Daily Archives: January 9, 2021

Verzuz’s Virtual Return Shows Celebs Have Always Lived in Different Worlds – VICE

Posted: January 9, 2021 at 2:38 pm

On Friday, Verzuz postponed the Ashanti and Keyshia Cole battle set to air tomorrow night, breaking the hearts of R&B fans for a second time. "This has been an emotional week," the VerzuzTV page posted on Instagram, citing Wednesday's insurrection at the Capitol. "In addition, as COVID-19 numbers continue to increase, safety is a top priority for us. As much as we enjoy having everyone together in the same room, to protect the artists and everyone who works with us in putting the shows together, we'll be going back to separate rooms for a bit." Certainly, none of us want to continue watching Verzuz on whatever shoddy internet connection Teddy Riley was using, but this response reads as if COVID's infection rates have not been increasing all along. It also makes one thing clear: Touring and live shows may have ceased, but the grandeur of celebrity keeps the haves and the have nots in completely separate worlds.

Swizz Beatz and Timbaland's pivot to Instagram Live battles in March didn't just redefine who gets to be considered a legacy artist, but it made celebrities look like humans. They were confined to their four walls too, and even if they were sheltering in place in mansions, they were trying to adjust to a new normal like the rest of us. In a matter of months, the series evolved from a camera-phone quality operation from remote locations to a more fleshed out production, via an Apple Music partnership. The show began uniting artists and entourages in relevant locations, like Bounty Killer and Beenie Man's show in Jamaica (the series' first in-person battle) and Gucci Mane and Jeezy's Magic City takeover in Atlanta. With Verzuz, Swizz Beatz and Timbaland did what hip-hop has historically done: turn a shitty situation into a (virtual) party. The series' success (with its viewership beating out 2020's MTV VMA ratings) is a direct reaction to COVID and quarantine, but as time has passed, it began to feel like Verzuz's in-person was largely ignoring the reason it began in the first placeuntil the series, and its participants, were forced to address the pandemic-sized elephant in the room.

In December, many prepared to time travel back to Y2K, breaking out our defunct two-way pagers to watch Ashanti and Keyshia Cole defend their titles as staples of R&B and hip-hop of the 2000s. But 2020 had other plans. "Hey yall I can't believe I'm saying this but I tested positive for COVID-19," Ashanti shared on Instagram. "I'm ok and not in any pain. I'm actually down to do the Verzuz from my house We're trying to figure it all out."

A look at Ashanti's Instagram page makes the unbelievable a lot more believable. In October, she celebrated her birthday in Antigua, and was vacationing in Nairobi when the Verzuz battle was announced. Days before her arrival, the CDC issued a travel notice naming Kenya a Level 4, the highest level, for COVID infections: "Travelers should avoid all travel to Kenya." According to the notice, all travelers should be tested after their trips and quarantine for one week upon return. On December 8, Ashanti posted Verzuz merch, tagging Nairobi as her location, which seemed odd given that she was set to be in the same room as Keyshia Cole days later. But the next day, Nairobi News, a local paper, documented her arrival to the country. "Ashanti's visit comes a few days before her most anticipated Verzuz battle with fellow RnB singer Keyshia Cole slated for Saturday, December 12, 2020," the paper wrote. If you're keeping up, you're right: It would be impossible for Ashanti to return to the states in time in order to quarantine 7 days before sitting in a room with Keyshia Cole and a production team. But the larger question is, why was it scheduled when she was abroad to begin with?

Verzuz has been the closest thing we've gotten to live music in nearly a year. The news of yet another postponement stings, but it goes to show that the virus can affect everyone. A new year didn't wash away the residue of how traumatic 2020 was, and experiencing an insurrection in the first week of 2021 didn't make it any easier. Watching celebrities charter private jets and private islands to retain a sense of normalcy while 140,000 jobs in the US were lost in December alone and D.C. is in shambles is a grave reminder that the privilege of money transcends turmoil.

Kristin Corry is a Senior Staff Writer at VICE.

