Daily Archives: July 27, 2022

Security Council briefing on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question (as delivered by Deputy Special Coordinator Lynn…

Posted: July 27, 2022 at 11:30 am

Mister President,

Members of the Security Council,

I am pleased to deliver this briefing on behalf of Special Coordinator Tor Wennesland, covering the reporting period of 27 June 21 July.

While the specific developments of the conflict fluctuate, the structural reality has not changed.

We continue to witness concerning levels of violence against civilians, which exacerbates mistrust and undermines a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

For years, illegal settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, has been steadily shrinking the land available to Palestinians for development and livelihoods, limiting their movement and access, and eroding the prospects for establishing a viable Palestinian State.

Three hundred and ninety-nine demolitions and seizures of Palestinian-owned structures and evictions this year in Area C have left over 400 Palestinians displaced.

There is a growing sense of hopelessness among many Palestinians who see their prospects for statehood, sovereignty and a peaceful future slipping away.

Internally, they also see a crumbling and constrained Palestinian economy, lack of progress in advancing intra-Palestinian unity and governance reform, and the urgent need for renewed legitimacy to national institutions, including through a democratically elected Parliament and Government in Palestine.

Many Israelis also understand the perils of continuing along the current path. They see endless cycles of violence, the constant risk of escalation and the absence of prospects to end the conflict.

Against this worrying backdrop, U.S. President Bidens visit to the region earlier this month signaled renewed consensus for a two-State solution based on the 1967 lines. During the visit, for the first time in years, Israeli, Palestinian and American leaders also reiterated their support for a two-State solution as essential for the future of Palestinians and Israelis alike. In addition to meeting with Prime Minister Lapid and President Abbas, President Biden made a noteworthy visit to Augusta Victoria Hospital in East Jerusalem. We must build on these reaffirmed commitments and work collectively to encourage steps that allow for a return to a meaningful political process.

Mister President,

Daily violence continued throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory during the reporting period.

Three Palestinians were killed in the occupied West Bank during search and arrest operations and 287 Palestinians, including 28 children, were injured by Israeli security forces (ISF) during demonstrations, clashes, search-and-arrest operations, attacks and alleged attacks against Israelis, and other incidents in the West Bank. Israeli settlers or other civilians perpetrated 27 attacks against Palestinians resulting in 12 injuries and/or damage to Palestinian property, including 1000 olive trees.

In all, eighteen Israeli civilians, including two women, and seven Israeli security personnel were injured by Palestinians in shooting and stabbing attacks, clashes, and the throwing of stones and Molotov cocktails, and other incidents. In total, Palestinians perpetrated 50 attacks against Israeli civilians, 39 of which were stone-throwing incidents, resulting in injuries and/or damage to Israeli property.

On 29 June, ISF shot and killed a 25-year-old Palestinian in the context of clashes following an arrest operation conducted in Jenin in the West Bank. According to ISF, the man had thrown explosive devices towards Israeli soldiers. Palestinian Islamic Jihad later claimed the man as a member.

On 2 and 6 July, ISF fatally shot two Palestinians in the village of Jab'a, near Jenin. On 2 July, according to video and eyewitnesses, a 17-year-old was shot from some 30 meters as he was turning away after having thrown stones towards the soldiers. ISF said they fired after the boy had thrown a Molotov cocktail. On 6 July, a Palestinian man was shot and killed as he left his house during a nearby ISF arrest operation. ISF said the man had been shot after trying to run away.

On 5 July, an Israeli man was seriously injured after being stabbed on a pedestrian bridge in Bnei Brak in central Israel. On 6 July, ISF announced they had arrested a Palestinian man suspected of carrying out the attack.

On 19 July, an Israeli was stabbed and moderately injured by a Palestinian on a bus in Jerusalem. The assailant was subsequently shot and injured by an Israeli civilian.

On 2 July, the Palestinian Authority transferred the bullet that killed Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh to U.S. authorities to undergo forensic testing. On 4 July, following an analysis overseen by the U.S. Security Coordinator, the U.S. announced that the examiners could not reach a definitive conclusion regarding the origin of the bullet due to its damaged condition. The U.S. also said that, after viewing the results of both Israeli and Palestinian investigations into Aqlehs death, it had concluded that gunfire from Israel Defence Forces positions was likely responsible, and that it found no reason to believe that this was intentional.

Mister President,

Settler-related violence continued during the reporting period, with particularly concerning incidents in the West Bank community of Ras al-Tin.

On the night of 6 July, individuals believed to be Israeli settlers set fire to four points around the community, damaging several structures, including tents. The attack comes on the heels of additional settler attacks against the community in recent weeks, during which two residents were injured.

I reiterate that perpetrators of all acts of violence must be held accountable and brought swiftly to justice.

I also reiterate that security forces must exercise maximum restraint and use lethal force only when strictly unavoidable in order to protect life.

Mister President,

On 20 and 21 July, thousands of Israelis participated in a widely publicized campaign by a settler organization to establish settlement outposts across the West Bank. In advance of the campaign, Israeli Defense Minister Gantz issued a statement that such efforts are illegal activities that the security services are preparing to thwart. The Israel Defense Forces and Israeli police also issued similar statements. On 21 July, ISF removed the seven makeshift encampments that had been set up and evacuated the Israeli civilians from the area.

I welcome the statements and actions by the Government of Israel to prevent the establishment of new outposts. I reiterate that all settlements are illegal under international law and remain a substantial obstacle to peace.

Mister President,

During the reporting period, Israeli authorities demolished, seized or forced owners to demolish 77 Palestinian-owned structures in Area C and five in East Jerusalem, displacing 61 Palestinians, including 31 children. The demolitions were carried out due to the lack of Israeli-issued building permits, which are nearly impossible for Palestinians to obtain.

In the wake of the 4 May ruling by the Israeli High Court of Justice allowing the eviction of the communities in Masafer Yatta in the southern West Bank to proceed due to their presence in an Israeli-declared firing zone, Israeli forces continued to adopt restrictive measures negatively affecting Palestinian communities and humanitarian actors providing support. Such measures include ongoing military training, related movement restrictions, arrests, including those involving use of force, as well as restrictions on the access of staff of international organizations and Palestinian NGOs to the area.

I remain deeply concerned by the potential implications of the High Courts ruling and the humanitarian toll on the communities in question if the eviction orders are carried out.

In a positive development, on 12 July, Israeli authorities announced that they would advance six plans for Palestinian construction in Area C. I urge Israel to further advance such plans and to issue building permits for all previously approved plans for Palestinians in Area C and in East Jerusalem.

On 21 July, Israels Supreme Court partially accepted the appeal of a Palestinian family under threat of eviction in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan, freezing the eviction order until proceedings are completed in a lower court.

