Monthly Archives: September 2022

Modelling clinical DNA fragmentation in the development of universal PCR-based assays for bisulfite-converted, formalin-fixed and cell-free DNA sample…

Posted: September 27, 2022 at 8:53 am

Modelling random DNA fragmentation

To begin our study, we required a model that would accurately reflect the properties of a stochastically fragmented DNA sample. The odds that a region targeted by a PCR assay will be interrupted by a DNA breakage in randomly fragmented DNA depend on the length of the region and the size of the fragments. These odds are effectively determined by establishing two adjacent fragment-sized sliding windows (wherein the end of one fragment is the start of another) and calculating the number of times a region is fully within the first fragment window, compared to the number of times the region is situated within both windows (Fig.1).

Diagram depicting example calculation of the proportion of intact copies of a target region (4bp) given a single specified fragment length (6bp). This calculation can be viewed as the probability that a region will not be cleaved at any point along its length if a genome were broken into equal length fragments. The fragment-sized Window 1 sliding across this region depicts all possible fragmentation states for this region. The intact proportion is calculated as the number of states where the region remains entirely within the fragment window over the total number of possible fragmentation states. Window 2 demonstrates that all possible states are represented at the point before the region fully exits Window 1, as these states are then repeated in this adjacent window.

This model is represented in Eq.(1), which determines the probability that a region of DNA will remain unbroken for a given fragment length:

$${text{proportion}};{text{intact}} = frac{{{text{f }}{-}{text{ r }} + { }1}}{{text{f}}},$$


where r is the length of the DNA region and f is the length at which the DNA is fragmented. However, DNA samples do not fragment at a single length but rather as a distribution, and by incorporating size distribution profiles, which contain the concentration of DNA at each fragment length, the proportion of intact target regions within a fragmented DNA sample can be calculated, as detailed in Eq.(2):

$${text{proportion}};{text{intact }} = frac{{mathop sum nolimits_{{f = r{ }}}^{n} frac{{{text{f }}{-}{text{ r }} + { }1}}{{text{f }}}{ }C_{f} }}{{mathop sum nolimits_{{f = m{ }}}^{n} C_{f} }},$$


where n is the length of the longest fragment within the sample, m is the length of the shortest fragment, and Cf is the concentration of each fragment length (i.e., pg/l).

We next sought to design qPCR and ddPCR assays that could be used to interrogate DNA fragmentation. A major focus of this assay design was to incorporate design elements that would enable the assays to be used on clinical cancer samples, as these samples are some of the most common types to undergo stochastic fragmentation. However, cancer samples are also prone to chromosomal amplifications and deletions within the genome16,17,18, and PCR assays that intersected with frequently amplified/deleted regions would result in inaccurate measures of concentration when these copy number aberrations (CNAs) occurred (i.e., the concentration of a region that is unique in the human reference genome is assumed to correspond to the overall number of genome copies within the measured sample). To control for this, we undertook an analysis to determine the regions of the human genome that were least affected by CNAs. CNA data that had been tested for statically significant gain or loss was retrieved from the Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC release v78)19,20. This data was filtered to exclude cell line samples and samples missing total copy number or minor allele values. Only 27 of the 10,637 samples remaining after this filtering were not derived from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) data21. We, therefore, opted to exclusively use these 10,610 TCGA samples to better ensure a dataset with experimental and analytical consistency in determining copy number changes (S1 Table).

After filtering out regions that were not covered by Affymetrix copy number probes (e.g., centromeres) the only regions completely devoid of CNAs were telomeric and likely artefactual. Outside of telomeres the minimum CNA region contained 5 samples. To determine a reasonable threshold for low copy number variation that might provide us with enough region space to meet the requirements of our assay design, we calculated the number of samples with CNAs in commonly used copy number reference genes. We found that the Human TaqMan Copy Number Reference Assays targeting RNase P and TERT offered by Applied Biosystems had CNAs in 61 and 360 of the total 10,610 samples, respectively, and the well-established standard reference gene RPP30 had CNAs in 23 samples. Based on this we set a threshold at the bottom 10th percentile of regions, excluding those where greater than 34 samples had significant copy number variation (Fig.2A). After applying this filter, we were left with 621 megabases across 858 non-contiguous regions on 22 chromosomes.

Design and performance of PCR assays against copy-neutral regions in the genome. (A) Circos plot depicting the percent of samples that undergo copy number aberration (CNA) in cancer. Chromosomes are shown in the outermost ring and include an overlay of cytogenetic Giemsa banding and centromeres marked with a red band. The second outermost ring shows the 946,615 Affymetrix Genome-Wide Human SNP Array 6.0 copy number probes used for the detection of CNAs by the TCGA. The final layer is a histogram displaying the number of samples that underwent statistically significant CNA (either loss or gain) within each region. Each grid line represents 1% of the 10,610 total samples. Universal assays were designed to target regions in the bottom 10th percentile of CNAs, excluding regions that are not covered by the Affymetrix CNV probes (e.g., centromeres). Less than 35 of the 10,610 samples (<0.33%) have CNAs in these regions, represented on the histogram as a dotted white line (above which regions were excluded). (B, C) Standard curves estimating amplification efficiencies of universal quantitation assays in 4-plex qPCR on gDNA (B) and bisulfite-converted DNA (C). Curves are artificially offset for better visualisation. E=efficiency.

We next designed a single-tube 4-plex quantitative PCR assay targeting these CNA neutral regions, which included a variety of design considerations to maximize the utility of the assay and minimize confounding effects. First, each assay would target a separate chromosome to minimize inaccurate quantification due to the remote possibility that one of the chromosomes, or at least a large portion, may be affected by CNAs. Given the size and number of regions, the second design consideration was identifying assay regions that would be unaffected by bisulfite conversion treatment, since the bisulfite conversion process is used to examine DNA methylation and is a common application in cancer genomics but also leads to substantial sample fragmentation and loss. To address this design consideration the CNA neutral regions were further analysed to identify primer and probe regions that were cytosine-free and would, therefore, be unaffected by the bisulfite conversion process. Notably, use of the assays on bisulfite material requires an extra step in qPCR data analysis to correct for the fact that only one DNA strand is quantified, resulting in a positive shift of 1 cycle threshold when compared to the unconverted genomic DNA (gDNA) counterpart.

The third design criterion was to enable assessment of the degree of sample fragmentation using this 4-plex assay. To achieve this, two of the assays were designed to be 125bp in length, and two were designed to be 175bp long. By taking the ratio of concentrations for the long to short assays, a quantitative metric for sample fragmentation can be imputed for any sample.

Finally, we sought to establish the combination of fluorescent probe chemistries that would enable successful multiplexing quantitation using either standard qPCR or ddPCR. In qPCR four different probe fluorophores (FAM, HEX, Cy5 and Texas Red) were used, whereas ddPCR 4-plex was achieved using a method developed by Dobnik et al. (2016)22 that uses two FAM probes and two HEX probes and varies probe concentrations to alter the resulting levels of fluorescence amplitude, allowing for the detection of two targets per fluorescence channel (S1 and S2 Figs).

