Daily Archives: March 20, 2021

Agenda 21 How Would You Like to be Forced into a Human …

Posted: March 20, 2021 at 3:10 am

Agenda 21 is the blueprint for a global communist dictatorship, tying together many aspects of the NWO: depopulation, smart meters, surveillance, transhumanism and microchipping.

Communism is coming to America and the world, this time cloaked in green, not red. Private property is under attack. Land is being grabbed by stealth. The US Federal Government is claiming control over more and more land, and kicking rightful owners off their property through the use of Eminent Domain, a law letting the Government take land anywhere (and usually by undercompensating the owners too). The Government (through its numerous agencies like the EPA) is also laying claim to all waterways (including small streams) in America. Cunningly, all of this is being sugar-coated and done in the name of sustainability, saving the environment and with the use of other nice-sounding PR terms like smart growth. Thats right; the United Nations communist Agenda 21 has arrived, and green is the new red.

So what is Agenda 21? It is the global scheme being implemented in America and elsewhere to place concentrated power in the hands of a few central planners, who will then decide in a top-down fashion where everyone will live, where they can go and where they will be forbidden from entering. It plans to create non-human zones where ordinary people will never be allowed to set foot (but there will be one rule for the masses and another rule for the elite). Around these non-human zones will be placed buffer zones. Then, in the little bit of land left, there will be a dozen or so mega-regions human habitats with incredibly high population density. These will become smart cities, with mass transit (instead of cars), high rises and people stacked up on top of each other in tiny box-sized apartments. You will be asked to need less and accept living in a cardboard box, all for the supposed sake of the Earth while the elite administrators live in their mansions out of sight in another sector. Agenda 21 even contains plans for the Government to decide whether you own a car, whether you can grow your own food and what materials your dwelling will be made of!

But thats not all: Agenda 21 is the master plan behind the smart deception. In planned smart cities, smart meters will be prevalent, cameras will be everywhere and everyone will be under constant surveillance 24/7. Eventually the plan is to link all machines, appliances and devices to a smart chip or microchip which the elite want you to have embedded under your skin. This chip will be necessary for you to access money, food, transport, entry to your dwelling and buildings, etc., but it will also be subject to remote control from authorities. Humans will become mere automatons, nodes on a massive smart grid, thus fulfilling the ambitions of the transhumanism agenda.

This isnt conspiracy theory; its conspiracy fact. Recently a Colorado woman lost custody of her son for speaking out against Agenda 21. This tyrannical plan is being carried out as we speak.

Agenda 21 came onto the world stage at the 1992 Rio Earth Conference, and has its origins at the Club of Rome, one of the Round Table think tanks and secret societies that run the world, alongside the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group. The Club of Rome decided the best way to achieve world government would be to devise a grand global threat with which to scare the whole of humanity, and it came up with the idea that mankind itself was that threat. This quote is from their 1991 report, The First Global Revolution: In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together all these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.

Of course, this kind of thinking is utterly insane. There is nothing wrong with human beings living on Earth. The real problem is the deluded mindset which is in all of us, but which runs the show in the minds of our possessed leaders; the same mindset whose greed has no limits and which is utterly without compassion or empathy. However, the elite instead pretend the mass of humanity is the problem, spouting their propaganda that we should feel guilty just for breathing out carbon dioxide. As the Club of Rome admitted, the idea of man-made global warming was contrived to control humanity and is part of the junk science of Agenda 21. More than 1,000 dissenting scientists from around the globe have now challenged the man-made global warming claims made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and have busted its credibility.

Agenda 21 is the blueprint for a global communist dictatorship, tying together many aspects of the NWO: depopulation, smart meters, surveillance, transhumanism and microchipping.

The insidious thing about Agenda 21 is that its very cleverly hidden. At first glance, who would object to the idea of cleaning up the planet, living in better harmony with Nature and living more smartly and sustainably? Yet, as with many aspects of the global conspiracy, you only get the truth if you look past the veneer and dig beneath the surface. It turns out that the elite have their own meaning for each of their key terms. They state in their documents that sustainable does not mean self-sufficient, and they explicitly define things they deem not sustainable: ski runs, grazing of livestock, plowing of soil, building of fences, industry, single family homes, paved and tarred roads, logging activities, dams and power line construction. These are all targeted to be banned, and yet life without some of them would mean a return to the Stone Age!

The whole foundation of sustainable development according to Agenda 21 is a world without private property. This is the 1st plank of the Communist Manifesto. Using a mixture of half-truths, it claims in its documents that land cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principle instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore, contributes to social injustice.

