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Daily Archives: June 5, 2022
Co Down mum left with rotting flesh and days from death after Turkey cosmetic surgery trip – Sunday World
Posted: June 5, 2022 at 2:00 am
Michelle Heath has warned people who travel to Turkey for cosmetic surgery are playing Russian roulette with their lives.
he 40-year-old feared she'd lose her leg and almost lost her life after an op went wrong last year in Istanbul.
And she's hit out a list of accredited surgeons in Turkey shared on the Foreign Office website.
Michelle, who's part of a Facebook group for victims of botched surgery which has more than 8,000 members, says the government site gives people the wrong impression.
"I could see 12 surgeons on that list straight away who I knew from the Facebook group had botched operations," she says.
"There are pages and pages of names and people will look at that and think all the surgeons on there are safe, but you have no idea what you're getting."
The Foreign Office website states that 17 British nationals have died in Turkey since January 2019 following medical tourism visits, before referring the public to a list of accredited Turkish facilities.
"It's still Russian roulette. When I went to hospital two days after coming back from Turkey, I was two days away from a coma. If I hadn't gone when I did, I would have lost my leg," says Michelle.
"I'm now scarred for life."
Belfast Trust surgeon Graeme Macaulay revealed last week that patients from Northern Ireland have been airlifted to London for life-saving treatment after bariatric weight loss surgery in Turkey.
He warned of patients who were left unable to eat solid food, who had developed fatal conditions like sepsis or had to undergo multiple complex surgeries to fix the damage done to them.
Michelle travelled to the International Clinic at the BHT Clinic in Istanbul last August to have excess skin removed from her back and thighs. Sunday World contacted the clinic for a comment about her claim of poor treatment, but it did not respond.
The Dundonald woman, who owns the Tanning Emporium in Belfast, had lost several stone and was left with folds of skin which she wanted to have removed.
"A friend of mine had it done here, and it was 15,000. That was not within the realms of what I could afford. I looked at a number of clinics in Turkey and this was the only one where I didn't have to haggle about the price of 5,000. It doesn't seem very professional to me to haggle about the price of surgery."
The mum of one was adamant that she only wanted the excess skin removed, and that she did not want liposuction.
When she came round from her surgery, she claims she discovered she'd had a Brazilian bum lift, the transfer of fat to the buttocks, which she hadn't asked for. Despite booking a two-day stay in hospital she was discharged the next day and spent a week in a hotel room in agony.
Back at home she went to her parents' house and asked a nurse friend to come and check her wounds.
"She came into the house and said all she could smell was rotting flesh. My wounds on my leg were two centimetres apart and they were rotting. She wanted me to go to hospital, but I asked to wait until the next day. By then the wounds were further apart, and I ended up going to hospital with blues and twos.
"My legs were full of blood clots and they had to debride my wounds to clear out all the dead tissue."
Michelle had worse in store when the wound on her back ruptured a week later.
Too much skin had been removed during the surgery and instead of following the contour of her body it went straight down.
"It would never have healed," she says.
"It was tacked closed with a couple of stitches, and when I fell in the shower it ruptured. I had to have a skin graft from my thigh.
"Even now when I lean forward or bend down it feels like it's going to burst.
"I will be scarred for the rest of my life."
Since the surgery in Turkey she can no longer enjoy gym sessions which had become a huge part of her daily routine.
Michelle also blamed herself for making the decision to go there in the first place and has spent her recovery time trying to persuade other people not to make the same mistake.
"People ask me what clinic I went to and say, 'I won't go there then.'
"It makes me so angry when I read about people from here having to be airlifted to London after coming back from surgery in Turkey.
"That's a group of people who all went together and all got butchered together."
Mr Macaulay, a consultant upper gastrointestinal surgeon, warns that people travelling abroad for surgery are taking a huge chance.
"I think the message is you have no idea what you're going to get.
"This is complex, major surgery and the people in the UK who provide it have to undergo specialist training and fellowship training.
"You don't necessarily have those same guarantees when you go abroad," he says.
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Local drag community explore the meaning of Pride month – The Daily Toreador
Posted: at 2:00 am
The celebration of Pride monthhighlights the LGBTQ+ community and honors the pioneers of LGBTQ+ rights. This month emphasizes the voices of themovement and paves the way for future generations ofLGBTQ+ groups.
Members of the Lubbock drag community spoke on the LGBTQ+ community in Lubbock and what Pridemeans as a drag queen.
Yeah, in Lubbock, it's really great, Brady Collings, also known as drag queen Maggot, a graduate art student from Tylersaid. I started drag six years ago in the Denton-Dallas area. It wasn't terriblebut you can tell that thing progressed and its very kind of surprising to find a city in Texasthat's so accepting and so open to this. Because what I do isn't necessarily what some of the other kind of queens do; the way that I presentmy body, I do not like to really remove hair and stuff like that. I kind of gota little bit of flackand pushback when I started somewhere else. Coming to Lubbock and everyone just being so embracing, it'sbeen amazing.
Maggot finds inspiration from David Lynch films with her drag aesthetic.
Collings saidcombining hisart as a student and drag as a performer creates an authentic performance and allows him to convey a unique perspective on drag shows.
Yeah, so much of the art that I have been making within the last two, three years has been intertwined with drag,"Collings said. It is an interesting little balancing act because I am getting to, at one end, talk about drag in a way that is within like academic terms and approaching it more from like a theoretical aspect. I think it's been a nice balance because if I were to not be doing the performing as well, I think some of the talking and theorizing about it would feel a little disingenuous. But I think I need both of them to kind of comfortably pursue both things.
Drag queen and Texas Tech graduate student Maggot displays her unique artistry in full drag.
The exposure of drag in mainstream media creates a standard of drag that he hopes to break out of with his art, Collings said. Implementing emotional performance into his shows gave him an advantage in standing out and being true to himself as a drag queen and a student.
I think that there has always been a long history of drag being kind of emotional and such but just within the last couple of years with drag race and all of that, that wasn't the kind of drag that was forefront in the mainstream media, Collingssaid. "Andfor me, I could move around, but I can't really like dance like some of these other girls too. So, it was a way to combine kind of things that I was interested in already. I have aBFA in studio artfrom the University of Texas at Tyler and I am doing my Master's in painting right now at Tech. I took some aspects I was already interested in within art history and kind of mashed them together with drag to celebrate more of the subversive aspects of drag."