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Verzuz's Virtual Return Shows Celebs Have Always Lived in Different Worlds - VICE

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From Wealth TV to OAN – Rich Conservatives are Brainwashing the Country – City Watch

Posted: at 2:38 pm

It catered to those that had more money than most of us could spend in a lifetime, any could view choices in buying a yacht, choosing mega-million-dollar homes, or even traveling to obscure or interesting countries around the world.

To say that the people running this channel were out of touch with the average human being is an overstatement, but one has to assume that there were enough to watch them to pay their bills. With programming such asBoys Toys, Dream Cruises, Private Islands, and Platinum Playgrounds,anyone with enough money could sit back and be entertained with shows that matched their lifestyle. As you might guess, AWE was founded by an eccentric insomniac millionaire, Robert Herring.

It didnt take long for his news junkie focus to become bored with AWE and so in 2013 he decided to change the channel to OAN (One America News). All you have to do is watch this channel to realize that the name is an oxymoron. What may have started with the idea of a real news broadcasting organization made an abrupt right turn as the dawn of the 2016 approached. From that point on, OAN became a kind of Trump tv, and it was done to compete with Fox. OAN quickly transitioned from middle of the road reporting to a channel that tried to find the most outrageous and bizarre conspiracy theories and lies that they could tell to woo Trump to their side. . .and it worked.

Its quite apparent that 80-year-old Robert Herring has long forgotten his middle-class roots. Although he began his professional career as a circuit board sales rep in Orange County, California, he made his millions by founding and then selling two circuit board companies of his own. If there is one thing that we can say about many salesmen (or women) its that they usually have their pitch ingrained in their souls.

Sales reps know that it is ALWAYS about the sale whether the product is good, bad, destructive, or just an outright lie. This is the philosophy that Herring lives by.

Herring is adept at seeing what sells and in news junkie format, he became obsessed with how MSNBCs Rachel Maddow and Foxs Bill OReilly were redesigning information by beating one or two topics to death.

In a Washington Post articleentitledAn inside look at One America News, the insurgent TV network taking pro-Trump to new heights

In 2013, the family created its second channel, One America News. Robert Herrings idea was to provide something that had gone missing from the cable news landscape a basic headline service covering national and international news. Herring, long an active donor to political campaigns, had no journalism experience.

The channel he created is a rapid-fire cavalcade of headlines. Most stories run well under a minute. Almost all of the reports are read by the anchors over video footage provided by the Reuters, Associated Press and Euronews services, as well as by RT, the Kremlin-funded news outlet that a U.S. intelligence report calls Russias state-run propaganda machine.

The OAN Con: Appeal to Trump and the Trump Cult

Herring may be noted as one of the first to recognize that Trump was broadcast gold. His bizarre, strange, ridiculous, sick and twisted presence may make a majority of us want to vomit, but there is no doubting that mainstream media saw him as a draw for the public. Herring made sure that OAN broadcast all of Trumps Hitler-esque rallies, even when other channels werent. They also constantly praised Trump and never criticized or made a negative word about him.

Just having conservative so-called news that mimicked other broadcasts wasnt enough. Herring knew that he had to get national recognition in the WH Press Briefings. To that extent he sent so-called reporters to attend, and the success was shown when they were moved from the back of the room closer to the front when one of them refused to comply with social distancing and later began praising Trumps claim for the potentially dangerous drug, hydroxycholorquine, as a COVID-19 cure. Herring knew that Trump is a narcissist and always rewards those that compliment and coo to his side. But not everything went the way of OAN, as even when Herring had a meeting with Trump at the White House, the channel received only a positive comment about their graphics.

It has taken almost 4 years for OAN to gain favor with Trump, and one may give credit to Fox as having finally had enough of Trump as they have started to actually report news that wasnt the brainwashing propaganda that Trump wanted them to tell. Looking for another source to soothe his ego, Trump began to field more questions from the OAN reporters and talk about the station in a more positive light.

Trying to make a state-run news organization like the ones that we saw in pre-WWII Germany and Italy is a difficult job. In anarticleby CJR:One America News was desperate for Trumps approval. Heres how it got it.

