Daily Archives: September 2, 2022

AI for everyone: Companies are bullish on automation – CIO Dive

Posted: September 2, 2022 at 2:18 am

Dive Brief:

AI has evolved, from cool novelty to narrowly focused tactical tool to a strategic asset with a broad range of enterprise applications.

The technology has now reached a tipping point, Gartner says.

Rather than restricting AI only to specific operations, companies are considering potential applications for AI across the enterprise, whether or not its actually going to be used, said Erick Brethenoux, distinguished analyst and VP at Gartner.

The survey was conducted online from October through December 2021 but reflects current headlines:

Cardinal Health is using AI for inventory management, pricing, logistic and supply chain management, Ray Bajaj, the healthcare giants CTO and SVP, said as part of a Reuters virtual symposium on August 25.

AI has also been deployed to assist in population health risk management, to provide physicians with clinical decision support, and to help pharmacists more efficiently count pills, according to Bajaj.

Every process is going to be AI and machine learning enabled, he said.

Wins with automation ML-based operations that reduce the need for workers are fueling enthusiasm for AI. Successfully upskilling in-house talent has smoothed the way for AI deployments, according to Brethenoux.

Brethenoux said companies are finding employees with backgrounds in operational research, statistics, HR, finance, and engineering who can learn AI.

One of my clients told me it's a lot easier to teach data science to subject matter experts than to teach subject matter expertise to data scientists, said Brethenoux.

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AI for everyone: Companies are bullish on automation - CIO Dive

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Machine Vision: The Key to Unlocking Automation’s Full Potential – Dice Insights

Posted: at 2:18 am

Machine vision is a growing market that offers a way to improve efficiencies and support companies as they look to not just survive but thrive in a volatile environment. A recent report says the machine vision market is projected to be worth $15.5 billion in 2026.

Machine vision is a class of technologies that process information from visual inputs such as images, documents, computer screens, videos and more. Its value in automation lies in its ability to capture and process large quantities of documents, images and video quickly and efficiently in quantities and speeds far in excess of human capability.

Machine vision usually works with other advanced technologies, including natural language processing, robotic process automation (RPA), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML), to deliver automations impact on business operations. You can think of machine vision as the eyes of automation, while AI and ML are the brains and RPA provides the hands on keyboards required to do the work, as well as the backbone you hang these technologies onto to leverage them in automation.

Everything from a growing need for quality inspection and automation to vision-guided robots, from government initiatives supporting industrial automation to the integration of AI into edge devices, are just some of the reasons this market is growing. Automation adoption has accelerated in recent years, becoming essential for businesses to remain competitive across industries. To put it simply, think of automations as digital employees doing work. Without adding machine vision, all of those digital employees will be blind.

One of the most common uses of machine vision in automation is document processing. Machine vision combined with machine learning are the active ingredients in what is referred to as intelligent document processing (IDP): automatically processing and classifying documents, extracting printed or handwritten data, and then deciphering the content for further automated processing. This technology is so powerful, it is now actually better at reading handwriting than humans are.

Insurance administrators need no longer devote their days to manually digitizing paper applications; banking clerks dont have to manually enter customer information or spreadsheet data into databases; brokers can avoid the additional work that arises from the errors that can occur when processing high volumes of transactions under strict daily deadlines. By filtering machine vision-extracted data inputs through machine learning and AI based technologies, the speed, accuracy and organization of processing needed to embrace automation technologies can be realized.

The sophistication of how computer vision is applied in automation is not limited to document processing, though. Video-based facial recognition in security processes, checkout-less supermarkets and remote equipment identification via drones for inventory management are examples of how computer vision is being leveraged in automation.

Machine vision-based technologies are even becoming central to the creation of automations themselves. For example, instead of relying on human workers to describe processes that are being automated when designing automations, recordings of the process to be automated are created and then machine vision software, combined with other technologies, is used to capture the process end-to-end and provide the input for automating a lot of the work needed to program the digital workers (bots).

Standards of accuracy and bias are a concern cited by organizations when it comes to relying on artificial solutions to undertake certain processes. This is why its important to have the right processes in place for each application to ensure the best outcome. For automated document processing, measures that loop in human workers when uncertainties arise are common. Just as some oversight is needed for humans undertaking processes, diligence should be applied to digital workers, as well.

At the same time, machine vision and AI are also used to QA human-based processes. In financial services, machine vision is used to help monitor processes to ensure compliance. In healthcare, automated second opinions of radiology-based diagnoses are increasing in use; this is partly because it reduces the time and cost it takes to process second opinions but also because, in a growing number of areas, machine vision/AI-based processing of radiology images is more accurate than humans.

With automation, human healthcare workers have more time to devote to their patients. This is the real driver of automation in healthcarethe realization that every cost saved in administration and clinical processes can be allocated to improving patient care.

The future of work is agile and machine vision is the key to unleashing automations full potentialadding more intelligence to intelligent automation. This technology allows digital workers to interact with screens, documents and video like humans do, which is a big breakthrough. Ultimately, it results in a more fulfilled and satisfied workforce, along with a more competitive and profitable business.

Machine vision is integral to maximizing the impact of advanced automation technologies on business operations and paving the way for increased capabilities in the automation space. Self-driving cars, a technology that is not too far off, demonstrates how machine vision is being pushed to its furthest capabilities. But for now, machine vision enables businesses to successfully navigate an evolving landscape, reduce costs and increase efficienciesno matter what challenges and uncertainties lie ahead.

Lou Bachenheimer, PhD, is CTO, Americas for SS&C Blue Prism.