While its true that our current society is full of wealth and power inequalities, getting rid of the ability to own your own land, and putting all land on Earth into the hands of elite bureaucrats to distribute as they see fit, is definitely not the answer. Thats a recipe for tyranny, and once again, whether its Obamacare, gun control or Agenda 21, it all boils down to the same distorted idea: collectivism.

To revisit, collectivism is the idea that the group is superior to the individual, and that the abstract needs of the group should come ahead of the concrete needs of the individual. It sounds all fine and dandy in theory, and to some degree an individual must sacrifice some of his desires to work harmoniously in a team or live harmoniously in a community, but thats not what this is all about. Whenever collectivism is applied to politics, it becomes Marxism, Socialism or Communism, and horrible results ensue. The individual becomes nothing. The State becomes everything. Power gets concentrated in a tiny percentage of hands (like a Central Committee) who become the new ruling elite. They claim to represent everyone and manage affairs and wealth distribution for the good of all, but in reality they become unaccountable tyrants who force their will on anyone who stands in their way.

Agenda 21 is entirely and utterly collectivist. Its a global communist scheme aiming to create a hierarchical One World Government (Global Governance or the New World Order) with the power to control everyones behaviors, habits and lives. It goes against everything in the Constitution relating to individual rights and freedoms. It goes against the Declaration of Independence and everything Americans fought for in the late 1700s to become a free republic.

An important thing to note is that Agenda 21 is not a treaty. It was never ratified by the US Senate. Therefore, it is not the law of the land. Agenda 21 is soft law or policy which covertly influences a countrys legislation at all levels, national, state and local. Not only does it give the appearance of being green, but it also gives the appearance of being local, when in fact it is being orchestrated globally through ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives), as exposed by Rosa Koire.

In conclusion, Agenda 21 is a grave threat to humanity, and a very dangerous one because it is so well hidden. It ties together so many aspects of the global conspiracy, including depopulation, smart meters, surveillance, transhumanism and microchipping, all wrapped up in a global communist dictatorship. However, despite all this, it can be stopped.

The situation were facing now is reminiscent of what it must have been like for the Native American Indians when white man arrived. Those who escaped being killed were forced off their land into reservations. Try substituting the New World Order elite for white man, the mass of ordinary Americans for the Indians and human habitats for Indian reservations, and you may get a clearer glimpse of the predicament were in. Its time to stand up, be strong and take action before this scheme gets too far advanced.

The solution is to look beyond the nice-sounding environmental language and realize that the green movement has been hijacked. We need to reject the calls, coming from a rich elite, that we must live on less while they secretly plot to take all the good property and houses on the planet and leave the masses squashed in shoebox apartments in smart cities. Take action locally, e.g. by ensuring your local council is not being fooled by ICLEI Agenda 21 policy. Use the resources at ToolsForFreedom to educate yourself (e.g. the Agenda 21 Land Grab Package), and then tell everyone you know about the threat to our sovereignty. Call us and we will provide free catalogs to anyone. Raising widespread awareness is a big part of halting Agenda 21.

The truth is that we can find a way to better live in harmony with the planet without enslaving ourselves and losing our individual rights, freedom and form of government in the process. Freedom requires constant vigilance and determined action to uphold it. The time for that action is now.

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Agenda 21 How Would You Like to be Forced into a Human ...

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Quantum computing is finally having something of a moment – World Finance

Posted: at 3:08 am

Author: David Orrell, Author and Economist

March 16, 2021

In 2019, Google announced that they had achieved quantum supremacy by showing they could run a particular task much faster on their quantum device than on any classical computer. Research teams around the world are competing to find the first real-world applications and finance is at the very top of this list.

However, quantum computing may do more than change the way that quantitative analysts run their algorithms. It may also profoundly alter our perception of the financial system, and the economy in general. The reason for this is that classical and quantum computers handle probability in a different way.

The quantum coinIn classical probability, a statement can be either true or false, but not both at the same time. In mathematics-speak, the rule for determining the size of some quantity is called the norm. In classical probability, the norm, denoted the 1-norm, is just the magnitude. If the probability is 0.5, then that is the size.

The next-simplest norm, known as the 2-norm, works for a pair of numbers, and is the square root of the sum of squares. The 2-norm therefore corresponds to the distance between two points on a 2-dimensional plane, instead of a 1-dimensional line, hence the name. Since mathematicians love to extend a theory, a natural question to ask is what rules for probability would look like if they were based on this 2-norm.

