Daily Archives: July 27, 2022

Tooth DNA and possible cloning | TheFencePost.com – The Fence Post

Posted: July 27, 2022 at 12:12 pm

Weather forecasts for scorching hot, dry weather into future weeks, plus the knowledge that you have to get a 79-year-old tooth yanked, tends to put a damper on a week before it gets started.

Well, thats what happened to me. The weatherperson was correct on her forecasts, and Ive had the impending tooth yanking hanging over my head like the sword of Damocles for the past three weeks.

As of this writing, I can say the weather is still hot and humid, but the defective, decrepit molar is gone replaced by an irritating gap in my teeth thats hard to keep my tongue out of.

But, Im glad the deed is done and Im on the mend. Oh, when my dentist, ol Doc Polk N. Prodd asked me if I wanted to take the extracted tooth home with me, I said, Sure. Some smart person in 1,000 years will want to extract some tooth DNA from it and clone me.

So, Doc put the tooth into a cute little tooth-shaped plastic container and its now residing in a dresser drawer alongside a tooth a friend pulled three years ago.


For some rural folks, getting their hay put up for the winter is a major deal. But, not for me. The only reason I have hay put up at all is for my chicken flock to scratch in and eat grain during the winter and then put all the loose hay into my compost piles.

I need all of three big round bales to get me through the winter. So, I start the process in the fall by planting plots of wheat or rye and a legume mix. Then, in the spring, I plant oats in some plots.

My good neighbor, ol Rap Pittup, is good about putting up my hay in big round bales on the shares. I take my three bales from my grain plots and Rap gets the rest of my native grass hay for his trouble.

This years hay crop consisted of 11 big round bales three for me and eight for Rap. Its a good arrangement for both of us.


Rural sheriffs and their deputies, if they stay on the job long enuf, eventually take vehicle accident statements from drivers whose grasp of the English language comes up far short of competence.

Not long ago, I stumbled onto the following actual written auto/truck accident statements taken from insurance forms where car drivers tried to summarize accident details in as few words as possible. These statements are reportedly true, of which I have some doubts. But, they are humorous all the same. Here they are:

I drove into the wrong house. Collided with a tree I dont have.

The other car collided with mine without giving warning of its intent.

In my attempt to kill a fly, I drove into a telephone pole.

I had been shopping for plants all day and was on my way home. When I reached an intersection, a hedge sprang up, obscuring my vision and I did not see the other car.

I had been driving for 40 years when I fell asleep at the wheel and had an accident.

I was on my way to the doctor with rear end trouble when my universal joint gave way causing me to have an accident.

My car was legally parked as it backed into the other vehicle.

As I approached the intersection, a sign suddenly appeared in a place where no sign had ever appeared before, making me unable to avoid the accident.

I told the police I was not injured, but upon removing my hair, I found that I had a fractured skull.

I saw a slow, sad-faced old gentleman as he bounced off the hood of my car.

Cause of the accident was a little guy in a small car with a big mouth.

I was thrown from my car as it left the road, and was later found in a ditch by some stray cows.

A pedestrian hit me and went under my car.

I thought my window was down, but I found out it was up when I put my head through it.

The guy was all over the road. I had to swerve a number of times before I hit him.

The pedestrian had no idea which way to run, so I ran over him.

An invisible car came out of nowhere, struck my car and vanished.

A truck backed through my windshield into my wifes face.

I pulled away from the side of the road, glanced at my mother-in-law, and headed over the embankment.


The statements above are not words of wisdom. But, for this week, here are a few words that are: No job is so simple that it cant be done wrong!


Dont melt. Stay cool and have a good un.

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Supreme Leader Snoke from Star Wars was based on Peter Cushing – The Digital Fix

Posted: at 12:12 pm

When it comes to the sequel Star Wars movies, many fans have had thoughts, opinions and theories over the years. However, one of the most discussed topics introduced in JJ Abrams 2016 science fiction movie The Force Awakens was the Star Wars character Supreme Leader Snoke.

Although we know now, thanks to the events of the Rise of Skywalker, that Snoke was actually a clone created by Darth Sidious (aka Emperor Palpatine), many sci-fi buffs couldnt help but notice how similar he seemed to Grand Moff Tarkin from George Lucass original trilogy. Well, it turns out that despite Rise of Skywalkers cloning explanation, the comparisons between the two villains are bang on the money.

In an interview with Force Material, designer and sculptor Ivan Manzella shared how Snoke was based on the appearance of horror movie legend Peter Cushing.For those who may not know, Peter Cushing played the role of Tarkin in the 1977 action movie who was one of the films two central villains, with the other being Darth Vader.

JJ [Abrams] mentioned a Hammer House of Horror doll. So I based him on Peter Cushing, Manzella explained.

When I did the maquette, there are elements in the cheekbone and profile. It wasnt meant to be Cushing, but he was my Hammer reference.

Although Snoke didnt turn out to be Tarkin himself, fans will be pleased to know that they were somewhat right in all their observations. Albeit if it is just from an appearance standpoint instead of their expected Tarkin clone confirmation.

You can now watch all of the Star Wars movies on Disney Plus.

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Supreme Leader Snoke from Star Wars was based on Peter Cushing - The Digital Fix

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St. Pats assistant Jon Daly says Saints need another Chris Forrester and jokes hed love to clone the mid… – The Irish Sun

Posted: at 12:12 pm

ST PATRICKS ATHLETIC assistant manager Jon Daly joked that the ideal scenario for the Saints is cloning Chris Forrester so he can pass to himself.

But he hopes that getting him in a more advanced role will have Mura seeing double again on Thursday.



The Saints fly to Slovenia on a charter tomorrow ahead of Thursdays Europa Conference League second leg after a 1-1 draw last week.

That draw was earned thanks to a stunning Forrester goal, as he put in another midfield masterclass that had Saints fans drooling.

It was just his second goal of the season and Forrester claimed last week that he should have more.

But Daly insisted that his lack of goals is down to having to ask him to sacrifice himself more for the team.

Daly said: Hes been harsh on himself in terms of what hes asked to do and how he does it. Hes played deeper to try get on the ball.

But when he does that you need a Chris Forrester higher up to give to.

Wed do well if we could clone him, getting him on the ball to pass to himself!

Were trying to identify players that can get on the ball and find him in pockets up the pitch.


Our objective as a staff is to get him on the ball as close to their goal as we possibly can because we know he has that bit of magic to go and produce.

He plays with a freedom and its important you allow him play with that freedom.