Ruben Torres,dragpersonaReddRoulette, isa local performer in Lubbock nightclubs. Torres said the support from the community outweighs the negativity that drag performers are often confronted with in a relatively conservative city.
Oh, we definitely get backlash,but to me, it doesn't even matter, Torressaid. "Because for me, I can get 101 negative messages, but the one person that is there supporting me showing me love, they're taking the time out of their lives, that they'll never get back to spending their money that they worked hard for. I'm there to give them the show."
Redd Roulette poses in a local nightclub where she hosts the weekend drag shows.
Torres describes his transition as a retail manager to his persona Redd Roulette as a transformation into confidence and artistry that is emphasized through his drag.
It'sdefinitely astruggle. I'ma retail manager so typically, I'm getting off like six, seven o'clock. I get home and I lay outwhat I'mgoing to wear, what I'm going to do and start listening to my music. I start doing my makeup and by the time my makeup is done with--I'm fulfilling my fantasy already," Torres said. "I'm likeshe's here, the dolls here and if you ever do your makeup with me and see that I spend at least an hour and a half in front of the makeup mirror just looking at myself. Just like 'oh my god, she's pretty.'
As a young gay kid, Torres said watching drag queens and seeing the confidence exhibited in their performances inspired him to push himself to follow the same path and become a drag queen.
Local performer Redd Roulette sits down for a conversation about what Pride month means as a drag queen.
From being one myself, I watched queens before I started doing drag. Torressaid. "I used to sneak in as a minor and have friends pick me up over the gate so I could watch the shows. I really just kind of adored everything they did, and they always had like the same kind of like confidence, it wasmagic that came out of it. I told myself one day, I'm going tobe in that same position. I just happened to push myself to make that come true.
Alazae MoNy, real name Michael Hicks-Piedra, a visiting drag performer from Hobbs, New Mexico, said communicating to the younger LGBTQ+ generation that they have support from the drag community is important in spreading positivity between one another.
I think my message would be don't wait till it's too late to fully embrace who you are. Hicks-Piedra said. If you need somebody to help, don't hesitate to reach out to me or anybody else that is part of the LGBTQI+ community because more than likely, everybody's willing to help, especially drag queens. They're the top tier of the queer community. We're the face of it all. And we want everybody to feel the love and success and the positivity that is surrounded the LGBTQI plus community
Alazae MoNey visits Lubbock from New Mexico to perform in drag shows.
Hicks-Piedra said the current drag representation and shift into a more progressive society gives more opportunities and resources to the current youth compared to the past.
It took me since I was 14 years old to finally start understanding, no matter what you do people are going to love you, especially the ones that are around you daily, Hicks-Piedrasaid. "Ifyou need somebody to be there for you, there are always people to reach out to. I wish I would have understood that. A lot of kids nowadays do not understand that. There aremore resources nowadays than there were whenever we were growing up being those little queer kids sitting in the back of the class, quietly trying to just blend in and get through the day. Just because you are in this small crappy town, does not mean that you cannot be you. And it took me a while to learn that
Pride month is a time to be proud of who you are and drag allows him to feel empowered as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, Hicks-Piedra said.
To me, it's about embodying everything that I can embody; embodying the confidence, the power, any vibe that you can give as a gay man in a conservative town, Hicks-Piedrasaid. "Itis more of being proud of who you are. Not everybody gets that opportunity to be who they trulyare. Thatis something that I wish that I had learned a long time ago. Be proud of who you are because you cannot change it. There is a ton of people that love every aspect of you, no matter what you do. That is amazing."
Local drag community explore the meaning of Pride month - The Daily Toreador
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TDR’s Top 5 Psychedelic Developments For The Week Of May 30 – The Dales Report
Posted: at 1:59 am
Welcome to TDRs review of the Top 5 Psychedelic developments for the week of May 30. Aside from presenting a synopsis of events, we provide market commentary to summarize the week that was for publicly-listed companies.
5. B.C. To Decriminalize Possession Of Small Amounts Of Hard Drugs, Including MDMA
Effective Jan. 31, 2023, British Columbians 18 and older will be able to carry up to a cumulative total of 2.5 grams of these illicit substances without the risk of arrest or criminal charges. Under rules established by Ottawa and the province, police will not confiscate the drugs, and people found to be in possession will not be required to seek treatment. The production, trafficking and exportation of these drugs will remain illegal.
BREAKING: Small amounts of illegal drugs will be decriminalized in B.C starting in 2023.
Adults 18 years of age and older will be able to carry up to 2.5 grams of certain drugs including opioids, cocaine and methamphetamine and not be subject to arrest, charges, or drug seizure.
The illicit drugs covered by the new rules are opioids including heroin and fentanyl, cocaine, methamphetamine and MDMA the substances most commonly associated with deaths from toxic drugs. Police will maintain discretion to arrest people and recommend charges for possessing other substances.
The province has ramped up its response in recent years to a drug crisis that has killed thousands of people, expanding harm-reduction measures and opening the door to a safer drug supply.
4. Tripp Raises $11.2M To Build The Mindful Metaverse
Tripphas raised $11.2 million in funding to help it continue to create meditation apps that power the mindful metaverse.
The funding was raised from Bitkraft Ventures, Amazon Alexa Fund, Qualcomm, HTC, Niantic and Mayfield. Tripp reports that it will use the funding to help meet the growing global demand for mental wellbeing through Tripps extended-reality (XR) wellness accessible through augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mobile application.
The company also recently announced the acquisition of BeardedEyes world-building platform Eden, which will enable users to further customize their Tripp experience, explore digital realities and meet other people.
Number And Percentages Of Negative Responses Linked To The Use Of Psychedelic Drugs, Online Survey Completed By 2,510 Adults
3. Psychedelic Stocks Outperform And Post A Third Consecutive Winning Week
The biggest psychedelic stocks were mixed, however, percentage gainers outpaced decliner and that allowed psychedelic stocks to outperform peer indexes. TheHorizon Psychedelic Stock Index ETF(PSYK) climbed3.26%, which bested theNasdaq Junior Biotechnology Index(1.52%) and theNasdaq Biotechnology Ishares ETF(2.51%). After a positive performance last week disrupted seven consecutive weeks of decline, both theNASDAQ1001.01%andS&P 5001.11%fell after a weak Friday session despite a better-than-expected U.S. payrolls report.
