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Daily Archives: January 9, 2021
DraftKings Gambling That People Want To Bet On Drone Races – HuffPost
Posted: January 9, 2021 at 2:32 pm
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) In the gamblers will bet on absolutely anything category, heres a new one: A major sports book is taking bets on aerial drone races.
DraftKings said Friday it is taking bets for this weekends championship of the Drone Racing League, in which pilots fly aerial drones in races.
Betting on the leagues drone races is legal in Colorado, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Tennessee and West Virginia, with regulatory approvals pending in additional states.
The sky is now the limit for DRL fans to get skin in the game, and were thrilled to partner with DraftKings to transform our high-speed race competition into the ultimate sport to bet on, Drone Racing League President Rachel Jacobson said. The opportunity for us to elevate our engagement through all forms of gaming and gambling will only increase as mobile betting becomes more adopted across the country.
The sports book and the league are hosting pre-flight shows Friday night on Twitter ahead of the live events, in which expert sports bettors and top drone pilots will educate fans on how to participate.
Championship events begin on Saturday.
Jacobson said its races are all virtual this year, taking place in a simulation in which real-life drone physics are incorporated. But is also hosts live drone racing in venues that have included Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida; Alexandra Palace in London, and an auto-museum in Munich.
DraftKings says theres a market for this. It offered free-to-play contests on drone races last year to gauge interest in the activity, and the response was 30% higher than usual for a new sport introduced to the betting platform. There have been more than 150,000 entries into these free contests so far.
As is the case with major sports including football, baseball and basketball, gamblers will be able to make bets before the races as well as during them.
DraftKings said consumer research has shown that drone racing fans are three times more likely to place a bet than fans of major sports leagues, and are 90% more likely to be interested in sports betting in general than the average sports fan.
The drone league is a privately owned New York company founded in 2015. It has held events in six countries.
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Chris Christie returning to WFAN as part of Craig Cartons gambling addiction show –
Posted: at 2:32 pm
Chris Christie is going back on the air.
The former governor will be a regular contributor to friend and WFAN drivetime voice Craig Cartons new weekend show focused on gambling addiction and responsible gaming, according to a press release. Christie famously moonlighted as a guest host on the sports talk station and was briefly considered a potential replacement for Mike Francesa prior to his first retirement.
Carton will host the 30-minute Hello, My Name is Craig program on Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. ET. In addition to Christie, it will feature various guests to share stories of indulgence, falls from grace and the fight to overcome gambling addiction. Guests will include medical and therapy experts, members of the 1-800-GAMBLER team, founders of rehabilitation treatment centers, and more. The show is sponsored by The Council on Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey.
Each week, we will tackle different aspects of what for some is a fun recreation but for others is an addiction that forever alters and sometimes ends lives, Carton said in a release. The show will be a raw and revealing look into the fastest-growing vice in the country and I look forward to providing my first-hand perspective for both those dealing with the grip of their gambling compulsions as well as the loved ones in their lives.
Carton, 51, was arrested in Sept. 2017 for his role in a ticket brokering scheme that was called Ponzi-like. He was convicted in November 2018 for misappropriating investment funds in order to cover losses tied to his out-of-control blackjack addiction. Carton was then sentenced that following April, ultimately serving a little over a year in prison.
When WFAN finalized his return to the station and paired him with Evan Roberts to form a new afternoon duo, it said it would give Carton a platform to to warn listeners of the dangers of compulsive gambling and how his disease contributed to his downfall and incarceration. The program is a callback to Cartons sentencing, when Judge Colleen McMahon questioned whether Carton could make a return to sports talk radio work in a world where legalized sports betting has taken hold and only gotten bigger since, suggesting it may be magical thinking. Carton and WFAN have a chance now to prove that is not the case.
Christie has been friends with Carton dating back to the yakkers days at New Jersey 101.5. The former governor said in an interview for HBOs 2020 documentary on Carton that he pressed him repeatedly on whether he had a gambling issue given how much Carton talked about gambling on air and off. But Christie said Carton adamantly shook him off each time. That was the farthest any person close to Carton went in saying they suspected a problem prior to his arrest.
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Your Guide to CBD Topicals for Muscle and Joint Pain –
Posted: at 2:32 pm
Curious about CBD-infused creams for your chronic aches? Heres the rub.
By now, youve surely heard some buzz about CBD, the cannabis-derived ingredient thats been touted as a miracle worker, serving as an anti-inflammatory agent, an anti-anxiety treatment, and everything in between. You can find it in oral tinctures, gummy candies, body oils and creams sold in your mainstream brick-and-mortar storesno longer just your local health food or vitamin shop.