It is only in the final step, when we take the magnitude into account, that negative probabilities are forced to become positive

For one thing, we could denote the state of something like a coin toss by a 2-D diagonal ray of length 1. The probability of heads is given by the square of the horizontal extent, while the probability of tails is given by the square of the vertical extent. By the Pythagorean theorem, the sum of these two numbers equals 1, as expected for a probability. If the coin is perfectly balanced, then the line should be at 45 degrees, so the chances of getting a heads or tails are identical. When we toss the coin and observe the outcome, the ambiguous state collapses to either heads or tails.

Because the norm of a quantum probability depends on the square, one could also imagine cases where the probabilities were negative. In classical probability, negative probabilities dont make sense: if a forecaster announced a negative 30 percent chance of rain tomorrow, we would think they were crazy. However, in a 2-norm, there is nothing to prevent negative probabilities occurring. It is only in the final step, when we take the magnitude into account, that negative probabilities are forced to become positive. If were going to allow negative numbers, then for mathematical consistency we should also permit complex numbers, which involve the square root of negative one. Now its possible well end up with a complex number for a probability; however the 2-norm of a complex number is a positive number (or zero). To summarise, classical probability is the simplest kind of probability, which is based on the 1-norm and involves positive numbers. The next-simplest kind of probability uses the 2-norm, and includes complex numbers. This kind of probability is called quantum probability.

Quantum logicIn a classical computer, a bit can take the value of 0 or 1. In a quantum computer, the state is represented by a qubit, which in mathematical terms describes a ray of length 1. Only when the qubit is measured does it give a 0 or 1. But prior to measurement, a quantum computer can work in the superposed state, which is what makes them so powerful.

So what does this have to do with finance? Well, it turns out that quantum algorithms behave in a very different way from their classical counterparts. For example, many of the algorithms used by quantitative analysts are based on the concept of a random walk. This assumes that the price of an asset such as a stock varies in a random way, taking a random step up or down at each time step. It turns out that the magnitude of the expected change increases with the square-root of time.

Quantum computing has its own version of the random walk, which is known as the quantum walk. One difference is the expected magnitude of change, which grows much faster (linearly with time). This feature matches the way that most people think about financial markets. After all, if we think a stock will go up by eight percent in a year then we will probably extend that into the future as well, so the next year it will grow by another eight percent. We dont think in square-roots.

This is just one way in which quantum models seem a better fit to human thought processes than classical ones. The field of quantum cognition shows that many of what behavioural economists call paradoxes of human decision-making actually make perfect sense when we switch to quantum probability. Once quantum computers become established in finance, expect quantum algorithms to get more attention, not for their ability to improve processing times, but because they are a better match for human behaviour.

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Quantum computing is finally having something of a moment - World Finance

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Atos supports the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre in pioneering quantum-accelerated computing with the Atos QLM – GlobeNewswire

Posted: at 3:08 am

Munich and Paris, March 18, 2021 Atos today announced that it has delivered its Atos Quantum Learning Machine (Atos QLM), the world's highest-performing commercially available quantum simulator, to the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ), of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The Atos QLM is installed in the recently opened LRZ Quantum Integration Centre (QIC), Bavarias preeminent computing facility. The center was designed to bring practical quantum applications to the scientific community by advancing the convergence of quantum computing and supercomputing.

The LRZ is among the first computing centers worldwide to focus on the integration of quantum computing in an HPC environment with its Quantum Integration Centre. The hybrid quantum-HPC approach shows significant promises in effectively using todays classical computers to harness the power of near-term quantum applications. Leveraging both the Atos QLM and its collaboration with key players like Atos, the Finnish-German startup IQM and other partners, LRZ will be able to make quantum technologies available to more users. By taking advantage of existing HPC infrastructures, this initiative will allow them to explore and capture the opportunities made possible by quantum computing within a couple of years.

At the LRZ, we are a partner for digitalization in science. We are expanding our portfolio by integrating services for quantum computing. This way we enable world-class researchers to find new approaches to solving grand-challenge scientific problems. However, we are only at the beginning with this technology. At the LRZ Quantum Integration Centre, scientists will be able to learn how to use it and prepare themselves for the future of quantum computing. The collaboration with Atos and the use of the Atos Quantum Learning Machine are an essential building block in our Quantum Computing strategy, explained Prof. Dieter Kranzlmller, Chairman of the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre.

LRZ and Atos share a very pragmatic approach to quantum computing that focuses on quantum-accelerated HPC, with the aim of delivering early strategic benefits to users before we fully enter the post-quantum era. The Atos QLM is a direct extension of this approach and we are honored to be one of the first hardware partners of the LRZ Quantum Integration Centre. It is a fantastic project and marks the significant contribution made by LRZ to the quantum computing community, said Elie Girard, Atos CEO.