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Machine Vision: The Key to Unlocking Automation's Full Potential - Dice Insights

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Automation has Become an Absolute IT Necessity Techstrong TV – DevOps.com

Posted: at 2:18 am

Vijoy Pandey, vice president of emerging technologies and Incubation for Cisco, explains why automation has become an absolute IT necessity. The video is below followed by a transcript of the conversation.

Michael Vizard: Hey, guys, thanks for the throw. Were here with Vijoy Pandey, whos vice president of emerging technology and incubation for Cisco. Were gonna be talking about all things related to automation. Vijoy, welcome to the show.

Vijoy Pandey: Thank you, Mike, pleasure to be here.

Michael Vizard: Right now, everybody is struggling, looking to find people, hire people, retain people, and this was an issue before COVID came, but it seems like its much worse these days, and there seems to be no end in sight. So, what is your best advice to folks about how to think about managing talent these days?

Vijoy Pandey: Yeah, I think thats a pretty important point you raise there, Mike. Just like everybody else, weve been seeing not just news articles around the great resignation, but also were feeling that inside of Cisco as well. We know that our partners, our customers, all of us are feeling that pinch, where its incredibly important to retain top talent, but its also very hard to find talent, given the trends that were seeing around us.

Anything about cloud computing, anything about AI, all of those things. So, we think of the problem in a very different way. We think and weve done a bunch of surveys inside of Cisco what we realized was given the global nature of events we know some events unfolding right now and all of the geopolitical events happening, all the pandemic, people really are realizing that life is too short.

Its not a pithy statement here, its actually people believe that life is just too short, and they actually want to do meaningful work. They want to make an impact, not just to the team that they are with, nor the company that theyre with, but even a global impact with the work that they do.

But they also want to grow and learn, and make sure that they are on a path themselves towards meaningfully improving their own lives. So, I think those are pretty important characteristics that we have gathered, and as organizations and as teams we need to harness that desire to make both local impact as well as global impact as well as figure out how to drive meaning into everybodys personal lives yours, mine, our teams, and so on and so forth.

So, theres a bunch of things that we are doing inside of Cisco to make sure that this meaning, or meaningful impact, is nurtured. One of the things that we keep on saying is that yes, there is a business to run, but theres also an avenue we need to give our employees and our teams to innovate, to look at impact beyond the run-of-the-mill business that any corporation needs to do.

So, typically what we end up doing is we end up taking problem statements that we face, lets say, as a team or an organization, and we start splitting it into buckets. So, think about buckets that deal with run-of-the-mill business, because that, you need to absolutely take care of.

But also, there are buckets that you need to innovate around or do meaningful work around. So, we have a portfolio management system inside, at least on my team, that says lets take 60 percent of your time and make sure that thats allocated towards run-of-the-mill business as usual projects, and then maybe 30 percent of the time which is future-looking and adding new features or looking at new markets and so on and so forth, and maybe 10 percent of your time is actually towards growing yourself, nurturing yourself, or making some meaningful impact on the global stage. So, thats actually how weve been viewing the problem.

Michael Vizard: Early on, I think a lot of people were intimidated by automation, and there was concerns that people might lose their jobs. Now, I wonder if weve flipped that entirely, where people are saying hey, I dont really wanna work for organizations that dont have automated IT process in place because of your points theres just things that I dont wanna spend my day doing anymore. So, has the whole conversation flipped, as far as automation is concerned?

Vijoy Pandey: I would say the conversation is flipping as we speak, again, yeah, going back to the previous comment, yes, people dont want to spend time on repeatable tasks, on things which a computer can do better than you and I can do. I have this constant struggle with my kid nowadays as to why do I need to learn grammar when theres Grammarly? But thats a different matter.

But I think its a similar mindset going through every individual in the workforce, as to am I really adding value in the workplace, and am I being more productive, which in turn translates is the organization being more productive, which in turn translates to is the economy and the country being more productive.

So, I think the bump towards productivity is definitely a goal that people are more concerned about, and you hear the other side of this, which is, as you pointed out, is the digitization of the workplace is the digitization of all economy. Thats in progress.

Weve called that using various phrases software eating of the world, or the API economy whatever term that you want to use. But we are moving towards a world where software is critical in driving everything that we do. Software in terms of automation, or even beyond that, is definitely key to whatever we do.

Michael Vizard: Not too long ago we all thought wed be running around by flying cars by now, and that IT would be easy. Weve seen neither, and it looks like IT is getting more complex than ever. So, my question to you is is IT getting to the point where it is just too complex to manually deal with and we need automation, because we are seeing all these microservices, serverless frameworks.

Theres all our existing monolithic applications, its distributed all the way out to the edge now. Have we reached some sort of inflection point?

Vijoy Pandey: Yeah, I think to your point IT is definitely way more complex than it was even a decade ago, and I think the crux of the matter is that the way you are building applications and all of the digitization that we talked about is actually taking place in a very, very distributed manner.

So, as an application developer, first and foremost, we at Cisco like to say that the application is your brand. So, if I am a bank, how my customers interact with the apps that I build defines me, my company, my bank, as the brand. Because if bank A has more capabilities in their software, their mobile app, versus bank B, I will migrate towards bank A.

So, I think the application is becoming the front end to everything customer experience is all about. So, if you take that notion and play it out, that means the application developer that is developing those applications is under extreme pressure to deliver velocity behind features, do deliver trust with the data of the customers, to deliver uptime and security and so on and so forth.

So, which means that they are picking and choosing all of these APIs that exist anywhere to make their job faster, easier more secure, more trustworthy. So, if you think about that kind of an environment, as a developer, Im picking APIs from cloud providers, SaaS providers, I have legacy systems, I have transaction systems, I have edge devices, in the case of a bank. It might be sitting at a branch office.

