Daily Archives: April 30, 2023

Rep. Clancy: Wisconsin socialist caucus responds to Republican … – WisPolitics.com

Posted: April 30, 2023 at 11:38 pm

MADISON Today all across the State, press conferences were held by Assembly Republicans to suggest, without detail, a new shared revenue plan that would both give fewer dollars to local municipalities and counties than what is in the Governors proposed budget and would strip budgetary and policy autonomy away from local units of government. These meager funds come tied to a host of conditions that would dictate many aspects of public life including schools, law enforcement, and property taxes. The broader proposal would mandate that law enforcement budgets across the state continue to rise year after year; additional proposed stipulations apply only to the City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County.

These regressive, punitive policy barbs seek to undo the vital work of groups like Leaders Igniting Transformation, Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, and many others. This proposal undermines their important work of making local government more responsive and accountable.

The Governors proposed budget already contains provisions for substantially more shared revenue without the attacks on the ability of local governments to set their own budgets or policy priorities.

Representatives Madison (D-10) and Representative Clancy (D-19) issued the following statement:

Like so many other Milwaukee residents, we know well the harm caused by the intentional and continued underfunding of the City and County. As residents, organizers and electeds, it is beyond frustrating to see how often we fail to meet the needs of our people from housing, to transit, to basic investments in infrastructure and public spaces because we simply dont have the funds available to do so. We are grateful that, finally, there seems to be consensus from elected leaders across the state on the dire need for more shared revenue funding for our municipalities and counties.

And yet we also know full well that local leaders not those hundreds of miles away are best equipped to know what the interests and priorities of their constituents are. The Republican plan suggested today strips away local budgetary control from both municipalities and counties, tying their hands and revoking the ability of local government to meet the needs of the people they represent.

Any reasonable person can look at the fiscal problems within the City of Milwaukee and realize quickly that we are in this crisis both because of a lack of shared revenue and because nearly half of the city budget and Milwaukees ability to provide essential services is devoured by the Milwaukee Police Department. The Republican plan for a city drowning in police is merely more police and less accountability: its a life preserver made of lead. Milwaukee, and all communities across the state, deserves to be able to invest in what will actually make our neighborhoods better and safer. This does the opposite.

We oppose any plan that would strip local control away from governments or expand the already massive and harmful footprint of law enforcement.

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Rep. Clancy: Wisconsin socialist caucus responds to Republican ... - WisPolitics.com

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The PEN Ten: An Interview with Tyriek White – PEN America

Posted: at 11:38 pm

Tyriek Whites debut novel, We Are a Haunting, is a close study of the relationship between a mother and son and how unanswered questions, time, and dead spirits shape their understanding of each other. Whites work is brave, raw, and tugs at the essence of New York City. As we time travel and bear witness between the living and dead, the past and present, you cant help but fall in love with this cast of characters, worry about them, and ultimately wish them well.

In an interview with TC. Mann, Program Assistant for Literary Writing Programs, White opens up about his artistry and the people who inspired him.

1. How does your writing navigate truth? What is the relationship between truth and fiction? Theres this moment where Key, one of the main characters in my debut novel, We Are a Haunting, doesnt give us the ending to a story shes been telling her son Colly (and the reader). She struggles with whether some stories, while they are hers to tell, dont solely belong to her and chooses to leave it open for interpretation. She also questions the necessity of telling us this key fact, what that does to the production of meaning. Its a very meta conversation, one I struggle with when writing about people I know and typically care about. Especially writing a novel about settings and groups of people who are traditionally flattened by mainstream media and historical representations. I wanted to be intentional. It forced me to pay attention more, to interrogate why Im telling this story, and honestly, if its anyones business.

2. How does time help shape this story?This book pushes back against time as a linear experience and shows the past crashing into the present, sometimes in painful ways. Collys journey is different from his mothers (they are at different points in their lives) but they often speak back to each other. Choices made before either are born affect their way forward. Even spatially, the community this family lives in the broken Waste Treatment Plant, electric substations from the mid-1900s, the industrial park, the streets named after slave-owners, crime rates that mirror decades before, the new buildings that have sprung from thirsty realtor groups all show a community that often feels outside of time.

Especially writing a novel about settings and groups of people who are traditionally flattened by mainstream media and historical representations. I wanted to be intentional. It forced me to pay attention more, to interrogate why Im telling this story, and honestly, if its anyones business.

3. Which writers working today are you most excited by? Im excited by a lot of poets; Nadia Alexis, Nabila Lovelace, Jonah Webster-Dixon, Sadia Hassan. There is something about writers from the south, or navigating the south, that speaks to resilience, restoration, and reclamation in this country.

4. Why did you choose to focus on Keys relationship with Colly, instead of her relationship with Toya? How has this decision impacted the story? Ive always wanted to write about a mother and son because of how much it played a part in my life and the lives of my friends. Theres so much criticism as to whether mothers can even raise sons, from well-meaning people to blind evangelicals of the Moynihan report, still pushing decades-old narratives.

I think a bit of Toyas relationship with her mom is reflected in Keys relationship with her own mother, Audrey. I always imagined Toya as having a completely different way of seeing, or processing than Colly. It would be a different story.

5. What was your creative process when it came to exploring Keys voice? Keys voice is really an amalgamation of my aunties and cousins, the friends Ive had growing up, etc. I wanted Key to be relatable, despite her gift of seeing. When we meet her, she isnt happy with her job, shes boosting designer clothes, and is searching for something more. She goes through a change where she must accept what is happening to her and she embraces it. She grows into who she is supposed to be. I wanted her to be in lineage with women depicted in great literature, in Sula or Brown Girl, Brownstones, or Mama Day.

It is why there is so much investment, politically and even historically, in the erasure of books by certain communities or voices. Writing about alternate paths forward can create new perspectives and ways we resist.

6. New York City becomes a character unto itself. Can you tell us how NYC helped in the telling of this family?

New York can be a different place for different people. Half the fun was asking my dad about growing up when he did, or researching the lives of other people living in the city during a specific era. What kind of clothes or name brands did folk wear, what music did they listen to, what were the popular clubs or hangouts?

7. We are all familiar with the mantra, No child left behind. What was your intention in addressing these young peoples journey of survival? Its such a particular time period for kids. I grew up during that era, the No Child Left Behind policies of George Bush in the early-2000s. I know the failing schools were mostly in Black and brown communities, and were shut down or carved up into three or four separate schools in one building. I remember test scores were an obsession. I dont really remember if the whole thing worked or not. Probably not.

8. How can writers affect resistance movements? Im never into the idea that art can ever do the real work of people involved in resistance movements, or organizing in their communities. What I do think writers can do is create art that begins to reimagine the world we live in and possible futures. It is why there is so much investment, politically and even historically, in the erasure of books by certain communities or voices. Writing about alternate paths forward can create new perspectives and ways we resist.

I think a writers positionality is essential to what stories they choose to tell, no matter how hard artists wish to remain objective. Im a black boy who grew up working class, in public housing, in one of the worst neighborhoods in Brooklyn. This is how myself and my work will be received regardless. My concerns are very particular.

9. What do you consider to be the biggest threat to free expression today? Have there been times when your right to free expression has been challenged? Free expression has been challenged consistently by legislature, whether banning critical race theory or reactionary politics to queer and trans identities. Its odd having your history pushed out of classrooms, as if it ever fully existed there in the first place. The biggest threat to me, however, is access. Folk on the fringes of society; poor and working people of various identities do not have access to the spaces or rooms that privilege certain voices.