After all these design criteria were successfully implemented, we next undertook experiments to verify the amplification fidelity and efficiency of each of the four assays. The fidelity of the assays was established by performing standard PCR and qPCR on a variety of sample types (buffy coat DNA, cfDNA, and bisulfite-converted DNA) and analysing the PCR products by standard DNA gel electrophoresis to confirm that only a single PCR amplicon was produced in singleplex (S3 Fig), and that multiplex assays produced only two bands of the expected sizes (S4 and S5 Figs). Next, the amplification efficiencies of all assays were determined using LinRegPCR window-of-linearity analysis23, and standard titration curves; this was done for all four amplicons in both singleplex and multiplex configurations, for both genomic and bisulfite-converted DNA, using both fluorescent dye and PrimeTime qPCR probes in multiple fluorophore configurations (Fig.2B,C, Table 1). Notably, all assays demonstrated>90% amplification efficiency across all conditions, indicating robust performance. Primer and probe sequences can be found in S2 Table.

The [long]/[short] ratios of any two target region lengths can be determined by applying the following equation to fragment size distribution data (Eq.3):

$${text{[long]/[short]}} = frac{{mathop sum nolimits_{{f = b{ }}}^{n} frac{{{text{f }}{-}{text{ b }} + { }1}}{{text{f }}}{ }C_{f} }}{{mathop sum nolimits_{f = s}^{n} frac{{{text{f }}{-}{text{ s }} + { }1}}{{text{f }}}{ }C_{f} }},$$


where b is the length of the longer region and s is the length of the shorter region.

To evaluate how well our model of stochastic fragmentation fit with experimental results we compared [175bp]/[125bp] ddPCR and qPCR ratios with those derived using Eq.(3) on Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer fragment size concentration data. This analysis was performed on seven levels of increasing fragmentation induced by the ultrasonication of pooled buffy coat gDNA. The ddPCR and qPCR [175bp]/[125bp] ratios of our sonicated samples both showed high goodness-of-fit for ratios derived using Eq.(3), with R-square values of 0.995 and 0.989 for ddPCR and qPCR, respectively (Fig.3A,B).

Modelling and quantifying randomly fragmented DNA. (A) Table showing DNA samples sonicated to different fragment lengths, their fragment distribution profiles in electropherogram and pseudo-gel form, and comparison between the theoretically (Eq.3 applied to Bioanalyzer data) and experimentally determined [175bp]/[125bp] differential amplicon length ratios. The full unedited pseudo-gel image for these sonicated samples can be found in S6 Fig. (B) Line graph plotting the [175bp]/[125bp] ratios determined by qPCR, ddPCR, and our mathematical model applied to fragment size distribution data (Bioanalyzer) on differentially fragmented DNA samples. (C) Comparison of nucleic acid quantification methods on fragmented DNA. PCR data points are averages of the two universal assays for each amplicon length per well. Fluorometric (Qubit) and absorbance (Nanodrop) spectroscopy measurements were made on each sample on three separate occasions. Spectroscopy concertation measurements are depicted in ng/l and PCR as copies/l. Axes are scaled so that 1 copy=3.5pg.

Quantification of DNA samples affects all subsequent experimental steps and can lead to costly experimental failures if this step is not performed accurately. Therefore, to further extend our study we next compared the effects of fragmentation on nucleic acid quantification techniques using our sonicated DNA samples, referred to here by their peak (modal) fragment sizes: 150, 195, 283, 694, 828, 1082, and 1504bp.

One overlooked aspect of DNA fragmentation is that it results in fewer adjacent base pairs for fluorescent DNA dyes to intercalate when dye-based fluorometric methods are used. Thus predictably, and as other studies have noted1,2, the mean DNA concentration measured by fluorescence spectroscopy (Qubit 2.0) decreased with increasing fragmentation (p<0.001; one-way ANOVA), with untreated gDNA measuring at 50.40ng/l (SD=0.72), and the most fragmented sample (150bp) at 35.27ng/l (SD=2.14), which calculate to 14,400 (SD=206) and 10,100 (SD=613) genome copies, respectively, assuming 1 genome weighs 3.5pg based on the following formula:

$$begin{aligned} {text{Amount}} left( {{text{pg}}} right) & = frac{{{text{length }}left( {{text{bp}}} right)*{text{pg}}/{text{g}}*{text{weight}};{text{of}};{text{bp}} left( {{text{g}}/{text{mole}}/{text{bp}}} right)*{text{copies }} left( {{text{molecules}}} right)}}{{{text{Avogadro's}};{text{number }} left( {{text{molecules}}/{text{mole}}} right)}} \ Amount left( {pg} right) & = frac{{3,234,830,000* 10^{12} *650*1}}{{6.022*10^{23} }} \ end{aligned}$$


For absorption spectroscopy (Nanodrop 1000), the mean measurement for intact gDNA was 68.40ng/l (SD=1.97), which calculates to 19,600 (SD=563) genome copies. Although there was no dose-dependent trend towards decreasing concentration with increasing fragmentation, a one-way ANOVA did show a significant difference in concentration (p<0.001), and a Tukey's HSD test found the concentration of intact gDNA to be significantly higher than all seven levels of fragmentation (p<0.001). The highest mean concentration measured for the fragmented gDNA was 63.10ng/l (SD=0.79; 150bp) and the lowest was 57.43ng/l (SD=0.32; 283bp), which calculate to 18,100 (SD=226) and 16,400 (SD=92) genome copies, respectively.

Both qPCR and ddPCR measured substantial downward trends in concentration with increasing fragmentation (Fig.3C). This decline in amplifiable copies with increasing fragmentation reflects an increasing number of breakages in the targeted regions, the magnitude of decline being greater for the 175bp amplicon as longer target regions are more likely to be cleaved. ddPCR on the intact gDNA measured 18,984 (SD=765) and 19,058 (SD=608) mean copies for the two 125bp assays and 18,905 (SD=308) and 19,306 (SD=246) for the two 175bp assays.

The mean absorbance spectroscopy estimate for the number of genome copies in our intact gDNA sample was only 2.8% greater than the combined mean of the four ddPCR assays (M=19,063, SD=150). Whereas, the mean number of genome copies estimate for fluorescence spectroscopy was 25% lower, suggesting this method also underestimated intact, not just fragmented, DNA concentration. Our results, therefore, show that absorbance spectroscopy is the most accurate method for quantifying overall nucleic acid concentration, regardless of the degree of fragmentation. However, this technique lacks sensitivity and becomes increasingly inaccurate at the lower end of its analytical range (15ng/l)24. Absorbance spectroscopy is also highly susceptible to reporting falsely high concentrations due to protein contamination and/or phenolic compounds that absorb UV. PCR-based quantification is highly sensitive and most accurately measures the amount of amplifiable DNA at the amplicon length used. Our universal multiplex assay and accompanying online tool Fragment Calculator, which we detail in the following section, extends this ability to estimate the amount of amplifiable DNA of any given region length, while also providing an estimate of overall concentration when working with human genomic or bisulfite-converted DNA.

In addition to describing the fragmentation of the sample, the dual 175 and 125bp assays, combined with representative DNA samples, can also be leveraged to estimate the concentration of any other sized DNA region. To better enable this we designed the Fragment Calculator online tool to provide a more quantitative and actionable estimate of fragmentation ( This tool uses measured 175bp and 125bp concentrations and the [175bp]/[125bp] ratio to estimate the average fragment length of a genomic or bisulfite-converted human DNA sample, the total number of genome copies in a measured sample, as well as the number of amplifiable (unbroken) instances of a DNA region of any length. This tool uses the fragment size distribution data of our seven sonicated DNA samples with average fragment lengths of 254, 291, 428, 493, 590, 745, and 1274bp, a highly fragmented FFPE DNA sample with an average fragment length of 92bp to represent the lower bounds of random fragmentation, and four gDNA samples with average fragment lengths of 6714, 15,422, 34,625 and 41,496bp for the upper bounds (S1 File).