I have all of these APIs and systems that I need to interface with just to build one particular app or feature. So, in this kind of a distributed environment, think about the IT more IT people, right? Its like Im trying to build a platform that caters to these kind of demands, and so it is definitely getting more complex, its getting more distributed, and every provider in the distributed environment has their own semantics, their own lifecycle management behind their APIs and their infrastructures.

So, automation I mean, its just humanly impossible to not just deploy but even manage and observe such a highly distributed and secure, by the way such a highly distributed system. So, automation is key to doing all of this, a direction automation, to me, is discoverability.

Its intent-based, its security, which is theres no longer a perimeter of security, and its observability across all of these end points, API to mainframe. That is key to moving forward.

Michael Vizard: Do you think as we go along that organizations at least some of them I talked to, its almost like a chicken and an egg kind of issue. They have so much legacy stuff that cant be automated that they cant invest in automation, and they cant necessarily buy all new platforms tomorrow. So, how do we get over the automation hump to kind of get from point A to point B without necessarily breaking the IT budget?

Vijoy Pandey: Yeah, thats a great point. I think some of that, Ive dealt with in my previous lives as well. The way to do that is and theres no questions about it, that for some period of time, there is going to be more chaos and more money spent than before that time or after that time.

So, we just have to acknowledge that as vendors, as customers, as organizations, that for some period of time, theres going to be turmoil. Thats the way, at least, Ive handled it in the past, where you say lets put milestones, where we say maybe we look after a pocket of the organization, and say were going to build this out in a highly automated, distributed, cloud-first, API-first manner.

This part of the application, this part of the infrastructure goes out and does that. To do that, were going to do a clean slate process here. So, well think about we wont get ourselves bound to organizational boundaries, skill set boundaries that is very hard to do. Most peoples jobs, peoples skill sets, organizational structures, all of that.

But we have to try in some pockets, and then give ourselves strict guidelines and metrics, and try and meet those metrics. If we meet those metrics, the resulting outcome is that I will be spending less moving forward than Im spending today.

So, I might spend a little bit more in getting maybe SREs or software engineers, and marrying them up with IT folks or architects, and getting something going. Ill give myself a timeline of lets say a year or 18 months; it cannot be longer than that, otherwise its a science project.

But after those 18 months, these are the metrics Im going to come back to. Ill get X percent improvement in productivity, and Y percent reduction in head count, lets say. We shall measure ourselves to that objective, and Ive seen that work.

If it works and start with something simpler. But go all the way, dont go 80 percent. Lets not do 80 percent automation or 80 percent of the use cases. Hundred percent automation, 100 percent of the use cases for this pocket of your environment, and then grow that out over time.

Michael Vizard: We, of course, hear a lot about artificial intelligent and AI Ops. Are the machines gonna save us from ourselves? Whats the reality of AI?

Vijoy Pandey: To me, AI is a tool, just like all of the other tools that weve talked about, which is weve talked about automation or infrastructure as code, weve talked about cloud native and serverless and microservices. Each one of these tools, programming and scriptings tools.

So, all of these tools bring in something to the table, and infrastructure as code brings in consistency and intent-based infrastructures, and serverless and microservices, or cloud-native, bring in immutable architectures.

The fact that you can grow and scale out and do all of those things, and availability goes through the roof and velocity goes through the roof. Similarly, AI and ML bring in insights to the table where it was humanly, again, impossible to do that just by looking at the vast variety of data and the deluge of data coming our way.

If we could just take all of that and its all unstructured. So, if I could take all of that and somehow put it in a structured database and somehow make sense of it as an individual, sure, we dont need the AI or ML. But if I need to take all of that unstructured data and make some sense out of it, theres no other way out, and I do need AI and ML.

I mean, I do need some statistical mechanism first, to figure out and make some sense out of it. I do need AI/ML, maybe deep-learning, to make some sense out of it. But then I need to marry that tool with subject matter expertise, I need to marry that tool with what I as an individual, or as humans, weve learned in the past, because AI doesnt have that context.

Yes, we can do learning, all sorts of learning, but it doesnt always work in all kinds of environments. We need to marry that with subject matter expertise, with some boundary conditions, and then we need to marry it with actions. Because AI/ML is gonna give us insights, but somebody needs to take actions on the insights.

So to me, its a tool in the toolbox, and we need to leverage it when it makes sense. We need to rely on subject matter expertise when it makes sense, and eventually things will get to a point where we need to go to the next level of abstraction.

So, its always a game of moving that level of abstraction higher and higher, and thats what we are after. So, maybe someday there will be flying cars and robots that will take all our jobs, but not right now.

Michael Vizard: How do I bridge this divide in IT that maybe we dont talk enough about, but theres clearly a DevOps community thats very programming-centric. The use APIs. Then theres traditional IT administrators that use ITSM tools. They tend to be more graphical in nature. As we move forward with automation, do you think that those two camps are gonna converge, or how will this all play out?

Vijoy Pandey: In my opinion, I think they have to converge. I think each one of those pieces have their space in the hierarchy of things. One of the things I learned pretty early on in one of my previous lives is what good is a dashboard if you cannot take an action on it?

So, if you think about all dashboards that exist today, eventually, there is data being presented in a certain way about a certain problem, so that somebody can look at that and take an action. If you think about infrastructure as code, its exactly that.

Its basically lets remove the dashboard, and lets figure out what goes triggers that, that allow me to take those preset actions. Lets try and remove the action of a human looking at a dashboard, thinking about it, and taking some action on it.

Now, again, Im describing utopia, but I think thats where, as engineers, as operations folks, we all need to move towards. To me, dashboards are a good start when the problem is less well understood. As we understand the problems better, we need to move towards code.