10. How does your identity shape your writing? Is there such a thing as the writers identity? I think a writers positionality is essential to what stories they choose to tell, no matter how hard artists wish to remain objective. Im a black boy who grew up working class, in public housing, in one of the worst neighborhoods in Brooklyn. This is how myself and my work will be received regardless. My concerns are very particular. I do believe people from disenfranchised communities understand on an intimate/personal level the inner workings of empire. I think if youre writing a story outside yourself or challenging genre (like the surreal or even Sci-fi), there should be some truth you are pursuing or questioning, whether an emotional truth, or society, etc.

Tyriek Rashawn White is a writer, musician, and educator from Brooklyn, NY. He is currently the media director of Lampblack Literary Foundation, which seeks to provide mutual aid and various resources to Black writers across the diaspora. He has received fellowships from Callaloo Writing Workshop, New York State Writers Institute, and Key West Writers Workshop, among other honors. He holds an MFA in fiction from the University of Mississippi.

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The PEN Ten: An Interview with Tyriek White - PEN America

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Sharing My Journey With Infertility Has Brought Me Community … – Essence

Posted: at 11:38 pm

When I was younger, I always dreamed of being married, having kids and having my career solidified by 25. Of course, when we are younger, we have no concept of time and how long it truly takes to cultivate these things. I didnt even meet my husband Jimmy until I was turning 25.

We got married in October of 2018 and have been together for nearly 10 years. After Jimmy and I met, we really wanted to enjoy our relationship, so the conversation about family building and marriage didnt come about for two years, and then the conversation got serious really fast. For me, I was determined to start my family before the age of 30. For him, he was in a place of, Im still figuring it out. I dont know if thats exactly what I want to do right now.

So there was an interesting, very challenging point three years into our relationship. We decided to take some space to figure out what we both wanted for about five or six months. I say we were broken up, he says we were not, but we were still in communication so we were still very closely connected. He proposed to me soon after we got back together.

After getting married, we started to have that conversation again in depth about starting a family. It wasnt until the pandemic where we decided that we were going to actually start the process. For many people, the pandemic was not a great time, but for me, working in the wellness, fitness and health industry, it was one of the most lucrative periods for me. We bought a house and decided that we were going to settle down in North Carolina, but then I got a job in New York and we ended up moving up here. We sold the house, and in the midst of the move is when we intentionally started trying to have kids. All the way through our relationship and up to that point into our marriage, we were using protection because it was really important that we were very intentional about when we started our family.

About four or five months into trying, I was starting to raise some eyebrows at the process because it wasnt happening. For so long, you try not to get pregnant and then you just think, the moment I decide that I want to, its going to be easy. Being a Black woman and being a part of a family and various communities that dont have these discussions about womens reproductive systems and the fertility process, you really can be left in the dark as to how challenging this could potentially be for you. I was truly green to the process of infertility. I just thought, this is strange. Were really trying to do this thing and have children and its not working. So, six months in, we went to see our very first fertility specialist.

They told us the first order of business would to be testing. We did the standard test, we did AMH, we did FSH, we did HSG, and we did some blood work. Jimmy gave a sperm sample and they tested it. We were ultimately given the thumbs up, and they told us both of us should continue on the process of trying to conceive on our own. At that point, nothing else came into play and we just proceeded on the process of trying to have kids. We tried various positions. We used a sex book given to us by one of our friends. We were trying everything, having fun with it. We had gone on a trip and while on it, we naturally conceived for the first time.

Article continues after video.

We started to plan how we were going to tell our loved ones and were really excited. It was having this major win after really, really trying our hardest to get to this point. And so, we were really, really crushed and devastated when, two months later, we lost the baby.

It was one of the hardest things Ive ever faced in my life. Most of it felt isolating and I hadnt heard of very many people who were close to me who had that experience. This was the first time that I really honestly felt like I had to face something alone. I felt a lot of shame around it. I asked myself questions like, whats wrong with my body? Why wasnt I able to hold the pregnancy? What could have gone wrong? What did I do wrong? From that point, I was never the same.

It was also difficult to get into a sexual routine with my husband again. We felt a little disconnected from each other. We both felt like, do we want to go through that again? Do we want to put our ourselves mentally and emotionally through that process again? Are we sure that this is what we really want? It had been nine months going on a year of trying and we just had to ask ourselves some serious questions.

We navigated that through therapy and through leaning on community, and were ultimately able to get back into a level of intimacy with one another. We started trying again three, four months after the miscarriage and were trying to conceive naturally because, at that point, we had indicators that our bodies could do it. I got frustrated a little sooner this time around. Three months into the process I thought, maybe we are going to need a little assistance. That is when we went to a different fertility clinic, and it was the first time that we heard of assisting options for fertility and the first time we heard what a proper diagnosis for infertility was.

We found out about IUI through this process after only knowing about IVF. When the doctor presented us with a less invasive and less expensive process, we thought maybe this could be a good option for us and so we started May 2022.

We were well into the journey of IUI at that point when I made this decision that I didnt want to suffer in silence. I really wanted to be on a strong pursuit for my healing and I knew that so much of that would come with me using my voice. Being a Black woman using my voice has been super impactful because I have connected with so many other incredible Black women who at one point chose to suffer in silence because there was so much shame around infertility. My healing journey has allowed me to fully and authentically show up as myself and not have to worry about always putting on a smile for everybody else, always performing and always having joy be the thing that resonates with others. My true life experiences have made me even more deeply connected to my community and thats actually been a rewarding part of this journey.

After attempting IUI, we started having conversations about IVF in December. I did a retrieval that month, which was really tough on my body. It was a very, very challenging procedure. It was also a disappointing procedure because we got 13 eggs but we slowly watched those numbers dwindle as seven of them were mature and then, from there, only five were showing normal signs of fertilization once introduced to my husbands sperm. Then four of them stopped growing in the lab and so we ended up with one embryo that we had to wait for genetic testing results to come back for. We got the testing results, and they said it had 46 completely normal chromosomes and they rated it as a 4AB, which is a really good grade of an embryo, and they put it on ice. We thought we were getting the news of a transfer date and were excited about it.

But my doctor, who I trust and Im so happy to have a woman of color as my doctor, she gave us the advice to do a second retrieval before any transfer to get at least two or more embryos in the bank. However, for the sake of my body and for the sake of my husbands mental space, we both decided it just was too heavy and too much in the moment. We opted to take a break and really just focus on our marriage; focus in on each other, travel and enjoy life. Thats really where weve landed after that process.

Whats helped me hold onto joy throughout this journey is friends and family. Im really, really conscious of the people I surround myself with. I stay around a lot of people who just bring me joy. Its also been important during this entire process to have support from people who have been through similar experiences. I joined a fertility support group last year and its been very, very helpful. Ive become very close friends with my fertility support group leader, and formed close connections with various other members.

Journaling and therapy have also been key resources in this process. I love to read a lot, I love to do a lot of research and so, for me, its been so great to educate myself through this process. And just being able to be a source for other people and allowing others to be able to have conversations with me has meant so much. I think my greatest outlet has been a new passion project of mine, my podcast. I host it with a fellow Lululemon ambassador and dear friend Alicia Ferguson, and it is called Dose of Duality. It was actually birthed from my own personal experience with my fertility journey and that is a great gift that Ive received along the way.

As an optimist, Ive decided to lean into the things that have brought me joy on this journey. I dont believe anything happens by accident. I really do believe that God is using me for a bigger plan, a bigger purpose. I dont know how my story is supposed to be written but, at the end of the day, I am glad that Im still here, that I still have life and that I still get to enjoy it.