The number of intact copies of an input DNA region length is estimated by taking the two [175bp]/[125bp] ratios from our representative fragment size distribution data that an input [175bp]/[125bp] ratio falls between (x1,x2), calculating the corresponding [125bp]/[input size] ratios using Eq.(3) on these size distribution data (y1, y2), determining the slope between these points to estimate the [125bp]/[input size] ratio corresponding to the input [175bp]/[125bp] ratio, and dividing the 125bp concentration by this ratio. For example, if the concentration measured for a fragmented DNA sample is 1000 copies for the 125bp amplicon and 700 copies for the 175bp amplicon, the input [175bp]/[125bp] ratio is 0.7, which falls between the [175bp]/[125bp] ratios of the 291bp (0.669) and 428bp (0.778) reference samples. To estimate the concentration of a 50bp region, for example, the corresponding [125bp]/[50bp] ratios determined using Eq.(3) are 0.585 and 0.707, for the 291bp and 428bp reference samples, respectively. The 50bp concentration is then calculated using the following linear equation:

$${text{y}} = mx + y_{0} ,$$


$$m = frac{{y_{2} - y_{1} }}{{x_{2} - x_{1} }}$$

$$m = frac{{0.707 - 0.585{ }}}{0.778 - 0.669}$$

$$[125{text{bp}}]/[50{text{bp}}] = 1.119*0.7 - 0.164,$$

$$[50{text{bp}}] = frac{{[125{text{bp}}]}}{{[125{text{bp}}]/[50{text{bp}}]}},$$

$$[50{text{bp}}] = frac{{1000 ;{text{copies}}}}{0.619},$$

$$[50{text{bp}}] = 1615 ;{text{copies}},$$

where m is the slope and y0 is the y-intercept. The number of genome copies is also estimated using this same method by dividing the input 125bp concentration by the [125bp]/[1bp] ratio. Similarly, the average fragment length is estimated using the [175bp]/[125bp] ratios from our fragment size distribution data (x1,x2) and their corresponding average fragment lengths (y1, y2) (Fig.4).

Fragment Calculator online tool with example inputs. The concentrations measured by the two amplicon sizes of our universal quantitative PCR 4-plex assay (125bp and 175bp) can be used to estimate the total concentration (i.e., the number of genomic copies), average fragment length of the sample, and the concentration of intact copies of any input region size.

Importantly, Fragment Calculator assumes fragment distributions for the samples being estimated to be similar to those of our representative samples. However, in our experience working with these assays, we have found FFPE samples do not behave like untreated DNA samples. The [175bp]/[125bp] ratio for FFPE samples is generally much lower than the ratio calculated from the size distributions of these samples using Eq.(3). This reveals that there is generally less amplifiable DNA in FFPE samples than their size distribution profiles suggest, which we hypothesise is likely due to a combination of single-stranded breaks and incomplete reversal of DNA crosslinking. Our assays are, therefore, a better indicator of the amount of amplifiable FFPE treated DNA than fragment size distribution data from microfluidic capillary electrophoresis instruments like the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer.

Further complicating this, however, is evidence that even regions of the same length can have substantially different concentrations of amplifiable FFPE treated DNA. Some of our routine quality control and quantification analyses of FFPE treated samples have revealed vast differences in the number of copies measured by the two 125bp assays, and these differences are consistent among numerous FFPE samples (S2 File). Despite assays having the same length amplicons, differences in the number of amplifiable copies are likely to occur at high degrees of fragmentation, for instance, due to differences in binding efficiencies among primers when their target regions are truncated. Indeed, we regularly observe statistically significant differences in the number of copies measured by assays of the same size in highly fragmented pooled buffy coat gDNA samples subjected to ultrasonication, some examples of which are forthcoming. However, these differences are relatively small in magnitude and may be due to sequence-specific biases in sonication-induced scission25,26. We hypothesise that the much greater differences we observe in FFPE samples may emerge due to differences in the degree to which crosslinking is reversed among regions, as well as potential differences in their susceptibility to DNA breakage. These differences may reflect an underlying nucleosome footprint given that formaldehyde cross-linking is more efficient in nucleosome-bound DNA, as evidenced by the FAIRE-Seq (Formaldehyde-Assisted Isolation of Regulatory Elements) technique27.

Since PCR-based assays that target both genomic and bisulfite-converted DNA provide more accurate measures of bisulfite conversion recovery than other quantification techniques28, we next assessed the performance and utility of our universal multiplex assay to compare the recovery and degree of fragmentation of three commonly used commercial bisulfite conversion kits (MethylEasy Exceed, EZ DNA Methylation-Gold, and EZ DNA Methylation-Lightning) across three starting concentrations (500, 50 and 5ng) using high molecular weight (HMW) gDNA.

A three-way ANOVA on the qPCR results found significant effects of starting concentration (p<0.001), assay (p<0.001), and conversion kit (p<0.001) on recovery (Fig.5A). Additionally, a significant interaction was found between starting concentration and kit (p<0.001), resulting from an increase in recovery with decreasing concentration in MethylEasy Exceed but a decrease in EZ DNA Methylation-Gold and EZ DNA Methylation-Lightning. Trends were similar for the 125bp and 175bp assays, except in MethylEasy Xceed where the proportional increase in mean recovery between 50 and 5ng was greater in 125bp assays (22%, SD=12 vs. 32%, SD=5) compared to the 175bp assays (16%, SD=10 vs. 20%, SD=5; Fig.5B). As for fragmentation, a two-way ANOVA found a significant effect of conversion kit on the [175bp]/[125bp] ratio (p<0.001), no significant effect of starting concentration (p=0.251), but a significant interaction between kit and concentration (p=0.027) arising from a decrease in the [175bp]/[125bp] ratio of MethylEasy Xceed with decreasing starting concentration.

Universal assay comparisons of DNA recovery and fragmentation by bisulfite conversion kits. (A) Recovery and fragmentation across different starting concentrations as measured by universal quantitation assays in 4-plex qPCR. (B) Plots comparing the recovery and fragmentation trends from qPCR data across decreasing starting concentrations. Recovery data points are averages of the two universal assays for each amplicon length and these values were divided to determine the [175bp]/[125bp] ratios. (C) Recovery and fragmentation measured by ddPCR 4-plex. Also includes results from in-house bisulfite protocol. (A, C) Each conversion was conducted in six replicates per concentration for each kit. [175bp]/[125bp] fragmentation ratios were calculated by dividing the average copies of the two 175bp assays by the average of copies the two 125bp assays. Error bars represent one standard deviation.

Due to the low starting concentration and recovery of the 5ng samples, we did not have enough sample left for ddPCR analysis and therefore only ran the 500ng and 50ng samples. In addition to the three commercial kits, we also included our in-house bisulfite conversion protocol in these ddPCR comparisons (Fig.5C). A three-way ANOVA showed similar results to the qPCR analysis, with significant effects of starting concentration (p<0.001), assay (p<0.001), and conversion kit (p<0.001) on recovery, and a significant interaction between kit and concentration (p=0.001). Similar to qPCR, this interaction resulted from declines in the mean recovery of similar proportions between 500 and 50ng in all kits except MethylEasy Xceed, which showed a mild increase (13%, SD=4 vs. 16%, SD=11). A two-way ANOVA found a slight statistically significant difference in the [175bp]/[125bp] ratios among conversion kits (p=0.033), which a Tukey's HSD test showed resulted from a significant difference (p=0.048) between DNA Methylation-Lightning (M=0.83, SD=0.05) and MethylEasy Xceed (M=0.75, SD=0.07). Our in-house method and DNA Methylation-Gold had mean ratios of 0.77 (SD=0.04) and 0.81 (SD=0.07), respectively. To estimate the absolute nucleic acid recovery and average fragment size after bisulfite conversion we used our Fragment Calculator tool on combined qPCR and ddPCR results (Table 2).

