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Monthly Archives: September 2022
Queen Elizabeth’s funeral provided affirmation that progress need not be destructive – Washington Times
Posted: September 27, 2022 at 8:02 am
The royal funeral was extremely impressive. Members of European royal families joined their relatives in the United Kingdom, along with a multitude of other leaders from different nations, to pay their respects to the deceased monarch. After lying in state in Westminster Hall, where thousands of British subjects filed past the remains of the sovereign, the monarchs dignified final send-off took place in Windsor Castles St. George Chapel.
I could be describing the recent funeral of Elizabeth II, but I am, rather, describing the funeral of Edward VII, King of England, which took place in 1910. That funeral assuredly marked the end of an era. It was the last time that many of the royals from various European countries would gather together. World War I, just four years away, would in its wake sweep away many of the European dynasties, destroy nations and convert the then-most popular form of government into a vestige. The kings funeral was the overture to the end of a way of life that ultimately concluded in the bloodbath of the First World War.
Is it possible that the recent and equally impressive funeral of Queen Elizabeth II could also mark the end of an era?
Many have speculated that Elizabeth II represented a time long past and that she may have outlived her own epoch. Her death, after 70 years on the British throne, could be considered the last scene of a play that had outlived its audience. It could also represent, however, something else the beginning of a renewal.
Like so many others, I was captivated by the scenes of the funeral. I watched attentively the pomp and circumstance of the various ceremonies in Scotland and then England and the cortege from London to Windsor Castle. But I was most especially affected by the very apparent outpouring of respect and affection for the deceased queen and what she represented. Literally millions of people lined the streets of Edinburgh, London and the road to Windsor Castle to express their deep sense of loss at the passing of the queen.
Throughout the events, there were essentially no protests, no shouted invectives and no disrespectful actions. Rather, in expressing their ultimate respect and affection, those millions who assembled to mark the death of the queen were either silent or enthusiastic with cheers and repeated hip hip hurray.
In our age of iconoclasm, epitomized by a generalized rejection of principles, customs and traditions, it was surprising to see the manner in which such a large portion of the United Kingdoms population turned out to honor a symbol of the nations historic past.
Was this really just the commemoration of the end of an era or was it rather a sign of respect for a dignified and honorable chief of state, who represented continuity, duty and love of country? I am inclined to think that it was the latter.
In recent years, the progressives and purveyors of the woke movement have destroyed so much of what we have taken for granted in the Western world that it cannot be discounted that many ordinary citizens may have decided that they have suffered enough from the turmoil and social carnage. The death and funeral of a beloved monarch, who, more than anyone else in the Western world, represented the history, principles and customs of past centuries, may have been the cathartic event that brought to the fore long-latent nostalgia.
Frequently, nostalgia is considered to be a misplaced fondness or regret for the past accompanied by a refusal to accept progress. But it can also be something quite different. It can represent the affirmation that progress need not be destructive; that it can rather be built upon proven verities, such as human dignity, courtesy, and pride in our past. It can be an affirmation that respect for the past, with all of its flaws, can inform and enrich the future. Ultimately, nostalgia can become a breaking mechanism that stops a steady slide into decline and disorder.
I believe that many of the citizens of the United Kingdom and of many other nations who felt, as I did, a certain compulsion to witness the last act in the life of a woman of great character, did not do so out of a desire to live in the past but rather did so out of respect for certain values that were epitomized by Elizabeth II. She lived in the modern world but with her eyes solidly on her obligation to build upon her nations past. She sought to preserve the best that the past had to offer while acknowledging that the world was evolving.
Elizabeth IIs funeral seems not to have been an ending like her great-grandfathers funeral, but rather a turning point. With its somber and sober ceremonial pomp, Elizabeth IIs funeral may have provided the Western world with the impetus to end the currently pervasive nihilism and to begin a return to certain time-tested values on the basis of which, if we act thoughtfully and respectfully, we can most effectively and constructively pursue progress and the betterment of all humankind.
Gerard Leval is a partner in the Washington office of a national law firm. He is the author of Lobbying for Equality: Jacques Godard and the Struggle for Jewish Civil Rights During the French Revolution, published earlier this year by HUC Press.
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Prom or Passover? Schools making progress on accommodating the diversity of Santa Cruz County – Lookout Santa Cruz
Posted: at 8:02 am
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Debra Feldstein is a bit frustrated, and cautiously optimistic.
Since her older child started going to school 11 years ago, shes been asking teachers, principals and administrators if they could consider not having picture day, school dances or crucial testing happen on important Jewish holidays, such as the Rosh Hashana New Years celebration happening this week.
I have been fighting this battle every year for 11 years, she told Lookout on Wednesday. Now, given new efforts to respond to such concerns by both the Santa Cruz County Office of Education and some local districts, she sees movement.
Her kids, Jonah Chizinksy, 16, and Arielle Chizinsky, 14, are both now at Santa Cruz High School, having attended the private Gateway School and the public Bay View Elementary and Mission Hill Middle schools.
It started with her sons first picture day in kindergarten. She noticed early enough that it was being held on a Jewish holiday, so she requested it be changed, and it was.
Four years ago, there was testing in his math class on Rosh Hashana a day he stayed home to celebrate the holiday.
Last spring, her daughters school scheduled a dance for the first night of Passover.
For Feldsteins family and others, its the equivalent of testing or a school dance on Christmas Eve.
All of these, and many more, fueled her advocacy writing to school officials over time.
While scheduling conflicts are among her greatest concerns, she has also felt her children have been isolated by the regular inclusion of certain religious holidays, such as Christmas, in daily activities watching movies about the story of Jesus Christ in December or making crafts involving Santa Claus.
She recalls her children asking her why they were coloring Santa Claus and why they were decorating an ornament when they dont have a Christmas tree. Over the years, she said, her kids asked for a Christmas tree in their home, so they could feel included.
But in these past few months, several changes have Feldstein feeling hopeful.
To encourage school districts to schedule around religious holidays, and thanks largely to Feldsteins advocacy, the County Office of Education published a religious holidays guide for school districts last month for the first time. The guide includes a list of Jewish holidays, Muslim holidays, Christian holidays and holidays celebrated by the Bahai faith.
The guide is just that, guidelines, and the countys 10 school districts make their own decisions on scheduling and questions of inclusion.
