Daily Archives: March 20, 2021

Build homes for freedom fighters on government land: Hasina – bdnews24.com

Posted: March 20, 2021 at 3:01 am

She gave the instructions while presiding over an ECNEC meeting to approve a housing project for freedom fighters via video call from Ganabhaban on Tuesday.

Houses will be built across the country under the Tk 41.23 billion project, titled 'Bir Nibas', as a gift from the prime minister to indigent freedom fighters as the country marks Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's birth centenary and the golden jubilee of its independence.

Speaking to reporters after the meeting, Mamun-al-Rashid, a member of the Planning Commission's physical infrastructure division, said, "While approving the project for the destitute freedom fighters, weve found that there aren't many freedom fighters who don't own land.

"The honourable prime minister said that if any freedom fighter is found without a homestead, then the relevant DC or UNO should allocate government-owned Khas land for that freedom fighter and build an accommodation.

"Even though the financing for project is slated to start from the next financial year, in order to ensure that there isn't a fund crunch, it is necessary to start the work from the current financial year so that the money can be released across four fiscal years."

The implementation of this project will also increase the disbursement of funds to the rural economy, according to Hasina.

During the meeting, Hasina also directed the authorities to extend the timeline of the project by three months to October 2023, said Mamun.

The project will replace a previous programme to build flats in multi-storey buildings for the freedom fighters, according to him.

The old project, approved in March 2018, was halted in 2019 after the freedom fighters and their families objected to the plan to move to flats leaving their ancestral land, Rashid said.

The previous programme aimed to construct 8,000 flats in 532 buildings across the country at the cost of Tk 22.73 billion.

Later, the ministry reformed the Detailed Project Plan or DPP of the proposed project with a target to complete it by 2023.

The estimated cost for each of the house is Tk 1.3 million.

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On the anniversary of the Refugee Act, Biden needs to act – The Dallas Morning News

Posted: at 3:01 am

On Feb. 12, the Biden administration made the case in a 15-page document to Congress that the White House intends to issue an emergency presidential determination to reset the U.S. refugee resettlement program because of grave humanitarian concerns and the public interest. The Biden administrations subsequent failure over the last five weeks to address what is, in its own words, an emergency is both perplexing and harmful.

At a time of the largest displacement crisis in human history compounded by a global pandemic, with 80% of the worlds refugees hosted by countries already affected by acute food insecurity and malnutrition, the United States must, as President Joe Biden declared in his inaugural address, lead by the power of our example. Biden inherited from former President Donald Trump a refugee resettlement program that is not just weak, but harmful in its discriminatory approach.

The percentage of Muslim refugees resettled into the U.S., for example, plummeted from over 45% of the caseload in fiscal 2016 to under 20% every year after fiscal 2017. What is lesser known is that the number of Christian refugees shrank as well, from 37,512 Christians resettled in 2016 to 23,754 Christians resettled in pre-pandemic 2019.

With the stroke of a pen, Biden can reverse the harm that Trump has caused the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, raise the refugee ceiling from its current all-time low and, most importantly, end discriminatory policies barring refugees based on national origin. Yet, in spite of the good intentions expressed on Feb. 12, Biden has merely continued all of the Trump administrations refugee resettlement policies.

When Washington Post columnist Catherine Rampell asked the White House about the reason for the delay, the White House responded with what she aptly describes as a content-free statement.

By expressing a commitment to refugee resettlement and then doing nothing, the Biden administration has raised the expectations of refugees who now must linger in dangerous places even after having been vetted and approved by the Department of Homeland Security. Sadly, this administration has made a bad situation even worse, further undermining Americas credibility with the most vulnerable refugees, the countries that host them, and the organizations that help them.

For example, thousands of refugees who were vetted, interviewed and approved for refugee status by the DHS are literally prevented from traveling to the U.S. by Trumps refugee policy, which left no slots for most refugees from Africa or the Middle East. And, with Biden keeping all of Trumps anti-Muslim and anti-African policies in place, 715 refugees who were literally booked on flights by the Biden administration have had those plane tickets rescinded.

Those refugees are now in an even worse situation, having left their homes with no place to go. Approved refugees who need medical attention are not able to travel either. For example, among the refugees HIAS, the global Jewish nonprofit that protects refugees, was preparing to welcome was a pregnant refugee who entered her third trimester after her canceled travel date. She and her family must either separate or remain grounded until after she delivers the baby and recovers from childbirth.

This past Wednesday was the 41st anniversary of President Jimmy Carter signing the Refugee Act of 1980. To mark the occasion, he issued the following statement reflecting on the importance of the Refugee Act:

Americans know the heart of the stranger. The colonies that became the United States were founded by refugees from religious persecution, and our religious traditions call on us to welcome the stranger.

During my presidency, the world faced the greatest refugee crisis since the Second World War as people fled political persecution and crushing poverty in many places. Desperate refugees were drowning and dying from exposure at our doorstep, yet the United States lacked a legal structure to receive them in an orderly way.

In response, Congress passed the bipartisan Refugee Act of 1980, which I signed into law on March 17. The law established a framework to resettle refugees and extend asylum to those fleeing persecution. Implementation of the new law relied not just on the U.S. government, but also on civil society and faith-based communities in a public-private partnership.