Heres how the Health Care (Biotechnology) sector performed:
Weekly technical snapshot, PSYK ETF:
In the news
12 companies from across the country joined forces to foundPsychedelics Canada, the first, national-level trade association representing the blossoming psychedelic medicine and therapy industry. Incorporated as a not-for-profit trade association,Psychedelics Canadaspeaks on behalf of the legal psychedelics industry to government, the press, and the public.
ACT government is considering legislation changes to allow MDMA-assisted therapy to treat post-traumatic stress disorder and psilocybin to treat depression.
Awakn Life Sciences has have initiated a larger behavioral addiction study investigating ketamine as a treatment for Gambling Disorder. Awakn had previously announced on May 19, 2022, that the company had completed a successful pilot study for a range of behavioral addictions. Newest interview covering the news.
Braxia Scientific announced positive preliminary results from the first Health Canada Approved, Phase II, randomized clinical trial to evaluate the feasibility, safety, tolerability, and efficacy of multi-dose psilocybin-assisted therapy for Treatment-Resistant-Depression.
Clearmind Medicine has been granted patent approval from the Office of the Controller-General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks in India. The patent refers to the companys proprietary MEAI-based alcohol substitute patent family.
Cybin Inc.announced the team of 28 esteemed faculty and advisors who will lead the Companys EMBARK Psychedelic Facilitator Training Program. Recognizing the crucial importance of supporting psychedelic study facilitators with quality training.
FSD Pharma announced the submission of an Investigational New Drug (IND) application with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Health Canada detailing a planned Phase 2 clinical trial of FSD-PEA for the treatment of a yet-to-be-disclosed inflammatory disorder.
Ketamine Wellness Centers has expanded the availability of SPRAVATO to three new cities and increased the total number of clinics offering the FDA-approved esketamine nasal spray to six. StartingJune 1, the KWC clinics inMinneapolis,Salt Lake CityandDallaswill join theHouston,Las VegasandSeattlelocations in offering SPRAVATO to their patient base.
Michigan activists announced on Wednesday that they will no longer be pursuing a statewide psychedelics legalization ballot initiative for this years election and will instead focus on qualifying the measure to go before voters in 2024.
Mind Medicine announced thatRobert Barrow, Chief Executive Officer and Director, will participate in the Jefferies Global Healthcare Conference, to be held inNew York, NYfromJune 8-10, 2022.
Mynd Life Sciences announced positive preclinical data in measuring dosing accuracy in psilocybins and psilocybin analogs.
Nirvana Life Sciences has released comprehensive data on a scientific study that aims in determining the effects that psilocybin has on the heroin-addicted brain.
Novamind Inc. reported its financial results for the three and nine months ended March 31, 2022.
Novamind Inc. announced new patient financing options to help patients access critical mental healthcare services at its six clinic locations in Utah. The Company now accepts Synchronys CareCredit credit card for treatments including Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, ketamine therapy and Spravato therapy.
Optimi Health has entered into a supply agreement withFilament Health to supply psilocybin mushrooms cultivated in Optimisrecently inaugurated 20,000 square footEU-GMPPrinceton, British Columbia facility.
Origin Therapeutics Holdings, an actively managed, psychedelics industry-focused investment issuer, has received approval to list its common shares on the Canadian Securities Exchange. The common shares will commence trading under the trading symbol ORIG on June 6, 2022.
PsyBio Therapeutics has initiated formal process development for commercially scalable, patent pending manufacturing technology expected to enable Good Manufacturing Practice production.
Psyence Group provided the following corporate update on its three strategic focus areas namely: Psyence Therapeutics, Psyence Production and Psyence Function.
Silo Wellness has executed a nonbinding letter of intent to acquire Dyscovry Science, a Toronto-based biotechnology company that focuses on biosynthetic manufacturing of psilocybin and its derivatives.
The Psychedelic House of Davos, a satellite event happening in conjunction with the World Economic Forum, was a genius strategy to build credibility, say experts.
University of Calgary recruits Canadas first research chair in psychedelics. The university has recruited Dr. Leah Mayo as its Parker Psychedelic Research Chair a first for Canada.
Wesana Health Holdings announced its first quarter 2022 financial results. Cash balance: $3,193,371
2. Cybin Submits IND Application to FDA For Its Phase 1/2a First-in-Human Trial of CYB003 For The Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder
Cybin Inc.(NEO:CYBN) (NYSE:CYBN) announced the submission of an Investigational New Drug application to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for its Phase 1/2a first-in-human clinical trial evaluating CYB003, a proprietary deuterated psilocybin analog, for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD).
Following the successful completion of our IND-enabling work just last month, we are very excited to have reached this major milestone toward advancing CYB003 into clinical development so quickly. Based on preclinical studies, our proprietary psilocybin analog has the potential to offer numerous advantages over classic psilocybin with the potential to ultimately provide better outcomes for people suffering with MDD, said Doug Drysdale, Chief Executive Officer of Cybin. This FDA submission is the next major step in the advancement of CYB003, and we continue to work tirelessly to bring this innovative therapeutic option to people as quickly as possible. We look forward to continuing to work with the FDA to initiate the Phase 1/2a trial in mid-2022.
1. B.C. Company Opens Canadas Largest Licensed Psychedelic Mushroom Growing Facility
B.C.-based company Optimi Health(CNSX:OPTI) (OTCMKTS:OPTHF)has harvested its first cultivation of psilocybin mushrooms at its Health Canada-licensed facilities in Princeton, B.C., positioning itself as a major player in the burgeoning psychedelic sector.
We are the only GMP organic facility in the world that can supply what we do. We have contacts all over the world for people who would like to do research with psilocybin.
The $14-millionventure consists of two 10,000-square-feetfacilities with a combined total of 10 growing rooms that can produce approximately2,000 kilogramsofdried psilocybin mushrooms a month, according to Optimis head cultivator, Todd Henderson.
This monththe agencygranted Optimi a licenceto produce the mushrooms as well as a research exemption to extract the psychedelic components ofpsilocybinand psilocinfor use in clinical trials, according to the company. Optimi says theirfacilities are builtto meet Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) requirements, a quality assurance standard required by Health Canadato produce psilocybin for clinical research.