Family is really, really important to both Jimmy and I. We went into all of this with this idea of how we ideally wanted to build our family, but weve also talked about other ways in which we can build this idea of family together. Were now in a space of really loving on each other. Were harvesting all the joy that we have in our household with lots of hope in our hearts that, eventually, our dreams of being a larger family will come true.

Be sure to follow Deja on Instagram and check out her podcast, A Dose of Duality.


Sharing My Journey With Infertility Has Brought Me Community ... - Essence

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Will The New MENA Category Help Or Hurt DEI Efforts? – Forbes

Posted: at 11:38 pm

proposing a new racial/ethnic category be added to official documents like the U.S. Census. getty

In early 2023, it was announced that the Biden administration is proposing a new racial/ethnic category be added to official documents like the U.S. Census. The suggested category is MENA, which stands for Middle Eastern or North African. Those who are identify as MENA can trace their origins back to places like Egypt, Morocco, Iran, Kuwait, and Yemen. Currently, those who identify as Arab, Middle Eastern or North African often check white on the census and on other documents requesting racial/ethnic demographics.

I wholeheartedly support the addition of the MENA label...while also recognizing that we need to be prepared for both the positive and negative effects of this change, shared DEI & intercultural practitioner Rahimeh Ramezany. The primary positive, she explained will be helping both government and non-government institutions more accurately target their services to populations that they will now have a much more accurate understanding of, as well as making a distinct community feel respected and recognized after having so long been erased by lumping under the white categorization.

Ramezany noted that this more nuanced racial and ethnic information could also serve in nefarious ways. Not just good intentioned individuals and organizations review demographic data. There are many with an Islamophobic and/or xenophobic agenda that can abuse this information to fan the flames of their fear-based tactics to prove what they feel is a de-centering of dominant cultures in the United States and the West overall, therefore removing the little protection from discrimination that anonymity provides to MENA individuals.

Not everyone is on board with the new MENA categorization. I think it's a terrible idea, indicated anti-racism and decolonization coach Louiza Weeze Doran. I think that it begins to function the way weve seen the erasure of Afro-Latine and Indigenous populations within Latin America and are currently fighting for recognition and more expansive language. It's going to function in the exact same way. The way that I view it is a very intentional political erasure through language. North Africa is a very large geographical location...so is the Middle East. Historically different, geographically different, culturally different, linguistically different.

Doran went on to explain, not only does it erase the Indigenous and Black North African populations, but [it will be used to bypass the global reality and impact of] whiteness and white supremacist ideologies. What people will do is say, Well, I'm not white. I'm MENA. I don't have to mark the white box. I can mark MENA. There are white folks who are culturally Arab. Being racially a certain identity does not necessarily always match to your sociocultural identity. There are folks who racially identify as Arab and culturally identify as Arab, but there are also folks who are culturally Arab and racially a number of other things. Doran identifies as Amazigh, which are the Indigenous people of North Africa, which some label as Berbers. We don't like the word Berber because it was prescribed to us by the colonizers. It literally translates to savage or barbarian.

Specificity and nuance are beneficial for diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. Ramezany emphasized the importance of highlighting these nuances: not all Muslims are from the MENA region, and not all peoples from the MENA region are Muslim. There are many common misconceptions about Arab Americans and Islamophobia is a pervasive issue still faced within society. Its important to interrogate the role that the media plays in shaping our perceptions. There's a very long history of portraying Arabs and Muslims as the same identity...as monolithic, shared Arab and Muslim American scholar Evelyn Alsultany.

In Hollywood...over time [the Arab and Muslim portrayal] has changed...the terrorism one that we're all very familiar with, which is very rooted in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. After 9/11, some civil rights groups such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee were protesting certain shows like 24, expressing that they were concerned about the continued representation of Arabs and Muslims as terrorists in this context of the war on terror. Alsultany, who is an associate professor in the Department of American Studies and Ethnicity at the University of Southern California's Dornsife College is the author of the book Broken: The Failed Promise of Muslim inclusion.

Advocates for the adoption of the MENA category indicate that it would provide more accurate information about the United States racial and ethnic composition, which can improve the accuracy of diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. More focus on Middle Eastern and North African communities may also spark increased conversations about Arab American experiences and the pervasiveness of Islamophobia. It is essential for workplaces to include considerations of religious identity in their diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, and name religious discrimination as unacceptable in all relevant company materials, shared Ramezany.

Company leadership and people managers must establish and maintain a culture of psychological safety and respect for diversity that allows for Muslims to work with their manager and colleagues if they ever experience Islamophobia, or to ask for reasonable accommodations and inclusive practices that will help them thrive in the organization, explained Ramezany. Even with the issues that may arise from the adoption of the new category, it could provide visibility to communities of people that have been historically erased and ignored. The adoption of a MENA category could also be a necessary catalyst for more workplace policies that center and prioritize the needs of Middle Eastern, North African and Muslim employees.

I founded an award-winning consultancy, BWG Business Solutions, where I provide guidance and education for workplaces looking to foster anti-racist and anti-oppressiveenvironments. I am the author of the forthcoming bookDecentering Whiteness in the Workplace, which will be released in October 2023 and two best-selling booksDirty DiversityandThe Pink Elephant.In 2022, I was named a LinkedIn Top Voice in Racial Equity andI curate a weeklynewsletteron LinkedIn called "The Pink Elephant", which has amassed over 50,000 subscribers. I am the author of a LinkedIn Learning course:Awareness to Action: Level Up as a Change Agent in Your Organization. I host the Dirty Diversity podcast, which is focused on all things DEI. I have a Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology and I am a professor, public academic and online educator. I spend my free time getting lost in a good audiobook, lifting heavy in the gym, and perfecting my Jollof rice recipe.

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Will The New MENA Category Help Or Hurt DEI Efforts? - Forbes

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Avoid These Top 5 Financial Mistakes for Smart Money … – Passive Income MD

Posted: at 11:38 pm

No one likes making mistakes, especially when they can be costly. I know that you likely share my perfectionist tendencies and are often averse to taking risks. As physicians, we are trained to carefully consider the risk-benefit ratio before making any decision because we know the consequences of making a costly mistake. While mistakes are inevitable in some aspects of our lives, we must be conscious of and deliberate in avoiding financial mistakes, as they can be detrimental to our financial well-being, and they can have significant consequences.

As an anesthesiologist, I understand the importance of minimizing mistakes, and I'll do everything in my power to prevent them from happening. While some financial mistakes may seem obvious, such as not spending more than you earn, or hiding your money in your mattress, there are others that are not as apparent. By being intentional and mindful, we can set ourselves up for greater success in the future.

In this blog post, we'll discuss the top five financial mistakes that you need to avoid in 2023 to achieve smart money management. From not diversifying your portfolio to investing in something you don't understand, we'll cover expert tips to help you avoid these mistakes and set yourself up for financial success in the coming year.

So, let's dive in and learn how to avoid these costly financial mistakes in 2023.

Diversification is a key concept in investing, but it's not always easy to achieve. While you may think you have a diversified portfolio because you have a mix of index funds and a retirement account, it's essential to take a closer look. Especially with the current state of the economy, ask yourself how have my investments held up?

It's crucial to have investments that move in different directions, so when one asset class is down, another can pick up the slack. If all of your investments are in one asset class, such as your medical practice, you may not be as diversified as you think. While it may be tempting to rely solely on your day job for income, there are many factors that could impact this, such as changes in regulations, technology, and the political environment.

