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Daily Archives: June 5, 2022
Can the worlds most powerful telescope find alien civilizations? – Inverse
Posted: June 5, 2022 at 2:01 am
Scientists working with the Event Horizon Telescope recently released an image of the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy, the first-ever picture of our local singularity. Named Sagittarius A* (pronounced A star), the black hole has the mass of four million suns, and is surrounded by a vortex of glowing material heated to extreme temperatures as its sucked into the unknown world of the black hole.
The picture is just the second black hole to be imaged, following the release in 2019 of a picture of the black hole at the center of the galaxy M87. These stunning snapshots come thanks to the EHT, which is not one telescope but many spread out across the planet. Combining these observations lets astronomers effectively create a telescope that is as large as Earth, and which can see objects much farther away than anything else. For scale, consider that the EHT is powerful enough that from Earth it could see an orange placed on the Moon.
Peering inside a black hole for the first time is an undeniably important achievement, and one that captured the imaginations of astronomers and the public alike. But with the worlds most powerful telescope, surely there are other cool things to find out there in the universe like, say, extraterrestrial intelligence. Could we turn the EHT on distant planets, using its superior resolution to spy on potential alien civilizations?
It sounds like an amazing idea, but, unfortunately, the EHT isnt really right for the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI), says Cherry Ng, a radio astronomer working with the Breakthrough Listen SETI project.
When it comes to SETI research, our primary goal is in finding a signal, Ng says in an email to Inverse. For that, the EHT is, ironically, too powerful.
Most SETI research involves looking at broad swathes of the night sky to search for signals that look like they may have come from intelligent beings. These kinds of surveys dont zoom in on things like the EHT does, but they can cover a lot of space quickly. And with trillions of stars out there, covering a lot of space is crucial.
Pointing the EHT at even the roughly 5,000 known exoplanets for ten minutes each would take 36 days of continuous observing, estimates Chenoa Tremblay, a researcher at the SETI Institute. And thats not even accounting for telescope downtime, calibration, and aiming.
The EHT as an organization is not very well set up to chase down every hint of ET, says Sofia Sheikh, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Berkeleys SETI Research Center.
The EHT is a collaboration between many different telescopes around the world, Sheikh says in an email to Inverse. Getting coordinated observations with them all is expensive and time-consuming, and we'd have to have a really good argument to access that level of resources for SETI.
The EHT is also optimized to collect data in a very specific wavelength: 1.3 millimeters. Radio waves at this frequency can travel through the clouds of hot gas surrounding a black hole, allowing us to peer inside to get a clear image. These wavelengths are nearly as short as radio waves get, something thats crucial for getting high-resolution images.
But ET would need to be broadcasting signals at that very specific wavelength, says Dan Werthimer, an astronomer at the University of California, Berkeley. Astronomers looking for extraterrestrial intelligence do look for radio waves, but they tend to look for signals at much longer wavelengths, similar to those we use on Earth for communication.
Where the EHT could potentially come into play in SETI would be if we had already found a signal and wanted to zoom in on it, Sheikh says. Assuming the signal happened to include the 1.3-millimeter wavelength, and we had a good idea of where it was coming from, astronomers could follow up on an interesting signal with the EHT to learn more about where it came from.
If a signal was coming from a transmitter on a planet orbiting a star, for example, we could see the planet go around the star, we could see the transmitter orbit the star, Werthimer says. We could actually see that even if you were on the other side of the galaxy, with the resolution of the EHT.
The EHT might also be good for finding something like a cool Dyson sphere, Sheikh says. These are hypothetical structures, first proposed by the physicist Freeman Dyson, built around entire stars that capture most or all of the energy from them. Its something an advanced civilization might build to meet its massive energy needs.
Most Dyson spheres would radiate most of their energy in the infrared, at higher frequencies than radio waves. But one thats much cooler, and therefore releases energy at lower frequencies, might be observable by the EHT.
Still, that eventuality is fairly unlikely. But astronomers are already using telescopes like the EHT to carry out SETI research at wavelengths where were more likely to actually see something. The EHT is just one example of what astronomers call very long baseline interferometry (VLBI), which means using multiple telescopes spread out from each other.
There are a number of projects around the world that use multiple spaced out telescopes to find things in the universe (though none are as big as the EHT). The Very Large Array (VLA), in New Mexico, for example, consists of 27 radio antennas that can be moved as much as 23 miles apart from each to search for events such as radio waves from clouds of gas in our galaxy or plasma emitted from black holes. Similarly, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) radio telescope is made of 66 radio antennae spread across Chiles Atacama desert. And other telescope arrays keeping tabs on signals in a range of wavelengths can be found in Australia, South Africa, and elsewhere.
These kinds of telescopes consisting of multiple receivers working together are called interferometers, and theyre crucial for SETI research. The signals scientists think we might find from aliens, called technosignatures, look very similar to the kinds of signals being emitted from all over Earth today.
There are a lot of radio signals on Earth, we call it radio frequency interference, or radiofrequency pollution, Werthimer says. This false alarm problem is getting worse and worse its getting harder and harder to do SETI from the Earth.
Using multiple receivers, however, lets scientists distinguish signals from Earth from those that come from much farther away. Thats where interferometers like the VLA come in, helping astronomers peer beyond Earthly interference. Future telescopes, like the planned next-generation Very Large Array (ngVLA) will be even bigger, and should give astronomers an even better look at far-away radio signals. That means were better equipped than ever before to find potential signals of extraterrestrial intelligence in the universe, and to follow up on them should one appear.
