Daily Archives: July 27, 2022

The #1 Best Supplement for Diabetes, Says Dietitian Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Posted: July 27, 2022 at 12:05 pm

There are four major areas that influence your diabetesnutrition, exercise, medications, and stress. Without paying attention to these four areas, it may be really challenging to effectively manage blood sugar levels long term.

However, if you are already paying good attention to these, and you want that extra leg-up in blood sugar management, there may be supplements that can help.

One supplement in particular that has been shown to be helpful in the treatment of type 2 diabetes isinositol.

Read on, and for more tips on managing diabetes, check out 5 Worst Breads to Eat for Blood Sugar, Says Dietitian.

There is evidence to suggest that inositol helps insulin work more effectivelyincreasing insulin sensitivity. Many doctors prescribe it for insulin resistant conditions like PCOS, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.

Some call it a B vitamin, but it is technically not a vitamin at all. It's a type of carbohydrate that can be found in foods like whole grains, beans, nuts, and some fruits. The supplement helps you effectively take a larger dose at once than you may be able to find in your daily meals.

Inositol has been associated with improved insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is a phenomenon that occurs when the body has produced too much of this hormone, and our cells stop responding to insulin as quickly.6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e

Typically, after eating carbohydrates, our body produces insulin in response to the natural rise in blood glucose. However, if blood sugar has been consistently elevated, the body will produce more and more insulin to help bring blood sugar down.

Insulin works at the cellular level to let glucose into our cells and aids in using glucose for fuel. This is good news! We need insulin to survive, to feel energized, and use our food for fuel each day.

However, in the case of insulin resistance, the cells stop responding to insulin because it is always around. Thus, blood sugar cannot enter the cell or be used for energy. We end up with more blood glucose and insulin in our bloodstream as a result.

This is the mechanism in which inositol assists blood sugar management in type 2 diabetes. Inositol decreases glucose absorption in the intestines, which lowers blood sugar. It has been shown to decrease the amount of insulin in the bloodstream, effectively decreasing insulin resistance and improving insulin sensitivity.

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Inositol supplementation is not recommended for all types of diabetes. It has primarily been studied in individuals with type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes.

As always, discuss medication interactions and side effects with your doctor before beginning a new supplement. Some cases of overuse have experienced low blood sugar; you may be advised against this supplement if that is the case.

Caroline Thomason, RDN

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The #1 Best Supplement for Diabetes, Says Dietitian Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

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Psychologist Jordan Peterson Says Society Is Harming Boys, and the Church Must Save Them: ‘That’s Your Holy Duty’ – CBN.com

Posted: at 12:04 pm

Renowned Canadian psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson says young people, especially boys, are facing a "demoralization" in the world and he's urging the Christian church to become more involved in reaching the next generation.

In a recent YouTube video titled "Messages to Christian Churches," Peterson explained that when he took a "psychological approach" while talking about the Bible, the majority of his listeners turned out to be young men.

"That is not a phenomenon that can be easily accounted for, but let me try," Dr. Peterson said. "Now in the West, because of the weight of historical guilt that is upon us, a variant of the sense of original sin in a very real sense, and because of a very real attempt by those possessed by what might be described as unhelpful ideas to weaponize that guilt, our young people face a demoralization that is perhaps unparalleled."

"This is particularly true of young men, although anything that devastates young men will eventually do the same to young women," he added while referring to anti-natalism and nihilism.

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Peterson continued, "When they are children, boys are hectored for their toy preferences, which often include toy weapons, such as guns, and their more boisterous playing style, as boys require active rough and tumble play even more than girls, for whom it is also a necessity. When in grade school, boys are admonished, shamed and controlled in a very similar manner by those who think that play is unnecessary, particularly if it's competitive, and who value a docile, harmless obedience above all."

He said the indoctrination of such an "extremely damaging ideology" is accomplished with three accusations.

"Number one: human culture, particularly in the West, is best construed as an oppressive patriarchy motivated by the desire, willingness and the ability to use power to attain what are purely selfish and self-serving ends," he explained.

"Accusation number two: human activity, particularly that undertaken in the West, is fundamentally a planet despoiling enterprise. The human race is a threat to the ecological utopia that existed before us and could hypothetically exist after in our absence."