Snyder et al. (2016)11 identified nucleosome protection peaks using deep sequencing of pooled cfDNA samples. Implicit in these analyses is the fact that nucleosome position correlated with the enrichment of fragments at specific locations, which could only occur if nucleosome positions were at least somewhat conserved among people. However, it was unclear the extent to which these peaks might shift between individuals. If little movement occurs and peaks are instead universally conserved, this would have important implications for assay design. Targeting such peaks would maximise an assays sensitivity in cfDNA while failing to consider nucleosome protection could severely reduce sensitivity.

Snyder et al. (2016)11 calculated a Windowed Protection Score (WPS) for each nucleotide position within the mappable human genome by summing the number of sequenced 120180bp cfDNA fragments that wholly overlap a centred 120bp window and subtracting the number that truncate within this window. Peaks in nucleosome-mediated protection were then called by identifying contiguous regions of elevated WPS. Using the nucleosome protection peaks determined for the pooled healthy sample CH01, we designed two cfDNA assays targeting nucleosome protection peaks that could also be used for bisulfite-converted DNA material: a 95bp assay targeting chromosome 2 (cfUQ02) with an above-average WPS of 108 and maximum distance of 62bp from the local maxima, and a 100bp assay targeting chromosome 11 (cfUQ11) with a below-average WPS of 30 and a maximum distance of 56bp. The mean WPS of the nearly 13 million peaks identified in the CH01 sample is 63.7 (SD=41.4). We also designed several staggered PCR assays of varying lengths to flank each of these regions.

15 cfDNA samples isolated from the blood plasma of breast cancer patients were profiled using dye-based ddPCR to compare the number of amplifiable copies of our universal cfDNA assays along with these staggered assays. We observed that some samples displayed substantial differences in amplifiable copies among assays whereas others did not and that this appeared to coincide with the technique used for cfDNA isolation. We measured the fragmentation profiles of these samples and found 6 displayed characteristic~166 peaks with no sign of HMW contamination, which we thus classified as true cfDNA (Fig.6A), 6 had little to no cfDNA peak and were reclassified as contaminating HMW DNA (Fig.6B), and 3 had strong cfDNA peaks but also possible or likely contamination by HMW DNA and were excluded from analysis (S7 Fig). Although high levels of HMW DNA can occur in cfDNA due to non-apoptotic cell death (e.g., necrosis), we suspect the source in these samples was instead the result of poor plasma separation and extraction. Regardless of its source, we only expect to find nucleosome-mediated patterns of fragmentation in the DNA of apoptosed cells, and HMW DNA is likely to obscure these patterns.

Effects of amplicon length and distance from nucleosome protection peak on intact copies in cfDNA. (AB) Electropherograms and pseudo-gel images from Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer with a High Sensitivity DNA Chip (2100 Expert version B.02.10.SI764). DNA samples are from plasma of breast cancer patients, except sample labelled sDNA which is a pooled buffy coat gDNA sample sonicated and gel-purified to produce a similar fragment size distribution to cfDNA. Samples classified as true cfDNA samples (A) were isolated using our in-house phenolchloroform method (14) and QIAamp Circulating Nucleic Acid Kit with EconoSpin All-In-One Mini Spin Columns (Epoch Life Sciences) instead of columns supplied with the kit (56). Samples classified as contaminating buffy coat DNA (B) were isolated using QIAamp Circulating Nucleic Acid Kit (711) and in-house phenolchloroform method (12). (CE) Plots of ratio to mean copies (assay/sample mean) against amplicon length (C) and against distance from nucleosome protection peak (D) for assays targeting chr11 nucleosome protection peak locus, and against distance from nucleosome protection peak for assays targeting chr2 locus (E). Box and whisker plots are centred above corresponding amplicon positions for each assay, along with cell line data of nucleosome signal (K652 and GM12878) from Kundaje et al. (2012)29 and nucleosome protection peak position (blue tick) from Snyder et al. (2016)11, adjoined by characteristic 146bp nucleosomal DNA length (blue) and 10bp linker DNA (red). Sample numbers for each sample type are gDNA=15, buffy coat DNA=6, breast cancer cfDNA=6, and sonicated DNA=1 (four technical replicates). (F-G) Box and whisker plots for chr11 102bp/56bp and chr2 142bp/62bp differential distance from protection peak copy count ratios (F), as well as the ratio to mean copies across the two loci for cfDNA samples (G). Sample numbers for each sample type are gDNA=20, colon cancer cfDNA=34, brain cancer cfDNA=10, and sonicated DNA=1 (four technical replicates). All four amplicons are 100bp in length. Letters above or below box and whisker plots (DG) represent homogenous subsets determined by post hoc Tukeys HSD analyses (=0.05) of one-way ANOVAs (p values on plots). The bottom line of each box represents the 25th percentile, top line the 75th percentile, and thick middle line the median. Whiskers extend up to a maximum of 1.5 times the height of the box. Any values that fall outside this range are classified as outliers (circles). Values that are greater than 3 times the height of the box are classified as extreme outliers (asterisks).

To normalise among samples of the same category the concentration measured for each assay was divided by the mean concentration of all assays within each region (chr11 or chr2), giving a ratio to mean copies (assay/sample mean). For ddPCR on HMW gDNA, all assays specific for unique regions should measure the same number of copies within the same sample. Therefore, the ratio of copies measured for a single assay to the mean copies of all assays should be 1:1 for intact gDNA, regardless of proximity to nucleosome peaks. Consistent with this, a one-way ANOVA on samples classified as contaminating HMW DNA found no statistical difference in ratio to mean copies among assays in the chr11 (p=0.100) and chr2 (p=0.239) regions. HMW gDNA samples extracted from the blood of 15 healthy individuals were also used as negative controls and similarly showed little variation in ratio to mean copies among assays. No significant difference was found among assays in the chr2 region (p=0.084). However, a significant difference was detected in the chr11 region (p=0.004), resulting from a minor effect of amplicon length on the number of amplifiable copies (Fig.6C). A similar trend appears to exist in the contaminating HMW DNA; however, its effects likely did not reach statistical significance due to the smaller sample size (6 vs. 15).

In contrast, the ratio to mean copies for cfDNA decreased with increasing distance from the nucleosome peak, with the highest ratio for each region being our universal cfDNA assays (cfUQ11 and cfUQ2). However, given that cfDNA is highly fragmented, differential amplicons sizes are likely to result in differences in the number of amplifiable copies, therefore confounding the effects of nucleosome protection. To control for this we used ultrasonication and gel purification to produce a blood pooled gDNA sample with a similar level of fragmentation as cfDNA, which we measured in four technical replicates for each assay to compare the effects of random fragmentation on the number of amplifiable copies. In the chr11 region, which had the greatest variance in amplicon size among assays, similar ratios were observed in the sonicated DNA and cfDNA for each assay tested (Fig.6D). A two-way ANOVA comparing these two sample types found a significant difference among assays (p<0.001) but no statistically significant interaction between sample type and assay, signifying that only the cfDNA level of fragmentation, and not nucleosome protection, was affecting the number of amplifiable copies (p=0.637). These results show that even small differences in amplicon length can have a significant impact on the number of amplifiable copies at such high levels of fragmentation but proximity to the nucleosome protection peak is likely providing little to no differential protection within this region.