As for the EHT, its been busy in the past few years adding new telescopes to the array, and following up on its black hole observations. Future plans include the addition of even more telescopes and increasingly detailed observations of black holes, potentially even including video imagery. And maybe, just maybe, being called into action to take a picture of aliens.
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Can the worlds most powerful telescope find alien civilizations? - Inverse
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Teaching and grieving in a classroom where perfect math meets a broken world – Salon
Posted: at 2:01 am
I've known a lot of fourth-graders in my life. Three quite intimately. Fourth-graders running about and tugging at my arms and legs no matter what else might be going on to "watch me do this" or to "play with me". They're all about the interruption and the attention. They probably would want us now to take a moment and at least "watch" what has happened, don't you think?
But the world continues to spin. From the sublime to the ridiculous, things go on. This means that despite the numbing and enveloping sorrow, this morning I had to think about linear algebra for a class I was teaching.
Linear algebra is the math of making sense of a cloud of points, which do double duty serving not only as locations in space, but also as vectors. Vectors are characterized by having both magnitude and direction, like force or velocity. It's not just how hard you push or how fast you are going, but toward what end? For many purposes and in many settings we are each lists of numbers we're not meat puppets, we're data puppets so we're all vectors. We've all got magnitude and direction.
It's all a big mess in my mind this morning. Perfect equations drift about a broken world and heartbroken families.
There is a famous theorem about vectors from the Dutch mathematician L.E.J. Brouwer. Among other things Brouwer was known for founding the intuitionistschool of mathematics, a movement that declared that the only true mathematics was mathematics that was careful with its infinities and didn't prove theorems through the use of the law of the excluded middle. The law of the excluded middle is a technique of logical argumentation that most famously rears its head in "proofs by contradiction", wherein you show a statement is true by assuming otherwise and use this contrary assumption as a starting point of an argument that leads to a known mathematical falsehood, like 0=1. Once you arrive at that blatant falsehood, you know that first step was a misstep and that the original statement must be true.
For many purposes and in many settings we are each lists of numbers vectors.
At that point, most mathematicians would declare QED. No construction required a direct argument would be nice, but unnecessary for everyone except Brouwer and his followers.
But, despite Brouwer's objections, math is a world of either/or a world of sharp divides, a world of excluded middles, a stripped-down version of experience. And as I'm preparing, I'm thinking about that world and our world. I'm thinking there is maybe another form of the law, a meta-form, that storytelling and sense-making either use math or they don't. Like the aphorism attributed to Stalin, "one death is a tragedy, one million deaths is statistics." The story of a single death can worm its way into your soul in a way that one million deaths can't, that at that scale, at that altitude, the heart is left behind and the brain kicks in. But another reading is that when death becomes statistics, when death intersects mathematics, tragedy is side-lined. We're either talking feelings or we're talking fractions and never the twain shall meet.
When, last week, my students walked into class, still mourning last week's tragedy since when did teaching require training in grief counseling? I felt I couldn't just jump into our discussion of high-dimensional spaces. I we had to deal with the reality of what had happened in the low-dimensional space three, or four dimensions if you include time, and, well, we've got to include time.
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This is about something that happened space around us. It's more difficult to work in this smaller more intimate space, but we tried. Eventually we brought it back to linear algebra and its place as the engine of the internet, the web, and thus a part of the dark energy that drives social media. Its place in the online architecting of the virtual dark corners of radicalization. We talked about the idea of linear algebra for good, and that maybe they might be a part of that kind of radical move. We explored the middle. Eventually we just talked about linear algebra.
And here we are again. Once more I find myself stuck in the excluded middle and this time I'm thinking about Brouwer's Theorem. It's about vectors and alignment. I'm thinking about people all around the world, each with magnitude, each with direction. It's the direction that's bugging me, the misalignment, which when amplified or enabled with tools that give some people disproportionate magnitude to create places of pain and sadness. It's because I've got to go teach this class, but I'm a lousy compartmentalizer and I'm thinking about tragedy in terms of vectors and I feel like I need to have another moment that this moment requires its own moment of recognition everywhere, that we should all be aligned in sadness and anger and at least a moment in our class so that we can air it all out before entering the safe place of Platonic objects. I need a space as much as they do. Grief counseling goes both ways in my classroom.
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Brouwer's discovery sometimes goes by the cringeworthy name "The Hairy Ball Theorem" (I kid you not). It's about a field of vector on a perfect sphere, like the surface of a cue ball, and where each vector, one for each of the infinity of points on the sphere, has the further stipulation that it be tangent to the sphere, meaning that if at that point you placed a playing card (if there is a pool table around can a deck of cards be far away?) then the vector must lie on the card. Replace all those vectors by stray strands of hair and you've got your hairy ball. Brouwer's Theorem says that there is no way to comb those glancing locks to get them all aligned while keeping them tangent, that no matter how carefully you nudge them like the balding man carefully arranging his combover, you'll always end up with a cowlick, a place where suddenly the flow goes the other way. Mathematically, it's the necessity of a singularity. So as I was preparing for class, I was thinking about vectors and matrices and how we are a vector field glancing off the surface of the ball that is the Earth. That we can't align is a mathematical fact. If only the singularity were singular.