Thats where the manager has been really good with him.

Hes had to do certain things for the team defensively within the structure but over the match youre looking for him to get on the ball.

He sees things that you dont see so you have to allow him to express himself. Hes a joy to watch. Sometimes he does things that have your heart in your mouth but you trust him to be in control of the situation.

Daly, who spent his entire playing career in England and Scotland, admitted he never knew how good Forrester was until he worked with him.

The former Rangers ace added: I heard of him from his time at Peterborough and at Aberdeen.

I probably didnt anticipate him being as good as he is.

I knew he had quality but hes a very, very good player. He does things in training and matches you just dont expect. Im sure as a fan hes the type of player you want to see getting on the ball.

Were lucky to have him.

But Daly acknowledged that Forresters performance last week will likely mean that Mura will make special plans for him.

He added: I would imagine they will definitely do their homework having seen him and they will identify him now.

Thats where you need other players in the team to step up.And the Saints assistant boss believes they have an entire team to worry Mura in Slovenia.

Daly continued: Weve got enough quality in the changing room, its not just about Forrester.

If they decide to man mark him out of the game, we know we can work in other areas.

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St. Pats assistant Jon Daly says Saints need another Chris Forrester and jokes hed love to clone the mid... - The Irish Sun

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Experts Share Opinions on Aliens and Humanity’s Role in Space Exploration – The Future of Things

Posted: at 12:11 pm

Our fascination with space is one that began when we started looking up at the sky. Curiosity has enabled us to seek the answers to questions about whether we are alone in the vast cosmos or if there is more that is waiting to be explored. This zeal to uncover the unknown can be seen in the billions of dollars and years of research poured into discovering and understanding what lies outside our blue planets boundary.

Experts, including technology investor and science philanthropist Yuri Milner, have several thoughts on aliens, our cosmic neighbors. These opinions are featured in his book, Eureka Manifesto, in which Yuri Milner argues that we should look beyond Earth for human civilizations mission.

Jill Tarter, a leading astronomer best known for her work on the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, compared the investigations carried out since the Green Bank conference in 1961, at which experts came together to discuss the search for extraterrestrials. She likened these searches to dipping glass into the ocean and wondering why you dont catch a fish.

The universes vastness is nearly immeasurable, and although we may be looking in the right places, we may be looking with the wrong methods. There is no certainty that if extraterrestrial life existed, they could speak our language or that there would be any foundation for understanding. Silence in this search can also mean that humanity is alone in the vast expanse of the universe.

Another opinion is that other civilizations might be immensely older and more advanced in science and technology. From history, we can see that encounters between cultures with a considerable difference in technological advancement typically result badly for the less technological one. Hence, meeting another civilization can pose an extinction threat.

In Yuri Milners opinion, considering that the more advanced civilization would not be hostile does not help matters. Relying on aliens to pursue humanitys mission to explore and understand the universe may not be the wisest decision. Looking through the lens of Darwinism, no civilization or colony is safe from extinction. With the uncertainty of surviving in such a universe indefinitely, maximizing the use of our resources to intensify our effort toward understanding and expanding into space is the most plausible decision.

Besides pointing out the threats that human civilization faces from itself and outside our planet, Yuri Milner, in his manifesto, proposes that to combat these threats, we should spread out into space. This mission stays valid even if there is no extraterrestrial life. While science and technology will serve as humanitys spearhead in this journey, we can foster the mission by investing in space exploration, celebrating innovation, and advancing the ability of artificial intelligence to solve scientific problems.

As well as supporting the search for life through its Breakthrough Initiatives, Yuri Milners nonprofit Breakthrough Foundation champions the Breakthrough Prize, the worlds most significant scientific award, which celebrates researchers who have made stellar advances in fundamental physics, the life sciences, and mathematics. There is also the Breakthrough Junior Challenge for high school students that helps to foster enlightenment and education about the universe.

However, Yuri Milner is not alone on the quest to further humanitys place in the universe. The late theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg were on the Breakthrough Starshot Board. Another notable mention is Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and a leading visionary in humanity settling on Mars. The central theme remains that advancement in science and technology is necessary to sustain society and our expansion in the universe.

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Experts Share Opinions on Aliens and Humanity's Role in Space Exploration - The Future of Things

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Letter: Criticism of school district plan misleading | Letters To The Editor | newburyportnews.com – The Daily News of Newburyport

Posted: at 12:10 pm

To the editor:

A recent commentary, School districts education concepts need further scrutiny (July 14), expressed concerns that Superintendent Sean Gallagher has aligned our citys education strategy with the dangerous agenda of a powerful group of billionaires.

Mr. Harrington encouraged the superintendent and others in the city to do their homework and referenced a recent article by Dr. Joseph Mercola on the machinations of the World Economic Forum (WEF).

I share deep concern over the threat concentrations of wealth and power pose to human freedom and have studied the topic for over 20 years. I read the referenced article. Some of the info was familiar, most was not. Before diving in to verify it, I decided to investigate the author.

Joseph Mercola is an osteopathic physician who stopped practicing medicine decades ago to focus on his online business. Mercola has a net worth reportedly around $100 million through the sale of books, vitamins, medical products and procedures.

Since the mid-1990s, he has received numerous warnings from the Food and Drug Administration and Federal Trade Commission for making false claims about these products. In the past few years, Mercola has become widely known as a COVID misinformation superspreader. All this gave me pause.

Rather than abandon scrutiny of our education concepts, I turned my attention to our school districts materials which were also familiar to me. I reread the Portrait of a Graduate and the schools five-year strategic plan more closely to ascertain alignment with the dangerous agenda expounded by Dr. Mercola.

Its true the five-year strategic planning process and Portrait of a Graduate are bolstered by a few frameworks. If theres a plank or two in there from the WEF, thats fine with me. Why? Because Gallagher and his team have done a really good job of synthesizing many variables into a clear, compelling vision we can work together to achieve over the next few years.

Based on input from the community, the portrait encourages us to nurture empathy, perseverance and collaboration in our students. The strategic plan outlines specific actions to ensure students time in school will help them become literate across multiple disciplines; develop physical, social, and emotional skills; practice innovation, collaboration and problem-solving; engage civically and prepare for life after graduation.

Both documents are available on https://www.newburyport.k12.ma.us/ along with the school budget and preschool to Grade 12 curricula. The curricula are particularly interesting because they provide a detailed map of competencies in math, literacy, science, social studies, world language, business and technology in accordance with Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) standards.