"Accusation number three: the prime contributor both to the tyranny that makes up the oppressive patriarchy and structures all of our social interactions past and present and the unforgivable despoiling of our beloved mother Earth is damnable male ambition, competitive and dominating, power-mad, selfish, exploitative, raping and pillaging," he said.The psychologist explained that people in the West are facing "an all-out assault at the deepest levels."He said young men who are "deeply conscientious, capable of guilt and regret," consider that "in pain, every deep impulse that moves them out into the world for the adventure of their life, even that impulse drawing them to women, is nothing but the manifestation of the spirit that is essentially satanic in nature."

This belief is not only wrong "theologically, morally, psychologically, practically and scientifically," but it is also "anti-true," he noted.

Peterson also pointed out that the Christian church is "there to remind people, especially young men, that they have a woman to find, a garden to walk in, a family to nurture, an ark to build, a land to conquer, a ladder to Heaven to build, and the utter terrible catastrophe of life, to face stalwartly in truth, devoted to love and without fear."

He continued, "Invite the young men back, say, literally, to those young men, 'You are welcome here. If no one else wants what you have to offer, we do. We want to call you to the highest purpose of your life. We want your time and energy and effort and your will and your goodwill. We want to work with you to make things better, to produce life more abundant for you, and for your wife and children and for your community, and your country, and the world.'"

Dr. Peterson then pointed out the problems within the Christian church.

"We are more abundant, sometimes, far too often, corrupt, and sometimes deeply so," he said. "We're outdated, as are all institutions with their roots in the dead but still often wise past."

He shifted attention towards Protestant churches, saying, "You're the worst at the moment." Catholic and Orthodox should also invite young men, Peterson said.

"Put up a billboard saying 'young men are welcome here.' Tell those who have never been in a church exactly what to do, how to dress, when to show up, who to contact and, most importantly, what they can do. Ask more, not less of those you are inviting. Ask more of them than anyone ever has. Remind them who they are in the deepest sense, and help them become that."

Peterson concluded the message by saying, "You're churches for God's sake. Quit fighting for social justice. Quit saving the bloody planet. Attend to some souls. That's what you're supposed to do. That's your holy duty. Do it now, before it's too late. The hour is nigh."

Thousands of viewers commented on the video and some even said they were motivated to go back to church.

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Psychologist Jordan Peterson Says Society Is Harming Boys, and the Church Must Save Them: 'That's Your Holy Duty' - CBN.com

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The Gray Man Is the Nadir of Netflix’s B-Movie Model – Paste Magazine

Posted: at 12:04 pm

There are movies like Top Gun: Maverick so good that you only think about the insidious cultural forces that birthed them if you are an asshole like me. Then there are movies like The Gray Man, which are so boring that you cant help but see every weird drone shot and flat line of dialogue as a bellwether for where were at in the unfolding history of content creation, in all the worst ways. Pastes Jacob Oller hated The Gray Man a good deal more than I did. The movie manages a level of competence and craft that is the bare minimum for 2022 and certainly the bare minimum from the absurd amount of talent on offer: Besides headliners Ryan Gosling, Chris Evans and Ana de Armas, Jessica Henwick shows up alongside freaking Billy Bob Thornton and Alfre Woodard. Its directed by the guys whove brought you most of the biggest Marvel movies. And yet a few decent moments from Gosling and Evans are about all we get for the two hours of our time.

Theres some inventiveness and color to the action scenes, but its hard to figure out what the hell is going on when the camera is cutting in the middle of every single beat in the fight. The actors arent great at selling their gnarly wounds. The gunfights want to be stylishand one that caps the movies second act is clearly trying to evoke the nihilism of a Grand Theft Auto rampage. It never quite gets there, just as nothing else in the filmits sentimental flashback, its gruesome torture scene, its aerial skydive combatquite gets to wherever it is its supposedly going, emotionally or dramatically.

Why did this thing get made? is a stupid question to ask of a studio film, because the answer is to make money. How the studio perceives it is making money is really the questionand in the case of The Gray Man, or Red Notice, or any of the other recent star-studded-but-undercooked offerings in Netflixs original film catalog, thats the most interesting thing about it by far.