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TDR's Top 5 Psychedelic Developments For The Week Of May 30 - The Dales Report
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Psychedelic Wellness: 5 Magical Benefits of Magic Mushrooms – Longevity LIVE – Longevity LIVE
Posted: at 1:59 am
Tripping is going mainstream as research into magic mushrooms continues to grow. Research into magic mushrooms was initially halted during the 70s and 80s thanks to Ronald Reagans War on Drugs. However, the past few years have seen a resurgence of clinical research looking at the effects of magic mushrooms.
Magic mushrooms get their magic from a compound known as psilocybin. The compound is responsible for providing that euphoric and trip effect, but it may also provide health benefits.
As of this time, magic mushrooms are still classified as a Schedule I drug. Schedule 1 drugs, which include LSD and heroin, have, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration, a high potential for abuse and serves no legitimate medical purpose in the United States. We should also mention that cannabis is also classified as a Schedule 1 drug and yet, its been proven to provide a number of medical benefits.
Similar to cannabis, the change in attitude towards magic mushrooms and other psychedelics has opened the floodgates when it comes to research, with many studies revealing the role that psilocybin treatment can play when it comes to improving your health.
The majority of psilocybin studies are looking into their potential as a treatment for mental health disorders, most notably depression.
According to a study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, psilocybin was found to reduce depression levels in 27 individuals with moderate to severe unipolar depression. Participants were given two doses of psilocybin every 2 weeks between August 2017 and April 2019.
The researchers found that the participants depression levels remained low 1-, 3-, 6- and 12-months after the treatment.
In a separate study published in Nature Medicine, researchers analyzed fMRI brain scans from nearly 60 people who had participated in two psilocybin trials. According to the scans, the psilocybin treatment reduced connections within brain areas that are tightly connected to depression.
For the first time, we find that psilocybin works differently from conventional antidepressants making the brain more flexible and fluid, and less entrenched in the negative thinking patterns associated with depression.
This supports our initial predictions and confirms psilocybin could be a real alternative approach to depression treatments. David Nutt, DM, head of the Imperial Centre for Psychedelic Research.
Now, while these findings are promising, the authors of the study caution against patients with depression self-medicating with psilocybin.
A 2016 study from Johns Hopkins University found that out of 51 cancer patients, those who were given a high dose of psilocybin experienced an improved quality of life and decreased levels of depression and anxiety.
A more recent review from 2020 also found the same thing when reviewing three different studies where participants had depression and anxiety related to life-threatening illnesses. For the three studies, the individuals took lab-synthesized psilocybin. The review authors found that psilocybin did help relieve feelings of both anxiety and depression.
While research into the effects of psychedelics on PTSD is focused more on MDMA (ecstasy), there is research that suggests that psilocybin can help with post-traumatic stress.
According to an animal study published in Experimental Brain Research, low doses of psilocybin erased the conditioned fear response in mice. According to the researchers, this supports the hypothesis that psilocybin can help break the traumatic cycle that occurs in patients with PTSD.
It should be mentioned that this study is from 2013, so we definitely need more recent research.
If youre struggling with cutting back on substance use, studies suggest that magic mushrooms could help.
In regards to alcohol abuse, a study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology found that alcohol abstinence did not increase significantly in the first 4 weeks of treatment (when participants had not yet received psilocybin), yet it did increase significantly following psilocybin administration.
Photo by Ahmed Zayan on Unsplash
In a more recent pilot study from 2018 that analyzed psilocybin-assisted treatment of alcohol dependence, participants noted changes in their personal relationship to alcohol.
For those hoping to kick the smoking habit, Johns Hopkins University suggested that magic mushrooms can help longtime smokers quit. According to the findings, which were published in 2014, following a carefully controlled and monitored use of psilocybin, the abstinence rate for study participants was 80 percent after six months, substantially higher than typical success rates in smoking cessation trials.
In a follow-up study from 2018, researchers from Johns Hopkins found that psilocybin therapy significantly improved abstaining from smoking over a 12-month follow-up period.
For those battling crippling migraines, a study published in Neurotherapeutics suggested that magic mushrooms may provide relief.
The study, published last year, had 10 frequent migraine sufferers consume a placebo capsule. At least two weeks later, they then consumed a capsule containing a low dose of psilocybin.
The findings revealed an association between psilocybin and a greater reduction in the frequency of migraines compared to the placebo. Additionally, a link between psilocybin and reductions in both headache pain severity and migraine-related functional impairments was also established. Despite the promising findings, study author and assistant professor of neurology at Yale School of Medicine Emmanuelle A. D. Schindler advises us not to get ahead of ourselves.
Its important to remember that there is no silver bullet when it comes to headache management, says Schindler,
Psilocybin and related compounds might simply be added to the toolbox of treatment options. What we learned from this study though, is that psilocybin seems to work in a new way compared to other treatments, which is more valuable than simply replicating an already existing form of treatment.
As magical as these mushrooms are, the reality is that they are psychedelics and psychedelics are very unpredictable. In addition to the fact that its quite psychologically dangerous, psilocybin has also been found to affect cardiovascular health by increasing blood pressure and heart rate.
That said, psilocybin therapy isnt exactly a shroom-fest. All the aforementioned studies happened in controlled environments.
Nonetheless, regardless of our opinion on this, the only opinion that matters at this time is that of the FDA who will continue to delve into the aforementioned benefits and other studies before satisfactorily concluding that magic mushrooms are the magic that our health needs.
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‘Magic mushrooms drug could help depression sufferers in the years to come’ – Irish Mirror
Posted: at 1:59 am
The brain adopts rigid patterns of activity if you suffer from depression. But researchers at Imperial College London have discovered that psilocybin, the psychedelic substance found in magic mushrooms, helps to open up depressed peoples brains.
Psilocybin is now one of a number of interesting psychedelics that are being explored as a potential therapy for psychiatric disorders.
Several studies have shown promising results in patients suffering with depression and anxiety, where traditional treatments are not working.
Researchers explain that patterns of brain activity in depression can become restricted, and that psilocybin could potentially help the brain break out of this rut, in a way traditional antidepressants cant.
The new results, taken from two combined studies, reveal that people who respond to psilocybin-assisted therapy show increased brain connectivity, not just during their treatment, but up to three weeks after, and this opening-up effect helped. Similar changes in brain connectivity were not seen in people treated with escitalopram, which is a conventional antidepressant used to treat anxiety and OCD.