Conversely, the assays targeting the chr2 region were far less variable in length and showed little difference in ratio to mean copies in the sonicated DNA, especially when compared to the cfDNA. A one-way ANOVA on the sonicated samples within this region did find significant differences in concentration ratios among assays (p=0.001); however, the magnitudes of these differences were small, they did not track with differences in amplicon length, and they appear to result from a positional effect, perhaps resulting from a sequence-specific bias in fragmentation within this region. Unlike the chr11 assays, the ratio to mean copies for the chr2 assays tracked the distance from the nucleosome peak in cfDNA, rather than the amplicon length. A two-way ANOVA comparing the sonicated and cfDNA samples found a significant difference among assays (p<0.001) as well as a significant interaction between assay and sample (p<0.001), which supports cfDNA having an effect on the number of amplifiable copies in this region beyond that caused by its level of fragmentation on differently sized amplicons (Fig.6E). Notably, a one-way ANOVA on the cfDNA samples showed no significant difference (p=0.495) in ratio to mean copies (M=1.00, SD=0.10 vs. M=0.97, SD=0.13) for the two assays with the most similar maximum distances from the nucleosome peak (92 and 99bp) and only 1bp difference in length (100 vs. 99bp.). Whereas, the 50bp distance (92 vs. 142bp) separating the two 100bp amplicons resulted in a significant decrease (M=1.00, SD=0.10 vs. M=0.78, SD=0.07; p<0.001), and the 95bp universal cfDNA assay with the smallest maximum distance from the nucleosome peak (62bp) had a significantly higher ratio (M=1.25, SD=0.06) than each of the other three assays (p<0.001; Tukeys HSD). Despite HMW contamination, the three samples with substantial cfDNA size peaks excluded from this analysis also revealed differences in copies among assays that match a nucleosome-mediated fragmentation pattern in the chr2 region (S3 File).

To further explore and confirm these results we designed probes for one flanking assay per region (in addition to the probes already designed for the cfUQ11 and cfUQ02 universal cfDNA assays), selecting those with the greatest difference between the sonicated and cfDNA samples. Where necessary, the forward or reverse primer for each assay was redesigned to normalise all amplicons to 100bp while maintaining the same maximum distance from the nucleosome peak. We ran these assays in duplex ddPCR on cfDNA samples extracted from the blood plasma of 34 patients with colorectal cancer and 10 patients with brain cancer, as well as gDNA samples from the blood of 20 healthy donors and four technical replicates of the sonicated gDNA. We then calculated the ratio of copies for the assay furthest to the assay closest to the nucleosome peak (chr11=[102bp]/[56bp] and chr2=[142bp]/[62bp]) and compared the four sample types for each region. For the chr11 region, a one-way ANOVA found no significant difference between the ratios of the colorectal (M=0.95, SD=0.11) or brain cancer (M=0.98, SD=0.11) cfDNA, gDNA (M=1.00, SD=0.06), or sonicated DNA (M=1.07, SD=0.03) samples (p=0.081). Although not significant, these differences tended towards a slight nucleosome-mediated protective effect (Fig.6F).

Conversely, a one-way ANOVA found a significant difference (p<0.001) among sample types for the chr2 region. A post hoc Tukey HSD test showed this difference was due to a drop in the [142bp]/[62bp] ratio in cfDNA, with gDNA (M=1.00, SD=0.09) and sonicated DNA (M=1.00, SD=0.03) being placed in one homogenous subset, and colorectal (M=0.67, SD=0.10) and brain cancer (M=0.62, SD=0.12) cfDNA placed in another (p<0.001). These results strongly reinforce our previous findings, showing that, unlike the chr11 nucleosome peak, the chr2 peak provides substantial and consistent protection from fragmentation among individuals. Furthermore, comparison across these two regions revealed that the stronger chr2 protection peak resulted not only in greater protection than the weaker chr11 peak but greater degradation in the adjacent valley (Fig.6G). A two-way ANOVA found significant differences (p<0.001) in the ratio to mean copies between the four assays, and no significant interaction (p=0.189) between the colorectal and brain cancer samples, indicating that the differences between assays were similar for these two cohorts. A Tukey HSD test showed significant differences between all four assays, with the chr2:142bp (M=0.81, SD=0.09), chr11:102bp (M=0.95, SD=0.06), chr11:56bp (M=1.00, SD=0.08), and chr2:62bp (M=1.24, SD=0.10) assays each being placed into separate homogenous subsets (=0.025). These results are consistent with cfDNA protection peaks being the result of nucleosome occupancy. As predicted, the protection peak with a low WPS provided weaker but more even protection within its occupied region and the peak with a high WPS provided greater but more narrow protection, thus validating the WPS metric that Snyder et al. (2016)11 applied in their analyses.

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Modelling clinical DNA fragmentation in the development of universal PCR-based assays for bisulfite-converted, formalin-fixed and cell-free DNA sample...

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Cryptocurrency prices today rally as Bitcoin, ether surge over 5% each | Mint – Mint

Posted: at 8:51 am

Cryptocurrency prices today rose as Bitcoin, the world's largest and most popular cryptocurrency, was trading more than 5% higher at $19,736. The global crypto market cap today was nearing the $1 trillion mark, as it was up over 3% in the last 24 hours at $999 billion, as per CoinGecko.

On the other hand, Ether, the coin linked to the ethereum blockchain and the second largest cryptocurrency, also gained more than 5% at $1,368. Meanwhile, dogecoin price today rose marginally to $0.06 whereas Shiba Inu gained nearly 2% to $0.000011.

Most cryptocurrencies rose on Monday in counter to the equity markets. After dipping in the past week, Bitcoin and Ethereum rose by nearly 5% each. As buyers could fix the BTC initiative above the US$19,000 level, the next resistance would be at $20,600. On the other hand, Ethereum also regained its psychological support at $1,300. The supply of the token has increased by 8,400 ETH as it transitioned from PoW to PoS. We might likely see a mid-term growth if the price of Ethereum returns to the $1,380-$1,400 level," said Edul Patel, CEO and co-founder of Mudrex, a global crypto investing platform.

Other crypto prices' today performance also improved as Solana, Polygon, Avalanche, Binance USD, Polkadot, Litecoin, Cardano, Chainlink, Tron, Tether prices were trading with gains over the last 24 hours, however, XRP, Stellar, ApeCoin slipped. Terra and Terra Luna Classic rallied more than 24% and 48% respectively, as per CoinGecko.

South Korea said Interpol requested law enforcement worldwide to locate and arrest Terraform Labs co-founder Do Kwon, who faces charges related to the $60 billion wipeout of cryptocurrencies he created, reported Bloomberg. South Korean officials have accused Kwon and five others of crimes including breaches of capital-markets law. Kwon earlier this year moved from South Korea to Singapore, where his now collapsed Terraform Labs had a base, but his location became unclear after the city-state on Sept. 17 said hes no longer there.

Terraform Labs was behind the TerraUSD algorithmic stablecoin and its sister token Luna. Both coins imploded in May and sparked huge losses in crypto markets, which were already reeling from tightening monetary policy.