I found nothing in the strategic plan or curricula that would predispose Newburyport students to an affinity for the technocratic, transhuman existence Dr. Mercola and Mr. Harrington have highlighted. On the contrary, I found an educational program geared toward preparing students for a healthy and productive adult life that will contain more autocratic and technocratic pressures than our lives have.

This preparation comes through balancing training in math, science and technology with social and emotional learning and cultural sensitivity. It comes through prioritizing teamwork and wellness for self and others. And very importantly, it comes by promoting civic engagement and recognition that were all in this together.



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Letter: Criticism of school district plan misleading | Letters To The Editor | newburyportnews.com - The Daily News of Newburyport

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12 Best Sci-Fi Games On PS4 And PS5 – Tech News Today

Posted: at 12:10 pm

Time travel, space exploration, alien races, sentient AIs, dangerous technologies, and laser weapons. These elements are often part ofthe best Sci-Fi games for PS4 and PS5.

When it comes to the fictional genre, theres a wide variety. Some focus on heavy single-player campaigns. Others offer endless online worlds to explore with others.

The number of choices may be overwhelming, so well streamline the list. Only the best of the best deserve your time.

We need to identify what Sci-Fi means to find the best games in the genre. The category started in novels and deals with possible futures.

In other words, science fiction is about science that doesnt yet exist but could in the future. The genre also often explores the possible implications of progress. It does so while mixing horror, superhero, fantasy, and more elements.

That is the simple definition but has proven to be beyond boundaries.Isaac Asimov, I, Robot writer, defines Sci-Fi as a branch of literature which deals with the reaction of human beings to changes in science and technology.

So while its difficult to pin down, its easy to identify. Therere elements they share. Namely, Sci-Fi video games almost always deal with technologys dangers and moral implications. That includes stuff like AI, high-tech weapons, or cybernetic implants.

That said, the best Sci-Fi games feature both critical and fan praise. They live across various genres, like action-adventure, interactive dramas, MMORPGs, and others.

The Phantom Pain is the latest entry to the long-running stealth saga. Even though the story is a bit convoluted, it represents one of the best Sci-Fi content out of any medium.

Generally, these games touch upon themes like clones, war, mercenaries, and super-weapons. They use these elements to create multi-layered mysteries involving various groups, countries, and technologies.

We recommend you play as many main Metal Gear games as possible. They revolve around similar elements and styles. The fifth version, in particular, is a third-person stealth game taking you on a series of semi-open missions.

You play as a mercenary leader,Punished Venom Snake. The quest takes to Afghanistan, a location occupied by the Soviets. Youre seeking revenge against the group that killed your companions.

Detroit: Become Human is the biggest interactive video game available. It leads you across dozens of branching paths towards over 80 different endings. The replayability is endless.

The title has three main characters, three androids. The setting is Detroit, where AI androids have taken over meaningless jobs shortly. They are slaves, but they are becoming sentient.

So, you play through episodic interactive stories. You make choices, explore the environment, and complete quick actions. The results alter the story and may even lead to the death of one of the protagonists. The story is about an android revolution and its possible consequences.

The title features photo-realistic graphics, an immersive world, and outstanding motion animation and voice-over. The story is nothing too original; rather, something we saw precisely in the I, Robot movie and book. Still, it works and offers multiple paths to explore.

No Mans Sky is a growing behemoth.It started as a sub-par online space exploration and action-adventure game. Currently, though, its many things, as it keeps adding elements into its main formula.

The main formula delivers an open-world universe with thousands of procedurally generated locations. These locations are planets, satellites, derelict ships, and more.The world is online and persistent, which qualifies No Mans Sky as an MMO title.

You can explore as part of quests or on your own. You can gather materials to improve and customize your suit, weapons, and ship on each planet. Each planet has fauna, flora, and sometimes enemies to defeat with simple third-person combat.

Lastly, the game keeps adding updates and content. There have been rogue-like time-loops, questlines, base building features, space carries, space fights, space bandits, and so much more.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition compiles the Mass Effect trilogy with remastered graphics. The bundle also packs all available DLCs, visual and technical improvements, and some gameplay tweaks. It doesnt include multiplayer.

The trilogy follows Commander Shephard, a human soldier leading a special squad. Your mission goes against all odds, even the politicians of the Milky Way Galaxy. Youre to prove the Reapers exist and unite the different alien races against the AI threat.

The Reapers return every 50 million years to destroy all advanced organic life and reset the Milky Ways state. The way to stop revolves around solving the differences between the many races in a series. The setting delivers athird-person RPG where you choose the missions and make game-altering choices.

Lastly, combat revolves around high-tech weapons and powers. Therere character classes; thus, you can level up, unlock skills, customize your gear, and more. You also go on missions with two companions, and bonding with the companions is the best part of the games.

Horizon Zero Dawn, and the 2022 sequel Forbidden West, are very similar. Its only natural to recommend them both, as the second game only adds a couple of elements to a new setting.

You play as Aloy, a hunter in a post-apocalyptic world. Wars destroyed civilization, and all that remains of its former glory are ruins and mysteries. Humans live in tribes, while machine animals roam the land and become increasingly difficult.

The two games deal with the mystery of these machines and the ancient wars. Its anaction-adventure experience with an open world and character progression. You also gather herbs, craft potions, tame machines, level up, improve your gear, and customize your character.

It also focuses heavily on hunting these machines. You use various bows, slings, and ammo types to exploit your enemies weaknesses. You can also run, crouch, vault, swim, and explore the world to your will for main and side quests.

Nier: Automata is a third-person action RPG and an open-world design(although the world is small). It is one of the most unique, dynamic, and captivating stories you can play.

The story follows androids 2B and 12A on a mission to retake Earth from machines. They come from their satellite base in space. Androids manage the base, and they receive orders from the surviving humans on the Moon. Or so they think.

The events get more obscure once youre doing the mission. YOu discover machines have formed ways of sentience. They can be greedy, luxurious, loyal, loving, emphatic, vengeful, and more. The question arises, are they alive?

Once you finish the game, you can play it again with the secondary character. And then, again, with a new character. Each one presents a new part of the story. And as for gameplay, its a third-person hack & slash where you customize skills and weapons via chips.

Cyberpunk 2077 lives in a Sci-Fi subgenre, cyberpunk.It also comes alive after a table-top role-playing game of the same name, so its both fantasy and Sci-Fi. Also, it presents its own scenario, Night City, a massive dystopian city.