Sales data indicate that the CBD market is growing rapidly, and there are plenty of internet forums where those who use these products discuss that they work for them, says Tory Spindle, Ph.D., a researcher in the Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit at the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. So, if you deal with chronic muscle and joint pain from, say, rheumatoid arthritis or multiple sclerosis, you may be wondering if slathering some directly on your achy areas can help you get some relief as an alternative to typical pain meds.
We asked top docs to weed out the speculation from the real science, so you can decide if CBD is for you.
Short for cannabidiol, CBD is a compound (a.k.a. phytocannabinoid) found in the cannabis sativa plant. Unlike its cousin, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), another well-known cannabinoid found in the marijuana plant, CBD doesnt get you high. Its not a psychoactive. You can get CBD from both the hemp and marijuana plants (side note: these two shrubs are in the same plant family), but when derived from hemp, theres only trace amounts of THC (the legal limit is .3%). CBD from marijuana will obviously contain a bit more THC. CBD has been linked to many benefits including helping with insomnia, anxiety, depression, cancer-related side effects, and pain relief.
We have an endogenous cannabinoid system [a.k.a. endocannabinoid system] within our bodies, says Bruce Solitar, M.D., rheumatologist and clinical associate professor of medicine at NYU Grossman School of Medicine in New York City. That means we have cannabinoid receptors throughout our organs and tissue, he says.
Theyre in your skin, as well as the lungs and brain. (This is the reason why marijuana gives you the munchies or makes you sleepythe phtyocannabinoid THC interacts with those brain receptors.) As a rheumatologist, Ive been interested in this because there are cannabinoid receptors in the joints and nerves.
We dont know for sure, but CBD likely blocks some of the effect in those nerves, resulting in less pain, he says. CBD may work similarly to other medications we take for pain, or even topical analgesics, but the plant-based ingredient may be more appealing for someone who prefers to take a natural approach to pain management.
Experts are quick to point out that the research on CBD for chronic pain, especially topical CBD, is pretty limited. A review in the journal Antioxidants has confirmed that CBD can reduce inflammation, but can it help when applied topically? The research is slim. The closest weve come: One animal study in the European Journal of Pain showed that when CBD gel was applied transdermally to the skin of rats with arthritis, it cut down on knee pain, swelling, and inflammation.
Its important to note that a transdermal application is a patch designed to deliver ingredients into bloodstream via the skina cream likely wont do that. Another small study on humans showed that CBD oil applied topically made a significant improvement in the pain, itch, and cold sensations in those with peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage that causes pain and numbness in their lower extremities). Not so promising: A phase 2 trial of a prescription CBD gel thats applied with a transdermal patch didnt significantly reduce pain in people with knee osteoarthritis compared to the placebo.
So, until more large-scale, peer-reviewed studies are done, physicians are skeptical of topical CBD. Especially with commercial products, theres just not enough clinical evidence to back up any claims for joint and muscle pain, says Dr. Spindle. Thats not to say theyre not effective, but there are no clinical studies to prove they are, he says.
The other issue with topical CBD is its lack of regulation. The only FDA-approved CBD product is a pharmaceutical drug made for epilepsy patients. That means all the creams, oils, and balms you see on shelves arent FDA-approved.
Right now, there are no clear guidelines about how much CBD should be in a product, how much to apply, when to apply, etc. These products are very inaccurately labeled a lot of times, says Dr. Spindle. People often spend a good amount of money on them, and you may not even know the amount of CBD in the product, he says. One study in JAMA showed that of 31 CBD-containing products, only 1/3 of them actually contained the amount of CBD listed on the label.
The formulation of the product, amount applied, application site, and other factors may very well influence absorption and effects, but without any real data, its hard to speculate, says Dr. Spindle. In the meantime, there are some helpful tips you can use:
You want to see the word cannabidiol (or CBD) on the ingredient list. You may see words like hemp, hemp seed oil, or hemp butter, but those terms dont necessarily mean your product contains pure CBD. Ideally, you want to get your CBD products from a reputable source with a third-party lab certificate to verify that it actually contains what it says it does (the label will likely say it has a certificate of authenticity or COA, typically available on the sites website, or include a QR code to view).
As for how much CBD your product should contain? Experts dont know yet. That rat study mentioned above included a pretty hefty dosage (up to 62 mg for a little rat), likely more than youll find in a cream at your local drugstore.