Charles Herring, OANs president and Robert Herrings son, says that the networks news shows are unbiased. Our news anchors are NOT allowed to express their opinion, he wrote to me in an email. They are presenters, and the STAR of the show is the news, not the talent. But to tune in is to enter a dizzying alternaverse in which the least credible of Republican talking points are taken as fact. On OAN, Trump is perennially the victim ofdeep-state scheming Democrats efforts to block a census citizenship question werea ployto hijack the Electoral College. And the Pentagon, by investigating atrocities committed under the American flag, is waging a war on warriors. Last December, OAN rana three-hour specialin which Rion and Rudy Giuliani collaborated to debunk the impeachment hoax. (Russian state television laterrebroadcastpart of the special.)

[Andrew McCormick, CJR writer] spoke with more than a dozen former and current employees of OAN, some on the condition of anonymity because they feared reprisal. A few had kind words for the network and for their coworkers, but collectively they described a circus, where ethics are absent, turnover is high, and dissent is met with rage. At the helm, they say, is Robert Herring, a wealthy businessman and kind of mini-Trump, whose near-singular focus seems to be supporting the president and his policies. [Herring] is the network, a former anchor told me. He is in control of absolutely everything he wants to be, and if someone doesnt like it theyre fired.

Robert Herring is a kind of enigma. While he is in lockstep with most of Trumps ideologies such as anti-immigration, racism, bigotry, and climate change denial, he also drives a Tesla, invests in stock and demands that there are no negative stories on the company. Other topics that are taboo include police brutality against Black Americans, specifically unarmed Black men. The channel may have started out with a desire to be a middle of the road reporting, but it has turned into whatever Herring wants.

OAN may be parroting whatever the right-wing Trump cult wants to hear, including some of the tin foil hat stuff from the likes of Breitbart, but they have competition. Quite some time ago I wrote anarticleentitled: Sinclair Conservative Broadcasting Set to Spread Propaganda to almost Half of American Homes


This is information regarding the hundreds of local broadcasting stations that Sinclair has bought up around the country:

As newspapers shut down across the country they create what is known as information deserts and its in these areas that Sinclair has jumped in to buy up local television stations so that they can fill the gap with the kind of propaganda that one would only expect to see or hear in an authoritarian regime.

Under the guise of balanced reporting, Sinclair is manipulating what the average American sees and hears to match what THEY want you to believe.

If you still doubt, just take a look at thevideothat was exposed to show the kind of cut and paste content that they are sending out in the over 193 stations that they own; which is currently 39% of American households.

Image source: Funny or Die

The Continuation of Crazy without Trump

Now that Trump is becoming yesterdays news and everyone from the State of New York to Deutsche Bank and the country of Scotland are coming after him for his criminal activities, the question to be asked is: will there be anyone to buy the nut job reporting of right-wing media?

Rupert Murdoch knew that there was a market in the U.S. for those that would believe absolutely anything. He made his millions in the U.K. with tabloids that did this kind of lying and then founded Fox (not news) in the U.S. These are the same people that continue to buy our grocery store tabloids and watch shows like Honey Boo Boo and Duck Dynasty. Some have said that they arent the smartest tool in the shed and based on what we have seen in the last 5 years, I think a lot of us believe it.

As Fox has lost favor with Trump, we are seeing organizations such as OAN and now Newsmax add to the Sinclair Broadcasting efforts to accomplish the Orwelian mass brainwashing with propaganda that should be obvious to even 10-year-olds. Sadly, it appears that what many around the world think of our citizens is true Americans really ARE that stupid!

Thus far, there are billions of dollars invested in these right-wing extremist broadcasting groups and they arent going to let a little thing like a lack of Trump stop them. We can only hope that the new Biden/Harris administration will work with our legislators to introduce requirements for cable news to offer truth in reporting. . .what a concept.

(S. Novi is a journalist that worked in the media and continues to seek out truth and integrity. A liberal and one that is suspicious of cults and empty promises. This piece appeared on Medium.com.) Prepped for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.