B movie didnt used to mean a bad or shoddily made film, nor even one cranked out for a quick buck. It was fairly academic: Theaters used to sell a lot of double features, and the B movie was the feature meant to occupy the other half of the ticket opposite the more obvious draw. Back when talkies had hit theaters but television hadnt yet infiltrated every single American household, it made financial sense for studios to shell out for lower-budget movies. After all, every movie couldnt be The Wizard of Oz or Gone with the Wind, and the cheaper you made a movie, the sooner it made its budget back. All those actors and crew indentured to the old studio systems truly draconian contracts needed work to keep them busy, anyhow. It made sense to crank out B movies, and it gave the world some of its most incredible stars and directors. Some are even still very much alive and kicking.

It also gave the world a lot of forgettable junk, cynical sequels or truly bad cinema, and theres a reason the original model collapsed. That isnt because a dearth of artistic merit has ever had consequences, mind you: It was really because TV became ubiquitous in the 1950s, and suddenly moving images were no longer a thing you needed to pay a ticket to go to a theater to see. Suddenly, people werent as willing to throw their pocket money at B movies in theaters, so much of the studio infrastructure and talent that was brought to bear on them simply repurposed their craft for television productionswitness the migration of the Western from movie theaters to television shows (until the point the genre, once an uncontroversial B movie staple, became so overexposed that international directors were inspired to hijack the genre to create syncretic antiheros and bizarre subgenres.

The rise of the studio system during Hollywoods Golden Age created the conditions for those B movies, and it took a paradigm shift as earthshaking as the advent of TV (and, really, the downfall of the old studio system in the face of a growing labor movement and antitrust regulations) to change the nature of B movies. Looking at The Gray Man, which absolutely arises from some of the same motivations as those old features, I find myself wondering at the perverse incentives of the Streaming Wars that have gotten us here and pondering just what will inevitably bring an end to it.

Like the old studio system, streaming services are drowning in cash and interested in making sure their distribution models are as vertical as possible: The same Walt Disney who created the Buena Vista Film Distribution Company in part because RKO Pictures had pissed him off would have salivated at the idea of TV that only shows Disney productions that you need to pay monthly to watch. Netflix, a company that itself shook the pillars of the entertainment world with its streaming service, now finds itself flailing as its competitors have become the studios whose movies it used to exhibit. Every major production company has now leased its own massive server farms so that it can hoard its intellectual property and sell it back to us at $10 a month. It benefits Netflix (and Warner Brothers, and Disney, and Paramount, and on and on) to keep cranking out some content, any content, in the hopes itll make you and I watch a little longer and reconsider dropping our subscription so we can afford another half a gallon of gas or eighth of an insulin hypo this month.

Different paradigms in cinema history dont perfectly map onto each other, of course: Superhero movies kind of fill the role of big studio Westerns or musicals of yesteryear, but they also differ from them significantly. And these high-profile, star-studded movies that land lazily on Netflix in a bid to keep you from dropping the service certainly arent exactly the same as B movies during that other Golden Age. Those older movies were a place where younger players and behind the scenes talent or journeyman directors could get their start: These appear to be a place for well-established stars and crew to rest their laurels. Those older movies, cheaply made as they often were, could have flashes of gonzo inspiration or even define new subgenres. Stuff like The Gray Man is not serving up any new ideas.

The Gray Man ends with a credits sequence in which scenes of the movie are recreated with CGI sculptures of the individual characters that have the appearance of gray metalthey look like cheap pewter. It surely wasnt an intentional reminder that there wasnt a lot going on in this movie, which came out of its mold looking the right shape but utterly drab.

Kenneth Lowe is a regular contributor to Paste Magazine. You can follow him on Twitter and read more at his blog.

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Everything Everywhere All At Once And How to Survive Being Very Online – Film School Rejects

Posted: at 12:04 pm


Welcome to The Queue your daily distraction of curated video content sourced from across the web. Today, were watching a video essay that looks at how the Daniels latest film, Everything Everywhere All At Once tackles the feeling of being Very Online all the time.

Rather fittingly, Everything Everywhere All At Oncemeans a lot of things to a lot of different people. Ive seen video essays from Asian creators that discuss how the film speaks to everything from the immigrant experience to the role of nihilism in Buddhism. The films co-directors Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheiner, known collectively as Daniels have confirmed that the film resonating with the experience of having ADHD is no accident (Kwan was diagnosed during the making of the film).