Because formulations will vary greatly, finding a CBD topical that helps with your achy joints and muscles may take some trial and error. Still, Dr. Solitar says, in the scheme of things, topical CBD is probably low risk, fairly high potential for reward. But be wary of allergic reactions, especially if you have sensitive skin, and you dont want to apply topical treatments to open wounds or if you have a skin condition such as psoriasis, he adds.
Experts say topical creams and ointments should pose far less risk than oral CBD products, but, still, if youre dealing with a chronic condition, just run it by your physician before using.
Meet Our Writer
Krista Bennett DeMaio has well over a decade of editorial experience. The former magazine-editor-turned-freelance writer regularly covers skincare, health, beauty, and lifestyle topics. Her work has appeared in national publications and websites including Oprah, Womens Health, Redbook, Shape, Dr. Oz The Good Life,, and She lives in Huntington, New York with her husband and three daughters.
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UKGC Looking to Improve Research Methodology On Gambling Behaviour –
Posted: at 2:32 pm
The UK Gambling Commission is looking for feedback and guidance on improving its research methodology on gambling behaviour and addiction.
The UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) is looking to adjust and refine its research methodology on gambling and gambling addiction.
To that end, the UKGC has launched a consultation for feedback and guidance from the public. The results will be used to improve the effectiveness of the Commissions new approach. The ultimate goal is to establish a new standard on research into gambling behavioural patterns.
Collecting and disseminating accurate gambling-related data is one of the UKGCs core regulatory functions. The UK Government uses the data to build a better understanding of gambling participation, gambling addiction and the related factors that influence and fuel these behaviours.
The UKGCs data collection endeavors are guided by and conducted in accordance with the Code of Practice for Statistics set by the Government Statistical Service.
In a recent statement, the UKGC affirmed its dedication and ambition to improve the quality, robustness and timeliness of its statistics. It also laid outs its plans of measuring gambling participation and prevalence this year.
According to a recent statement by House of Lords Select Committee Chair Lord Garde of Yarmouth, gambling addiction has been undermined by our lack of understanding on the matter.
Gambling addiction and its related factors and complications have attracted significant attention from regulatory bodies and researchers in recent years. While there have always been individuals with heightened susceptibility to developing the addiction, last year saw a notable increase in problem gambling across the globe.
The spike can be partially attributed to the increase in financial insecurity caused by the pandemic and accompanying economic recession. However, our current understanding of the illness is littered with gaps and misconceptions which unfortunately hamper our countermeasures.
Gambling addiction is also commonly dismissed and minimized by individuals and by legislature. A recent report from Sheffield University urges officials to recognize the illness as a real and serious health issue.
A major topic within the greater discussion of problem gambling is its relationship with pro athletes. Former UK soccer player Michael Chopra recently opened up about his own struggles with the illness and the impact it had on his life.
A more visceral and introspective example can be found in former UK winger Matthew Etheringtons recent autobiography Lucky Man. It is a chilling insight into the severe impact addiction can have on ones personal and professional life.
The UKGCs improved statistics and insights will certainly help stem the tide of problem gambling in the UK.
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CBD Oil Extract Market Outlook and Opportunities in Grooming Regions : Edition 2021-2026 | MarketDigits – The Courier
Posted: at 2:32 pm
Latest added CBD Oil Extract Market research study by MarketDigits offers detailed product outlook and elaborates market review till 2026. The market Study is segmented by key regions that is accelerating the marketization. At present, the market is sharping its presence and some of the key players in the study areFolium Biosciences, Freedom Leaf, Inc., Green Roads of Florida, Charlottes Web Holdings, Inc., ENDOCA. The study is a perfect mix of qualitative and quantitative Market data collected and validated majorly through primary data and secondary sources.
This report studies the CBD Oil Extract Market size, industry status and forecast, competition landscape and growth opportunity. This research report categorizes the CBD Oil Extract Market by companies, region, type and end-use industry.
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Scroll down 100s of data Tables, charts and graphs spread through Pages and in-depth Table of Content on CBD Oil Extract Market, By Type (Hemp-Derived, Marijuana-Derived), Application (Cosmetics Industry, Food Industry, Pharmaceuticals Industry) and Geography Global Forecast to 2026. Early buyers will get 10% customization on study.
To Avail deep insights of CBD Oil Extract Market Size, competition landscape is provided i.e. Revenue Analysis (M $US) by Company (2018-2020), Segment Revenue Market Share (%) by Players (2018-2020) and further a qualitative analysis is made towards market concentration rate, product/service differences, new entrants and the technological trends in future.
Unlock new opportunities in CBD Oil Extract Market; the latest release from MarketDigits highlights the key market trends significant to the growth prospects, Let us know if any specific players or list of players needs to consider to gain better insights.
