Daily Archives: May 16, 2021

Twitter’s lawsuit against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton tossed by federal judge – The Texas Tribune

Posted: May 16, 2021 at 1:10 pm

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A federal judge in California on Tuesday dismissed a lawsuit brought by Twitter against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, whose legal efforts to investigate the social media platform after it suspended President Donald Trumps account led the company to sue.

Twitters lawsuit included a request for a temporary restraining order that would keep Paxton and his office from enforcing a demand that seeks documents revealing the companys internal decision making processes for banning users. Judge Maxine M. Chesney said the company's legal action was premature.

Paxton, a passionate supporter of Trump, sent Twitter a civil investigative demand after it banned Trump from its platform following Januarys deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol. Twitter wrote in its suit responding to Paxton that it sought to stop him from unlawfully abusing his authority as the highest law-enforcement officer of the State of Texas to intimidate, harass, and target Twitter in retaliation for Twitters exercise of its First Amendment rights.

The company claimed Paxtons retaliatory investigation violated the First Amendment as an inappropriate use of government authority.

Twitters lawsuit was little more than an attempt to avoid answering my questions about their large-scale censorship and content-moderation policies, Paxton said in a statement Tuesday.

Paxtons legal back and forth with Twitter is just the latest in the GOPs larger campaign against technology and social media companies after officials and followers faced repercussions for sowing doubts about the 2020 election that fueled the Capitol insurrection.

Paxton himself had been sowing doubts about the election for weeks leading up to the attack on the Capitol, and was co-chair of the Lawyers for Trump coalition.

Now, Paxton's legal actions have focused more on large social media platforms. Twitter is just one of five tech and social media firms to which Paxton issued civil investigative demands to learn about the procedures such companies use to regulate postings or user accounts.

Paxton, who attended the rally that preceded the attack on the Capitol, criticized companies moves after the siege, which included Twitter banning Trump from its platform.

The seemingly coordinated de-platforming of the President of the United States and several leading voices not only chills free speech, it wholly silences those whose speech and political beliefs do not align with leaders of Big Tech companies, Paxton said in a Jan. 13 news release.

According to U.S. Code, an attorney general can issue a civil investigative demand during a racketeering investigation in order to acquire information or documents relevant to that investigation. These demands can be used to obtain evidence of a companys procedures and policies. According to a press release, Paxton is using civil investigative demands to learn about the procedures that social media firms use to regulate postings or user accounts.

Recently, Paxton has faced separate legal action related to Twitter, from a group of Texas Twitter users who were blocked from viewing Paxtons tweets from his @KenPaxtonTX account. The users said Paxton blocking them from his page was a violation of the First Amendment because it limited the rights of people to participate in a public forum and access statements made by the public official.

Paxton recently unblocked the nine Texans.

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Twitter's lawsuit against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton tossed by federal judge - The Texas Tribune

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Idaho Press Club objects to the subpoena of journalist Nate Eaton, of East Idaho News – East Idaho News

Posted: at 1:10 pm

The following is a news release from the Idaho Press Club.

The First Amendment Committee of the Idaho Press Club objects to the subpoena of journalist Nate Eaton, of East Idaho News, as a witness in the case of Chad and Lori Daybell, and we call on the Idaho judiciary not to enforce the order.

Eaton is a journalist, not a witness, First Amendment Committee chair Scott McIntosh said in a prepared statement. Eatons reporting and the information he has gathered is public record and widely available. Eaton should not be compelled to disclose any other information beyond what has been published under Eatons First Amendment rights of free speech and freedom of the press.

RELATED | East Idaho News reporter subpoenaed in Chad and Lori Daybell case

Compelling a journalist to testify as a witness in a case covered by that journalist would have a chilling effect on news gathering practices necessary to execute those First Amendment rights. The First Amendment Committee urges the court to dismiss this subpoena.

The Idaho Press Club is a statewide association of working journalists, from all media; we also count among our members journalism students and teachers, public relations professionals, and retired journalists. Our mission is to promote excellence in journalism, freedom of expression, and freedom of information.

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Idaho Press Club objects to the subpoena of journalist Nate Eaton, of East Idaho News - East Idaho News

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Trump, the Facebook Ban, and Who Decides – Bloomberg Law

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On May 5, the internet was aflutter with tweets, posts, and headlines announcing that Facebook had banned former President Donald Trump. The real story is more interesting and complicated. Understanding it is critical to predicting not just Trumps future on Facebook, but the future for speech on social media.