And, if you are Very Online, you might have noticed something familiar about the chaos and exhausting maximalism of Evelyns multiverses. If you havent seenEverything Everywhere All At Onceyet, please do. Its easily one of the best films of 2022, and seeing it on the biggest screen possible is highly recommended. (Theres a good chance its still playing in theaters this babys got box office legs for days).

In any case, without giving too much away (not that such a thing is possible), the film follows Evelyn (Michelle Yeoh), an overworked woman whose marriage, business, and relationship with her daughter are fraying at the seams. Then she learns that she is actually the only one who can save the Multiverse.

The internet is a place of endless curiosity and community. But its also overwhelming to be bombarded with a constant stream of information, political causes, and entertainment. The internet is silly, stupid, anarchic, tragic, and meaningful. And not all of it can matter equally to you. Our little monkey brains werent built for that. And part of whatDaniels film is saying, as the video essay below underlines, is that determining what does and doesnt matterto youin an attention economy is a life-saving step for surviving in the world post-Internet.

This video essay on why the DanielsEverything Everywhere All At Once is all about the overwhelming chaos of the internet isby Virginia-based filmmaker and video editorThomas Flight. He runs a YouTube channel under the same name. You can follow Thomas Flight and check out his back catalog of video essays on YouTubehere. You can follow him on Twitterhere.

Related Topics: Daniels, Everything Everywhere All at Once, The Queue

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Hengqin to develop ‘Metaverse’ testing ground together with Chimelong Group – Macau Business

Posted: at 12:01 pm

Hengqin authorities have announced plans to develop aMetaverse Super Testing Groundthat will include a 3,000-square meters technology exhibition hall.

The project will focus on the study of real-life applications of the concept and will be developed together with the group responsible for Chimelong Group Co., Ltd,the group responsible for the ChimelongOcean Kingdom in Hengqin.

Themetaversecan be defined as a simulated digital environment that uses augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and blockchain, along with concepts from social media.The Metaverse Super Testing Ground to be built in Hengqin willput itsfocus on the development ofsome majorindustries,including cultural tourism, exhibitions, high-end manufacturing, and smart cities, Nie Xinping, Deputy Director of the Executive Committee of the Guangdong-Macau In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin indicated yesterday (Tuesday).Concrete construction plans, technical approaches and timetables for the testing grounds developmentwillbeformulated soon,with the aim to becreatingaMeta-Hengqinand makingthe possibilities of future life and technologyto be applied in reality, the deputy director said at the Hengqin Metaverse Discovery Road High-level Expert Seminar.In the early incubation stages of the metaverse industry, Hengqin will cooperate with the Chimelong Group Co., Ltd to create the Metaverse Super Testing Ground.The Chimelong Group owns and operates theme parks in mainland China, with its tourism resorts located at Hengqin District in Zhuhai, Guangzhou and Qingyuan.

The testing is to be constructed into a technology exchange platform with support provided by the government and no participation restrictions while adopting a market-based approach to verify the technical feasibility of the metaverse products and generate large-scale replication and promotion of commercial models.The Chimelong Group also plans to build a Metaverse technology exhibition hall of no less than 3,000 square meters, for the display and integration of Metaverseproducts.A Special Office on Promoting the Development of the Metaverse Industry in the Cooperation Zone has been jointly established by the Economic Development Bureau, Legal Affairs Bureau, Financial Development Bureau, Commercial Service Bureau, and Livelihood Affairs Bureau of Hengqin.In the future, the cooperation zone will launchaThree-Year Action Plan for the Development of Metaverse Industries, while studying and implementingtheSeveral Measures to Promote the Development of Metaverse Industries,so as toprovide institutional protection for the development of the metaverse industries.The acting director of the Economic Development Bureauof Hengqin, Li Ziwei, expressed that the cross-border development characteristics of Metaverse are highly compatible with the development direction of the four major industries high-tech manufacturingandscientific research, Macau-branded industries, tourism and exhibition services, and modern finance in the cooperation zone, and themetaverse industry can promote the construction of Hengqin as an internet industry cluster and international digital trade hub port.At the same time, Zhu Jiaming, chairman of the Academic and Technical Committee of the Hengqin Digital Finance Research Institute, noted that Hengqin can share the international scientific research resources and cultural tourism market in Macau, and the digital economy and high-tech resources of the Greater Bay Area.Hengqin can choose its own advantages and characteristics to develop related industries, attract high-quality corporate resources, to build a regional or even international metaverse base,the scholar added.