I call on Israeli authorities to end the displacement and eviction of Palestinians in line with its obligations under international humanitarian law and to approve additional plans that would enable Palestinians to build legally and address their development needs.

Mister President,

On 30 June, the Israeli Knesset voted to dissolve itself and call for new parliamentary elections, scheduled now for 1 November. Due to the coalition agreements, on 1 July, Yair Lapid became Israels Prime Minister and will head the interim Government through the upcoming elections and government formation process. I congratulate Prime Minister Lapid, and the Special Coordinator looks forward to continuing to work with him to advance steps towards a two-State solution and a lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

Between 13-15 July, U.S. President Biden visited Israel and the OPT, meeting with Israeli and Palestinian leaders. During the visit, the President announced a series of initiatives to support the Palestinian people. These include: a new multi-year contribution of USD 100 million to the East Jerusalem Hospital Network (EJHN), subject to congressional approval; USD 201 million in funding for the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA); an additional USD 15 million in humanitarian assistance for Palestinians aimed at addressing food insecurity; and two new grants under the Middle East Partnership for Peace Act (MEPPA).

On 16 July, in the context of President Bidens meeting with regional leaders in Saudi Arabia, the United States announced that Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates also each pledged an additional USD 25 million to the East Jerusalem Hospital Network.

The Biden Administrations announcement that Israel has agreed to allow the Allenby Bridge between the West Bank and Jordan to operate 24-hours a day, 7 days a week by the end of September will go some way to reduce the long wait thousands undergo at the crossing. The U.S. also said Israel had agreed to accelerate the transition to 4G technology in the West Bank, and then in Gaza, and to convene the long-dormant Joint Economic Committee with the Palestinian Authority.

I welcome the crucial U.S. and regional support pledged to East Jerusalem hospitals, vital Palestinian institutions that provide health care to patients from across the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). Support for structural reform of the health sector is still needed for sustainable operations of the heavily indebted hospital Network. I also welcome and look forward to the implementation of the important commitments made by Israel to improve movement and access for Palestinians at Allenby Bridge and the transition to 4G technology to support economic growth.

In advance of President Bidens visit, on 7 July, President Abbas and Defense Minister Gantz met in Ramallah, and on 8 July Israeli President Herzog and Prime Minister Lapid spoke with President Abbas by phone. The continuing high-level contacts between Israeli and Palestinian officials are encouraging, and I urge leaders on all sides to expand this engagement to encompass underlying political issues.

In addition, on 12 July, Israeli authorities announced the approval of registration of 5,500 previously unregistered Palestinians, and the expansion of a crossing in the northern West Bank to include vehicular traffic between Israel and Jenin for the use of Israeli Arabs.

On 21 July, President Abbas visited France and met with President Emmanuel Macron. At a joint press conference following the meeting, President Macron affirmed his willingness to help mobilize the international community in efforts to support the resumption of a political dialogue towards a just and lasting peace.

Mr. President,

Statements issued by ten European Foreign Ministries announced their governments had reviewed the 21 October designation of six Palestinian NGOs as terrorist organizations. The statements highlighted that no substantial information had been received that would justify a review of the Member States policies and in the absence of such evidence, the Member States confirmed that they will continue their cooperation and strong support for civil society in the OPT. Going forward, the Ministry of Defence has requested the three lawyers representing the six NGOs to seek approval before continuing to do so.

On several occasions in July, Palestinian legal associations organized demonstrations in Ramallah, attended by hundreds of participants, to protest the Palestinian Authoritys practice of issuing and amending laws by presidential decree. Protestors called for the election of a new Legislative Council and the resumption of regular legislative procedures.

Mister President,

Turning to Gaza, the situation remains fragile, as efforts by the UN and other partners continue to deliver vital humanitarian and development assistance, as well as further ease restrictions on the movement of people and goods into and out of the Strip.

On 16 July, following a period of relative calm, militants in Gaza launched four rockets towards Israel. According to Israeli authorities, one rocket was intercepted by the Iron Dome system, while the others landed in open areas in Israel. No injuries were reported. In retaliation, IDF conducted airstrikes against what it said were Hamas targets in the Strip, with no injuries reported.

On 19 July, Israeli authorities announced that they had found a bullet in Netiv HaAsara, in southern Israel, which they determined had been fired earlier that day from the Gaza Strip, damaging an industrial building. Subsequently, the IDF launched missiles at what it said were Hamas targets in the Strip, again with no injuries reported.

Reconstruction and repair of damages incurred during the 2021 escalation continues to require additional funding and the timely disbursement of pledged funding. A funding gap remains of at least USD 45 million for the reconstruction of totally damaged housing units and USD 9 million for repairs of damaged housing.

On 3 July, on the occasion of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, Israeli authorities announced that 400 permits would be issued for men above the age of 55 and women above the age of 50 to visit Jerusalem from Gaza. These are the first such permits to be issued since 2017. In addition, Israeli authorities announced that some 500 permits would be issued for Gaza residents to visit first-degree relatives in the West Bank and Israel over the holiday.

In June, some 72,000 crossings of people holding Israeli-issued permits through the Israeli-controlled Erez crossing were recorded. This is the highest number of crossings in one month since the tightening of the Israeli closures following Hamass takeover of the Strip in 2007.

June also witnessed an increase of imports into Gaza through the Kerem Shalom crossing between Israel and Gaza, with a 12 per cent increase in the number of trucks compared to May. The number of trucks entering Gaza through the informal Salah ad-Din crossing between Gaza and Egypt, increased by 45 per cent compared to May 2022.

Across the OPT, soaring commodity prices continue to negatively impact Palestinian lives. The UNRWA Gaza Emergency Food Programme requires an additional USD 72 million by September to meet food assistance needs for 1.1 million Palestine refugees in the fourth quarter. World Food Programme needs an additional USD 24 million to continue providing assistance until the end of the year, to compensate for the decrease in purchasing power. In this context, I welcome recent announcements by the U.S. and the EU confirming their 2022 contributions to UNRWA, which will allow the Agency to maintain education, primary health care and other critical services to Palestine refugees during the summer months. I encourage additional contributions from Member States to ensure that needs on the ground can be met.

Mister President,

Turning to the region, while the ceasefire between Israel and Syria continues to be generally maintained, the situation remains volatile with continued violations of the 1974 Disengagement of Forces Agreement by the parties.

The latest reported incident was brought to this Council and the Secretary-General through identical letters of the 22nd July from the Permanent Representative of Syria concerning the situation between Israel and Syria. It is important that the parties respect their obligations under the terms of the Agreement and prevent an escalation of the situation between them.