Back on January 7, Facebook restricted Trumps access to his Facebook page and Instagram accounts, issuing an indefinite suspension on the ground that Trumps posts during the Capitol insurrection the day before had violated the platforms standards on praising or supporting individuals engaged in terrorism or other public safety threats. It then referred the decision to its oversight board, a group of experts established by Facebook in October 2020 with the power to review its content moderation decisions.

Though the board found that Facebooks suspension of Trump was justified, the platform could not indefinitely suspend him; under Facebooks rules, user suspensions were either specifically time-limited or permanent.

The board also said that Facebook must explain how its punishment is proportional to the harm Trumps posts caused, and gave it six months to offer such an explanation. Though Facebook may decide at that point to reinstate him, the net result is that for now, Trump is still off Facebook and Instagram.

Critics on the Right who are protesting as unconstitutional the oversight boards decision to continue letting Facebook ban Trump should either know better, or are relying on the fact that their constituents dont. Facebook is a private company, and the First Amendment, which applies only to the government, has nothing to say about how or whether it can remove a users post or account.

But commenters on the Left and Right have have expressed concern over what they view as Facebooks unchecked power to ban users or take down posts generally, and world leaders like Trump more specifically. Indeed, the oversight board itself was a response to these concerns; as Mark Zuckerberg said in 2019, the goal of the board was to relieve Facebook from making so many decisions about speech on [its] own.

So those who expressed concerns about the scope of that power should meaningfully engage with the boards decision. If they do, they will find much to feel good about.

Those who criticize Facebooks content moderation decisions as secretive, tyrannical, or biased should be praising the boards decision. It did keep the initial ban in place, but imposed onto Facebook what decision-making literature calls a burden of explanation when making content moderation decisions, the company must choose pre-established procedures and articulated reasoning over vagueness, uncertainty, and ad hoc decisions.

The board also pushed Facebook to be more consistent with its penaltiesthe primary flaw in Facebooks ban was that it had never previously imposed a penalty of indefinite suspension.

One might cynically say that the whole reason Facebook suspended Trump indefinitely in the first place was that it had planned for the board, not it, to define how long Trumps penalty would actually be. But the board did not accept Facebooks invitation to make that decision for it.

On the other hand, those who are concerned about disinformation online and think social media platforms should do more about it might also someday point to the Boards Trump decision as the point where that problem became worse. The boards mandate to Facebook was for its decisions to demonstrate a close connection between its bans of users and the harms those users speech have caused.

With that in mind, Facebook may be much more likely to find that in the absence of user speech calling for what First Amendment law terms imminent harmi.e., harm that is about to occur close to immediatelya users access should be left undisturbed.

This is a good rule when a Stop the Steal riot is ongoing or about to happen. It is less useful when users take to Facebook for weeks or years later to falsely claim that the steal has already occurred.

Its worth reflecting on the difference between the oversight boards back-and-forth with Facebook and Trumps permanent boot from Twitter. There, Twitter announced that Trumps tweets the week of the insurrection violated its policies against glorification of violence, which merited permanent suspension from the platform.

Twitters approachif you continue to violate our rules as we interpret them, then we can ban you permanentlygives it greater ability to take action against misinformation than the more nuanced approach that Facebooks Oversight Board seems to contemplate. Ironically, it has also seemed to permit Twitter to dodge some of the blowback that Facebook has received for the same action.

Policing speech in the absence of procedure and transparency is deeply problematic. But giving Covid-19 deniers, insurrectionists, and inciters of violence the right to disseminate disinformation on social media unless the platforms hosting them can show their speech has caused an identifiable and immediate harm to another person can come at the expense of the truth.

This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. or its owners.

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Enrique Armijo is a law professor at Elon University School of Law and an affiliated fellow of the Yale Law School Information Society Project and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Center for Information, Technology, and Public Life. He teaches and researches in the areas of law and technology and the First Amendment, and is a regular contributor to the Bloomberg Law radio program. Follow him on Twitter: @e_armijo.

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Trump, the Facebook Ban, and Who Decides - Bloomberg Law

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Amazon to create 10,000 new UK jobs in 2021 across online retail and cloud computing divisions – ComputerWeekly.com

Posted: at 1:10 pm

Amazon is embarking on a UK-wide hiring spree across its online retail and cloud computing business divisions, having committed to creating 10,000 new permanent jobs this year.

If it hits its hiring target, the company will have more than 55,000 people working for it in the UK by the end of this year.

The companys job creation campaign will be geared towards increasing the number of permanent roles on offer within its corporate offices, its Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud computing arm, and its parcel delivery and fulfilment centres.

