Daily Archives: May 9, 2021

Every word Mikel Arteta said on Aubameyang’s spirits, Arsenal …

Posted: May 9, 2021 at 11:36 am

Do you have to work to keep Aubas spirits up with everything that has gone on this season?

No. You know Aubas character hes someone really lively, always joking, always smiling. He had a difficult season so many of us as a club and a staff try to support him as much as possible the way that the team did as well. When he had some personal issues they were right behind him. As I said before football gives you an opportunity. Hes in a good place right now and hes very hungry to do something.

Is he the same Auba as ever?

Well everything affects but you have to come through that. Its about how you react to the difficulties in your career which youre going to have at some stage. He had some this season and its about showing the direction and the capacity to overcome that.

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What do you believe the Arsenal DNA to be? There have been some suggestions this week that has gone from the club.

Well, our DNA is related to many factors. First the history that we have, how we represent our values, our togetherness in what it is the team, what is the plan and what we are trying to transmit to the world with that. I believe that what we are trying to do is very much linked to that.

There is still things to do, yes, but there was always this. This game is evolving, this club is evolving. This club is not the same as 20 years ago. Its all the time something you have to embrace but at the same time evolve

Thierry Henry said those qualities are long gone. Is that true?

I said that there a fundamental things that we have to recover and its in our hands to do that. I think that is a responsibility for a lot of people. Not just the team, not just the board not just the owners but everybody that loves, really loves, this football club.

The club has been in Europe in every season since the 95/96 season. How important, in terms of both prestige and finance, is getting back into Europe for you next season?

Well, I think it gives you the platform, visually first, as you mentioned, and then because its related to our history and the demands that this club has got. Then because obviously financially the way to attract sponsors, to attract players, to improve your squad and to compete for the big trophies you have to be in Europe. Thats the challenge weve got ahead of us.

Throughout your time as a player and a manager how much does Arsenals ability to pull out important results give you confidence they could do the same again tomorrow night?

Well, weve got experience from the past. Weve got experience from this season in many ways. The last one in Villarreal when we were in a really difficult position, 2-0 down and with 10 men but we still managed to push something out. We have a big shot tomorrow.

Some players are likely to leave the club at the end of the season. Have those decisions been made already or are there some players with whom it depends on their performances in these final games of the season?

A lot of things can change for many different reasons. Something is a plan and then a plan for someone that you think is going to stay for a reason that happens and it changes. So, its very difficult to predict 100% that plan is going to be what you expect it to be what you said.

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What will you do differently in tomorrows game compared to last week?

Well, the way we started the game thats for sure. We did some things that we didnt talk about. We conceded an early goal that I think was difficult to swallow. It took us a little while to react and I think we had a difficult period. How we handled both boxes. And the discipline. To play with 11 players in this competition is key and we didnt manage to do that. When we do all the things that we have to do the game will be completely different.

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Help:Confirmed with DNA – WikiTree

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Here's what "Confirmed with DNA" means on WikiTree. When you're ready to do confirmations, see DNA Confirmation.

"Confirmed with DNA" is a relationship status level that indicates a parent-child relationship has been supported by DNA testing in addition to traditional genealogical research. Using it means this icon will appear by fathers and mothers on profiles and most tree views:

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Confirmation is not absolute proof. Major caveats include:

"Confirmed with DNA" cannot be used if the genealogy is incomplete. If a DNA testing company estimates that you're a close match with someone else, you can be fairly confident that you and your match share a common ancestor in a genealogical time frame. However, you may not know the identity of the common ancestor, or you may not be confident about each link in the chain of parent-child relationships back to the common ancestor.

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The Relationship Status can be changed to Confirmed with DNA when more evidence is gathered through additional matches or if the current evidence is able to be more carefully analyzed.

This page was last modified 09:48, 18 November 2020. This page has been accessed 87,257 times.

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DNA’s B Form, A Form and Z Form

Posted: at 11:36 am

In a DNA molecule, the two strands are not parallel, but intertwined with eachother. Each strand looks like a helix. The two strands form a "doublehelix" structure, whichwas first discovered by James D. Watson and Francis Crick in 1953.In this structure, alsoknown as the B form, the helix makes a turn every 3.4 nm, and the distance between twoneighboring base pairs is 0.34 nm. Hence, there are about 10 pairs per turn.The intertwined strands make two grooves of different widths, referred to as the majorgroove and the minor groove, which may facilitate binding withspecific proteins.