In Lebanon, following the parliamentary elections of 15 May, efforts to form a new government continue. It is of the utmost importance that a new government be formed as soon as possible and that progress is made on reforms needed to address the countrys multiple crises.

I also underscore the risks to stability posed by incidents such as the launching of three unarmed drones from Lebanon towards the Karish offshore natural gas field by Hezbollah on 2 July. I urge all parties to exercise restraint and avoid provocative actions that could lead to escalation.

On 15 and 16 July, President Biden visited Saudi Arabia, where he met with leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Egypt, Iraq and Jordan. Following the summit, the U.S. and the GCC issued a joint statement reaffirming their joint commitment to preserve regional security and stability, [and] support diplomacy with the aim of regional de-escalation.

Mister President,

Immediate steps to reverse negative trends and to support the Palestinian people are essential. The violence must stop. The tensions that have been mounting, particularly in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, amidst continued settlement activity and settler-related violence, must be addressed.

However, there is no substitute for a legitimate political process that will resolve the core issues driving the conflict.

As the history of this conflict has so painfully demonstrated, if left unaddressed, the factors contributing to this corrosive situation will only deteriorate further. We must focus on reaching the ultimate goal: two States, living side-by-side in peace and security, in line with UN resolutions, previous agreements and international law.

The United Nations remains committed to supporting Israelis and Palestinians to move towards a just and lasting peace and we will continue to work with the parties and with regional and international partners to achieve this objective.

Thank you.

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Security Council briefing on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question (as delivered by Deputy Special Coordinator Lynn...

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It’s Only July and SpaceX Has Already Shattered Its Annual Launch Record – Gizmodo

Posted: at 11:29 am

A Falcon 9 rocket during a Starlink mission.Photo: SpaceX

Elon Musks private space company broke its own record for most launches in a single calendar yearand 2022 isnt even close to being over yet. The company completed its 32nd successful launch of the year, beating its 31 successful launches in 2021.

Like it or not, SpaceXs outpouring of launches into space is impressive. On Friday July 22, the company successfully launched 46 Starlink satellites into low Earth orbit using its Falcon 9 reusable rocket, which blasted off from Space Launch Complex 4 East at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. This marks SpaceXs 32nd successful launch of 2022, surpassing its previous record of 31 successful launches in 2021and theres still five months left in 2022. Its a record for SpaceX and also for any launch provider.

Fridays launch was originally set to occur on Thursday but was scrubbed due to the Falcon 9 computer detecting an anomalous reading from a Merlin engine just 46 seconds before launch. After investigating, SpaceX proceeded with the launch the following day.

SpaceXs Starlink constellation aims to bring high-speed broadband internet to the world with a network of 42,000 satellites in low Earth orbit. SpaceX said on Twitter that Fridays launch expanded Starlinks service to 36 countries, which now includes Luxemborg, St. Martin, and St. Barthelemy. The company also conducted a launch on Sunday that sent an additional 53 Starlink satellites into orbit, adding yet another successful launch to SpaceXs remarkable 2022 run. The constellation currently consists of roughly 2,660 functional satellites.

Founded in 2002, the company is a force to be reckoned with in the commercial space industry. The launch record aside, SpaceX is hoping for another milestone launch this yearthe first orbital test of the companys gigantic Starship rocket, which is currently undergoing tests in Boca Chica, Texas.

While Starlink is a promising foray into equitable Internet access, it has not come without its faults as astronomers are concerned with the risk that Starlink poses to views of space. Since the satellites reflect sunlight, they create streaks in astronomical data collected by ground-based observatories, and this noise could worsen with Musks recent announcement of larger, more powerful satellites.

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It's Only July and SpaceX Has Already Shattered Its Annual Launch Record - Gizmodo

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Elon Musk Shares Photo With Sergey Brin After Affair Allegation

Posted: at 11:28 am

Elon Musk shared a photo of him with Google co-founder Sergey Brin late Sunday after the The Wall Street Journal reported Musk had an alleged affair with Brin's wife briefly last year, which the Tesla CEO has staunchly denied.

Musk sent the photo to the New York Post and said he "took this pic only two hours ago," insisting that he had nothing to do with the divorce of Brin and his wife, Nicole Shanahan.

He also tweeted late Sunday night, calling the Journal's report "total bs."

"Sergey and I are friends and were at a party together last night!" he said on Twitter. "I've only seen Nicole twice in three years, both times with many other people around. Nothing romantic."

The Wall Street Journal cited unnamed sources that alleged Musk had an affair with Shanahan at the Art Basel art show in Miami in December. One person familiar with the matter told the publication that Brin and Shanahan were separated but living together at the time.

Musk got down on one knee and begged for Brin's forgiveness when the latter discovered his friend's alleged affair with his wife, one source told the WSJ. Brin reportedly "acknowledged the apology" but the two do not speak regularly, the person said.

According to court documents that the Journal viewed, Brin filed for divorce in January, citing "irreconcilable differences."

The report follows news last month that Musk quietly had twins with one of his top executives at Neuralink in November 2021. That December, the same month of the alleged affair, Musk welcomed a daughter who was born via surrogate with ex-girlfriend Grimes.

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Elon Musk Chooses His 9 to 5 Over Hollywood – TheStreet

Posted: at 11:28 am

Elon Musk periodically faces choices and makes them. Perhaps the knottiest one is whether and when to focus on his positions as Tesla's (TSLA) - Get Tesla Inc. ReportCEO and as a celebrity.

The man has more than 102 million followers on Twitter, and many of those millions stand ready to defend him at all times. Their admiration sometimes turns to adoration.

The Tesla (TSLA) - Get Tesla Inc. ReportCEO's private life has become the subject of numerous press articles, to the point that the coverage eclipses his professional activities.

Most recently he has contributed to this dynamic by praising families on Twitter. In particular, he has expanded his own with the near-simultaneous arrival of three new children with two different women: his ex girlfriend, the singer Grimes, and Shivon Zilis, a senior. executive of Neuralink, his company specializing in artificial intelligence.

Photos of him shirtless on a yacht in Greece have also made tabloid headlines recently, sparking debates on social media about his physique. He (humorously) participated in the debate by commenting on his calves.

But indulging in the celebrity game can get one burned -- even one who is considered a genius and visionary.

The Wall Street Journalon July 24 reported, citing people familiar with the matter,that Musk had had an affair with Nicole Shanahan, the wife of Sergey Brin, a co-founder of Google (GOOGL) - Get Alphabet Inc. Report.

The alleged affair, which took place in December, broke the friendship between Brin, 48, and Musk, 51, the newspaper reported.

Brin was one of Tesla's supporters in 2008 in the midst of the financial crisis. The alleged affair also is what prompted Brin to file for divorce last January, the article said. Brin also asked his team to sell all the assets he had in Musk's businesses, TWSJ reported.