Corporate roles will be available in offices in London, Manchester, Edinburgh and Cambridge across a wide range of fields, including fashion, digital marketing, engineering, video production, software development, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and machine learning, the company said in a statement.

In operations, Amazon will open a parcel receive centre and four new fulfilment centres, as well as continue to expand its delivery station network, creating thousands of new permanent roles on teams including engineering, HR and IT, health and safety, finance, and those that pick, pack and ship customer orders.

The company has also publicly committed to invest 10m over the next three years to cover course fees for up to 5,000 of its existing employees to retrain and pursue a career outside the company later down the line. This initiative is offered through the Amazon Career Choice programme.

The courses covered by the programme include software development training schemes, with Amazon offering to pre-pay 95% of the tuition and associated fees, worth up to 8,000 over four years.

Amazon has also pledged to work in collaboration with accredited chambers of commerce across the UK to identify localised skills shortages to ensure regional training needs are met through classroom-based learning and practical work experience placements, also as part of the Amazon Career Choice programme.

Kwasi Kwarteng, secretary of state for the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), hailed the news as a huge vote of confidence in the British economy and described it as a prime investment in our retail sector.

He added: Over the past year, Amazons workforce have pulled out all the stops to ensure consumers have had safe access to goods during this challenging time. Their latest investment will open up a wide range of opportunities for even more workers, helping to develop the skills needed to power tomorrows economy.

On the skilling-up aspect of the news, Shevaun Haviland, director general of the British Chambers of Commerce, said Amazons work will have wide-ranging benefits for society at large.

Providing staff with training to plug the skills gaps that exist within the local business community is going to be a key driver to increasing productivity and boosting the economy as the UK recovers from the pandemic, said Haviland.

John Boumphrey, country manager for Amazon UK, added:We are proud of the front-line roles we offer across Amazon, and we also know that they will be a stepping stone for some in their career journey. For people whose ambitions fall outside of our company, we are pleased to support them by paying for training and academic courses that can get them to where they want to be.

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Amazon to create 10,000 new UK jobs in 2021 across online retail and cloud computing divisions - ComputerWeekly.com

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CSOP to Bring CSOP Global Cloud Computing Technology Index ETF (stock ticker: 3194.HK) on the HKEX – Business Wire

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HONG KONG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--CSOP Asset Management Limited (CSOP) is proud to announce the listing of CSOP Global Cloud Computing Technology Index ETF (stock ticker: 3194.HK) on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (the HKEX). 3194.HK will track the performance of the Solactive Global Cloud Computing Technology Index (the index). With listing price at around HKD 15.53 per unit, trading lot of 100 shares and annual management fee of 0.99%, CSOP Global Cloud Computing Technology Index ETF will start to trade on 13 May, 2021. Upon inception, 3194.HK has received around USD 9.37 million initial investment.

Cloud computing is the modern practice of using remote servers and shared resources instead of a local network for storing, managing, processing and delivering data. Such technology enables access to information from anywhere with much less upfront investment. Cloud computing has further helped to lower costs, improving the reliability and security of business IT operations. Since the onset of Covid-19, telecommuting has accelerated the pace of business digitalization, further bolstering the rise in adoption of cloud. Worldwide spending on public cloud services is expected to reach USD 332.3 billion in 2021, an increase of 23.1% from 2020.1 Cloud computing has also become the critical technology sector amid the competition of the worlds tech giants and major economies. Amazon, Microsoft and Google combined accounted for 68.2% of the global cloud computing market in 2019.2 The U.S. is the most significant public cloud market with a projected spending of USD 124.6 billion in 2019.3 With the governments support in new infrastructure development, Chinas public cloud market also keeps evolving with high prospects, booming from RMB 96.3 billion in 2018 to RMB 375.4 billion in 2023, with an estimated CAGR of 31%.4

Cloud computing is one of the most in-demand and fastest-growing tech sectors boosted by global digitalization, especially during the pandemic. Comprehensively investing in the 50 most representative U.S. and Hong Kong listed companies with global operations in the field of cloud computing, the Solactive Global Cloud Computing Technology Index returns 54% over the prior 12 months.5 Weighted by free-float market capitalization of constituents and rebalanced quarterly, the index aims to capture the overall performance of the fast-growing worldwide cloud computing industry in a scientific and timely manner.6 As the end of April 2021, the total market cap of the index is USD 8.9 trillion.7 Innovatively adopting a physical representative sampling strategy to replicate the index, 3194.HK enables Hong Kong investors to grasp the investment opportunities of cloud computing industry in an easy and transparent way.

