Daily Archives: July 27, 2022

Noodle-Like Object on Mars Has Disappeared, According to NASA Photos – Futurism

Posted: July 27, 2022 at 12:08 pm

Where did it come from, where did it go?String Theory

An object that looks like a bundle of string, or possibly a noodle,that showed up in images taken by NASA's Mars Perseverance Rover earlier this month has suddenly disappeared, CNN reports.

The object can clearly be seen in July 12 images taken by the rover's Right Hazard Avoidance Camera (Hazcam). Just four days later, the object was gone.

To be clear, the object is likely Earthly in origin. While NASA has yet to confirm, a spokesperson for the mission at NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) told Agence France-Presse that "we have been discussing where it's from, but there's been speculation that it's a piece of cord from the parachute or from the landing system that lowers the rover to the ground."

"Note that we don't have confirmation that it's one or the other," the spokesperson added.

The location where the string showed up is some ways off from Perseverance's landing spot in the Jezero Crater, an ancient delta that experts believe was once covered in water.

Intriguingly, a JPL spokesperson it's unclear if it was the same one told CNN that it may have been blown there by the Martian wind.

It's likely we'll see more of NASA's trash left behind on the Martian surface. In April, for instance, Perseverance spotted its own parachute in the Martian desert after returning to the vicinity of its original landing spot.

Then, in June, the rover tweeted that "my team has spotted something unexpected," which turned out to be a "piece of a thermal blanket that they think may have come from my descent stage."

In short, space trash isn't just polluting Earth's orbit you can now even find discarded debris on the surface of other planets.

More on the story: NASA Intrigued by Noodle-Like Object Found on Mars

Noodle-Like Object on Mars Has Disappeared, According to NASA Photos - Futurism

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China Attaches New Section Onto Its Brand New Space Station – Futurism

Posted: at 12:08 pm

They're wasting no time.New Addition

China has added a new science laboratory module to its growing space station this week, an impressive feat shows the outpost is quickly turning into a worthy alternative to the aging International Space Station, even as the ISS descends into international drama.

It's also happening at a breakneck speed. The construction of the ISS took around 12 years. China wants to build its own albeit much smaller, at just one fifth the mass in less than one and a half.

The 23-ton module, dubbed Wentian, launched from Hainan province over the weekend atop a Long March 5B rocket, docking with the Tiangong space station early Monday morning, according to The Associated Press.

According to Chinese state-owned news network Global Times, it's the heaviest single-module spacecraft "currently in space."

The next laboratory segment, which is the space station's final piece and dubbed Mengtian, could launch as soon as October, if everything goes according to plan.

A crew of three astronauts, who have been on board the Tiangong since early June, assisted during docking procedures. The crew is scheduled to stay on board the station for six months.

Wentian will allow scientists to study how multiple species of plants, animals and microorganisms grow in space, according to Global Times.

Two massive solar panel wings will power the module, giving it a total span of 180 feet. The module also features a backup urine recycling system, in case Tiangong's existing one ever fails.

All told, it's an impressive feat. Tiangong's core module, dubbed Tianhe, launched less than a year and a half ago.

If Mengtian pulls off its own "heavenly kiss" the Chinese space agency's nickname for these rendezvous with the other two modules this fall, China will have constructed an entire station in less than a year and a half.

That kind of pace only goes to show just how far the country's space program has come in a matter of years.

READ MORE: China adds science laboratory to its orbiting space station [Associated Press]

More on Tiangong: China Is Sending More Space Junk Hurtling Down to Earth

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10 Don’t-Miss Events in the Hudson Valley, July 27 – Aug 2 – Hudson Valley One

Posted: at 12:08 pm

The heat is on in the Hudson Valley, but not even 90+ degree temperatures will stem the tidal wave of events in our area. Patrons continue to pack venues as artists and musicians celebrate a summer of finally being out and about. Whats a little sweat when youre having experiences youll remember forever?

This week, weve got a full event menu of sonic adventure, nostalgic reminiscence, survival skills and eGames. Youll find something for everyone if not here in print, then online at calendar.hudsonvalleyone.com, where all area events are listed.

Hear Columbia via New York. Combo Chimbita at Spiegeltent (Bard SummerScape) on Friday, July 29, 8 p.m. This quirky quartet bounces modern psychedelic rock influences off traditional cumbia rhythms, a style they call tropical futurism. Youve never heard anything quite like it, and this is an opportunity to experience their mind-warping sound in one of the coolest venues in the Valley. Tickets are $25.

Get in the game. Grand Opening of NYXP eSports Gaming Center on Saturday, July 30, 12 p.m. Kingston is getting a new eSports gaming center on Morton Boulevard, next to Plaza Pizza. Theyll host tournaments, parties, and drop-in games featuring todays most popular titles. Expect all your favorite digital and animated characters to make an appearance: Pikachu, Sonic, Mario, Roblox and SpongeBob are rumored to be dropping by. Theres also a raffle to win your choice of PS5 or Xbox X. Grab a controller, take a seat, and see how you stack up against the areas savviest button-mashers.