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Hengqin to develop 'Metaverse' testing ground together with Chimelong Group - Macau Business

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Current consolidation period to be extended by three days – Macau Business

Posted: at 12:01 pm

Health authorities have announced today (Wednesday) that the current consolidation period will be extended three more days.

A consolidation period during which the previous partial lockdown restrictions will be gradually eased was initiated on July 23, with some limitations on essential and non-essential businesses eased until midnight of July 30.

Speaking in todays pandemic update press conference, Novel CoronavirusResponse and CoordinationCentre Coordinator Dr.LeongIek Hou stated that authorities decided to await to see if the results of the citywide mass testing drive planned for July 30 and 31 are satisfactory to advance with a new consolidation stage.

Therefore it was decided the current state could be extended by three days until August 2, with health authorities studying if some restrictions could already be lifted during this period.

These could include reopening shopping malls or allowing interior construction works and for outdoor workers to drop the KN95 masks for other models of lower grades, could.

No confirmed cases have been reported in the community for four consecutive days, with yesterday ending with no cases reported, either in controlled key areas or within the city.

According to Leong if the number of infections remains low, further restrictions could be relaxed in the next days, such as allowing for dine-ins.

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Dunhuang’s ancient beauty shared in digital form – Macau Business

Posted: at 12:01 pm

The northwestern Chinese city of Dunhuang is more than 2,000 km away from Beijing, but thanks to digital technology, its renowned traditional heritage can be freely enjoyed by the residents of the capital.

Dunghuang is home to the Mogao Grottoes, a UNESCO World Heritage site, elements of which are on display in an ongoing exhibition at the National Base for International Cultural Trade in Beijing. Murals, grottoes, painted sculptures and other splendid items of cultural heritage have been reproduced, while those caves that are now closed have now been reproduced in digital form.

The exhibition area, covering some 1,600 square meters, features the results of research on nearly 50 sets of cultural relics from the Dunhuang Academy.

The No.3 grotto in Dunhuang is a typical example of the ancient frescoes, but it is steadily deteriorating.

There are small blisters on the wall, and these blisters will make the pigment layer fall off. Some experts have concluded that it will not be long before this fresco disappears, said Tang Li, who is in charge of the exhibition.

Although the real grotto in Dunhuang is no longer open to the public, the digitally restored grotto can be preserved forever in the digital space.

Opening in July, the exhibition will last for three years. It is the first time that the Dunhuang Academy has held such a long exhibition in Beijing.

Through digital scanning technology, the buildings, painted sculptures and murals of Mogao Grottoes are scanned, stored and transformed into a digital format.

The 3D scanning and printing technology restores the charm of painted sculptures, while 3D reconstruction and artistic restoration replicate the shape of painted sculptures in the same proportions, said one exhibition lecturer.

The idea of digitalizing Dunhuang culture was first put forward in the late 1980s. The subsequent decades have seen much development and numerous achievements in digital preservation.

By the end of 2021, the digital Dunhuang project had completed the digital collection of 268 grottoes, the image processing of 164 grottoes, and the 3D reconstruction of 45 painted sculptures, 146 grottoes and seven large relics sites. A professional and technical team of more than 100 people have been established.

The Dunhuang Academy has created a set of digital techniques suitable for murals that cannot be moved. In the process, it has not only applied various mature technologies to the digital protection of the grottoes in Dunhuang, but has also established standards for the digitalization of immovable cultural relics.

The protection and revival of Dunhuangs ancient culture is not an isolated case in China. The Yungang Grottoes in Shanxi also have 3D digital archives, which allow precious cultural relics and historical archives to be permanently preserved. Meanwhile, tourists can now enjoy a dynamic experience of the terracotta warriors and horses in Xian through AR technology.

Such projects have provided a means of preserving Chinas splendid cultural heritage for future generations, while making it more widely available both at home and abroad.

Zhao Shengliang, Party secretary of the Dunhuang Institute, said, It is hoped that the digital Dunhuang will not only allow more audiences to experience the artistic charm of Dunhuang, appreciate the outstanding achievements of traditional Chinese culture, enhance artistic appreciation, and enhance cultural self-confidence, but also promote exchanges between cultures along the Belt and Road under new historical conditions.