The title explores the dangers of invasive technology. It questions how far technology and humans come together before one overcomes the other. Cyberpunk, if youre unfamiliar, refers to Sci-Fi worlds where people can place cybernetic implants on their bodies.

The answer relies on the secondary protagonist, Johnny Silverhand (Keanu Reeves). His conciseness, even his soul, is trapped within a ship. Your customizable avatar, mercenary V, has the ship on the head. Your goal is to take it out before both of you die.

The setting delivers afirst-person action-RPG shooter with an open world. You drive, complete quests, gear up, and level up a comprehensive skill system. Combat, music, acting, and overall graphics are top-tier, even if the games debut was very poor.

Outer Wilds is an action-adventure and puzzle/exploration game.Theres no combat, no tutorials, and no directions. Youre on your own, on a mission to solve an interstellar mystery.

Youre exploring various planets on a star system trapped in a time loop. Every 22 minutes, a reset takes you back to the beginning and sets back everything you did. All you get to keep is the knowledge.

So, you explore the planets and space on foot or ships. The goal is to stop the time loop, but theres much more to see and uncover. Therere ancient ruins, derelict ships, abandoned stations, and more. All of them may present a piece of the answer.

The indie title received several GoTY awards. Its relaxing gameplay and gorgeous presentation deliver a memorable experience. And after you finish its main puzzle, you can continue towards the expansion, Echoes of the Eye.

The Outer Worlds is an action-RPG game dealing with greedy corporations running amok. The story happens in the future, where various enterprises have taken over human affairs in planetary colonies.

Its an RPG, so your choices will swing the balance of power to the colonists or the corporations. So, youll explore various locations and decide your next destination from your ship.

As you play, youll level up, develop powers and perks, and recruit NPC companions. You can bond with these companions and take them on quests. They feature skills, specializations, dialogue, and reactions to your choices.

Lastly, you play in first-person perspective on a vast open world. You shoot high-tech weapons and use various skills and gadgets for defense and attack.

Mankind Divided is a first-person action-RPG game with a semi-open world and a heavy focus on stealth. Its the fourth and latest entry of the Deus Ex series, and we recommend the entire saga.

Deus Ex is also a cyberpunk title. It explores themes such as transhumanism, tech enhancement, and discrimination. The protagonist enhanced his body to accomplish difficult missions, and now society discarded him.

Humanity has two sides: normal humans and those with augmentations. But youll discover a bigger threat that takes you across a mission that may heal the division and create new ideas.

The gameplay allows you to traverse across semi-open scenarios in many ways. As an RPG, therere several skill trees to develop and dialogue choices. In almost any situation, therere various possible solutions and consequences.

Developer: Firaxis GamesPublisher: 2K GamesRelease Date: February 2016Platform:Microsoft Windows,PlayStation 4,Xbox One,Nintendo Switch,Android

XCOM 2 is a turn-based strategy game.Its about managing a soldier squad across a series of missions against an alien invasion. Its a sequel to 2012s XCOM, the series reboot.

The story happens 20 years after the previous game. XCOM, the military organization, became the rebels. Aliens took control of the Earth and established a military dictatorship.

So, the entire game mixes goals and maps to complete. You enter these maps and begin a turn-based experience. You move across a grid and attack, take cover, and use items and skills per turn. And as you level, you customize your squad and skills.

Also, theres a component of management. You decide which research to do and your next missions when youre on the ship. Also, you take time to manage your teams loadout and members.

Titanfall 2 is a linear first-person shooter. It mixes various elements, delivering dynamic levels, fast-paced action, and an immersive story. Its pacing even takes you to time-traveling segments.

But in general, its a mecha-style story. You use mechas and exoskeletons as an agile pilot. Then, you have various skills such as wall-running, dashing, or cloaking to traverse the areas.

The Sci-Fi story follows Jack Cooper, a rifleman of the Frontier Militia. He travels alongside his mentor on a quest to defeat the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation and their super-weapon. The theme is similar to the Metal Gear series, but the story is more straightforward.

Lastly, the gameplay is smooth, and some people compare it to Half-Life. And even though its success was big, the developer took away multiplayer support. However, you can play the free-to-play Battle Royale spin-off, Apex Legends.

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Mutants are Coming to the MCU, But Where Does Krakoa Fit In? – Gizmodo

Posted: at 12:10 pm

Image: Mark Brooks/Marvel Comics

The X-Men and the rest of mutantkind coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been heavily discussed ever since the ink dried on the Disney/Fox buyout back in 2019. During Comic-Con of that same year, Kevin Feige declared that yes, they and the Fantastic Four would be brought into the fold with Spider-Man, the Avengers and the Inhumans various TV characters.

And now that San Diego Comic-Con is this weekendand Marvel Studios is attending for the first time in three yearseveryones got mutants on the brain.

Ask anyone with a passing interest for the X-Men or MCU, and theyve likely got a list of three or more theories for how the mutants will show up. Were they snapped into existence via Thanos or Bruce Banner? Are they being ported over from the multiverse or in a pocket dimension? Will we just start in 2024 with Charles Xavier making an attempt to gather mutants and start from there? These are just some of the more common theories floating around. Theres so many X-Men, and even more mutants generally that in theory, any possibility for how they get introduced is valid. We already know that some will get brought in via other movies or TV shows rather than a proper X-Men film, but the larger mutant race presents a much bigger hurdle than a handful of individuals.

Image: Pepe Larraz/Marvel Comics

Complicating matters further is the state of mutants outside of the films. While the upcoming X-Men 97 series serves as a nice hit of nostalgia, the mutants of the comics are going full steam ahead towards the future. In 2019, Marvel launched House of X, a miniseries by Jonathan Hickman, RB Silva, Pepe Larraz, and Marte Garcia that upended the mutant mythos. The sentient island of Krakoa has become home to nearly all the mutants, While still hated and feared by the larger Marvel universe, mutants are now taking matters into their own hands, and even taking the time to celebrate their greatness. Over the last three years, various comics have delved into mutantkinds unique experiences with magic, transhumanism, religion, and ascension to cosmic prominence.

Mutants living on their own island and just not caring about the outside world is an interesting concept, one with the potential for exciting stories isolated from the various plates spinning during Phase Four. But whats made the mutants taking their destiny (of X) into their own hands so satisfying is that it was the kind of soft reboot the characters needed. Recall that prior to this, Marvel was basically treating the mutants like redheaded stepchildren due to not owning the rights to those characters, leading to the creative decision to underpromote the X-books and gradually kill the species off by way of a war with the Inhumans. And even what that war eventually ran its course, the mutants still had to get beaten down a little bit more before they were allowed to have a utopia and repopulate their people.