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Hendrik Meurkens and The WDR Big Band to Play at Mezzrow – Broadway World
Posted: at 2:01 am
Hendrik Meurkens is set to play at Mezzrow in celebration of his recent album, which is out now. The album features Hendrik Meurkens on vibes and harmonica, Steve Ash on piano, Chris Berger on bass, and Andy Watson on drums. The concert is set to take place at Mezzrow on Wednesday, June 8th at 7:30 & 9:00PM. Mezzrow is located at 163 W 10th St, New York, NY 10014. For tickets, call the Box Office at 646-476-4346 or click here for tickets.
Maestro Hendrik Meurkens isn't just an acclaimed artist, whom we have all come to admire. He's a man brimming with incandescent ideas which manifest into musical gold. What makes Meurkens so special is the singularity of his sound. A German-born, New York-based harmonica player who performs Latin Jazz. If there is a Venn diagram of these attributes, he would be one of the few in the middle. That he has carved such a niche over a storied career should put this album under a special light. Samba Jazz Odyssey is an adventure with seven pieces composed by Meurkens, which were undoubtedly informed by his trailblazing musical journeys around the world. The maestro pairs with the august WDR Big Band, from Cologne, Germany, with arrangements which were also conducted by Michael Philip Mossman, a Grammy-nominated arranger. "This project is very special to me," said Meurkens. "It is everybody's dream to record with the WDR Big Band, and I was honored to collaborate with them." The resulting production is a vivid voyage through samba jazz in its many forms.
A Night in Jakarta isn't just a get-up samba with feel good effect. It exemplifies the theme of this project, a veritable tour of samba jazz, which begins in the South Pacific. Meurkens wrote the piece as an honorific for the Java Jazz Festival organizers based in Jakarta. He and his Samba Jazz Quartet have played at this well-regarded festival many times. Meurkens has fond memories, particularly of the late-night jam sessions at the hotel. Paul Heller (tenor saxophone) and Raphael Klemm (trombone) deliver dazzling solos to get this album going.
Meurkens first recorded Manhattan Samba on his album Poema Brasileiro (Concord, 1996). It's a tune of many layers, runs, and hits. The band plays as one, navigating the sections with aplomb. Pascal Bartoszak (flute) offers an uplifting and thoughtful solo. Meurkens' harmonica solo is beautiful and buoyant, bright and bluesy. The maestro is at home at this piece because well...he's at home. After all, he's a New Yorker. And this piece is a musical dedication to the vibrant samba jazz scene in New York, as many terrific Brazilian artists live in the Big Apple.
Next stop, central Europe. Prague in March is one of Meurkens' veritable hits, as many accomplished artists have recorded it over the years, including Claudio Roditi, the Brazilian trumpeter. This particular arrangement is by Carlos Franzetti for a project on which he and Meurkens collaborated. In fact, Meurkens wrote this masterpiece before he immigrated to the US, just one year after the Berlin Wall fell. The namesake of the song, Prague, is also its inspiration. Meurkens was fascinated with this beautiful city, and on this rendition, check out Ludwig Nuss' refined trombone solo.
Sambatropolis is another of Meurkens' popular compositions, recorded previously with English and Portuguese lyrics. It's a terrific ode to the samba jazz scene of New York. The back-and-forth trades between Meurkens and Johan Hrln (alto saxophone) are pure delight. This juxtaposition of virtuosity may spark memories or engender one to imagine the music geniuses found at many New York jazz clubs.
On Mountain Drive, we find ourselves somewhere in the American West, driving amid the Rocky Mountains. Meurkens named his piece after a car ride from Denver to Aspen. The natural beauty of the jagged mountains and greenery enveloped Meurkens' mind. For this particular rendition, Andi Haderer (trumpet) goes to work with a terrific solo. "I love the groove that Mossman found for the band. He added a totally new perspective with his arrangement," reflects Meurkens.
Beginning with pulsing drum hits, You Again is Mossman's composition, and it unfolds with a steady groove and blooming harmonies. The band is put through the paces, and it's clearly up to the task as the full sonic and dynamic range is on display. Meurkens contributes an epic harmonica solo that demonstrates his effortless mastery. Joining him with remarkable solos: Jens Neufang (baritone sax), Andy Hunter (trombone), Mattis Cederberg (bass trombone), Hans Dekker (drums), Paul Shigihara (guitar), and Rob Bruynen (trumpet). This piece is a jam session.
Meurkens wrote Bolero Para Paquito for Paquito D'Rivera, the legendary jazz saxophonist and clarinetist. "Paquito remains one of my main inspirations in Latin Jazz, and he has so much positive energy," said Meurkens. In fact, Paquito recorded the piece, too. And this particular arrangement by Franzetti is a thoughtful and well-placed work. One highlight is indeed Billy Test's piano solo.The premiere recording of Samba Tonto is a high point of this album. A samba in seven with a bridge that undulates between 2/4 and 3/8 could make your head spin. But the move among meters is handled gracefully, with colorful woodwinds and lush harmonies. Paul Shigihara (guitar) adds his stamp with a modern and soulful solo. The album ends with Choro, the well-known piece composed by A.C.Jobim. But you've never heard it like this before. Mossman's cinematic arrangement frames the number in a special manner, giving space for solos by Billy Test (piano), Ludwig Nuss (trombone), Ruud Breuls (trumpet), and Meurkens (harmonica).