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From Wealth TV to OAN - Rich Conservatives are Brainwashing the Country - City Watch

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A Bostonian’s Guide toHopefullyTraveling This Year – Boston magazine

Posted: at 2:38 pm

Most people arent going anywhere this winterthat much is certain. But as we inch toward the one-year anniversary of the pandemic that changed our lives, its fun to dream about the places we want to go the moment things finally start returning to normal. Are you ready to come along for the ride?

Let your imagination run wild with this list of 2021s must-visit destinations, including Egypt. / Photo by Alison Wright/Getty Images

If theres any place in the world that loves to do things over the top, its this Mediterranean micro-state, the capital of mega-yachts, billionaires, high-stakes gambling, and all that glitters. For 2021, Monaco plans to make history by hosting not just its famed Grand Prix motor race in May, but three consecutive confetti-filled, champagne-drenched events. Not the car-racing type? Consider visiting in July or August for Monaco Art en Ciel, an internationally recognized fireworks festival. Just be sure to pack your black-tie attire and leave time for a round of roulette at the Monte Carlo Casino.


Numerous airlines have connecting flights from Boston to Nice; its then a 30-minute drive from the airport to Monaco. But we suggest leaning into the adventure and booking a Monacair helicopter transfer for 130 euros per person for the real 007 experience.


Book a room at the Htel Metropole and youll have exclusive access to the Metropole restaurant and terrace, with views of the only downhill stretch of the circuit. For a quieter seaside respite, try the Monte-Carlo Beach Hotel, located on its own private waterfront but only a short walk from the action.

History, art, architecture, and culture collide in spectacular fashion in Venice. / Photo by Paulina Stopka/Getty Images

This is itthis is the year you book that trip to Venice. With climate change and rising sea levels, you might not get another chance. When you do finally get there, youll see that the floating city isnt just about gelato cafs, gondola rides, and centuries worth of Italian arte classicaits also a haven for architecture buffs, who have studied it for decades. This year Venice will offer its Biennale Architettura 2021, an immersive citywide exhibition of conceptual displays put on by the worlds most interesting builders and thinkers between April and November. When youre not picking up some design inspo to bring back home, consider venturing beyond the famous city to take in the mountains, lakes, and fresh air of the breathtakingly beautiful Veneto region.


Alitalia has a convenient overnight nonstop from Logan to Rome-Fiumicino that takes less than eight hours. From there its a painless one-hour connection onward to the City of Bridges.


Its all about the iconic Gritti Palace, a 500-year-old former noblemans house turned luxury hotel. Ask to stay in Ernest Hemingways favorite suite so you can wake up to the sounds of the Grand Canal lapping below.

Theres no wrong time of year to visit Botswana. / Photo by Michael Kuhlmann/EYEEM/Getty Images

Lets face it: The most exotic animals youve probably seen recently are the chipmunks and squirrels in your own backyard. Could there be a better time, then, to check a safari off your travel bucket list? While South Africa and Kenya are the obvious destinations for first-time Africa visitors, travel insiders know Botswana to be something of a hidden gem: The camps are luxurious and private (Prince Harry has been known to favor Meno a Kwena on the Boteti River), the crowds are sparse, and the wildlife is sublime. Head to the Okavango Delta or Makgadikgadi Salt Pans between June and October, and youll be rewarded with herds of elephants playing on riverbanks and more than a few lazy lions lounging in the sun.


Its not a particularly quick or direct trip, but flying 12 hours on Qatar Airways from Boston to Doha, then grabbing a connection onward to Gaborone, makes the ride comfortable.


Long-standing favorite Jacks Camp just got a total rebuild but still has the antique furniture, jacquard-flap tents, and 1940s vibes that its fans adore. Traveling with the brood in tow? Check out the brand-new Xigera Safari Lodge, which features a two-bedroom family suite.

Soak up the sun and some dry desert heat in Palm Springs. / Photo via Westend61/Getty Images

The desert is looking particularly hot this year. Long a must-visit for enthusiasts of midcentury architecture (and those looking to escape Bostons frigid winters), Palm Springs is upping its cultural cred in 2021 with several distinctive experiences. First, the internationally acclaimed biennial art exhibition Desert X returns this February through April 11, letting visitors experience the unique landscape in a new way through site-specific outdoor art installations. Second, the Agua Caliente Cultural Museum, opening this year, offers a glimpse into the rich history of the regions Cahuilla people.