Figure 3-B-3. The normal right-handed "doublehelix" structure of DNA, also known as the B form.

In a solution with higher salt concentrations or with alcohol added, the DNA structuremay change to an A form, which is still right-handed, but every 2.3 nm makesa turn and there are 11 base pairs per turn.

Another DNA structure is called the Zform, because its bases seem to zigzag. Z DNA is left-handed. One turn spans 4.6 nm, comprising 12base pairs. The DNA molecule with alternating G-C sequences in alcohol orhigh salt solution tends to have such structure.

Figure 3-B-4. Comparison between B formand Z form.

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DNA Services Of America

Posted: at 11:36 am

Tout dpend de lintensit, votre boycott et votre. Gnralement, sentraner la maison revt un intrt si vous navez pas de salle de sport prs de chez vous, si vous avez peur du regard dautrui ou manquez de confiance en vous. Burrito en bocal pauvre en glucides Mealprepandhellip. Eau de coco, Bienfaits et Aide. Nhsitez jamais demander de laide ou de lassistance. Cela peut paratre bte, mais on a toujours un peu peur de demander aux autres de sassurer. Si vous ne vous alimentez pas suffisamment, vous pourrez peut tre gagner en force mais il sera trs difficile de prendre du muscle. Ce programme de bodybuilding la maison est tout fait adapt aux femmes. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. An vogue of a heart shape. TecTake X Set dhaltres Courts. ATIVAFIT Ensemble dhaltres rglables. Inscrivez vous la newsletter. Nos services pour faire du sport.

Nous prsentons dans cet ouvrage des exemples de programmes pour vous montrer comment organiser le vtre. Ils peuvent tre tests tels quels ou adapts en fonction de votre exprience, de votre philologie ou vos envies. Ce petit fruit tropical est rglementairement le plus riche en. Voici lastuce insouponne pour que vos orchides. Avec des techniques nouvelles, pour tirer un max du potentiel physique javais dj la mthode qui ma vraiment donn des infos dominatrice sans compter le guide des complments alimentaires quil faut galement avoir. La mthodes met en avant comment sentraner pour chaque morpho avec ces inconvnients pour arriver lentranement parfait. Booki la Librairie Solidaire de Retrilogrue du Bignon, ZA des Longs Rages Plrin. Booki est la librairie solidaire Emmas de Bretagne. Recommencez pendant une minute, puis avec lentranement, augmentez la dure et la rapidit dexcution. Inspir dun exercice de la mthode Lafay, le saut vertical est trs efficace pour muscler les cuisses.

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E ou adepte de la musculation, quel que soit le sport pratiqu, vous faites travailler vos muscles et devez donc en prendre soin. Cela passe notamment par une lactation de qualit, avec des apports suffisants en protines pour favoriser la prise de masse musculaire. Pour sortir de ce carrousel, utilisez votre touche de raccourci den tte pour accder len tte suivant ou prcdent. La Methode Delavier de Bodybuilding Vol. Manuels de Sciences politiques. Rapports et programmation franaise. Partie : Techniques dentranement et de reconqute. Techniques dentranement avances. Du fait que les jambes sont trs plies, le gastrocnmien a le plus grand mal intervenir. DANGERS : pour ne pas vous faire mal, ne placez par la rsistance franchement sur le genou. Booki la Librairie Solidaire de Retrilogrue du Bignon, ZA des Longs Rages Plrin. Booki est la librairie solidaire Emmas de Bretagne. Il est, de nos jour, trs simple et peu onreux dinstaller une barre de traction chez soi. Il est mme possible dutiliser la tringle rideau si la fixation est solide mme si ce nest vraiment pas le top.