The LRZ Quantum Integration Centre supports the Munich Quantum Valley, a central element of the Bavarian quantum initiative to drive quantum computing forward at a national and international level. The partnership between Atos and LRZ is a testament to the ambition of the Bavarian authorities to become an internationally competitive quantum location by incorporating international, leading-edge knowledge, skills and technologies. Subject to the approval of the state parliament, the Free State of Bavaria committed to providing a total of 300 million euros.


About AtosAtos is a global leader in digital transformation with 105,000 employees and annual revenue of over 11 billion. European number one in cybersecurity, cloud and high performance computing, the Group provides tailored end-to-end solutions for all industries in 71 countries. A pioneer in decarbonization services and products, Atos is committed to a secure and decarbonized digital for its clients. Atos operates under the brands Atos and Atos|Syntel. Atos is a SE (Societas Europaea), listed on the CAC40 Paris stock index.

The purpose of Atos is to help design the future of the information space. Its expertise and services support the development of knowledge, education and research in a multicultural approach and contribute to the development of scientific and technological excellence. Across the world, the Group enables its customers and employees, and members of societies at large to live, work and develop sustainably, in a safe and secure information space.

Press contact:Marion Delmas | marion.delmas@atos.net | +33 6 37 63 91 99

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Atos supports the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre in pioneering quantum-accelerated computing with the Atos QLM - GlobeNewswire

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North America And Oceania Industrial Hemp Market Size | Growth, Opportunities, Trends And Forecast To 2027 Cabell Standard – Cabell Standard

Posted: at 3:07 am

North America and Oceania industrial hemp market garnered a revenue of USD 3.10 billion in the year 2019 globally and has been foreseen to yield USD 12.82 billion by the year 2027 at a compound annual growth (CAGR) of 23.2% over the forecast period.

The latest research on the North America And Oceania Industrial Hemp Market report includes forecasting and analysis on a global, regional, and country-level. The study provides historical information from 2016 to 2021 and a forecast for 2021 to 2027, which is supported by both volume and revenue (in USD million). The entire study covers the main drivers and restraints of the North America And Oceania Industrial Hemp market. This report had a dedicated section on the effects of COVID19. In addition, North America And Oceania Industrial Hemp Market segments (by a major player, by type, by application, and by major region) outlook, business evaluation, competitive scenario, and trends. The report also provides a 360-degree view of the industrys competitive landscape.

In addition, it provides highly accurate estimates of the CAGR, market share, and market size of the major regions and countries. Players can use this study to explore untapped North America And Oceania Industrial Hemp markets, expand their reach, and create sales opportunities.

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North America And Oceania Industrial Hemp Market Segmentation:

North America And Oceania Industrial Hemp Market, By Application (2016-2027)

North America And Oceania Industrial Hemp Market, By Product (2016-2027)

Regions Covered in the North America And Oceania Industrial Hemp Market:

1.South AmericaNorth America And Oceania Industrial Hemp Market Covers Colombia, Brazil, and Argentina.2.North AmericaNorth America And Oceania Industrial Hemp Market Covers Canada, United States, and Mexico.3.EuropeNorth America And Oceania Industrial Hemp Market Covers UK, France, Italy, Germany, and Russia.4.The Middle East and AfricaNorth America And Oceania Industrial Hemp Market Covers UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa.5.Asia PacificNorth America And Oceania Industrial Hemp Market Covers Korea, Japan, China, Southeast Asia, and India.

Years Considered to Estimate the Market Size:History Year:2015-2021Base Year:2021Estimated Year:2021Forecast Year:2021-2027

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Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: North America And Oceania Industrial Hemp Market Overview, Product Overview, Market Segmentation, Market Overview by Regions, Market Dynamics, Restrictions, Opportunities, and Industry News and Policies.Chapter 2: North America And Oceania Industrial Hemp Industry Chain Analysis, Upstream Raw Material Suppliers, Key Players, Production Process Analysis, Cost Analysis, Market Channels, and Key Downstream Buyers.Chapter 3: Value, Production, Growth Rate and Price Analysis by North America And Oceania Industrial Hemp Type.Chapter 4: Downstream Characteristics, Consumption and Market Share by Applying North America And Oceania Industrial Hemp.Chapter 5: North America And Oceania Industrial Hemp Production Volume, Price, Gross Margin, and Sales (USD) by Region.Chapter 6: North America And Oceania Industrial Hemp Production, Consumption, Export and Import by Regions.Chapter 7: North America And Oceania Industrial Hemp Market Status and SWOT Analysis by Regions.Chapter 8: Competitive Landscape, Product Launch, Company Profiles, Market Distribution Status of North America And Oceania Industrial Hemp Players.Chapter 9: North America And Oceania Industrial Hemp Market Analysis and Forecast by Type and Application.Chapter 10: Analysis and Forecast of the North America And Oceania Industrial Hemp Market by Regions.Chapter 11: North America And Oceania Industrial Hemp Industry Characteristics, Key Factors, New Entrant SWOT Analysis, Investment Feasibility Analysis.Chapter 12: North America And Oceania Industrial Hemp Market Conclusion from the Full Report.Continue