And finally, July brings the debut of Palm Springs Surf Club, a recreational epicenter created by pro surfers and featuring an enormous wave pool that lets you hang 10 surrounded by views of sand dunes and mountains.


Hop on JetBlues direct flight from Logan and youll be basking in the California sunshine in just over six hours.


The 29-room Casa Cody, Palm Springs oldest operating hotel, just reopened following a full renovation (and still has one of the best locations in town, just steps from the Palm Springs Art Museum). Book the Olympic Cottage, which housed athletes during the Los Angeles 1932 Summer Olympics.

Belize is truly a choose-your-own-adventure destination, whether you prefer exploring or posting up on the beach with a frosty cocktail. / Photo via Thpstock/Getty Images

It might be the size of New Hampshire, but this small Caribbean nation teems with adventure at every turnmaking it the ideal escape for those whose quarantine was painfully sedentary. Explore long-forgotten Mayan ruins hidden in the jungle; hike to a waterfall in Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary, the only jaguar reserve on earth; swim with friendly nurse sharks in the North Islands; and sample some of the best tacos in the world at the Orange Walk taco festival this November. It says a lot about the destination that its miles and miles of unspoiled white-sand beaches are somehow the least interesting reason to visitbut dont get us wrong, after so much exploration, youll definitely want to set aside at least a few days to recover beachside with a rum punch in hand.


A connecting flight through Atlanta on Delta gets you to paradise in under seven hours.


No need to vie for beach chairs or fight over restaurant reservations when theres nobody else aroundprivate island Cayo Espanto offers seven secluded beach villas, so you can go your entire stay without seeing another guest. For easier access to Belizes activities and attractions, check out the brand-new Alaia Belize, Autograph Collection opening in March.

Egypts temples, tombs, and mummies have attracted visitors for millennia. / Nick Brundle Photography/Getty Images

Its been at the crossroads of the world for centuriesand thanks to recent investments in preserving the areas iconic architecture and artifacts, itll continue to be for years to come. Start your Indiana Jones adventure in Cairo, where the government just last year unveiled a $6 million, 14-year restoration of Pharaoh Djosers stepped pyramidthe oldest colossal stone structure in Egypt, dating to the 27th century BC. Then continue on to the Grand Egyptian Museum in Giza, which will be the largest archaeological museum in the world when it opens its doors this spring, with many pieces on display for the first time. After youve explored the pyramids and museums in the Greater Cairo area, hop on a quick flight to Aswan in the countrys arid southern region, where youll find Egypts greatest hits of tombs and temples.


You can connect through New York or Europe on numerous airlines, but a 12-hour Emirates flight to Dubai ensures youll have a restful overnight leg before transferring to Cairo.


The Sofitel Cairo Nile El Gezirah is centrally located and features an extraordinary infinity pool overlooking the Nile. If Nile cruises are up and running when you visit, consider the Steamship Sudanthe last remaining belle poque vessel of its kind on the river.

What Tofinos waters lack in warmth, they make up for with gnarly waves. / Photo by Manuel Sulzer/Getty Images

After a year of being stuck at home, were all itching to explore uncharted territory. Enter the village of Tofino, British Columbia: Nestled on the west coast of Vancouver Island, the remote destination is a nature lovers paradise where fishermen, surfers, and posh Vancouver weekenders live in harmony with the elementsall of them. Given that there isnt much between here and Japan except a few thousand miles of open North Pacific, when a storm rolls in during the off-season, its truly a spectacle to behold. When youre not exploring, try snagging a table at the award-winning Wolf in the Fog, where chef Nick Nuttings potato-crusted local oysters with apple and truffle oil attract foodies from around the world.


Youll have to hop, skip, and jump your way across our neighbor to the north on Air Canada or WestJet, but once you arrive in Victoria or Vancouver, BC, its a quick 45-minute flight on Pacific Coastal Airlines to Tofino, or a scenic drive across the heart of the island.