We see it as just another step forward and to be more inclusive. I think the process has mainly looked at Santa Cruz City Schools, because we were impressed with the board policy they had in place, said County Superintendent of Schools Faris Sabbah.
Santa Cruz City Schools Superintendent Kris Munro said the district has always worked to avoid conflicts and will continue to update its policies to ensure everyone feels included. She said in her time, the district has received similar complaints from two other families. Munro also encourages families who have any unmet needs to reach out.
Feldstein said although there might be only a few people who have reached out to schools regarding scheduling around religious holidays over the past couple of decades, thats not a reason to brush it aside.
Thats not the point of anti-discrimination laws. The point is to create protections for the minority, right? Thats the whole reason, she said. Its like if one kid cant make it up the stairs it isnt a reason to not put a ramp on a building.
Temple Beth El Senior Rabbi Paula Marcus, who has worked on similar issues for years, said that she was glad to be consulted by the COE for its religious holidays guide, and was encouraged when Munro called recently to ask her about scheduling finals testing for the winter so it wouldnt interfere with Hanukkah.
That had never happened before, Feldstein said.
Marcus and Feldstein grew up in Jewish communities, in Illinois and New York, respectively, where their schools closed on Jewish holidays.
Marcus leads Temple Beth El in Aptos, which counts 575 members; there are an estimated 6-8,000 Jews in Santa Cruz County.
Bruce Burnett, an unofficial spokesperson for the Watsonville Islamic Center, said he was pleasantly surprised by the COE reaching out to the center about the holiday guide. He provided the COE with helpful information about how Muslim student attendance could be affected on Muslim holidays.
The point is to create protections for the minority, right? Thats the whole reason. Its like if one kid cant make it up the stairs it isnt a reason to not put a ramp on a building.
Debra Feldstein
Burnett converted to Islam about eight years ago and is an active member in the South County community. He said he isnt aware of families who have voiced concerns about scheduling conflicts, but he appreciates the COE and school districts making this effort.
Were multifaceted schools, we have folks coming in from very different traditions and cultures, he said. So its a good idea to allow folks to be open to that to understand why do the Jews celebrate Passover, why do Muslims celebrate Ramadan and why do some children do fasting?
He added that he doesnt think there is a lot of awareness about different religious beliefs within Santa Cruz communities, so adding it to school curriculum and scheduling makes a difference.
While Marcus and Feldstein have felt tired by the years of feeling their calls were unheard, they understand schools have been overwhelmed and dont mean harm.
Everybodys very kind and has the best intentions, said Feldstein. But this isnt a complicated problem to solve. Its a scheduling issue.
Munro said her district is doing what it can while at the same time juggling student safety during the pandemic, amid a long list of other challenges.
Theres so many things happening in our school communities, she said. Were going to do our very best to make sure that we dont create a conflict. Were doing this because we believe its the right thing to do. Were human, and there may be mistakes made.
Across the county, Sabbah said districts were in different places when it comes to policies and practices. Some have a policy that specifically says that whenever possible, when theyre aware of a holiday, theyll do their best to minimize conflicts.
At its Sept. 14 board meeting, the Pajaro Valley Unified School Districts board introduced a similar policy and will vote to approve it at its next meeting.
We want to create safer spaces for students and inclusive spaces for students and that also needs to include where students and families are with religious beliefs, said Sabbah. We recognize that by increasing our understanding, we can create those safer spaces and be very thoughtful when were planning out activities.
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Sep 22, 2022 Barry H. Ostrowsky Receives Lifetime Partners in Progress Award – RWJBarnabas Health
Posted: at 8:02 am
Caption (L to R): Steve Adubato, Ph.D., event MC; Darrell K. Terry, Sr., MHA, MPH, FACHE, FHELA, President and Chief Executive Officer, Newark Beth Israel Medical Center and Childrens Hospital of New Jersey; Francis J. Giantomasi, Esq., Board Chair, Newark Beth Israel Medical Center and Childrens Hospital of New Jersey; Mark E. Manigan, President, RWJBarnabas Health; Atiya Jaha-Rashidi, MHA, RN, Chief Equity Officer and Vice President of Community Relations, Newark Beth Israel Medical Center and Childrens Hospital of New Jersey; Marc E. Berson, Chair Emeritus, Newark Beth Israel Medical Center and Childrens Hospital of New Jersey, and RWJBarnabas Health Board member; Barry H. Ostrowsky, Chief Executive Officer, RWJBarnabas Health and Lifetime Partner in Progress Awardee; and Lester J. Owens, Board Chair, RWJBarnabas Health
NEWARK, NJ (Sept. 22, 2022) Barry H. Ostrowsky, Chief Executive Officer, RWJBarnabas Health, received the Lifetime Partner in Progress award at Newark Beth Israel Medical Centers 17th annual Celebrating Newark: Partners in Progress event on September 13th. Mr. Ostrowsky will be retiring from his role on December 31, 2022, after more than 30 years of leadership within the enterprise. Mark E. Manigan, current President of RWJBarnabas Health, will assume the role of President and Chief Executive Officer of the system on January 1, 2023.
We are forever grateful to Barry for his visionary leadership and unwavering support of Newark Beth Israel Medical Center. His innovative approach to healthcare, the social determinants of health, and ending racism, have transformed the way we support the communities we serve, and laid a solid foundation for our future, said Darrell K. Terry, Sr., MHA, MPH, FACHE, FHELA, President and Chief Executive Officer, Newark Beth Israel Medical Center and Childrens Hospital of New Jersey.
Partners in Progress honors the individuals and institutions who have demonstrated a steadfast commitment to the Newark renaissance. Proceeds from this years event will benefit Newark Beth Israel Medical Centers Newark Strong projects, a $150 million expansion of the facility that includes a 17,000-square-foot, glass-enclosed main lobby, expanded adult and pediatric emergency departments, new hybrid operating rooms, new critical care units, and a new geriatric unit.