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Market Analysis and Insights of CBD Oil Extract: Global CBD Oil Extract Market
CBD oil extract market is expected to gain market growth in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027. Data Bridge Market Research analyses the market to account to USD 25.57 billion by 2027 growing at a CAGR of 21.0% in the above-mentioned forecast period. The growing awareness amongst the patients regarding the benefits of CBD oil will help in driving the growth of the market.
Legalisation of cannabis-based CBD products, rising preferences of oil and tinctures extracted from cannabis, adoption of CBD-based products in various medical treatments, growing retail sector will likely to enhance the growth of the CBD oil extract market in the forecast period of 2020-2027. On the other hand, growing number of research activities for the growing number of benefits along with government approvals will further boost various opportunities that will lead to the growth of the CBD oil extract market in the above mentioned forecast period.
High cost of products along with legalisation issues in various economies will hamper the growth of the CBD oil extract market in the above mentioned forecast period.
This CBD oil extract market report provides details of new recent developments, trade regulations, import export analysis, production analysis, value chain optimization, market share, impact of domestic and localised market players, analyses opportunities in terms of emerging revenue pockets, changes in market regulations, strategic market growth analysis, market size, category market growths, application niches and dominance, product approvals, product launches, geographic expansions, technological innovations in the market. To gain more info on CBD oil extract market contact Data Bridge Market Research for an Analyst Brief,our team will help you take an informed market decision to achieve market growth.
Global CBD Oil Extract Market Scope and Market Size
CBD oil extract market is segmented on the basis of source type, distribution channeland end use. The growth amongst these segments will help you analyse meagre growth segments in the industries, and provide the users with valuable market overview and market insights to help them in making strategic decisions for identification of core market applications.
CBD Oil Extract Market Country Level Analysis
CBD oil extract market is analysed and market size insights and trends are provided by country,source type, distribution channeland end use as referenced above.
The countries covered in the CBD oil extract market report are U.S., Canada and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Rest of Europe in Europe, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa(MEA), Brazil, Argentina and Rest of South America as part of South America.
North America dominates the CBD oil extract market due to the legalisation of medical cannabis along with growing usage of cannabis in pharmaceutical, wellness and other industries, while Asia-Pacific is expected to grow at the highest growth rate
The country section of the CBD oil extract market report also provides individual market impacting factors and changes in regulation in the market domestically that impacts the current and future trends of the market. Data points such as consumption volumes, production sites and volumes, import export analysis, price trend analysis, cost of raw materials, down-stream and upstream value chain analysis are some of the major pointers used to forecast the market in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027 due to the growing number of manufacturing plants along with growth of end-user industries. scenario for individual countries. Also, presence and availability of global brands and their challenges faced due to large or scarce competition from local and domestic brands, impact of domestic tariffs and trade routes are considered while providing forecast analysis of the country data.
Healthcare Infrastructure growth Installed base and New Technology Penetration
CBD oil extract market also provides you with detailed market analysis for every country growth in healthcare expenditure for capital equipment, installed base of different kind of products for CBD oil extract market, impact of technology using life line curves and changes in healthcare regulatory scenarios and their impact on the CBD oil extract market. The data is available for historic period 2010 to 2018.
Competitive Landscape and CBD Oil Extract Market Share Analysis
CBD oil extract market competitive landscape provides details by competitor. Details included are company overview, company financials, revenue generated, market potential, investment in research and development, new market initiatives, global presence, production sites and facilities, production capacities, company strengths and weaknesses, product launch, product width and breadth, application dominance. The above data points provided are only related to the companies focus related to CBD oil extract market.
The major players covered in theCBD oil extract marketreport areCanopy Growth Corporation, Aphria Inc., Aurora Cannabis., MARICANN INC, Tilray, GW Pharmaceuticals plc.,Tikun Olam, The Cronos Group, Kazmira, FOLIUM BIOSCIENCES, HempLife Today, CBD American Shaman., PharmaHemp, NuLeaf Naturals, LLC,among other domestic and global players.Market share data is available for Global, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa(MEA) and South America separately. MarketDigits analystsunderstand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.
Latest published market study on Global CBD Oil Extract Market Size, Share & Industry Report with Pie Chart, data Tables, high level qualitative chapters & Graphs is available now to provide complete assessment of the Market highlighting evolving trends, Measures taken up by players, current-to-future scenario analysis & growth factors validated with Viewpoints extracted via Industry experts and Consultants. CBD Oil Extract market research report has been produced by including highly developed insight and analysis which furnishes maximum benefits to the industry. This market report makes use of most modern tools & techniques for collecting, researching, analyzing and estimating market data. The CBD Oil Extract report brings into light key industry trends, market size, market share estimates, and sales volume that assist industry to speculate the strategies to enhance return on investment (ROI).