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North America And Oceania Industrial Hemp Market Size | Growth, Opportunities, Trends And Forecast To 2027 Cabell Standard - Cabell Standard

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WXV aims to benefit Womens game with real purpose 3-Tier initiative – Last Word on Baseball

Posted: at 3:06 am

After years of devotion to projecting the womens game as being an area of growth, World Rugby has bravely chosen to announce the new WXV global strategy that will begin in 2023.

In the unease of choosing to formally postpone the 2021 Rugby World Cup tournament until 2022, a fresh World Rugby womens rugby fund has been endorsed to develop and fund a high-performance preparation and competition program for three Tiers of the womens game.

On Tuesday, March 16, details of a new annual global womens XVs competition model; the WXV and (to be introduced) international playing windows, were released to stakeholders. Publicized widely and discussed in further detail during an online World Rugby Womens Rugby media conference attended by Last Word on Rugby.

Attended by Alan Gilpin; Interim Chief Executive World Rugby, Alison Hughes; World Rugby Competitions Operations Manager, and Katie Sadleir, the General Manager of Womens rugby. Describing and explaining the full collaborative approach to WXV, Alison Hughes has been a key proponent of the effort by leading nations across three tiers of the global game.

Supported by an initial 6.4 million World Rugby investment, the three WXV competitions will feature 16 teams and will be hosted within a new September-October global competition window, except in a Rugby World Cup year.

In order to supercharge the sport, in recognizing that globally womens high-performance programs are currently at differing levels and stages World Rugby is committed to working to ensure optimal performance within all three WXV tiers. And even while a level of promotion/relegation has not been in-built, the inter-regional competitions in Tier Two and Three will see the next level of sides rewarded in 2023/24.

To achieve this, Hughes and Alan Gilpin had been working with leading nations to find agreement on principles, such as leading nations agreeing to the timelines of a June window, and the September to November calendar to allow for a co-ordinated global schedule.

Last Word on Rugby pressed that position further, by asking what understandings World Rugby had that a Tier One nation like New Zealand would change its traditional Farah Palmer Cup calendar of September/October?Alison Hughes answered: We have been working in collaboration with our member unions, regions, and other key stakeholders over the past two years, developing the unified global international XVs calendar and competition.

Intimating that New Zealand Rugby has already made the promise to work around the two windows; of June and September-October, Alison answered the LWOR question by stating Weve had tremendous buy-in from unions around the world. Weve had great consultation with domestic leagues about finding the right window for the 7 weeks of this competition. There will be a slight adjustment made.

In the World Rugby media statement, Hughes continued; To grow the game at elite level we need to ensure our member unions have quality, competitive and consistent playing opportunities so they can continue to develop and invest in their womens high-performance programs.

As part of the international XVs calendar development, we have focused on strengthening existing regional competitions and also established an exciting new cross-regional competition to increase annual playing opportunities for some of the top teams in the world where it simply did not exist before.

Underlining its commitment to delivering a spectacular Rugby World Cup tournament in New Zealand in 2022, the funding will be a great help to some although, many of those are well able to assist themselves.

In line with the goals outlined, at ground level, the haves can do a lot more than the have nots. That does not mean sacrificing revenue share yet, for example, New Zealand has the means to operate more easily, than say Canada. Both sides are in the Oceania/Rugby Americas North group. And for the Canadian players to prepare, a higher percentage of the budget must be provided for that nation.

Equity might still need to be on a balanced approach if Tier One sides are to compete fairly. And the same can be said of Tier Two and Three.

The decision to postpone this years tournament was taken following extensive discussions with New Zealand Rugby and participating unions as a result of the continued impact and insurmountable uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic.That puts pressure on sides who have already qualified, and those who must still go through the process to do so. Knowing that World Rugby has rightly looked to assist those stakeholders with a $6.4 million fund.