Hated and feared is the theme of Marvels mutants, which neither Foxs films nor Marvels comics in the early to mid 2010s knew entirely what to do with. In the comics, this was especially egregious, since superpowered people save the world with a reliable regularity that mutant discrimination feels even sillier. Mutant as metaphor already began to grow tiresome long before 2019, and will feel even more in poor taste now as Marvel tries to make bigger, often uneven grasps at social commentary in their films and TV series. An evolution is required, but to adapt House and do it justice wouldadmittedly require a decent runup so as to feel appropriately triumphant when Krakoa is revealed in its seemingly idyllic splendor.

To us, our X-Men of 2022!Image: Russell Dautermann/Marvel Comics

At Marvel, movies and comics influence each other an equal amount, and the MCU has shown a desire to get considerably stranger now more than it did a decade ago. An island of superpowered people sounds like the right way for these mutants to feel distinct from Foxs batch and avoid just retreading the same ground. Whether Marvel Studios is willing to give that a shot and let the mutants be as weird as theyre purported to be in universe remains to be seen, either this weekend, or at D23 in September.

Want more io9 news? Check out when to expect the latest Marvel and Star Wars releases, whats next for the DC Universe on film and TV, and everything you need to know about House of the Dragon and Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.

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Mutants are Coming to the MCU, But Where Does Krakoa Fit In? - Gizmodo

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Transhumanism to humankind’s rescue? A new book claims we face a ‘make or break’ century, so let the technological remake begin – Genetic Literacy…

Posted: at 12:10 pm

Ageing cured. Death conquered. Work ended. The human brain reverse-engineered by AI. Babies born outside of the womb. Virtual children, non-human partners. The future of humanity could be virtually unrecognisable by the end of the 21st century, according to Elise Bohan and thats if we get the transition right. If we get it wrong, well.

The future is wildly scary, says the young philosopher-macrohistorian-futurist with a smile. I cant lie to you about that. In ten years time its all going to look pretty different, and in another ten years thats a total event horizon for me I think its eminently plausible at that point that the game has changed in some very fundamental way, whether for good or bad.

Bohan, 31, is speaking from a sunny Mosman apartment, where she is house-sitting and looking after the plants. Its a distance away from the Hawkesbury river on the outskirts of Sydney where she grew up; a place with pretty spots but where it was tough to be a smart kid. And it is a half world away from Oxford University where she forms part of the Future of Humanity Institute.

Shes in Sydney seeing family and promoting her new book Future Superhuman: Our Transhuman Lives in a Make-or-Break Century. The subtitle isnt a gambit. I believe that, she says. We are in the century that defines the future of humanity like no other.

Transhumanism is a movement that aims to address or end what Bohan calls the tragedies of reality: ageing, sickness and involuntary death. It is, she writes, a philosophy and a project that aims to make us more than human.

Whether we recognise or understand it, that project has already begun, she says, and it will transform our world and minds and bodies within our lifetimes. Not only is it happening, she says, but this transition is necessary if humanity is to survive in perpetuity.

For Bohan,it is no great to leap to imagine that a baby born in 2030 may have its entire genome mapped at birth, that data uploaded to a central health record and cross-referenced at any medical appointment throughout its life. It is no great stretch to think that AI will become the most powerful intellectual force of the century. That human consciousness might be transferred from our meat sacks (bodies) into a technological sphere. That the rise of AI and automation might render great swathes of human labour redundant, and that maybe if we get it right that could leave more time for leisure, big thinking, meditation, connection.

Experiments are already underway in the realm of artificial wombs, and Bohan is sure when viable women will be clamouring to be freed from the shackles of pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.

The book, she writes, is a love letter to humanity, but hers is a tough love. A love which sees a future for humanity, but not necessarily for human beings as we know it.

When Bohan first encountered transhumanism, at around the age of 21, her first reaction was, Its crazy. Its science fiction. Its so far out. How weird, she says. But also how interesting.

Her brother had bounded down the stairs and insisted they watch the documentary Transcendent Man, about godfather of transhumanismRay Kurzweil. He thought theyd find it hilarious which we did but it introduced Bohan to the idea of rapid acceleration of growth in computer technology, technological singularity (the theoretical point at which the force of technological change becomes out of human control and can shape human civilisation), and the idea that there was a future for humanity beyond what she calls our ape-brained meat sacks.

At the time she was an English literature undergrad, obsessed with poetry and the written word.

It was a point of sadness for me as a young person, recognising that there were so many wonderful things that had already been written forgetting all the things that would be written in the future that I would never live long enough to encounter, to explore, and to put all these things together, she says.

Fiction began to bore her as her interest in transhumanism increased. If fiction was all about exploring the human experience, it became evident that there was a tragic repetition. We work, we learn, we love, we lose, we die, she writes. Transhumanism offered something better.

By the age of 28, she had written the worlds first book-length history of transhumanism for her PhD. Its ironic, she says, to have cleaved to this shes always had an aversion to isms. They have a ring of cult-like fascination to them.

Transhumanism is perhaps best known for preoccupation with achieving human immortality.A deathless life, however, is a confronting concept. As scarcity determines value, does not the fact that our time on earth is finite give that time its value? What exactly is tragic about death?

For me, it is the loss of everything that matters. Its a loss of all things of value, she says.

On the contrary, she says, if humans could go on in a state of robust health, could keep learning, youd have this cumulative effect where our experiences and knowledge would accumulate much faster. The things that our species could do with that! The mysteries of the universe that we could unlock. The problems we could solve. And the depths of each others souls that we could explore.

Souls, she admits, is a loaded word. But without an alternative vocabulary for what makes consciousness, she is not averse to using spiritual language.

Is transhumanism encroaching on domains that religion has traditionally held? I think yes.

When Bohan was a PhD student, she gave her first big paper at a conference. Afterwards, a biologist came up to her and congratulated her on her work.

Then he looked me in the eye and whispered to me: Were building God, you know, she chuckles. I looked back at him and I said: Yeah, I know.

They knew they didnt mean it as religion, she says. But a lot of what has been talked about in religion omniscience, omnipotence, hopefully omni-benevolence we are at least getting closer to that all seeing, all knowing, all exploring [force].

Who controls that force or those forces is, of course, a critical question. The early 21st centurys rapid growth in technology has seen power and wealth accumulate and concentrate among a small number of predominantly white men. A criticism levelled at transhumanists is that they never quite stopped clinging to the sci-fi that fascinated them as young boys.