Get shaken by underground rhythms. Taiko Masala Troupe at the Widow Jane Mine at the Snyder Estate, Saturday, July 30, 3 p.m. When this group of percussionists and martial artists roll out the 250-pound O-daiko drum, you know they mean business. Last time they played this unique venue, their spectacular rhythms ricocheted off the rock walls to form an alien sonic landscape of pure percussion. Oh yeah, they also are pulling off martial arts moves as an integral part of the performance. And because youre underground in literally the coolest venue in town, its a perfect concert for the dog days of summer. Donations recommended.

Its alive! Frankenstein (1931) at Rosendale Theater, Saturday, July 30 at 10 p.m. Now nearly a century old, Frankenstein is known to us as a classic. But its still easy to imagine theater-goers of the 30s getting their minds blown by this dark and twisted tale which had a lasting impact on cinema. It starts with a fourth-wall breaking warning about how shocking and horrifying the film would be. Censors of the era tried with varying success to cut scenes they deemed offensive. Todays audiences may be inured to death and violence, yet Frankenstein remains a talisman of Hollywood shock and awe. Tickets are $10 for the public, $6 for members.

Get bass all over the place. Jimmy Keneally at Lydias Cafe, Saturday, July 30, 7 p.m. With Fender bass in hand, Jimmy Keneally will front a set of R&B and American classic rock. Picks span Sam Cooke to Steely Dan, The Police to The Eagles, with a few original tunes popped into the set.

Have a brush with history. Artist reception with Bennet Harris Horowitz at Woodstock Art Exchange, Saturday, July 30, 3 p.m. Natural Resources: Scenes from the Catskills and Hereabouts brings together the artists deep art education history with the historic splendor of our area. Seeing his rich technical and artistic skill brought to bear on our beautiful surroundings is a breathtaking experience, whether you call the Hudson Valley home or are just visiting through art.

Hear a mix of sweet, sour and sublime. Speedy Ortiz (with Adult Mom and Zenizen) at Tubbys, Friday, July 29 at 7 p.m. To call Speedy Ortiz indie darlings would be selling them short. Yes, they regularly score in the 7s and 8s on Pitchfork, and theyre your favorite indie bands favorite band. But their music is far more complex than the indie moniker lets on, and that goes for the lyrics too. Fronted by the enigmatic and energetic Sadie Dupuis, the band has a way of turning the sour to sweet and back again in the blink of an eighth note. Theyre ferocious but understated, groovy but gangly, catchy but noisy. Tickets are $18.

Go where the wild things are delicious. Edible and Medicinal Plant Walk with Dina Falconi at Opus 40, Sunday, July 31 at 11 a.m. Have you ever looked around your yard and thought, What can I eat? For over 30 years, Dina Falconi has taught a steady stream of plant-curious people how to use herbs for food, medicine, personal care and pleasure. Guests will enjoy foraging with her on the sculpted grounds of Opus 40, learning to identify and use the most helpful native plants available. Tickets are $25 for the public, $10 for members.

Dance your way to West Africa. Mamadous Fantastic Band featuring members of Super Yamba at White Feather Farm in Saugerties, Friday, July 29, 7 p.m. Theoria Foundation will present this Mamadou Mbenge, a master of the tama talking drum, joined by members of Afro-funksters Super Yamba from Brooklyn. The headliner hails from Senegal, West Africa. And while his music is founded in traditional West African rhythms, youll find soul, jazz and R&B floating in and out of the mix. Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door, and $10 for students.

Travel through space and time with brass instruments. Brasskill at Gardiner Brewing Company, Sunday, July 31, 3:30 p.m. If you missed the Brazzamatazz Festival at Seed Song Farm last weekend, heres your chance to redeem yourself. Brasskill is a high-energy, 14-piece brass band known for reliably inciting ecstatic dance parties. Their set list includes everything from traditional New Orleans second line tunes, through international favorites, all the way up to todays punk and pop.

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10 Don't-Miss Events in the Hudson Valley, July 27 - Aug 2 - Hudson Valley One

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Coinbase Reportedly Under Investigation by the SEC – Futurism

Posted: at 12:08 pm

The prominent cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase is under investigation by the Securities and ExchangeCommission, with regulators now looking into whether cryptocurrencies should've been registered as securities, Bloomberg reports.

If confirmed, the investigation could mark a watershed moment in the regulation of crypto. If the SEC does deem them as securities, the crypto landscape in the country could soon look drastically different, with exchanges potentially becoming liable for fraud.

According to Bloomberg, the probe predates the regulator suing a former Coinbase manager last week for alleged insider trading.