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Mexico retrieves 2,500 artifacts from family in Spain – Macau Business

Posted: at 12:01 pm

Mexico said Tuesday it had recovered around 2,500 pre-Columbian artifacts from a private collection in Spain, as part of a campaign to retrieve what it considers stolen heritage.

Carved stone figures, arrowheads and ceramics are among the items handed over by an unnamed family in Barcelona that will be exhibited at Mexico Citys Templo Mayor Museum.

Mexicos archaeological and cultural heritage is being recovered abroad thousands of archaeological pieces that had been stolen, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador told reporters.

Since Lopez Obrador took office in December 2018, 8,970 artifacts have been recovered, mostly in Europe, according to Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard.

Auction houses and foreign governments usually ask Mexico to prove that the pieces belong to it, Ebrard said.

But in some cases, the Mexican government has successfully argued that sellers must prove the items legal origin, he added.

Some pieces have been recovered through police raids, such as in Italy in 2021.

Belgium stopped an auction in March at the request of Mexico.

Some museums and individuals have also voluntarily returned artifacts, although efforts have been less successful in certain countries such as France, whose auctions Lopez Obrador has branded immoral.

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Fed poised to attack inflation with another interest rate hike – Macau Business

Posted: at 12:01 pm

The Federal Reserve is set to announce another big interest rate increase on Wednesday, the fourth this year, in its ongoing battle to tamp down price pressures that have been squeezing American families.

US central bankers are hoping that their aggressive stance will start to cool red-hot inflation that topped nine percent in June, the highest in more than 40 years, without derailing the worlds largest economy.

President Joe Biden is paying the political cost for surging prices, which he blames mostly on Russias war in Ukraine, which has sent global food and energy prices soaring.

Biden insists the American economy will avoid a recession, but even as hisapproval ratings have cratered, he has supported the Fed in its battle to quell inflation.

Fed Chair Jerome Powell and others have made it clear they are willing to risk a downturn and will keep raising interest rates until they see clear evidence inflation is moving back towards the two percent goal.

The policy-setting Federal Open Market Committee is widely expected to announce another three-quarter-point increase in the benchmark borrowing rate at the conclusion of its two-day policy meeting at 1800 GMT.

From zero at the start of the year, the Fed has raised the policy lending rate to a range of 1.5 to 1.75 percent, which has pushed mortgage rates higher and slowed housing sales for five straight months.

Economists say this has been the most aggressive Fed tightening cycle since the 1980s, when stagflation a wage-price spiral and stagnant growth crippled the US economy.

The challenge for policymakers is to quell inflation before it becomes dangerously entrenched, but without sending the worlds largest economy into a recession that would reverberate around the globe.

While prices have continued to rise, with home prices hitting a new record, there are signs the pace of the increases has begun to slow, which may allow the central bank to ease up on its rate increases.

Global oil prices are trending down, with the US benchmark WTI falling to below $95 a barrel from its peak of more than $123 in March, and gasoline prices at the pump have fallen 69 cents from the record of just over $5 a gallon in mid-June.

Meanwhile, the job market has remained strong, consumer demand has not fallen dramatically, and surveys show inflation expectations in the months ahead have started to trend lower.

Policymakers want to engineer a soft landing, taming inflation without causing a downturn, but economists warn they face an increasingly narrow path to success and it would be easy to overshoot by being too aggressive.

The Fed is now stuck between a rock and a hard place, with no easy way out without the economy feeling pain, KPMG chief economist Diane Swonk said in an analysis, noting that Powell has started to underscore that reality by admitting a recession could occur.

In fact, it is rare that the central bank moves so decidedly without causing a downturn, and there are signs of concern among Fed policymakers.

Kansas City Fed President Esther George dissented at the June meeting, saying she preferred a smaller half-point rate hike and warning that going too fast could be unsettling and raise recession fears.

GDP in the first quarter contracted 1.6 percent, and the first reading on the April-June period is due out Thursday. Though the consensus forecast calls for modest growth, many economists expect a downturn.

Two quarters of negative growth are generally considered a recession, although that is not the official criteria.

But Fed Governor Christopher Waller said he was prepared to move even faster, with an unheard-of full point increase if inflation continued to accelerate.