For example, during the pandemic, many medical practices experienced a decline in revenue due to canceled appointments and elective procedures. If your income was solely tied up in your medical practice, this could have been a significant financial setback. By having diversified investments, you can mitigate the impact of any one sector or asset class on your overall portfolio.

It's also essential to diversify within asset classes. For example, if you only have index funds in your portfolio, you may be missing out on opportunities to invest in individual stocks, real estate, or other alternative investments that can provide additional diversification and potential returns.

So, take a closer look at your portfolio and see if you're truly diversified. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your investments across different asset classes to reduce risk and increase potential returns. By diversifying your investments, you can better weather any economic storms and set yourself up for long-term financial success.

Don't underestimate the importance of insurance. Make sure you have enough coverage to protect yourself and your assets from unexpected events. One area where many physicians fall short is disability insurance. As we age, our health can change, and unexpected accidents can occur, making it difficult to perform the duties of our job.

As a physician in my mid-40s, I'm doing my best to stay healthy, but I've noticed that my body is changing in ways that are hard to predict. When I first got disability insurance as a resident, it was more of a just in case precaution. However, as I've seen colleagues rely on their disability insurance due to health issues, I've come to realize the importance of having adequate coverage. As physicians, our ability to perform our job is critical to our income and financial stability. If we're not healthy, we may not be able to perform the duties of our job, which could have significant financial consequences.

It's crucial to have the right type of disability insurance, especially if you're in a highly technical field like medicine. Without this type of coverage, you could be at risk of not receiving proper compensation if you're unable to perform the duties of your specific occupation.

Your ability to create a large income through your work as a physician is one of your greatest assets. Protecting this asset with adequate disability insurance is critical. While it may be tempting to think you can self-insure once your investments create enough cash flow, it's essential to have proper insurance until you reach that point.If you haven't reviewed your disability insurance policy recently, I recommend speaking with an independent disability insurance agent to ensure you have adequate coverage. Protecting yourself and your financial future should be a top priority, and having proper insurance is a key part of achieving this goal.

Let's face it, taxes are a pain. As a physician, I know that a big portion of my income goes towards taxes. But did you know that the tax code actually has incentives to encourage certain behaviors that are good for society?

That's why it's so important to understand how you can take advantage of the tax code to minimize your taxes and maximize your income. Know the tax laws and use them to your advantage. Maximize tax-deferred accounts, deductions, and credits to reduce your tax burden.The first step is to speak to a tax professional who understands your goals and what you're trying to achieve.

For instance, if you're a real estate investor, finding a tax professional who specializes in real estate can make a huge difference in your tax bill. They can help you understand things like real estate professional status, which can help you convert passive losses from real estate into active losses and offset your W-2 income. In my own experience, finding the right tax professional completely changed what stayed in my pocket at the end of the year and allowed me to invest in my future and spend more time with my family.

So, if you're not getting the guidance you need from your current CPA, it may be time to consider finding someone who better fits your goals and needs. Ask around to your friends and colleagues, or join online communities to find someone who can help you take advantage of the tax code and keep more of your hard-earned money.

One financial mistake that you should definitely avoid is investing in things that you don't understand. As a physician, various people have approached me to invest in all sorts of things, from real estate to different funds to alternative investments. It's easy to fall prey to the fear of missing out on opportunities, especially when you're seen as a high-income professional with money to spare. But the problem is, if you don't understand the investment, you don't know where the risks lie.

Understanding risk is crucial when it comes to investing, and proper due diligence is necessary to mitigate those risks and increase potential for upside. I've seen examples of people who invested in things they didn't understand and lost money along the way. It's important to make sure that your investments are secure and will help you achieve your financial goals.

There are cases where people invest in something they don't fully understand and end up losing money. For example, they may invest in a medical device that they have no knowledge about, but it just sounds promising. Or they may invest in a real estate development deal that they know nothing about and fail to do proper due diligence on the property, sponsor, or market. This happens frequently, and it's challenging to see which investments are actually worth pursuing. To address this issue, our team created the Passive Real Estate Academy and a community around it to support each other, become more knowledgeable, and avoid making poor investment decisions.

Mistakes can be costly, both in terms of the money invested and the opportunity cost. That's why it's crucial to educate yourself and do your due diligence before investing in anything. This is especially important during times of economic uncertainty when people may be afraid to make any sort of investment.

I completely understand and empathize with the feeling of wanting to cut back on expenses during tough times, but I believe that investing in yourself is one of the best ways to secure your future. We've all invested in ourselves in the past by taking out student loans and pursuing higher education, even though there was no guarantee of success. But it's important to continue investing in yourself by attending conferences, networking with other professionals, reading books, and joining communities. Investing in yourself, both in terms of time and money, will pay off significantly in the long run. So, don't forget to invest in your own skills and knowledge.

This is a time of great opportunity, and those who are educated, confident, and connected to the right resources will reap the benefits in the next 5-10 years. By investing in yourself today, you're planting the seeds for your future success. I know that if you're reading this, you're already investing in yourself, but I want to emphasize the importance of staying hungry and continuing to learn new things. It's okay to take nibbles at new opportunities to learn and grow, but make sure you do your due diligence and invest wisely.

In conclusion, investing in your financial future is crucial, but it's equally important to avoid making costly mistakes that can derail your progress. We all must be intentional in looking out for these mistakes and mitigate their risks at all costs. This is the year and the right time to do an inventory and study your current portfolio. Take time to review your insurance and determine if it is adequate to protect you and your family. This also includes not investing large amounts of money without doing due-diligence. Its time to bet on yourself by continuously investing in your education, attending conferences, talking to other people, buying books, and joining communities that can help you stay ahead.

By avoiding these financial mistakes, we can secure our financial freedom, have peace of mind, and be better prepared to take advantage of future opportunities, even in challenging times. Let's take these steps and set ourselves up for future success!

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Journalists at theGrio reflect on Black media ahead of Byron Allens Washington D.C. Gala – TheGrio

Posted: at 11:38 pm

The state of journalism has been in flux for a long time, particularly with the nation as divided as ever, socially and politically. In these times, the contributions of Black journalists are more crucial than ever.

Saturday, many will descend on our nations capital for Byron Allen Presents the Washington, D.C. Gala, as media is celebrated earlier the same evening at the annual White House Correspondents Dinner. Formally known as A Seat at the Table: A Celebration of Black Media, this second annual gala from theGrio, taking place at the Smithsonians National Museum of African-American History and Culture, was designed to pay homage to Black journalists.

Comedian Roy Wood Jr., this years Correspondents Dinner host, will also host theGrios D.C. gala, where CBS News Gayle King will be honored. With an exceptional performance scheduled, this years event promises to be even bigger than last years inaugural gala, which honored theGrios White House correspondent, April Ryan, was hosted by Chris Tucker and featured a performance from Mary J. Blige and D-Nice.

While Black journalists from across media will be present at this star-studded occasion, Natasha S. Alford and Panama Jackson will be among several members of theGrio family in attendance. Their presence at the gala represents not only the evolution and influence of theGrio but the dynamic Black media coverage techniques the gala is celebrating.

Alford, theGrios VP of Digital Content and senior correspondent, explained why the Washington D.C. gala is an important occasion for Black journalists, regardless of backgrounds, publications, and networks. When we unite in person, it shows our strength in numbers and community, Alford told theGrio. Regardless of brand or newsroom affiliation, we have shared experiences. Theres both beauty and power in celebrating our work and our journey as journalists.