Coinbase leadership, faced with an existential threat, is trying to get ahead of the problem.

"Im happy to say it again and again: we are confident that our rigorous diligence process a process the SEC has already reviewed keeps securities off our platform," Coinbase's chief legal officer Paul Grewal tweeted, "and we look forward to engaging with the SEC on the matter."

Crypto markets are already feeling the hurt, with the values of mainstream crypto like Bitcoin and Ethereum plummeting over the last couple of months, wiping out hundreds of billions of dollars in market value.

The skirmish could lead to an ugly, drawn out fight. Last week, the SEC argued that nine cryptos were securities seven of which are listed on Coinbase as part of the insider trading case against the former Coinbase manager.

All these allegations aren't sitting well with Coinbase's leadership.

"Coinbase does not list securities," Grewal pushed back in a Thursday blog post. "End of story."

"The SECs charges put a spotlight on an important problem: the US doesnt have a clear or workable regulatory framework for digital asset securities," Grewal wrote. "And instead of crafting tailored rules in an inclusive and transparent way, the SEC is relying on these types of one-off enforcement actions to try to bring all digital assets into its jurisdiction, even those assets that are not securities."

Regardless, the investigation is bound to be a major headache for the company. Coinbase's stock has already lost almost three quarters of its value in 2022 so far, Bloomberg notes.

But the investigation could also set an important precedent for many other exchanges out there as well.

It remains to be seen if the SEC's investigation into Coinbase will end up setting the groundwork for future crypto regulation but regulators are, nonetheless, sending a clear message: the "Wild West" era of cryptocurrencies could soon be over.

READ MORE: Coinbase Faces SEC Probe on Crypto Listings; Shares Tumble [Bloomberg]

More on Coinbase: Coinbase Manager Arrested as He Tries to Flee the Country

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CERN Scientists Annoyed That People Think They’re Ripping a Hole in Reality – Futurism

Posted: at 12:08 pm

CERN scientist: "Look, bro..."Please Stop

CERN recently fired upits Large Hadron Collider for the first time in three years, discovering fascinating new particles in the process. At the same time, many conspiracy theoristshave glommed onto the project, dubiouslyalleging that CERN's device is somehow alteringor damaging the very fabric of reality.

The many conspiracies around the particle collider have been,uh, interesting to the degree that it's hard to tell if some are parody (one viral TikTok even alleges that the facility somehow altered the spelling of Oreos' beloved 'Double Stuf' cookies.)

Now, Vice reports that all these bizarre accusations are spurring CERN scientists to try to counter the misinformation.

"Look, bro, just because you misremembered something does not mean CERN is going around changing your Oreos," Clara Nellist, a CERN particle physicist, retorted in a video reply. "There are much higher energy particle collisions happening in our atmosphere all the time. What CERN is doing is tiny in comparison. I can promise you we're not going around changing the labels on your food."

As Vice reports, a lot of these online theorists are fixated on the phenomenon of mass cultural misremembering known as the Mandela effect.

To the credit of CERN conspiracy theorists, the Mandela effect is a documented phenomenon, at least on a psychological level. Though classic Oreos' thicker twin has always been spelled 'Double Stuf,' there are some pretty striking examples of collective false memory.

Still, the Mandela effect is almost certainly caused by the fallacies of memory itself, not the Large Hadron Collider. And to that point, there's zero evidence that CERN's device is opening inter-dimensional portals, nevermind literally unleashing hell on Earth, as some particularly fringe conspiracy theorists have claimed.

But despite the controversy, Nellist appears to be taking the high road.

"I think we should [to some extent] be honored and happy that we're capturing the imagination of people because we're at the forefront of science," the physicist's comments continued. "People are interested in what we're doing."

READ MORE: Is CERN Causing Collective Mass Delusion by Creating Portals to Alternate Dimensions? An Investigation[Vice]

More on the Large Hadron Cylinder: Large Hadron Collider Discovers Strange New Particles

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CERN Scientists Annoyed That People Think They're Ripping a Hole in Reality - Futurism

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The James Webb May Have Just Found the Oldest Galaxy Ever Seen – Futurism

Posted: at 12:08 pm

Incredible.Oldest Galaxy

The data from NASA's groundbreaking James Webb Space Telescope keep pouring in.

According to the latest preliminary analysis, we could soon be looking at images of the oldest galaxy ever identified, New Scientist reports a discovery that could rewrite the way we understand star formation shortly after the birth of the known universe.

And,needless to say, the extraordinary telescope is only getting started.

As detailed in a yet-to-be-peer-reviewed paper shared on Tuesday, a team led by Rohan Naidu from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics outlines two possible candidate galaxies, dubbed GLASS-z11 and GLASS-z13, that likely date back to just 300 million years following the Big Bang

That's some 30 million years earlier than the previous unofficial record holder, a galaxy called HD1, which has been considered the most distant known galaxy since its discovery in April.