Musk denied the assertions.

"This is total bs," Musk reacted on Twitter. "Sergey and I are friends and were at a party together last night! Ive only seen Nicole twice in three years, both times with many other people around. Nothing romantic."

Besides a barrage of tweets to defend himself, Musk also gave an interview to The New York Post to refute the accusations. He even sent a photo of what Musk said was Brin and he partying on July 24, a few hours before the article was published.

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"The character assassination attacks have reached a new level this year, but the articles are all nothing-burgers. I work crazy hours, so there just isnt much time for shenanigans," Musk also said. "None of the key people involved in these alleged wrongdoings were even interviewed!"

The tech tycoon went so far as to disclose information about his sexuality. TheStreet has chosen not to mention them here.

"We are confident in our sourcing, and we stand by our reporting," a WSJ spokeswoman said in an emailed statement.

Musk may have defended himself, but the damage has been done, as numerous posts on social networks show. And the billionaire surely has read them.

He also seems to have understood that for him,the moment to choose between his CEO post and his celebrity has come.

Just a few months ago Musk asked Jeff Bezos, his rival in the effort to conquer space, to choose between partying and devoting himself to the quest.

"Does seem like hes spending a lot of time in the hot tub these days," Musk said on May 27 when he was asked about Bezos."If he wants to get to orbit, less partying and more work would be advisable."

He seems to have decided to follow his own advice and again become the CEO who forced the auto industry to convert to electric vehicles and helped revive the idea that man would eventually live on Mars.

"The amount of attention on me has gone supernova, which super sucks," the entrepreneur wrote on twitter on July 25. "Unfortunately, even trivial articles about me generate a lot of clicks."

Then he continued: "Will try my best to be heads down focused on doing useful things for civilization."

"I feel for ya! Ignore noise, build spaceships!" commented crypto billionaire Changpeng "CZ" Zhao, the CEO of Binance.com, the world largest crypto exchange by volume.

"The best thing you can do honestly is to keep killing it at Tesla. Kill them with stellar performance and burn the shorts," advised another fan.

"Good point, will do," Musk replied.

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Elon Musk Chooses His 9 to 5 Over Hollywood - TheStreet

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Elon Musk and Other Billionaires Make Their Babies Via IVF And Surrogates – Is It A Future Of Reproduction? – Forbes

Posted: at 11:28 am

Vitro Fertilization. IVF and Human fetus with DNA strand. 3d illustration

Advances in science and technology, coupled with modern medicine, has impacted the way in which we look at life. Reproduction is not an exception. It is no secret that the most prolific innovator on the planet, Elon Musk, took an engineering approach to reproduction, and his first five boys came into this world via IVF, and the last girl was delivered using a surrogate mother. The Tesla mogul and his former wife, author Justine Wilson, welcomed son Nevada Alexander Musk in 2002. Nevada died of sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS, at only 10 weeks. After losing their firstborn, Musk and Wilson turned to IVF to grow their family. She gave birth to twin sons Griffin and Xavier Musk in April 2004. The couple also used IVF to welcome triplet sons Kai, Saxon and Damian in January 2006. Later on, Musk began dating singer Grimes, who gave birth to their son X AE A-XII. Earlier in March, Grimes revealed that she and the SpaceX founder had welcomed their first daughter, Exa Dark Siderl Musk, via surrogate in December 2021. And there are claims that Elon and Amber Heard had a legal battle around the cryopreserved embryos. In recent weeks rumors surfaced that he had two more kids with the board member of OpenAI and executive at Neuralink. Sex of the babies was not disclosed. Considering how busy Elon is, business ethics of such a relationship, and the fact that there are two babies, there is a chance that he just served as a donor.

While this approach raises many ethical questions including: Were his first babies selected to be male at the preimplantation stage?. While there are regular attempts to build moral and ethical framework for allowing sexing for non-medical reasons, sex selection is illegal in many countries. We recently observed one of the IVF boys taking matters into his own hands changing both name and gender and distancing herself from her father. A very brave move deserving recognition and support.

But the smartest and most accomplished man on the planet is not the only one opting for IVF instead of the traditional approach. Several people in my network recently told me that they chose IVF and surrogacy. Some decided to do this to improve the chances of having a healthy baby. One of my friends decided to reproduce via a surrogate to have undisputed legal rights and ensure that his plans to invest substantial resources into the upbringing and education of their offspring do not go down in flames due to the unexpected divorce. And some chose surrogacy for health reasons.

Also, there is a myriad of startups working on reproductive health and longevity including the two I recently covered, Dr. Dina Radenkovics Gameto, and Oviva, and several research groups and startups are working on artificial wombs.

Can this method of reproduction become mainstream? Are we going to see this trend accelerate as the artificial uterus technology matures and the natural reproduction declines? Lets take a closer look at this emerging and rapidly expanding field.

LONDON, ENGLAND - FEBRUARY 2003: A sperm fertilizes an egg under a microscope using ICSI (Intra ... [+] Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection) as part of IVF treatment at the private Lister Hospital. One needle holds the egg in position while the other needle injects a single sperm into the egg to fertilize it. The technique is used for male infertility. (Photo by Tina Stallard/Getty Images)

Louise Brown in 1978 became the worlds first baby to be born by in vitro fertilization, or IVF. Her birth revolutionized the field of reproductive medicine. Given that approximately one in eight heterosexual couple has difficulty in conceiving, and that homosexual couples and single parents need clinical help to make a baby, the demand for IVF has been growing. In fact, IVF is so common that over 5 million babies have been born through this technology. On a side note, critics of cryopreservation should note that these babies were cryopreserved before they were implanted...

COVID has also changed the way we view reproduction and IVF. Pew Research estimated there were close to 300,000 fewer births in the U.S. in 2021 as a result of the pandemic and low levels of sexual activity. Many women of reproductive age were perhaps worried about the vaccine, or were concerned about the vaccines effect on future fertility, current pregnancy, and breastfeeding, among other concerns. During the pandemic, there was a decline in the number of concluded assisted reproductive technology cycles as compared to the previous years. This decline can be attributed to many factors: the local restrictions and the fear about SARS-Cov-2 infection, being among the primary. However, a study published the same year by the National Center for Biotechnology Information reported that couples are actually prioritizing IVF treatment in the post-COVID era. No information exists in the literature regarding the effect of coronavirus on the IVF cycle attempt. In fact, a study titled Does COVID-19 infection influence patients' performance during IVF-ET cycle?: an observational study concluded that COVID did not affect patients' performance or ovarian reserve in their immediate subsequent IVF cycle. There needs to be more data available on IVF, both pre and post COVID.