Dashboards will still have their place in helping us understand more and more complex problems, but as problems are better understood, they need to move towards code. And thats the way at least I think through it.

Michael Vizard: All right, so automation needs to be our new North Star, as it were. Hey, Vijoy, thanks for being on the show.

Vijoy Pandey: Thank you so much, it was a pleasure, and I enjoyed our conversation.

Michael Vizard: All right, back to you guys in the studio.

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Automation has Become an Absolute IT Necessity Techstrong TV - DevOps.com

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Independent study reveals strategic potential of automation remains untapped within Finance and Accounting (F&A) – Yahoo Finance

Posted: at 2:18 am

New study highlights the strategic role that F&A departments must play in ensuring business success. In a challenging climate of rising inflation and high employee mobility, the research shows that opportunities afforded by automation to positively transform F&A are not yet fully exploited.

HELSINKI, Aug. 31, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- In a recent commissioned research study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of global business automation experts Digital Workforce, findings show that F&A teams are hindered by their failure to adopt automation for strategic success. The study reveals that although many businesses have invested in RPA (Robotic Process Automation), their efforts have not gone far enough to truly digitally transform their F&A processes. F&A departments continue to grapple with manual, repetitive tasks which result in errors, inefficiencies, unnecessarily high workloads and expenses.

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The business advantages of automation were widely acknowledged by study participants* who consisted of North American F&A leaders, 75% of which represented mid-sized and large enterprises with $250-999 million in company revenue. The majority of respondents were well-versed in the technology's benefits, noting automation's ability to:

Improve business insights 69% use RPA to enhance data and analytics in order to improve the business's ability to forecast and plan ahead.

Enhance employee experience 65% recognize its power to improve employee satisfaction and help to retain talent.

Support digital business transformation in order to better serve customers (63%).

However, the research also revealed that most F&A departments are facing challenges in their adoption of automation:

The majority of respondents (61%) struggle to generate insights and forecasts. More than half (54%) face difficulties scaling automation throughout a finance value chain.

60% experience difficulties in shifting employees' focus from manual tasks and enabling them to develop new skills.

Over half of those surveyed (55%) struggle to manage siloed applications and integrate different systems to gain a holistic view across the entire F&A stack (51%).

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As a result of these challenges, nearly 60% of organizations experience inefficiencies in their strategic collaboration with other business areas. Over half (51%) of respondents also reported increased errors, inaccurate reporting and unnecessarily high operational expenses due to lack of visibility over cost-saving opportunities.

The study calls F&A leaders to re-evaluate their use of automation in order to support teams in becoming a strategic partner across the business and supporting broader business transformation by automation, while also boosting efficiency and accuracy levels.

Mika Vainio-Mattila, Co-founder and CEO of Digital Workforce said,

"Forrester's study aligns with what we see when working with F&A clients. There is still much to do with RPA, but when combined with other technologies (Digital Process Automation, Conversational AI, process mining, etc.) the transformational value from automation increases exponentially. Strategic use of automation is a must-have for Finance leads who want to transform their F&A business processes and scale automation throughout a finance value chain."

CFOs have a unique opportunity to drive better decision-making, reduce workloads, improve employee retention and save costs. The Forrester Consulting study also found that the majority of respondents (60%) are looking for guidance from technology providers around the governance and operating models for automation use cases.

Read a copy of the full Forrester Study here https://digitalworkforce.com/automation-finance-study

*Respondents consisted of 104 U.S. and Canadian Finance & Accounting departments across the following industries: financial services and/or insurance; healthcare; manufacturing and materials.

About Digital WorkforceServicesDigital Workforce Services Plc is the leading business automation platform and service provider globally. Digital Workforce Outsmart platform allows organizations to accelerate digitalization, increase revenue, improve customer experience and gain competitive advantage. Globally, over 200 large customers use Digital Workforce's platform and services to transform their businesses with automation. Founded in 2015, Digital Workforce currently employs over 200 business automation specialists in the US, the UK, Poland, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. Digital Workforce is publicly listed in Nasdaq First North Growth Market Finland.https://digitalworkforce.com

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View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/independent-study-reveals-strategic-potential-of-automation-remains-untapped-within-finance-and-accounting-fa-301615056.html

SOURCE Digital Workforce

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Independent study reveals strategic potential of automation remains untapped within Finance and Accounting (F&A) - Yahoo Finance

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Door and Window Automation Market worth $23.6 billion by 2027 – Exclusive Report by MarketsandMarkets – PR Newswire

Posted: at 2:18 am

CHICAGO, Sept. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ --Door And Window Automation Marketsize is estimated to be USD 18.3 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach USD 23.6 billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 5.2%,according to a new report by MarketsandMarkets. The increasing demand for automated doors in various industries and rising infrastructure development projects worldwide are responsible for the growth of door and window automation market. Additionally, the installation of automated doors and windows is increasing rapidly in hospitality sector, which is also responsible for the growth of the market.

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Browse in-depth TOC on"Door and Window Automation Market"

163 Tables60 Figures215 Pages

Access Control Systems is expected to hold the largest growth rate during the forecast period

An access control system is used for security, as it allows access only to authorized persons; however, it can also grant, modify, or deny access at any time. Automated door systems can be combined with access control systems to increase security. The increasing requirement of security at offices, airports, hospitals, and hotels, which, in turn, is driving the growth of the segment.

Pedestrian doors dominated the door and window automation market in 2021

Pedestrian doors are used where there is high pedestrian traffic, such as in hotels, hospitals, office buildings, banks, and airports, to provide optimum safety and security with ease of managing high crowds in commercial buildings. They are ideal for the entrance to homes and offices. The maintenance cost for these doors is low, and hence are highly preferred by the various end-users.