It suggests that the psychedelics works differently in depression.
The effect seen with psilocybin is consistent across two studies, related to people getting better, but was not seen with a conventional antidepressant, says Professor Robin Carhart-Harris, senior author and former head of Imperials Centre for Psychedelic Research.
In the new research, the team analysed fMRI scans, where you carry out functions while being scanned.
Both of the studies found improvements with psilocybin therapy, with brain scans revealing altered communication or connectivity between brain regions.
These findings are important because for the first time we find that psilocybin works differently from conventional antidepressants making the brain more flexible and fluid, and less entrenched in the negative thinking patterns associated with the illness, says Professor David Nutt, head of Imperials Centre for Psychedelic Research.
It works by increasing the communication between those brain regions that are more segregated in depressed patients.
The researchers also found a correlation between this effect and symptom improvement across both the trials.
Professor Nutt added: This supports our predictions and confirms psilocybin could be a real alternative approach to treatments.
Professor Carhart-Harris added: One exciting implication of our findings is that weve discovered a fundamental mechanism via which psychedelic therapy works not just for depression, but other mental illnesses, such as anorexia or addiction.
We now need to test if this is the case, and if it is, then we have found something important.
Its remarkable stuff and could pave the way for new treatments for depression in the years to come.
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'Magic mushrooms drug could help depression sufferers in the years to come' - Irish Mirror
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AUTOWEB, INC. : Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement, Change in Directors or Principal Officers, Amendments to Articles of Inc. or Bylaws;…
Posted: at 1:58 am
Item 1.01 Entry Into a Material Definitive Agreement.
On May 26, 2022, AutoWeb, Inc. ("Company") entered into a Fourth Amendment toLoan, Security and Guarantee Agreement ("Credit Facility Fourth Amendment") withCIT Northbridge Credit LLC ("CNC") to amend the Company's existing Loan,Security and Guarantee Agreement with CNC initially entered into on March 26,2020, as amended on May 18, 2020, July 30, 2021, and September 13, 2021 (theexisting Loan Agreement, as amended to date, is referred to herein collectivelyas the "Credit Facility Agreement").
The Credit Facility Fourth Amendment provides for (i) a reduction in the minimumborrowing usage requirement from forty percent (40%) to twenty percent (20%) ofthe aggregate revolver commitments under the Credit Facility Agreement, whichresults in a reduction in the minimum borrowing usage requirement from $8.0million to $4.0 million; (ii) a reduction in the base amount used to calculatethe underusage fee from $10.0 million to $6.0 million; and (iii) application ofthe approximately $4.0 million in the Company's restricted cash account used ascollateral under the Credit Facility Agreement to reduce the current outstandingloan balance under the Credit Facility Agreement by this amount.
The Credit Facility Fourth Amendment also amends the Credit Facility Agreementto allow the financing of insurance premiums for the 2022-2023 renewal periodunder the Credit Facility Agreement and that any liens on the associatedinsurance policies or proceeds thereof that secure the financing of theinsurance premiums shall be permitted liens.
The foregoing description of the Credit Facility Agreement and Credit FacilityFourth Amendment is not complete and is qualified in its entirety by referenceto the Loan, Security and Guarantee Agreement dated as of March 26, 2020, by andbetween the Company and CIT Northbridge Credit LLC, which is incorporated hereinby reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed withthe SEC on March 26, 2020 (SEC File No. 001-34761), as amended by the FirstAmendment to Loan, Security and Guarantee Agreement dated as of May 18, 2020,which is incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the CurrentReport on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on May 19, 2020 (SEC File No. 001-34761),the Second Amendment to and Consent Under Loan, Security and Guarantee Agreementdated as of July 30, 2021, which is incorporated herein by reference to
Exhibit 10.1 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on August2, 2021 (SEC File No. 001-34761), the Third Amendment to Loan, Security andGuarantee Agreement, dated as of September 13, 2021, which is incorporatedherein by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filedwith the SEC on September 15, 2021 (SEC File No. 001-34761), and the FourthAmendment to Loan, Security and Guarantee Agreement, a copy of which is filed asExhibit 10.1 to this Current Report on Form 8-K and is hereby incorporated byreference.
Item 5.02 Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors;
On May 27, 2022, Michael A. Carpenter notified the Chairman of the Board ofDirectors ("Board") of the Company that, effective immediately, he was resigninghis position as a member of the Board and as a member of the Board's AuditCommittee ("Audit Committee").
Mr. Carpenter was a member of the Board's Audit Committee. Mr. Michael J. Fuchshas been appointed by the Board to serve as a member of the Audit Committee toreplace Mr. Carpenter.
Item 5.03 Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year
On June 1, 2022, the Board approved an amendment ("Bylaw Amendment No. 2") toSection 3.02 of the Company's Seventh Amended and Restated Bylaws ("Bylaws") todecrease the number of authorized directors on the Board from eight (8) to five(5) members. Bylaw Amendment No. 2 will be effective upon expiration of the termof the Board's Class III Directors upon commencement of the 2022 Annual Meetingof Stockholders ("Effective Time"). Bylaw Amendment No. 2 supersedes AmendmentNo. 1 to the Bylaws that was previously reported and that was to be effective asof the Effective Time to reduce the number of authorized directors of theCompany from eight (8) to seven (7).
Item 9.01 Financial Statements and Exhibits.
Edgar Online, source Glimpses
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AUTOWEB, INC. : Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement, Change in Directors or Principal Officers, Amendments to Articles of Inc. or Bylaws;...
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Genetic paparazzi are right around the corner, and courts arent ready to confront the legal quagmire of DNA theft – ThePrint
Posted: at 1:58 am
College Park/Atlanta (US), Jun 5 (The Conversation) Every so often stories of genetic theft, or extreme precautions taken to avoid it, make headline news. So it was with a picture of French President Emmanuel Macron and Russian President Vladimir Putin sitting at opposite ends of a very long table after Macron declined to take a Russian PCR COVID-19 test.
Many speculated that Macron refused due to security concerns that the Russians would take and use his DNA for nefarious purposes. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz similarly refused to take a Russian PCR COVID-19 test.