Jazz Samba Odyssey exemplifies basic addition. One plus one equals two. But the combination of Meurkens, Mossman, and the WDR Big Band have given us something ever more. This album is a calculus of creativity, a diagram of distinction, and a watershed work for the jazz and samba communities. It has been a distinct honor for Doug Davis, Matthew Mayer, and I to help produce this album for maestro Meurkens and the entire group. The project has indeed been an odyssey - into the music, from the heart, and out of this world.
Kabir SehgalMulti-GRAMMY & Latin GRAMMY Award winning producer. He is a New York Times bestselling author.
Photo Credits: Chris Drukker
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How to Play Roulette Online – My MMA
Posted: at 2:00 am
Are you actually quite interested in learning how to play roulette online? If so, you have really come to the right place. This blog post will teach you everything you need to know about playing roulette online. It will discuss the rules of the game, as well as some tips and strategies that can help increase your chances. So, whether you are actually a beginner or an experienced player, read on for all the information you need to start playing roulette online today!
What is roulette?
Roulette is a casino game that involves placing bets on the number that a ball will land on when the wheel is spun. The wheel is always divided into 37 or 38 sections, each with its own number. Players can bet on which number they think the ball will land on, as well as on other options such as odd/even, red/black, and high/low. Roulette is a popular game because it is easy to learn and offers a wide range of betting options.
Why play online?
There are actually many reasons why you might want to play roulette online. One of the most popular is convenience it is much easier to log onto an online casino than it is to travel to a land-based one. Another reason is bonuses and promotions many online casinos offer these as an incentive for players to sign up and stay with them. Finally, there is the issue of choice with so many different online casinos out there, you are sure to find one that truly suits your needs perfectly.
Find a good site
If you want to play roulette online, the first thing you need to do is find a good site. Just like anything else in life, from picking a casino site to picking a martial arts school, theres always an abundance of choice. When it comes to online casino sites, there are actually many of them out there, but not all of them are created equal. So, how can you find the best one for you? Well, here are a few things to really look for:
-a site that offers a wide range of games and betting options
-good bonuses and promotions
-easy to use software
-a wide range of payment options
Learn the rules
Before you start playing roulette online, it is important that you learn the rules of the game. Fortunately, roulette is a fairly simple game to understand. The basic premise is that you place bets on where you think the ball will land when the wheel is spun. You can always bet on individual numbers, as well as on other options such as odd/even, red/black, and high/low.
Once all the bets have actually been placed, the dealer will spin the wheel and drop the ball onto it. The ball will eventually come to rest in one of the many numbered pockets, and this is where the winning bet will be paid out.
Try out live dealer roulette
One of the great things about playing roulette online is that you can choose from a wide range of different games. One option that is becoming really increasingly popular is live dealer roulette. This is where you play against a real dealer who is streamed live to your computer screen. Playing live dealer roulette is actually a great way to get the authentic casino experience without having to leave your home. You can play roulette with alive dealer on Cafecasino. This is always a bonus as it gives you the chance to get to know your fellow players and the dealer a little better.
Get your head round the odds
Before you start playing roulette, it is important that you understand the odds of the game. The odds are determined by the type of bet that you place. For example, the odds of winning a bet on a single number are 37 to 1. This means that for every time you bet $1, you will win $37 if your chosen number comes up. The odds of other bets, such as red/black or odd/even, are much lower but so is the payout. It is important to understand the odds before you start betting, as this will help you make more informed decisions about where to place your money.
Roulette is a fun and easy game to learn, and it offers a wide range of betting options. You can play roulette online at many different casinos, and you can even try out live dealer games for the authentic casino experience. Before you start playing, make sure you understand the odds of the game and the different types of bets that you can place. With a little practice, you will be spinning the wheel and winning big in no time!
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Rempe, Roulette goals lift T-Birds to Game 1 win over Oil Kings – FOX 13 Seattle
Posted: at 2:00 am
EVERETT, WASHINGTON - APRIL 02: Seattle Thunderbirds forward Matthew Rempe #32 skates back towards the play in the third period of a game between the Seattle Thunderbirds and the Everett Silvertips at Angel of the Winds Arena on April 02, 2021 in Eve
Matthew Rempe and Conner Roulette each scored goals and Thomas Milic delivered 43 saves as the Seattle Thunderbirds earned a 2-1 victory over the Edmonton Oil Kings in Game 1 of the WHL Championship Series on Friday night.
The Oil Kings held a 44-22 advantage in shots on the night, but Milic held strong to carry the Thunderbirds to the win.
After a scoreless opening frame, Rempe got Seattle on the board just two minutes into the second period. A shot attempt from Reid Schaefer rebounded cleanly to Rempe, which gave him a wide open net for a backhand shot past Sebastian Cossa to give the Thunderbirds the 1-0 lead.
Milic came up with a big save in the closing seconds of the second period. Despite Seattle being up a man on the power play, the Oil Kings got a two-on-one breakaway chance short-handed. Schaefer flew back on defense and dove in the passing lane between Jakub Demek and Tyler Horstmann. Demek maneuvered the puck around Schaefer and his shot on Milic was saved with three seconds left in the period to preserve the lead.
With just under 11 minutes left to play, Jordan Gustafson delivered a pass off the boards to defenseman and team captain Tyrel Bauer just inside the blue line. Bauer fired a shot that was deflected in front of the net by Roulette that beat Cossa to extend the lead to 2-0.