Jackson, host of theGrio Black Podcast Networks flagship program Dear Culture, shares Alfords sentiments about the gala. He says its vital for fellow Black journalists and media makers to congratulate and encourage one another to grow Black-owned and operated media companies.

This gala is important because if we dont celebrate ourselves and give space to do so, who will? Jackson told theGrio. We speak at length about representation in white spaces when the truth is we need our own. This gala and what Byron is doing with spaces like theGrio are examples of what it looks like to build the tables Tyler Perry suggests.

Byron Allen Presents The Washington, D.C. Gala will continue pushing Black journalism forward. Beyond being a celebration attended by power brokers, politicians, and celebrities, the event looks to become a key tentpole for pushing accountability and ownership, significantly when so many news outlets are skewing far right and are more concerned with promoting an agenda than informing the public.

I think Black journalism is as important as its ever been, but its important to have ethical and intentional journalistic spaces because so much misinformation is out there, and that always negatively impacts our community, Jackson said. By owning our spaces and using them to tell our stories, we get to ensure that a full representation of Blackness exists.

Alford also agrees that Black media companies and journalists must act as the medias moral compass, particularly when aiding in the enlightenment and uplifting of Black communities.

The Black press has played a unique role in American history and in advancing civil rights, Alford said. The larger purpose in our work only continues today and is more relevant than ever. Everyone benefits when Black journalists and the Black press are strong. We cover stories that get overlooked and deserve to be highlighted. We live in a version of America that sometimes isnt seen.

Matthew Allen is an entertainment writer of music and culture for theGrio. He is an award-winning music journalist, TV producer and director based in Brooklyn, NY. Hes interviewed the likes of Quincy Jones, Jill Scott, Smokey Robinson and more for publications such as Ebony, Jet, The Root, Village Voice, Wax Poetics, Revive Music, Okayplayer, and Soulhead. His video work can be seen on PBS/All Arts, Brooklyn Free Speech TV and BRIC TV.

TheGrio is FREE on your TV via Apple TV, Amazon Fire, Roku, and Android TV. Pleasedownload theGrio mobile appstoday!

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Youth Statement from the Hiroshima G7 Youth Summit – International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Posted: at 11:38 pm

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Opening Remarks:

Esteemed members of the press, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens, warm globalgreetings from the Hiroshima G7 Youth Summit.

On behalf of all the youth delegates and leaders from all over the world, we are honored towelcome you to the Presentation and Adoption of the Outcome Statement from this Summit.We have gathered in the historically significant city of Hiroshima, a poignant reminder of thedevastating consequences of nuclear weapons and the urgent need for disarmament. Over thepast week, we have had the unique opportunity to visit the Hiroshima Peace Memorial andmeet the hibakusha, the courageous survivors of nuclear weapons. Their stories have movedus deeply, further strengthening our resolve to create a world free from the horrors of nuclearwarfare.

We would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the country of Japan andparticularly the city of Hiroshima on which we have gathered for this Hiroshima G7 YouthSummit. We would like to pay our respects to the Elders past and present. We extend thatrespect to all the community from Hiroshima and also to all the souls who died from theatomic bomb.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the organizations and individuals whohave made this event and summit possible, including The Center for Peace at HiroshimaUniversity, ICAN: the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear, Peace Boat, the HiroshimaPeace Memorial Museum, the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, ANT-Hiroshima, SokaGakkai International (SGI), the City of Hiroshima, Religions for Peace Japan, and HeinrichBoell Stiftung Hong Kong. This summit is held as part of the Hiroshima University 75+75thAnniversary Project and we are grateful for their support and contributions.

Not only this summit is a way to gather the youth in participation in authentic encounters,together with openness for diversity and acceptance of differences but also a way to use youthvoices to call out injustices like the use of nuclear weapons and its consequences.

So please, let me invite you now to listen carefully to the Outcome statement from theHiroshima G7 Youth Summit.

Esteemed Leaders and Representatives to the G7 Hiroshima Summit,

We, as youth delegates and changemakers from around the world, are honored to be here in Hiroshima, the city that symbolizes the devastating consequences of nuclear weapons. We gather here with experts and advocates for peace from every corner of the globe to address the existential threats the world faces, including climate change and nuclear weapons. We applaud the G7 countries and civil society for convening this crucial summit and acknowledge the need for immediate action towards the abolition of nuclear weapons.

As emerging leaders of the world, we have a responsibility to ensure that the danger posed and inflicted by nuclear weapons to humanity and the environment is eradicated and remediated. We come together, united in our resolve to achieve a safer world free from nuclear weapons and their devastating consequences.

In Hiroshima, we call on the world to listen to the hibakusha the survivors of nuclear weapons and recognize the moral imperative of nuclear disarmament. We urgently demand action on nuclear weapons to honor the lived experiences of the hibakusha and other communities affected by nuclear weapons, and to secure a safer world free from weapons of mass destruction for generations to come.

The possession or use of nuclear weapons is illegitimate as recognized by the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) and our future security cannot be dependent on distrust among countries or the threat of devastating humanitarian and environmental consequences.

Given the conflicts and crises we face today, we believe that the time for action against nuclear weapons is now. As young people, we champion the TPNW as the most effective path to eliminating nuclear weapons.

As the last generation with the opportunity to directly hear the testimonies from global hibakusha, it is our mission and responsibility to embed their stories in our work and share them with younger generations.

Survivors, their families, and Indigenous communities disproportionately affected by nuclear weapons use, testing, production, and waste continue to suffer from traumatic experiences, devastating land loss, and critical health issues. We have a duty to these communities and ourselves to pursue the complete disarmament and the abolition of nuclear weapons.

We are aware of the concerns about dumping 1.3 million tonnes of radioactive waste water this year, and support in solidarity with the states who sit on the frontlines of this crisis and see this as an act of trans-boundary harm upon the Pacific.

As young people working for a world without nuclear weapons, we request that the G7 countries take the following actions:

1. Support and listen to global hibakusha by welcoming their testimonials, attending the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, and sincerely committing to steps towards nuclear disarmament;

2. Take concrete steps towards the pursuit of the TPNW including but not limited to the promotion of the TPNW within regional and international organizations, observation of the Second Meeting of States Parties to the TPNW, and cooperation with TPNW states parties to support treaty implementation;

3. Promote the immediate assessment and research in regions and communities affected by nuclear weapons, so that states, organizations, and individuals may engage in processes of victim assistance and environmental remediation in cooperation with international institutes, civil society and affected communities;

4. Fulfill the legal obligation of nuclear disarmament bound by Article 6 of the 1968 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), by initiating the discussion in national governments regarding the complementarity between the NPT and the TPNW.

5. Recognize the legitimacy of and opportunities for processes of irreversibility and verification provided by the TPNW;

6. Uphold the principles of Articles 6 and 7 of the TPNW to promote cooperation for the implementation of the Treaty, and to provide victim assistance and environmental remediation efforts to address the past and ongoing harms of nuclear weapons;

7. Ensure the involvement and genuine representation of marginalized communities based upon race, gender, economic status, and geographical borders, and to include and empower individuals especially from Indigenous or nuclear-affected backgrounds in the decision-making processes of nuclear policies as well as initiatives for peace and disarmament at national and local levels;

8. Restrict spending on weapons of mass destruction, in particular nuclear weapons, and instead shift funding towards sustainable investments in mitigating the effects of climate change, programs for education, and peacebuilding efforts;

9. Call on countries to take responsibility for past and present nuclear waste disposal and ensure that disposal does not harm surrounding communities and countries;

10. Recognize the value of peace and disarmament education, and ensure funding for the education and empowerment of youth, women, and affected communities to engage in processes of nuclear disarmament;

11. Engage in constructive dialogues to shift the security paradigm away from the immoral possession and valuing of nuclear weapons, commit to a sustainable future by condemning the threat or use of nuclear weapons, and develop new policies which are based on the principles of nuclear disarmament and norms of non-use rather than false deterrence.