(With inputs from agencies)

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Cryptocurrency prices today rally as Bitcoin, ether surge over 5% each | Mint - Mint

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What Will Stop Cryptocurrency Crime: Making Transactions Reversible or Identifying Participants? – PaymentsJournal

Posted: at 8:51 am

Stanford University researchers have proposed token standards, based on ERC-20 and ERC-721, that enable transactions to be unwound, which some argue breaks the cryptocurrency prime directive of immutability. What will stop cryptocurrency crime?

According to an article from The Defiant:

Reversibilitythe ability to redo transactions on blockchainshas long been a challenging project for crypto scientists. The Stanford team believe it may hold the key to making cryptocurrencies more protected from hackers.Chainalysis, the blockchain forensics firm, estimates that hackers stole $14B in crypto hacks during 2021.Yet to make this proposition work, technologists would have to tinker with one of the most sacred properties in cryptocurrency systems: immutability.

But is that really the best way to slow criminal activity?

Today the card networks and issuing banks offer zero liability, but that service often requires banks fund the criminal activity. The largest volume of card-related fraud is the direct result of improper or no cardholder identificationthink prepaid cardsand a poor authentication process criminals can bypass. So much of the fraud loss experienced today could be prevented if issuers implemented better identity validation when accounts were opened and better authentication techniques across all their customer touchpoints, including card usage. Zero liability kicks in when those basic building blocks fail.

Criminals love pseudo-anonymity as do too many cryptocurrency business leaders. When you dont need to worry where your investment dollars came from, business funding gets much easier. We were stunned when an honest CEO did what nobody else has done, he closed down his NFT business due to the rampant crime that was clearly visible. That article is important to read for anyone really interested in mitigating cryptocurrency and NFT criminal activity.

If we want cryptocurrencies to have a net positive impact on society, we need to know who was involved in the transaction and who is funding the business. Making it easier to unwind a completed transaction requires an arbiter which crosses another cryptocurrency tenant; the lack of any centralized authority.

Overview byTim Sloane,VP, Payments Innovation at Mercator Advisory Group.

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What Will Stop Cryptocurrency Crime: Making Transactions Reversible or Identifying Participants? - PaymentsJournal

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Greece Has Sixth-Most Cryptocurrency ATMS in European Union – The National Herald

Posted: at 8:51 am

ATHENS Cryptocurrency prices are in free fall, plummeting 60 percent in a year, but its still enough in demand in Greece, driven by tourists, that the country ranks sixth in the European Union for the number of Bitcoin ATMs.

There are 64, mostly concentrated in the capital Athens and second-largest city Thessaloniki, said Coin Telegraph, but also on popular islands including Mykonos and Santorini, operated by BCash.

The companys Director and Co-founder Dimitrios Tsangalidis told the site that the most use however comes in the cities but that they are popular on the biggest island Crete, where there is a very loyal cryptocurrency crowd.

Cryptocurrency is an encrypted data string that denotes a unit of currency. It is monitored and organized by a peer-to-peer network called a blockchain, which also serves as a secure ledger of transactions for buying, selling, and transferring.

In Heraklion, the capital of Crete, the local start-up accelerator H2B Hub collaborated with Cyprus University of Nicosia to create and support a local blockchain community, the report noted

But while tourism is Greeces biggest revenue engine, seen this year bringing in more than 20 billion euros ($19.29 billion) during the waning COVID-19 pandemic, he said it hasnt translated for crypto users.

Unfortunately, the absolute opposite happens, said Tsangalidis, bemoaning the fact that most Greeks have absolutely no idea what bitcoins are nor how to use cryptocurrency or want to do so yet.

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Greece Has Sixth-Most Cryptocurrency ATMS in European Union - The National Herald

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WBT Is Joining Another Leading Cryptocurrency Platform Press release Bitcoin News – Bitcoin News

Posted: at 8:51 am

press release

PRESS RELEASE. WhiteBIT Token is a utility token of one of the biggest European exchanges, WhiteBIT. The token is progressing in leaps and bounds. Recently, the exchange released the news about WBT joining another world-class exchange, Huobi, evoking a new wave of interest in the freshly released crypto.

The history of WBT has only begun. Even though WhiteBIT launched four years ago, it released its token less than two months ago. The team explained that they took a thoughtful approach to creating the in-house token because the main goal was to listen to the communitys needs and embody them in an exclusively remarkable crypto asset. On the 14th of August, WhiteBIT initiated the private sale of tokens, which ended phenomenally 15 minutes after the start. Hence, the interest from the mass media significantly increased, which heated the longing of the crypto community to buy the token as soon as possible. Ten days later, the exchange listed WBT and paired it against USDT. In just one week, the token value increased and reached $7.08 per 1 WBT.

The WhiteBIT team has meticulously prepared for the release of the token, placing all possible benefits for the holders in one product, namely:

up to 100% of maker fee discount and up to 90% of taker fee discount;

daily free ERC20/ETH tokens withdrawals;

increased referral rate; free daily AML checks.

WhiteBIT takes adequate measures to protect its token from inflation. The exchange buys the tokens and burns them up until at least half the circulating supply is burned. Adding WBT to well-known exchanges is a new successful chapter for WBT and its team.

This is a press release. Readers should do their own due diligence before taking any actions related to the promoted company or any of its affiliates or services. is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods or services mentioned in the press release. is the premier source for everything crypto-related.Contact the Media team on to talk about press releases, sponsored posts, podcasts and other options.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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Ledger Nano S Review: Is It Worth It? My Experience on Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallet – Deccan Herald

Posted: at 8:51 am

The Ledger Nano S is almost certainly the most popular and well-known hardware wallet on the market. There's a reason for this.

Ledger has done a lot of marketing around their "secure aspect" and raised more venture capital funding than any of its competitors.This Nano S review puts the gadget through its paces and discusses whether security components are all they're cracked up to be.

OverviewThe Ledger Nano S is a small and compact device. It also features a metal casing, making it more robust than other hardware wallets. It slips effortlessly into the pocket or hand.

The Ledger Nano S operates similarly to any other hardware wallet. When people initially connect it to their computer and configure it, they will select a PIN to safeguard the device from unauthorized access.

They will then be given a 24-word seed phrase that will serve as their private key.

This seed should be written down somewhere safe, not on the computer, because anyone knows it has authority over one's Bitcoins. The Ledger Nano S features two buttons for controlling it. The device's first setup is straightforward and takes about 3 minutes. The majority of the user's time will be spent writing down their seed.One of the places, when the second screen comes into play, is during seed creation.A hacker would be able to see the seed if it was displayed on the screen if the machine is compromised. This is why the seed words are displayed on the little screen of the tamper-proof device, ensuring that only users can view their seed.

All that remains is to install Ledger Live once the device has been configured. A desktop application that enables users to communicate with the gadget.

The Ledger Nano S can also be used to safeguard previously created software wallets.

What is the purpose of the Ledger Nano S?The Ledger Nano S (and all hardware wallets) perform two functions:

They produce and securely store private keys.Private keys act as master passwords for cryptocurrency wallets. Someone who knows a user's password gets access to their coins.

One of the many beginner questions is if crypto is really stored in the device.

Technically, no. Because crypto does not exist in the physical world, it is not stored anyplace. It is simply a number allocated to a blockchain address (or wallet). The Nano S prevents hackers from obtaining the user's private key and stealing coins from that address.

This review goes through how the Nano S accomplishes this in great detail below.

Ledger Nano S BasicsThe Ledger Nano S is a multi-currency hardware device that was initially launched in 2016.

