Daily Archives: September 27, 2022

Death in the USA a botched experimental execution – Al Jazeera English

Posted: September 27, 2022 at 8:46 am

I began my work against the death penalty in the United Statesin 1981. It would be reasonable to suppose that by now, four decades on, I would have seen it all.

Not so. On September 22, Alabama lost a round in a ghoulish battle to execute Alan Miller. Initially, they promised a federal judge that they were ready to experiment with a novel method nitrogen hypoxia (essentially, suffocating him by replacing oxygen in the air with pure nitrogen). The state then had to backtrack, saying they were not sure they knew how to do it, and so they would kill him by lethal injection.

In one of those midnight battles with which I am achingly familiar, the Supreme Court voted five-to-four to let the Alabama executioners go ahead with their ritual sacrifice, but by then it was too late for their probing needles to find a vein. So, Miller is safe for a short while, though doubtless Alabama will set another date soon.

In one sense his close and temporary escape is a metaphor for everything that is wrong with the death penalty. The inspiration for dabbling with nitrogen hypoxia as a new kinder, gentler method of execution is, bizarrely, a television programme recorded several years ago by Michael Portillo, former shadow chancellor for Britains Conservative Party.

In the 1980s, then a member of parliament, Portillo voted to reintroduce capital punishment to the United Kingdom. The bill was defeated. His ardour for executions faded as he learned how many innocent men and women had been sentenced to die. When the subject came up again in the 1990s, he switched his vote. Thankfully, the UK never mustered a majority to step backwards to rejoin the execution governments.

Meanwhile, in 2008, Portillo made a BBC documentarytitled How to Kill a Human Being, focused on making any executions as humane as possible. For his film, he toured around the US considering and rejecting accepted execution methods, each of which he found barbaric. There was the electric chair: Jesse Tafero had a strong claim of innocence (his co-defendant, Sunny Jacobs, was later freed and now lives in Ireland). Taferos head caught fire when Florida electrocuted him in 1990. Portillo illustrated this in his documentary by running 2,400 Volts through a dead pig.

The gas chamber proved no better. The Mississippi Department of Corrections used Zyklon B for their executions. They allowed a BBC crew to film them testing this out on a black bunny rabbit, which died in agony (they were preparing to kill my African-American client Edward Earl Johnson). We sued on the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz to put an end to this barbarism.

Next the proponents of the lethal injection three-drug cocktail claimed it was a more civilised way to kill someone. It was advertised as nothing more than the kind of anaesthetic applied every day in thousands of hospitals.

Yet if there is one rule, it is that the history of executions is full of false promises. They were ignoring an obvious problem: the Hippocratic Oath forbids medical professionals from doing harm. The task of inserting the needle was delegated to technicians who had little skill. Hence even Dr Jay Chapman, who invented the three-drug cocktail, decried botched executions carried out by incompetent people who could not find a vein.

By the way, the three drugs are a sedative, a paralytic and a poison. Why the paralytic? Because it prevents the witnesses from seeing the victim thrash in pain when the sedative fails. Sometimes the paralytic agent failed as well, and the victim thrashed around in pain. All of this became increasingly problematic when the drug companies announced that they did not want their life-saving medicines used to kill people.

In short, none of these methods satisfied Portillo. They were not, he said, humane. Thus far, I can agree with him, having watched six of my clients die in front of me, two executed by each system.

Therefore, Portillo took his quest to an experimental laboratory run by the Dutch air force, where they were studying the hypoxia caused by high-altitude flying. They experimented on Portillo himself: he breathed in pure nitrogen. He described a kind of euphoria as he gradually lost consciousness. All in all, it was a kind way to kill someone, he concluded, as reflected by the calm response of laboratory mice to their euthanasia.

It does not take my 40 years of experience in this dark world to see what nonsense Portillos claim was: experimental mice have no idea that an omnipotent and vengeful government is planning to kill them. A human being, his euphoria replaced by panic, would tear at the gas mask, and howl in terror and we would have to adopt another protocol to protect witnesses from the horror of it all.

Yet it is the extraordinary progenesis of this new form of execution that is most shocking. Surely an American government should not elect to execute its citizens based on a television programme?

Thus it was that this week we found ourselves on the cusp of conducting a human experiment on Miller, who was convicted for shooting three people a senseless tragedy of a nature that takes place far too often in the US. He grew up in extreme poverty in a house overrun by rodents, the family money spent on his fathers drug habit. He was represented at trial by a court-appointed lawyer who made it clear to the jury that he did not want the job.

All of this is, sadly, fairly typical of capital punishment, where those without capital get the punishment.

Perhaps none of this matters to some people. Portillo interviewed New York University law Professor Robert Blecker, wary and wiry, outside a prison. As Portillo outlined his proposal for a supposedly humane method of execution, Blecker exhibited a rising disgust. Punishment is supposed to be painful, he said.The idea of a killer dying easily would be the opposite of justice.

Blecker must be a very superior person to feel comfortable wishing agony on people he has never met, about whom he knows so little.I wonder whether he will one day change his mind, as Portillo did, in the face of the diverse fallibilities that characterise the rest of us.

Regardless, since 1947, the Nuremberg Code (PDF) has stated that no [human] experiment should be conducted where there is reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur. Perhaps we should accept that our grotesque human experiments should be left in centuries past, where they belong.