In order to understand IVF, we first need to look at the natural process of reproduction. Believe it or not, it all starts in the brain. Roughly 15 days before fertilization can happen, the anterior pituitary gland secretes follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), which ripens a hand full of follicles of the ovary that then release estrogen. Each follicle contains one egg, and on average only one follicle becomes fully mature. As it grows and releases estrogen, this hormone not only helps coordinate growth and preparation of the uterus, it also communicates to the brain how well the follicle is developing. When the estrogen level is high enough, the anterior pituitary releases a surge of luteinizing hormone (LH), which trigger ovulation and causes the follicle to rupture and release the egg. Once the egg leaves the ovary, it is directed into the fallopian tube by the fimbriae. If the egg is not fertilized by the sperm within 24 hours, the unfertilized egg will die and the entire system will reset itself, preparing to create a new egg and uterine lining the following month.

The egg is protected by a thick extra cellular shell of sugar and protein called the zona pellucida. The zona thwarts the entry and fusion of more than one sperm. Each ejaculation during sexual intercourse releases more than a 100 million sperm. But only a 100 or so will make it to the proximity of the egg, and only one will successfully penetrate through the armor of the zona pellucida. Upon successful fertilization, the zygote immediately begins developing into an embryo and takes about three days to reach the uterus. There it requires a couple of days to implant firmly into the endometrium, the inner lining of the uterus. Once implanted, the cells that are to become the placenta, secrete a hormone that signals to the ovulated follicle that there is a pregnancy in the uterus. This helps rescue that follicle, now called the corpus luteum, from degenerating, as it normally would do in that stage of the menstrual cycle. The corpus luteum is responsible for producing the progesterone required to maintain the pregnancy until six to seven weeks of gestation when the placenta develops and takes over until the baby is born approximately 40 weeks later.

In patients undergoing IVF, FSH is administered in levels that are higher than naturally occurring, to cause a controlled over-stimulation of the ovaries so that they ultimately produce multiple eggs. The eggs are then retrieved before ovulation would occur, while the woman is under anesthesia, through an aspirating needle guided by ultra-sound. Most sperm samples are produced by masturbation. In a laboratory, the identified eggs are stripped of surrounding cells, and prepared for fertilization in a petri dish.

Fertilization can occur by one of two techniques. In the first, the eggs are incubated by thousands of sperm and fertilization occurs naturally over a few hours. The second technique maximizes certainty of fertilization by using a needle to place a single sperm inside the egg. This is particularly useful when there is a problem with the quality of the sperm. After fertilization, embryos can be further screened for genetic suitability, delivered into the womans uterus via catheter, or frozen for later attempt at pregnancies. This last process is also called embryo cryopreservation. It involves freezing of the embryos. You may choose to freeze extra embryos and use them later if you: postpone or cancel implantation into your uterus after an egg is already fertilized; want to delay IVF to a later date; want an option in case early attempts at fertility treatment fail; or choose to donate unused embryos to other people trying to get pregnant or to researchers rather than destroy them; or for other reasons.

If the womans eggs are of poor quality due to age or toxic exposures or have been removed due to cancer, donor eggs may be used. In the case that the intended woman has a problematic uterus or lacks one, another woman, called the gestational carrier, or surrogate, can use her uterus to carry the pregnancy. To increase the odds of success, which are as high as 40% for women younger than 35, doctors sometimes transfer multiple embryos at once. Which is why IVF results in twins and triplets more often than natural pregnancies. However, many clinics seek to minimize the chances of multiple pregnancies, as they are riskier for mothers and babies.

Millions of babies like Louise Brown have been born from IVF and have had normal, healthy lives. The long-term health consequences of ovarian stimulation with IVF medicines are less clear. In fact, it is possible to avoid the many genetic abnormalities with preimplantation diagnosis. The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority of the U.K. published a blog in which they declared that IVF is generally safe, adding that most people who have it experience no problems with their health or pregnancy. They do mention some risks that people should be aware of, including: ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, having a multiple pregnancy or birth, and having an ectopic pregnancy. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine also notes that although serious complications from IVF medicines and procedures are rare, there are still some risks from injectable fertility medications. Though so far, IVF seems safe for women. Because of better genetic testing, delayed child-bearing, increased accessibility, and diminishing costs, it is not inconceivable that artificial baby-making via IVF and related techniques could outpace natural reproduction in years to come.

Clearly, IVF is gaining popularity every year. According to a 2015 report by the U.S. Society of Assisted Reproductive Technology (published in 2017), one million babies born in the U.S. between 1987 and 2015 were born through the use of IVF or other assisted reproductive technologies. There are many agencies and centers worldwide that provide these services. Some examples of these agencies are: Circle Surrogacy & Egg Donation, Brilliant Beginnings, The Center For Surrogacy & Egg Donation, ConceiveAbilities, Hatch Egg Donation & Surrogacy, and Growing Families. Others include Ambroise Par Group, AMP Center St Roch, AVA Clinic Scanfert, Bangkok IVF center, Betamedics, Bloom Fertility and Healthcare, Bourn Hall Fertility Center, and Biofertility Center and Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

Like IVF, surrogacy too is becoming a very popular way to have children, particularly for wealthy couples in the West. According to a 2019 WebMD blog post, about 750 babies are born each year using gestational surrogacy. Similarly, PBS reported that in 2018 over 100 children were born in Boise, Idaho, through surrogacy. In Canada, surrogate births have increased by 400% in the last decade. Even celebrities are doing it! News anchor Anderson Cooper used a surrogate for the birth of his son, as did Sir Elton John, who used a surrogate for the birth of his two sons. Other celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Robert De Niro, George Lucas, and Neil Patrick Harris used surrogates too.

Three generations of women and a robot jumping for joy

There are several reasons why IVF and surrogacy are fast becoming a new way of family planning. Infertility is one of the main reasons why prospective parents opt for surrogacy. Another reason why would-be parents opt for surrogacy is the age factor because age plays a big role in a persons ability to conceive and carry a baby. Likewise, same-sex couples and single individuals who are unable to conceive a child naturally may choose to turn to a surrogate. Some people may also have medical or physical problems that dissuade them from pregnancy or make birth impossible. At the end of the day, it is a personal and private decision.

Interestingly, many in the generation X and Y are reproducing via IVF after going through a divorce. Recently I spoke with one of my friends in the venture capital world who is looking at IVF via a surrogate as a way to avoid the possible legal problems in the case of a future divorce. "I am planning to go to buy a few egg cells from a very accomplished young scientist and use a service in Georgia (country) to get a surrogate. I want to have a very smart kid that I will invest a lot of resources, time and energy in and I won't need to share custody over the kid in the case I break up with my girlfriend," said an accomplished man in his mid-forties who refused to be named in the article. "I went through a very painful breakup once and how I have to share custody of a child and don't have full control over the upbringing. But children are our legacy and I want to ensure that I can raise the child to be a great person, give great education, and provide amazing care without being pulled into a difficult relationship with the mother. I am sure that my girlfriend will invest a lot of energy into this child or I will find another girlfriend."