"We found two very compelling candidates for extremely distant galaxies," Naidu told New Scientist. "If these galaxies are at the distance we think they are, the universe is only a few hundred million years old at that point."

The two galaxies aretiny compared to the Milky Way's 100,000 light yeardiameter, coming in at just 1,600 and 2,300 light-years across, respectively.

The researchersacknowledge that further analysis is needed before HD1 can be dethroned. The paper will also still need to undergo peer review, of course.

But the team is hopeful.

"Theyre very convincing candidates," Gabriel Brammer, co-author from the Niehls Bohr Institute in Denmark the same researcher behind a terrific new spiral galaxy image told New Scientist.

With scientific operations only underway for a couple of weeks so far, scientists are already astonished at the Webb's capabilities.

"We were pretty confident that JWST would see distant galaxies," Brammer added. "But were a little bit surprised how easy it is to detect them."

READ MORE: JWST has found the oldest galaxy we have ever seen in the universe [New Scientist]

More on James Webb: You'll Never Guess What This Bizarre New James Webb Image Is Actually Showing

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The James Webb May Have Just Found the Oldest Galaxy Ever Seen - Futurism

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Businesses in Thailand cash in on cannabis-infused desserts, bubble tea after government eases restrictions on CBD use – ABC News

Posted: at 12:08 pm

Thailand's businesses have begun to cash in on a consumer frenzy for all things marijuana including desserts, bubble tea and skin care after restrictions on the drug eased.

The country last year allowed cannabis extracts and leaves to be used in cosmetics, food and drinks and decriminalisedthe private consumption and growth of the entire plant in June.

It was the first Asian country to do so, with officials banking on developing the drug as a lucrative local industry.

In 2018 it also became the first South-East Asian country to legalise marijuana for medical use and research, a decision which has since seen the industry boom.

Health minister Anutin Charnvirakul, the main driver behind the policy, estimated Thailand's cannabis industry to be valued at more than $US3 billion ($4.33 billion) within the next five years.

"I want to see people getting rich out of doing these products in a positive way," he told Reuters.

However Thailand's government rushed to issue a string of new regulations on cannabis useafter the decriminalisation raised alarm that it could be used anywhere and by anyone, including children.

"My policy on cannabis is only focusing on medical purposes and health care," Mr Charnvirakul said.

"That's all. We can't encourage the use of cannabis in the other ways."

Officially commercial products approved by the food and drug regulator can contain cannabidiol (CBD), a chemical in cannabis that does not make users high.

Buttetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active ingredient that causes a high, is still limited in any cannabis product to just 0.2 per cent.

Mr Charnvirakul said that public health laws prevented recreational use, while a cannabis bill wasbeing debated in parliament.

Bangkok dessert shop Kanomsiam was one of the first to jump on the cannabis bandwagon, adding dried cannabis leaves into its traditional pandan-flavoured pancakes.

"It's like tapping into a fresh and interesting territory, it's worth a lot and it's new," said shop owner Kreephet Hanpongpipat.

The shop has earned a stream of regulars willing to pay 170 baht ($AU6.65) for six of the pancakes since their launch mid-2021.

Mr Kreephet hoped sales would pick up after the decriminalisation.

Nikom Rianthong started brushing his teeth with Channherb, a local toothpaste brand that uses cannabis sativa oil extract, two months ago.

He said the effect was immediate.

"I have receding gums and often got gingivitis," he said.

"After using the Channherb toothpaste, my teeth feel cleaner and all the gum diseases that I used to have went away."

Brand owner Surawut Samphant decided to use cannabis sativa oil extract when he came up with the formula in April because it has long been used by traditional medical practitioners to help with inflammation.

"We have a high number of customers returning to buy more of the product," Mr Samphant said.

"It is not just the CBDthat is the highlight;we also have other herbal extract ingredients in the toothpaste as well.

"Now, with all the herbs combined with the cannabis oil extract, the product has piqued even more interest."

A bubble tea chain store in Thailand's eastern Chonburi province also joined the cannabis fever by creating a special menu of cannabis-infused drinks.

"It is a frenzy, a trend. Cannabis has its own benefits when used correctly and in the right amount," store owner 33-year-old Nitisit Wongsasiriwatthana said.

Fans of the drink said it tasted like a "typical tea" but smelled like "some sort of herb".


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Businesses in Thailand cash in on cannabis-infused desserts, bubble tea after government eases restrictions on CBD use - ABC News

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Level Select CBD Reviews: What to Know Before Buying! – Bellevue Reporter

Posted: at 12:08 pm

Level Select CBD is a CBD company found online at LevelSelectCBD.com.

Endorsed by professional athletes and backed by a former United States Surgeon General, Level Select CBD produces premium-quality CBD while selling products at major supermarkets and pharmacies across the United States.