While these concerns may seem relatively new, pop star celebrity Madonna has been raising alarm bells about the potential for nonconsensual, surreptitious collection and testing of DNA for over a decade. She has hired cleaning crews to sterilize her dressing rooms after concerts and requires her own new toilet seats at each stop of her tours.
At first, Madonna was ridiculed for having DNA paranoia. But as more advanced, faster and cheaper genetic technologies have reached the consumer realm, these concerns seem not only reasonable, but justified.
We are law professors who study how emerging technologies like genetic sequencing are regulated. We believe that growing public interest in genetics has increased the likelihood that genetic paparazzi with DNA collection kits may soon become as ubiquitous as ones with cameras.
While courts have for the most part managed to evade dealing with the complexities of surreptitious DNA collection and testing of public figures, they wont be able to avoid dealing with it for much longer. And when they do, they are going to run squarely into the limitations of existing legal frameworks when it comes to genetics.
Genetic information troves You leave your DNA behind you everywhere you go. The strands of hair, fingernails, dead skin and saliva you shed as you move through your day are all collectible trails of DNA.
Genetic analysis can reveal not only personal information, such as existing health conditions or risk for developing certain diseases, but also core aspects of a persons identity, such as their ancestry and the potential traits of their future children. In addition, as genetic technologies continue to evolve, fears about using surreptitiously collected genetic material for reproductive purposes via in vitro gametogenesis become more than just paranoia.
Ultimately, taking an individauls genetic material and information without their consent is an intrusion into a legal domain that is still considered deeply personal. Despite this, there are few laws protecting the interests of individuals regarding their genetic material and information.
Existing legal frameworks When disputes involving genetic theft from public figures inevitably reach the courtroom, judges will need to confront fundamental questions about how genetics relates to personhood and identity, property, health and disease, intellectual property and reproductive rights. Such questions have already been raised in cases involving the use of genetics in law enforcement, the patentability of DNA and ownership of discarded genetic materials.
In each of these cases, courts focused on only one dimension of genetics, such as privacy rights or the value of genetic information for biomedical research. But this limited approach disregards other aspects, such as the privacy of family members with shared genetics, or property and identity interests someone may have in genetic material discarded as part of a medical procedure.
In the case of genetic paparazzi, courts will presumably try to fit complex questions about genetics into the legal framework of privacy rights because this is how they have approached other intrusions into the lives of public figures in the past.
Modern US privacy law is a complex web of state and federal regulations governing how information can be acquired, accessed, stored and used. The right to privacy is limited by First Amendment protections on the freedom of speech and press, as well as Fourth Amendment prohibitions on unreasonable searches and seizure. Public figures face further restrictions on their privacy rights because they are objects of legitimate public interest. On the other hand, they also have publicity rights that control the commercial value of their unique personally identifying traits.
People whose genetic material has been taken without their consent may also raise a claim of conversion that their property has been interfered with and lost. Courts in Florida are currently considering a conversion claim in a private dispute where the former CEO of Marvel Entertainment and his wife accused a millionaire businessman of stealing their DNA to prove that they were slandering him through a hate-mail campaign. This approach replaces the narrow legal framework of privacy with an even narrower framework of property, reducing genetics to an object that someone possesses.
What the future may hold Under existing laws and the current state of genetic technology, most people dont need to worry about surreptitious collection and use of genetic material in the way that public figures might. But genetic paparazzi cases will likely play an important role in determining what rights everyone else will or will not have.
The US Supreme Court is very unlikely to recognise new rights, or even affirm previously recognized rights, that are not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution. Therefore, at least at the federal level, individual protections for genetic material and information are not likely to adapt to changing times.
This means that cases involving genetics are likely to fall within the purview of state legislatures and courts. But none of the states have adequately grappled with the complexities of genetic legal claims. Even in states with laws specifically designed to protect genetic privacy, regulations cover only a narrow range of genetic interests. Some laws, for example, may prohibit disclosure of genetic information, but not collection.
For better or for worse, how the courts rule in genetic paparazzi cases will shape how society thinks about genetic privacy and about individual rights regarding genetics more broadly. (The Conversation) NSA
This report is auto-generated from PTI news service. ThePrint holds no responsibility for its content.
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Genetic paparazzi are right around the corner, and courts arent ready to confront the legal quagmire of DNA theft - ThePrint
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Abide by the checks and balances of law enforcement | Mint – Mint
Posted: at 1:58 am
In the fall of 1991, Agent William Elliott of the US Department of the Interior began to suspect that Danny Kyllo was growing marijuana at home in Florence, Oregon. But mere suspicion was not going to get him very far. For Kyllo to be brought to justice, his house had to be physically searched, and no judge was going to issue a warrant on the basis of a hunch. Which is why, on 16 January 1992, Elliott pointed a thermal imager at Danny Kyllos home, and, having detected heat signatures consistent with the sort of high-intensity hallide lamps used for indoor marijuana cultivation, the agent was able to convince a judge to issue a warrant. Kyllo was arrested and indicted on a federal drug charge. Once in court, Kyllo moved to suppress the evidence that had been seized from his home. The thermal scan, he argued, was a violation of his Fourth Amendment Right against unreasonable search and all evidence flowing from that was the fruit of a poisoned tree. He had an expectation of privacy within his home and it didnt matter that the government had not set a foot inside to obtain the initial evidencetheir use of thermal imaging technology from afar was as much of an intrusion as an actual break-in.
That case went all the way up to the US Supreme Court, which, in a split (5-4) decision, ruled in favour of Kyllo. If the government uses a device that is not in general public use (such as thermal-imagers at the time) to explore details of a private home that were previously unknowable without physical intrusion, Americas apex court held, such surveillance would be a Fourth Amendment search" that could not be conducted without a warrant.
To the layman, this decision might seem surprising. If our objective is to bring criminals to book, does it really matter how we go about it? Isnt growing marijuana a crime? If so, how does it really matter if evidence of the commission of this crime was obtained using remote scanning technology?
It is important to remind ourselves that the state has a monopoly over the use of violence. It is, therefore, important to ensure that the exercise of state power is always subject to appropriate checks and balances. Failure to do so would make victims out of innocent citizens, and this, in our modern conceptualization of the states role, is unacceptable.