This statement shocked and puzzled me.

Recently, I covered a startup called Gameto, run by Dr. Dina Radenkovic, a wonderful physician turned VC turned CEO. "The reproductive industry is up for disruption. We are going to help millions of women get the freedom to have babies without the time pressure. And postpone menopause. But I am also investing in a company developing artificial uterus technology. In the future, painful childbirth may be optional and without the need of a surrogate, she told me.

And females also get a lot of freedom to choose the genetic background of their children. Many are choosing to reproduce using the sperm from the validated, healthy, intelligent, and accomplished individuals.

Same week I met a wonderful scientist, a recent PhD from Harvard who also works in the field of reproductive health. "You know, I am an open ID sperm donor. It helped pay my bills during the school years and now I have over 35 confirmed kids worldwide, he said.

A sperm bank is a facility or enterprise that collects and stores human sperm from sperm donors for ... [+] use by women who need donor-provided sperm to achieve pregnancy. (Photo by Evan Hurd/Corbis via Getty Images)

There are few reliable figures on the sperm banking industry and the percentage of donations that are made anonymously. Researchers find it difficult to track how many men have donated sperm, and how many children have resulted from each individuals donation. Approximately, there are about two dozen sperm banks in the United States; each operates independently and with minimal government oversight. Some of the famous ones include Cryos International and California Cryobank. There are others also.

Some of these operations are pretty cryptic and shady. Many clinics have revised their policies not to eliminate anonymous donations, but to make clear that the term only means they will not share donor information. Others are moving toward open ID donor systems, in which donors are told that offspring could connect with them when they turn 18 or sooner if both parties agree to it.

As debates about womens bodies and their right to choose continue to rage throughout the world, surrogacy laws remain in infancy. The laws also change as reproductive technology and the very meaning of a parent changes. In the U.S., there isn't a federal law on surrogacy and state laws vary. Some states have written legislation, while others have common law regimes to deal with surrogacy issues. Surrogacy friendly states facilitate surrogacy and surrogacy contracts while others simply refuse to enforce them. Some states only facilitate married heterosexual couples. States that are considered to be surrogacy friendly include California, Illinois, Arkansas, Maryland, Oregon and New Hampshire.

Surrogacy has become so popular that it has given birth to a new form of tourism called reproductive tourism or cross-border reproductive care. This multibillion-dollar global industry is perfect for price-sensitive, middle-income would-be parents. The surrogates in this case are usually those who are thought to be of low socioeconomic status in countries like India and Nepal. In India, surrogacy may be worth about $400 million each year, driven by the countrys nearly 3,000 specialty clinics. Thailand, Ukraine and Russia are other popular sources of surrogates for international clientele. Thus, surrogacy is the route to escape poverty for many women in these developing states.

Research on the development of IVF and reproductive technology is still in infancy. However, as it becomes more advanced, we are likely to see more non-traditional families and the reality is probably closer than we think. And with the changing trends in family planning, there is no doubt that science and technology will continue to progress and change the way we live and think. Before we know it, this new trend and demand for babies is likely to further advance science and the procedures. Perhaps in the future, women will not need to go through the painful process of childbirth.

Go ahead and continuously improvement concept, silhouette man jump on a cliff from past to future ... [+] with cloud sky background.

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Elon Musk and Other Billionaires Make Their Babies Via IVF And Surrogates - Is It A Future Of Reproduction? - Forbes

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Crews are making progress against a destructive forest fire near Yosemite – NPR

Posted: at 11:27 am

Firefighters mop up hot spots while battling the Oak Fire in the Jerseydale community of Mariposa County, Calif., on Monday. Noah Berger/AP hide caption

Firefighters mop up hot spots while battling the Oak Fire in the Jerseydale community of Mariposa County, Calif., on Monday.

JERSEYDALE, Calif. Firefighters continue to make progress against a huge California forest fire that forced evacuations for thousands of people and destroyed 41 homes and other buildings near Yosemite National Park, officials said Tuesday.

Crews battling the Oak Fire in Mariposa County got a break from increased humidity levels as monsoonal moisture moved through the Sierra Nevada foothills, said a Tuesday morning report by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, or Cal Fire.

After minimal growth Monday and overnight, the blaze had consumed more than 28 square miles (72 square km) of forest land, with 26% containment on Tuesday, Cal Fire said. The cause was under investigation.

"Fire crews continue providing structure defense, extinguishing hot spots, and building and improving direct fire lines," the report said.

About 6,000 residents from mountain communities were still under evacuation orders while heavy smoke from the fire drifted more than 200 miles (322 kilometers), reaching Lake Tahoe, parts of Nevada and the San Francisco Bay Area, officials said.

Nearly 3,000 firefighters with aircraft support were battling the blaze that erupted last Friday southwest of the park, near the town of Midpines. It exploded in size on Saturday as flames churned through tinder-dry brush and trees amid the worst drought in decades.

An air tanker drops retardant while trying to stop the Oak Fire from reaching the Lushmeadows community in Mariposa County, Calif., on Sunday. Noah Berger/AP hide caption

An air tanker drops retardant while trying to stop the Oak Fire from reaching the Lushmeadows community in Mariposa County, Calif., on Sunday.

Numerous roads were closed, including a stretch of State Route 140 that's one of the main routes into Yosemite.

California has experienced increasingly larger and deadlier wildfires in recent years as climate change has made the West much warmer and drier over the past 30 years. Scientists have said weather will continue to be more extreme and wildfires more frequent, destructive and unpredictable.

The Oak Fire burned as firefighters also made progress against an earlier blaze that burned to the edge of a grove of giant sequoias in the southernmost part of Yosemite. The Washburn Fire, spanning a 7.6-square-mile (19-square-km) area, was 87% contained on Tuesday after burning for more than two weeks and moving into the Sierra National Forest.

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Exclusive: US and Taliban make progress on Afghan reserves, but big gaps remain – Reuters

Posted: at 11:27 am

KABUL/WASHINGTON, July 26 (Reuters) - U.S. and Taliban officials have exchanged proposals for the release of billions of dollars from Afghan central bank reserves held abroad into a trust fund, three sources familiar with the talks said, offering a hint of progress in efforts to ease Afghanistan's economic crisis.