Should you buy Level Select CBD products? Does Level Select CBD live up to the hype? Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about Level Select CBD.

Level Select CBD is a cannabidiol product company found in mainstream retailers like Kroger, CVS, Safeway, and Albertsons.

A 30-day moneyback guarantee backs all Level Select CBD products. The company aims to produce premium-quality CBD at affordable prices while delivering the best CBD on the market.

Level Select CBD has endorsements from several notable professional athletes, including Carson Palmer, Ann Drysdale, Steve Garvey, and Rickie Fowler. Because of these endorsements, Level Select CBD claims to be the CBD brand trusted by professional athletes.

Level Select CBD produces a range of balms, salves, capsules, tinctures, and other CBD products.

Many Level Select CBD products feature a Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 branding based on your desired dosage of CBD. The higher the level, the more CBD is in the product.

All Level Select CBD products are from hemp grown in the United States. The products also have 0% THC (most average CBD products have a maximum of 0.3% THC by law, although even this small concentration can appear on a drug test). Level Select CBD uses a third party to test all products.

Level Select CBD separates its products based on your targeted health and wellness goals (like recovery, sleep, energy, or wellness), the type of product (like creams, sport sticks, oil drops, roll-ons, or gummies), and brand name (like Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3).

Here are all of the CBD products currently available through Level Select CBD:

Level Select CBD offers a single flagship CBD Sports Cream at multiple dosages and sizes. You can buy the Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 Sports CBD Cream from Level Select CBD based on your desired dosage of CBD. The higher the number, the more CBD is in the finished product.

Each Level Select CBD Sports CBD Cream uses cannabidiol (CBD) to relax muscles and treat everyday discomfort. The CBD is a hemp-derived, broad spectrum, and nano CBD. Level Select CBD has added a cooling mint scent to the formula. The formula has 0% THC and is non-greasy and fast-absorbing. By applying the Sports CBD Cream topically, you can smooth and soften the skin while enjoying the benefits of cannabidiol.

Level Select CBDs sports creams include:

Level Select CBD offers CBD Oil Drops in different dosages and sizes. The company also offers multiple flavors. Plus, they offer CBD Oil Drops with Melatonin to help you sleep.

Priced at $50 to $130 per bottle, the Level Select CBD Oil Drops are designed to support everyday wellness in various ways. The liquid tincture contains MCT oil with broad spectrum hemp extract and natural flavors (like mint).

As with other CBD oils, CBD Oil Drops can be applied topically, taken orally, or used however you like to enjoy the benefits of CBD. Whether you need maximum strength CBD oil or a lower-strength option, you may be able to get the CBD oil drops you need from Level Select CBD.

Available Level Select CBD Oil Drops include:

Level Select CBDs Sports Sticks are available in two options, including Level 1 and Level 3. You apply the Sports Sticks topically to your skin to support various benefits.

Each Sports Stick has a cooling mint scent. The formula can soothe and soften the skin. Level Select CBD recommends leaving the Sports Stick in a gym bag or travel bag for on-the-go use. With 0.0% THC, its safe to take with you across state lines.

Each Sports Stick is made with a combination of high-performance CBD and menthol for two-way relief. The menthol cools the skin, while the CBD may support anti-inflammatory effects.

Level Select CBDs two CBD Sports Sticks include:

Level Select CBD also offers Sports CBD Roll-On products, which make it easy to apply CBD topically to your skin to relieve aches and pains while soothing the skin.

Each Sports CBD Roll On provides two-way relief with cooling menthol and high-performance CBD. You also get a massaging roller ball for targeted application. Its a mess-free, fast-absorbing formula designed to provide on-the-go relief. Like the CBD Sports Sticks above, the Sports CBD Roll-Ons can easily fit into a travel bag or a gym bag for relief anywhere you go. Plus, with 0.0% THC, you dont need to worry about the legality of crossing state lines.

Level Select CBD offers its Sports CBD Roll-Ons in three options, including Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3:

CBD Gummies are more popular than ever. Like many CBD companies, Level Select offers its own lineup of CBD Gummies to support various benefits.

The Level Select CBD gummies have multiple flavors and various targeting benefits. You can get CBD gummies with melatonin, for example, to support a night of restful sleep. Level Select CBD also offers CBD with vitamin C for immune support and CBD with ginseng and caffeine for energy.

Each Level Select CBD gummies bottle contains 750mg of hemp-derived, broad-spectrum CBD or 25mg per serving. The company also discloses all flavors and complementary ingredient dosages upfront, making it easy to compare the Level Select CBD gummies to other gummies sold online today.

The full list of gummies includes:

You can also buy trial sizes (10 gummies) of each product above for $9.99, allowing you to try the gummies and their active effects before you buy.