Sentraner la maison avec des appareils. La bodybuilding chez soi sans quipement. Comment avoir des fessiers rebondis chez soi. Prendre de la masse sur le haut du corps. Elle assure le respect de lasurcharge graduelle pour forcer votre corps progresser et gagner en masse maigre. Lutilisation des formats comme le entrainement par intervalles haute intensit pour brler un maximum de graisse fait aussi partie des stratgies utilises pour profiter vos progrs. EXERCICES POUR LES DORSAUX Triceps brachial, chef long Grand pectoral Pull over la barre, couch sur un banc horizontal Supplice du mouvement la machine spcifique VARIANTES Il existe des machines pull over. Elles ne sont malheureusement pas toutes conues judicieusement. Si vous ne vous alimentez pas suffisamment, vous pourrez peut tre gagner en force mais il sera trs difficile de prendre du muscle. Ce programme de bodybuilding la maison est tout fait adapt aux femmes. Buy the selected items together. LA METHODE DELAVIER DE Bodybuilding VOL : TOUTE LES TECHNIQUES DENTRAINEMENT AVANCEES POUR RELANCERandhellipby DELAVIER FREDERIC/GUNDILL MICHAEL. Sciences, Mdecine, Bureautique. Standard, rapide, expressen point relais ou chez vous de h h et le samedi de h h.

Ce qui permet de diminuer le risque de diabte et damliorer le taux de HbAC. Mais, ce nest pas tout, la bodybuilding agit galement sur les rcepteurs du glucose, ceci en accroissant leur densit sur lactivit des enzymes. Circuit training au Poids de Corps. Dbuter en bodybuilding avec ce programme dentrainement en circuit training est parfait car tous les muscles du corps sont successivement activs dans une alternance repos effort qui peut tre ajuste selon le niveau du pratiquant. Les genoux des poignets, des coudes et des paules sont, elles aussi, dcompresses avec les mmes bnfices rgnrateurs. LA POSITION DU FTUS BODYBUILD Afin que la suspension par les pieds dcompresse toutes les articulations et non plus seulement celles du bas du corps, accrochez vous par les pieds la barre fixe, mais au lieu de lcher les mains, conservez les arrimes la barre fixe S. Circuit training au Poids de Corps. Dbuter en bodybuilding avec ce programme dentrainement en circuit training est parfait car tous les muscles du corps sont successivement activs dans une alternance repos effort qui peut tre ajuste selon le niveau du pratiquant. Sance : on travaille tout le corps. Sance : le cardio et les jambes. Laissez ce champ vide si vous tes humain. FR est un magazine sur toutes les tendances masculines. Je pense que pour les grandes dbutantes a serait top de faire un qrcodz renvoyant une vido du mouvement pour tre sre de ne pas faire derreur ni de se blesser. Par exemple certains mouvements ressemblent pas mal dautres si on a que le graphisme position dpart et position arrive. lectrostimulateur: quel modle choisir. Pse personne impdancemtre : quelle technologie choisir. Strong is the new skinny: Das Programm fr mehr Fitness und eine super Figur PDF/EPUb by Jennifer Cohen. Strong Is the New Skinny: How to Eat, Live, and Move to Maximize Your Power PDF/EPUb by Jennifer Cohen.

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Mais pour ce faire, il nous faut, de sorte pouvoir faire de ma bodybuilding la maison le plus simplement. Un programme de musculation chez soiet a commence donc par le lieu o lon va pratiquer ces mmes exercices de musculation. Programme bodybuilding la maison sans matriel. Programme musculation la maison sans matriel. Prvention Sant Climat PDF Tlcharger. Quest ce quun jugement esthtique. Cette innervation peut tre dveloppe sans croissance musculaire grce desexercices de force sries lourdes et courtes. Raffermissement des tendons et des ligaments qui se fait aisment en mme temps que laugmentation des charges, condition que cette exaspration soit naturelle. Avoir plus de poitrine ou faire remonter foncirement vos seins. Encore une fois, la musculation peut vous aider atteindre vos objectifs. Il manque quelques numros des annes que je nai pas russies avoir. En fait jai dvor tout ce qui tait possible de dvorer comme javais fait pralablement en athltisme pour vraiment combler cette soif de culture et essayer de ne pas faire trop nimporte quoi.

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DNA Services Of America

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Bacterial DNA can be read either forwards or backwards new study – University of Birmingham

Posted: at 11:36 am

Bacteria contain symmetry in their DNA signals that enable them to be read either forwards or backwards, according to new findings at the University of Birmingham which challenge existing knowledge about gene transcription.