In the final year of my presidency, the United States resettled 207,112 refugees. Since then, we have resettled more than 3 million refugees and granted asylum to over 700,000 people. Today, millions are taxpaying Americans who have contributed greatly to our communities and to our economy.

On this 41st anniversary of the Refugee Act, we as Americans can reflect on our decision as a nation to welcome the stranger and renew our commitment to remaining a beacon of hope for freedom-loving people everywhere.

As a nation of immigrants and refugees, we now wait for Biden, who as a young senator was a co-sponsor of the Refugee Act, to restore the promise of the act and the American tradition of being a welcoming country.

Mark Hetfield is president and CEO of HIAS (the American Jewish communitys refugee agency).

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On the anniversary of the Refugee Act, Biden needs to act - The Dallas Morning News

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Proposed legislation would increase government transparency | Top Story | thedailynewsonline.com – The Daily News Online

Posted: at 3:01 am

ALBANY Two proposed measures in the state Legislature would amend New Yorks Open Meetings Law and ensure municipalities provide proper access to public documents and data especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, officials said.

Bill No. A.1228/S.01150 would require all documents used or discussed during a public municipal meeting to be posted online at least 24 hours beforehand. It would also require municipalities to stream the meeting on the governmental bodys website to a practicable extent, post a video of the meeting on its website within five business days, and require the public body to keep recordings for at least five years.

Instead [the phrase] has been used as a way to abate the law, bill sponsor Assemblymember Amy Paulin, D-Scarsdale, said Monday. There cant be that many times where its not practicable to make those documents available. We want to have documents available because the public is smart and the public can offer insightful views that help steer the public process in a positive way. They can only offer insightful views if they have information on which to judge.

Current law requires public bodies as best as practicable to post meeting documents online prior to a meeting occurring. Paulins legislation removes the as best as practicable language and mandates any public body with a website to post meeting documents online.

The bill was referred to the Governmental Operations Committee on Jan. 7.

A.4677/S.4863 eliminates the fee government and public agencies charge people for obtaining records through a Freedom Of Information Law request when a digital copy exists.

The public should not be charged, New York Coalition For Open Government President Paul Wolf said of officials sending documents electronically. That speaks to making sure the public has access to information and can be a valuable player in government.

The bill was referred to Governmental Operations on Feb. 4.

Current law allows government officials to charge a per-page copying fee. Many records are now available in an electronic format and can be provided without the need to make photocopies.

Sen. Anna Kaplan, D-Carle Place, co-sponsors both bills in the Senate.

Public bodies are evading it thats the impetus, Paulin said.

Many New Yorkers have started to watch or engage with video recordings of public meetings online especially after the majority of municipal meetings were held digitally since the coronavirus pandemic started last March.

So many people are paying attention now you dont want to lose that, she said.

Paulin served as a local elected municipal official and president of a chapter of the League of Women Voters being elected to the state Legislature, she said, and recalled attending a meeting in person, but not being given a copy of the discussed materials.

Not only could you not follow along, you could only tell what [they] were talking about when the information was discussed, she said.

Paulin discussed the proposed measures with New Yorks Coalition For Open Government during a virtual press conference Monday to mark the start of Sunshine Week a mid-March tradition to highlight the importance of government transparency, the press and organizations or groups that advocate for governmental accountability and the swift release of public records.

It coincides with National Freedom of Information Day on March 16 and James Madisons birthday, today.

Sunshine Week was started in March 2005, by the American Society of News Editors to educate the public about the importance of open government and the dangers of excessive and unnecessary secrecy, according to the coalition.

One of the complaints is there is a lack of penalties or lack of enforcement and it is different in other states when citizens file a complaint, Wolf said. He added that in some areas, the state attorney general will investigate or can fine elected officials who impede a FOIL request.

In New York, no entity has such enforcement, he said. Hopefully, we can build some momentum with the passage of these bills and thats something we can strive toward.

State lawmakers will likely pass the measures later this session, Paulin said, as representatives remain preoccupied with the 2021-22 Fiscal Year budget due April 1.

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Proposed legislation would increase government transparency | Top Story | thedailynewsonline.com - The Daily News Online

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Coalition Letter: Fix the Ban on State Tax Cuts – Independent Women’s Forum

Posted: at 3:01 am

Dear Members of Congress:

We, the undersigned organizations, representing millions of Americans and thousands of state and local officials, write to express our profound concerns with provisions in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Elements of this recently adopted legislation fundamentally threaten the principles of federalism and fiscal responsibility.

The American Rescue Plan Act includes $350 billion in State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds. This is despite early reports that show total state and local revenue actually increased in calendar year 2020, and many states currently have significant surpluses. These funds also are in addition to the hundreds of billions in federal assistance to state and local units of government through the CARES Act and other measures in 2020. Over the past year, our organizations raised concerns around the many public policy problems created by a federal bailout of state and local government budgets. Additionally, hundreds of state legislators voiced their numerous policy concerns.