Cossa finished with 20 saves on 22 shots on the night for Edmonton.
After a boarding penalty from Sam Popowich gave Edmonton a power play chance, the Oil Kings finally managed to strike. Like Roulette's goal, Carter Souch deflected a point shot from Luke Prokop in front of the net that finally beat Milic to make it a 2-1 game.
Edmonton pulled Cossa with 1:48 remaining and got a few good chances on Milic, but Seattle managed to hold on for the victory.
Gustufson, Bauer, Schaefer and Roulette picked up the assists on the two goals for Seattle.
Game 2 is set for Sunday at 3 p.m. PT in Edmonton. Games 3 and 4 are the only two games scheduled to be played at home due to building conflicts at accesso ShoWare Center.
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Players find up and down sides of streaks at craps and roulette – Atlantic City Weekly
Posted: at 2:00 am
Jimmys first roll was an 8, just like youd hope. Next roll looked good out of his hand, but the dice stopped on 4-3. ANOTHER point-7.
I was betting $10 on pass, then $10 on come. I lost all the passes, but won the comes on the 7s.
But I lost my odds. It was a 3x, 4x, 5x table, so I lost $30 in odds on the 4, $40 on the 9 and $50 each on the two 6s and the 8s. In all, I lost $220 in that stretch without a single pass. Awful.
I stuck around to see if I could repeat my good roll. I did make a point to break the streak, but sevened-out right after. Time to leave.
ROSA: I dont usually bet single numbers. Im a red or black, odd or even kind of girl.
But the board at the roulette wheel showed the number was 6 the last two times and three of the last eight. Also, twice in the last 10 the number was 18.
My birthday is 6-18, so I said to myself, Self, if youre ever going to risk single numbers, this is the time.
Instead of $10 on red and $10 on odd, I bet $10 on 6 and $10 on 18.
Six came up right away, so I had a 35-1 payoff. Next was an 18, so I won 35-1 again.
Id never won more than $200 in a session, and here I was with $700. I thought would faint.
I decided to double up for one last bet, $20 each on 6 and 18, and 6 came up again! I won $1,400. I was so nervous, my hands were shaking..
I just couldnt go on. I took the money and ran. I didnt even want to know if the streak went on. I just needed to calm down. I may never play single numbers again, but wow, that was exciting.
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Is Online Roulette Rigged? Why Some Believe it is a Scam – Gambling Sites
Posted: at 2:00 am
Is online roulette rigged? In my years of working in the gambling industry, this is one of the most frequently asked questions I have come across.
Everyone who has had a horrible experience playing live dealer roulette online or any other game variant will look for answers. But depending on our mindsets, our responses to those questions might differ greatly.
For example, one might ponder just how they managed to blow through a $1000 bankroll in a matter of minutes and lament their poor execution. Someone else in the same position might blame the casino and claim that all roulette is rigged.
But is all roulette rigged? Or are there other matters at play that could be leading to your losses?
Today, Im looking to expand on why some believe online roulette is rigged and provide a verdict on whether it is or not. Whats more, Ill be explaining why only playing atsafe online casinosis the best way to avoid being stung at the online tables.
Do You Believe Online Roulette is Rigged Against Players?
Before we can look to answer the question of is online roulette rigged, we should first establish our mindset. The easiest way to do this is by asking a question.
If we are sitting down with a beer, I ask, are all online roulette games rigged? What would your natural response be? Think about that for a second.
Now, lets imagine you replied in the affirmative. Yes, online roulette is rigged. If that is the case, Id expect you to provide some examples of why you believe that is.
Specifying where we are coming from in any situation like this is important. It allows others to understand your mindset and beliefs, which you have the freedom to air out. Whether you are committed to the assumption that these tables are designed to clean you out or ready to argue why online roulette isnt rigged, thats your argument to fight.
This might be a glorious generalization, but I cant see many people falling outside its scope. Our entire journey as casino players, or gamblers, in general, is determined by our success.
Blaming Rigged Online Roulette for Your Losses
If we consistently win, were typically less inclined to display antipathy when asked are online roulette games rigged.
On the flip side, if weve just lost our wages on a marathon session at the tables, the chances are that were going to be pissed.
But while some blame poor roulette strategy or personal errors for their flops, others will lean toward other ways to rationalize such a mammoth kick in the nuts. Weve all got to find a way to sleep at night.
Not everyone will feel this way, of course. But again, as someone with years of experience in the gambling industry, I have witnessed plenty of people choosing to hate the game rather than the player, when things go wrong.
And the most common way of dealing with big losses? You guessed it. Its gotta be rigged, right?
Are All Online Roulette Tables Rigged?
The short answer is no. But seeing as were looking to address a bigger question here, I will respond in kind.
Rather than explain all of the reasons why online roulette isnt rigged, lets consider that there are ways to fix games against players. Furthermore, there are some downright dodgy online betting sites to avoid out there.
How do I know that? Well, we have anonline casino blacklistdedicated to exposing companies that dont have their customers best interests at heart.
Now, it would be wrong not to point out that this blacklist is not dedicated exclusively to sites that rig online tables. Most of these sites have not been found to be fiddling with their games. But if a name appears on that list, you can be certain that there is at least one good reason for it.
For the most part, online roulette is 100% safe and fair. But you are rolling the dice, so to speak, when you play at any old site. After all, online casinos operate off the same business model as any for-profit endeavor. And that is, well, to make a profit.