Each room at hotelier Charles McDiarmids luxurious Wickaninnish Inn comes with a soaking tub, fireplace, and picture window to experience Tofinos famous storms from the comfort of your roomas well as a rain slicker and boots in the closet if you feel like braving the weather outdoors.

Deep powder, Rocky Mountain views, luxurious hotels, a picturesque townthis is a winter destination that both die-hard skiers and die-hard lodge bunnies can get behind. / Jeff R. Clow/Getty Images

Leave the aprs-ski crowds in Aspen and the congested lift lines in Vailsocial distancing is the name of the game in this charming ski village, which boasts some of the tallest lift-accessed vertical drops and biggest skiable acreage on the continent. Hit the slopes and youll see why many pro skiers keep coming back season after season to the quaint Wyoming hideaway, where the terrain offers everything from beginner hills to the gnarliest of the gnar. Traveling with lodge bunnies, or perhaps your quads need a break for the day? Grand Teton and Yellowstone national parks make for a scenic daylong road trip.


Connect through Chicago, Minneapolis, or Salt Lake Cityand keep an eye out for the Jackson Chamber of Commerces customary glass of bubbly (currently on hiatus due to COVID) upon arrival.


Pull out all the stops and book a suite at the over-the-top Caldera House, a swanky ski-in, ski-out hotel with an in-house ski shop. Grab a drink at the guests- and members-only bar, and chances are youll run into slope stars like Bode Miller.

Close enough for a road trip but far enough to feel totally new, Charlottesville offers a winning combination of history, culture, food, and wine that any Bostonian would find well worth the journey. / Photo by Thatree Thitivongvaroon/Getty Images

Calling all vino lovers: If youre tired of staring at the same bottles but arent ready to fly all the way to Bordeaux to upgrade your stash, a road trip from Massachusetts down to the other commonwealth is an equally transportiveand intoxicatingexperience. C-ville has history, restaurants, and the University of Virginia, but its also located in the center of the Monticello American Viticultural Area, where Thomas Jefferson famously claimed the U.S. could produce as great a variety of wines as are made in Europe. There are more than 30 stops along the Monticello Wine Trail, each with its own distinctly American history to explore. And with tourism here a fraction of what youll find at wineries in California or Europe, you wont have to worry about crowds as you savor cabernet franc amid views of the Blue Ridge Mountains.


The trip can be done in just under nine hours by car, or its a quick flight to Richmond, Virginia, and then a one-hour drive.


Take a break from sipping and swirling at the year-old Quirk Hotel, the first boutique property to open downtown. Or unwind in the countryside at the Keswick Resort, which reopens this year after a complete renovationand with chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten overseeing all of the culinary operations.

Old meets new, city meets naturenowhere else does these things like Japan. Even if youre not going for the Olympics, there is still a lifetime of exploration to find here. / Photo by Carrie Huang/EYEEM/Getty Images

After a one-year COVID delay, its all eyes on Tokyo for the Summer Games of the XXXII Olympiad. If you arent lucky enough to score tickets to the Games themselves, there are still plenty of reasons to visit right now, from sampling Japanese whiskey at one of the citys hidden speakeasies to creating unforgettable Instagram posts among the otherworldly dots and immersive installations at the Yayoi Kusama Museum. Even just standing at Shibuya Crossing during rush hour and watching hundreds of pedestrians scramble-cross the intersection is worthwhilebecause after the most chaotic of years, seeing something so large have such order is sure to be an unexpectedly comforting experience.


It may be on the other side of the planet, but at least you dont need to make a connection: Japan Airlines offers a 14-hour direct flight from Logan to Narita International Airport.


An urban oasis in the heart of downtown, Hoshinoya Tokyo puts a deeply luxurious spin on the traditional ryokan, with an all-inclusive two-night, three-day relaxation program complete with spa treatments, deep-breathing exercises, hot-spring bathing, and immune-boosting fermented Japanese cuisine.

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A Bostonian's Guide toHopefullyTraveling This Year - Boston magazine

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Investment in AI and nanotech surges in wake of COVID-19 – IT Brief New Zealand

Posted: at 2:36 pm

The fallout from COVID-19 is driving huge investment within AI and nanotechnology, with healthcare investment expected to grow at a rate of nearly 50% more a year towards a market set to be worth $1.333 trillion by 2027, according to Vector Innovation Fund.