The views expressed in this article are the authors own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeeras editorial stance.

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Death in the USA a botched experimental execution - Al Jazeera English

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Sand Springs Animal Welfare officials hoping there’s more to ‘Empty the Shelters’ event than just a name – Tulsa World

Posted: at 8:46 am

Animal shelters and rescue groups traditionally have breathed the tiniest sigh of relief each year when fall arrives. Although the challenges never fully go away, getting past the nightmare of kitten and puppy season each year is a milestone.

But animal rescue experts fear that those sighs of relief are things of the past.

Shelters are seeing soaring numbers of pets being surrendered due to the economy and the housing crisis, according to the Bissell Pet Foundation.

More stray animals are being brought in every day, no matter the season, and more adoptable pets are being euthanized than they have been in years past because shelters are simply too full to house them all.

Its from that battle-weary perspective that Sand Springs Animal Welfare Coordinator Tracy Arvidson sees the smallest ray of hope the Bissell Pet Foundations fall national Empty the Shelters event.

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More than 280 animal shelters in 42 states will offer reduced-price adoptions during the Oct. 1-8 event.

Empty the Shelters is the largest funded adoption event in the country and has helped more than 117,615 pets find homes in 47 states and Canada since its inception in 2016.

Through the Empty the Shelters campaign, the Bissell Pet Foundation underwrites a portion of the adoption fees at participating shelters, leaving adopters to pay no more than $50 per animal.

In the Tulsa area, Sand Springs Animal Welfare is joined by the Humane Society of Tulsa and the Washington County SPCA in Bartlesville in participation.

TheEmpty the Shelters events do well for us, Arvidson said.

She said the Sand Springs shelter is as overfull today as it has been for a number of months.

Twice since mid-June the shelter has sounded the alarm that it was at the precipice of having to euthanize healthy, adoptable pets simply because of capacity problems.

According to the Humane Society of the United States, the euthanasia of healthy, adoptable cats and dogs in U.S. shelters had fallen to its lowest point in history recently, but the Bissell Pet Foundation said in July that the euthanasia rate for homeless dogs was up 22% in the first quarter of 2022 alone.

Although the Sand Springs shelter technically has more cats and kittens than dogs at the moment, its able to house more cats in a single pen because litters of kittens can be kept together.

With the dogs, we have to keep them more separate due to fighting over food, Arvidson said, so we are actually more overcrowded with dogs.

She said before last falls Empty the Shelters event that potential adopters through Sand Springs Animal Welfare complete an adoption contract and are interviewed at the shelter so staff members can try to match them with the right pet.

Plus, adoption through the shelter is pretty much a no-risk proposition, Arvidson said. If by some chance the match doesnt work out, adopters can return the pet to the shelter.

Even mostly successful matches might need a helping hand, though, and thats where the shelters resources come into play.

Besides an adoption package that includes spaying or neutering and vaccinations, a free month of coverage through a pet insurance group and a free week of online behavioral training, shelter staff members can help adopters find resources such as trainers, groomers and other necessities.

Shelter staff members also email adopters periodically to check in and make sure everything is going well, Arvidson said.

Cathy Bissell, who founded the Bissell Pet Foundation in 2011, said this has been a challenging year for our nations animal shelters. The devastating increase in owner surrenders has left thousands of socialized, house-trained and leash-trained pets desperate to find a home.

Our fall Empty the Shelters will support the adoption of thousands of pets across the country, helping shelters in this critical time, she said. Opening your home to a shelter pet saves a life and creates space to give another pet a chance.

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Sand Springs Animal Welfare officials hoping there's more to 'Empty the Shelters' event than just a name - Tulsa World

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Are bison amenable or non-amenable? How does the definition of bison affect harvest systems and quality of meat and carcasses? – Tri-State Livestock…

Posted: at 8:46 am


Currently, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) considers bison (Bison bison) a non-amenable, exotic species. This designation has been applied because bison were first considered a native wildlife game species under states laws (i.e. public trust doctrine circa 1700s) and most wildlife laws pre-date agricultural laws (see Geer vs. Connecticut, 161 U.S. 519, 1896: 529530) and (Byrd et al., 2015). However, in 1979, the Supreme Court decision in Hughes vs. Oklahoma (441 U.S. 322, 1979) declared that wildlife were subject to federal regulation under the commerce clause of the U.S. Constitution, because wildlife inherently move between states. State fish and wildlife agencies are still the de facto regulatory authority for setting bag limits and harvest quotas for each region.

In 1862, President Abraham Lincoln established the U.S. Department of Agriculture to promote U.S. agriculture. Shortly thereafter, this agency became the regulatory authority for food safety. However, the food safety mission was fundamentally at odds with the original agricultural promotion mission. The Federal Meat Inspection Act (FMIA) of 1906 stipulates that products made entirely from wild game product are not meat and, therefore, are not amenable to mandatory FSIS inspection (P.L. 113-79, 2014).