To support Partners in Progress or learn how you can support Newark Beth Israel Medical Center, visit
Newark Beth Israel Medical Center, an RWJBarnabas Health facility, is a 665-bed regional care teaching hospital that provides comprehensive health care. Newark Beth Israel is a Top Teaching Hospital and home to one of the nations top 15 heart transplant centers, which has performed more than 1,100 heart transplants. NBI has been designated a Worlds Best Hospital-USA by Newsweek and has six consecutive A grades for safety from The Leapfrog Group. The hospital has earned the Joint Commissions Gold Seal of Approval for acute coronary syndrome, congestive heart failure and ventricular assist device and is nationally accredited by the Commission on Cancer. Newark Beth Israel is home to RWJBarnabas Healths Heart Failure Treatment and Transplant Program; New Jerseys only Advanced Lung Disease and Transplant Program and a Valve Center that performs complex cardiac valve procedures, including minimally invasive transcatheter aortic valve replacements (TAVRs). Newark Beth Israel Medical Center is also home to Childrens Hospital of New Jersey (CHoNJ), which cares for children from birth through adolescence, with more than 30 specialized pediatric services including New Jerseys largest Valerie Fund Childrens Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders; and the Childrens Heart Center that offers a complete range of medical and surgical treatments for the most complex cardiac abnormalities. The Newark Beth Israel robotic surgery program is the most experienced in northern New Jersey. RWJBarnabas Health and The Frederick B. Cohen, MD, Comprehensive Cancer and Blood Disorders Center at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center and the Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey Breast Health Center, in partnership with Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey the state's only NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center brings a world class team of researchers and specialists to fight alongside you, providing close-to-home access to the latest treatment and clinical trials. Newark Beth Israel also offers many preventive health programs that promote wellness in the community, including The Beth Greenhouse, which provides access to fresh produce and health and wellness education to local residents.
Media Contact:Linda
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Sep 22, 2022 Barry H. Ostrowsky Receives Lifetime Partners in Progress Award - RWJBarnabas Health
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New Survey from Philip Morris International Reveals Strong Societal Support for Disruptive Innovations to Drive Public Health Progress – Business Wire
Posted: at 8:02 am
LAUSANNE, Switzerland--(BUSINESS WIRE)--A new international survey released today by Philip Morris International Inc. (PMI) (NYSE: PM) reveals that despite broad public support for disruptive innovation to address global challenges, issues such as lack of equal access are likely to stall progress. Commissioned by PMI and conducted by independent research agency Povaddo, the survey shows that 89 percent of adults across 14 countries believe that new technologies and innovations can play an important role in improving public health. However, 38 percent feel such innovations are not accessible to all citizens in their countries.
The more than 17,000 survey respondents aged 21 and older believe that the development and adoption of new technologies, innovations, and capabilities can enable significant progress against a range of issues over the next 10 to 20 years, including:
Disruptive innovation can drive progress for the world and achieve things few people imagined possible until recently, said Grgoire Verdeaux, Senior Vice President, External Affairs, PMI. But when the benefits of that disruption are not equally available to all, innovation fails to achieve its full potential. Pragmatic policy frameworks that anticipate innovations are needed so businesses and governments can ensure more equitable outcomes and a lasting impact for all.
The international survey also highlights the potential of positive disruption in tobacco harm reductionwith 64 percent of respondents stating that new technologies and innovations can play an important role in helping replace cigarettes with less harmful alternatives for those adults who would otherwise continue to smoke. These better alternatives exist today thanks to advances in science and technology and significant investments by PMI and other companies.
However, progress is being hindered by public policies that have failed to keep up with innovation. In many countries, the only tobacco or nicotine-containing products that can legally be sold are cigarettes. And in markets where better alternatives are available, adult smokers often cannot access these products or receive accurate information about them.
Today, with technological advances and scientific validation, we have an unprecedented opportunity to enact a major public health breakthroughto effectively eradicate smoking faster, added Verdeaux. We can make this the tipping point at which millions of adult smokers are given accurate information about and access to innovative smoke-free products that are a much better choice than continued smoking. But for that to happen, all partiesbusinesses, governments, public health authoritiesmust work together.
To deliver positive change quickly and equitably, fresh thinking and concerted action are needed. Findings from the international survey highlight the publics frustration with policymakers performance to date. Specifically:
Survey respondents point to collaboration between government and the private sector as a catalyst of innovation, placing it just below capital investments by private companies. Asked to select the greatest enablers of innovation, respondents returned these results:
Select results of this new international survey are featured in PMIs latest white paper, Rethinking Disruption: Innovating for Better in an Era of Division, which explores the dynamics of positive disruption and its potential to drive meaningful progress on tobacco harm reduction and other critical issues. To bring about much-needed change and accelerate the end of smoking, PMI is transforming for good, having fundamentally revamped not just its product portfolio but also its purpose, business model, value chain, and practices. To learn more about how PMI is delivering a smoke-free future faster, visit
Survey methodology
Povaddo conducted the online survey on behalf of PMI between July 19 and August 10, 2022. The survey was fielded among 17,207 general population adults aged 21 and older and a booster sample of 201 policy elites and 281 business elites in 14 countries: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Panama, Philippines, Sweden, United Kingdom, and United States. Approximately 1,100 interviews were collected in each country. Data have been weighted by age, gender, and nicotine product use per market to match national statistics. Results are accurate to a margin of error of 1 percent. A similar study was commissioned in Saudi Arabia.
Philip Morris International: Delivering a Smoke-Free Future
Philip Morris International (PMI) is a leading international tobacco company working to deliver a smoke-free future and evolving its portfolio for the long term to include products outside of the tobacco and nicotine sector. The companys current product portfolio primarily consists of cigarettes and smoke-free products, including heat-not-burn, vapor, and oral nicotine products, which are sold in markets outside the U.S. Since 2008, PMI has invested more than USD 9 billion to develop, scientifically substantiate, and commercialize innovative smoke-free products for adults who would otherwise continue to smoke, with the goal of completely ending the sale of cigarettes. This includes the building of world-class scientific assessment capabilities, notably in the areas of pre-clinical systems toxicology, clinical and behavioral research, as well as post-market studies. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized the marketing of versions of PMIs IQOS Platform 1 devices and consumables as Modified Risk Tobacco Products (MRTPs), finding that exposure modification orders for these products are appropriate to promote the public health. As of June 30, 2022, excluding Russia and Ukraine, PMIs smoke-free products were available for sale in 70 markets, and PMI estimates that approximately 13.2 million adults around the world had already switched to IQOS and stopped smoking. With a strong foundation and significant expertise in life sciences, in February 2021 PMI announced its ambition to expand into wellness and healthcare areas and deliver innovative products and solutions that aim to address unmet consumer and patient needs. For more information, please visit and
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DEI in Tech: Some Progress, but Far Short of the Mark – TechBeacon
Posted: at 8:02 am
Burton Kelso has owned and operated Integral, a Kansas City computer consultancy specializing in repairs for home-based and small businesses, for 29 years. Customers love him. He appears as a computer expert on live streams, podcasts, and local and international TV. Yet he still faces racial prejudice at work.