Hotels and restaurants is expected to hold the largest CAGR by 2027

Automated doors installed in hotels and restaurants minimizes the loss of conditioned air and improves the flow of foot traffic in busy doorways. Guests can use a single remote to control automated windows for ventilation and other security purposes. Automated doors can also be integrated with hotel locking systems to ensure a secure entrance not only to guests but also to other trade partners such as delivery personnel and staff. Pedestrian doors such as sliding and revolving doors are installed in hotels and restaurants to allow easy access to people on wheelchairs, strollers, and persons carrying large parcels. These doors provide hotels and restaurants with better designs and appearance. They are also used to control the high volume of traffic.

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The door and window automation market in North America is the dominating region in 2021

North America is one of the leading regions in the door and window automation market. Countries such as the US, Canada, and Mexico play a major role in the North American door and window automation market. The US is one of the major contributors to the growth of the regional market as several key players in the door and window automation market, including Royal Boon Edam International B.V., Honeywell International, and Insteon, have their headquarters in the US, which is expected to create immense market growth opportunities in the coming years.

Major companies operating in this door and window automation market includes ASSA ABLOY (Sweden), Nabtesco Corporation (Japan), Allegion Plc (Ireland), and dormakaba Group (Switzerland).

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Browse Adjacent Market: Semiconductor and Electronics MarketResearch Reports &Consulting

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Door and Window Automation Market worth $23.6 billion by 2027 - Exclusive Report by MarketsandMarkets - PR Newswire

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Outlook on the Test Automation Global Market to 2031 – Key Drivers, Restraints and Opportunities – Yahoo Finance

Posted: at 2:18 am

DUBLIN, Aug. 31, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The "Test Automation Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 2021-2031" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

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This report on the global test automation market studies the past as well as the current growth trends and opportunities to gain valuable insights of the indicators of the market during the forecast period from 2022 to 2031. The report provides revenue of the global test automation market for the period 2017-2031, considering 2021 as the base year and 2031 as the forecast year. The report also provides the compound annual growth rate (CAGR %) of the global test automation market from 2022 to 2031.

The report has been prepared after an extensive research. Primary research involved bulk of the research efforts, wherein analysts carried out interviews with key opinion leaders, industry leaders, and opinion makers. Secondary research involved referring to key players' product literature, annual reports, press releases, and relevant documents to understand the test automation market.

Secondary research also Incuded Internet sources, statistical data from government agencies, websites, and trade associations. Analysts employed a combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches to study various attributes of the global test automation market.

The report Incudes an elaborate executive summary, along with a snapshot of the growth behavior of various segments Incuded in the scope of the study. Moreover, the report sheds light on the changing competitive dynamics in the global test automation market. These serve as valuable tools for existing market players as well as for entities interested in participating in the global test automation market.

The report delves into the competitive landscape of the global test automation market. Key players operating in the global test automation market have been identified and each one of these has been profiled, in terms of various attributes. Company overview, financial standings, recent developments, and SWOT are attributes of players in the global test automation market profiled in this report.

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Key Topics Covered:

1. Preface

2. Assumptions and Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary: Global Test Automation Market

4. Market Overview4.1. Market Definition4.2. Technology/ Product Roadmap4.3. Market Factor Analysis4.3.1. Forecast Factors4.3.2. Ecosystem/ Value Chain Analysis4.3.3. Market Dynamics (Growth Influencers) Drivers4.3.3.2. Restraints4.3.3.3. Opportunities4.3.3.4. Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints4.4. COVID-19 Impact Analysis4.4.1. Impact of COVID-19 on the Test Automation Market4.4.2. End-user Sentiment Analysis: Comparative Analysis on Spending4.4.2.1. Increase in Spending4.4.2.2. Decrease in Spending4.4.3. Short Term and Long Term Impact on the Market4.5. Market Opportunity Assessment - by Region (North America/ Europe/ Asia Pacific/ Middle East & Africa/ South America)4.5.1. By Component4.5.2. By Testing Type4.5.3. By End-user

5. Global Test Automation Market Analysis and Forecast5.1. Market Revenue Analysis (US$ Bn), 2016-20315.1.1. Historic Growth Trends, 2016-20205.1.2. Forecast Trends, 2021-20315.2. Pricing Model Analysis/ Price Trend Analysis

6. Global Test Automation Market Analysis, by Component6.1. Overview and Definitions6.2. Key Segment Analysis6.3. Test Automation Market Size (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Component, 2018 - 20316.3.1. Solution6.3.2. Services6.3.2.1. Managed Services6.3.2.2. Professional Services

7. Global Test Automation Market Analysis, by Testing Type7.1. Overview and Definitions7.2. Key Segment Analysis7.3. Test Automation Market Size (US$ Bn) Forecast, by Type, 2018 - 20317.3.1. Functional Testing7.3.2. Non-functional Testing

8. Global Test Automation Market Analysis, by End-user8.1. Key Segment Analysis8.2. Test Automation Market Size (US$ Bn) Forecast, by End-user, 2018 - 20318.2.1. BFSI8.2.2. IT & Telecom8.2.3. Healthcare8.2.4. Government8.2.5. Retail & E-commerce8.2.6. Manufacturing8.2.7. Media and Entertainment8.2.8. Others

9. Global Test Automation Market Analysis and Forecasts, by Region9.1. Key Findings9.2. Market Size (US$ Bn) Forecast by Region, 2018-20319.2.1. North America9.2.2. Europe9.2.3. Asia Pacific9.2.4. Middle East & Africa9.2.5. South America

10. North America Test Automation Market Analysis and Forecast

11. Europe Test Automation Market Analysis and Forecast

12. Asia Pacific Test Automation Market Analysis and Forecast

13. Middle East & Africa Test Automation Market Analysis and Forecast

14. South America Test Automation Market Analysis and Forecast

15. Competition Landscape15.1. Market Competition Matrix, by Leading Players15.2. Market Revenue Share Analysis (%), by Leading Players (2020)15.3. Competitive Scenario15.3.1. List of Emerging, Prominent and Leading Players15.3.2. Major Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansions, Partnership, Contacts, Deals, etc.