Now that this bailout of state and local governments has been signed into law by President Biden, there is perhaps an even more troubling element than any of us could have anticipated. As the editorial board of The Wall Street Journal recently pointed out, states appear to be prohibited from using these new federal funds to directly or indirectly reduce net state tax revenue through 2024. With the fungible nature of budgeting, and absent any clarifications from the Department of Treasury, the incredibly ambiguous language involving indirect net revenue reductions means that any tax relief at the state level could potentially be called into question by aggressive federal action. This will undoubtedly harm state taxpayers and the future economic competitiveness of states.

To address this glaring policy mistake, U.S. Senator Mike Brauns Let States Cut Taxes Act would allow states more flexibility in the way they can use federal funds, if they choose to take the money. We understand Congressman Dan Bishop plans to propose policy reforms as well. Absent reforms like these, states will be pressured into using federal funds to grow government and baseline spending totals. We watched this play out more than a decade ago with the Obama-era American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) and those infamous shovel ready projects. Growing state government bureaucracy with federal funds would create massive state budget challenges as the money disappears, but the federal requirements live on for years to come.

Using federal coercion to artificially elevate state tax burdens at a time when small businesses and hardworking American taxpayers need real tax relief is nonsensical. Our groups have spent decades working with state policymakers and watching them achieve more economically competitive business climates through pro-growth tax and economic reforms. Having the federal government use the power of the purse in an attempt to curtail the use of competitive federalism is incredibly damaging to our American system of government.

We will work to protect the fundamental principle of federalism and allow states to continue their progress in pursuing economic gains as the laboratories of democracy. Restricting states from providing pro-growth net tax relief tips the scales of federalism inexorably toward central planning and micromanagement by the federal government.

We applaud Senator Mike Braun and Congressman Dan Bishop for taking on this important fight to shield states and their hardworking taxpayers from burdensome federal overreach. We stand ready to assist you as you work to expose the numerous areas of harmful policy implemented by the American Rescue Plan Act.


Lisa B. NelsonCEO, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)

Grover NorquistPresident, Americans for Tax Reform

Steve MooreEconomist and Cofounder, Committee to Unleash Prosperity

Adam BrandonPresident, FreedomWorks

David McIntoshPresident, Club for Growth

Tom SchatzPresident, Council for Citizens Against Government Waste

David WilliamsPresident, Taxpayers Protection Alliance

Carrie LukasPresident, Independent Womens Forum

Heather HigginsCEO, Independent Womens Voice

Kent LassmanPresident & CEO, Competitive Enterprise Institute* (in his individual capacity)

Bob CarlstromPresident, Association of Mature American Citizens Action

Alfredo OrtizPresident and CEO, Job Creators Network

Phil KerpenPresident, American Commitment

Garrett BessVice President of Government Relations and Communications, Heritage Action for America

Brandon ArnoldExecutive Vice President, National Taxpayers Union

Brent Wm. GardnerChief Government Affairs Officer, Americans for Prosperity

Daniel GarzaPresident, The Libre Initiative

Mario H. LopezPresident, Hispanic Leadership Fund

Brian GarstVice President, Center for Freedom & Prosperity

Lori RomanPresident, American Constitutional Rights Union Action

Saulius Saul AnuzisPresident, 60 Plus Association

The Honorable Tim JonesFrmr. Speaker, Missouri House of Representatives; Chairman of the Missouri Center-Right Coalition

Douglas CarswellPresident & CEO, Mississippi Center for Public Policy

Carl BeardenCEO, United for Missouri

Joseph G. LehmanPresident, Mackinac Center for Public Policy

Chris IngstadPresident, Iowans for Tax Relief

Dave TrabertChief Executive Officer, Kansas Policy Institute

Jonathan SmallPresident, Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs

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Coalition Letter: Fix the Ban on State Tax Cuts - Independent Women's Forum

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DSG Global Expands EV Lineup with Two New Models Available in the Second Quarter – GlobeNewswire

Posted: at 3:01 am

Imperium Bus

New models include the Imperium Bus, targeting the rapidly growing US electric bus market.

New models include the Imperium Bus, targeting the rapidly growing US electric bus market.

SURREY, British Columbia, March 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- DSG Global, Inc. (OTCQB: DSGT)("DSGT" or the "Company") is pleased to announce multiple new models of electric vehicles (EVs) added to its growing product lineup. The Company also began taking $100.00 refundable reservation deposits for the Skywell ET5 SUV, URBEE 4s and the new T-01 Personal Mobility Vehicle.

DSG Global subsidiary Imperium Motor Corp. is expanding its T01personal vehicle line with a new mobility model. This model allows the user to control turning, braking, turn signals, horn and acceleration all from the handlebar without the use of foot pedals, a great option for those who need or wish to drive the T-01 with hand controls only.

Having already generated strong interest in the T-01, we are excited for the opportunity to begin to take new orders for the mobility model in the second quarter. Our goal is to facilitate freedom and independence for a segment of the population that historically been unable to drive due to high costs of adaptive vehicles. While it typically costs $500 - $2000 to modify a car to allow for hand controls, we are pleased to be able to offer the Adaptive Mobility Control T-01 model at NO additional cost. We plan to offer additional models for this segment in the future. Our partner, Jonway Group, has the ability to develop and perfect specialized vehicles at a faster pace than most other low-speed vehicle manufacturers, and we are delighted to have them as part of our team, stated Rick Curtis, President of Imperium Motor Corp.