Customization Available: Global CBD Oil Extract Market
Data Bridge Market Research is a leader in advanced formative research. We take pride in servicing our existing and new customers with data and analysis that match and suits their goal. The report can be customised to include price trend analysis of target brands understanding the market for additional countries (ask for the list of countries), clinical trial results data, literature review, refurbished market and product base analysis. Market analysis of target competitors can be analysed from technology-based analysis to market portfolio strategies. We can add as many competitors that you require data about in the format and data style you are looking for. Our team of analysts can also provide you data in crude raw excel files pivot tables (Factbook) or can assist you in creating presentations from the data sets available in the report.
Table of Contents-Snapshot Executive Summary
Chapter 1 Industry Overview
Chapter 2 Industry Competition by Manufacturers
Chapter 3 Industry Production Market Share by Regions
Chapter 4 Industry Consumption by Regions
Chapter 5 Industry Production, Revenue, Price Trend by Type
Chapter 6 Industry Analysis by Applications
Chapter 7 Company Profiles and Key Figures in Industry Business
Chapter 8 Industry Manufacturing Cost Analysis
Chapter 9 Marketing Channel, Distributors and Customers
Chapter 10 Market Dynamics
Chapter 11 Industry Forecast
Chapter 12 Research Findings and Conclusion
Chapter 13 Methodology and Data Source
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2021 NFL Super Wild Card Round – Best Bets Against the Spread From the SI Gambling Team – Sports Illustrated
Posted: at 2:32 pm
Please note: These are our FREE picks, not our PREMIUM picks which are reserved for MEMBERS only at SI Fantasy PRO. Members receive alert notifications immediately upon pick release.
YTD: 216-140-3 | MLB: 79-60 | NFL: 68-47-1 | CFB: 31-21 | January-March (2020): 38-12-2 | Casey Olson's MMA PICKS: 210-87-6 (71% on all released betting plays)
If you are an SI PRO member and have yet to receive your invite to our Discord Community, please reach out to customer support, or send us a DM via Twitter.
Check out the team's analysis for the picks below!
Ben Heisler (@bennyheis)
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Washington Football Team (+8) | TOTAL: 44.5
Prime time games have been Tom Bradys bugaboo in his first year in Tampa. The Bucs are 1-3 in late matchups with Brady throwing 5 TDs, 5 INTs with a QB rating of 73.9. This is a stark contrast to his 10-2 record in early and late afternoon games, 35 TDs and 7 INTs, and QBR of 111.85.
Maybe its the body clock of a 43-year old quarterback not adjusting, or maybe its complete nonsense. But defenses similar to Washington are what have caused disruption on Brady throughout the course of the year. Via ESPN Stats and Info, Washington is sixth in the NFL in sacks and fourth in sacks per pass attempt. Brady was sacked nine times (insert Ed Rooney Ferris Bueller reference here), in four prime time games compared to just 12 in his other 12 games.
Lastly, even if Brady comes out firing, Washington has been an outstanding defensive team in the second half of games. They rank tops in the NFL in yards and points allowed in the second half. With the eight points, the back door is always open for Washington in what I expect to be a much closer game than most.
BEST BET: Washington +8
Frankie Taddeo (@Frankie_Fantasy)
Cleveland Browns @ Pittsburgh Steelers (-6) | TOTAL: 47.5
We spoke about this game on the SI Gambling podcast and I grabbed this number at -3.5 ahead of all the COVID-19 news surrounding the Cleveland Browns. Cleveland has seen the line move significantly against them after it was learned that head coach Kevin Stefanksi will miss the game due to COVID-19.
As we saw with the Clemson Tigers in their loss to Ohio State, bettors should not ignore the angle of teams losing vital coaches just days before kickoff. With Special Teams coordinator, Mike Priefer expected to handle lead duties on Sunday night at Heinz Field, Pittsburgh will have a sizeable advantage against a team that has been hit hard by the coronavirus in recent weeks.
Although this number is now 2.5-points higher than what I have already played, I still believe that any number less than touchdown should be good. Lay the points.