This will aid the development of the format and bankroll matches across the three groups in 2023. That includes:

Thiswill consist of six teams and be played in a cross-pool format, at a standalone tournament in one location, which will be determined on a year-by-year basis.

Participating teams will include the top three teams from the Womens Six Nations (Europe) and the top three teams of the cross-regional tournament featuring Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and USA (Oceania/Rugby Americas North (RAN)). Each team will play three matches.

Note: there will be no promotion or relegation in the first cycle (2023 and 2024) of WXV 1.

The WXV 2 competition will consist of six teams, playing in a cross-pool format, as a standalone tournament in one location, which will be determined on a year-by-year basis.

Participating teams for 2023 will include two teams from Europe, the fourth-placed team from the cross-regional tournament featuring Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and USA (Oceania/RAN) alongside one team from Oceania, Asia, and Africa.

The sixth-placed regional position in the WXV 2 competition at the end of each season will be relegated to WXV 3.

This groups contestwill be hosted in one venue as a round-robin format and will consist of four teams, with the winner and rankings determined by a points table. Participating teams will include two teams from Europe, one team from Asia and the winner of an Africa v South America play-off.

The top-ranked regional position in the WXV 3competitionwill be promoted to the WXV 2 competitionat the end of each season.

A play-off between the fourth-ranked team and the next best-ranked team from the World Rugby Womens rankings will determine a regional position for the next year.

World Rugby Chairman Sir Bill Beaumont said: This is a landmark moment for the sport. Todays announcement of a new, global international 15s calendar will underpin the future success and accelerate the development of the womens game.

By establishing a unified international 15s calendar and introducing WXV we are creating a platform for the womens international teams to compete in more consistent, competitive, and sustainable competitions at regional and global level. At the same time, we are also growing the profile, fanbase, and commercial revenue, generating opportunities for womens rugby through the new Women in Rugby commercial program.

This is an ambitious, long-term commitment to make the global game more competitive, to grow the womens game, and support the expansion of Rugby World Cup to 16 teams from 2025 and beyond.

Womens Advisory Committee Chairman, Serge Simon added: This is momentous for the womens 15s game. As part of the womens strategic plan, we are committed to delivering world-class high-performance programs that will produce inspirational results for the womens game. The new global XVs calendar will enable unions to plan long-term while also increasing quality competition opportunities.

And in the end, over the long term, the main benefactor is not only the sport but future players, coaches, and fans as a whole.

Main photo creditEmbed from Getty Images

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WXV aims to benefit Womens game with real purpose 3-Tier initiative - Last Word on Baseball

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Visions VR offers a fun, safe and immersive virtual reality experience – WTOL

Posted: at 3:05 am

The business hosts 10 VR stations, each with a full library of over 90 video game titles.

PORT CLINTON, Ohio If you're looking for a chance to play laser tag, swim in the ocean, work at a convenience store or maybe survive a zombie apocalypse, there's one location that has it all.

Visions VR opened in the second half of 2020 in the Port Clinton Plaza shopping center.

After retiring from a career as a first responder, Kassie Anderson wanted to startup a new business idea that northwest Ohio had never seen.

What began as a proposed laser tag business quickly transformed in a virtual reality arcade.

"We went to Fort Wayne where there is a very large area that has a lot of different gaming things and we found VR and we just fell in love with it." said Anderson

Visitors can pay for blocks time, either alone or with a group.

Then the state of the art HTC Vive PRO headsets and controllers transport you into fully-immersive video game worlds.

Regardless of which of the 10 VR station you're assigned, you will still have access to their entire library of games of over 90 titles.

After every session, each headset is cleaned and then sanitized in a medical grade UV cleaner.

With the VR stations already needing to be 10-feet apart, social distancing is already built into the experience.

The intuitive nature of the games means the fun is for everybody.

"From 8 to 80. I mean, we have a chair that you can sit in so you don't have to walk around if you don't want to," said Anderson.

Visions VR can also host parties, corporate events and even full-facility rentals.

With all the VR stations connected by the same Local Area Network (LAN), you can even play multiplayer games with the other people in the room.

"You're talking through the headset with each other, you're seeing each other in the game playing the same game together. We have several multilayer games," said Anderson

Visions VR is currently operating in their winter hours of Monday through Thursday, 4-8 p.m., and Friday through Sunday, 2-8 p.m.

They are planning on expanding to full operating hours sometime before Memorial Day.