3.6 million Americans do not leave their home because they are disabled or housebound. As a result, only 20% of people 18 to 64 work full or part time as compared to 75% of their non-disabled peers participating in the workforce.

In December, the U.S. Department of Transportations National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) proposed a rule to expand mobility for people with disabilities. This rule will make it easier for individuals with disabilities to achieve greater mobility and freedom in their lives, said U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao.

Also, arriving early in the second quarter will be our new Imperium 12 Meter Class Bus, offered in 35 to 60 seat arrangements with a maximum capacity of 95 passengers. Our electric bus has a 322-kWh battery and is liquid cooled with air suspension on all axles and includes two ADA compliant wheelchair tiedown positions with electric roll out ramp for ease of access.

The Imperium Bus has Better Ride Dynamics through itsmonocoque construction, which integrates the chassis and body as one part, providing better handling and performance compared to traditional body frameconstruction. The floor pan can be placed much lower usingmonocoque construction, giving the vehicle a lower center of gravity. This allows the vehicle to be more agile in terms of handling and provides easier entry for passengers.

DC Fast Charging is standard on the bus allowing extra-fast charging as well as heating and air conditioning as standard equipment as well. These are known to be one of the most reliable buses in the industry and are in demand worldwide.

The US electric bus market is anticipated to grow from $469 million in 2019 to $1.5 billion in 2024 and demand is expected to continue to outpace production capabilities.

Electric buses are generating fast growing demand across the U.S., primarily driven by support of federal and state governments (in form of subsidies and grants) for the adoption of zero-emission buses. Plug-in hybrids are expected to play a lessening role in the U.S. electric bus market, mainly due to their manufacturing complexity, high cost, and tailpipe emissions.

These bus models are extremely well priced compared to the other Electric Buses offered in this segment and with five dedicated assembly plants, our production time should be second to none. continued Curtis.

U.S. Electric Bus Demand Outpaces Production as Cities Add to Their Fleets

About DSG Global

DSG Global is an emerging global technology company with an array of interconnecting businesses in some of the fastest growing market sectors. With roots in the golf industry in which it specializes in fleet management with patented analytics, mobile touch screen engagement and electric golf carts under the Vantage Tag Systems (VTS) brand, the company is moving quickly with road-ready electric vehicles for sale in the first quarter of 2021 through its Imperium Motor Company subsidiary.

About Vantage Tag Systems

Vantage Tag Systems (VTS) provides patented electronic tracking systems and fleet management solutions to golf courses and other avenues that allow for remote management of the course's fleet of golf carts, turf equipment and utility vehicles. Its clients use VTS's unique technology to significantly reduce operational costs, improve the efficiency plus profitability of their fleet operations, increase safety, and enhance customer satisfaction. VTS has grown to become a leader in the category of Fleet Management in the golf industry, with their technology installed in over vehicles worldwide. VTS is now branching into several new streams of revenue, through programmatic advertising, licensing, and distribution, as well as expanding into Commercial Fleet Management, PACER single rider golf carts, and Agricultural applications. Additional information is available athttp://vantage-tag.com/

About Imperium Motor Company

Imperium Motor Company (IMC) is an EV sales and marketing company that offers a wide variety of affordable vehicles equipped for the North American market with emphasis on great design, a green mindset, performance, and functionality. Vehicles will include high speed, mid-speed, and low speed electric vehicles including cars, trucks, SUVs, vans, buses, and scooters. For additional information about Imperium Motors' product lines, please visitwww.imperiummotorcompany.com.

Company Contact:

Dave GentryRedChip Companies, Inc.Phone: (407) 491-4498dave@redchip.com

Brokers and Analysts:Chesapeake Group+1-410-825-3930info@chesapeakegp.com

Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains forward-looking information. Such forward-looking statements or information are provided for the purpose of providing information about management's current expectations and plans relating to the future. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. Any such forward-looking information may be identified by words such as "anticipated", "proposed", "expects", "intends", "may", "will", and similar expressions. Forward-looking information contained or referred to in this news release includes but is not limited to the Company's ability to secure manufacturing facilities and supply chains, the benefits the Company expects to derive from existing and planned products, and the Company's ability to achieve production and sales targets, generally.

Forward-looking statements or information are based on a number of factors and assumptions which have been used to develop such statements and information, but which may prove to be incorrect. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements or information are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements because the Company can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to: negative cash flow and future financing requirements to sustain operations, dilution, limited history of operations and revenues and no history of earnings or dividends, competition, economic changes, delays in the Company's expansion plans, regulatory changes, and the impact of and risks associated with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic including the risk of disruption at the Company's facilities or in its supply and distribution channels. The forward-looking information in this news release reflects the current expectations, assumptions and/or beliefs of the Company based on information currently available to the Company.

Additional factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated by our forward-looking statements are described under the captions "Risk Factors" and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year 2020 and our subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and Current Reports on Form 8-K, all filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this release, and we expressly disclaim any obligation or undertaking to update forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements or information contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.