"They say if you fight for your rights, youll get them,"the Black entrepreneur said."Im living proof that doesnt happen."
Over the course of his career, starting at big-box retailers in the 1990s, Kelso has been overlooked for opportunitiesseeing work go to white men, simply because those men look more like what people think a technology professional should looklike.
Kelso attributes the problem to unconscious bias. Nobody comes out and says it explicitly. Indeed, his company gets five-star reviews from customers. But he knows the prejudice is there.
"I see progress, but some assembly is still required,"said Michael Dortch, a senior marketing strategist for Trustero, which helps companies manage compliance with SOC-2, a voluntary standard for protecting customer data.
"I still go to gatherings where I dont see very many people that look like me attending the conference,"said Dortch, who is Blackmost of the Black people he sees at these conferences work for the hotel or conference center. Fellow conference attendees assume that Dortch works for the hotel or conference facility as well. They routinely ask him for directionsor to hail cabs.
Dortch remembers one event several years ago at which he rode a long escalatordown to the main meeting area. "I looked down and theres literally hundreds of white guys in dark suits. Just hundreds of them. You occasionally saw a brown person. You occasionally saw a woman,"Dortch said. "The demographics dont seem to have shifted much todayespecially in the upper echelons."
Statistics and studies bear Kelso and Dortch out. Throughout the technology industry, despite years of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, white men are still overrepresented in all positions.
Last year,the Pew Research Center conducted an analysis of recentUS census data (20172019) and found that Blackand Hispanic workerswere underrepresented in STEM jobscompared to all jobs in general. Whereas the data showed that Blacks make up 11% of the US workforce and Hispanics 17%,Blacks comprise only 9% and Hispanics only 8% of the STEM-specific workforce in the United States.
The same data shows overrepresentation by whites and Asians, withwhites holding67% and Asians 13% of STEM jobs versus, respectively,63% and 6% of all jobs.
Other data suggeststhat the numbers are more skewed for senior roles. In arecent study byBuilt In, a tech-careercommunity, "astaggering 73 percent of companies reported having zero Black or African-American executives."
In its same analysis, Pew also found that men hold far more tech jobs than do women; in particular, men hold 75% of"computer occupations" and 85% of engineering jobs. Moreover, in its 2021 Impact Report on Wage Inequality in the Workplace, Hired found that women in tech were offered2.5% lower pay thanmen were for the same roles.
Marianne Bellotti, an engineering manager at Rebellion Defense, which does data management for the defense industry, said bias has gotten more subtle over her 15-year career. Women aredenied incentives and opportunities,passed over for promotion, andless likely to be invited to meetings.
In one recent instance, she had to bring a male colleague to meetings with government stakeholders to talk with CIOs and CTOsbecause she knew shed be completely ignored. Shed make a point, a male colleague would repeat what she said, and hed be told he was brilliant.
There are definitely situations that pop up where I am the only woman in the room, Bellotti said.
"Companies have come far enough along that they know they at least have to pay lip service to diversity,"said tech-marketing professionalPeggy Liao. "They havent come far enough that they are fully walking the walk and talking the talk."
Liao added, "I want to give credit to how far weve come in the last decade or two. But were not there yet."
Hiring diverse teams isnt just the right thing to do. Its good for business.
Theres a lot of research that says diverse teams are better," said Bellotti. "They make better decisions. Theyre happier. Theyre more productive. Theyre more profitable."
In 2020, aMcKinsey studyreportedmuch of the same.
"Our 2019 analysis finds that companies in the top quartile for gender diversity on executive teams were 25 percent more likely to experienceabove-average profitability than peercompanies in the fourth quartile," reads the report. "This is up from 21 percent in 2017 and 15 percent in 2014."
Similarly, companies ranking high for ethnic and cultural diversity outperformed more homogeneous businesses. According to the study,"companies in the top quartile [of ethnic and cultural diversity] outperformed those in the fourth by 36 percent in terms of profitability."
A diverse workforce also helps build employee loyalty, reducing turnover and its associated costs. In the Built Instudy, 67% of employees said they'd be more inclined to stay in their current role if their employer improved DEI efforts. Job seekers said they value employers'efforts to create diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplaces; 58% said DEI initiatives are very important when considering a job opportunity.
An emphasis on DEI can contribute to successful hiring initiatives, too. In a recentreport, technical-interview firm Karat found that "top performing engineering leaders"managers and above who were"very satisfied with the job performance of their companys software engineering hires AND very confident their company will meet their US software engineer hiring target for 2022"were twice as likely as other engineering leaders to strongly agreethat DEI is a hiring priority. They were also more than three timesas likely as their peers to strongly agreethat they have the resources needed to make increasing diversity on their teams a reality.
"Yet despite this differentiation, only 48% of leaders consider DEI a strategic priority," reads the report, "creating a massive opportunity for the leaders who get it right."
Diverse recruitment pools are bigger, helping companies find candidates in jobs where its tough to find staffcybersecurity, for example.As of a year ago, there were a reported 500,000 open cybersecurity positions in the United Statesalone.
Still, underrepresentation persists. Arecent Aspen Institute analysis of survey data from 2016and 2018 collected by (ISC)2foundthe following:
Other IT fields, too,face recruitment challenges.
"This isnt a problem thats going to go away anytime soon."Dortch said. "And that means you need to seed as many fields out there as possible to grow the talent youre going to need in the future. The traditional fields are just not sufficient to meet the need anymore."
"Its hard to recruit young grads to work in some sectors of the tech sectorfor example, the mainframe,"said Derek Britton, director of communications and brand strategy for Micro Focus.
Companies shouldconsider recruiting fromdifferent colleges and nontraditional environments, such as historically black colleges and universities (HCBUs). They canalso make those fields more appealing by having members of underrepresented groups recruit their peers.
