate at which Black people are arrested for using cannabis and address these injustices head on. 100% of B3s profits go directly back into the Black cannabis community and help fund groups advocating for criminal justice reform. 10% of their profits go to the Last Prisoner Project, another 10% goes to the The Vermont Racial Justice Alliance, and 80% is allocated to grants administered by the NuLeaf Project that benefit Black cannabis entrepreneurs.

These noble goals and business model deserved a brand identity to match. Now, thanks to the exemplary design work of Pentagram, Bens Best Blnz has the look and feel to achieve this greatness.

As a self-described old white guy, Cohen was intentional about creating a nonprofit cannabis company that directly supported and worked with Black entrepreneurs. This commitment extended into the branding design process. The design team, Led by Pentagram Partner Eddie Opara, developed an eye-catching brand identity and packaging system that prominently features the work of Black artists and designers. The system harnesses vibrant colors in graphic brush stroke textures along with loud and varied typefaces inspired by protest graphics.

B3 wanted to stand out visually in the already jam-packed cannabis space, which is dominated by certain tired visual motifs like marijuana leaves and green hues. To underpin what sets B3 apart in this field, Pentagram created a visual language that focuses on the brands message over their marijuana.

The goal for the Bens Best graphics was to be honest and artful to reflect the quality of our products and the social mission of our brand, Cohen said on Pentagrams website. The focus on this issue is something that a lot of other brands might mention, but virtually no other brand makes it so prominent. Pentagram helped us to integrate typefaces created by Black designers and original artwork by Black artists into our packaging, which is our major form of marketing.

Expressive typography is the core of Pentagrams creation, primarily featuring fonts from Vocal Type Foundry (founded by Tr Seals) that highlight critical moments in history for marginalized communities, like the Civil Rights Movement in America and the Womens Suffrage Movement in Argentina. Additional type in the B3 system was designed by Joshua Darden.

The B3 logo was designed with flexibility in mind, composed of dynamic letterforms that can shift in size and scale. It can also be used as a framing device for imagery within graphics throughout the website, on social, and in the product packaging.

Another priority for B3 was creating eco-friendly packaging, and Cohen worked closely with Pentagram to ensure as many components as possible were sustainably made and recyclable. As such, the team opted for materials such as tin, glass, metal, and cardboard over the common plastic standards. In addition to these important material considerations, Pentagram was thoughtful in the visuals and copy adorning the packaging. The products are covered in calls to action to decarcerate and deschedule cannabis, along with powerful quotations from Black leaders like Angela Davis and Nelson Mandela. Every package also features a small ice cream cone icon as a subtle homage to Cohens Ben & Jerrys roots.

The packaging is deliberately heavy on type and text; it is designed to be explored and discovered over time as the reusable tin lays around the house, Cohen elaborates via Pentagram. At times we thought of the packaging as an artfully designed Dr. Bronners soap bottle. But it turned out to be so much more than that.

The frenetic typography is layered with the work of Black artists, including two commissioned pieces from multimedia artist Dana Robinson and Opara himself (see below, respectively).

B3 will launch its initial line at local dispensaries in Cohens home state of Vermont, and their full range of products is viewable on B3s website now.

Pentagram Partner: Eddie Opara

Project Team: Jack Collins, Raoul Gottschling, Ruben Gijselhart, Dana Reginiano

Collaborators: Claudia Mandlik, photographer; Dana Robinson, illustration; Vocal Type, typography; Darden Studio, typography; Michael Justiz, type animations; Jacob Macdonald, web development

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Source of litter or way to celebrate the dead? Metro Council debates balloon release ban – The Advocate

Posted: at 11:38 pm

Dirty, deflated balloons, empty of the helium that briefly supported a journey through the skies, are frequently found on the ground during litter pickups inside and outside of Baton Rouge, Metro Council member Laurie Adams said.

After constituents raised the issue to her, Adams authored a proposal set to be debated by the Metro Council on Wednesday that would ban the intentional release of 10 or more balloons, imposing a $100 fine for the first offense and $250 fines for subsequent offenses. But following discussions with council members who represent majority Black areas in the northern half of Baton Rouge where balloon releases are common at celebrations of life, Adams said she's open to having a conversation at Wednesday's meeting about how to address litter from balloon releases without cracking down on the practice.