Since the early 1990s, various attempts have been made to convert bison to an amenable species under the purview of the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) instead of under the regulatory jurisdiction of wildlife game meat of the U.S. Department of Human and Health Services Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This is largely an issue that directly and immediately affects the private sector of the bison management system (BMS), but there would also be indirect effects on three additional sectors of substantial influence for bison management, including: Tribal, non-profit conservation NGOs, and public agencies (Martin et al., 2021). While there may be some considerable benefits to classifying bison as an amenable species (e.g. increased number of commercial facilities approved to receive and slaughter bison), there are also considerable consequences that may outweigh potential benefits. Of primary concern are issues relating to wide selection options for stakeholder harvest systems mobile field harvest versus conventional stationary abattoir. This is an important point, while ante-mortem inspection is currently voluntary for USDA inspection, it is not mandatory effectively allowing for culturally significant traditional and ceremonial kills on tribal lands to occur without inspection and allowing for bison hunts to occur without inspection. Changing bison to an amenable species would compel inspection at every harvest type with limited exceptions (Byrd et al., 2015: 352). Moreover, small meat plants (i.e. less than 25 employees) that are either state-only inspected or custom-exempt-only would lose their competitive place in the market (Byrd et al., 2015). While the USDA FSIS allows for field harvest to be inspected (U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service, 2021), there are few official exotic animal establishments with proper authorization (9 C.F.R. 352, 1985: 3) to process bison, therefore, USDA FSIS non-amenable field inspection is difficult to execute for bison.

Mobile harvest impact on quality of meat and carcasses

One major area of concern for consumers with maintaining status quo is the effect of the harvesting system on meat quality, carcass sanitation and consumer preference. Galbraith (2011) reported that mobile, field harvest systems produce bison meat that was lowest in cortisol (i.e. stress hormone), minimized carcass bruising and maintained normal meat pH that ranked highest in scores of tenderness and palatability compared to conventional, stationary abattoir-produced bison meat. More recently, a report by Janssen (2020) corroborated these findings that harvest system influences cortisol levels (lower with mobile units), and some characteristics of meat and carcass quality, however Janssen (2020) reported that, harvest systems had minimal impact on consumer preference. Scientific evidence supports that mobile field harvest systems are as good as, or in some measures, better than conventional stationary abattoir facilities concerning animal welfare, meat and carcass quality, and meat acceptability to consumers.

Background to Bison Management System (BMS)

The BMS is comprised of four interconnected and interdependent sectors, all acting in concert for the unified goal of restoring bison to their original habitats (Martin et al., 2021). Those four sectors are (1) the private commercial operations/sector with the purpose of restoring bison on private lands, while establishing an economic market for bison meat; (2) Tribal governments and Native producers restoring bison on Tribal lands and providing a sustainable meat source for Native American communities; (3) the non-profit conservation non-governmental organization (NGO) sector, such as The Nature Conservancy and zoos, that restore bison on a mix of trust and deeded lands, and (4) the state and federal public agency sector, including the U.S. Department of Interior agencies of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on Wildlife Refuges and the U.S. National Park Service on National Parks, in addition to several state wildlife agencies, with mandates to protect and restore bison on public lands.

Commercially, the bison industry started in the 1960s, but the interconnected relationships of each sector trace their roots to the early 1900s between private conservationists, such as Charles Goodnight, James Scotty Philip, C.J. Buffalo Jones, as well as public servants, such as President Theodore Roosevelt, George Bird Grinnell, William T. Hornaday, to name a few. In parallel, Native producers and Tribal governments have been restoring bison on their lands since the late 1800s, working in concert with several public agencies and innumerous private operations (Shamon et al., 2022). While these sectors have seemingly conflicting interests, this perspective is grounded in a zero-sum mentality at odds with reality of a unified mission to restore bison on lands regardless of land ownership and tenure.

Definitions, Codes, Rule, and Regulations

Exotic Species

Currently, under U.S. Codes and Federal Regulations (hereafter, referred to as CFR), bison/North American buffalo (Bison bison) are defined as an exotic or rather, undomesticated species (21 C.F.R. 110, 1986). However, bison are technically a native wildlife species to North America, and their status as a wild game species (i.e., native wildlife) predetermines their undomesticated status. Therefore, bison are considered exotic under the USDA.

Non-amenable Species

Meat produced from wild game species, exotics, remain under the regulatory jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (21 C.F.R. 110, 1986) including those game species raised in captivity on game farms/ranches.

Voluntary Inspection

Exotic species, including bison, are not subject to mandatory meat inspection; though, they are eligible for voluntary inspection under USDA FSIS (9 C.F.R. 352, 1985). If inspected and passed, products will bear the triangle mark (9 C.F.R. 317.3, 1970) (Figure 1).

USDA FSIS meat inspection stamp. For a description of this graphic, please call SDSU Extension at 605-688-4792.

Figure 1. Example triangle mark of passed voluntary USDA FSIS meat inspection.

Ante-Mortem Inspection

Prior to slaughter (i.e. antemortem), inspection is only conducted occasionally for non-amenable and exotic species under the FDA, as shown in the following excert:

shall, where and to the extent considered necessary by the Administrator and under such instructions as he may issue from time to time, be made on the day of slaughter of an exotic animal, in one of the following listed ways or as determined by the Administrator. Humane handling of an exotic animal during ante-mortem inspection shall be in accordance with the provisions contained in (9 C.F.R. 313, 1979: 2). Immediately after the animal is stunned or killed, it shall be shackled, hoisted, stuck and bled (9 C.F.R. 352.10, 1985).