The pursuit of smart living has always been one of the development themes of human beings. As the pioneer ETF issuer in Hong Kong, CSOPs ETFs/ETPs not only truly serve the purpose of asset allocation, but also the future prospects of investment. The launch of 3194.HK is one of the suite of CSOP thematic ETFs that offer future-defining investment opportunities.

CSOP has already launched a series of future thematic ETFs. CSOP Hang Seng Tech Index ETF(3033.HK) and CSOP Yinhua CSI 5G Communications Theme ETF(3193.HK)8 visualize ways of betterment. Now CSOP Global Cloud Computing Technology Index ETF(3194.HK) further demonstrates a more intelligent concept of lifestyle. More CSOPs future-themed ETFs will come to the market, broadening investors imagination of the future investment of human beings. Comments Melody He, Managing Director, Head of Business Development and Product Strategy & Solutions.

About CSOP Asset Management Limited

CSOP Asset Management Limited (CSOP) was founded in 2008 as the first offshore asset manager set up by a regulated asset management company in China. With a dedicated focus on China investing, CSOP manages public and private funds, as well as providing investment advisory services to Asian and global investors. In addition, CSOP is best known as an ETF leader in Asia. As of 31 March 2021, CSOP has more than USD 10 billion in assets under management.

This material has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission.

Issuer: CSOP Asset Management Limited

Please refer to the offering documents for the index provider disclaimer.

IMPORANT: Investment involves risks. Investment value may rise or fall. Past performance information presented is not indicative of future performance. Investors should refer to the relevant Prospectus and the Product Key Facts Statement for further details, including product features and risk factors. Investors should not base on this material alone to make investment decisions.

CSOP Global Cloud Computing Technology Index ETF (the Sub-Fund) is a passively managed index tracking ETF authorised under Chapter 8.6 of the Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds. The shares of the Sub-Fund (the Shares) are traded on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the SEHK) like stocks. The Sub-Fund is a physical ETF and invests primarily in US and Hong Kong listed companies that have business operations in the field of cloud computing. The Sub-Fund is denominated in USD.

Please note that the above listed investment risks are not exhaustive and investors should read the Prospectus and the Product Key Facts Statement in detail before making any investment decision.


CSOP Global Cloud Computing Technology Index ETF is authorized by the Securities and Futures Commission ("SFC") in Hong Kong. Such authorization does not imply any official recommendation by the SFC. This material and the information contained in this material shall not be regarded as an offer or solicitation of business in any jurisdiction to any person to whom it is unlawful to offer or solicit business in such jurisdictions. This material and the information contained in it are for general information only and do not constitute financial, professional, investment or any other kind of advice in any way and shall not be considered as an offer or solicitation to deal in any investment products. If you wish to receive advice on investment, please consult your professional legal, tax and financial advisers.

CSOP Asset Management Limited (CSOP) which prepared this material believes that information in this material is based upon sources that are believed to be accurate, complete, and reliable. However, CSOP does not warrant the accuracy and completeness of the information, and shall not be liable to the recipient or controlling shareholders of the recipient resulting from its use. CSOP is under no obligation to keep the information up-to-date.

This material should not be reproduced or made available to others without the written consent of CSOP.

Please refer to the offering documents for the index provider disclaimer.

This material is prepared by CSOP and has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong.

Issuer: CSOP Asset Management Limited

1 Source: Gartner, April 20212 Source: Gartner, August 20203 Source: IDC Media Center4 Source: China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, the White Paper of Cloud Computing, published in July 20205 Source: Bloomberg, as of 30 April, 2021. All information for an index prior to its launch date is back-tested. Back-tested performance reflects hypothetical historical performance. The hypothetical performance figure is for illustrative purpose only. Not indicative of actual future performance, which could differ substantially.6 Source: Solactive AG7 Source: Solactive AG, Bloomberg8 CSOP Yinhua CSI 5G Communications Theme ETF is a feeder fund. Its master fund, Yinhua CSI 5G Communication ETF, is not authorized by the Securities and Futures Commission for direct offering to the public in Hong Kong.

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CSOP to Bring CSOP Global Cloud Computing Technology Index ETF (stock ticker: 3194.HK) on the HKEX - Business Wire

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CSOP issues first thematic equity product with new Cloud Computing ETF, tracking Solactive Global Cloud Computing Technology Index -Asian Wealth…

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CSOP issues first thematic equity product with new Cloud Computing ETF, tracking Solactive Global Cloud Computing Technology Index -Asian Wealth...