In all living organisms, DNA code is divided into sections which provide information about a specific process. These must be read before the information can be used. Cells identify the start of each section using signposts, which scientists first identified in the 1960s.

It has always been assumed that these signposts enable genetic sequences to be read in a single direction. The new study, published in Nature Microbiology, however, shows that single-celled organisms have symmetrical DNA signposts. This means that the DNA code can be read in either direction.

Lead author, Professor David Grainger, explains: Most of the studies on gene signalling overlook the symmetry, but we think this is incredibly significant and represents a whole new level of regulating genes that has not yet been investigated.

The precise reasons for the two-directional reading are not yet clear and will require further investigation. One theory the team is considering is that it helps to avoid reading collisions with other sequences.

Although the current study focuses mainly on bacteria, the team speculate that the signpost symmetry is likely to be found in humans, animals and other organisms too. The next step for the research will be to investigate the phenomenon in yeast cells which more closely resemble human cells.

Professor Grainger adds: Understanding how genes are read is fundamental to many branches of biotechnology. Lots of medicines, for example, are dependent on being able to control how genes are read, so its important to fully understand how these signals work, and how we can use that knowledge to improve healthcare.

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Mother and child reunion: They had looked for each other for decades. A DNA test reconnected them. – Ottawa Citizen

Posted: at 11:36 am

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Sandy Hutton and Richie Millidge haven't seen each other since she gave him up for adoption in July 1967, but they've been talking and plan to meet again once COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.

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Richie Millidge had been searching for his birth mother for almost all of his 53 years. When he found her, he discovered she had been searching for him, too.

On July 26, 1967, Sandy Hutton, then Sandy Jones and only 17 years old, had a baby boy in Montreals Royal Victoria Hospital. With great reluctance, she gave him up for adoption.

I really didnt have much of a choice, she said. But first she held the newborn for the first and last time.

He had peach-fuzz hair and blue eyes. Of course we bonded. My sweet baby boy. Thats what I called him.

Hutton named the baby Leonard. That was changed to Richard when he was adopted four months later.

Years passed and Hutton married and had three more children: Lonney, Jen and Drew. She never kept their brothers existence a secret from them.

Hutton tried to find her son, but it was a closed adoption, and she didnt have key information she needed to locate him. There was even a failed attempt to find him by hiring a researcher to comb through birth records.

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Meanwhile, Millidge knew from the time he was seven or eight years of age that he had been adopted. He had never felt truly at home in his adoptive family, but his adoptive parents refused to provide any information about his birth mother. His adoptive father died when he was 11.

Last September, at the urging of his girlfriend, Tracy Ward, Millidge took a 23andMe mail-away DNA test, hoping to find family through through the companys relative finder database.

He didnt have any information to go on, not even a birth name. It was a shot in the dark, but it was worth a try, Ward said.

Millidges adoptive parents had told him his biological parents were Norwegian. He discovered, though, that he is mostly Irish and Welsh. There was a distant cousin in the database, who forwarded Millidges contact information to another distant cousin, who recalled the date of birth and reached out to Huttons stepmother.

Millidge and Hutton corresponded by email and checked out each others Facebook pages.

I recognized myself in him. He looked like me. He had my smile, Hutton said.

She seemed so down-to-earth. I knew it was her, Millidge said.

They wanted to wait until they had DNA confirmation before they actually spoke to each other, though. Millidge received the results confirming a match with Hutton on Feb. 21, and they agreed to speak by phone later that day.

I found his voice to be very soothing. He wasnt nervous. I wasnt, either. When he started talking, it was like a big weight had come off my shoulders. I had been worried that I wouldnt live long enough to meet him, Hutton said.

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We spent about three hours on the phone, Millidge said. I called her Mom. It just came naturally.

Soon after his three half-siblings, who live in Montreal, drove to Kanata to meet their newfound half-brother. He discovered he had four nephews. They discovered they had a niece.

They sat together for four hours. We hit it off like he was part of the family since Day One, said his half-sister, Jen Smith.