Moreover, for all exotic species being slaughtered under voluntary inspection of the USDA FSIS, animal ante-mortem inspection shall adhere to regulations listed under 9 C.F.R. 309 (1970) and USDA FSIS Directive 6100.1 (2020).

Killing and/or Stunning

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) recommends euthanasia by gunshot in close proximity under restraint at a stationary abattoir (9 C.F.R. 309, 1970; 9 C.F.R. 352, 1985: a; 9 C.F.R. 313.16, 2022) with a center-fire rifle that has greater than 1,000 feet-pound muzzle energy (e.g. higher caliber center-fire rifles, such as .30-30, .270, .30-06 and similar (AVMA, 2020: 67)). Note: the majority of handguns produce muzzle energy too low, well below 1,000 feet-pound, thus are inappropriate for euthanasia of mature bison (National Farm Animal Care Council, 2017). The preferred target site for gunshot euthanasia is on the forehead, approximately 1 inch (2.5 cm) above an imaginary line connecting the bottom of the horns (Figure 2). The angle of entry should be perpendicular to the skull (AVMA, 2020). However, USDA FSIS allows captive bolt euthanasia (9 C.F.R. 313.15, 1979), but AVMA recommends against captive bolt (AVMA, 2020).

For field kills at a distance, AVMA recommends similar high-caliber gunshot muzzle energy to those stated above, but the target may be the frontal head (Figure 2), lateral head behind the ear, or heart shot to the thorax (9 C.F.R. 352.10a, 1985; AVMA, 2020).

Diagram showing preferred target site for bison euthanasia.a Target mark is on the forehead of the bison between the bisons horns and eyes. For a description of this graphic, please call SDSU Extension at 605-688-4792.

Figure 2. The preferred target site for bison for gunshot euthanasia is on the forehead approximately 1 inch (2.5 cm) above an imaginary line connecting the bottom of the horns. The angle of entry should be perpendicular to the skull (AVMA, 2020).

Post-Mortem Inspection

After slaughter, as outlined in the following excerpt:

Post-mortem inspection of reindeer, elk, deer, antelope, bison and water buffalo shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions contained in 9 C.F.R. 310 (1970) or as determined by the Administrator. The post-mortem examination of field ante-mortem-inspected exotic animals must occur in the shortest length of time practicable and on the day that field ante-mortem inspection is performed to minimize the changes in the carcass which can affect the post-mortem examination, disposition and wholesomeness of the carcass and its parts. The post-mortem veterinarian shall inspect and make the disposition of all incoming U.S. Suspect tagged exotic animals. (9 C.F.R. 352.11, 1985).

Moreover, for all exotic species being slaughtered under voluntary inspection of the USDA FSIS, post-mortem inspection shall adhere to regulations under USDA FSIS Directive 6100.2 (2016).

Cooperative Interstate Shipment (CIS) Program

Cooperative Interstate Shipment (CIS) provides an opportunity for approved state-inspected meat and poultry processors to ship their products across state lines. Under the CIS agreement, States may inspect meat in approved establishments for shipment throughout the United States. The CIS program is limited to establishments located in the 27 states that have an established Meat and Poultry Inspection (MPI) program. To be eligible to participate in the CIS program, state MPI programs must meet a number of criteria to demonstrate that the inspection that it provides to state-inspected plants will be the same as the inspection that FSIS provides to official federal establishments. For instance, a state must demonstrate that it has the necessary legal authority to administer and enforce requirements that are the same as the FMIA and applicable regulations. In addition, the state must collect regulatory samples at the same frequency and use the same analytical methods at laboratories that meet the same level of accreditation as the FSIS laboratories. The assigned state inspectors may remain as the establishments onsite inspectors, provided they have the same training and inspect the plant under the same as regulatory standards as their federal counterparts in FSIS-inspected establishments. FSIS provides ongoing oversight of the CIS program to ensure that participating states maintain and operate their same as programs in a manner that complies with all applicable federal statutes and regulations and follows FSIS directives and notices. FSIS reimburses the states for 60% of their costs associated with providing this interstate eligible inspection service.

The CIS program was created by the 2008 Farm Bill, but it was launched in 2012 under Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. Currently, 9 states (Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Vermont and Wisconsin) participate in the program to promote the expansion of business opportunities for state-inspected meat and poultry establishments. Under CIS, selected state-inspected establishments that comply with federal inspection requirements are permitted to ship their product in interstate commerce. For more information, visit the Cooperative Interstate Shipping Program website.

3% Rule

Processed products that include both wild game and amenable meat or poultry may be subject to mandatory FSIS inspection. Processed products generally are amenable to mandatory inspection if they contain as little as 3% raw or 2% cooked meat from an amenable animal (e.g. beef, pork, chicken, etc.), together with other safe and suitable ingredients. If produced in accordance with all applicable regulatory requirements, any product subject to mandatory inspection will bear the round USDA mark of inspection (Amann, 2013; Byrd et al., 2015). For example, a meat product containing three percent beef and 97% bison, is subject to mandatory USDA inspection and will carry the mandatory, round inspection mark. Because it has been federally inspected, it can be sold and shipped across the United States, even though it could contain 97% of state-inspected meat (Byrd et al., 2015).