There is probably no situation where the stakes are greater than in a criminal investigation. It is here that the state machinery is under the greatest pressure to deliver criminals to justice, and where, as a result, either accidentally or with calculated disregard, the rights of the innocent are most likely to be trampled upon. Therefore, it is here that checks and balances are most important.
When these restrictions are applied, law enforcers are constrained in what they can do to bring criminals to justice. As a result, some law-breakers will inevitably get away. We need to recognize that this will happen, and accept it for what it is, because the alternative would be to have innocent bystanders subject to egregious intrusions at the hands of the stateand that is far, far worse.
India does not apply the concept of due process in exactly the same way as the US does, but the underlying principlethat the power of the state must always be subject to reasonable restrictionsis well established in Indian jurisprudence. When the Indian Supreme Court held that mandatory linkage of Aadhaar numbers to our bank accounts was disproportional exercise of state power, it pointed out that [U]nder the garb of prevention of money laundering or black money, there cannot be such a sweeping provision which targets every resident of the country as a suspicious person." And yet, despite decisions like this, we need look no further than the morning papers to see restraints on state power flagrantly violatedoften on a daily basis, unfortunately.
Technology exacerbates the problem. Almost always, new technologies are more pervasive than the ones that preceded it. They make what was previously impossible relatively trivial to carry out, often at a much larger scale than before. If we allow the state to use technology in the exercise of its power and fail to impose checks and balances properly tailored to the harms these new technologies could cause, the innocent will inevitably suffer.
We are seeing this play out in the context of online messaging services, where the states desire to intercept messages exchanged between criminal elements is pushing the government to remove the protection that end-to-end encryption offers. The state maintains that it has no option but to intervene in this manner; criminals have no constraint on what technology they can or cannot use and if law enforcement agencies are forced to fight them with hands tied behind their backs, the bad guys will win.
Not only is this approach constitutionally unsustainable, it is downright lazy. Advances in technology have always made it easier for criminals to stay ahead of the law. But the response of law enforcement must never be to weaken the checks and balances under which law enforcers are legally constrained to operate. Basic principles require as much. Instead, they must work to get up to speed with the new technology in question, develop novel investigative techniques that work within the new paradigm we all find ourselves in, and find ways to catch criminals in spite of any technological advantage they might have.
As impossible as this might seem, I know it is possible. Because we have done this before and can do it again.
Rahul Matthan is a partner at Trilegal and also has a podcast by the name Ex Machina. His Twitter handle is @matthan
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We Own This City review: Spiritual follow-up to The Wire exposes a failure of policing and public policy – Entertainment News , Firstpost – Firstpost
Posted: at 1:58 am
We Own This City takes nonlinear storytelling to an extreme, but once you get on its wavelength it rewards your patience.
Language: English
The truth about Baltimores systemic dysfunction has always been stranger, uglier and knottier than fiction. Reading about its drug, homicide, policing and administrative problems can take you into a rabbit hole you cant get out of. The bleak reality of the city shaped five seasons ofThe Wire, which remains one of the most incisive feats in longform storytelling on TV. David Simon, theBaltimore Sunreporter who was the creator of the HBO series, returns to the corners, the streets and the police precincts to sound another warning about a system in paralysis.
Baltimore stays on as the lead character in Simons new miniseries,We Own This City. Epitomising the incurable malady afflicting the city this time around is the Gun Trace Task Force (GTTF), an elite Baltimore Police Department (BPD) unit tasked with getting guns and drugs off the street. The reality was far different: these officers pocketed the money during seizures, sold stolen drugs, planted evidence, robbed law-abiding citizens, and made overtime claims for unworked hours. The reign of terror ended with federal indictments, with eight members sentenced to prison. The GTTFs blatant abuse of power was the subject of Baltimore Sun journalist Justin Fentons book,We Own This City: A True Story of Crime, Cops, and Corruption, and now its adaptation by Simon and frequent collaborator George Pelecanos.
The show presents a demoralising account of how the publics trust in the police, the elected officials and the government is destroyed when those meant to protect and serve are the very ones habitually violating peoples constitutional rights. Whats worse is the establishment continued to protect and serve these rogue policemen, despite repeated complaints filed by the apprehended criminals and the general public. To trace the rise and the fall of the GTTF, the episodes cover a time period from 2003 to 2017 to draw the whole picture.
Jon Bernthal as Wayne Jenkins
Director Reinaldo Marcus Green, who is coming off the recent success of King Richard, shines a light on how corruption, racism and violence intersect in a majority black city. As he takes nonlinear storytelling to an extreme, the show often undercuts itself by toggling back and forth between one too many characters, perspectives and timelines.
There are moments when you are not sure whos when and where. Once you get on its wavelength, the show rewards your patience.
The chief investigation is led by the police corruption task force made up of federal prosecutor Leo Wise (Lucas Van Engen), FBI agent Erika Jensen (Dagmara Domiczyk) and BPD officer John Sieracki (Don Harvey). We follow the trio right from the beginning of their investigation to their interrogation of the arrested GTTF members Momodu Gondo (McKinley Belcher III), Jemell Rayam (Darrell Britt-Gibson), and Maurice Ward (Rob Brown). A secondary investigation takes us to what was the beginning of the end for GTTF.
Detectives David McDougall (David Corenswet) and Scott Kilpatrick (Larry Mitchell), two Narcotics officers, track down a local dealer whose bad batch of heroin is linked to multiple overdoses. On arresting him, they find two tracking devices on his car: one is their own, the other was lent to Gondo. Our proxy in the story is Nicole Steele (Wunmi Mosaku), a Civil Rights attorney conducting an inquiry into the culture of police brutality and corruption in Baltimore. Steeles bafflement, anger and eventual resignation mirrors our own emotional journey across the six episodes.
Darrell Britt-Gibson as Jemell Rayam
With the fallout over the death of Freddie Gray and the rising crime rate, the BPD brought on Sergeant Wayne Jenkins (Jon Bernthal) to lead the GTTF to seize the drugs and guns flooding the streets. As the show reveals, he did to a degree, only not by the book. While he upped the arrest quotas, he also upped the corruption by many levels. Bernthal is an absolute force of nature as Jenkins, a charismatic, hubristic, revolting and delusional man who can justify any moral transgression as a necessary evil. We watch Jenkins steal money and drugs, engage in fatal car chases, and call a colleague to help plant a toy gun after killing an unarmed suspect all without oversight. We hear how squad member Daniel Hersl (Josh Charles) had as many as 50 complaints of brutality on his record, but was allowed to patrol the streets simply because he more than delivered the quota.