16. Company Profiles16.1. Infosys Limited16.1.1. Business Overview16.1.2. Company Revenue16.1.3. Product Portfolio16.1.4. Geographic Footprint16.1.5. Strategic Partnership16.1.6. Merger & Acquisition16.1.7. Business Expansion16.1.8. New Product Launch16.1.9. Innovation etc.16.2. Wipro Limited16.2.1. Business Overview16.2.2. Company Revenue16.2.3. Product Portfolio16.2.4. Geographic Footprint16.2.5. Strategic Partnership16.2.6. Merger & Acquisition16.2.7. Business Expansion16.2.8. New Product Launch16.2.9. Innovation etc.16.3. Cigniti Technologies Limited16.3.1. Business Overview16.3.2. Company Revenue16.3.3. Product Portfolio16.3.4. Geographic Footprint16.3.5. Strategic Partnership16.3.6. Merger & Acquisition16.3.7. Business Expansion16.3.8. New Product Launch16.3.9. Innovation etc.16.4. Infostretch Corporation16.4.1. Business Overview16.4.2. Company Revenue16.4.3. Product Portfolio16.4.4. Geographic Footprint16.4.5. Strategic Partnership16.4.6. Merger & Acquisition16.4.7. Business Expansion16.4.8. New Product Launch16.4.9. Innovation etc.16.5. Inspired Testing (Pty) Ltd.16.5.1. Business Overview16.5.2. Company Revenue16.5.3. Product Portfolio16.5.4. Geographic Footprint16.5.5. Strategic Partnership16.5.6. Merger & Acquisition16.5.7. Business Expansion16.5.8. New Product Launch16.5.9. Innovation etc.16.6. KiwiQA Services Pvt. Ltd.16.6.1. Business Overview16.6.2. Company Revenue16.6.3. Product Portfolio16.6.4. Geographic Footprint16.6.5. Strategic Partnership16.6.6. Merger & Acquisition16.6.7. Business Expansion16.6.8. New Product Launch16.6.9. Innovation etc.16.7. Tricentis GmbH16.7.1. Business Overview16.7.2. Company Revenue16.7.3. Product Portfolio16.7.4. Geographic Footprint16.7.5. Strategic Partnership16.7.6. Merger & Acquisition16.7.7. Business Expansion16.7.8. New Product Launch16.7.9. Innovation etc.16.8. Testhouse Ltd.16.8.1. Business Overview16.8.2. Company Revenue16.8.3. Product Portfolio16.8.4. Geographic Footprint16.8.5. Strategic Partnership16.8.6. Merger & Acquisition16.8.7. Business Expansion16.8.8. New Product Launch16.8.9. Innovation etc.16.9. ANGLER Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.16.9.1. Business Overview16.9.2. Company Revenue16.9.3. Product Portfolio16.9.4. Geographic Footprint16.9.5. Strategic Partnership16.9.6. Merger & Acquisition16.9.7. Business Expansion16.9.8. New Product Launch16.9.9. Innovation etc.16.10. Qualitest Group16.10.1. Business Overview16.10.2. Company Revenue16.10.3. Product Portfolio16.10.4. Geographic Footprint16.10.5. Strategic Partnership16.10.6. Merger & Acquisition16.10.7. Business Expansion16.10.8. New Product Launch16.10.9. Innovation etc.16.11. Copado Holdings, Inc.16.11.1. Business Overview16.11.2. Company Revenue16.11.3. Product Portfolio16.11.4. Geographic Footprint16.11.5. Strategic Partnership16.11.6. Merger & Acquisition16.11.7. Business Expansion16.11.8. New Product Launch16.11.9. Innovation etc.16.12. QMetry Inc.16.12.1. Business Overview16.12.2. Company Revenue16.12.3. Product Portfolio16.12.4. Geographic Footprint16.12.5. Strategic Partnership16.12.6. Merger & Acquisition16.12.7. Business Expansion16.12.8. New Product Launch16.12.9. Innovation etc.16.13. SmartBear Solutions, Inc.16.13.1. Business Overview16.13.2. Company Revenue16.13.3. Product Portfolio16.13.4. Geographic Footprint16.13.5. Strategic Partnership16.13.6. Merger & Acquisition16.13.7. Business Expansion16.13.8. New Product Launch16.13.9. Innovation etc.16.14. LambdaTest, Inc.16.14.1. Business Overview16.14.2. Company Revenue16.14.3. Product Portfolio16.14.4. Geographic Footprint16.14.5. Strategic Partnership16.14.6. Merger & Acquisition16.14.7. Business Expansion16.14.8. New Product Launch16.14.9. Innovation etc.16.15. Katalon, Inc.16.15.1. Business Overview16.15.2. Company Revenue16.15.3. Product Portfolio16.15.4. Geographic Footprint16.15.5. Strategic Partnership16.15.6. Merger & Acquisition16.15.7. Business Expansion16.15.8. New Product Launch16.15.9. Innovation etc.16.16. Others16.16.1. Business Overview16.16.2. Company Revenue16.16.3. Product Portfolio16.16.4. Geographic Footprint16.16.5. Strategic Partnership16.16.6. Merger & Acquisition16.16.7. Business Expansion16.16.8. New Product Launch16.16.9. Innovation etc.