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Visions VR offers a fun, safe and immersive virtual reality experience - WTOL

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AEXLAB Closer to Its Goal of Raising $1 Million to Develop Unparalleled Virtual Reality Gaming Experience – Business Wire

Posted: at 3:05 am

MIAMI--(BUSINESS WIRE)--AEXLAB, Inc. is thrilled to announce it has raised over $700,000 on StartEngine in just three weeks. The virtual reality (VR) technology company is raising capital to continue developing an unparalleled VR experience using cutting-edge technology to create socially immersive gaming experiences.

Founded in 2015, AEXLABs proprietary systems include solutions for haptics, audio spatialization, firearm simulation, virtual reality human interfaces, and real-time social and gaming networking technology. As AEXLABs first gaming franchise, the closed alpha of the upcoming VAIL franchise has attracted everyone from professional esports competitors, experienced amateur players, and those who are completely new to the VR scene.

Virtual reality should be a first class socially immersive experience available to a wide array of consumers. Up until now, those who wanted to engage in a VR experience had to spend thousands of dollars to obtain the necessary equipment. AEXLAB offers an all-encompassing VR experience at a fraction of the price, all without the need to connect to a desktop, said Jonathan Ovadia, AEXLAB CEO.

With VAIL, players load into an interactive space and invite friends to socialize before queuing up for matches. With a PC virtual reality headset, players download the game and click play. AEXLABs product is compatible with all major headset manufacturers, including Lenovo, Hewlett Packard, Oculus, Valve, HTC, Windows Mixed Reality, and more.

AEXLABs Leadership Team consists of Elizabeth Ann Clark, Chief Creative Officer, who possesses an extensive background in communication & film and has been featured on Vice and Gaming.net. Albert Ovadia, Chief Technology Officer, is a member of the Audio Engineering Society. As a lifelong gamer, he heads programming and systems architecture. Jonathan Ovadia, Chief Executive Officer, comes with a background in finance, entrepreneurship, and business development and works within the tech and startup community to progress this niche space. Jonathan and the AEXLAB team will host Miami Mayor Francis Suarez on Tuesday, March 23 for a special edition of the Mayors Cafecito Tech talk.

About AEXLABFounded in 2015, AEXLAB is a virtual reality (VR) technology company based in Miami, FL. AEXLAB has created highly-tailored, customizable experiences for companies like Red Bull, American Institute of Architects, Epic Games, and Valve, and also participated in the Oculus Start Program. For more information, please visit aexlab.com or find us on social media at @aexlab and @playvailvr. Additional investor information can be found at http://www.startengine.com/aexlab.

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AEXLAB Closer to Its Goal of Raising $1 Million to Develop Unparalleled Virtual Reality Gaming Experience - Business Wire

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VR Vision Partners with Avangrid to Develop Custom Virtual Reality Substation Training – PR Web

Posted: at 3:05 am

Avangrid Substation Training Module

TORONTO (PRWEB) March 19, 2021

VR Vision as a leader in the virtual and augmented reality training space collaborated with AVANGRID to develop an enterprise-focused training platform that uses VR to help educate and train maintenance and repair technicians on Substation Entry and Substation Walk-through. The platform is fully immersive and developed in Unity using the latest in hardware from Oculus VR. VR Vision will then use the data gathered to assess learner performance, enabling AVANGRID to make data-driven decisions about individual technician preparedness for critical situations as well as reduce time to value for training assessments.

We aim to develop cutting-edge training tools that are not only engaging but also will provide real-world value to the end-user, said Lorne Fade, co-founder and COO of VR Vision. We aim to do this by listening to our clients' needs and then optimizing a training solution that is not only immersive but will give organizations a complete experience for learning as well as provide additional ROI in the long term.

VR is being used to streamline processes, enhance learning outcomes, and give learners a unique way to actively learn which has shown to increase competency rates by up to 90%, Lorne continued. We are excited to be working with AVANGRID on this and other immersive training platforms as we feel this is only the beginner for enterprise groups to usher in a new era of training programs that can eliminate risk, standardize processes and overall improve organizations bottom line in a unique and exciting way."

With the Substation Entry walkthrough training platform, users have a 1 to 1 virtual reality recreation that can benefit new as well as existing technicians on power generation, transmission, and distribution systems. The modules currently train technicians on pre-entry authorization with an in-depth FX on power transmission through open-air disconnects, CTs and PTs, breakers, grounding breakers, and transformers while displaying each component on the one-line diagram.

This extremely unique experience not only trains technicians but also visually trains all electrical engineers on the operations of substations, providing virtual access to one. Training new technicians can be dangerous and difficult, but this virtual reality experience avoids this difficulty and danger altogether.