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Global Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Expected To Reach Highest CAGR By 2026: MicroSoft, IBM, Oracle, Amazon Web Services, GE healthcare etc. Test…

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Introduction: Global Healthcare Cloud Computing MarketThe report provides a detailed summary as well as a consistent estimation of accurate profits over the forecasted time frame. It also provides a comprehensive summary, as well as a fair price and revenue predictions (at the global level) for each player over the forecasted timeframe. The quantitative analysis provides a vital microscopic view of the industry in order to determine the manufacturers footprint by improving an understanding of global revenue and costs of manufacturers, as well as their performance, over the forecasted timeframe. Leading and prominent players in the global keyword market are narrowly evaluated on the basis of key factors in the studys industry overview section.

Competitor Profiling: Global Healthcare Cloud Computing Market

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The Healthcare Cloud Computing industrys theme, which appears at market intervals, provides an absolute description of leading rivals in terms of the weightlessness of their product concept, corporate outline, and business strategy. The research examines the characteristics of the target market, as well as recent developments and patterns, industry opportunities, growth rates, sector expansion strategies, and emerging technologies. The Healthcare Cloud Computing industry study, on the other hand, provides production levels, market size, and supply and demand trends.

Unraveling Segmentation and Scope of the Global Healthcare Cloud Computing Market

Analysis by Type:

Analysis by Application:

Browse Full Report with Facts and Figures of Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Report at @ https://www.orbisresearch.com/reports/index/global-healthcare-cloud-computing-market-size-status-and-forecast-2020-2026?utm_source=pujaq5

The Healthcare Cloud Computing market study is planned using PESTEL, SWOT, primary and secondary testing methodologies, and sound analysis methods. Key product offerings, company history, key data, risk assessments, marketing and distribution strategies, product development, latest developments, and new product releases, analysis and advancement, and a variety of business activities are all covered in the Healthcare Cloud Computing report. Furthermore, the Healthcare Cloud Computing industry report details key trends, business dynamics, risks and rewards, components, and challenges in the global market, using various figures and graphs to provide a clearer picture of the Healthcare Cloud Computing market.

Regional Coverage of Global Healthcare Cloud Computing Market North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico) Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Central & Eastern Europe, CIS) Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, India, Rest of Asia Pacific) Latin America (Brazil, Rest of L.A.) Middle East and Africa (Turkey, GCC, Rest of Middle East)

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In addition, the global Healthcare Cloud Computing market research study looks at the number of different products and services available, as well as consumer behavior and market opportunities in a range of regions around the world. The Healthcare Cloud Computing study includes a comprehensive report of the worlds top service providers. The Healthcare Cloud Computing research includes systematic SWOT analysis, a risk-return analysis, and a predictability analysis. Traditional utilities, as well as marketplace plans, are included in the Healthcare Cloud Computing report to help determine the global consumer environment. Sector-specific qualitative and quantitative detail, as well as revenue and user spending figures, are all covered in the global Healthcare Cloud Computing market study. The Healthcare Cloud Computing market research also identifies the key continents, as well as the profiles of major market participants and their respective economies.

Table of Contents Chapter One: Report Overview 1.1 Study Scope1.2 Key Market Segments1.3 Players Covered: Ranking by Healthcare Cloud Computing Revenue1.4 Market Analysis by Type1.4.1 Global Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Size Growth Rate by Type: 2020 VS 20281.5 Market by Application1.5.1 Global Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Share by Application: 2020 VS 20281.6 Study Objectives1.7 Years Considered

Chapter Two: Global Growth Trends by Regions 2.1 Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Perspective (2015-2028)2.2 Healthcare Cloud Computing Growth Trends by Regions2.2.1 Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Size by Regions: 2015 VS 2020 VS 20282.2.2 Healthcare Cloud Computing Historic Market Share by Regions (2015-2020)2.2.3 Healthcare Cloud Computing Forecasted Market Size by Regions (2021-2028)2.3 Industry Trends and Growth Strategy2.3.1 Market Top Trends2.3.2 Market Drivers2.3.3 Market Challenges2.3.4 Porters Five Forces Analysis2.3.5 Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Growth Strategy2.3.6 Primary Interviews with Key Healthcare Cloud Computing Players (Opinion Leaders)