"We can get into the chamber and talk about it," Adams said. "I certainly know that when things have a cultural significance, those things dont change quickly or easily.

"I've already had conversations with people through this effort about how we could go about this a different way," Adams added.

Council member Darryl Hurst, who represents a portion of north Baton Rouge, said he and Adams, who represents a majority White area, spoke recently about the frequency of balloon releases in minority communities in Baton Rouge.

Among the many sources of litter in Baton Rouge, Hurst said, balloons represent a small percentage of the litter found in the city and Adams' proposal would disproportionately target Black communities.

"I don't think that any litter should be put in place, I'm not for litter, but the biggest piece of litter that we see in our community comes from Mardi Gras, St. Patrick's Day, Christmas parades," Hurst said. "It allows 10 times more litter than a balloon ever would, but we allow parades to happen because they're a cultural thing in south Louisiana, no different than balloon releases in minority communities."

Adams said she expects opposition from Hurst and several other representatives of north Baton Rouge but appreciates the opportunity to have conversations about alternatives to balloon releases, such as candlelight vigils or planting a tree.

"If nothing comes out of this, I think well at least have a good conversation about the unintended impact the things we do can have," Adams said, who also noted the effect on wildlife that may choke or ingest the deflated balloons.

Outside of the city, Baton Rouge resident Jill Purkey-Harris encounters balloon litter at a far higher frequency on Louisiana's beaches, she said. Purkey-Harris and her family frequently participate in litter cleanups on the beach near their camp in Cameron.

The number of balloons washing up on the beach has increased in recent years and typically explodes after holidays like Valentine's Day and Mother's Day, bringing along customized balloons for the preceding occasion, Purkey-Harris said.

"I just want nature, I dont want the people mess brought into nature," Purkey-Harris said. "The balloons were really disconcerting because you see it and think how unnecessary it is."

During a litter cleanup with fellow council members in Tigerland over the weekend, Adams said, she found a discarded balloon, highlighting the reality of the situation.

"If it were just litter, if wildlife were not impacted, if these balloons didnt create environmental issues as well, I think (Hurst) is right," Adams said. "But if we take a holistic look, there are more problems than just litter created by releases."

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Indianapolis Public Schools: Learn about the $410 million referendum – IndyStar

Posted: at 11:38 pm

The Indianapolis Public Schools district is asking voters for a $410 million capital referendum on this years May primary ballot. Those dollars would go towards improvements on more than 20 IPS buildings.

IPS Superintendent Aleesia Johnson recently sat down with IndyStar to share why she thinks voters should approve the referendum this May.

Her answers have been edited for length and clarity.

IndyStar: What is at stake if this referendum doesnt pass?

If we are successful on May 2, we will be able to bring every elementary and middle school building up to a status of good condition, meaning just in need of routine maintenance. On a project schedule that we have right now, that could all be accomplished in the next eight years.

If we are not successful, then those same projects would take us the next 14 years to complete, assuming that we don't have any additional system failures and I can nearly guarantee that we would, given the age of some of those systems in our buildings. So it's really a difference between how soon can we deliver on what we believe our kids deserve to have access to.

More on School referendums: What Marion County voters need to know about 3 school referendums on the May 2023 ballot

IndyStar: The last capital referendum was just five years ago. Why do you need another?

In 2018, we went out for both an operating and a capital referendum. The operating referendum was solely about staff compensation, and if we're a district that's trying to drive for better student outcomes, well guess what, you need high-quality compensated teachers to make that happen. I believe we've delivered on the commitment we made in 2018 on the operating referendum. Then on the capital side, we had a safety and security referendum that was about $52 million.

This is about those bigger projects that are more substantive in nature that need to get accomplished for our schools. When we see that 30% of our buildings have been rated as in poor or worse condition. When we look at the average age of an IPS building being 61 years old. The longer we wait to take on those projects, the more extreme the need is going to be.

IndyStar: Have you been good stewards of public dollars?