BEST BET: Steelers -6
Michael Fabiano (@Michael_Fabiano)
Baltimore Ravens at Tennessee Titans (+3.5) | TOTAL: 54.5
BEST BET: Ravens -3.5
Roy Larking (@StatsGuru6)
Chicago Bears at New Orleans Saints (-10) | TOTAL: 47.5
Mitchell Trubisky and the Bears (8-8) head to the Big Easy following a 35-16 loss at home against Green Bay last week. Chicago was down 21-16 before the Packers scored 14 unanswered points in the fourth quarter. Drew Brees and the Saints (12-4) return home following a 33-7 Week 17 win over the Panthers in Carolina. Without Alvin Kamara, Latavius Murray and Michael Thomas on offense, defense was the difference for New Orleans. Five different players recorded one interception and the Panthers were shutout over the final three quarters.
These teams met in Chicago in Week 8 and the Saints won 26-23 in overtime. New Orleans let a 23-13 lead slip away, with less than four minutes to play, before kicking a field goal on their second possession in OT. New Orleans expects to have Kamara, Murray and Thomas back for this game and thats bad news for the Bears. Chicago has leaned on RB David Montgomery recently, but the Saints run defense allowed just 93.9 yards per game this season. While I like the New Orleans offense, on the fast track at home, the Saints defense will be the difference here.
New Orleans is a -10 point favorite at DraftKings Bet on the Saints to cover.
BEST BET: Saints -10
Ian Ritchie (@SIGambling)
Cleveland Browns @ Pittsburgh Steelers (-6) | TOTAL: 47.5
BEST BET: Steelers -6
Scott Atkins (@ScottFantasy)
Indianapolis Colts @ Buffalo Bills (-6.5) | TOTAL: 51
BEST BET: Bills -6.5
Casey Olson (@Y2CASEY)
Cleveland Browns @ Pittsburgh Steelers (-6) | 47.5
BEST BET: Steelers -6
Gary Gramling, The MMQB (@GGramling_SI)
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Washington Football Team (+8) | TOTAL: 44.5
For anyone who watched until the bitter end of last weeks Football Team-Eagles season-ending crap-fest, you know the risk. Washington will not just be inept in that theyre unable to move the ball, but might commit a series of ugly turnovers that set the Bucs up with short fields for quick scores. Still, we know Washington has no offense and we know their home turf is typically crappy and difficult to play on.
The Bucs feasted on the Falcons, Lions and Falcons again over the final three games, which suggests to some that theyre clicking on offense. But Atlanta and Detroit dont have pass rushes, whereas the Football Team does and Tom Brady is a much different quarterback when hes under pressure.
As for a historical trend, over the past 10 postseasons, Wild Card games with a total between 42 and 50 have gone under 36 out of 46 times.
BEST BET: Under 44.5
Mitch Goldich, The MMQB (@mitchgoldich)
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Washington (+8) | TOTAL: 44.5
Weve waited all year to bet against the NFC East team in the playoffs, right? And now this is the game weve got.
The Bucs have been rolling the last few weeks, and Washington just cant score. Theyll either have a limited Alex Smith (thanks to his calf injury) or Taylor Heinicke, oraccording to Ron Riveramaybe a rotation between them. That just doesnt sound like a recipe for points to me. Theyll need a defensive touchdown or a turnover to give them the ball in the red zone, but I dont think you can bank on that.
Tom Brady has been in a million playoff games (literally, a million) and I think hell be smart with the ball and get it out quickly before Washingtons pass rush can get to him. Even if Mike Evans cant go, I think he has enough places to deliver the ball to keep the chains moving. This feels like a comfortable win.
BEST BET: Buccaneers -8
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Asia-Pacific CBD Skin Care Market Outlook to 2028 – Growing Usage of Cannabis for Medical and Recreational Purposes – – Yahoo…
Posted: at 2:32 pm
The "Asia-Pacific CBD Skin Care Market 2019-2028" report has been added to's offering.
The market for CBD skin care in the Asia-Pacific is forecast to witness a compound annual growth rate of 21.77% over the forecast period 2019-2028. India, China, Japan, Australia & New Zealand, South Korea, ASEAN countries, and Rest of APAC countries together shape the market in this region.
The consumption of marijuana is considered illegal in India. However, in 2018, in a first, Uttarakhand allowed the commercial cultivation of hemp crop. Bombay Hemp Company (BOHECO) was the first company to be allowed to manufacture cannabidiol products in the country. It makes medicinal products for consumption and cosmetic purposes.
Following suit, Flowerkist Incorporated, in December 2019, partnered with Dabur Research Foundation for developing a varied range of 100% hemp-based CBD infused topical products. Thus, a high demand for CBD is being witnessed in India, which will prove beneficial for the growth of its CBD skin care market over the forthcoming years.