In conclusion, while status of amenable vs. non-amenable species seems confusing and complex, there are associated benefits and consequences for each definition. Considering that there are multiple pathways for transporting and marketing bison and bison products across state lines, this creates many pathways and avenues for innovative and creative ways for producers to deliver bison and bison products to consumers, especially for small and medium-size bison operations.

SDSU Extension


Are bison amenable or non-amenable? How does the definition of bison affect harvest systems and quality of meat and carcasses? - Tri-State Livestock...

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Three reasons to use a sportsbook – The Gila Herald

Posted: at 8:44 am

File Photo By James Franks/Cronkite News: Sports gambling is legal in Arizona and fans can walk up to places like the FanDuel Sportsbook at Footprint Center, or they can bet from home on apps.

If youre a sports fan, you will have noticed that in the last few years there has been a dramatic increase in the number of sports betting ads you see in the media and at the game.

Thats one of the effects of the Supreme Court decision of 2018, which struck down the PASPA Act, making it possible for every state in the US to launch legal sports betting. Sports betting fans from Arizona to Pennsylvania can now bet on MNF or the NBA playoffs across a range of markets.

The changes are not consistent across the country. Some states have not yet legalized sports betting and there is a handful of states that are unlikely to change that. The rules for sports betting, as well as the availability of sports betting operators, vary considerably from state to state. One thing remains constant, however, across the US sports betting scene if you want to bet on a sport, you should always use a legal, regulated sportsbook.

For many decades, sports betting was illegal in the US. Political, religious, and sports groups argued that betting was corrupting both individuals and the sports that they bet on. While that might have been true in some cases, for most people, it was not.

However, in the era of prohibition, those who wanted to bet on sports either had to do so in person in Las Vegas, or find other, more dubious methods of placing their wagers. As a result, there was a long and unfortunate history in the US that entwined organized crime with sports betting.

Legalization has dealt a significant blow to that illegal industry, but it hasnt gone away entirely as some sports bettors may still be tempted to bet the old-fashioned way. The problem with doing your betting through a non-regulated operator is that you dont really know who you are dealing with. Your bets may be directly funding a range of criminal activities. On top of that, you have no protection at any stage, which brings us to our second reason for using a sportsbook.

Legal and regulated sportsbooks provide a range of protections for customers. First, there is the requirement for such operators to maintain high levels of user security. Whether you are betting online or in person, if you dont bet in cash, you need to be sure that your banking and personal details will be protected and that the betting transactions that you make, including deposits and withdrawals, are safe.

Regulated sportsbooks use a range of security procedures such as high-level encryption and data protection measures to make sure that your data and your money are safe.

Yes, unregulated sites or operators may let you bet on credit or promise higher odds than you can find at a regulated site, but how safe is it? How can you be sure that your details will not be stolen, or that the operator wont use unscrupulous means to get their money if you fall into debt? Put simply, betting with unregulated, unlicensed bookies is not safe.

Before you bet, you should always check out the site of the relevant gambling authority in your state to ensure that the operator you are using is fully regulated and licensed.

If this stage does not convince you that you should only bet with legal and licensed sportsbooks, then you should consider reason number three: fairness.

When you bet with a legal sportsbook, if you win a bet, you will get paid your winnings. If theres a dispute, the sportsbook will have to follow a procedure drawn up and regulated by the relevant state gambling authority. Even in the very rare cases when the sportsbook makes a mistake or there is a query about the bet, you will get your money in the end.

You cant be sure of the same with an unregulated bookmaker. Illegal operators can simply refuse to pay and you will have no legal recourse. Sometimes an unregulated site or bookmaker will simply disappear or go offline only to emerge later under a new name and start the whole process again.

Winning at sports betting is hard enough without having to worry about not getting your money when you are successful. By betting only with regulated and licensed bookmakers, you can ensure that you are covered by a range of legal protections and bet safely and securely.

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DraftKings Sportsbook same-game parlay: How this bettor turned $2.50 into $1,002.50 with Ravens-Patriots bet – DraftKings Nation

Posted: at 8:44 am

A DraftKings Sportsbook bettor had a huge hit on Sunday afternoon with a Same Game Parlay constructed in the game between the New England Patriots and Baltimore Ravens. It was centered around a handful of TD props and the Ravens winning the game 37-26 for the ML hit. The bettor turned $2.50 into just over $1,000 at +40000 odds. Lets take a look at the details below:

Well start with Andrews, since this bet is dead in the water if that leg doesnt hit in the first quarter. The Ravens TE finished with eight catches for 89 yards and two TDs in the game. His first TD and the first of the game was on a five-yard pass from Jackson in the red zone. Most of the scoring in the game came in the second and third quarters.

This bettor had to sweat out most of the other legs in this bet well into the second half of the game. Harris started the scoring in the third quarter to give the Patriots a 20-14 lead. The other anytime TD scorers needed for this to hit came in the fourth quarter.

It was down to the wire with Stevenson scoring early in the fourth as the Patriots tried to mount a comeback. After Stevenson scored, New England failed on the two-point conversion attempt. The Pats keeping the game close allowed Jackson the opportunity to cash in on the anytime TD, scoring with 3:00 left to give Baltimore a 37-26 lead. That effectively sealed the victory for Baltimore and the payout for the bettor.