Level Select CBD offers two CBD Bundles targeting different health and wellness goals. For example, you can buy a Nighttime Relief or Daytime Relief Bundle to get multiple products at discounted rates.

The Level Select CBD bundles include:

The Daytime Relief Bundle is designed to boost energy throughout the day using natural ingredients like CBD mixed with ginseng and caffeine. The Nighttime Relief Bundle contains melatonin and other ingredients to support restful sleep.

You have plenty of options for CBD companies. Why buy from Level Select CBD? What makes Level Select CBD unique?

Here are some of the perks of buying CBD from Level Select CBD compared to other providers:

0% THC: Most CBD companies use CBD with less than 0.3% THC by weight because its the law. However, few companies guarantee 0% THC. Most CBD products contain THC traces, which can appear on a drug test. When you buy from Level Select CBD, you get CBD products with 0% THC. All THC has been removed, which means no worries about drug tests and no psychoactive properties.

Third-Party Testing: Like most reputable CBD companies, Level Select CBD uses third-party labs to verify the purity and potency of its products.

Catered to Athletes: Level Select CBD is endorsed by multiple professional athletes, and the company caters most of its products to athletes at all levels. For example, the company offers sports sticks other CBD companies dont. And, because Level Select CBDs products have 0% THC, athletes can use the products without worrying about drug tests.

Competitive Pricing: Although Level Select CBD markets itself to athletes, the company offers similar pricing to other CBD companies, making it a good option for people with all different CBD needs. Level Select CBD is comparable with other leading CBD brands based on its cost per dosage.

Backed by Former US Surgeon General: Some of the best CBD companies have a medical advisory board. Level Select CBD has a medical advisory board. However, their medical advisory board consists of a former US Surgeon General (Dr. Richard Carmona, who was the 17th Surgeon General of the United States under President George W Bush). Level Select CBD is the only CBD brand backed by a US Surgeon General.

Top-Down Quality Management: Level Select CBD emphasizes good quality from the top down. The company manages the development of its genetics, equipment, processes, and formulations to ensure they deliver the highest quality ingredients and products to customers.

Multiple Sizes & Dosages: CBD isnt a one-size-fits-all ingredient; instead, you need to customize dosage and volume based on your physiology and desired benefits. Level Select CBD lets you customize your dosages with multiple concentrations and sizes available.

Available In Stores and Online: Level Select CBD is available in mainstream retailers like Kroger, CVS, Safeway, and Albertsons.

Sourced from Hemp Grown in the United States: Like most CBD companies serving the American market, Level Select CBD sources its CBD from hemp grown in the United States.

30-Day Moneyback Guarantee: All Level Select CBD products are backed by a 30-day moneyback guarantee.

Free Shipping: Level Select CBD offers free shipping on all online orders.

Save Money with Subscriptions: Level Select CBD makes it easy to subscribe and save money. If you subscribe to regular orders from the company, you save 30% to 35% off the retail price and get a free Level 2 Roll-On with each subscription. You can skip orders or cancel your subscription at any time.

Level Select CBD offers a 30-day refund policy.

Contact the companys customer service team by an online form within 30 days of receiving your product to request a refund.

You can buy Level Select CBD online at LevelSelectCBD.com and pharmacies, grocery stores, and convenience stores across the United States.

You can view Level Select CBDs store locator on the official website here.

Some major retailers carrying Level Select CBD products include CVS, Kroger, Fred Meyer, Ralphs, Smiths Frys, King Soopers, QFC, Food Lion, Hy-Vee, Vons, Safeway, and Albertsons.

Level Select CBD is a CBD company founded with the goal of differentiating itself from other CBD brands online today. The company emphasizes high-quality formulas, 0% THC, and third-party testing while working with a team of doctors to validate each formula.

Level Select CBD is the only CBD company with a former US Surgeon General on its medical advisory board.

You can contact Level Select CBD via the following:

Level Select CBD is an A+ accredited business with the Better Business Bureau.

Level Select CBD is a cannabidiol company found online at LevelSelectCBD.com and in Kroger, CVS, Safeway, and Albertsons stores.

Offering a range of oils, gummies, sports sticks, and roll-ons, Level Select CBD aims to be the best CBD company for athletes with all different needs.

Visit the official website today to learn more about Level Select CBD and the companys lineup of CBD products.

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Level Select CBD Reviews: What to Know Before Buying! - Bellevue Reporter

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Industrial Hemp Market to Hit Highest Takings of US$ 3259.5 Million by 2028, says proficient market insights – Yahoo Finance

Posted: at 12:08 pm

Proficient Market Insights

PUNE, July 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Global Industrial hemp Market Report 2022 report supplies thorough estimation to improvement a complete information of the global Industrial hemp market today and its industrial outlook based completely on current and purpose marketplace. This report focuses on Professional Global Industrial Hemp Market Trend 2022-2028 volume and value at global level, regional level and company level.