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DSG Global Expands EV Lineup with Two New Models Available in the Second Quarter - GlobeNewswire

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Crawling on campus – The Indian Express

Posted: at 3:01 am

As universities go, Ashoka University is still young. But it is, sadly, already in decline. It took only about seven years for its founders and trustees to let down the fundamental idea that animated its institution. It was, in its own words, a pioneer in its focus on providing a liberal education at par with the best in the world a private non-profit university, an unprecedented example of collective public philanthropy in India committed to maintaining the highest intellectual and academic standards. The resignation of Pratap Bhanu Mehta puts a question mark on those claims and credentials. One of the countrys pre-eminent scholars and public intellectuals, who unsparingly and courageously asks questions of power and the powerful, whoever they may be, whatever be their political colour The Indian Express is privileged to carry his columns on these pages has been compelled to step down, first as vice-chancellor and now as professor. The circumstances indict the universitys establishment as much as they point fingers at the political regime.

When it was set up, Ashoka University seemed to be taking an important step towards addressing a great deficit in higher education. The public university had long declined due to fiscal exhaustion and breakdown of the state system combined with the exit of the Indian elites from public institutions. That, over the last couple of decades or so, had led to the proliferation of private institutions, but mostly in professional education. In its stated commitment to the liberal arts, Ashoka seemed to make a prominent and welcome promise to harness the resources of private philanthropy to address failures and deficiencies of both the state and the market. Mehtas exit from its faculty is a seminal moment because it points to the universitys unwillingness and inability to protect the freedom of expression and ideas that is an inalienable part of that commitment. It is true that the challenge of institutional autonomy is sharpened terribly by the dominant political ideology that has shown a will to conquer all spaces, and which will not hesitate to weaponise the mandate to target dissent. It is also true that the larger environment is one in which the countervailing and unelected institutions that were supposed to, in the constitutional design, apply the check and maintain the balance, are not holding up. They are caving in.

And yet, Messrs Ashok Trivedi, Pramath Raj Sinha, Sanjeev Bikhchandani, Ashish Dhawan, Vineet Gupta, Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, Manish Sabharwal, to name just a few of the Universitys distinguished trustees, need to ask themselves: Where to, now? By bending when asked, they may have inaugurated the slide, and surrendered the possibilities of the universitys rise. Because vindictiveness feeds on cowardice. And because even though the institution cannot be equated with the individual, Mehtas departure sends out a signal much larger than him. As former Chief Economic Advisor and economist, Arvind Subramanian, who has also resigned saying he is devastated by Mehtas going, has put it: Ashoka can no longer provide a space for academic expression and freedom. Thats the message to students, faculty and to the next generation waiting to go to college. That a fancy campus and a bunch of glittering CVs does never an institution make.

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Crawling on campus - The Indian Express

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Minerva Reefs – GlobalSecurity.org

Posted: at 3:00 am

The North and South Minerva reefs are used as anchorages by yachts travelling between New Zealand and Tonga or Fiji and is reportedly an excellent place for scuba diving, snorkeling and fishing. The reef is submerged at high tide and partially dries at low tide. It is a magical place -- there's nothing but reef... and no stuff to buy.

The ownership of Minerva Reefs (2340'S., 17900'E.) has been an unresolved issue between Fiji and Tonga for quite a while. Tonga is one of Fiji's closest friends and they hope to resolve the issue through peaceful dialogue.

The reef is actually a group of two submerged atolls named after the whaling ship Minerva that wrecked there in 1829. These reefs appear to stand on a submarine plateau which is from 300 to 500 fathoms below the surface of the sea, and which extends about 28 miles in a N.N.E. and S.S.W. direction. They are 18 miles apart, and are situated towards the extremes of this plateau, which, except near the reefs, is formed of hard ground with a little broken shells, coral, and volcanic cinders.

Tonga's claim to the Minerva Reefs, situated south of Fiji's archipelago, may complicate Tongan-Fijian maritime boundary negotiations. In 1972, King Taufaahau Tupou IV made a royal proclamation that Minerva belongs to Tonga, the two atolls were named Teleki Tokelau (North) and Teleki Tonga (South). Tonga constructed two structures in each of the reefs where beacons were placed.

Although Fiji acknowledges Tonga's claim to these reefs (as noted on its Chart 81/3), Fiji's economic zone limits enclose the reefs. North and South Minerva Reef are about 18 nautical miles apart and more than 165 nautical miles from the nearest Tongan island.

The Tongan Government has built an artificial island and installed navigation beacons on each. If indeed the reefs themselves are only low-tide elevations, they would not have a territorial sea (LOS Convention, Article 13(2)). Tonga's rights, under the LOS Convention, to construct, operate, and use an artificial island, such as North or South Minerva Reef, within its economic zone, may be complicated by the fact that these reefs, under Fiji's claims, are situated in the Fiji EEZ.

In February 2011 the Fiji and Tonga governments continued talks over the disputed Minerva Reef, which they both claim rights to. Fiji's deputy permanent secretary of foreign affairs, Sila Balawa, statedt the two countries' ambassadors to the United Nations are leading discussions on the issue. Balawa said Fiji received a report in late 2010 that Tonga was constructing two structures on the reef. The ministry of foreign affairs then complained to the Tonga government that the structures were being built on Fiji's territory.