17. Key Takeaways

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Outlook on the Test Automation Global Market to 2031 - Key Drivers, Restraints and Opportunities - Yahoo Finance

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Cvs Corp. (CVS), Hershey Foods Corp. (HSY) Illumina, Rockwell Automation, Hershey And This Health Care – Benzinga

Posted: at 2:18 am

On CNBCs Halftime Report Final Trades, Amy Raskin of Chevy Chase Trust said that Illumina, Inc. ILMN is not for the faint of heart. It is a really good company that has had a terrible year, she mentioned.

It has a few catalysts coming up at the Genomics forum at the end of the month and then an Analyst Day in early October. Youre also going to get a decision on GRAIL. If the EU prevents that acquisition from happening, theyre going to spin it out and I think thats going to be a big catalyst for the stock, Raskin stated.

Shannon Saccocia of Boston Private chose Rockwell Automation ROK. Focusing on industrial automation with this reassuring trend that weve been talking about, she said.

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Joseph Terranova of Virtus Investment Partners said that Hershey Co HSY was at an all-time high last week and there is more to come.

Jim Lebenthal of Cerity Partners said that CVS Health Corp CVS is an easy to own health care stock.

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Cvs Corp. (CVS), Hershey Foods Corp. (HSY) Illumina, Rockwell Automation, Hershey And This Health Care - Benzinga

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IDTechEx Says Autonomous Trucks Make the Most Compelling Case for Automation in Heavy-Duty Vehicles – PR Newswire

Posted: at 2:18 am

BOSTON, Sept. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ --The new IDTechEx report, "Heavy-Duty Autonomous Vehicles 2023-2043: Trucks, Buses & Roboshuttles", has found significant activity in the autonomous heavy-duty and commercial vehicle space. Today there are hundreds of vehicles around the globe in various stages of trialing, piloting, and even some companies teetering on the precipice of fully unmanned commercial deployment. Each industry has unique strengths and challenges, here are some key findings from the report.


Roboshuttles are a new and exciting form of transport that are rapidly becoming less new. Leaders in the field, EasyMile and Navya have been in the game since 2014 and have accumulated around two-thirds of all roboshuttle sales between them. But their sales in recent years have been dwindling. IDTechEx has observed many small trials of roboshuttles with less than five vehicles being tested by the public on very restricted routes. There have been some bigger deployments, but it seems that the industry is getting stuck at converting these larger pilots to commercial trials. Despite this, there have been recent pushes from China, with Yutong deploying a large fleet of vehicles for trials this year (2022). "Heavy-Duty Autonomous Vehicles 2023-2043: Trucks, Buses & Roboshuttles" considers some of the biggest stumbling blocks for roboshuttles and evaluates when these may be overcome and how the market will grow afterward.

Autonomous Buses

Perhaps buses sound a little more mundane than roboshuttles since they are not promising to revolutionize public transport, but their more evolutionary approach is more achievable and more deployable in the short term. The advantage that buses have over roboshuttles is that the driver and conventional controls can remain in the vehicle while technologies are trialed. Both roboshuttles and buses will be forced to operate near pedestrians, a non-trivial challenge for an autonomous system and requiring human supervision for many years to come. Despite this, level 4 autonomy can bring benefits to buses today. The autonomy level will improve bus safety, and deployments in special-use scenarios such as in bus depots, airside airport buses, and minibuses operating on controlled access campuses could be accomplished in the next few years.

The big challenge for autonomous buses is simply the size of the industry now. Of the three heavy-duty sectors covered in "Heavy-Duty Autonomous Vehicles 2023-2043: Trucks, Buses & Roboshuttles", autonomous buses have the fewest vehicles on the road, with a total fleet size in the low tens, compared to the mid-hundreds for both roboshuttles and autonomous trucks.

Autonomous Trucks

Out of roboshuttles, autonomous buses, and autonomous trucks, IDTechEx thinks that trucks make the most compelling case for automation, here is why. There is a measurable need for truckers, with shortages in China, the US, and Europe. This once popular profession is starting to sour, younger generations are finding the long hours on the road and separation from family less preferable and are opting for work closer to home. The average age of truck drivers is increasing, and the industry is heading toward crisis as demand for haulage soars and driver populations plummet. But, this is irrelevant if the task of automating is unachievable. Thankfully, autonomous trucks also have a realistic operational design domain that can be accomplished with today's technology. Companies like TuSimple, Waymo, and Inceptio are already demonstrating high levels of readiness and getting tantalizingly close to commercial 'driver-out' missions.

So, the demand for autonomous trucks already exists, the technical challenge is more achievable than other autonomous environments, and the technology is almost ready. This is what makes autonomous trucks such an exciting prospect and why it won't be long before they start delivering the goods. More industry analysis and forecasts can be found within the full report at http://www.IDTechEx.com/HeavyDutyAV.

IDTechEx Mobility Research

This research forms part of the broader mobility research portfolio from IDTechEx, who track the adoption of autonomy, electric vehicles, battery trends, and demand across land, sea and air, helping you navigate whatever may be ahead. Find out more at http://www.IDTechEx.com/Mobility.

About IDTechEx

IDTechEx guides your strategic business decisions through its Research, Subscription and Consultancy products, helping you profit from emerging technologies. For more information, contact [emailprotected]or visit http://www.IDTechEx.com.