"Instead of having late-career, stuffy old white guys coming up with graduate recruitment programs, why not actually use the graduates to devise the graduate recruitment programs?"said Britton. "Those people are on the staff already. Theyre just not necessarily in the right positions in the company to act as influencers."
Britton added, "Its so obvious; its almost embarrassing to explain the story, but you would be astonished at how much these very obvious ideas are overlooked organizationally."
And diversity helps grow business. Business-to-business requests for proposals (RFPs) require suppliers to present evidence of diversity initiatives, said Britton.
"Diversity gives you strength,"Kelso said. "When you have the ability to pull from a large variety of resourcespersonalities, skill sets, and economic and social backgroundsit just makes your company stronger, because youre able to solve problems from a variety of different sources."
Misty Decker, director of worldwide AMC product marketing for Micro Focus, cited an example she is personally familiar with. A big retailer was having a problem with intermittent system outages, which continued for months. Finally, a woman looked at the problem and saw the pattern quickly: Outages coincided with days when coupons were available. The woman who solved the problem was responsible for shopping for her family.
However, notedDecker, not any woman would have been able to solve the problem. Decker said she herself would not have seen the pattern, because she doesn't do the shopping for her family.
Diversity can also help make artificial intelligence (AI) more effective and fair, Bellotti said. People in the privileged majority think the world is fair and reasonable.As such, computer scientists from privileged groups will build corresponding bias into AI.
"They have great conversations with people in their community. They can go up to the manager of a store with a problem or complaintand get good, genuine engagement with them," said Bellotti. "They have a different experience with how the world works than other people, in marginalized groups, do."
Bellotti added, I dont think its a coincidence that people that sound the alarm about ethical AI are women and people of color. When you have these experiences, when your interaction with the world is that its not fairand not meritocratic, you look for problems in different places than other people do.
Training AI models on all-white faces reduces the accuracy of facial recognition, leading to its being banned by many police departments.And AI in recruitment systems can reinforce racial bias in hiring. AI systems are trained to look for candidates who resemble previously successful employees; if your existing employee base is racially biased, then the AI will reinforce that.
In many cases, the solution is to put human beings in charge of the machine, Bellotti said. That solution can run counter to human nature.
"Human beings are hyper-aware of things like blame and shame," said Bellotti, "and if you put them in a position where they can just completely outsource their decision-making process to a machineand then blame the machine later if it turns out to be wrong, they will do that."
"Diversity of inputs creates diversity of outputs,"Dortch said."As long as all your technology inputs are coming from interchangeable middle-aged white guys, the outputs are never going to fairly reflect the diversity of the society those outputs purport to serve."
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Progress Report Grades for Newest WWE Stars Thus Far on the Main Roster – Bleacher Report
Posted: at 8:02 am
Progress Report Grades for Newest WWE Stars Thus Far on the Main Roster
0 of 9
The goal of any NXT talent at the WWE Performance Center should be to eventually move to the main roster as a Superstar on Raw or SmackDown.
Not everyone who goes through the system gets that opportunity, and even fewer manage to succeed once they have arrived on Raw or SmackDown.
So far in 2022, 13 wrestlers have moved officially onto the main roster.
Let's break down what those graduates have accomplished and give them their latest progress report grades.
1 of 9
Dexter Lumis has had an odd time on the main roster for a multitude of reasons, not least of which being how that's his defining character trait.
Everyone on this list, bar one other entry, has wrestled since being called up, but Lumis has spent all his time stalking The Miz.
It's interesting television because he's clearly a babyface but doing acts that are villainous. The only justification (albeit a weak one) for cheering him is that he's doing this to The A-Lister.
However, it's working. This angle is one of the most heavily featured on Raw.
Even without wrestling a match, Lumis has had enough attention put on him to build to a gimmick bout against The Miz at Extreme Rules on October 8.
2 of 9
If all parties play their cards right, Johnny Gargano could be the next Daniel Bryan; the passionate underdog you can't help but want to win the world title.
That seems quite a bit away right now, but patience is key. After all, Johnny Wrestling has only been on Raw for a month after almost a nine-month absence.
Since his return, he's been associated with top acts, started a feud with Mr. Money in the Bank Austin Theory and had a great match against Chad Gable.
Gargano is off to as good of a start as anyone could hope and has the talent to turn that A score into an A+ at any moment.
3 of 9
Tommaso Ciampa more than proved himself in the ring, on the mic, as a character and in every other way during his time in NXT, but he's been in a strange position since joining Raw in April.
At first, he lingered with no real direction, attacking Superstars like Mustafa Ali without explanation and not landing on any particular person to feud with.
Eventually, he was paired with The Miz, which no one would have had on their bingo cards considering how he'd be used on Raw.
They don't have the best chemistry in any regard. The bright green gear and the card necklace seems more fitting to what John Morrison would do with The A-Lister, rather than what Ciampa is best suited for.
They've managed to stick together and make some of this partnership work, but the writing is on the wall. He'll be better off when he breaks off from Miz, gets some noteworthy wins under his belt and goes back to being closer to what he was in NXT.
4 of 9
Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky have checked off all they needed to do for an A+ run so far.
Kai's return to WWE after her release and Sky's comeback from injury, both at SummerSlam alongside Bayley, was a great call-up moment.
Immediately, they were positioned at the top of the red brand, thrust into a feud with Raw women's champion Bianca Belair and former multi-time champs Asuka and Alexa Bliss.
They had a bit of a stumble when they failed to win the tournament for the vacated WWE Women's Tag Team Championship, but, as luck would have it, they won the belts just days later anyway.
They're riding high and doing a fantastic job.
5 of 9
Anyone who has watched Pete Dunne in NXT and NXT UK knows this current "Butch" gimmick is a far cry from what he's capable of.
In some ways, it has potential. Dunne never had much character prior to this, so it makes sense Vince McMahon wanted to inject some personality to define his identity.
However, having Sheamus and Ridge Holland babysit Butch and keep him from acting like an unruly child isn't the best way to showcase his talents.
Lately, the character has been toned down. It's a step in the right direction, but he's nowhere near regained the clout he once had as a longtime NXT UK champion who could put on a great match any given night.
6 of 9
Imperium is a well-oiled machine. Giovanni Vinci and Ludwig Kaiser are among the best tag team acts WWE has had in years, while Gunther is the first intercontinental champion in years truly worth investing in.