Swonk said the Fed is in uncharted waters, so uncertainty and disagreement about the course of rate hikes is a natural consequence.

by Heather SCOTT

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Fed poised to attack inflation with another interest rate hike - Macau Business

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Why we need to abolish prisons and honour te Tiriti o Waitangi – NZ Herald Khu

Posted: at 12:00 pm

The New Zealand prison system is not an open and shut case for Mori. Photo / Supplied


Most people believe that prisons are the only way we can keep society safe.

But the data keeps telling us that prisons don't actually work.

As the Ministry of Justice reports, around 70 per cent of people with previous convictions are re-convicted within 2 years following release from prison and around 49 per cent are actually re-imprisoned after 2 years following release.

To be clear, these people are not re-convicted and re-imprisoned because they should have never been released and are just permanently "bad" and "dangerous" criminals.

Rather, as an independent group of justice experts found, these figures can be explained by the fact that prisons fail to address the underlying drivers of crime, including unresolved trauma from abuse, mental health, drug and alcohol abuse and of course, poverty.

To make this fact clear, the expert group also noted that 77 per cent of people in prison have been victims of violence and 91 per cent of people in prison have been diagnosed with a mental health or substance use disorder at some stage in their lifetime.

It is also important to know that prisons have actually never worked and have never been fair and just.

When the Crown introduced prisons to Aotearoa, they were used to imprison Mori who resisted the unjust theft of their lands. Ever since then, the unjust foundations of these institutions have remained.

Mori make up 52 per cent of people in prison, despite making up only 15 per cent of the total New Zealand population, and this has been the case for decades.

Let's be honest. These are not the statistics of an institution that works. They are the statistics of an institution that is fundamentally flawed and beyond repair.

So why don't we abolish prisons and focus our time and money on building better alternatives?

Unfortunately, some people mistakenly think that abolishing prisons is dangerous and will only result in lawlessness and anarchy.

But prison abolition is not actually about closing down prisons and letting people who have committed offences out free in the streets without consequences.

Abolition is about safe and gradual change by investing money in creating better alternatives to prisons, as well as addressing the very preventable drivers of crime noted above.

This is instead of what the government does now, which is investing around $1 billion each year into the failing prison system.

As abolition requires such a big change in how resources are distributed in this country, it's impossible to achieve abolition with the current political and legal system we have today.

This is because our current system is incapable of strong transformative change, because we've seen time and time again that any positive progress for justice will always be rolled back by changes in governments who seek to gain power with baseless claims that we need to be tough on crime.

More importantly, our current system is fundamentally unjust as it was violently imposed in Aotearoa through the killing and imprisonment of Mori and unjust taking of Mori land.

Therefore, if we are ever to see effective alternatives to prisons in Aotearoa, we need to achieve Tiriti-based constitutional transformation.

This might seem like a complicated legal term, but it simply means transforming the country's legal and political system so that Mori are able to exercise tino rangatiratanga (sovereignty and self-determination) as promised in te Tiriti o Waitangi in 1840.

As the He Puapua report envisions, this can take place by reimagining a whole new governance system with three "spheres": (1) A 'rangatiratanga sphere' where Mori make decisions for Mori; (2) The "kwanatanga sphere" where the Crown will make decisions for non-Mori; and (3) The "relational sphere" where Mori and the Crown will share governance over issues of mutual concern. This reimagined system is completely different to the unjust system we have now, where the Crown's "kwanatanga sphere" is so big that the other two other spheres can barely be seen.

Of course, pursuing abolition through Tiriti-based constitutional transformation, might seem like an impossible and ridiculous idea to many, especially to those of us who are not Mori.

Admittedly, these big plans raise many important questions that we don't have answers to just yet.

However, the point is that successful systems take a lot of time and effort to imagine, design and implement. This means that we as non-Mori need to be brave and commit to finding these answers with Mori at the helm.

The question for everyone in Aotearoa is then: are we willing to be brave, right terrible wrongs and try a different way of doing things? Or are we just going to keep going with the same failing systems that are fundamentally unjust?

Dylan Asafo is a Law Lecturer at the University of Auckland and his areas of interest include: race and the law, climate justice in the Pacific, constitutional and human rights law in the Pacific, and criminal justice and abolition.

Excerpt from:

Why we need to abolish prisons and honour te Tiriti o Waitangi - NZ Herald Khu

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