There have been a number of initiatives and efforts to find savings and or reduce costs. When we've had the flexibility to dispose of facilities, for example, we've done that to the tune of upwards of $25 million. We've reduced some of our central office roles and other staffing roles, particularly in our facilities and operations side to just be more efficient. We've invested in a wellness team so that we can proactively be asking our employees to take on some practices that keep them healthier to help the bottom line in costs around health insurance.

IndyStar: With inflation high why should IPS voters approve a tax increase?

My worry is if we were to continue to wait what that would mean about the bottom-line cost of the very same projects that we need to still do is risking even more facilities deteriorations or systems failures. So certainly, the timing in terms of what taxpayers are being asked matters. That's why we've tried to be very thoughtful about talking about the ways in which we have saved dollars, the ways in which we've worked to be responsible fiscal stewards of public resources.

IndyStar: If this referendum isnt passed will that impact Rebuilding Stronger?

Some parts of the referendum are about supporting the academic programming for Rebuilding Stronger, so for example, at Arlington Middle School, where there's a massive investment not just in the campus grounds, but also in STEM-based classrooms.

Recent Charter School news: Valor Classical Academy no longer interested in Pike Township, looking once more to HamCo

If the referendum does not pass, it will require us to spend some time over the next few months determining how do we still provide that experience to our students knowing that unfortunately, the physical environment that could best set them up for success may not be readily available. That would be hugely disappointing.

We've given ourselves the 23-24 school year to plan so that we can be thoughtful and intentional so certainly there is some time in there for us to readjust course, but my prayer is that we won't have to do that.

IndyStar: The legislature hasnt settled its budget yet, but if they do approve a plan that would share property tax dollars with charter schools, what might the effect be?

Under both the Senate and House plan, we are projecting out what would be multiple million dollars of loss over the next several years and so that's concerning. We know that school districts are still responding to the impact of COVID-19 on student learning. We're really proud that we've seen some of the most significant growth from 2019 to 2022 across our state in terms of our students. So the momentum that we feel right now, we want to continue to accelerate, and if our state legislature makes decisions that actually put us in a more precarious position to do that, that would be a huge disappointment.

More on Statehouse news: Lawmakers have extra $1.5B as they negotiate state budget

We have a number of charter partners in our district. I understand their argument in terms of additional funding. I also believe that it does not have to be a zero-sum where a district full of students who also have incredible needs has to be negatively impacted to support schools or families who have made different choices. I think all students can get what they need if our state chooses to fund them in such a way to do that.

IndyStar: What has the community reaction been to the referendum?

A lot of excitement about schools that are coming back online, certainly for Thomas Carr Howe and Broad Ripple. There's a lot of excitement about those buildings being assets in the community that families can now take part in, being a part of the legacy and history of those buildings, being vibrant again, particularly from alums.

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A lot of excitement about the potential investment at Arlington Middle School, a lot of work happening in the Devington neighborhood. Ive heard from a number of folks about why that is really exciting and how it often feels like those are communities that have been forgotten. And we were very intentional about making investments in those communities to hopefully send a statement and a signal that we believe, and we want to be a part of those neighborhoods being reinvigorated.

Contact IndyStar reporter Caroline Beck at 317-618-5807 orCBeck@gannett.com. Follow her on Twitter:@CarolineB_Indy.

Carolines work is supported by Report for America and Glick Philanthropies. As part of its work in Marion County, Glick Philanthropies partners with organizations focused onclosing access and achievement gaps in education.

Report for America is a program of The GroundTruth Project, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening local newsrooms. Report for America provides funding for up to half of Carolines salary during her time with us, and IndyStar is fundraising the remainder.

To learn more about how you can support IndyStars partnership with Report for America and to make a donation, visitindystar.com/RFA.

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Indianapolis Public Schools: Learn about the $410 million referendum - IndyStar

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Professional volleyball league picks Madison for team, and … – Madison.com

Posted: at 11:38 pm

Professional volleyball is coming to Madison.

League One Volleyball (LOVB) announced Thursday morning that the Madison area has been selected as one of the sites for its nascent league that is set to begin play in late 2024. Madison is the third location for the league, joining Atlanta and Houston.