In short, the Industrial hemp market report is helpful for industry players, investors, consultants, business strategists, researchers, and all those who is having any kind of interest or are planning to venture into the Industrial hemp market in any way.

global Industrial Hemp market size is estimated to be worth US$ 1358.8 million in 2022 and is forecast to a readjusted size of US$ 3259.5 million by 2028 with a CAGR of 15.7% during the forecast period 2022-2028. Fully considering the economic change by this health crisis, CBD Oil accounting for % of the Industrial Hemp global market in 2021, is projected to value US$ million by 2028, growing at a revised % CAGR from 2022 to 2028. While Medical and Pharmaceutical segment is altered to an % CAGR throughout this forecast period.

Get a Sample Copy of the Report at - https://proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample/21042162?utm_source=ng

Industrial hemp Market Segmentation: -

Market segments help decision-makers direct the product, sales, and marketing strategies, and can power your product development cycles by informing how you make product offerings for different segments.

Segment by Type

Segment by Application

Industrial hemp is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant species that is grown specifically for industrial use. It can be used to make a wide range of products. Along with bamboo, hemp is one of the fastest growing plant on Earth. It was also one of the first plants to be spun into usable fiber 50,000 years ago. It can be refined into a variety of commercial items, including paper, rope, textiles, clothing, biodegradable plastics, paint, insulation, biofuel, food, and animal feed.

Story continues

Market Analysis and Insights: Global Industrial Hemp Market

Market segment by Region/Country including: -

North America (United States, Canada, and Mexico)

Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Spain, etc.)

Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Southeast Asia, etc.)

South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, etc.)

Middle East & Africa (South Africa, UAE, Saudi Arabia, etc.)

Global industrial hemp key players include Canopy Growth Corporation, Charlotte's Web CBD, Aurora Cannabis, Folium Biosciences, Endoca, etc. Global top five manufacturers hold a share over 30%. North America is the largest market, with a share about 60%, followed by Europe, and Latin America, total have a share about 40 percent. In terms of product, CBD Oil is the largest segment, with a share over 75%. And in terms of application, the largest application is Medicine, followed by Food and Beverage, Cosmetics, etc.

Global Industrial Hemp Market: Drivers and Restrains

The research report has incorporated the analysis of different factors that augment the markets growth. It constitutes trends, restraints, and drivers that transform the market in either a positive or negative manner. This section also provides the scope of different segments and applications that can potentially influence the market in the future. The detailed information is based on current trends and historic milestones. This section also provides an analysis of the volume of production about the global market and about each type from 2017 to 2028. This section mentions the volume of production by region from 2017 to 2028. Pricing analysis is included in the report according to each type from the year 2017 to 2028, manufacturer from 2017 to 2022, region from 2017 to 2022, and global price from 2017 to 2028.

A thorough evaluation of the restrains included in the report portrays the contrast to drivers and gives room for strategic planning. Factors that overshadow the market growth are pivotal as they can be understood to devise different bends for getting hold of the lucrative opportunities that are present in the ever-growing market. Additionally, insights into market experts opinions have been taken to understand the market better.

Global Industrial Hemp Market: Segment Analysis

The research report includes specific segments by region (country), by manufacturers, by Type and by Application. Each type provides information about the production during the forecast period of 2017 to 2028. by Application segment also provides consumption during the forecast period of 2017 to 2028. Understanding the segments helps in identifying the importance of different factors that aid the market growth.

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Key Players in the Industrial hemp Market: -


Medical Marijuana, Inc.

Charlotte's Web CBD

CV Sciences

Folium Biosciences


Aurora Cannabis


Canopy Growth Corporation

Manitoba Harvest

Hankang (Yunnan) Biotechnology

Yunnan Hansu Biotechnology

Yunnan Hamusen Biology

Kunming BiouNIO Biotechnology

Asan Wuxing Biology

Yunnan Yunxing Biotechnology

Huayun Jinxin Biotechnology

Yunma Biotechnology (Chenguang Biotechnology)

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Objective of Studies:

To provide strategic profiling of key players in the market, comprehensively analysing their core competencies, and drawing a competitive landscape for the market.

To provide insights about factors affecting the market growth. To analyse the Industrial hemp market based on various factors- price analysis, supply chain analysis, porter five force analysis etc.

To provide detailed analysis of the market structure along with forecast of the various segments and sub-segments of the global Industrial hemp market.

To provide country level analysis of the market with respect to the current Industrial hemp market size and future prospective.

To provide country level analysis of the market for segment by application, product type and sub-segments.

To provide historical and forecast revenue of the market segments and sub-segments with respect to four main geographies and their countries- North America, Europe, Asia, and Rest of the World.

To track and analyse competitive developments such as joint ventures, strategic alliances, new product developments, and research and developments in the global Industrial hemp market.