He looks more like my mother than any of us. I didnt even have to wait for the DNA match.

They have much in common. Like Millidge, Jen and Drew also work in the renovation business. The siblings share a taste for 70s rock. Theyre all fond of animals. Ward had noticed on social media that all of the siblings tended to make peace signs when they had photos taken.

It must be in the DNA, she said.

Millidge talks to his mother often, but the two wont meet face-to-face until COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted. He has always envied close-knit families and is happy to be part of one.

Its like theyve always been there, he said.

It has been wonderful to see my three children bring my son into the fold, Hutton said. Im at peace now.

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Mother and child reunion: They had looked for each other for decades. A DNA test reconnected them. - Ottawa Citizen

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New DNA Test Casts Doubt on Guilty Verdict and Execution of Black Man in 2017 – Essence

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Ledell Lee was convicted and sentenced to death for the 1993 murder of Debra Reese. Four years ago, in 2017, he was one of four inmates executed by the state of Arkansas before it had exhausted its supply of lethal injection chemicals. The 51-year-old maintained his innocence up to the day he was executed, according to THV11. The American Civil Liberties Union of Arkansas and the Innocence Project filed a lawsuit on behalf of Lees sister, Patricia Young, which resulted in the city of Jacksonville, AR ruling that new tests could be run on the evidence in his case.

Shortly after testing, both parties released summaries of the testing of evidence, which revealed genetic material from a male other than Lee was upon the murder weapon used to murder Debra Reese. The wooden club and bloody shirt that was wrapped around it did not match any in a national database. The groups also said that five fingerprints that had been discovered at the crime scene in 1993 were run but remain unidentified.

While the results obtained twenty-nine years after the evidence was collected proved to be incomplete and partial, it is notable that there are now new DNA profiles that were not available during the trial or post-conviction proceedings in Mr. Lees case, Nina Morrison, Senior Litigation Counsel at the Innocence Project, said in a statement.

Morrison said the groups hoped that the databases would generate additional information in the future. We are glad there is new evidence in the national DNA database and remain hopeful that there will be further information uncovered in the future, Young said in a statement.

During a news conference Tuesday, May 4, Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) defended Lees execution, saying that the new evidence is inconclusive and the jury found him guilty based upon the information that they had. Whenever you make tough decisions, whenever you have to carry out the decision of a jury, you realize that its been reviewed by the Supreme Court at every level. They affirm the convictions, and its my duty to carry out the law.

Lee died maintaining his innocence. The US Supreme Court facilitated the execution and others on Arkansas death row. In a decision that was split 5 to 4, the courts liberal justices said the state should not proceed. I have previously noted the arbitrariness with which executions are carried out in this country, wrote Justice Stephen G. Breyer. And I have pointed out how the arbitrary nature of the death penalty system, as presently administered, runs contrary to the very purpose of a rule of law.

Unfortunately, it looks like there might be a shadow of a doubt.

TOPICS: death penalty execution Supreme Court

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New DNA Test Casts Doubt on Guilty Verdict and Execution of Black Man in 2017 - Essence

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Trash and DNA evidence lead to arrest in 1995 murder of Beaumont teacher – 12newsnow.com KBMT-KJAC

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According to a probable cause affidavit, detectives connected Clayton Foreman to the brutal murder using a family tree they constructed from a Genealogy website

BEAUMONT, Texas The man police say murdered a Beaumont teacher in 1995 knew her so well that she was in his wedding.

DNA evidence along with a genealogy database led police to arrest Clayton Bernard Foreman, 61, of Reynoldsburg, Ohio, on a capital murder charge.

Mary Catherine Edwards, who was found dead in her home, was a bridesmaid in the wedding of Foreman and his first wife, Jefferson County District Attorney Bob Wortham told 12News.

She was a bridesmaid in his wedding. So he knew her," Wortham said.

According to a probable cause affidavit obtained by 12News, DNA from semen collected from Edwards' home was matched back to Foreman 26 years later thanks to a genetics website.

The affidavit says that investigators identified second cousins of the suspect from the website and were able to work up a family tree. "Detectives obtained further DNA samples (30 DNA files were voluntarily submitted) from additional distant family members," the affidavit said.