Significant differences between the sides remain, however, according to two of the sources, including the Taliban's refusal to replace the bank's top political appointees, one of whom is under U.S. sanctions as are several of the movement's leaders.

Some experts said such a move would help restore confidence in the institution by insulating it from interference by the Islamist militant group that seized power a year ago but which foreign governments do not recognise.


Freeing up cash may not solve all of Afghanistan's financial troubles, but it would provide relief for a country hit by a slump in foreign aid, persistent drought and an earthquake in June that killed 1,000 people. Millions of Afghans are facing a second winter without enough to eat.

While the Taliban do not reject the concept of a trust fund, they oppose a U.S. proposal for third-party control of the fund that would hold and disburse returned reserves, said a Taliban government source who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The United States has been in talks with Switzerland and other parties on the creation of a mechanism that would include the trust fund, disbursements from which would be decided with the help of an international board, according to a U.S. source who also declined to be named in order to discuss the matter.

A possible model could be the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund, a World Bank-administered fund created to get donations of foreign development assistance to Kabul, the U.S. source added.

"No agreement has been reached yet," said Shah Mehrabi, an Afghan-American economics professor who is on the Afghan central bank's supreme council.

The U.S. State Department and Switzerland's Federal Department of Foreign Affairs declined to comment. The Afghan central bank did not respond to requests for comment.

U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan Thomas West, speaking at an Afghanistan-focused conference in Uzbekistan on Tuesday, welcomed the dialogue.

"We have made it clear that a future recapitalisation of the (Afghanistan) central bank and the Afghan financial system is possible provided that reasonable and serious steps are taken to professionalise the central bank, to enhance its AML/CFT (anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing) architecture and its independence," he said.

Some $9 billion in reserves have been held outside Afghanistan, including $7 billion in the United States, since the Taliban overran Kabul last August as U.S.-led forces withdrew after 20 years of fighting the militants.

Foreign governments and rights groups have accused the Taliban of abuses including extrajudicial killings during and after the insurgency, and the movement has curtailed women's freedoms since regaining power.

The international community wants the group to improve its record on women's and other rights before officially recognising it.

The Taliban have promised to investigate alleged killings and say they are working to secure Afghans' rights to education and free speech within the parameters of Islamic law.

At talks in Doha last month, the Taliban submitted to U.S. officials their response to the U.S. proposal for a mechanism to free up Afghan assets, said Mehrabi, the Taliban official and a senior diplomat.

Experts cautioned that releasing funds would bring only temporary relief and new revenue streams were needed to replace direct foreign aid that financed 70 percent of the government budget before it was halted after the Taliban takeover.

But the exchange of proposals was seen by some as a glimmer of hope that a system can be created that allows for the release of Afghan central bank funds while ensuring they are not accessed by the Taliban.

Negotiations on the assets and other issues faltered after Washington cancelled meetings in Doha in March when the Taliban reneged on their promise to open girls' high schools. read more

"It is a positive move overall," that the Taliban did not reject the U.S. proposal, said Mehrabi, who added that he had not seen the Taliban counter-offer.

The Taliban official said the group was open to allowing a State Department-appointed contractor to monitor Afghanistan's central bank compliance with anti-money laundering standards, and that monitoring experts would be able to go to Afghanistan.

But the Taliban were concerned the U.S. idea could create a parallel central banking structure, the official added, and were not prepared to remove top political appointees including deputy governor Noor Ahmad Agha, who is under U.S. terrorism sanctions.

The U.S. source denied the proposed trust fund would amount to a parallel central bank.

Negotiations have focused on an initial release of $3.5 billion that U.S. President Joe Biden ordered set aside "for the benefit of the Afghan people" out of $7 billion in Afghan reserves held by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

The other $3.5 billion is being contested in lawsuits against the Taliban stemming from the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States, but courts could decide to release those funds too.

West in February said funds set aside by Biden potentially could be used to recapitalize a reformed central bank and the paralyzed banking system.

Afghanistan's economy went into freefall after the Taliban takeover, with the central bank's foreign-held reserves frozen, Washington and other donors halting aid and the United States ending deliveries of hard currency.

The banking sector all but collapsed and the national currency, the Afghani, plummeted.

The World Bank says it has strengthened, although shortages of dollars and Afghanis persist. High unemployment and soaring prices, fuelled by drought, the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, worsened the humanitarian crisis.

Experts said releasing foreign-held funds to the central bank would help it stem the crisis.

"You need a central bank regulating the value of the currency, regulating prices, ensuring liquidity for imports," said Graeme Smith, a senior consultant for the International Crisis Group. "This is not optional (or) people won't eat."


Reporting by Charlotte Greenfield and Jonathan Landay; Additional reporting by Michael Shields in Zurich and Mukhammadsharif Mamatkulov in Tashkent; Editing by Mike Collett-White and David Holmes

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

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Exclusive: US and Taliban make progress on Afghan reserves, but big gaps remain - Reuters

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Progress In The Search For Broadly Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibodies III – Forbes

Posted: at 11:27 am

Saint Michael and the Dragon, 1503-1505. Found in the Collection of Muse du Louvre, Paris. (Photo ... [+] by Fine Art Images/Heritage Images/Getty Images)

This is part of a continuing series describing antiviral antibodies to prevent and treat SARS-CoV-2 infections. In this series, we will discuss the fundamental nature of virus evolution, how SARS-CoV-2 has mutated to evade neutralizing antibodies, and our latest attempts to fight against these mutations with more recent and improved antibody candidates.

Alongside vaccines, monoclonal antibodies have been billed as the most effective means of treating and preventing Covid-19. This rang true for the first several months of the pandemic, as antibodies designed to neutralize the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein were significantly effective. However, as the virus mutated, the potency of antibodies declined while virus immune evasion rose. To counter this trend, there is now an ongoing search for broadly neutralizing antibodies that can overcome not just a single strain but all strains of SARS-CoV-2, current and future.

In this series, we have discussed several pan-variant monoclonal antibodies, all of which show promise against current Omicron strains and previous variants of concern such as Alpha, Beta, and Delta. Here we analyze another described in a study by Luo et al.: the SP1-77 antibody.

SP1-77 Antibody Origin

The typical search for monoclonal antibodies includes the collection of sera from Covid-19 patients and isolating the often dozens or hundreds of distinct antibodies found, testing them individually on pseudoviruses with the SARS-CoV-2 Spike for binding capacity, then sorting for the best neutralizers.

A team of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology took a different approach. Rather than a blind treasure hunt in the convalescent sera of a Covid patient, the researchers developed a specialized mouse model modified with human gene segments VH1-2 and V1-33. These genes are associated with complementarity-determining-region-3 (CDR3) sequences. In essence, this modification results in a far more diverse B cell response when exposed to pathogens like SARS-CoV-2, leading to the identification of more unique and distinct monoclonal antibodies to test.