Esteemed G7 leaders and delegates, as the torchbearers of tomorrow, we stand resolute in our commitment to the complete abolition of nuclear weapons. We acknowledge the past efforts made by G7 states to pursue shared goals of security and humanity. However, we urge you to take bolder and more decisive actions by honoring our recommendations.

Our generation has the right to choose the future we inherit, and we possess the unwavering determination to build a more just, equitable, and sustainable world one that is free from the shadow of nuclear weapons. Now, more than ever, we call upon you to join our mission, to heed our voices, and to work together to safeguard our collective humanity and the future of our planet.

Closing Remarks:

As we conclude this important event, we urge the G7 leaders to not consider it the end butrather a new beginning in our collective efforts for a world free from nuclear weapons. Theexperiences we have shared throughout the G7 Youth Summit including our first-hand visit tothe Hiroshima Peace Memorial and our engagements with the hibakusha, Ms. Keiko Ogura,er life and memories of WWII Hiroshima will forever be etched in our hearts and minds,reminding us of the tremendous responsibility we have to advocate for sustainable peace andharmonious coexistence.

We, the youth delegates, are determined to commit to the task of carrying the lessons we havelearned here in Hiroshima back to our respective countries and throughout the world, and tocontinue working tirelessly for nuclear disarmament. We call for a renewed focus onempowering victim assistance and protection, for the increase in nuclear disarmamenteducation and peace education in schools, and to continue expanding opportunities for globalcitizens to engage with the hibakusha and their invaluable stories, for the sake of sustainableinternational peace-building.From the 21st Century and beyond, we are resolved to unite across borders, languages, andlocal cultures to create a global culture of peace and total nuclear abolition. We believe thatwe must forge a world not just free from the devastating consequences of nuclear weapons,but one that is constructive and intentional for lasting peace. We are determined to ensure thatthe sacrifices and stories of the hibakusha willnever be forgotten. We urge the G7 leaders toheed our words and take concrete action for a sustainable and mutually prosperous world.

Thank you very much

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Youth Statement from the Hiroshima G7 Youth Summit - International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons

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Stony Brook University to spearhead Governors Island climate center – Chalkbeat New York

Posted: at 11:38 pm

This storywas originally published on April 24 byTHE CITY.

Governors Island may be isolated within New York City, but its poised to become a globally connected hub called the New York Climate Exchange,with a New York public university in charge.

Stony Brook University, part of the State University of New York (SUNY) system, will spearhead a new 400,000-square-foot climate change research and education hub, the Trust for Governors Island announced Monday, anticipating 2028 as the opening date.

The Trusts selection of the Long Island research institution culminates a two-year search for a steward. The project will transform a southern chunk of the islandand is expected to usher in more frequent ferry service along with new open space for the public.

Stony Brook, working in partnership with other academic institutions, nonprofits, companies and community groups, aspires to use the hub as an idea incubator in New York City, then employ those concepts more widely.

New Yorkers can come and authentically engage in issues of climate in a way that arms them with solutions that they can take back to their communities, said Clare Newman, president and CEO of the Trust for Governors Island.

Its about creating really new ideas and technology that helps New York adapt to the climate crisis quickly, and then ultimately seeing that spread around the world because as we know this is a global problem, Newman said.

The New York Climate Exchange will host academics working on climate projects such urban resiliency and energy resources along with students of all ages for educational programs and workforce training. It will have an incubator program for up to 30 businesses each year, as well as an accelerator program to launch initiatives that support communities especially affected by climate change.

The Trust selected Stony Brooksproposalout ofa dozen contenders. The SUNY school ultimately beat outtwo other teamsof finalists: one led by CUNY and The New School, and another led by Northeastern University.

Newman said Stony Brook seemed the most able to bring together science and innovation with policy, advocacy and engagement work in order to see fast deployment of solutions.

Stony Brook University is teaming up with an array of partners that includes grassroots New York City community groups as well as other research institutions and private firms.

Academic partners Georgia Institute of Technology, Pace University, Pratt Institute, and University of Washington are on board, as are Boston Consulting Group and IBM.

The Manhattan nonprofit group Good Old Lower East Side (GOLES) is also on board to shape engagement efforts and programs.

Damaris Reyes, executive director of GOLES, hopes her organizations involvement in the Exchange will benefit both the New Yorkers in her flood-prone neighborhood which Hurricane Sandy hit hard and the larger efforts to advance climate-related solutions. Reyes took her staff to Governors Island for a retreat in late 2020, and it was a day she remembers as glorious.

When youre there, you dont really feel like youre in the city, and those are experiences that I hope to translate to young people in my community and seniors, she said. I really have a vision that the Exchange will be a place where people can come learn.

Other partners include CUNY, SUNY Maritime, New York University, the nonprofit WE ACT for Environmental Justice and the union SEIU Local 32BJ.

Stony Brook University President Maurie McInnis said that collaboration with partners beyond the academic realm is essential to developing workable responses to climate threats.

To actually get to solutions, we need to figure out how to work across sectors, McInnis said. We need to bring together community groups, higher education, policymakers and corporations to really design together, come up with solutions that will work and more quickly get those into the market, get them into the communities where they can make a difference.

With a footprint in a place New Yorkers flock to for relaxation and recreation, the Exchange will also host free exhibitions and activities for Governors Island visitors, said McInnis.

Some of those programs will take place with partners even before the centers expected 2028 opening.

McInnis envisioned exhibits that, for example, help people think through the choices of whether they use plastic or glass or how long of showers they take, or what kinds of lights they are employing, or get them thinking about the absolute vital importance of protecting our waters and our oceans.

With the development will come an additional 4.5 acres of new public open space as well as more frequent ferry service with boats to run from Manhattan every 15 minutes instead of every half hour, starting in 2024.

Located in the southeastern part of the island, the 400,000-square-foot campus will consist of labs, classrooms, an auditorium, housing for faculty and students, and hotel rooms, in both newly constructed buildings and renovated historic ones. All energy will be generated onsite, with systems to make use of rainwater and divert most waste away from landfills.

Newman pointed out that those elements align with the ethos of Governors Island, which is already home to sustainability efforts like theBillion Oyster Project and acompost learning center.

The center will also feature elevated buildings with floodable ground floors. As a low-lying land mass in New York Harbor, Governors Island remains vulnerable to effects of climate change, including storms and sea level rise. It saw nearly14-foot-high storm surgesduring Hurricane Sandy, but is left out of afederal coastal protection plan.

The climate center one of the first projects as part of a2021 rezoningto allow forcommercial developmenton part of the island, including hotels, offices and retail will cost about $700 million, with $150 million committed from the city and Trust, $50 million from Bloomberg Philanthropies, plus $100 million from the Simons Foundation, a philanthropic group created by hedge fund manager and mathematician Jim Simons. The institutions involved in the Exchange must cover the rest of the developments price tag.

The Exchange will work closely with Governors Island-based New York Harbor School a public high school with a curriculum focused on the maritime industry and other New York City public schools to offer college-level courses and career development to students, as well as field trips and summer camps.

The key thing is integrating industry, the workforce development partners and academia so that the training programs can be nimble and responsive, Newman said.