Over 1,600 coins are supported by the Nano S.

Because the Nano S hard drive is so small, people will only be able to manage three to five of those 1,600 coins at a time. "Supported coins" just implies they can manage them on Ledger hardware.

It is also worth mentioning that several of these coins are incompatible with Ledger's native software, Ledger Live.

The Nano S keeps these coins offline by generating and saving the wallet's private keys.

The Ledger Nano S's price has been reduced by roughly half since its first release, and it now retails for $59 USD, making it the most cheap hardware wallet available.Since then, the Ledger Nano X has been introduced as a successor, holding a higher position in the Ledger product line by offering additional functionality (more on the X below) for a higher price.

DesignBecause of its metal casing, the Ledger Nano S is a little smaller than comparable devices and seems a little sturdier than other devices.

Coin SupportsIt supports about a 1000 different coins.

Ease of UseThe interface is easy to use. Users do not need to have technical skills to be able to use it.

Click Here to GET Ledger Nano S From The Official Website

FeaturesSecure and safe Crypto storageThe most critical component of a blockchain wallet is security, and Ledger excels at this. The private keys to the cryptocurrency are maintained in cold storage, which means they are offline, with the Ledger Nano S. It is nearly impossible to hack one's wallet because it's not connected to the internet.

There have been no reported incidents of a Ledger Nano S wallet being remotely hacked. ANSSI, a French cybersecurity organization, has also certified Ledger's hardware wallets. A Ledger wallet is an excellent solution for keeping one's crypto assets as secure as possible.

AffordableThe Ledger Nano S is a low-cost hardware wallet. It costs $59, not counting taxes and customs. If people know anyone else who wants a Ledger wallet, there's a family pack option that contains three wallets for a 21% savings.

Over 5,500 cryptocurrencies are supported.It is most handy to keep all digital currencies in one location. Users will most likely be able to do so using a Ledger Nano S, which can hold over 5,500 different forms of cryptocurrency.NFT data storageNon-fungible tokens (NFTs), which contain digital art, game characters, and much more, have grown in popularity. If people decide to invest in NFTs, they will need somewhere to keep them. The Ledger Nano S supports NFTs, allowing them to keep their NFTs and crypto in the same place.

User-friendly applicationLedger wallets are compatible with the Ledger Live app. The software contains a number of tools for managing a user's cryptocurrency, such as receiving cryptocurrency, sending it to another wallet, and staking cryptocurrency to receive incentives. The nicest part about Ledger Live is that it is simple to use, so learning how it works takes a little time.

Which cryptocurrency is the Ledger Nano S compatible with?The Ledger Nano S. supports over 5,500 crypto assets It can hold almost all of the market leaders, such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Binance Coin (BNB), and the rest of the top cryptocurrencies. It is also compatible with a wide range of smaller tokens.

PricingThe Ledger Nano S costs $59,

Three units cost $139.

Transmitting, receiving, or storing cryptocurrency does not cost anything.

More details on the pricing are available on the website. Do read the terms and conditions, which are also available on the website.

Is the Ledger Nano S secure?The Ledger Nano S is one of the safest ways to store one's bitcoins. Since it is a hardware wallet, the private keys are kept in a place called "cold storage," which is not online. These cold wallets are made to keep one's private keys away from devices that can be hacked, like a computer and phone.

The device itself is protected by Secure Element, which is a security chip made for the military that can withstand sophisticated attacks. It also has a special operating system called BOLOS that was made to protect crypto assets. On top of that, Ledger Nano wallets are the first hardware wallets to be certified by ANSSI, a French cybersecurity agency that is independent of the government.

A four-digit PIN code is needed for accessing the Ledger Nano S. If users ever misplace their wallet, they can retrieve their cryptocurrency by using their 24-word recovery phrase. These are the only ways to access cryptocurrency held on one of these wallets, and there has never been an example of a Ledger Nano S being remotely hacked.

Who is this suitable for?If people want the most secure storage option for their cryptocurrencies and NFTs, the Ledger Nano S is for them.It is also suitable for those who want a hardware wallet for less than $75.

ProsLow-cost hardware wallet with screen ($59).

ConsPassphrases are not supported.

FAQsIs it possible to hack the Ledger Nano S?There have been no reports of a Ledger Nano S being remotely hacked up until now. But hackers will use many different ways to steal money from a user's wallet.The currencies on a Ledger Nano S are safe as long as the seed is kept offline and concealed, and no one has physical access to the device.

How Do I Get Bitcoins Into My Nano S? Connect the Nano S to the computer through USB. Live Open Ledger On the Nano S device, select Bitcoin (enter PIN when needed) When users go to "receive" on Ledger Live, they will see your Bitcoin address. Send funds to the Bitcoin address created in step 5.Can I Use My iPhone with the Ledger Nano S?No. The Nano S is not compatible with mobile phones. If people wish to utilize their phone with a hardware wallet, consider the Ledger Nano X, which includes bluetooth capabilities.

Conclusion - Is the Ledger Nano S worth the money?The Ledger Nano S is a fantastic product at an inexpensive price. It supports practically every major coin and it is incredibly simple and straightforward to use using the Ledger Live interface.

If people want to keep their funds safe, they will need a hardware wallet, and the Ledger Nano S is one of the best available.

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Ledger Nano S Review: Is It Worth It? My Experience on Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallet - Deccan Herald

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How to Exchange ETH Cryptocurrency To USD – The Tech Outlook

Posted: at 8:51 am

If you want to exchange your 0.07 ETH to USD, there are a few ways to do it. Here are the most popular methods:

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts and provides a cryptocurrency token called Ether. The blockchain is a continuously growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography.

Ethereum allows developers to build and deploy their own decentralized applications on the platform. This has led to the creation of many new decentralized apps like CryptoKitties.

Ethereum is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the world and is still considered to be in its early days. Many people are interested in investing their money into this digital currency. In this article, we will discuss how to buy Ether before its too late. We will also go over some tips and tricks that can help you get your hands on some of the digital currency before others do. Its not too late to buy Ether yet, but with such a high price tag, it might be wise to act now rather than later.

To exchange your ether for other cryptocurrencies, you need to go to an exchange site. These sites are easy to find, as they are all over the internet. You can also use a cryptocurrency wallet service like Coinbase or Exodus to exchange your ether for other coins.

Exchange your ether for other crypto coins:

There are many different types of Ethereum wallets and exchanges. This article will help you find the best one for your needs.

Ethereum is a popular cryptocurrency that has a lot of potential in the future. Cryptocurrency is not only used as an investment tool but also as a method to make transactions online. The popularity of Ethereum has led to the creation of many different types of wallets, exchanges, and other platforms that allow users to trade cryptocurrency.

There are two kinds of Ethereum wallets software and hardware wallets. Software wallets are installed on your computer or phone and they store your private keys. Hardware wallets are physical devices that can hold your private keys and they usually connect to a computer or phone via USB cable. The reason why a hardware wallet is more secure than a software wallet is because its harder for hackers to steal your coins if they dont have physical access to your hardware wallet.

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Cryptocurrency Market Halves in H1 This Year – BusinessKorea

Posted: at 8:51 am

The Korea Financial Intelligence Unit announced on Sept. 26 that the aggregate value of the domestic cryptocurrency market dropped 58 percent to 23 trillion won in the first half of this year, when the number of cryptocurrencies in the market increased from 1,257 to 1,371.