Same Game Parlay (SGP) is available on DraftKings Sportsbook for multiple sports! To place a SGP:


DraftKings Sportsbook same-game parlay: How this bettor turned $2.50 into $1,002.50 with Ravens-Patriots bet - DraftKings Nation

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Today’s best odds boosts offered across the top online sportsbooks 9/26, including MLB and NFL bets – Pickswise Today’s Best Sportsbook Odds Boosts…

Posted: at 8:44 am

Here at Pickswise we have put together a list of all of the days best odds boosts, which are available from FanDuel Sportsbook and PointsBet Sportsbook. We will also discuss whether or not they are worth playing. Lets dive in.

For this prop, we will need New York Yankees outfielder Aaron Judge to hit a home run tonight against the Toronto Blue Jays. Judge is batting .314 on the season, the 4th-best batting average in the MLB. He still has 60 home runs after a weekend series against the Boston Red Sox in which he failed to home run and so he is still chasing the American League homer record of 61 held by Roger Maris.

The Yankees will face Kevin Gausman tonight for the Blue Jays, who is 12-10 on the season and has an ERA of 3.32. He has allowed 14 home runs this season, including 5 in his last 5 starts. Judge is 8 for 22 against Gausman in his career, which includes 3 home runs, so for that reason,backing this prop looks to be worth a small play as Judge looks to reach 61 home runs.

Be sure to check out all of our MLB picks for todays action.

For this prop, we will need Xander Bogaerts to record at least 1 RBI and the Boston Red Sox will need to beat the Baltimore Orioles tonight. Bogaerts is batting .314 on the season, the 5th-best batting average in the MLB this season. He has recorded 68 RBIs this season, but has not had one for a week now. Bogaerts has 11 RBIs in 15 games against the Orioles this season, but our experts would lean towards a Baltimore win tonight based on the pitching advantage they have. The Orioles also have a slim chance to still make the playoffs, while the Red Sox have been eliminated. For that reason, avoiding this prop may be the best option.

Be sure to check out our Baltimore Orioles vs Boston Red Sox predictions

This prop will need Daniel Jones to throw for at least 200 yards and the New York Giants will need to cover +3.5 against the Dallas Cowboys tonight. The Giants are 2-0 to start the season, but Jones is not exactly lighting it up with his arm. They have relied more on their run game. Jones has 364 yards passing this season (182 yards per game). The Cowboys have been solid defensively which may mean that the Giants run game will not be as effective and Jones will need to step up. Our experts already like the Giants to win this game, so getting 3.5 points plus a decent performance from Jones makes this prop worth a play.

Be sure to check out our Dallas Cowboys vs New York Giants predictions

Pickswise is the home of free sports picks, news and best bets. Check out our expert NFL Picks, NBA Picks, MLB Picks and NHL Picks pages for our latest game picks.

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Today's best odds boosts offered across the top online sportsbooks 9/26, including MLB and NFL bets - Pickswise Today's Best Sportsbook Odds Boosts...

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EBET Announces Sportsbook and Exclusive Casino Wagering Agreement with Metagames, Providing Access to One of the Largest Spanish-Speaking Digital and…

Posted: at 8:43 am

Will Provide Access to an Audience of Approximately 138 Million in 11 Latin American Countries via 45 National TV Networks, 68 Radio Stations, 65 Movie Theaters, and Online Channels

LAS VEGAS, Sept. 23, 2022 /PRNewswire/ --EBET, Inc. (NASDAQ: EBET), a leading global provider of advanced wagering products and technology, announced today that it has entered into a sportsbook and exclusive casino wagering media marketing agreement with Metagames Marketing Inc., providing access to one of the largest Spanish-speaking digital and TV networks worldwide. Under the agreement, Metagames will provide media placements via its affiliates in exchange for a share of sportsbook and casino games net gaming revenue.

The campaign will provide access to up to 45 national TV networks, 68 radio stations and 65 movie theaters in Latin American countries including: Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras and the Dominican Republic.

The media campaign will include traditional TV and radio spots in combination with integrated brand placement and contests within daytime programming and reality TV shows. EBET's brand Karamba will be featured in leading shows such as "Combate," "Sabadsimo," and "Magaly TV," with full segments and interactive games. Adding to the fan base reach of each show, full online video and banner campaigns will be run on each show's social channels, as well as the networks' streaming channels.

"We are excited about working with EBET and exposing their brands to this massive Latin American audience," commented Teodoro Perez, principal of Metagames. "The creative opportunities for integrating EBET's brands in the top TV shows and national networks could be a catalyst in driving high volumes of traffic."

Aaron Speach, CEO of EBET, commented, "This is an incredible opportunity for EBET and its leading brands to gain exposure to an audience of millions of Latin Americans. I am very excited for the opportunity to expand EBET's access to more countries and networks through our work with Metagames."

About EBET, Inc.