If there is a way to gear the odds in their favor unfairly, some unscrupulous sites will do it. Thats life. But there areUS gambling laws and online regulationsin place to stop these crooks from ripping you off. The only problem is that, sometimes, these companies then circumvent those restrictions and slip through the net.
You might understand a little better why we place so much emphasis on only recommending casino sites that are 100% legal, safe, and above board.
Of course, there are ways to rig games. Some of thebiggest scandals to rock the gambling industryprove that there is always someone looking for an illegal edge.
But rather than finding out the hard way, its much better to stick with sites you can trust. You wont need to worry if a fully-licensed, safe casino site is up to no good. Because if they are, its adios for them.
While there are few ways to tell if online roulette is rigged, I will explain later that its tough to present concrete proof. This is because almost every casino offering players the chance to play roulette uses software to generate winning numbers.
What Is an RNG in Online Casino Roulette?
Never heard of random number generators (RNGs)? Well, its almost certain that you have come across them if you have played roulette online. Whether you were aware of it or not.
In short, RNGs are computer programs that determine the winning number for those playing the electronic variants of the game. Rather than someone sitting behind a computer screen dictating where the ball falls on the wheel, an algorithm carries this operation.
Now, the random bit is a controversial subject. Sure, the numbers are not manually chosen but presented by the program. But some believe that there is nothing random to it at all. The code relies on mathematical equations to churn out numbers, so it cant technically be arbitrary.
Our guide to understandinghow random number generators workdoes a great job of covering the complexities of this system. Id recommend reading it if you want to go further down the RNG rabbit hole.
How are online roulette games rigged if you have RNGs operating? That is a good question.
While RNGs are the standard for online sites, they are hackable. This again emphasizes why it is important to only play at trustworthy casinos. If a site does not have the latest encryption software, firewalls, or a robust defense against hackers, it can be cheated out of a lot of money.
But as for sites rigging online RNGs or pseudo RNGs to rip off players? That is something that would require a whole new level of sh**housery!
In recent years, the emergence ofprovably fair games with Bitcoinhas highlighted some distrust of how RNGs work. If you are skeptical about playing roulette online or believe there is a rigged roulette wheel online looking to take your money, Id recommend looking these up.
So, its tough to rig roulette games using RNGs. Its not impossible, however. There are some shady ones out there that should be avoided, like the plague.
How to Tell if Online Roulette Is Rigged
Its probably easier to point out how to avoid rigged roulette sites, in all fairness. But Ill explain a few things to keep in mind.
Whether you are asking if live online roulette is rigged or are only concerned with avoiding major losses on the video variant, there are things you should look out for. Of course, you dont have to get your pen and paper out and start jotting.
Simply bookmark this page and use it for future reference. But make sure to remember the following.
So, touching back to that question. Are online roulette tables rigged? Well, if a site is shady, there is every chance that they have figured a way to stitch you up.
Its important to remember that you have the power to do as you please when playing online. Well, you know what I mean! You cant go around demanding everything on your terms, but who you choose to play with and where are your say. And no one elses.
As you do that, here are some additional tips for telling if a casino game is rigged or not.
The gambling world is growing day by day throughout the country. A lot of people are wondering if they are rigged or not, which is a fair question. There have been rigged casinos before, but what about most of them? Gambling is something that should always be...
Can Live Roulette Be Rigged to Rip Off Players?
Again, Im more inclined to pay attention to the company offering these games than the game itself.While considered an axiom among some in the gambling industry, live dealer roulette was seen as safer than video roulette.
This is not true if you remember that its the site that matters. Yes, there aredifferences between the live dealer and video roulette, but one doesnt consistently pay out more than the other.
Its important to remember that roulette is a game of chance. While being one that we expect to get a fair shake on, its still a high-risk, high-reward endeavor.
Depending on the different types of roulette variants you play, there are as many as 38 numbers on that wheel. If youre betting on one number per spin, do the math.
When it comes to whether online roulette wheels are rigged in general, some folks prefer the live dealer environment. Of course, the main reason for that is that they get to see a human spin the wheel.
Its more empowering or at the very least, realistic to see the gameplay out that way.
Rather than an animated video roulette wheel circling, you can keep an eagle eye on things.
Some players disagree, of course. They would opt for the RNG version any day of the week and might put that down because its a program. Remember, some of the earliest roulette scams ever recorded were carried out way before the advent of computers.
For instance, take theinfamous scam carried out by Monique Laurentand her accomplices in France in the 1970s. Using a magnet and a transmitter inside a cigarette box, Laurent, a dealer, and her sister defrauded a casino out of almost $1 million.
How to Scam Live Dealer Roulette Games
A better way of putting that would be, Can live dealer roulette be rigged?
Well, the obvious answer is yes. They can. If you have ever had the, erm, pleasure of ending up in a dodgy casino before, youll know this is a possibility.
When I was still a fresh-faced lad, I ended up in such an establishment in Europe while looking for a late-night drink with some friends. Needless to say, we didnt hang around very long. Not only was it obvious that there was some manipulation of the roulette wheel in action, but the beer was also awful.
In a live dealer environment, it would be much more difficult to get away with underhanded scams like this. Remember, thebest live casinosand sites would never risk their business with shady tactics of this ilk. Why would they if they already make enough money?