Chapter Three: Competition Landscape by Key Players 3.1 Global Top Healthcare Cloud Computing Players by Market Size3.1.1 Global Top Healthcare Cloud Computing Players by Revenue (2015-2020)3.1.2 Global Healthcare Cloud Computing Revenue Market Share by Players (2015-2020)3.1.3 Global Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier Chapter Two: and Tier 3)3.2 Global Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Concentration Ratio3.2.1 Global Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Concentration Ratio (CRChapter Five: and HHI)3.2.2 Global Top Chapter Ten: and Top 5 Companies by Healthcare Cloud Computing Revenue in 20203.3 Healthcare Cloud Computing Key Players Head office and Area Served3.4 Key Players Healthcare Cloud Computing Product Solution and Service3.5 Date of Enter into Healthcare Cloud Computing Market3.6 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans

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Global Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Expected To Reach Highest CAGR By 2026: MicroSoft, IBM, Oracle, Amazon Web Services, GE healthcare etc. Test...

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Global Cloud Computing in Higher Education Market Expected To Reach Highest CAGR by 2026 : Blackboard, Cisco, Ellucian, Instructure, Adobe Systems,…

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A research study conducted on the global Cloud Computing in Higher Education market offers substantial information about market size and estimation, market share, global growth, and product significance. The Cloud Computing in Higher Education market report consists of a thorough analysis of the market which will help clients acquire Cloud Computing in Higher Education market knowledge and use for business purposes. This report provides data to the customers that is of historical as well as statistical significance making it usefully informative. Crucial analysis done in this report also includes studies of the market dynamics, market segmentation and map positioning, market share, supply chain & Industry demand, challenges as well as threats and the competitive landscape. Business investors can acquire the quantitative and qualitative knowledge provided in the global Cloud Computing in Higher Education market report.

Key players profiled in the report includes:

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Drivers responsible for the economic growth in the past, present, and future along with market volume, cost structure and potential growth factors provide an all-inclusive data of the Cloud Computing in Higher Education market. Along with this, the Cloud Computing in Higher Education market trends, and geographic dominance and regional segmentation forms the most significant part of the research study. These are the factors responsible for the anticipated growth of the Cloud Computing in Higher Education market. However, regional segmentation specifies whether the USA, UK, China, or Europe will dominate the Cloud Computing in Higher Education market in future. This report also includes an environmental perspective in that the growing concerns of imbalanced ecosystems, emergence of sustainability as key concerns in most of the industries and reducing waste. The global Cloud Computing in Higher Education market report includes data regarding how Cloud Computing in Higher Education industries across the globe are adapting to more sustainable strategies for the benefit of the mankind. Also, special efforts taken by the Cloud Computing in Higher Education industry to spread awareness by implementing strategies to the new world post pandemic are of great significance in this report.

By the product type, the market is primarily split into

By the end-users/application, this report covers the following segments

Global Cloud Computing in Higher Education Market: Key Highlights of the Report for 2020-2028 Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of the market in forecast years 2020-2028 is given. The data provided here about the Cloud Computing in Higher Education market accurately determines the performance investments over a period of time. It helps the businesses drive their financial goals to fulfillment. Detailed information on key factors that are expected to drive global Cloud Computing in Higher Education market growth during the next five to ten years is provided in the report. Accurate market size estimates and the contribution of the parent market in the Cloud Computing in Higher Education market share and size. A detailed analysis of the upcoming trends, opportunities, threats, risks, and changes of consumer behavior towards the products and services. Demographics of growth in the Cloud Computing in Higher Education market across different countries in the geographical regions such as America, APAC, MEA, and Europe. Information on the major vendors in the Cloud Computing in Higher Education market and competitive analysis. Comprehensive details of the vendors that drive the Cloud Computing in Higher Education market.

Geographical Segmentation and Competition Analysis North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico) Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Central & Eastern Europe, CIS) Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, India, Rest of Asia Pacific) Latin America (Brazil, Rest of L.A.) Middle East and Africa (Turkey, GCC, Rest of Middle East)

Browse Full Report with Facts and Figures of Cloud Computing in Higher Education Market Report at @ https://www.orbisresearch.com/reports/index/global-cloud-computing-in-higher-education-market-size-status-and-forecast-2020-2026?utm_source=pujaq9

Report Highlights Provides forecast trends for the year 2021-2027 for the global Cloud Computing in Higher Education market. Net profit gained by leading enterprises in particular segments is highlighted in the study. To study growth and productivity of the global Cloud Computing in Higher Education market companies. Provides information on diversified ancillary activities involved in the global Cloud Computing in Higher Education market. The demand for local goods and services in the global Cloud Computing in Higher Education market. Public interventions regulating the Cloud Computing in Higher Education market. The study highlights the difficulties faced by producers and consumers to market the products and services in the Cloud Computing in Higher Education industry.