Other workforce programs will take place in partnership withgreen jobs organizationsworking onoffshore wind, solar energy and building retrofits, among other climate interventions.

I do appreciate the idea that the city is looking to make Governors Island a place for environmental justice and workforce opportunities, said Tonya Gayle, executive director of Green City Force, a nonprofit that teaches young public housing residents about sustainability through hands-on projects and plans to partner with the climate center. The city is making intentional steps towards equity in all the things that were doing, including the sustainability of the city and being a model for replication for others.

The administration of Mayor Eric Adams has supported the climate centers development as part of hiseconomic recovery effortsand anticipates it will create 7,000 permanent jobs.

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Denver’s first Native American affordable housing project aims to … – Summit Daily

Posted: at 11:38 pm

Carla Respects Nothing left the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota right after high school, wondering what other life was beyond the rolling prairie.

She had relatives in Denver, so she came to Colorados largest city in 1989 and enrolled in community college. She didnt realize then how much it would matter, but this is what Respects Nothing left behind: her ancestors Lakota language, the traditions of the Oglala Sioux, her sense of belonging.

She has tried for 30 years to get it back, to somehow gather up a Native American community thats been scattered into pieces across the city. In her hardest times, when alcohol addiction led to losing her job and her housing and she ended up in a homeless shelter, Respects Nothing just gave up.

But she has been sober nine years now, with help from White Bison, a sort of Native American version of Alcoholics Anonymous where she learned to get back on the Red Road, the spiritual path to a good life, with a clear heart and mind, she said. Respects Nothing looked for connection in talking circles organized by the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless. And while working as a peer navigator for the Denver Public Library, she invited Native Americans who were homeless to gather for wiping of the tears ceremonies for loved ones who had died. She shopped for groceries and let them cook the traditional foods of their tribes buffalo and beef kidney, soup and wasna, a crumble made with cornmeal and animal fat or beef and chokecherries.

But none of it, Respects Nothing said, will compare to whats coming for the Native people in Denver who never felt they belonged.

For the first time, the city is building an apartment complex for American Indians who are homeless or on the verge of losing their housing, a community that, in one small way, will attempt to make up for past wrongs.

Mercy Housing, a national affordable housing nonprofit headquartered in Denver, will build a 187-unit community centered on recognizing the historic displacement of American Indian tribes after presenting the winning grant proposal to the Denver Housing Authority. The project, which will begin rising in summer 2024 at 901 Navajo St., about 12 blocks southwest of the state Capitol, will target American Indians and Alaska Natives who qualify based on income. It will house the citys Indian Health Services clinic, which has outgrown its space in the Sun Valley neighborhood.

A circle, a powerful symbol in Native American culture, is the core of the buildings design. Respects Nothing imagines programming that will include traditional food, tribal language classes and ceremonies. Native people who understand cultural norms including the art of respectful silence will work as on-site substance abuse, mental health and job training counselors.

It will become a place where Native people can connect, an extremely overdue attempt to help them heal from a past that cut them off from each other and attempted to erase their culture, Respects Nothing said.

We were put on reservations to keep us quiet. There was assimilation to make us white people, she said. They forced us to practice Christianity and Catholicism. When I came here, people were assimilated to the places where they lived, different areas of Denver and the Front Range. I had to learn the urban Indians as well. Do they even know what we do on reservations? Of course they dont. Theyve lived here all their lives. They dont know what we went through. We struggled to even eat.

A disproportionate number of Native Americans are homeless in Colorado. The most recent homeless count, conducted in January 2022, found that the rate of homelessness among Native Americans and Alaska Natives in the seven-county Denver area is 4.5 times higher than other groups. More than 6% of the nearly 7,000 people living in shelters and on the streets that night in January were Native people.

Bill Ziegler, the principal housing consultant for Native American Housing Circle, links those depressing statistics back to the 1950s tactics of the U.S. government that encouraged Native people to leave reservations and assimilate into cities.

Chicago, Los Angeles and Denver were among the first cities involved in the Bureau of Indian Affairs urban relocation program, which led to huge numbers of Native people leaving tribal lands based on the promises of federal help with housing and jobs. The effects of that failed policy are still evident, Ziegler said.

The percentage of American Indians living in urban America has increased to 70% from 8% since the relocation programs of the 1950s, even as Native people reported that they didnt thrive in American cities and no longer fit in if they tried to return home. In the Denver area, the Native American population doubled between 2010 and 2020.

I believe that the federal policy of relocation was a sham, Ziegler said. The federal government went into Indian Country, went onto reservations and made promises, saying Hey, move to this city. Well provide education. We will provide employment opportunities. We will provide housing. So all of these promises were made, and very few were kept.

People want to act like it was ancient history. It wasnt that long ago.

Zieglers father was among the men who signed up, getting dropped off in the middle of the night in Oakland, California, with five young children. No one was there. He had no idea what to do, Ziegler said. He worked the shipyards for two years until he had enough money to move his family back to the Lower Brule reservation in central South Dakota.

And once he moved back, he never left again, said Ziegler, who was born after his father moved back to South Dakota. I could hear the pain in his voice when he told the stories, so thats really what drives me in the work that I do today.

Ziegler left his Lakota people to attend college, but returned to the reservation after graduation. For years, he has worked to create affordable housing for Native people. The Native American Housing Circle, which formed in Denver in 2019, is partnering with Mercy Housing to design the new housing complex, providing input on everything from the artwork to the programming.

Finally, after a hundred years, its an opportunity in Denver for American Indian people to live together like historically, we always did, he said. It gives us an opportunity to heal. It gives us an opportunity to bring each other up and to hold each other accountable and to move forward as a community. Its that shared space together thats going to expedite the healing process.

The housing community will, in a way, restore tribal living, which was stripped away in American urban culture, Ziegler said.

America is a country that was built on capitalism. The Native way is built on compassion, he said. America rewards individualistic achievement. Native communities are always looking out for the whole. Individual rising doesnt do the tribe or the community much good at all, but how do we all rise?

Housing and health care are intertwined, advocates often say, which is why the new building will have an Indian Health Services clinic on its main floor.

The plan builds upon an ongoing relationship between Mercy Housing and the Denver Indian Health center, which exists now inside a Mercy affordable housing project called Decatur Place in the west side of Denvers Sun Valley neighborhood. Though it moved there five years ago, the health center already has outgrown the space, doubling its number of clinicians to 50 from about 25 in the past three years.

The space in the new building is twice as large, and its possible Indian Health Services will keep the current location open too, said Adrianne Maddux, executive director of Denver Indian Health and Family Services. The next closest Indian Health clinic is about a seven-hour drive, in far southwestern Colorado and the tribal lands of the Ute Mountain Ute and Southern Utes.

This is a meaningful step forward in improving the health care of our American Indian and Alaska Native families, said Maddux, a member of the Hopi Tribe of Arizona. There was never an opportunity before for our organizations, or even our local government, wanting to provide this for our community.

Native people suffer the worst health disparities in the country, and this is related in part to homelessness, Maddux said. If a family doesnt have running water or a place to store their food, it doesnt do any good for our health care providers to tell them to go out and buy diabetes medications that need to be refrigerated and to buy healthy foods when they dont have a place to keep it.

This is a huge opportunity for us to address that barrier, she said.

Maddux, too, sees the new building as a chance for the government to make amends. While the U.S. spends about $9,200 per capita on health care for people on Medicare and Medicaid, it spends $3,300 per capita on Indian Health Services.

Congress has failed in taking care of the original keepers of this land, she said. It really does come down to prioritizing.