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BofA banks on virtual reality to train workers for the ‘moments of truth’ – CIO Dive

Posted: at 3:05 am

Bank of America will offer virtual reality training to employees nationwide via its career training program, The Academy, a spokesperson told HR Dive in an email this month.

The Academy supports some 50,000 Bank of America employees across 4,000 of the company's U.S. financial centers. The bank tapped immersive learning company Stridr, known for its work bringing VR headsets to Walmart stores in recent years.

Bank of America is using Stridr's units to train for several functions, from simulators that help workers train on the bank's account opening and servicing systems to AI-powered tools that allow workers to practice having conversations with clients, John Jordan, head of The Academy, said during a recent webinar.

VR is also being used to upskill the bank's employees and help them move to different functions more quickly.The bank received a crash course in upskilling last year as workers pivoted to implement the requirements of the Paycheck Protection Program.

"We did 17 years worth of business loans in 60 days," Jordan said, which required reskilling some 20,000 employees. "What that showed us was the art of the possible if we can move 20,000 people in the blink of an eye practically to do something different, then we need to be thinking about that more proactively on a daily basis."

Jordan also emphasized the importance of VR in training employees to serve clients empathetically and professionally during sensitive transactions, such as buying a home.

"It gives us the ability to really practice the moments of truth with clients, those moments where there's a lot of emotion [and] potentially tension," he said.

Certification and performance monitoring are also key. "It's not just about the individual in the goggles, it's about the coach watching the individual in the goggles," Jordan said. Bank of America already had a coaching program in place that ensures high-performing individuals in every role have the opportunity to teach others, he added.

The Academy supports more than 220 job types and originally piloted VR with some 400 individuals across multiple geographies and job functions. The company relies partly on managers to establish a constant rhythm of training for each employee, but managers do not always have the bandwidth to ensure this.

"We've got to make sure that we're able to provide high-quality practice reps no matter where you're sitting," Jordan said.

Bank of America also surveys employees as they go through training, which can evaluate in real-time their grasp of training material, Jordan noted. This allows for incremental improvements on learning tech on a month-by-month basis.

"It's not just about the individual in the goggles, it's about the coach watching the individual in the goggles." Bank of America already has a coaching program in place that ensures high-performing individuals in every role have the opportunity to teach others, he added.

VR's impact on productivity has proved effective in earning buy-in from leadership on the tech because it shortened processes that might otherwise take several weeks to complete, Jordan said, but there are other potential benefits.

"Years from now, everyone's going to have some sort of VR or AR in their life," he noted. "In the vein of innovation, we know that we're opening up a whole new set of options for engaging our employees and helping them be better at their jobs."

But there are also "invisible costs" that VR can help demonstrate as workers move away from traditional click-through training. Jordan said that when Bank of America began to make the switch to experiential learning for one particular process, it noticed a "high fail rate," which in turn created another type of business case for VR that it could help address the cost of errors.

As helpful as the tech has been in improving training efficiency, Jordan said he does not envision that VR will replace all training types; "I never see a day when I say, all of your learning is in virtual reality. I think you could see a day when everyone has a piece of their learning which is done in virtual reality."

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BofA banks on virtual reality to train workers for the 'moments of truth' - CIO Dive

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Future Workplace: The Viability of VR and AR for Business and Learning Professionals – ATD

Posted: at 3:05 am

Virtual reality and augmented reality have evolved over the past couple of years and become more accessible, both technologically and financially, for business and learning. Often voiced in the same breath, virtual reality and augmented reality bend whats real to demonstrate, visualize, and impart information.

Here are the differences among them:

Now that the technology is here, its time to refine and expand upon it. We need to think about blending augmented and virtual realities, enabling hybrid learning experiences between virtual and face-to-face environments.

Many companies are interested in using AR and VR for learning and corporate benefits but dont know where to get started. I recently sat down with Matt Donovan, GP Strategies chief learning and innovation officer, and Tom Pizer, director of learning technologies at the same company. We discussed where VR, AR and MR are headed, what software drives them, and how to dip your toe in now that the technology and platforms to support them are more accessible. Here are selected highlights from our discussion. You can watch the interview at the end of this post.

Watch the highlights from the interview.

The future is bright for AR and VR. Weve effectively used it for a variety of needs, from automotive sales training to continuity of business during the COVID-19 pandemic. As developers and users become more accustomed to the technologies, we foresee them as having a huge impact on modern learning.

Learn more about VR and GP Strategies.

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Future Workplace: The Viability of VR and AR for Business and Learning Professionals - ATD

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