There is a degree to which many of them probably still are little boy fantasists, says Bohan. But they happen to be very, very clever little boy fantasists who also have engineering degrees and are very capable at building reusable rockets and what have you. I dont think we can dismiss the real tangible, species-advancing projects theyre actually at the helm of.

Regulating technology during this transhuman transition, argues Bohan, is not a good idea.

All things being equal, would I rather a politician or cluster politicians ruling the nuclear powers of the nation states, or would I rather someone with a PhD from MIT whos really really smart and understands the technological systems as best as a human being can? she asks. Id rather it be the tech geek.

But that said, Id rather it not be a human at all. A technological solution to regulation would free decision-making from human biases, short-termism and tribalism if done right, she says. It might not go like that.

The worst case scenario she imagines sounds drawn from the pages of science fiction dystopias. A future where ruling AI does not share the values of human beings, nor value human beings at all.

The best case scenario for the end of the century? Bohan fully expects to still be alive (shed be 110). My honest answer is that I think the best case scenario is that by the end of the century humans are done. But humanity is not done, right? So intelligence goes on, she says.

There is a utopianism associated with that ideal of just being incredibly intelligent, being able to see farther than any intelligent human being has ever seen, to know more, to experience more, to feel more, to discover more.

But this imagining, she has come to believe, is beyond the capacity of most mortals. For them, there are the Cliffs Notes.

I think the comfortable version is: we have really good health care and everyones rich. And theres lots of equality, she laughs.

But, 2100 I dont think thats where were going to be. I think were going to be much farther ahead in the game.

Celina Ribeiro is Guardian Australias assistant editor for features, culture and lifestyle. Find Celina on Twitter @Celina_Ribeiro_

A version of this article was published at the Guardian and is reposted with permission. Find the Guardian on Twitter @Guardian

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Transhumanism to humankind's rescue? A new book claims we face a 'make or break' century, so let the technological remake begin - Genetic Literacy...

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Monarchy of the Bahamas – Wikipedia

Posted: at 12:08 pm

This article is about the monarchy of the Bahamas. For information on the other countries which share the same person as monarch, see Commonwealth realm.

Constitutional monarchy as a system of government in the Bahamas

The monarchy of the Bahamas is a system of government in which a hereditary monarch is the sovereign and head of state of Commonwealth of the Bahamas. The current Bahamian monarch and head of state, since the independence of the Bahamas on 10 July 1973, is Queen Elizabeth II. As sovereign, she is the personal embodiment of the Bahamian Crown. Although the person of the sovereign is equally shared with 14 other independent countries within the Commonwealth of Nations, each country's monarchy is separate and legally distinct. As a result, the current monarch is officially titled Queen of the Bahamas and, in this capacity, she and other members of the Bahamian Royal Family undertake public and private functions domestically and abroad as representatives of the Bahamian state. However, the Queen is the only member of the Royal Family with any constitutional role.

All executive authority is vested in the monarch, and royal assent is required for the Bahamian Parliament to enact laws and for letters patent and Orders in Council to have legal effect. Most of the powers are exercised by the elected members of parliament, the ministers of the Crown generally drawn from amongst them, and the judges and justices of the peace. Other powers vested in the monarch, such as the appointment of a prime minister, are significant but are treated only as reserve powers and as an important security part of the role of the monarchy.

The Crown today primarily functions as a guarantor of continuous and stable governance and a nonpartisan safeguard against the abuse of power. While some powers are exercisable only by the sovereign, most of the monarch's operational and ceremonial duties are exercised by her representative, the governor-general of the Bahamas.

In 1629, King Charles I granted Robert Heath, attorney general of England, territories in America including "Bahama and all other Isles and Islands lying southerly there or neare upon the foresayd continent". Charles Towne was settled in 1660 and named for King Charles II, but its name was changed to Nassau after William III came to the throne; the German region Nassau was a holding of William's family.[2]

The Bahamas became a British crown colony in 1718, when the British clamped down on piracy.

In August 1940, the Duke of Windsor was appointed Governor of the Bahamas. He arrived in the colony with his wife Wallis, Duchess of Windsor. The Duke was praised at the time for his efforts to combat poverty on the islands.[3]

In May 1963, a conference was held in London to consider a new constitution for the islands. The islands were granted full internal self-government, with the governor retaining reserved powers only for foreign affairs, defense, and internal security.[2]

On 10 July 1973, Charles, Prince of Wales delivered the official documents to Prime Minister Lynden Pindling, officially declaring the Bahamas a fully independent nation,[4] within the Commonwealth of Nations.[5] Shortly after independence, Sir John Paul was appointed the first governor-general of the Bahamas, the vice-regal representative of Elizabeth II, Queen of the Bahamas.

The Bahamas is one of fifteen independent nations, known as Commonwealth realms, which shares its sovereign with other monarchies in the Commonwealth of Nations, with the monarch's relationship with the Bahamas completely independent from her position as monarch of any other realm. Despite sharing the same person as their respective monarch, each of the Commonwealth realms including the Bahamas is sovereign and independent of the others. The Bahamian monarch is represented by a viceroythe governor-general of the Bahamasin the Bahamian realm.[6]

Since Bahamian independence in 1973, the pan-national Crown has had both a shared and a separate character and the sovereign's role as monarch of Bahamas is distinct to his or her position as monarch of any other realm, including the United Kingdom.[7] The monarchy thus ceased to be an exclusively British institution and in the Bahamas became a Bahamian, or "domesticated" establishment.[8][9]

This division is illustrated in a number of ways: The sovereign, for example, holds a unique Bahamian title and, when she is acting in public specifically as a representative of the Bahamas, she uses, where possible, Bahamian symbols, including the country's national flag, unique royal symbols, and the like. Also, only Bahamian government ministers can advise the sovereign on matters of the Bahamian state.[6]

In the Bahamas, the legal personality of the State is referred to as "Her Majesty the Queen in Right of The Bahamas".[10]

The Bahamian constitution is made up of a variety of statutes and conventions which gives the Bahamas a parliamentary system of government under a constitutional monarchy, wherein the role of the monarch and governor-general is both legal and practical, but not political. The Crown is regarded as a corporation, in which several parts share the authority of the whole, with the sovereign as the person at the centre of the constitutional construct,[11] meaning all powers of state are constitutionally reposed in the Bahamian monarch. The government of Bahamas is also thus formally referred to as Her Majesty's Government.[12][13]

Most of the Queen's domestic duties are performed by the governor-general, appointed by the monarch on the advice of the Prime Minister of the Bahamas.[14]

All institutions of government act under the sovereign's authority; the vast powers that belong to the Bahamian Crown are collectively known as the Royal Prerogative. Parliamentary approval is not required for the exercise of the Royal Prerogative; moreover, the consent of the Crown is must before either of the houses of parliament may even debate a bill affecting the sovereign's prerogatives or interests.