Key Benefits of Industrial hemp Market Research Report:

Types, applications, regions, and key players covered in the study

Industry drivers, restraints, and opportunities covered in the study

Recent industry trends and developments

Competitive landscape & strategies of key players

Historical, current, and projected market size, in terms of value

In-depth analysis of the Industrial hemp Market

Sales, price, revenue, market share, and growth rate are covered in the report sales channels, distributors, traders, dealers, etc. are covered in the report

Detailed TOC of Global Industrial Hemp Market Research Report 2022

1 Industrial Hemp Market Overview

1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Industrial Hemp

1.2 Industrial Hemp Segment by Type

1.2.1 Global Industrial Hemp Market Size Growth Rate Analysis by Type 2022 VS 2028

1.2.2 CBD Oil

1.2.3 CBD Crystal

1.3 Industrial Hemp Segment by Application

1.3.1 Global Industrial Hemp Consumption Comparison by Application: 2022 VS 2028

1.3.2 Medical and Pharmaceutical

1.3.3 Food and Beverage

1.3.4 Cosmetics

1.3.5 Other

1.4 Global Market Growth Prospects

1.4.1 Global Industrial Hemp Revenue Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028)

1.4.2 Global Industrial Hemp Production Capacity Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028)

1.4.3 Global Industrial Hemp Production Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028)

1.5 Global Market Size by Region

1.5.1 Global Industrial Hemp Market Size Estimates and Forecasts by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028

1.5.2 North America Industrial Hemp Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028)

1.5.3 Europe Industrial Hemp Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028)

1.5.4 China Industrial Hemp Estimates and Forecasts (2017-2028)

2 Market Competition by Manufacturers

2.1 Global Industrial Hemp Production Capacity Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022)

2.2 Global Industrial Hemp Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022)

2.3 Industrial Hemp Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3)

2.4 Global Industrial Hemp Average Price by Manufacturers (2017-2022)

2.5 Manufacturers Industrial Hemp Production Sites, Area Served, Product Types

2.6 Industrial Hemp Market Competitive Situation and Trends

2.6.1 Industrial Hemp Market Concentration Rate

2.6.2 Global 5 and 10 Largest Industrial Hemp Players Market Share by Revenue

2.6.3 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion

3 Production Capacity by Region

3.1 Global Production Capacity of Industrial Hemp Market Share by Region (2017-2022)

3.2 Global Industrial Hemp Revenue Market Share by Region (2017-2022)

3.3 Global Industrial Hemp Production Capacity, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022)

3.4 North America Industrial Hemp Production

3.4.1 North America Industrial Hemp Production Growth Rate (2017-2022)

3.4.2 North America Industrial Hemp Production Capacity, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2017-2022)

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Industrial Hemp Market to Hit Highest Takings of US$ 3259.5 Million by 2028, says proficient market insights - Yahoo Finance

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Sisters of the Valley Announce New CBD Plus Products – GlobeNewswire

Posted: at 12:08 pm

Merced, California, July 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Sisters of the Valley today launched a new line of products that incorporates the raw medicine of the hemp plant with the cooked medicine.

In February of this year, scientists from Oregon announced that they found evidence that the raw compounds in cannabis have the potential of fighting infections. Their discoveries were centered around the health benefits of the medicinal compounds: CBDa and CBGa. Since the announcement, the Sisters have been working with a lab in Colorado to formulate oil drops and gel caps that have higher levels of these raw compounds in the end product.

The Sisters are pleased to announce their new products, which they simply call CBD Plus, in liquid or gel cap form. These products contain the very compounds for which the scientists have uncovered health resiliency benefits.

Up until now, explains Sister Kate, We were only offering products with primarily cooked plant medicine, with only trace amounts of the raw or acidic forms of the medicine. We knew through reports from people that there are healing powers that are different in the raw plant from the cooked plant, but we needed those Oregon scientists to prove it.

The Sisters have developed a video and a blog article to help the public understand the nuances of the plant medicine, as the Sisters, themselves, have come to understand.

Sister Sophia said, Although we aren't doctors or scientists and can't give medical advice, we see the CBD Plus products as a means of staying healthy and fighting disease, and we see the standard CBD gelcaps as more focused on pain relief and healing. The medicine is new to most of us and all of us are different, so it requires experimentation, and we are fortunate that the plant is very safe to experiment with. It means that many suffering people can participate in this learning adventure.

The Sisters are among few in the marketplace who offer such a product. Said Sister Kate, It isnt very humble of us to say, but it appears we are one of the first to market with such a product. If you try to find products online that have the raw and cooked compounds present in the same gel cap or oil drop, you will find they are, at this time, very rare.

For more information about the Sisters and their products, visit sistersofthevalley.org.

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Sisters of the Valley Announce New CBD Plus Products - GlobeNewswire

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