According to the unit, the average daily trading value more than halved from 11.3 trillion won to 5.3 trillion won in the first half. The total won deposit as an investment demand indicator decreased from 7.6 trillion won to 5.9 trillion won and the operating profit of domestic cryptocurrency exchanges and related companies plummeted from more than 1.64 trillion won to 0.63 trillion won, it said.

The aggregate market value hit an all-time high in November last year and then kept falling until the end of June this year. The value fell below 40 trillion won with the Terra scandal in May and dipped below 30 trillion won with the bankruptcy of Celsius in June.

In the first half of this year, the number of cryptocurrency exchange users increased 24 percent to 6.9 million. More than 20 percent of the users are males in their 30s and those in their 30s and 40s account for 31 percent and 26 percent of the total, it said, adding that 68 percent of the customers are males.

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Cryptocurrency Market Halves in H1 This Year - BusinessKorea

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Carnegie Mellon University Students Create New Cryptocurrency, dubbed AndyCoin – CMU The Tartan Online

Posted: at 8:51 am

Note from the editor: We here at The Tartan take our journalism very seriously. As such, we would like to sincerely apologize for an inaccurate assertion we made in our last issue of Pillbox. In our reporting on the multi-enfabulator, we erroneously claimed that the panametric fan consisted of hydrocoptic marzelvanes. The enfabulator project team asked us to clarify that vanes are an obsolete technology; the new panametric assembly actually uses a marzel-type fitting with a low slip coefficient to house a reductive chafe-membrane. We deeply apologize for any confusion this has caused. The junior staff writer responsible for the mistake has been locked in the Wasp Room until further notice.

Last week the CMU Crypto Cats, a cryptocurrency-based student organization, made an announcement saying they had finalized development on an original cryptocurrency that they call AndyCoin.

The most novel aspect of this currency is the design of its "blockchain." For those unfamiliar, blockchains (also known as "Distributed Ledger Technology") are the means by which a cryptocurrency operates. Simply put, they are a ledger of every transaction that occurs with the associated cryptocurrency. The blockchain gets stored on hundreds, if not thousands of different computers, meaning that the official tally of who has how many coins is distributed among many different people this is how they keep the record decentralized. Anytime somebody wishes to transfer cryptocurrency, their request must be approved by every computer on the network before a new transaction is appended to the end of the blockchain. As long as all the versions of the blockchain agree, people can freely trade crypto without the need for a central authority.

In their announcement, the Crypto Cats explain their work. "With data obfuscation, procedural obtuseness, and consumer-end price volatility as our primary goal, work has been proceeding on developing a novel blockchain protocol that would maximize speculative financial contributions while also inflating the apparent individual commodity value. The value of AndyCoin in conventional fiat currency is realized through an innovative process that converts asset bundles from recent investors into payout for earlier contributors." They also explain their motivation, claiming, "we wanted to spread the gospel of Web3 and crypto to the students of Carnegie Mellon University, and what better way than to create a CMU-centered cryptocurrency?" According to their announcement, their end goal is to phase out flex-cash and replace it entirely with AndyCoins. "Students will soon be able to buy into this exciting new currency, and those who adopt early may even make a small profit once we see widespread acceptance."

The only new principle involved is that instead of the blockchain relying on proof-of-stake verification, the chain operates on a micro-bid-oriented matrix-scape wherein any front-end certifications are initially sent downstream to the public DAO server (provided that the bid tokens are still functionally fungible at the moment of a transaction). After a user sends a transaction request, a new appendage is made to the ledger after its vector multiples are consummated. The user is then sent an aggregated metadata packet which gets reoriented into a unique 64-bit hash ledger, allowing their crypto wallet to receive the appropriate funds. Spontaneous executions within the liminal void space are of course a concern, however the wire-stack permits integration of a null-key by verified DAO accounts to mitigate the effects of this. Furthermore, Linux-based aggregation dummies are entirely forbidden to minimize the need for null-admin interventions. A lymphatically-driven class arbitrator will also be semantically employed to prevent a consensus fork in the chain, thus encouraging token stability.

When asked what inspired this revolutionary new procedure, the team leader cited the principle of "minimally distal bar sequences'' pioneered by Herbert Simon. This principle, developed by legendary Carnegie Mellon University computer science professor Herbert Simon (the namesake of Newell-Simon Hall), demonstrates that low-echelon bin operators will always arbitrate the nearest local bar sequence in a skew-framework. The Crypto Cats have ingeniously employed this principle in such a way that the blockchain can more efficiently integrate the proximal components of the distal command network.

The announcement has also garnered attention from the founder of Ether, Vitalik Buterin, who attended a recent conference hosted by the Crypto Cats. "I'm so excited to see the future of computing getting so involved with Web3. Carnegie Mellon has been at the forefront of computer science for decades, and these kids are continuing that tradition by revolutionizing the efficiency with which blockchains can concentrate crypto-backed assets among select stakeholders". He added, "I'm particularly interested to see how these new ideas might be integrated into the metaverse".

Such exciting news. At any rate, this reporter is sold on the idea, and I look forward to the prospect of minting an NFT of Farnam Jahanian on the AndyCoin blockchain. To the moon!

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Carnegie Mellon University Students Create New Cryptocurrency, dubbed AndyCoin - CMU The Tartan Online

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How 3 hours of inaction from Amazon cost cryptocurrency holders $235,000 – Ars Technica

Posted: at 8:51 am

Amazon recently lost control of IP addresses it uses to host cloud services and took more than three hours to regain control, a lapse that allowed hackers to steal $235,000 in cryptocurrency from users of one of the affected customers, an analysis shows.

The hackers seized control of roughly 256 IP addresses through BGP hijacking, a form of attack that exploits known weaknesses in a core Internet protocol. Short for border gateway protocol, BGP is a technical specification that organizations that route traffic, known as autonomous system networks, use to interoperate with other ASNs. Despite its crucial function in routing wholesale amounts of data across the globe in real time, BGP still largely relies on the Internet equivalent of word of mouth for organizations to track which IP addresses rightfully belong to which ASNs.

Last month, autonomous system 209243, which belongs to UK-based network operator, suddenly began announcing its infrastructure was the proper path for other ASNs to access whats known as a /24 block of IP addresses belonging to AS16509, one of at least three ASNs operated by Amazon. The hijacked block included, an IP address hosting, a subdomain responsible for serving a critical smart contract user interface for the Celer Bridge cryptocurrency exchange.

On August 17, the attackers used the hijacking to first obtain a TLS certificate for, since they were able to demonstrate to certificate authority GoGetSSL in Latvia that they had control over the subdomain. With possession of the certificate, the hijackers then hosted their own smart contract on the same domain and waited for visits from people trying to access the real Celer Bridge page.

In all, the malicious contract drained a total of $234,866.65 from 32 accounts, according to this writeup from security firm security firm SlowMist and this one from the threat intelligence team from Coinbase.

Coinbase TI analysis

The Coinbase team members explained:

The phishing contract closely resembles the official Celer Bridge contract by mimicking many of its attributes. For any method not explicitly defined in the phishing contract, it implements a proxy structure which forwards calls to the legitimate Celer Bridge contract. The proxied contract is unique to each chain and is configured on initialization. The command below illustrates the contents of the storage slot responsible for the phishing contracts proxy configuration:

Coinbase TI analysis

The phishing contract steals users funds using two approaches:

Below is a sample reverse engineered snippet which redirects assets to the attacker wallet:

Coinbase TI analysis

See the original post here:
How 3 hours of inaction from Amazon cost cryptocurrency holders $235,000 - Ars Technica

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