EBET operates and develops award-winning, groundbreaking and engaging wagering products for bettors around the world. The company is focused on bringing better entertainment and technology solutions to cater to the Millennial and Gen-Z demographics in the wagering space. EBET operates online sportsbook and casino brands Karamba, Hopa, Griffon Casino, BetTarget, Dansk777, GenerationVIP and Gogawi, which have over 1.4 million deposited customers in more than 15 countries. The company recently was awarded Esport Product of the Year at the 2021 SiGMA Europe and the 2022 SiGMA Asia and SiGMA Americas Awards. Its brand Karamba received SBC's award for Innovation in Casino & Gaming Entertainment and the 2022 SiGMA Americas award for Online Casino of the Year. EBET, Inc. is listed on the Nasdaq under the symbol EBET (CUSIP 278700109). EBET, Inc. was previously Esports Technologies Inc. The name changed on May 5, 2022, to better reflect the company's business and mission.

For more information, visit:https://ebet.gg/.

Forward-Looking Statements: This press release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which statements involve risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements include, without limitation, the amount of traffic volume that may be generated by the marketing relationship. These statements relate to future events, future expectations, plans and prospects. You can identify forward-looking statements by those that are not historical in nature, particularly those that use terminology such as "may," "should," "expects," "anticipates," "contemplates," "estimates," "believes," "plans," "projected," "predicts," "potential," or "hopes" or the negative of these or similar terms. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable as of the date made, actual results or outcomes may prove to be materially different from the expectations expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, including those discussed in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including as set forth in Item 1A. "Risk Factors" in our most recently filed Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and updated from time to time in our Form 10-Q filings and in our other public filings with the SEC. The Company does not undertake any obligation to release publicly any revisions to forward-looking statements as a result of subsequent events or developments, except as required by law.


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EBET Announces Sportsbook and Exclusive Casino Wagering Agreement with Metagames, Providing Access to One of the Largest Spanish-Speaking Digital and...

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Regulator: Kansas Sports Betting Off And Running With Few Hiccups – Legal Sports Report

Posted: at 8:43 am

The first three weeks of sports betting in Kansas have gone smoothly, according to one of the states main regulators.

Kansas Lottery Executive Director Stephen Durrell toldLSR last week there have been no struggles since the KS sports betting market opened Sept. 1. There are six operators taking bets, including 2.4 million in the first 10 days, according to the Lottery.

On the part of the lottery, platforms and casinos, there are no complaints, Durrell said. There was one little hiccup with a credit card company. They werent processing transactions for three or four days, but thats been the only hiccup. And we didnt get any complaints on that.

Those 2.4 million bets in the first 10 days were worth more than $39 million in wagers, according to the Lottery.Durrell said the launch prior to the first NFL betting weekend was key to early success.

He said there are expectations for action to slow down following the initial wave of promo offers from sportsbooks.

During the session, there were so many numbers thrown around, it was sort of anyones guess so we erred on the side of caution, Durrell said. We knew there would be good numbers with the start of the professional football season, but they turned out to be very good.

Based on population size alone, Connecticutsports betting offers a decent comparison to Kansas for a market launch. There are 3.5 million residents in Connecticut, while Kansas is home to 2.9 million, although with a lower per-capita household income.

Connecticut sportsbooks began taking bets Oct. 19, 2021.In the first 12 days, bettors in Connecticut wagered $54.1 million.

In addition to wealthier customers and better awareness of established casino brands, Connecticut has the added advantage of being in the heavily populated Northeast, where New York and Massachusetts had yet to launch mobile sports betting.

Each of the four Kansas-owned casinos can partner with up to three sportsbook operators. Just six license slots are filled, according to Durrell.

He has heard rumblings that another operator is preparing to submit an application. Another operator or two could come with the new year.

All of our casino partners are happy with the platforms they have, Durrell said.

The live Kansas sportsbooks are:

With more than 340,000 blocked attempts to access Kansas sportsbooks, mostly in Kansas City, Missourians are clearly missing out on the action. Lawmakers from both states worked on legislation this spring, with Kansas successfully legalizing sports betting.

Missouri legislators are in a special session discussing tax cuts and there was a hearing held on a sports betting bill. While the sponsor, Rep. Dan Houx, acknowledges it is unlikely to see action, he told LSR it keeps the issue front and center heading into 2023.

Its been the number one topic constituents ask about this summer, Houx said. Were just trying to keep it in the forefront of peoples minds. Do I think the governor will expand the session? I dont know if he will, but it doesnt sound like it. Its not something Ill be aggressive to make happen if not.

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Aaron Judge, Albert Pujols closing in on baseball immortality – SB Nation

Posted: at 8:42 am

Baseball fans could be treated to a double-dose of home run immortality this week, as both Aaron Judge and Albert Pujols are closing in on historic milestones.

In the Bronx, Judges incredible season for the New York Yankees rolls on, as he enters play Tuesday with 59 home runs on the campaign. Judge belted a pair of home runs for the New York Yankees on Sunday, in the Yankees 12-8 win over the Milwaukee Brewers, leaving him just two shy of Roger Maris American League record of 61 home runs in a season, set back in 1961.

Judges second blast on Sunday was a no-doubter off the bat, as you can tell by the reaction from Brewers pitcher Luis Perdomo:

As you can hear from the crowd after that moon shot, the calls for Judge to win American League Most Valuable Player continue to grow. Judge leads the league in a number of offensive categories, including on-base percentage (.419), slugging percentage (.701) and on-base plus slugging (1.120). His 59 home runs leads the majors, and also puts him 20 home runs ahead of Kyle Schwarber, who ranks second in baseball with 39 home runs.