Madison was a prime target right from the start for the league, said Katlyn Gao, co-founder and CEO of LOVB (pronounced Love). She cited the fervent support for the University of Wisconsin volleyball team and the areas growing club volleyball involvement as key factors in the citys appeal.

When we were looking for our next pro team location, it was clear Madison was it, Gao said. The market has everything were looking for record-breaking crowds, off the charts talent and passion that cant be manufactured. Its like capturing lightning in the bottle.

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LOVB is one of three organizations in the process of building pro volleyball operations in the United States, offering college players opportunities to continue their playing careers after graduation. Each has a slightly different approach to building its league.

Athletes Unlimited, which also operates womens basketball, softball and lacrosse competition, is in its third season of volleyball. AU, which put together a team this spring to play a series of exhibitions against top college programs, including a match against the Badgers at the UW Field House in March, will play its regular season this fall in Mesa, Arizona, after playing the first two seasons in the Dallas area. The AU format consists of 44 players, with different team captains selecting teams to compete over a five-week season.

The Pro Volleyball Federation plans to hold its inaugural season in 2024 with eight to 10 franchises playing 16 matches from February to May. The first four sites announced are Atlanta; Columbus, Ohio; Omaha, Nebraska; and Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Investors in the league included Cincinnati Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow and his family and former NFL quarterback Trent Dilfer. Dilfers daughter, Tori, a former Louisville setter, is among the players involved in the league, along with Jenna Rosenthal (Marquette), Morgan Hentz (Stanford), Kenzie Maloney (Nebraska) and Ronika Stone (Oregon). Each franchise will have separate ownership and PVF plans to hold its first draft in November.

LOVB, meanwhile, is taking a holistic approach to the sport with involvement starting at the youth club level all the way up to the pros. It already has a foothold in the Madison area by operating Madtown Juniors with a facility with four courts on Madisons Northeast Side that houses about 370 young athletes.

LOVB has plans to build a new facility with eight courts that will be home to both the Madtown Juniors and the pros. Three other regional clubs, FC Elite, One Wisconsin and VC United, also will utilize the facility. Details of the new facility will be released soon, Gao said.

Were really building it from the community up, Gao said of the organization. So for the last three years weve had an eye on where the club and pro communities would reside. Madison matched that.

That was very intentional as we looked across the entire country and where we thought there would be a great fit for us to have not just a pro team in that city but also where the club and the pro community would come together.

Gao said the plan is to have six pro teams in place for the inaugural season, which will begin following the 2024 Paris Olympics. She foresees the league expanding as it goes.

One day were going to be the NBA of volleyball, so it is a national footprint that we will build over time, Gao said.

Until now volleyball players have had to go overseas to continue their careers after college. Previous attempts to establish pro leagues in the U.S. were short-lived, the most recent beginning and ending in 2001.

But Gao is confident that the time is right for the sport to move into the professional realm and that there is room for all three ventures to succeed.

One of the things that struck me the most about this very special sport is just how popular it is and how underappreciated it is, Gao said. Its awareness in the mainstream is just not where I personally think it should be. The fact that youve got multiple folks coming in and wanting to make something out of this special sport I think thats just a rising tide raises all boats.

There is a differentiation between the three and I think thats all very good. I think theres definitely going to be folks that feel really strongly about a specific niche. We feel very strongly that our combination of starting and having the discipline to start first with the fan base is extremely compelling.

PVF plans to pay players comparably with WNBA players, around $60,000 the first year with members of the championship team earning around $100,000 with bonuses.

Gao didnt get specific about player salaries for LOVB, but she did say the league will be competitive and attract top-level players.

The league has signed three members of the U.S. 2021 Olympics gold medal team, Haleigh Washington (Penn State), Kelsey Robinson (Tennessee/Nebraska) and Justine Wong-Orantes (Nebraska).

We definitely have compelling offers of a way to bring some of the best players onboard, she said. We already have three of the best in the world who have signed up and they all have lots of other choices. For these players its a combination of different things and compensation is one of the key factors.