One of the main duties of the Crown is to appoint a prime minister, who thereafter heads the Bahamian cabinet and advises the monarch or governor-general on how to execute their executive powers over all aspects of government operations and foreign affairs.[15] The monarch's, and thereby the viceroy's role is almost entirely symbolic and cultural, acting as a symbol of the legal authority under which all governments and agencies operate, while the Cabinet directs the use of the Royal Prerogative, which includes the privilege to declare war, maintain the Queen's peace, and direct the actions of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force, as well as to summon and prorogue parliament and call elections.[16] However, it is important to note that the Royal Prerogative belongs to the Crown and not to any of the ministers, though it might have sometimes appeared that way,[17] and the constitution allows the governor-general to unilaterally use these powers in relation to the dismissal of a prime minister, dissolution of parliament, and removal of a judge in exceptional, constitutional crisis situations.[18]

There are also a few duties which are specifically performed by the Queen, such as appointing the governor-general.

The governor-general, to maintain the stability of the Bahamian government, appoints as prime minister the individual most likely to maintain the support of the Bahamian House of Assembly.[19] The governor-general additionally appoints a Cabinet, at the direction of the prime minister, at least eight other ministers of the Crown.[20] The Queen is informed by her viceroy of the acceptance of the resignation of a prime minister and the swearing-in of a new prime minister and other members of the ministry, and she remains fully briefed through regular communications from her Bahamian ministers.[21] Members of various executive agencies and other officials are appointed by the Crown. The appointment of senators,[22] and Supreme Court justices also falls under the Royal Prerogative.[23]

The Royal Prerogative further extends to foreign affairs: the governor-general ratifies treaties, alliances, and international agreements. As with other uses of the Royal Prerogative, no parliamentary approval is required. However, a treaty cannot alter the domestic laws of the Bahamas; an Act of Parliament is necessary in such cases. The governor-general, on behalf of the Queen, also accredits Bahamian High Commissioners and ambassadors and receives diplomats from foreign states. In addition, the issuance of passports falls under the Royal Prerogative and, as such, all Bahamian passports are issued in the governor-general's name, the monarch's representative in the Bahamas.[24]

The sovereign, along with the Senate and the House of Assembly, is one of the three components of the Bahamian parliament.[25][26]

The monarch does not, however, participate in the legislative process; the viceroy does, though only in the granting of Royal Assent.[27] Further, the constitution outlines that the governor-general alone is responsible for appointing senators. The viceroy must make nine senatorial appointments on the advice of the prime minister, four on the advice of leader of the opposition, and three on the advice of both.[28] The viceroy additionally summons, prorogues, and dissolves parliament;[29][26] after the latter, the writs for a general election are usually dropped by the governor-general at Government House, Nassau.[30]

The new parliamentary session is marked by the Opening of Parliament, during which the monarch or the governor-general reads the Speech from the Throne.[26]

All laws in the Bahamas are enacted only with the viceroy's granting of Royal Assent in the monarch's name.[31] The Royal Assent, and proclamation, are required for all acts of parliament, usually granted or withheld by the governor-general, with the Public Seal of the Bahamas.[32]

Within the Commonwealth realms, the sovereign is responsible for rendering justice for all her subjects, and is thus traditionally deemed the fount of justice.[33] In the Bahamas, criminal offences are legally deemed to be offences against the sovereign and proceedings for indictable offences are brought in the sovereign's name in the form of The Queen versus [Name].[34][35] Hence, the common law holds that the sovereign "can do no wrong"; the monarch cannot be prosecuted in his or her own courts for criminal offences.[36]

The governor-general, on behalf of the Bahamian monarch, can also grant immunity from prosecution, exercise the royal prerogative of mercy, and pardon offences against the Crown, either before, during, or after a trial. The exercise of the 'Prerogative of mercy' to grant a pardon and the commutation of prison sentences is described in section 90 of the Constitution.[37]

All justices of the Supreme Court are appointed by the governor-general.[38]

All Bahamian judges have to swear that they will "well and truly serve" the monarch of the Bahamas, on taking office. Under the Official Oaths Act, the Judicial Oath is:[39]

"I, (name), do swear that I will well and truly serve Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and Successors, in the office of ________ and will do right to all manner of people after the laws and usages of The Bahamas without fear or favour, affection or ill will. So help me God."

The monarch does not, however, personally rule in judicial cases; instead, judicial functions are performed in her name. In international cases, as a sovereign and under established principles of international law, the Queen of the Bahamas is not subject to suit in foreign courts without her express consent. In addition, the monarch also serves as a symbol of the legitimacy of courts of justice and of their judicial authority. An image of the Queen or the Coat of arms of Bahamas is always displayed in Bahamian courtrooms.

In the Bahamas, the Queen's official title is: Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, Queen of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas and of Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth.[40][41][42]

This style communicates the Bahamas's status as an independent monarchy, highlighting the Monarch's role specifically as Queen of the Bahamas, as well as the shared aspect of the Crown throughout the realms. Typically, the Sovereign is styled "Queen of the Bahamas," and is addressed as such when in the Bahamas, or performing duties on behalf of the Bahamas abroad.

The oath of allegiance in the Bahamas is:[43]

"I, (name), do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and Successors, according to law. So help me God."