Indian Health Services will provide medical, behavioral and dental care, as well as nutrition and fitness classes. WellPower, the citys community mental health center, will provide case management, mental health and other services.

Trauma and pain run deep in the Native culture, which also contribute to health disparities, Maddux said. She is reminded of this each time her family visits an Indian cemetery in Winslow, Arizona, filled with unmarked childrens graves, including one the family believes belongs to Madduxs aunt, who died as an infant. The place reminds her of how many Indian children were buried anonymously, separate from white people.

Were all impacted, in some way, by the trauma and by the pain of all this, she said. This is a great opportunity to step forward in healing our community.

Funding for the project comes from federal, state and local sources. And because of fair housing laws, the community cannot turn away people who are not American Indian or Alaska Native. Anyone who makes 30% to 60% of the area median income is eligible, which is about $49,000 or less for a single person. Residents coming directly from homelessness likely will qualify for housing vouchers to pay their rent.

The plan, however, is to advertise to the Native community and spread the word through organizations that work with that population, including Indian Health Services and the Denver Indian Center, said Shelly Marquez, president of the Mountain Plains region for Mercy Housing. Our team needs to be very intentional in who were engaging, she said.

The Denver community is the first among Mercys 19 Colorado properties to focus on Native Americans.

The building site is south of downtown in an area known as the Mariposa district, a name that came from a 2006 master plan by the Denver Housing Authority, the first neighborhood-scale plan to create an affordable living community. Colorful housing projects for seniors as well as families now sit near La Alma-Lincoln Park, not far from a light rail station at 10th Avenue and Osage Street and the citys cultural Art District on Santa Fe. The area has 580 affordable housing units, including home ownership options. The rebirth of the historically Latino neighborhood after decades of disinvestment and displacement is visible in the urban gardens and vibrant murals that have appeared on building walls.

The new building centered on Native American culture will stand out among the others, in part for the circle at its center, similar to a courtyard. In Native culture, the circle represents life connecting from beginning to end. Everything is a circle, from birth to death, to the seasons, everything, Ziegler said, so the significance of that to our Native communities will not be lost.

Mercy is partnering with the Native American Housing Circle to make sure that the building looks and feels culturally appropriate in a genuine way, not with token touches that could offend, Marquez said.

How do we ensure that its culturally relevant and culturally appropriate? Marquez said. What weve heard loud and clear from the community, especially the tribal community, is that this is a place that could be theirs. We need to create space where kids can play, where there are opportunities to have one-on-one counseling. You think about colors. You think about artwork.

Of the 187 units, 94 will be designated for permanent supportive housing, which means they will go to people who are coming out of homelessness and will need counseling, substance abuse treatment and other services in order to stay housed. The building design includes a coffee shop and a community kitchen, plus outdoor space to take walks or garden.

The hope is that several nonprofits that are run by Native Americans and serve Native people will have space in the building, and that all staff will understand cultural norms about how to respectfully offer help and build trust, including how to acknowledge daily trauma as well as historical trauma.

Instead of lobbing questions, they will understand its not uncommon for a Native person who grew up in a traditional way to sit for five minutes in respectful silence before any words are exchanged at all.

The building is a key part of Denvers five-year plan to create 7,000 units of affordable housing by 2026.

The authority is providing a 99-year lease for the property, which was acquired in 2020 for about $4 million through a partnership between City and County of Denver and the authority to buy land for permanent, supportive housing. It is the authoritys sixth development secured through the bonding program, funded by a property tax mill levy for Denvers Affordable Housing Fund.

Mercy won the competitive bidding process for the project after its pitch focusing on the struggles of Native American people regarding homelessness and health disparities. The synergy of the housing, health center, playgrounds and mental health services hit all the marks, said Erin Clark, the authoritys chief real estate investment officer.

Its a really unique and exciting site for us, said Clark, who can see the location from her window at the Denver Housing Authority. This will be housing that is available for many different people to apply for, but having that specific focus, to the extent possible, on Native American communities has really been missing across our affordable housing landscape.

Mercy Housing is seeking low-income tax credits to finance construction, with the goal that residents will move in beginning in 2025.

The cost of construction, including the health clinic, is estimated at $85 million. The building design includes the clinic and community space on the ground level, then five floors of apartments ranging from one to four bedrooms. Theres semiprivate, green space to support mental health and solitude, plus playgrounds and gardening plots.

Its important that we are taking an all-of-the-above approach to affordable housing, Clark said. How can we leverage any possible resources that we have, via capital, via staff, to just get more housing built. We are really excited to see state-of-the-art new construction incorporating housing and health care within the same building and within a community that is underserved.

For Ziegler, with the Native American Housing Circle, the buildings overall aesthetic will be just as important as the programming offered within its walls.

The American Indian community needs to see a visual representation of, OK, this is an American Indian facility, brand new and shiny,' he said. Its amazing and we should feel good about that. We are worthy as American people to have something nice, right? We shouldnt always have to settle for second-rate things. Just from that perspective, it brings a sense of pride and value. We are seen.

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This Bike Share Was Designed for the Mountains – Bicycling

Posted: at 11:38 pm

When most people think of bike share programs, they think of big cities. Capital Bikes in D.C., Divvy Bikes in Chicago, Citi Bikes in NYC.

Bike shares tend to make sense for urban areas, where many people dont own a car and want to maneuver the area efficiently. But Shift Bikes launched last year in Vail, Colorado, a small town population 5,000 known mainly for its posh ski resort.

The all-electric, seasonal bike share seems to be proving that even with a backdrop of mountains instead of skyscrapers, bike shares thrive.

When Vail isnt draped with snow, cycling rules. People from all around flock to the area for recreational road cycling and mountain biking. And since 2011, the town of Vail has promoted human powered commuting through their Sole Power program.

From Memorial Day in May to Indigenous Peoples' Day in October, the town challenges residents to make as many trips as possible without a gas-powered vehicle. Last year 341 people participated, reducing carbon emissions by more than 51,700 pounds.

According to Better Bike Share, because of the success of Sole Power, Beth Markham, Vails environmental sustainability manager, decided to launch an electric bike share system. Thanks to $25,000 in funding, a 12-bike system debuted in 2020.

But it wasnt big enough to cover the needs of people who wanted to use the bikes, and local bike shops felt like it was competition with them renting bikes to visitors. So Markham and her team took a year off to work with regional partners.

Returning with a new plan made much more sense for the area, the Town of Avon and the Eagle-Vail Metropolitan District agreed to join forces. And last spring the three towns launched Shift Bikes as a regional bike share system, with 90 bikes and 20 station hubs from Drop Mobility.

Using the feedback from local bike shops and community members, the new approach was intentional about ensuring different opportunities for bike share trips vs. renting a bike for recreation or all-day use.

The program is expanding this year, to include 155 bikes and 33 stations stretching from Edwards in the west to Vail in the east. The connector includes a completely paved, multiuse path, with no interaction with traffic, and allows cyclists to commute between towns. There are also plans to expand the bike share program even farther, to connect a whole string of mountain towns.

Vails story proves that bike share programs are great for all communities. Markhams advice is to communicate so that everyone can support the best plan for the area and address the specific communitys unique needs. Talk to the community, talk to bike shops build relationships so that your program is supporting what theyre doing, says Markham. There are solutions out there that can work in all environments.

Freelance Writer

Micah Ling is a freelance writer based out of Salida, Colorado. She splits her time in the mountains biking and trail running. Connect with her on Instagram and Twitter.

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This Bike Share Was Designed for the Mountains - Bicycling

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