Effectively, any sites caught using a rigged roulette wheel online would be shamed and treated as pariahs in the betting world. And for what? Are you cleaning up on a few bets that would be nothing more than loose change in the long run?
But thats just the reputable ones with more to lose than paying out on their bets. For the unlicensed, untrustable rogue casinos? Well, youre not going even to entertain those, so avoid them and, if possible, deter anyone else from handing over their hard-earned cash.
The Verdict Is Online Roulette Rigged?
Although there are players out there convinced online roulette is rigged, I cant say I agree.
Having considered all of the information above, my conclusion is gamescanbe rigged. But are online roulette wheels rigged? Well, some of them might be. For the large part, however, online roulette is safe and fair. It all depends on where you play.
Look, any service or product you trade money for online is the same. Lets say I decided to buy a new pair of Air Jordans from some guy off Craigslist rather than from a reputable store. If fakes turned up, or nothing was received at all, who is at fault?
While that guy is a complete asshat for ripping me off, its partly my responsibility to ensure that Im only dealing with trustworthy sellers online. I cant run in the rain without getting wet.
Im not entirely blaming myself. Yet, I would take most of the responsibility in such a situation.
Others may differ, and I understand that, too. The bottom line here is that I paid for something and should have received a fair deal. But had I dealt with a reputable company, would I have been in such a position in the first place? Nope. Also, I wouldnt accuse all Air Jordans of being fake because I got stung.
So, why dont we apply that logic rather than ask, is online roulette rigged? Instead of chancing our arms with sites that dont pass the smell test, we make a point of only playing with reputable casinos. That way, if we lose, we can work on avoiding errors and mistakes that cost us dearly.
Maybe these following tips can help you attain better success next time around!
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Is Online Roulette Rigged? Why Some Believe it is a Scam - Gambling Sites
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Its a deadly game of Russian roulette: Undercover detectives work to put an end to drug operations in Nashville – WKRN News 2
Posted: at 2:00 am
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) News 2 took an inside look at the drug epidemic thats plaguing the Music City. Illicit drugs, including cocaine and fentanyl, are getting into the hands of residents, and some of them are ultimately carrying a deadly dose.
Undercover detectives are on the front lines, come face to face with these dealers and say the most shocking part is the human toll drugs are taking.
The busy sounds of downtown pull people in, with music, lights and entertainment. However, theres something dangerous lurking in every corner in the form of drugs and undercover officers see it all.
Its a deadly game of Russian roulette, you never know what youre going to get, said an undercover officer with the Metro Nashville Police Department.
Its a deadly game with high stakes. The players include street drugs like cocaine, meth, and the king of them all, fentanyl.
In a sit-down interview with an undercover officer, News 2 asked him if there was a fentanyl problem in Nashville. He responded, absolutely there is.
The white substance fentanyl packs a deadly punch.
These streets drugs that are often being possed as one thing, but is actually fentanyl are being mixed in crude machines like blenders and coffee grinders, explained the undercover detective.
Those working as undercover narcotics detectives, an operation by Specialized Investigations Division, work to blend in and come face to face with dealers. Suprinsgly, dealers are eager to sell them the product.
It just shows me how willing they are to make a dollar on somebody who could potentially be a fatal overdose victim the next day, said an undercover detective.
This is all part of the Metro Nashville Police Departments continued investigation into drug sales downtown.
We are finding that a lot of the dealers are local to Davidson County, to Nashville, but obviously the drugs have to come from somewhere. So, its part of our relentless pursuit to figuring out where these drugs are coming from, and to chase those drugs as far up the chain as we possibly can, he said.
They are taking a hard look at whats being sold on the street.
In May, the Metro arrested 14 men as part of this initiative. All of them are accused of selling undercover officers drugs.
For one example, was presenting a drug saying it was cocaine and it tested positive for fentanyl and negative for cocaine and it absolutely could have been a fatal dose, he explained.
The most common form of drugs police are finding, are disguised as prescription medication.
Upwards of 40% of those counterfeit prescription pills contain a lethal dose or double, or triple a lethal dose of fentanyl for the average-sized adult, he explained. It would be very difficult for me to believe that they didnt know what was in the product that they were selling. I believe they either know of or personally did mix the drugs or blend the drugs themselves.
While nationally the country is trying to combat the drug epidemic, Nashville is in no way immune from its toll, which is why Metro police are trying to end it at the source.
The most shocking is the human toll that its taking on our city. Last year, in 2021 725 people died from drug-related overdoses in Nashville, Davidson County alone, 725, and just to know behind every one of those victims that has passed away, theres a family thats grieving them, there are children that have lost parents, there are mothers who have lost sons and daughters, he said.
For those seeking treatment for drug addiction, the Community Overdose Response Team (CORT) can help. CORT is a free and confidential resource to help find drug and alcohol treatment for individuals who are at risk of an overdose. The service is offered free of charge regardless of health insurance status. The team works with an individual to determine the appropriate level of care. You can call CORT at 615-687-1701.
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I Want My Right to Life Back – The SandPaper
Posted: at 2:00 am
By Gail Travers | on June 01, 2022
To the Editor:
Were coming out from the COVID-19 pandemic. You may choose to continue to wear a mask or not. Its up to you. You can decide your level of risk, but as you come out and decide to go to a movie, a concert or sports event, the mall, grocery store and especially when you pack the kids off to school, wear your battle armor! The helmet, bulletproof vest, face shield and a bullet shield will also be useful because we are no longer the U.S.A.; we are the NRA No Rights for Americans.