But perhaps the best case for Judges MVP candidacy comes via Wins Above Replacement. Heading into play Tuesday, Judges WAR of 9.6 leads the league, putting him ahead of Shoehei Ohtanis mark of 8.7.

It is also the highest since the 10.7 posted by Mookie Betts during the 2018 season, when he won MVP.

Then there is Pujols, who is closing in on one of baseballs most elite clubs: The 700 club.

Currently, that elite club has just three members: Barry Bonds, Hank Aaron and Babe Ruth. Pujols is on the cusp of joining them. After a slow start to the season, Pujols locked in as August began, and has 12 home runs since August 10th. On that date, Pujols launched a solo shot off Austin Gomber of the Colorado Rockies, kicking off his late-season hot streak at the plate.

On Friday night, Pujols launched this rocket to deep left off Raynel Espinal of the Cincinnati Reds, giving him 19 home runs on the season, and 698 for his career:

The week ahead should give Judge ample opportunities to reach Maris mark. The Yankees kickoff a homestand tonight, starting with a quick two-game series with the Pittsburgh Pirates. The Pirates are expected to start Luis Ortiz on the mound Tuesday night, having just recalled him to Pittsburgh after an injury to J.T. Brubaker, and Roansy Contreras on Wednesday.

Judge has yet to face either pitcher this year, but Ortiz, the young flamethrower, has bounced around between AA, AAA and the Pirates this season. Contreras, another younger arm in the Pittsburgh organization, has spent time at both AAA and with the major league club this season. In just over 83 inning of work with the Pirates, Contreras has allowed ten home runs.

Should Judge get through this two-game set with the Pirates without notching another home run, hell get his chance against the Yankees bitter rivals when the Boston Red Sox come to town for a four-game series, the final meeting between the rivals this season. Judge has 5 home runs in 14 games against Boston this season, and two of those came against Nick Pivetta, slated to start for the Red Sox on Saturday.

Pujols might face a tougher road to reach his milestone, at least in the early part of the week. The Cardinals travel west to start a West Coast swing, starting with three games against the San Diego Padres at Petco Park. Mike Clevinger gets the ball for the Padres on Tuesday night, and Pujols has just a single hit in 14 career at-bats against him. Wednesday night will see lefty Blake Snell on the bump for San Diego, and Pujols has just one hit off Snell in his ten career at-bats.

His best chance might come Thursday, when Joe Musgrove is expected to get the call for the Padres. Pujols homered off Musgrove back in April of 2017, when he was with the Los Angeles Angels.

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Aaron Judge, Albert Pujols closing in on baseball immortality - SB Nation

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Ericsson takes another step towards BorgWarner Trophy immortality – RACER

Posted: at 8:42 am

Marcus Ericsson fears his girlfriend is a bigger fan of the clay bust sculpted by Will Behrends than the actual head on his shoulders. Behrends version of the Indy 500 winner has one major advantage for Iris: It doesnt talk back.

Sitting by the pool in Tryon, North Carolina, where the Swede and Iris were joking with each other and relaxing on Tuesday, the Chip Ganassi Racing driver took a few moments to reflect on his life-changing victory in May that led him to take part in one of the events final traditions in posing for Behrends and having his likeness added to the $3 million BorgWarner trophy.

I was impressed, Ericsson told RACER. Hes done a good job. This is the cool thing with the 500, all the traditions and all the things you get to do after winning. And this is probably one of the very coolest things with this sculpture and getting your face on the trophy. I think thats pretty incredible and pretty unique in the sporting world.

Indy 500 winners have a few days to celebrate the achievement before returning to the IndyCar circuit and racing the following weekend. With the season now over, Ericssons enjoying the opportunity to continue celebrating the win without the pressures of driving the No. 8 Honda to worry about.

Its tough, because you go straight from the 500 and the season gets so intense from then onwards with so many races, and obviously, I was right in the thick of that championship hunt for the rest of the year, he said. So you have to put all your efforts into that. And you put so much focus and determination to try and win that championship, its a bit hard to really enjoy and embrace the fact that I won the 500.

So going on a trip like this, and going through this whole process with the sculpturing, its been a new chance to enjoy the result we had in May. And its not confirmed yet, but I think we might get to bring the BorgWarner trophy to Sweden, so that would be amazing.

Ericsson had the honor of being Behrends 33rd Indy 500 winner to sit for the BorgWarner trophy. Hes also becoming accustomed to being introduced as the winner of the worlds biggest open-wheel race.

I think the biggest change since winning is just the fact that you will always be presented as the Indy 500 winner and thats going to be with me for the rest of my life, he said. And also, in the racing industry, you move up a lot of steps and also with the fans because of the 500 Theres been a lot more focus on me, which is different, but Im very proud of what we achieved.

We had a plan going into the month of May and we would follow that plan and execute that plan to perfection. Really, we were strong all month, we did an excellent race and it was just it was just all those things combined for Chip Ganassi Racing. So doing this sculpture and knowing it will be on the trophy for all of us forever, it just makes what we did even more special.

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