At the same time for them to give up an opportunity to go elsewhere and choose LOVB instead, theres a belief in its longevity and its success and sustainability as a league. A lot of leagues have tried to start before and they have not lasted. These are very smart women who are making smart decisions by looking at it holistically and saying where do I want to take my career, who do I want to be associated with?

And especially for the founding athletes, theres a lot riding on this so theyre choosing it very carefully and I think theyve all found our offer very compelling, both from a financial perspective but also from wanting to be part of something that has the strong foundation of a community as we do.

Gao said that LOVBs structure, with each team operated under the league umbrella, could make it easier for players to choose the location where they wish to play, rather than PFV, where franchises will draft players like in other pro sports.

Well definitely take that into consideration, Gao said. Its one of the tellers of how we think about the best roster for each locale. That community support of seeing someone who has grown up in the community at different stages of their playing career, to be able to then represent them at the pro level is very meaningful.

Does that mean that the Madison team could have first shot at having former Badgers on its roster?

Youre going to have to stay tuned, Gao said. Hopefully, were going to be able to share a lot more exciting news very soon. Weve got a lot of talent to tap into there. Thats a big talent pool.

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Discover Flagstaff creates synergy between visitors and residents … – Arizona Daily Sun

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Discover Flagstaff is accredited by the Destination Marketing Accreditation Program (DMAP) of Destinations International. As a certified Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) Discover Flagstaff works with intentional design to understand and create synergy between the resident and visitor through responsible visitation marketing. It is an honor to tell the Flagstaff story and project our community values, Discover Flagstaff Director Trace Ward said.

The official tourism bureau, funded by the Bed, Board, and Beverage (BBB) tax, is Discover Flagstaff and operates as a section in the City of Flagstaffs Economic Vitality Division. The mission of Discover Flagstaff is to increase visitation and visitor spend through responsible marketing, advertising, direct sales and other programming. This is done by utilizing data-driven strategies and tactics which inspires and motivates year-round visitation benefiting the community economically and socially. Tourism is the citys number one industry and economic driver. In fiscal year 2022, BBB tax generated $11,446, 072 in revenue for an unprecedented post-pandemic increase of 26.5% and 75% of all Flagstaff Airport enplanements are visitors. According to the Arizona Office of Tourism Economic Impact Study, tourism provides economic stability to the community with an annual real tax savings of $738.00 per household.

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Traditional accommodation metrics, for occupancy and average daily rate (ADR) from July 2022 through February 2023, reported by Smith Travel Report (STR) continue to show strong and healthy performances. Discover Flagstaff has taken a holistic approach to marketing our mountain town and continues to educate and engage the public on responsible tourism while promoting all things that make Flagstaff a special place to visit.

The connection of tourism, economic vitality, and economic development work together. For example, the Visit-Discover-Grow program, takes visitation to the next level by investing in the Flagstaff community economically. Are you aware that in 1964 Bill Gore visited Flagstaff with his family to experience hiking in Flagstaffs beautiful Ponderosa pine forests and was captured by areas natural beauty? W.L. Gore & Associates is a major employer in Flagstaff. The W.L. Gore products help people around the world from firefighters to outdoor enthusiasts, commuters to cardiac patients with the belief in the natural, human capacity to solve problems in creative ways. Flagstaff is a great place to live and visit as well as a great place to start a business.

Discover Flagstaff connects visitors and residents in multiple ways, one of which is ecotourism. Ecotourism is any form of visitation that focuses on traveling to natural environments with a mission to learn about and ultimately help protect those environments. The Discover Flagstaff Pledge for the Wild (PFTW) program is all about responsible visitation and giving back to our community to keep Flagstaffs wild places wild. This public education effort is for both locals and visitors to keep our destination beautiful, sustainable, clean and educate responsible trail use while hiking, tree bathing, stargazing, wildlife watching or biking. The program benefits the local non-profit Flagstaff Trails Initiative with trail management and it is easy to participate simply text WILD4FLAG to 44321 with a donation. Adding more strength to PFTW, Discover Flagstaff is adding a new dimension Flagstaff Trails Passport -- in May 2023 which adds another level of awareness and further encourages participation of responsible recreation to preserve Flagstaffs beauty. The Flagstaff Trails Passport is designed to easily and conveniently select trails from a multi-agency procured list to help manage trail congestion, while also providing an opportunity to earn great prizes. These trails are assigned points based on level of difficulty, with easy trails assigned 1 point, moderate trails assigned 2 points, and difficult trails assigned 3 points. The first 400 people that earn a cumulative of at least 10 points allows Discover Flagstaff to make a one-time donation (in the trail users name) to the Flagstaff Trails Initiative (FTI.) The Flagstaff Trails Passport is an excellent guide to adventure and pairs perfectly with Pledge for the Wild. Get the free Flagstaff Trails Passport launching May 7 -- at discoverflagtaff.com and win prizes!