In Fijian history the reef is regarded as the fishing ground of the ancestors of the people of Ono-i-Lau. Tonga's claim is founded on a Royal Declaration by the late King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV - when he declared the reef as Tongan territory in 1972. In July 2014 Tonga's's Lands Minister Lord Ma'afu revealed a proposal for the island kingdom to give up the disputed Minerva Reef to Fiji in exchange for the Lau Group. But the government of Fiji would lose a major portion of their country for some uninhabited reef.

Two reefs are marked upon Arrowsmith's chart, near together, stated to have been discovered in 1818, by Capt. Nicholson. According to Norie's chart, the ship Minerva was lost here in 1831, on the southern of these reefs; they had been therefore called Minerva Reefs. Their character and position were accurately established by Captain Denham, R.N., in the Herald, August, 1854.

Minerva Reef by Olaf Ruhen is a great book about 17 Tongans who were shipwrecked on South Minerva in 1962. Croz Walsh relates that "a Tongan boat, the Tuaekaepau [was] wrecked there on its way to Gisborne in NZ, and its 17 crew [were] marooned for 102 days, where they were given up for dead and some died. Realized that they were assumed dead and could not expect rescue, and knowing that if they stayed much longer on the reef all would die, they built a crude outrigger canoe, the Malo e lelei, from wood found in the wrecked Japanese fishing boat in which they lived, and Captain Tevita Fifita, his son and another crew member sailed for help. Blown off course close to Kadavu, 570 kilometres to the north, they abandoned the outrigger and swam over the reef. The son was totally exhausted, and his father nearly so. They held on to each other, prayed and then the son drowned."

The Republic of Minerva was conceived by wealthy Nevada real estate mogul Michael Oliver. According to Oliver, by 1971 his organization the Ocean Life Research Foundation claimed to have raised $100 million to create a utopian society on Pacific reefs. The King of Tonga rejected the new countrys legitimacy, and issued a document laying official claim to the reefs.

The northern reef has a passage, a cable wide with a depth of 15 fathoms, on its N.W. side leading into tranquil water within. At 2 cables off the entrance to this passage is a depth of 55 fathoms. The northern reef is circular, about 3.5 miles in diameter, enclosing a space in which the depths vary from 3 fathoms at 3 cables from the edge of the reef to 15 and 17 fathoms in the center of the enclosed space.

The reef is awash at half-tide, and the rise being 6 feet, it is, therefore, about 3 feet dry at low water. It is difficult to approach it from the lagoon side on account of the clusters of coral, which extend 300 to 400 yards from the edge, with deep water and sand between them.

The southern reef resembles the figure 8 in shape, and encloses two separate lagoon. Its greatest length is E.N.E. and W.S.W. 5 miles, with a mean breadth of 2 miles. There is an entrance into the easternmost of the lagoons called Herald Bight, on its N.W. side, and off the entrance is a sheltered anchorage during the S.E. trade. This entrance is a mile wide between the reefs, but several patches of 9 to 12 ft. extend three-quarters across from the northern side. The navigable passage, with a depth of 15 fathoms, lies to the southward of these, and is 2 cables wide. Inside is a circular space of tranquil water, 1.5 mile in diameter.

At the junction of the two atolls, the reef is about three-quarters of a mile broad, and here depths of 10 to 20 fathoms are found off the reef to the north-west about 2 cables, affording protected anchorage in Herald bight during the south-east trade wind.

The western atoll, which has a lagoon almost completely cut off from the sea at low water, has large detached blocks of coral lying on the reef on its south-wesl side. This reef is awash at half-tide, and at the time of the Egeria's visit (1889) might have been landed on at low water.The two atolls are connected at low water by narrow shallow channels amongst coral knolls. Two sunken dangers lie within half a mile from the entrance, each about 3 cables from the southern shore of the lagoon; and a third lies 2 cables S.S.E. from the innermost of these, and 1.5 cable distant from the reef.

The reef of the northern atoll is from 300 to 500 yards broad, bordered on the lagoon side- for nearly a quarter of a mile by knolls of live and dead coral, having channels between them with a bottom of sand. At low water there is difficulty in approaching the reef in a boat on the lagoon side on account of these knolls, but at high water there is sufficient water over them. There is an entrance about one cable in width on the western side of this lagoon.

On the weather or south-east side of the junction of the two atolls, there is a collection of blocks of coral thrown up from the edge of the reef; these are just covered at high water, and will probably eventually emerge above the level of the sen. The weather or eastern side of the northern atoll is broader than the lee, and very slightly the higher.

They both partake of the coral reef, or atoll, character. A sounding of 967 fathoms was found between them, the bottom consisting of shells and microscopic animalculae.

It is evidently the southern reef on which the whale ship Canton, Captain Folger, struck a few days after Captain Denham left, but it is stated that they saw a few black volcanic rocks scattered over it. The whale ship Caroline, Captain Giford, was probably also lost on the southern part in 1865.

Northern Reef observation spot on N.E. side of reef, lat. 2337'19"S., 17849'39" W. Southern Reef observation spot, just within Herald Bight, on South side of entrance, lat. 2356'22" S., long. 1794'57" W.