Currently, CBD oil falls under the list of Schedule 4 drugs in Australia. Therefore, it can only be prescribed by doctors to patients diagnosed with certain conditions, and is not yet available in beauty and cosmetic stores. However, hemp oil is legally available.
Further, there is a growing demand for the inclusion of unique natural ingredients in skincare products in the country. In response to this, Bod Australia, in February 2019, introduced its new Manuka honey & hempseed oil skincare range. The increased demand for CBD products in Australia will put the nation's CBD skin care market on a growth trajectory in the years to come.
The companies competing in this market include Khiron Life Sciences Corp, Elixinol Limited, The CBD Skincare Company, Endoca BV, Kapu Maku LLC (Populum), Fab CBD, and Cannuka LLC.
Key Topics Covered:
Story continues
1. Asia-Pacific CBD Skin Care Market - Summary
2. Industry Outlook
2.1. Market Definition
2.2. Key Insights
2.2.1. Shift Toward CBD-Infused Skincare Products
2.2.2. Demand for Organic Personal Care Products
2.2.3. Online Sales of CBD Skincare Products
2.3. Impact of COVID-19 on CBD Skin Care Industry
2.4. Porter's Five Forces Analysis
2.5. Market Attractiveness Index
2.6. Industry Components
2.7. Market Drivers
2.7.1. Holistic Benefits of CBD-Infused Skincare Products
2.7.2. Growing Usage of Cannabis for Medical and Recreational Purposes
2.8. Market Restraints
2.8.1. Risk of Bacterial Contamination
2.9. Market Opportunities
2.9.1. Increasing Health Awareness
2.9.2. Personalized Skin Care Products
2.10. Market Challenges
2.10.1. Constant Pressure from Regulatory Bodies
3. Asia-Pacific CBD Skin Care Market Outlook - by Source
3.1. Hemp
3.2. Marijuana
4. Asia-Pacific CBD Skin Care Market Outlook - by Application
4.1. Oils
4.2. Lotion & Creams
4.3. Masks & Serums
4.4. Bath & Soaps
4.5. Other Applications
5. Asia-Pacific CBD Skin Care Market Outlook - by Distribution Channels
5.1. Supermarkets/Hypermarkets
5.2. Retail Pharmacies
5.3. Departmental Stores
5.4. E-Commerce
5.5. Other Distribution Channels
6. Asia-Pacific CBD Skin Care Market - Regional Outlook
6.1. China
6.2. Japan
6.3. India
6.4. South Korea
6.5. Asean Countries
6.6. Australia & New Zealand
6.7. Rest of Asia-Pacific
7. Competitive Landscape
7.1. Cannuka LLC
7.2. Cronos Group Inc
7.3. Elixinol Limited
7.4. Endoca Bv
7.5. Fab CBD
7.6. Isodiol International Inc
7.7. Joy Organics
7.8. Kapu Maku LLC (Populum)
7.9. Khiron Life Sciences Corp
7.10. Kiehl's LLC (Acquired by L'oreal)
7.11. Leef Organics Ltd
7.12. Medical Marijuana Inc
7.13. The CBD Skincare Company
7.14. Vertlybalm
8. Research Methodology & Scope
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ResearchAndMarkets.comLaura Wood, Senior Press
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What If Youre Not Feeling The Effects Of CBD? – The Fresh Toast
Posted: at 2:32 pm
Today, Id like to share with you a really great letter we got in the mail bag from an incredibly conscientious consumer, which is where I think most of you are. Everybody is working so hard to fill their bodies with great nutrition, really valuable organic foods, and its also important that our CBD products are equally valuable and supported by the right testing and appropriate farming techniques.
It matters very much to me that the insecticides, pesticides, and heavy metals are tested in every single batch of CBD that comes into my system. This writer in Texas started to use CBD, but noticed that it wasnt giving her the results she was looking for. Let me tell you part of her message to me, and then Ill tell you the rest of the message later.
I just started taking CBD four nights ago, hoping it would help with pain and inflammation in my legs and arms that often makes me restless and unable to sleep well. The CBD oil I bought is 1,000 milligram per bottle of CBD flower isolate in olive oil. The dosage in one dropper full is 20 milligrams, which I measured to be about 30 drops. I took 10 drops. Each of these four nights I have had worse insomnia, only getting two to three hours of sleep. Is CBD too excitatory for my system? Should I take it only during the day, or should I only take two or three drops?
In this particular case, I think there may not be quite enough CBD getting into her system. Ten to 20 milligrams is often where people start, and frequently the amount of CBD goes up considerably from there. In a number of my patients, 50 to 100 milligrams a day for management of insomnia is not unusual.