Like some realms, the Bahamas defers to United Kingdom law to determine the line of succession.[44]

Succession is by absolute primogeniture governed by the provisions of the Succession to the Crown Act 2013, as well as the Act of Settlement, 1701, and the Bill of Rights, 1689. This legislation limits the succession to the natural (i.e. non-adopted), legitimate descendants of Sophia, Electress of Hanover, and stipulates that the monarch cannot be a Roman Catholic, nor married to one, and must be in communion with the Church of England upon ascending the throne. Though these constitutional laws, as they apply to the Bahamas, still lie within the control of the British parliament, both the United Kingdom and the Bahamas cannot change the rules of succession without the unanimous consent of the other realms, unless explicitly leaving the shared monarchy relationship; a situation that applies identically in all the other realms, and which has been likened to a treaty amongst these countries.[45]

The Bahamian monarch sends congratulatory messages to Bahamian citizens celebrating their 100th birthday, and to married couples on their 50th and 60th wedding anniversaries.[46]

Within the Commonwealth realms, the monarch is deemed the fount of honour.[47] Similarly, the monarch, as Sovereign of the Bahamas, confers awards and honours in the Bahamas in her name. Most of them are often awarded on the advice of "Her Majesty's Bahamas Ministers".[48][49][50]

Through the passage of the National Honours Act 2016, the Bahamas established seven national orders on 27 January 2016. The monarch's vice-regal representative, the governor-general, serves as the Chancellor of all these orders.[51]

The Crown sits at the pinnacle of the Bahamian Defence Force. It is reflected in Bahamas's naval vessels, which bear the prefix HMBS, i.e., Her Majesty's Bahamian Ship.[52]

The Defence Force of the Bahamas is known as "The Royal Bahamas Defence Force". The Queen is the Head of the RBDF.[53]

In September 1979, Princess Anne visited the Bahamas Defence Force Base at Coral Harbour, and unveiled a plaque designating the Base as "Her Majesty's Bahamian Ship Coral Harbour". The Princess officially conferred the title "Royal" on the Force, making it known thereafter as the "Royal Bahamas Defence Force".[54][55]

Every member of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force has to swear allegiance to the Bahamian monarch on taking office. The oath is:[56]

"I, (name), swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Her Heirs and Successors, according to law, and that I will, as in duty bound, honestly and faithfully defend the Commonwealth of The Bahamas against all enemies, and will observe and obey all lawful orders of Commander Defence Force and of the officers, warrant officers and marines set above me."

The national police force of the Bahamas is known as "The Royal Bahamas Police Force".

The St. Edward's Crown appears on the Bahamian Police's badges and rank insignia, which illustrates the monarchy as the locus of authority.[57]

Every member of the Royal Bahamas Police Force has to swear allegiance to the monarch of the Bahamas, on taking office. Under the Bahamian Police Service Act, the oath of office, which is to be taken after the oath of allegiance, is:[58]

"I, (name), do swear that I will well and truly serve our Sovereign Lady the Queen, in the office of _____ without favour or affection, malice or ill will, and that I will cause Her Majesty's peace to be kept and preserved; and that I will prevent, to the utmost of my power, all offences against the same; and while I shall continue to hold the said office I will, to the best of my skill and knowledge, discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law. So help me God."

The Queen on a Bahamian stamp

A post box in the Bahamas featuring the Queen's royal cypher

The main symbol of the Bahamian monarchy is the sovereign herself. Thus, framed portraits of her are displayed in public buildings and government offices. Banknotes in the Bahamas feature the Queen's portrait on the obverse. The Queen also appears on commemorative Bahamian stamps.

A crown is also used to illustrate the monarchy as the locus of authority, appearing on police force, postal workers, prison officers rank insignia.[57]

God Save The Queen is the royal anthem of the Bahamas.[59]

Under the Bahamian Oath of Citizenship, new Bahamian citizens have to take a pledge of allegiance to the monarch of the Bahamas, and her heirs and successors.[60]

The Bahamas holds a special place in Her Majesty's heart. Her love for this realm and you, the Bahamian people, stretches back over the decades, right to that first visit in 1966.

The Queen and members of the Royal Family have toured the Bahamas on several occasions.[62]

As part of larger Caribbean tours, the islands were visited by the Queen and her husband Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, in February 1966.[62] In July 1973, the Prince of Wales represented the Queen at the Bahamian independence celebrations in Nassau.[62] The Queen and her husband returned to the islands in February 1975, and again during her Silver Jubilee tour in October 1977.[62] Princess Anne visited the Bahamas in 1979 with her husband Captain Mark Phillips to commemorate 250 years of Bahamian parliamentary democracy.[63]

The Prince and Princess of Wales visited in 1982 for a 10-day vacation.[64] The Queen and Prince Philp visited Nassau for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in October 1985.[62] The Queen and the Duke visited again in March 1994.[65]

Prince Harry visited the Bahamas in March 2012, during his tour of the Caribbean to mark the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. The Princess Royal visited the Bahamas in 2015. The Earl and Countess of Wessex visited in 2016.[66]

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge toured the country in March 2022, to mark the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.[67]

The monarchy is not a major topic of debate in the Bahamas. The Constitutional Commission, which recommends making the governor-general president, has found "mixed feelings" on the matter, with a significant number of respondents being indifferent.[68] In 2020, former Attorney General Sean McWeeney stated the Bahamas' transition to a republic may be "inevitable" at some point, but that there is no real appetite or momentum among the Bahamian public for it yet, nor is there mainstream political will.[69] There are some minor and new republican parties such as Coalition of Independents (COI).[70]

Articles related to the Bahamian monarchy


Monarchy of the Bahamas - Wikipedia

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Robot Designed to Tunnel Through the Earth Incredibly Fast Using Plasma – Futurism

Posted: at 12:08 pm

"Imagine a robot with ten light sabers on the front."Make Way

If Cali-based startup EarthGrid has its way, downed power lines and faulty electric transformers may soon be a problem of the past.

Science and tech pub New Atlas explained the company's patent-pending process on Thursday and said the plasma boring robot it's developing can dig underground tunnels as much as 100 times faster than the competition, all while costing about 98 percent less.

"Imagine a robot with ten light sabers on the front, vaporizing through rock and soil," founder Troy Helming said in a short video that shows off the bot's plasma-boring capabilities.

The back end of the bot spits out "cornflake-size" bits of rock. New Atlas said the bot can do its job without touching tunnel walls as it bores through the ground, meaning it can complete jobs without stopping if necessary.

EarthGrid is hoping to use its tech to create an underground network of tunnels that service the United States with renewable energy.

The move could help stabilize electric grids and protect infrastructure from the elements an important lesson the people of New York City learned after the Great Blizzard of 1888. That storm dumped inches of snow onto the city and downed a bunch of power lines, which at the time weren't yet buried underground and ran solely on above-ground poles, criss-crossing the streets multiple times. Afterwards, underground wires provided more electric stability and consistency.

EarthGrid has a long way to go if it wants to move from its 20-second demo clip to a full-blown power solution for the US but we hope they figure it out soon. The country's aging electric infrastructure needs some help from somebody, somewhere.

More on renewable energy: New System Creates Jet Fuel From Water, CO2 and Sunlight

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Robot Designed to Tunnel Through the Earth Incredibly Fast Using Plasma - Futurism

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