Minerva Reefs is not to be confused with Minerva Reef (3815'S., 14140'E.), with depths of less than 5.5m, extends about 0.7 mile from the greater part of the NW shore of Portland Bay, from about 1 mile N of Anderson Point to the entrance of the Surrey River. The whole area forms an uneven bottom, over which the sea breaks heavily at times.

Minerva Reefs is not to be confused with Minerva Shoal (2055'S., 15922'E.), with a least charted depth of 14.6m, lies 46 miles E of Bellona Shoal. Shallower depths were observed SW of Minerva Shoal. A small drying reef lies about 20 miles WNW of Minerva Shoal. A reef, 1 mile in diameter, which never covers, lies about 10 miles NW of Minerva Shoal. A below-water rock lies 33 miles ENE, and a 9.1m rocky patch lies 40 miles NE, respectively, of Northwest Bellona Reef. Between the last two shoals, and the charted 200m curve 32 miles W, there is dangerous ground, which has not been surveyed.



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South Minerva Reef SVWHISTLER

Posted: at 3:00 am

We arrived at the South Minerva Reef on May 6th. North and South Minerva are atolls about 18 miles apart, set roughly 800 miles from New Zealand, 250NM from Tongatapu and 350NM from Suva, Fiji . The reefs are submerged at high tide but provide a spot to take refuge (and do boat repairs) on the passage north or south. Today, Tonga lays claim to the Minervas, though ownership has been hotly debated between Fiji and Tonga for many years. In the 1970s and 1980s, two groups of Americans tried to lay claim to the reefs but were forced off by Tongan troops.

Discovered in 1818, the reefs became known as Minerva Reefs when a ship called Minerva was wrecked in 1831 on the southern reef. It was not the last ship to be lost on the reef.

Belena, a German catamaran, was anchored as we arrived in the lagoon.

We anchored on the eastern edge of the reef for the best protection. Midnight Sun came in just behind us.

Midnight Sun, Kupere, Sea Spray and Pilgrim were company for several days in the lagoon.

We stayed on the boat for a few days as it was too rough and dangerous to try to lower the outboard onto the dinghy. It was also pretty sloppy at anchor especially at high tide when the waves came over the reef.

After watching other dinghies go ashore one morning, we decided it had calmed down enough to attempt to get the outboard mounted on the dinghy. It was time to explore the reef.

One morning, we were looking at the reef and noticed at large object had washed ashore, not far from the navigation light.

I reported the buoy to Gulf Harbour Radio who passed the message along to NZ MetService. I was asked to send photos when we got to Tongatapu, which I did. Apparently it has been reported to some international buoy organization to try to determine its origin. No plans are in the works to recover it. From recent cruiser reports, it is still on the reef at South Minerva. We hope it stays put as it would be quite a hazard at sea.

Monty, like all visiting cruisers, was on a mission to find some lobsters or crays as they are more commonly known here. The correct name is Pronghorn Spiny Lobster. John and Wendy from Midnight Sun thankfully gave Monty a few tips.

Unfortunately, I dared not eat these lobsters as I have had a stomach upset the last three times I did. I can eat East Coast Lobster but something in these South Pacific varieties doesnt agree with me. Didnt want to risk getting sick in such an isolated place!

On the calmest clearest day while at the reef, John and Wendy from Midnight Sun suggested a dinghy brigade to a snorkel spot. We dinghied a few miles across the lagoon to the western entrance and dropped anchors in a little nook in the reef.

Monty and I decided it was better to just go for a snorkel near the dinghy. We were not disappointed. Lots of colourful corals and fish.

Our snorkel adventure was cut short when we saw a black tip shark. I was wary after warnings we had had from other cruisers that even black tips can be aggressive in the Minervas, especially when they are in a pack. It was just one shark, but I thought it was better just to get back in the dinghy in any case. Monty was getting cold and joined me in the dinghy. We headed back to Whistler once Midnight Sun made it back to their dinghy. Didnt want to leave anyone behind.

We were awaiting good conditions for heading north-east to Tonga. Eight days later, the winds eased a bit and went to a slightly more favourable direction. Whistler and Midnight Sun headed out the channel together with Tongatapu as the destination.

We had mixed feelings about leaving South Minerva and wished we could have done more exploring in calmer conditions. There was so much more to see! And we never got to North Minerva Reef!

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Republic of Minerva – MicroWiki

Posted: at 3:00 am

The Republic of Minerva was one of the few modern attempts at creating a sovereign micronation on the reclaimed land of an artificial island in 1972. The architect was Las Vegas real estate millionaire and political activist Michael Oliver, who went on to other similar attempts in the following decade. Lithuanian-born Oliver formed a syndicate, the Ocean Life Research Foundation, which allegedly had some $100,000,000 for the project and had offices in New York and London. They anticipated a libertarian Society with "no taxation, welfare, subsidies, or any form of economic interventionism." In addition to tourism and fishing, the economy of the new nation would include light industry and other commerce. According to Glen Raphael, "The chief reason that the Minerva project failed was that the libertarians who were involved did not want to fight for their territory."[1] According to Reason, Minerva has been "more or less reclaimed by the sea".[2]The site chosen for the Republic was the Minerva Reefs in the Pacific Ocean.