Kaiser is great on the mic. He really helps sell the gimmick for the group, but he can handle himself in the ring, too, which is Vinci's strength.
Their act is so fine-tuned that not much of anything is different from what we saw in NXT UK and NXT.
Gunther's match with Sheamus at Clash at the Castle is a Match of the Year candidate, too, and might be viewed as the fight that put his reign on the map.
7 of 9
Not every gimmick is everyone's cup of tea. Maximum Male Models are a storyline that could draw more criticism than praise, though it does have some merit to it.
At least it is better than doing nothing, as ma. and were up to for months prior to their new characters.
Unfortunately, the faction hasn't fully come into its own yet, largely due to Max Dupri and Maxxine Dupri struggling to lead the charge.
Max is seemingly already reverting back into LA Knight, which could be for the best. He's yet to wrestle so far on SmackDown and will continue to come off like a loser until he manages to achieve something.
Even worse, though, is Maxxine, who has said little in each segment. She seems to have been positioned more as an eye-candy valet than a manager or wrestler.
Since they can only be judged on Max's promos mainly, they've had the worst showing out of everyone on this list, but there's still room for improvement.
8 of 9
From the onset, Raquel Rodriguez has been prepped as a big deal to come. She's largely been protected and almost beat Ronda Rousey, which says a lot.
On paper, she's also been a champion, although she and Aliyah lost the tag team titles so quickly that few will remember they held them.
Rodriguez seems to be in a holding pattern where WWE doesn't want to fully put her into any feud to start her ascension toward the top yet but still wants fans to know that's the endgame.
The promise is there, though. She could even be the women's Royal Rumble winner, but she's being treated like a B-star instead of on the A-level at the moment.
9 of 9
In the shortest time of everyone on this list, Solo Sikoa has managed to make one of the biggest impacts.
Instead of dawdling in the midcard, he was immediately thrust into the biggest faction in WWE, joining The Bloodline and costing Drew McIntyre the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship at Clash at the Castle.
He followed that up with a surprise NXT North American Championship victory, which he's since relinquished. Nevertheless, it is still a title reign post-graduation.
The 29-year-old is being positioned prominently on SmackDown as though he's been on the roster for months.
The future is bright for Sikoa. He should be tasting gold again at some point in 2023.
Anthony Mango is the owner of the wrestling website Smark Out Moment and the host of the podcast show Smack Talk on YouTube, Spotify and everywhere you find podcasts. You can follow him on Facebook and elsewhere for more.
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Key highlights from the UN General Assembly side event: Progress and multisectoral action towards achieving global targets to end TB – World Health…
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Over a hundred people joined the UNGeneral Assemblyhigh level side-event: "Progress and Multisectoral Action towards achieving global targets to end TB" co-organizedby the Government of Indonesia and the World Health Organizationon 20 September 2022. Held on the margins of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA), the event brought together a distinguished line up of speakers including Health Ministers and other high-level government representatives, WHO leadership, Heads of Agencies, TB survivors, civil society and partners.
As Indonesia holds the 2022 G20 Presidency, a spotlight was placed on G20 leadership on ending TB, building on the outcomes of the first G20 Health Working Group side event on TB Call to Action on financing the TB response. The focus of the UNGA side event was on reviewing progress towards reaching global TB targets, advancing multisectoral action and accountability, and discussing preparations for the 2023 UN High Level Meeting on TB.
The UNGA side event was opened by WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and the Honourable Minister of Health of Indonesia Budi Gunadi Sadikin. Dr Tedros called for urgent action to restore essential life-saving TB services, scaling up of investments to increased access to prevention and care, as well as for research, and to integrate TB services into primary health care. The Honourable Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin urged countries, civil societies, industry, and international organizations to keep expanding strategic partnerships and collaboration, to make the world free from TB for future generations. He emphasized the G20 leadership of Indonesia in advancing the TB agenda and called for more investments for TB and for research on new vaccines.He also highlighted that the success of the country in enabling rapid access to COVID-19 testing, could serve as an important benchmark for ramping up access to TB diagnosis.Ms Jackie Cuen, a TB survivor and advocate made a passionate plea to ensure access to life-saving TB prevention, diagnosis and treatment services for all in need, newer shorter, safer treatments and more effective vaccines.
The first session of the meetingfocused on country actions and progress. High level speakers included:Hon. Dr. Mathume Joseph Phaahla,Minister of Health of South Africa,Hon. Dr Khumbize Chiponda,Minister of Health of Malawi,H.E. Ms. Stphanie Seydoux,French Ambassador for Global Health,Ms Loyce Pace,Assistant Secretary for Global Affairs (OGA),United StatesDepartment of Health and Human Services, andMr. Eiji Hinoshita,Assistant Minister for Global Health andWelfare ofJapan.
Theyshowcased progress and commitmentstowards achieving the 2022 TB targets committed to by Heads of State at the 2018 UN High Level Meeting on TB, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and key actions taken to build multisectoral engagement and accountability to end TB.The perspectives of countries looking forward to the 2023 UN High Level Meeting on TB were alsoshared.
This was followed by an interactive panel discussion with key partners on their roles and contribution towards sustaining and strengthening multisectoral action and progress towards ending TB, including on the roll out of innovations and TB research. The speakers included,Lady Roslyn Morauta,Vice Chair of GlobalFund, who focused on the GlobalFund replenishment and contribution to TB resource mobilization and financing,Dr Lucica Ditiu, Executive Director of Stop TB Partnership who called for increased investments and put a spotlight oncivil society and community engagement,Dr Philippe Duneton, Executive Director, UNITAID shared updates on TB research and innovations, including on market shaping and access, andSir Jeremy Farrar,Director of Wellcome Trustfocusedon new TB vaccine development and the importance of engaging communities in the process early.
The UNGA side-event was closed by Dr. Maxi Rein Rondowunu, DG of prevention and disease control of Ministry of Health of Indonesia, with words of appreciation for the speakers and the audience. This was followed by a Vote of thanks from WHO. The event was moderated by Dr Werner Obermeyer, Director of WHO Office at the United Nations and Ms Hannah Monica Dias, Cross-cutting lead, WHO Global TB Programme, under the overall coordination of Dr Tereza Kasaeva, Director of WHO-s Global TB Programme.