The report forecasts or predicts the future behavior or future trends of the global Cloud Computing in Higher Education market based on its productivity and growth factors. Strategies adopted the leading players for effective utilization and modernization of their existing resources for maximum profits is briefed in the study.

Table of Contents Chapter One: Report Overview 1.1 Study Scope1.2 Key Market Segments1.3 Players Covered: Ranking by Cloud Computing in Higher Education Revenue1.4 Market Analysis by Type1.4.1 Global Cloud Computing in Higher Education Market Size Growth Rate by Type: 2020 VS 20281.5 Market by Application1.5.1 Global Cloud Computing in Higher Education Market Share by Application: 2020 VS 20281.6 Study Objectives1.7 Years Considered

Chapter Two: Global Growth Trends by Regions 2.1 Cloud Computing in Higher Education Market Perspective (2015-2028)2.2 Cloud Computing in Higher Education Growth Trends by Regions2.2.1 Cloud Computing in Higher Education Market Size by Regions: 2015 VS 2020 VS 20282.2.2 Cloud Computing in Higher Education Historic Market Share by Regions (2015-2020)2.2.3 Cloud Computing in Higher Education Forecasted Market Size by Regions (2021-2028)2.3 Industry Trends and Growth Strategy2.3.1 Market Top Trends2.3.2 Market Drivers2.3.3 Market Challenges2.3.4 Porters Five Forces Analysis2.3.5 Cloud Computing in Higher Education Market Growth Strategy2.3.6 Primary Interviews with Key Cloud Computing in Higher Education Players (Opinion Leaders)

Chapter Three: Competition Landscape by Key Players 3.1 Global Top Cloud Computing in Higher Education Players by Market Size3.1.1 Global Top Cloud Computing in Higher Education Players by Revenue (2015-2020)3.1.2 Global Cloud Computing in Higher Education Revenue Market Share by Players (2015-2020)3.1.3 Global Cloud Computing in Higher Education Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier Chapter Two: and Tier 3)3.2 Global Cloud Computing in Higher Education Market Concentration Ratio3.2.1 Global Cloud Computing in Higher Education Market Concentration Ratio (CRChapter Five: and HHI)3.2.2 Global Top Chapter Ten: and Top 5 Companies by Cloud Computing in Higher Education Revenue in 20203.3 Cloud Computing in Higher Education Key Players Head office and Area Served3.4 Key Players Cloud Computing in Higher Education Product Solution and Service3.5 Date of Enter into Cloud Computing in Higher Education Market3.6 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans

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At the end of the report, readers are expected to understand the following market scenarios:

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Global Cloud Computing in Higher Education Market Expected To Reach Highest CAGR by 2026 : Blackboard, Cisco, Ellucian, Instructure, Adobe Systems,...

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The Southeast Asia Cloud Computing Market Will Continue to Thrive with Amazon, Akamai Technologies, CA Technologies, Alibaba, Cisco Systems and Google…

Posted: at 1:10 pm

The new report on the Global Southeast Asia Cloud Computing Market is planned to offer intensive snippets of data about the immense happenings and occasions in the business space. It shows tremendous improvements that have happened in the business space over the earlier years and gives an idea in regards to the future changes that are almost certainly going to occur in the business share from an overall perspective inferable from the rising in inventive advancements moreover as modernization of various pieces of the business space.

Moreover, the document contains data about the immediate and long term impact of the covid-19 pandemic on various industries and their related industries across the globe. Also, it suggests contingency plans to the companies to cope up with the pandemic and help them in making important decisions.

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Further, the record contains subtleties on different focuses, for example, colossal players that are working around here space likewise as pieces of information about their product portfolio and utilization plans, premium for the products, production units of these makers several territories and market fragment of those locales nearby their improvement rate measure about the happenings in the coming years.

Further, the record contains information about the most recent occasions, affiliations, retailers, and different subtleties to the business players that are trying to advance in this industry. The record in addition joins the information that is collected from meeting the colossal players and the specialists around there like the money managers, business improvement pioneers, deals supervisors and examination specialists who have encountered and seen the market occasions.

Competitive Analysis:

Amazon, Akamai Technologies, CA Technologies, Alibaba, Cisco Systems and Google Inc.