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IDTechEx Says Autonomous Trucks Make the Most Compelling Case for Automation in Heavy-Duty Vehicles - PR Newswire

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Universal Robots’ New UR20 Collaborative Robot Makes U.S. Debut at IMTS 2022, Expanding Cobot Automation in Machining Industry – Business Wire

Posted: at 2:18 am

ANN ARBOR, Mich.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The tedious task of loading and unloading parts into machines has long been a bread-and-butter application for cobots gaining significant traction in the industry. With its 1,750 mm (68.9 in) reach and 20kg payload (44.1 lbs.), the new UR20 from Universal Robots greatly expands automation opportunities such as the ability to reach further into machines, tend several machines in the same cycle, and handle 25% heavier parts. Despite being URs heaviest robot, the UR20 is the lightest cobot in its class, weighing only 64kg (141.1 lbs.) making it both a versatile technical tool and a manual laborer.

More than half of all U.S. manufacturing tasks are automatable, a fact that businesses start to realize as they simply cannot fill open positions, says Universal Robots senior manager of applications development and strategic marketing, Joe Campbell. We are launching a redefined cobot that has been completely re-engineered from the ground up, focused on freeing up more manpower within a wide range of human-scale automation tasks.

At Universal Robots IMTS booth 236949, attendees will experience first-hand what that looks like as the UR20 loads and unloads heavy workpieces into a machine fixture requiring a long reach. We have completely re-engineered the cobots field-serviceable joints, that deliver 30% more speed and torque within a closed capsule, says Universal Robots VP of innovation and strategy, Anders Beck, explaining how the UR20s base joint produces 700 Newton-meters of torque. This is more than a performance model Tesla produces on all of its wheels. Even with the increase in reach and torque, weve managed to retain the cobots 50 microns repeatability, while still using standard single-phase power.

Universal Robots also kept the intuitive user interface, pioneered by the company, while incorporating advanced software enhancements, giving users unprecedented motion control capabilities. The rapidly expanding UR+ ecosystem of third-party components and application kits, certified to be plug-and-play with UR cobots, also supports the UR20. At IMTS, UR+ partner SCHUNK, will launch the EGU universal parallel electric gripper with the ability to handle varying part dimensions. The new gripper integrates seamlessly with the new UR20through a URCap (software handshake between the peripheral and the robot arm).

Growing number of UR cobot-powered OEM solutions showcased

Universal Robots recently posted a robust 30% growth across the first two quarters of 2022 compared to the first half of 2021. A significant contributor to URs growth is OEMs that now increasingly incorporate UR cobots into full solutions, a sales channel that grew 39% year-over-year. At IMTS, UR has invited several OEM and UR+ partners to its booth, including Vectis Automation, Hirebotics, VersaBuilt Robotics, Robotiq, Kane Robotics, PCC Robotics, and Mid Atlantic Machinery.

New applications for fabricating, machine tending and finishing tasks

For fabricators, Vectis Automation will demo the water-cooled version of its Cobot Welding Tool, delivering heavy duty welds along with the Vectis Cobot Plasma Cutting Tool that enables complex cuts on high-mix 3D parts and tubes for a fraction of the cost of existing 3D shape cutting automation. Hirebotics will showcase its Cobot Welder with a rotary positioner to demonstrate how the system can communicate with positioners to weld parts that aren't possible with just the cobot. The Press Brake Operator Package from Mid Atlantic Machinery showcases a UR10e on a modular parts cart with a machine tool interface and a zone safety scanner that ensures shop safety.

New innovative ways for cobots to interact with CNCs will be highlighted by Robotiqs new Machine Tending Solution that emulates the machine operator with no need to modify or alter the machine controls. Since it is non-intrusive, the new Robotiq solution will work with any brand of CNC. VersaBuilts UR+ certified Mill Automation System with a MultiGrip automation work-holding will allow machinists to easily add any new CNC parts that can be held with a vise. PCC Robotics will demonstrate an efficient machine cell setup as a UR10e equipped with OnRobots dual 3FG15 gripper mounted on EasyRobotics ProFeeder feeds parts to an air vise.

For a finishing touch, Kane Robotics will show the GRIT XL-X robotic system that is ideal for sanding, grinding and finishing, including customized programming and robust data solutions.

Free cobot training sessions at the show

Attendees looking to use cobots for automation tasks but unsure where to begin or how to program, are invited to attend free hands-on training sessions inside McCormick Place at IMTS, each session tailored a specific application taught by certified UR product trainers. Our cobots will be in more than 20 other booths at the show as well, each showcasing different ways to incorporate cobots into machining applications, says URs Joe Campbell. Were looking forward to meet every IMTS attendee no matter where theyre at in their automation journey.

Press Kit: Download it here.

About Universal Robots

Universal Robots aims to empower change in the way work is done using its leading-edge robotics platform. Since introducing the worlds first commercially viable collaborative robot (cobot) in 2008, UR has developed a product portfolio including the UR3e, UR5e, UR10e, UR16e, and UR20 reflecting a range of reaches and payloads. Each model is supported by a wide selection of end-effectors, software, accessories and application kits in the UR+ ecosystem. This allows the cobots to be used across a wide range of industries and means that they can be redeployed across diverse tasks. The company, which is part of Teradyne Inc., is headquartered in Odense, Denmark, and has offices in the USA, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, the Czech Republic, Romania, Turkey, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Mexico. Universal Robots has installed over 50,000 cobots worldwide. For more information, please visit http://www.universal-robots.com or read our blog at blog.universal-robots.com.


Universal Robots' New UR20 Collaborative Robot Makes U.S. Debut at IMTS 2022, Expanding Cobot Automation in Machining Industry - Business Wire

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Vectorworks 2023 to focus on process automation – AEC Magazine

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