Those DNA samples led investigators right to Foreman, the affidavit says. Trash was collected from the curb of Foreman's residence in Reynoldsburg, Ohio, and analyzed by the DPS crime lab in Houston.

"DNA collected from the trash run of Clayton Foreman's residence is a match to the DNA extracted from the semen collected from Edwards' body in 1995," the affidavit states.


During their investigation into Foreman, detectives discovered he pled guilty to raping a classmate at Forest Park High School in 1981.

In that case, police said that Foreman gave the victim a ride home after finding her stranded at a gas station. Police say Foreman "bound her hands behind her back with a belt and held a knife to her throat" before sexually assaulting her.

Police say that 1981 rape had a number of similarities with Edwards' murder.

Edwards, 31, was last seen alive on January 13, 1995.

Her parents became concerned after phone calls went unanswered. When they went to her house to check on her, they found her drowned in an upstairs bathroom.

The probable cause affidavit says that Edwards was found in a bathtub with her hands handcuffed behind her.

Evidence at the time showed that she had been sexually assaulted before she was killed, according to a DPS news release.

"There are numerous similarities in the 1981 case and the Edwards' murder," the affidavit states. "First, Edwards and the first victim both went to high school with the suspect. Secondly, their hands were bound behind their back. Thirdly, both were sexually assaulted."

Police say that in the 1981 rape, Foreman claimed to be a police officer, and they say the suspect used police tools during Edwards' murder.

Foreman was arrested and charged with capital murder last week. He is awaiting extradition back to Jefferson County.

Former students say Edwards touched a number of lives in Southeast Texas and news of an arrest in connection with her death has brought former students a sense a peace that hasn't been felt in a while.

"Her allowing me to be who I was, which was kind of shy and withdrawn, it helped me to come out of that shell at that time." Demtria Green said.

Edwards was Green's teacher at Price Elementary in 1992.

"It was sad hearing that because she was a real nice lady, and when I did hear it on the news the state that they found her in, that was horrible," former student Malcom Wells said.

This is a developing story. We will update with more if and when we receive more confirmed information.

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Trash and DNA evidence lead to arrest in 1995 murder of Beaumont teacher - 12newsnow.com KBMT-KJAC

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Why Neosurf chose to back the creation of League Circuit Oceania – SBC News

Posted: at 11:35 am

The support shown by Neosurf for the League of Legends (LoL) scene in Oceania proves that its commitment to gaming events extends way beyond positioning itself as a way to pay.

Chief Commercial Officer Andrea McGeachin told SBC News that the corporate philosophy for Neosurf, a global payments solution enabling gamers to pay online without credit card usage and without disclosing personal information, is to look upon its association with merchants and consumers as a two-way relationship.

She added: Neosurf is not just simply a payment solution, but more a key component in the growth of the gaming industry. We have a responsibility to support the gaming events, players and merchants as much as purely positioning ourselves as a way to pay.

Evidenced by the support at industry events, market leading merchant customer service standards and direct sponsorship of teams, Neosurf stands by its principles.

Last year when Riot Games cancelled the five year old top professional level LoL competition in Oceania, the Oceanic Pro League (OPL), existing sponsor Neosurf entered discussion with Guinevere Capital to establish a replacement local league with the support of Riot Games, but not their involvement.

We wanted to ensure that the following that OPL had created would continue, explained McGeachin. We saw the transmission of our sponsorship of OPL to a new venture as absolutely in line with what Neosurf stands for.

With Neosurf as a supporting sponsor for the first split the League Circuit Oceania was created with Guinevere Capital as co-owner.

Speaking on behalf of Guinevere Capital, Dave Harris (Managing Director) reinforced the value of the Neosurf partnership.

Over the past 18 months Neosurf has been an amazing partner in building the esports ecosystem both in the Australia and New Zealand region and abroad, he said.

Beyond the support of individual teams and events, one of the most significant contributions has been Neosurfs involvement with Riot Games and the Oceanic Pro League before continuing as part of the new League of Legends Circuit Oceania (LCO).

Their focus has always been on adding value to the fans and community and helping the LCO preserving competitive League of Legends in this region is a great example of this.