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Rover from Carousel of Progress Walt Disney World 50th Anniversary Plush Now Available on Amazon – WDW News Today
Posted: at 8:02 am
Now is the time, the best time of your life! Well maybe not, but you can look forward to that great, big, beautiful tomorrow with a new Amazon-exclusive plush themed to Rover from the Carousel of Progress at Walt Disney World!
The new plush is marked for the Walt Disney World 50th Anniversary, but is exclusively available on Amazon. It depicts Rover, the lovable pup from Walt Disneys Carousel of Progress at the Magic Kingdom. The box bears the attractions logo and some of its characteristic gears from the 1993-era show which still runs today.
Rover is depicted in brown and cream white as in the show. A purple bow is tied around his neck, and he holds a green gear in his mouth.
You can find this plush over on Amazon. And let us know what you think in the comments below!
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Time to Quell the Alarm Bells Around Post-Quantum Crypto-Cracking – DARKReading
Posted: at 8:01 am
As computer scientists march forward in the process of taking quantum computing into the practical realm, cybersecurity vendors and practitioners will need to be ready with encryption mechanisms that can withstand the power of quantum's compute potential. But risk experts say that future-proofing measures for post-quantum cryptography don't have to be created in panic.
Contrary to the way some early pundits have painted the post-quantum computing landscape, the truth is that there will be no quantum cliff in which today's encryption mechanisms will suddenly become obsolete, says Dr. Colin Soutar, the US quantum cyber-readiness leader and managing director for Deloitte Risk & Financial Advisory, which just released a report on quantum encryption. He explains that in reality, the transition to quantum is going to be an ongoing process.
"There's a lot of discussion around quantum right now, and there's a lot of conflation of different ideas. There are even some alarmist statements about how everything needs to change overnight to update to quantum-resistant algorithms," says Soutar. "That implies there's a specific date (for quantum adoption), and there's really not."
Viewing post-quantum security problems from that kind of lens can help the cybersecurity industry start to work the issue with the same kind of risk management and roadmap planning steps they'd take for any other kind of serious emerging technology trend.
One thing is for certain: The drumbeat for quantum computing and post-quantum cryptography is getting louder.
Quantum computing stands to give the computing world a major boost in the ability to tackle multi-dimensional analysis problems that strain today's most advanced traditional supercomputers. Whereas traditional computers fundamentally work based on the storage of information in binary, quantum computing is not limited by the "on" or "off" position of information storage.
Quantum computers depend on the phenomenon of quantum mechanics called superposition, in which a particle can exist in two different states simultaneously. They take advantage of that phenomenon by using "qubits," which can store information in a variety of states at the same time.
Once perfected, this will give quantum computers the ability to greatly speed up data analysis on tough problems in areas as disparate as healthcare research and AI. However, this kind of power also makes these computers ideal for cracking cryptographic algorithms. This is the crux of the push for awareness from security advocates over the last several years to ensure that the industry starts preparing for that post-quantum reality.
"Our view on this is less about being alarmist and saying, 'You need to update everything now' and more of raising the awareness to start to think about what your data are, what your risk could be relative to that data and the crypto you use," Soutar says. "And then deciding when you might want to think about, start looking at discovery on your roadmap, and then updates later."
According to the survey released by Deloitte this week, the good news is that among those technology and business executives who are aware of quantum computing, a little over 50% also understood the attendant security considerations to it as well.
The trick in all of this for security professionals is that there are a lot of fires to put out elsewhere before worrying about something that could be years away. Today's quantum computers operate in the research realm only. They require immensely specialized equipment including microwaves manipulating quantum objects within supercooled environments that operate at near absolute zero in many instances. There is a long way to go on the research front for quantum computers to work in a commercially viable fashion, and no one is quite sure on what the timeline will be.
That "ambiguity of the timeline" is complicated, says Soutar, who explains there are numerous timelines to consider from a post-quantum cryptography perspective.
"The implications of quantum computing on cybersecurity is fairly well known, and it could be huge. I mean, cryptography is endemic in what we do throughout the economy. The thing is that the timing is unknown because first, a quantum computer needs to be mature and viable enough and commercially robust as well, to actually be able to run Shor's algorithm," he says, referring to an algorithm for finding prime factors of an integer that is the benchmark for whether a quantum computer could effectively break public key cryptography. "Secondly, attackers need to get access to data, and they need to untangle that data."
The other variable in this is a concept of attack called "harvest now, decrypt later," where attackers gather encrypted information now with the understanding that they could break it through quantum computing resources at a later date. The Deloitte survey shows that 50.2% of organizations believe they could be at risk for harvest now, decrypt later schemes.
"That then opens up risk to this data that I'm expecting to be good for the lifetime out of an individual," Soutar says. "Maybe it's personal information, or it's financial information that I want to be secure for at least 10 years. Or it's national security information which may have longer requirements on it."
He adds, "So, people are starting to think about, 'Well, what data do I have and how do I need to protect it? For how long? Secondly, how long is it going to take me to do the updates to post quantum cryptography? When should I start thinking about it?'"
These are the big timeline questions for security and quantum computing experts, who are still at odds over whether we've got 5, 10, or 15 years before the quantum effect impacts encryption. Soutar reiterates that perhaps the better thought process is to stop thinking about it as a definitive date the industry times for, and instead think about relative risk over time. He explains that this is an idea put forward by Dr. Michele Mosca, co-founder and CEO of Evolution Inc, and co-author of a report earlier this year that details that line of thinking.
"Then you can start to think, if I'm with a huge organization, maybe it's going to take me a decade to do the updates," Soutar explains. "I've got all these medical devices or other OT devices that I've got to think about the supply chain communications, and how do I enforce this on my suppliers?"
He adds, "So, again, it's getting that right degree of understanding so that people can start to maybe even quantify what the risk is, and stack that up against other cyber-risks that they're looking to invest in over time."
At the end of the day, Soutar says that maybe that the quantum lens can be a bit distracting to security. As long as organizations keep quantum on the horizon, it may just be a matter of making "perfunctory updates to crypto" that might not be that big of a deal for the industry if it is all done in due time.
"The quantum threat to crypto should really just be something that's addressed over time. Just do updates as the algorithms get standardized," says Soutar, who believes that the industry should be talking about the nuts and bolts of standardization, which can be boring but also are the most important way to start moving forward. "As they go through that process, then companies and governments have more confidence in making the changes, doing the updates, and they just do it. So, it really should be a non-event."