Guns and money now have all the rights in our country. Guns have the right to exist anywhere at anytime to shoot off their mouths and spread bloodshed all over this land. Money has the right to collect itself in the pockets of the soulless greedy without any limit.
Weapons of mass destruction make the most money in sales so we can never put safety measures in place to protect the innocent. That might limit their sales and put less into the pockets of the gun manufacturers who then put it into the greedy, soulless organization that gives it to the corrupt politicians, who have security paid for by our government to protect them from the roulette wheel of life in this country that ends in death when your number comes up.
Last week it was 21 innocent, beautiful Americans who won this horrific game of chance we all live every day. It was a massacre in a school in Texas where they love and protect guns a hundred times more than they protect Americans. Nineteen of them were our children. None of these victims had any rights to live a life free of the threat of sudden death out of nowhere.
My only comfort when I talk to my traumatized children and grandchildren is that we live in New Jersey, where weapons of war are banned. Where our governor is fighting to put more safety measures in place to give my family some hope for our right to life. We are not a whole country, however, and those weapons of war can cross over into our state from the less free states that offer no safety.
Im not a gambler. I hate the stock market. I go to the casinos in Atlantic City just for the shows, but I gamble every day when I walk out my door to go anywhere in this country. We have no freedom in this country since gun lovers and sellers decided guns and the profits they make need freedom above all of us. Never mind the total and shameful incompetence of the political leaders of Texas.
I want my right to life. It has been stolen and replaced by the NRA (No Rights for Americans).
V. Vaughn
Little Egg Harbor
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Secrets of a Croupier: ‘I saw an American lose $50 million at the poker table in one night’ – iNews
Posted: at 2:00 am
Stefano Melani has worked as croupier for nearly 30. He has worked in top London casinos, super yachts, stayed in seven-star accommodation and helped everyone from kings to the destitute to have a bet. Here the 50-year-old reveals the secrets of his trade.
Ive been working as a croupier since 1991. My motivation for becoming one was basically that I liked to travel, and that I didnt want the normal routine of a regular office, or being closed in some specific place.
No, I wanted to discover the world, and to have the opportunities of a career because, in Italy, where Im from, we have the wrong mentality towards careers. But in England, in a sector like this, which is linked to tourism and the entertainment industry, and is very well organised, theres lots of opportunity.
Ive worked all over the world, but have spent a lot of time in London. The basic training is fast you learn within six to eight weeks and then you get your licence from the Gambling Commission, and then you can work in any casino.
Its dynamic, itinerant and unconventional work. For example, in London casinos are open 24 hours a day, so there are three shifts: 6am to 2pm, 2pm to 8pm, 8pm to 4am. In London, Ive worked in casinos in Leicester Square, South Kensington and Mayfair, which is where the biggest casinos are, and which are dedicated to VIPs, and to sheiks.
While of course you will always have some gambling addicts, youll find that everybody likes to gamble from time to time. I would see VIPs alongside people coming back from the market, from work, people with some change in their pockets. You can play roulette for 50p, for a pound, so its not just for the rich.
We have very strict rules to constrict the financial movements of our customers. If a player is not yet a member, the maximum [they can bet] is 1,400 before the checks are triggered. If theres any suspicion of money-laundering, we make a report immediately, and the gambling stops. More generally, a normal gambler might play 100-200 a night, but for rich people, it can be 3m, 4m, or 5m.
The croupier is trained to stay as neutral as possible. We cannot show excitement. But I do enjoy it when I see the customers win, because they transfer to you very good feelings, their excitement. We also stay neutral when the customer loses. Its never nice to see a customer lose money. If they lose big, they dont come back, and the casino loses a customer.
I remember a man coming in once, he looked very poor, perhaps homeless. He took out his last 5 note, and placed it on black on roulette. He won! It was only 20, but he was so happy, and I was happy for him because I understood what it must have meant.
At the opposite end, I saw an American lose $50m (40m) at the poker table in one night. That was 16 hours gambling. But he left the table singing and smiling; it was almost as if he had won. Hed enjoyed himself, and now he had a fantastic memory. More importantly, he could afford it; for him, this was just recreation. Another time not at my casino, unfortunately an Arabian princess tipped casino staff $1m after a good night at poker.
Its a much healthier workspace now than it used to be, the casino: theres no smoking any more, for starters. But its something you have to get used to. You have to have a different metabolism, because youre eating at night. In my spare time, I like to be outside. I play a lot of sport; its my dream to become a motorbike racer.
During summer months, Im often hired to work on superyachts that have private casinos on board. The clientele here are sheiks, kings and VIPs, and they want a personal casino for privacy reasons, mostly. All of them are high rollers, and can spend up to 10m on poker. For us, its a lot of fun and very comfortable: the accommodation is seven star.
The only aspect of my life [thats disappointing] is that Im always single and without a family, perhaps because theres so much shift work involved? But I work in fascinating places, Ive been around the planet, in castles, on boats, and Ive got to know many people of all nationalities, and learn from other cultures.
Do I gamble, myself? Occasionally, but only for fun. I dont like to go to the casino, because I know the risk. I know how to spend my money in other ways.
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Secrets of a Croupier: 'I saw an American lose $50 million at the poker table in one night' - iNews
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