Encouraging the involvement of players through the Neosurf Riot Points competition emphasised the commercial value of Neosurfs commitment to the LCO. With over 1.16 million views for season 1, nearly three quarters of whom were unique, its easy to see the ROI for Neosurf too.

Neosurfs continued support for the LoL scene in Oceania is also evidence of its commitment to always looking for ways to add value, and in doing so it has meant that the Neosurf brand has been able to connect with 750,000 gamers.

McGeachin concluded: We are delighted with the win-win partnership we have developed with Guinevere Capital and the LCO and its great to see the local scene go from strength to strength knowing that we have been a part of this.

See the article here:

Why Neosurf chose to back the creation of League Circuit Oceania - SBC News

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COVID Vaccines & Psoriasis: What To Know

Posted: at 11:35 am


The COVID-19 vaccines are here, and theyre being distributed by the millions. Chances are, you know at least one person who has received one. But as welcome as these long-awaited shots are, theyre also stirring up some controversyespecially among those in the chronic community, who (understandably) have some questions. Like are these vaccines safe for everyone? And will they interact with my medications? Also, what are the side-effect risks?

For more info on psoriasis and the COVID Vaccine, check out our Facebook Live event, here!

We hear you. And were taking your questions straight from our Facebook pages to the desks of top chronic disease experts as part of our original series #ChronicVaxFacts. Todays expert is Lisa Zaba, M.D., Ph.D., a dermatologist with Stanford Health Care in Palo Alto, CA. We asked Dr. Zaba to answer questions from psoriasis patients about the COVID vaccine.

HealthCentral: Could the COVID vaccine cause a psoriasis flare?

Lisa Zaba, M.D., Ph.D.: Single-stranded mRNA molecules, like those contained in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, are activators of innate immune cells. Binding of mRNA to innate immune cells produces a potent type I interferon (IFN) response that is thought to play a central role in inflammation in some patients with autoimmune disorders. [Specifically,] type I IFN is thought to play a role in the initiation phase of psoriasis when people first develop the disease, although chronic psoriasis is perpetuated by overactivation of a different pathway, the Th17 adaptive immune response.

So in short, it is unknown how these new vaccines will affect patients with psoriasis, but major rheumatologic societies, including the National Psoriasis Foundation COVID-19 task force and the American College of Rheumatology, have put out statements indicating that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks for patients with psoriasis.

HC: Could the vaccine interact with my medications in any way?

Dr. Zaba: People taking immunosuppressive medications for their autoimmune diseases need those medications to stay in a remission. However, it is possible that those drugs may blunt the immune response to the COVID-19 vaccines, [possibly making them less effective]. It is not currently recommended that people stop their immunosuppressive medications prior to getting vaccinated; however, this is a discussion that should be had on a case-by-case basis with your treating doctor.

HC: Is one vaccine better than the other for people with psoriasis?

Dr. Zaba: Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines are similar in composition and structure, and it is therefore unlikely that there will be a significant difference is the side-effect profile for patients with psoriasis.

HC: Will the vaccine side effects be more severe because of my condition?

Dr. Zaba: It is currently not known if the vaccine side effects will differ in those with autoimmune conditions. Immunocompromised individuals or those requiring immunosuppressive therapy were excluded from phase III SARS Cov-2 vaccine trials. Therefore, safety and efficacy in this population is unknown.

HC: What are scientists doing to get that data on vaccine safety for people with our condition, and when will we have access to that information?

Dr. Zaba: Although vaccination is likely much safer for autoimmune patients than becoming infected with SARS CoV-2 virus, there are currently no NIH or pharmaceutical funded vaccine trials specifically looking at the question of safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines in patients with autoimmunity. Our aim [at Stanford] is to conduct an observational study of COVID-19 vaccines in autoimmune patients under the close supervision of doctors specializing in autoimmunity.

Meet Our Writer

Sarah Ellis is a wellness and culture writer who covers everything from contraceptive access to chronic health conditions to fitness trends. She is originally from Nashville, Tennessee and currently resides in NYC. She has written for Elite Daily, Greatist, mindbodygreen and others. When shes not writing, Sarah loves distance running, vegan food, and getting the most out of her library card.

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COVID Vaccines & Psoriasis: What To Know

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