Discover Flagstaff was recognized two years in a row with Arizona Governors Tourism Awards for the fire awareness campaign and Pledge for the Wild program. Destination stewardship efforts are ongoing with stay and play responsibly campaigns regarding winter recreation, trails less traveled, to respect private property, be fire aware, leave no trace, protect dark skies, tackle trail trash, stick to trails, plan ahead, prepare and have an alternate plan in order to appreciate Arizona. Flagstaff offers sustainable stay and play options at eco-friendly attractions, restaurants, hotels, tours and breweries.

Discover Flagstaff also recognizes businesses annually for outstanding ecofriendly programs and the 2022 Sustainability Award winners are: High Country Motor Lodge, Flagstaff Area National Monuments and High Country Conference Center. Discover Flagstaff is accepting nominations for an excellence in Sustainability Awards for eco-friendly practices in the categories of accommodations, restaurants/bars and attractions. To submit a nomination(s) the process is simple - provide a 500 word description explaining why the sustainability practices of the tourism business demonstrates an outstanding commitment to help benefit our community, visitor, and environment.

Nomination must include the following information:

Email nomination(s) to Jessica Young, Sales and Marketing Manager: Meetings and Events, at jyoung@flagstaffaz.gov. Winners will be announced at the Annual Stakeholder and Partner Meeting.

Innovation, inspiration, and education continue to be the driving factors Discover Flagstaff uses to motivate travel to our destination responsibly and is actively working on three Visit Arizona Initiative (VAI) grants awarded for astrotourism, gastronomy and responsible visitation. Flagstaff has a rich history of astronomy and is one of the best places on the planet for stargazing! Flagstaff is the worlds first international dark sky city, home to the discovery of Pluto and all the astronauts that walked on the moon trained in Flagstaff. It is amazing to walk downtown at night and see the Milky Way or get a closer look through high powered telescopes at Lowell Observatory only a few minutes from downtown. Flagstaffs food scene as a culinary mecca continues to evolve with creativity, forward-thinking chefs and is Arizonas leading craft beer city. This mountain town offers abundant opportunities to tempt your taste buds. Flagstaff received culinary honors from the James Beard awards with Chef Christian Lowe of Shift Kitchen & Bar as a 2023 James Beard finalist in the Emerging Chef category, Proper Meats + Provisions as an Outstanding Restaurant 2023 semifinalist and Chef Rochelle Daniel of Atria as a semifinalist in the 2022 Emerging Chef category! A James Beard Award in the food world is equivalent to an Oscar in the movie world.

Did you know -- National Travel and Tourism Week (NTTW) is May 7-13, 2023? This year marks the 40th anniversary of NTTW celebrating the industrys critical role in powering economies, communities and connections moving travel forward. Discover Flagstaff has nuanced the week as National Eco-Tourism Week for an eco-friendly localized twist. Nuancing the weeks festivities by adding a strategic spin, locally the celebration will be named National Travel and Eco-Tourism Week. Please join Discover Flagstaffs tourism service day scheduled on Wednesday, May 10, 2023. RSVP to attend by emailing to Carrie Nelson at cnelson@flagstaffaz.gov.

The Discover Flagstaff goal is to keep Flagstaff relevant, collaborate with community partners, and support locals while marketing attractions, accommodations, restaurants and events with all the things to see and do while visiting encouraging tourists to stay and play responsibly. Learn more at discoverflagstaff.com and the Flagstaff Visitor Center (1 E. Rt. 66.)

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