I went to an event in New York with some Canadian scientists who are saying that the sweet spot for dosing for chronic anxiety is falling somewhere around 300 milligrams a day in divided doses. That seems like a lot to me, but it probably suggests that I may not be using enough for some of my patients who are dealing with a significant amount of anxiety.
If youre not getting results on a small amount, one of three things is happening:
Consider all of those factors as youre working on this. I dont think its reasonable to start at five or 10 milligrams and then feel like its not working or that its working opposite for you. I doubt at that level that theres a significant effect really going on at all. The next paragraph says,
Of course, we live in Texas and medical cannabis is not available. But, after researching, we found a company who made a great product and they use third party testing for heavy metals and chemicals for microbial contamination, and each bottle has a batch number so you can read the test results for yourself.
Its so important as you go out looking for great food, great water, a wonderful bottle of wine, or your CBD, that everything is selected with the idea of getting the very best products for your body.
RELATED: CBD And How It Works With Your Bodys Built-In Cannabinoid System
In the front of your mind, its important that you choose a good product because the CBD molecule is the same. Finding one thats concentrated effectively so youre not having to drink a half a bottle in order to get a reasonable serving, or finding one thats been properly sourced and farmed, these are very important questions as you proceed to which brand youd like to choose.
Photo by BATCH by Wisconsin Hemp Scientific via Unsplash
She also says that her husband started taking the product and had wonderful results for his autoimmune arthritis and psoriasis, and then also pointed out that some of these products in MCT oil can cause problems for people who may have coconut allergies, so keep that in mind too, that sometimes the carrier oil could be a problem in terms of stimulating allergies.
RELATED: Using Cannabis With Your Partner May Increase Intimacy
If youre not getting a result, take a little bit more time to think about the serving size. Make sure that youve truly titrated to a high enough amount so you can assess whether or not its working.
Then, always remember to find a great product, a quality product that you can love. Thanks again, and for more information on how CBD and other cannabinoid formulations work for you and for your family, check
This article originally appeared on CBD & Cannabis Info and has been reposted with permission.
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What If Youre Not Feeling The Effects Of CBD? - The Fresh Toast
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What to remember when purchasing CBD Oil – Nyasa Times
Posted: at 2:32 pm
CBD oil has become popular. Some clinical studies show positive results when it comes to the health potentials of this. The studies claim that it does not possess any psychoactive properties. These findings have led to lawmakers relaxing rules concerning CBD products in some places. Therefore, some people have also become interested in these. There are many manufacturers present producing CBD products some of which are fake. It makes it confusing figuring out which one to get.
The following are some points to help you choose good quality CBD products.
Reason for buying
If you want to use CBD oil to help with some health issues, talk to your doctor to ask them if it can help you out. They can even tell you the procedure of consuming the product. Every method of consumption gives various levels of effectiveness.
If you for example consume the oil sublingually, this takes slightly more time for relief to occur. But it remains for more time. With a vaping pen, it is possible to get immediate relief from things like anxiety.
You need to know the quality of the ingredients present. Check for the following points:
Plant source- The two main plant sources when it comes to CBD extract include marijuana along Hemp plants. The employment of Marijuana for creating CBD oil is limited at the US federal level because it has more THC levels. CBD taken from Hemp plants is permissible at the federal level. Know the rules present in the place you want to use the product. Be sure the CBD oil comes from Hemp plants.
Organic hemp plants- Different manufacturers employ different chemicals like pesticides as well as fertilizers, etc. The chemicals are not good for humans to use. The reputed sellers only employ organically grown hemp plants within the CBD products. Therefore, make sure that the product utilizes organic Hemp plants within its extraction.
The carrier oil- Most popular used ones are Hemp Oil, MCT Oil, as well as Olive Oil. Every carrier oil possesses its properties which it gives to the end item.
Some minor ingredients- Some businesses use flavors as well as aromas that provide a good taste and smell to the merchandise. Be sure that the minor ingredients are natural plant extracts. They should not be derived chemically.
Manufacturing method
The manufacturing procedure is important when figuring out the quality of the product. Find out what the extraction method is. Some manufacturers employ various chemical solvents when extracting CBD from hemp plants. The chemicals will then give their harmful properties to the end product.
Reputed brands employ CO2 extraction procedures when extracting CBD. The procedure will not present any chemicals and gives an effective CBD extract.
Be sure you know of the type of CBD extract that is used. Hemp plants have many compounds apart from CBD. It encompasses THC, terpenes, etc.
The packaging material must be safe as well. It should not react with the product. Glass is a good option here.
When buying any CBD product make sure it is of good quality and that it will help you out.
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