Through GTTF member turned homicide detective Sean Suiter (Jamie Hector), we get a glimpse of how Jenkins peer-pressured members of his squad. Suiter died under mysterious circumstances a day before he was scheduled to testify against Jenkins and his gang of criminals. The show leans towards the ruling of the independent review which ruled it to be a death by suicide suggesting Suiter may have taken his own life over the guilt of his brief GTTF involvement. That Jenkins passed the blame onto the dead officer to evade a false evidence charge tells you everything you need to know about him.
Dagmara Domiczyk as Erika Jensen
Indeed, the Jenkins, the Hersls and the Gondos are a symptom of a rot that goes much deeper. The show puts the entire system on trial, not just a bunch of dirty cops. A system that endorses a shoot first, ask questions later policy, offers state-sponsored impunity for police abuse, pushes for results over method, and treats everything, lives included, as a numbers game. In the show, we see mayors and commissioners elected to office outline bold visions, only to resign within months over fraud and tax evasion charges. As there remains a huge gap between policing and public policy in theory and in practice, there also remains a mutual distrust between the community and its government. The failures of policing communities of colour stem from a long history of institutional racism in the US. And the failures of public policy have left the community in an endless cycle of poverty, addiction and violence.
Wunmi Mosaku as Nicole Steele
In one of the shows more telling conversations, Steele meets with Brian Grabler, an ex-cop who became a teacher after becoming disillusioned with the system. Grabler retraces the source of the rot to the so-called war on drugs, a five-decade-old public policy that has only been counterproductive, adding to the violence rather than reducing it. Everything changed when they came up with that expression, The War on Drugs. What an idiotic fucking thing to say. Waging a war against citizens by definition is separating us into two opposing camps. And with the war comes police militarisation. SWAT teams, tactical squads, stop-and-frisk, strip searches, a complete gutting of the Fourth Amendment. And its like were, were fighting terrorists on foreign soil. And you cant just blame the cops. We serve the politicians, who thrive on being tough on crime, he says, before perfectly summing it up in a follow-up conversation, And in a war, you need warriors. In a war, you have enemies. In a war, civilians get hurt and nobody does anything. In a war, you count the bodies and then you call them victories.
All six episodes of We Own This City are now streaming on Disney+ Hotstar.
Prahlad Srihari is a film and music writer based in Bengaluru.
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We Own This City review: Spiritual follow-up to The Wire exposes a failure of policing and public policy - Entertainment News , Firstpost - Firstpost
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Release Date Revealed For ‘Star Wars: The Bad Batch’ Season 2 – Inside the Magic
Posted: at 1:57 am
Star Wars Celebration brought plenty of good news for the fanbase where Star Wars TV shows are concerned, whether it was the trailer for the upcoming live-action show Andor (2022), or confirmation that Ahsoka (2023) will be a live-action sequel toStar Wars: Rebels (2014).
But much to the surprise of fans, the first official trailer for Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 2 was also revealed, which gives us our first look at the return of Clone Force 99 and young Omega (Michelle Ang), who were the main heroes in the first season of the show on Disney + last year.
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Check out the official trailer for Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 2 below:
However, if Streaming Fall 2022 leaves you feeling slightly frustrated, dont worry, because the official release date for the show has finally been revealed by Disney. Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 2 will be premiering on Disney+ on Wednesday September 28, 2022.
The first season of the show premiered on May 4 last year, known also as Star Wars Day, so by the time the second season lands on Disney+, fans will have waited well over a year to find out where things will go next for Clone Force 99.
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch reunited fans with a team of defected clones first introduced in the seventh and final season of beloved animated show Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) Echo, Wrecker, Crosshair, Tech, and Hunter, all of whom are voiced by Dee Bradley Baker.
The show follows the team in the wake of Order 66, as the Galactic Empire rises to power. When they learn what plans the Empire has for the galaxy, they decide to abandon their home in the cloning facilities on Kamino, taking with them a young female clone known as Omega.
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It is revealed that Omega is the sister of Boba Fett like him, she is the direct clone of source clone Jango Fett. However, where the team gains a new member, they lose one in Crosshair, who decides to remain loyal to the Empire, hunting his old teammates at every opportunity.
As per the official Star Wars website, heres the synopsis for Star Wars: The Bad Batch:
Star Wars: The Bad Batchfollows the elite and experimental clones of the Bad Batch (first introduced inStar Wars: The Clone Wars) and their young charge, Omega as they find their way in a rapidly changing galaxy in the immediate aftermath of the Clone War.
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The first season ends on a major cliffhanger. Following the destruction of the cloning facility on Kamino, Clone Force 99, along with Omega, go back on the run, while a somewhat conflicted Crosshair chooses to go about his separate ways.
However, we then see Kaminoan female doctor Nala Se (Gwendoline Yeo) taken to a new Imperial cloning facility at an unknown location, which has led to much speculation among Star Wars fans about the possibility of the show becoming connected to the widely hated sequel trilogy.
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As the trailer for Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 2 reveals, we can expect to see much more action involving Clone Force 99 and Omega, while Emperor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid) appears to have a bigger presence this time, having only been teased briefly in the first season.
While Fennec Shand (Ming-Na Wen) and Captain Rex (Dee Bradley Baker) make an appearance in the first season, it remains to be seen whether or not other Star Wars characters will show up. Heres to hoping well see Ahsoka Tano (Ashley Eckstein) and Bo-Katan Kryze (Katee Sackhoff).
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Like the first season, Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 2 will consist of 16 episodes, with a new episode released each week following the premiere on September 28 (although it is not yet known how many episodes will be released on the premiere date).
There are many other Star Wars shows heading to Disney+. Andor will premiere on August 31, while a second season for anime anthology series Star Wars: Visions (2021) was recently confirmed. And given the shows success, Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) will also get a second season.
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Other upcoming shows include The Mandalorian Season 3 (2023), Ahsoka, Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi (2022), and the recently announced Star Wars: Skeleton Crew (2023), which will be live action and will star A-list actor Jude Law.
Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 1 is now streaming on Disney+, along with many other canon and non-canon Star Wars TV shows.
Are you looking forward to The Bad Batch Season 2? Let us know in the comments down below!
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