Browse this report in detail along with the table of contents, please click the link below: https://www.adroitmarketresearch.com/industry-reports/southeast-asia-cloud-computing-market?utm_source=pr

The report gives pieces of information concerning the basic records and models that are adding to the improvement of the global Southeast Asia Cloud Computing market. Concerning the local scene, the global Southeast Asia Cloud Computing market is allocated China, Egypt, Sweden, Chile, Indonesia, Australia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Belgium, UAE, Netherlands, India, France, USA, Switzerland, South UK, China, Europe, Thailand, Columbia, Spain, Italy, Nigeria, Sweden, Egypt, Canada, Turkey, Korea, United States, Philippines, Chile, Australia, Poland, Germany, and rest of the world.

Market Segments: The Global Southeast Asia Cloud Computing Market has been divided into type, application, and region.

On The Basis Of Type:

by Deployment (Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud) by Product (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) by Organization (Small, Medium, Large) by Application (IT & Telecom, BFSI, Aerospace & Defense, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Government & Utilities, Retail, Consumer Electronics, Others)

On The Basis Of Application:

by Application (IT & Telecom, BFSI, Aerospace & Defense, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Government & Utilities, Retail, Consumer Electronics, Others)

Key Answers Captured in Study are

Which geography would have better demand for product/services?What strategies of big players help them acquire share in regional market?Countries that may see the steep rise in CAGR & year-on-year (Y-O-Y) growth?How feasible is market for long term investment?What opportunity the country would offer for existing and new players in the Construction in Indonesia market?Risk side analysis involved with suppliers in specific geography?What influencing factors driving the demand of Construction in Indonesia near future?What is the impact analysis of various factors in the Construction in market growth?What are the recent trends in the regional market and how successful they are?

There are 7 Chapters to display the Southeast Asia Cloud Computing Market Key Trends and Opportunities to 2025 (Q2 2021) market.

1 Executive Summary2 Southeast Asia Cloud Computing Industry: At-a-Glance3 Context3.1 Economic Performance3.2 Political Environment and Policy3.3 Demographics3.4 COVID-19 Status

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The Southeast Asia Cloud Computing Market Will Continue to Thrive with Amazon, Akamai Technologies, CA Technologies, Alibaba, Cisco Systems and Google...

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Rising Demand of Healthcare Cloud Computing Market with Future Growth Opportunity and Comprehensive Outlook by Top Company Profile Brockville…

Posted: at 1:10 pm

The latest research study released by In4Research on Global Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Emerging, Trends, Key Segmentation, Competitive Intelligence, Global and Regional Forecast To 2026 is evaluating the market, highlighting opportunities, risk analysis, and leveraged with strategic and tactical decision-making support. The influencing factors of growth and regulations with respect to the usage of the information, availability of highly reliable products in the market, and increase in operational efficiency of Healthcare Cloud Computing Players. The study provides information on market trends and development, drivers, capacities, technologies, and on the changing dynamics of the Global Healthcare Cloud Computing Market

Healthcare Cloud Computing Market 2021-2026: Key Highlights

Request for a Sample Copy of the Report to Get Premium Insights of Healthcare Cloud Computing market at https://www.in4research.com/sample-request/369

The report also contains brief information on the key players in the Healthcare Cloud Computing industry operating on the Market. The report provides in-depth information on the industry overview, the share of revenues, developments, mergers and acquisitions, and key strategies. The in-depth research will allow business players to better understand well-established and emerging players in shaping their business strategies to achieve long-term and short-term goals. The report outlines a wide range of areas and locations where key participants could identify opportunities for the future.

Major Players from Complete Research Coverage of Healthcare Cloud Computing Industry are:

The Healthcare Cloud Computing Market report has been segregated based on distinct categories, such as product type, application, end user, and region. Each segment is evaluated based on CAGR, share, and growth potential.

Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Segmentation by Type:

Healthcare Cloud Computing Market Segmentation by Application:

Regional Analysis of Healthcare Cloud Computing Market:

For more Customization, Connect with us at https://www.in4research.com/customization/369

Impact of Covid-19 in Healthcare Cloud Computing Market:

The utility-owned segment is mainly being driven by increasing financial incentives and regulatory supports from the governments globally. The current utility-owned Healthcare Cloud Computing Market is affected primarily by the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the projects in China, the US, Germany, and South Korea are delayed, and the companies are facing short-term operational issues due to supply chain constraints and lack of site access due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Asia-Pacific is anticipated to get highly affected by the spread of the COVID-19 because of the pandemic in China, Japan, and India.

Table of Contents Includes Major Pointes as follows:

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Rising Demand of Healthcare Cloud Computing Market with Future Growth Opportunity and Comprehensive Outlook by Top Company Profile Brockville...

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