It is not known when the reefs were first discovered but had been marked on charts as "Nicholson's Shoal" since the late 1820s. Capt H. M. Denham of the HMS Herald surveyed the reefs in 1854 and renamed them after the Australian whaler Minerva which collided with South Minerva Reef on 9 September 1829.[3]

In 1971, barges loaded with sand arrived from Australia, bringing the reef level above the water and allowing construction of a small tower and flag. The Republic of Minerva issued a declaration of independence on 19 January 1972, in letters to neighboring countries and even created their own currency. In February 1972, Morris C. Davis was elected as Provisional President of the Republic of Minerva.

The declaration of independence, however, was greeted with great suspicion by other countries in the area. A conference of the neighboring states (Australia, New Zealand, Tonga, Fiji, Nauru, Samoa, and territory of Cook Islandss) met on 24 February 1972 at which Tonga made a claim over the Minerva Reefs and the rest of the states recognized its claim.

On 15 June 1972, the following proclamation was published in a Tongan government gazette:

His Majesty King Taufaahau Tupou IV in Council DOES HEREBY PROCLAIM:

WHEREAS the Reefs known as North Minerva Reef and South Minerva Reef have long served as fishing grounds for the Tongan people and have long been regarded as belonging to the Kingdom of Tonga has now created on these Reefs islands known as Teleki Tokelau and Teleki Tonga; AND WHEREAS it is expedient that we should now confirm the rights of the Kingdom of Tonga to these islands; THEREFORE we do hereby AFFIRM and PROCLAIM that the islands, rocks, reefs, foreshores and waters lying within a radius of twelve miles [19.31 km] thereof are part of our Kingdom of Tonga.

A Tongan expedition was sent to enforce the claim. Tongas claim was recognized by the South Pacific Forum in September 1972. Meanwhile, Provisional President Davis was fired by founder Michael Oliver and the project collapsed in confusion. Nevertheless, Minerva was referred to in O. T. Nelson's post-apocalyptic children's novel The Girl Who Owned a City, published in 1975, as an example of an invented utopia that the book's protagonists could try to emulate.

In 1982, a group of Americans led again by Morris C. Bud Davis tried to occupy the reefs, but were forced off by Tongan troops after three weeks.In recent years several groups have allegedly sought to re-establish Minerva.No claimant group has to date made any attempt to take possession of the Minerva Reefs territory.

In November 2005, Fiji lodged a complaint with the International Seabed Authority concerning territorial claim over Minerva.Tonga has lodged a counter claim. The Minerva "principality" group also claims to have lodged a counter claim.

Area: North Reef diameter about 5.6km, South Reef diameter of about 4.8km.Cities: CapitalPort Victoria.Terrain: 2 island atollsmainly raised coral complexes on dormant volcanic islands.

Both Minerva Reefs are about 435km southwest of the Tongatapu Group.The atolls are on a common submarine platform from 549to1097meters (1800to3600feet) below the surface of the sea. Cardea is circular in shape and has a diameter of about 5.6km. There is a small island around the atoll, with a small entrance into the flat lagoon with a somewhat deep harbor. Aurora is parted into The East Reef and the West Reef, both circular with a diameter of about 4.8km. Around both atolls are two small sandy cays, vegetated by low scrub and some trees. Several iron towers and platforms are reported to stand near the atolls, along with an unused light tower on Aurora, erected by the Americans during World War II. Geologically the Minervan islands are of a limestone base formed from uplifted coral formations elevated by now-dormant volcanic activity.

The climate is basically subtropical with a distinct warm period (DecemberApril), during which the temperatures rise above 32C (90F), and a cooler period (MayNovember), with temperatures rarely rising above 27C (80F). The temperature increases from 23C to 27C (74F to 80F), and the annual rainfall is from 170 to 297 centimeters (67-117 in.) as one moves from Cardea in the south to the more northerly islands closer to the Equator. The mean daily humidity is 80%.

The obverse of the 35 Minerva Dollar coin

The reverse of the 1973 35 Minerva Dollar coin

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Gambling | Definition of Gambling at Dictionary.com

Posted: at 2:58 am

The legality of sports gambling has varied greatly over time and place.

At 17 acres, it was the largest gambling house ever constructed, and at a cost of $1.2 billion, it was also the most expensive.

I was not with him on the 29th when he was gambling and then drove home and actually got the DUI.

She was gambling on a coin toss where somehow heads, you win would have been politically more advantageous than tails, I lose.

Is gambling culture more desirable than gay culture and counterculture?

But the other side of the coin would be, inevitably, the flowering of crime and corruption around the gambling business.

Still, gambling seemed to be made particularly fascinating here, and he wanted to be fascinated, wanted it badly.

Jorgensen's gambling room was different from the bar and dining room as they were from each other.

She wondered if the old gambling spirit had broken out again, and asked if they were playing poker or mont.

Lessard was away in the holegambling and other thingsI hinted the idea to him; he jumped at it, as I thought he would.

It is in tune with the old gambling spirit that still colors the country; no doubt has kept it alive.

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