That's not to say that Soutar believes security practitioners should be sticking their heads in the sand with regard to quantum risk to security postures. The risks will accelerate, but it's just a matter of working that encryption roadmap like any other part of the cyber-risk roadmap. That includes doing risk assessments, discovering and classifying data, and projecting risk over time.
"It's never a bad idea to go look around in the attic. You don't know what you're going to find there. When we do that, when we go through basic cryptography, there are things that we find," he says. "You might say, 'Well, let's update that or let's make sure that we've got the right segregation of duties relative to that.' Or, 'Have we got all the responsibilities and governance laid out?' Again, it's the boring things. But those are things that you find when you look through the quantum lens."
Deloitte's survey shows that it may take some kind of regulatory push to prod security practitioners into serious steps on post-quantum cryptography. Soutar hopes that the industry is able to come together in the coming years to develop a framework for post-quantum cryptographic methods perhaps in the same spirit as the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF).
"It's not a bad idea to have some framework out there when there's a whiff of potential regulation downstream," he says. "I think that's always better than just regulation, having something that's voluntary and outcome-based."
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The Israel Innovation Authority is building a new quantum computing research center – what will the impact be? – Diginomica
Posted: at 8:01 am
In July 2022, the Israel Innovation Authority announced a budget of NIS 100 million ($29 million) to build a quantum computing research center headed by Israeli startup Quantum Machines, which will also help create a quantum computer.
Israels new quantum computing center is part of the NIS 1.25 billion ($390 million) Israel National Quantum Initiative, launched in 2018 to facilitate relevant quantum research, develop human capital in the field, encourage industrial projects, and invite international cooperation on R&D.
Israel has about two dozen startups and companies currently focused on quantum technologies, including Quantum Machines, whichraised $50 millionlast September. The company was founded in 2018, and went on to develop a standard universal language for quantum computers, as well as a unique platform that helps them run.
According to the Times of Israel, Defense Ministrys Directorate of Defense Research and Development (DDR&D) will issue a separate tender to finance the development of quantum technologies for military use for another NIS 100 million, the innovation authority said. According to their joint announcement Tuesday, the budget will fund two parallel avenues. The Israel Innovation Authority will focus on developing the infrastructure for quantum computational ability, which, it said, may include the use of technology from abroad. Meanwhile, the Defense Ministrys Directorate of Defense Research and Development (DDR&D) will establish a national center with quantum capabilities that will work with academia, industry, and government partners to develop a quantum processor and a complete quantum computer.
Tech giants like Google, Microsoft, IBM, and Intel are allracingto make quantum computing more accessible and build their systems. Countries such as China, the US, Germany, India, and Japanare pouring millionsinto developing their quantum abilities.
According to recent marketprojections, the global quantum computing market size was expected to have been worth $487.4 million in 2021, and reach $3.7 billion by 2030. Israels $29 million is minuscule compared to the governments above, and the tech elephants.
These government-funded initiatives to achieve dominance in critical technology remind me of Japans Fifth Generation, which never really reached its goals.
Itamar Sivan, co-founder and CEO of Quantum Machines, said in a company statement that the project's goal was to give Israeli companies access to the most advanced quantum technologies and services so that they can develop deep quantum expertise across industry and academia. This expertise will allow Israeli companies across various sectors and industries to gain a leading global position.
Quantum Machines, founded in 2018, has built a hardware and software solution Quantum Orchestration Platform (QOP) for operating quantum systems to facilitate research and enable future breakthroughs. The startup also developed the QUA, a standard universal language for quantum computers that will allow researchers and scientists to write programs for varied quantum computers with one unified code. Quantum Machines, together with a consortium of Israeli and international quantum tech companies at the center, will build a quantum computer to be made available to the commercial and research communities.
Israels $29 million is minuscule compared to the governments above and tech elephants. According torecent market projections, the global quantum computing market is expected to grow from about $470 million in 2021 to about $1.765 billion by 2026.
Quantum Machines is an exciting company. They possess no quantum computer of their own, and their products are somewhat unique. While most quantum computers are in labs as objects of experiments by scientists, Sivan explained something I didnt realize to me. According to Sivan, a quantum computer needs three elements: a quantum computer and an orchestration platform of (conventional) hardware and software. There is no software in a quantum computer. The platform manages the progress of its algorithm mainly through laser beam pulses. The logic needed to operate the quantum computer resides with and is controlled by the orchestration platform.
The crucial difference between Google's and Quantum Machines' strategy is that Google views the current NISQ state of affairs as a testbed for finding algorithms and applications for future development. At the same time, Sivan and his company produced an orchestration platform to put the current technology into play. Their platform is quantum computer agnostic it can operate with any of them. Sivan feels that focusing solely on the number of qubits is just part of the equation.
The center will offer access to research and development on three quantum processing technologies superconducting qubits, cold ions, and optic compute and provide services to the Israeli quantum computing community, the Israel Innovation Authority said Sunday. As per the Times of Israel:
Ami Appelbaum, chairman of the Israel Innovation Authority, said the new center was 'the answer to an existing strategic market failure and is part of the authoritys policy of enabling the industry to maintain its leading position at the forefront of breakthrough and disruptive technologies.'
'Quantum computing is a technology Israeli industry cannot ignore,' said Israel Innovation Authority CEO Dror Bin in a statement Tuesday. 'The industry must develop knowledge and access to infrastructure in which it can develop growth engines for activities it will decide to lead.'
I've always believed that action speaks louder than words. While Google is taking the long view, Quantum Machines provides the platform to see how far we can go with current technology. As I wrote in The unpredictable rise of quantum computing - have recent breakthroughs accelerated the timeline?
Google suggests the real unsolved problems in fields like optimization, materials science, chemistry, drug discovery, finance, and electronics will take machines with thousands of qubits and even envision one million on a planar array etched in aluminum. Major problems need solving, such as noise elimination, coherence, and lifetime (a qubit holds its position in a tiny time slice).
Googles tactics are familiar. Every time you use TensorFlow, it gets better. Every time you play with their autonomous car, it gets better. Their collaboration with a dozen technically advanced companies improves their quantum technology.
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