Luo et al. immunized the mouse models by exposing them to the Wuhan Spike twice over four weeks. All mice involved developed strong resistance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike, yielding 96 antibodies for the researchers to test.

SP1-77 Antibody Neuralization

Of the 96 candidates, the researchers narrowed the field down to nine that targeted the Spike protein specifically and then down to three that potently neutralized the Wuhan strain of the virus: VHH7-5-82, VHH7-7-53, and SP1-77. These three were tested for neutralization against current and previous variants of concern, both pseudotype and live viruses.

FIGURE 1: Immunizing the mouse model with SARS-CoV-2 spike or RBD elicited potent and broad ... [+] VH1-2/V1-33 antibodies. (C) The table shows the neutralization activities of three mAbs against VOCs and VOIs in pseudovirus neutralization assays. (D) The table shows the neutralization activities of three mAbs against VOCs in PRNT live virus neutralization assays.

Figure one demonstrates the neutralizing prowess of SP1-77. In the pseudotyped virus assays, SP1-77 neutralized all variants of concern tested to varying degrees, including Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and both previous and current Omicron strains. Alternatively, the other two antibodies tested failed to neutralize any Omicron strains and struggled against many other previous variants of concern.

The live virus neutralization paints a similar picture. Omicron was omitted from the live virus tests for safety, but SP1-77 again neutralizes Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta, whereas the others again struggle.

SP1-77 Antibody Target

A closer examination of the SP1-77 antibody via cryo-electron microscopy reveals an alternate solution to neutralization aside from inhibiting ACE2 binding. SP1-77 targets sites on the opposite side of the receptor-binding domain from the ACE2 binding site. In particular, the antibody epitope targeted positions ranging from 339-346, 440-450, and 499. In most variants of concern, these amino acids are unmutated, with the lone exception being G339 and G446 in some Omicron strains being changed.

FIGURE 2: Binding footprint of SP1-77 as compared to other neutralizing antibodies S309 and ... [+] LY-CoV1404.

FIGURE 3: Cryo-EM structures of the SP1-77 Fabs in complex with the full-length S trimer in the ... [+] one-RBD-up and three-RBD-down conformations.

Further analysis found that the antibody binding results in either the blockage of S2 cleavage and/or inhibition of S1 dissociation. What does this mean? After the virus binds a human ACE2 receptor, the S1 and S2 portions of the Spike must disengage for membrane fusion to occur. If the antibody is blocking either S2 cleavage or S1 dissociation, it is inertly preventing the virus from fusing with the host cell, preventing that virus from replicating within the host cell and moving on to another.

We have previously described two other antibodies that bind to different sites. The first, 35B5, targets the N-terminal domain positions N165 and N234, which act together as a molecular switch for the Spikes changing up and down conformations. The second, Cv2.1169, targets a different region of the receptor-binding domain than SP1-77, namely contact points including Y473, S477, T478, F486, N487, and Q493. We will describe more in the coming days and weeks.

Echoing Luo et al., SP1-77 represents an opportunity for highly potent monoclonal treatments. In addition to being an effective antibody on its own, due to its distinct residue targets, SP1-77 could be easily paired with one or two other antibodies to create a highly potent antibody cocktail for the treatment and prevention of Covid-19. Such cocktails should be immediately investigated.

Additionally, the novel humanized mouse model is a triumph of antibody discovery technology. The methods by Luo et al. should be further explored in all antibody discovery trials, potentially leading to dozens of antibodies to aid the millions continuing to get sick in this extended pandemic.

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Progress In The Search For Broadly Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibodies III - Forbes

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Progress continues on the Dalton Highway Complex Alaska Wildland Fire Information – akfireinfo.com

Posted: at 11:27 am

Firefighters on the Idaho Bar Fire (#555) finished mopping up the two interior hotspots as well as 200-feet in from the fire perimeter. Crews are continuing to return of excess equipment and supplies from the fireline and the village of Rampart to the supply cache in Fairbanks.

The Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), or drone, detected two hotspots over the Prospect Fire (#494), while the MM125 Fire (#441) continued to show no heat. The UAS collects images and infrared data that help firefighters determine how much surface heat remains in the burned areas of the fire areas in the complex.

Firefighters will finish scouting the perimeter of the Gold Pan Fire (#565). As weather permits, aircraft will fly information-gathering missions while also assisting with removing tools and equipment from the various fires.

The Fish Fire (##319), Little Salt Fire (#521), Milepost Fire (#317), Montana Gulch Fire (#556), Prospect Fire (#494), and Tozitna Fire (#543) have all been fully contained.

Dalton Highway Complex (89,100 acres): The acreage total includes all 17 fires in the Dalton Highway Complex. The largest or most active fires in the complex are:

Fire Weather: Winds will increase across the Interior Monday. A strong cold front shifts east Monday evening bringing chances of wetting rain to the Upper Koyukuk Valley. The area east of Fairbanks will have more scattered shower activity due to the downslope flow.

Closures: Arctic Circle Campground is closed due to firefighting activity. The Arctic Circle Wayside (sign location) is open.

Public Safety: When driving on the Dalton Highway, use caution, have patience with the firefighting effort, and always drive with headlights on. The road is narrow; pulling over to stop on the shoulder is discouraged.

Contact Information: 2022.daltonhighwaycomplex@firenet.gov, 907-921-2547 (8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily)

For a complete list of the fires in the Dalton Highway Complex, visit inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/8240.

For information on all the fires in Alaska, visit akfireinfo.com.

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Tags: 2022 Alaska Fire Season, Dalton Highway, Dalton Highway Complex

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Progress continues on the Dalton Highway Complex Alaska Wildland Fire Information - akfireinfo.com

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Crews Stop Forward Progress Of Fire That Forced Evacuations In El Dorado County – CBS Sacramento

Posted: at 11:27 am

POLLOCK PINES Firefighters have stopped the forward progress of a new fire that prompted evacuations in El Dorado County on Tuesday.

The Cable Fire grew to burn 21 acres and was located in the area of Cable Road and Badger Hill Road west of Pollock Pines and north of the community of Cedar Grove on the west side of Highway 50.

The evacuations, which have all been lifted, were for Badger Hill, OId Blair Mill and Mace Mot Hill roads, Cal Fire said. Road closures were also put in place on those roads but have also been lifted.

Though forward progress of the blaze was stopped, Cal Fire said crews would be working through the night to strengthen containment lines and put out any hotspots.

Cal Fire first responded to the fire during the late afternoon hours.

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Crews Stop Forward Progress Of Fire That Forced Evacuations In El Dorado County - CBS Sacramento

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