The acceleration highlights wide recognition that the world cannot afford the human and economic cost of another pandemic, it says.

At present, 70% of global healthcare provision is spent on providing care for the last few months of our lives.

It is further accepted that the pandemic has shown the inefficiency of the worlds centralised healthcare model and its poor outcomes, with far reaching economic effects and negative impacts on treating cancers, mental health, cardio-vascular conditions, and the emerging challenge from Long COVID.

But observers say this will now trigger the greatest transformation of investment in advanced healthcare technologies since World War II.

These include sophisticated nanotechnology-based diagnostics, biomarkers, vaccines, novel therapies, highly targeted nanomedicines and AI, allowing us to move to a more sustainable, digitised, decentralised and democratised point-of-care environment.

"With dynamic investment these will free our economies and future-proof us from infectious diseases as well as develop solutions to antibiotic resistance, another global healthcare challenge that only technology can solve," VIF says.

"Investors are already switching to this accelerated model, away from traditional healthcare infrastructure and onto point of care and precision medicine.

"This delivers sustainable healthcare economics as well as improving life and longevity. Such investment is expected to bring transformational impact and returns over the next decade and beyond."

This trend was apparent before COVID-19 but investment in healthcare technology in the second half of 2020 has already reached record levels and is set to climb significantly over the next decade.

One particular investment group has developed a unique gateway fund to innovative and disruptive technologies, targeting current and future pandemics, as well as transforming global healthcare.

This international investment platform operated by Vector Innovation Fund G-P Srl, is registered and regulated as an Alternative International Investment Fund, domiciled in Luxembourg due to the country's world class reputation for tax efficiency and regulatory standards. This highly innovative fund is attractive and available only to sophisticated international, UHNW, family office, sovereign wealth, and other institutional investors.

Vector Innovation Fund (VIF) has now launched a $300 million sub-fund for pandemic protection and future healthcare, aiding and supporting precision medicine, highly advanced point of care and AI technologies to support the global economy, sustainable healthcare, and life longevity.

Paul Stannard, chairman and general partner of VIF, says, "Politicians are always forced to defend our old, centralised healthcare model but the pandemic has proved beyond doubt its not fit for purpose.

"A new approach to emerging technologies is vital," he says.

"We have brought together some of the worlds leading figures in biomedicine, advanced diagnostics, nano biomarkers, telemedicine, AI and machine learning to accelerate these transformational technologies into the markets, backed by sophisticated and institutional investors creating one of the most dynamic international investment structures," Stannard explains.

"Globally, we have had to deal with Ebola, Zika Virus, Bird Flu, and now COVID-19 in one decade, but the economy must adapt to a new future, where prevention and early intervention as well as using AI to drive more sustainable models for healthcare and investment."

One example of this is the profound change in telemedicine in just a few months. These technology solutions for GPs and patients, have allowed us to monitor and support many more patients during this pandemic the start of an unstoppable transformation.

Stannard says previous investment criteria were holding back innovation and only reinforcing the broken property-focused and centralised models for healthcare. Innovators have proved that they can develop and commercialise novel technologies and have some approved within months, not years, and this trend will advance beyond the current crisis, which is creating this groundswell of pent-up investment in advanced technologies.

"Our team have an excellent track record in industry, healthcare, technology and investment, with 21 exits and a total value creation of $2.4 billion, including two successful IPOs," he says.

A recent report by KPMG and HFS Research highlighted how companies and governments need to make smart investments in emerging technologies if they are to prevail against future pandemics: 65% of 900 global executives polled said: We don't have a choice or we risk threatening our very existence.

Paul Sheedy, founder of The World Nano Foundation, an international not-for-profit organisation for the commercialisation of nanoscale technologies, adds, "Nanomedicine and the decoding of the genome have been enhancing healthcare for a number of years, but the pandemic has catapulted healthcare investment creating a hockey stick effect for investors.

"This includes vastly improved home testing and advanced diagnostics where we know outcomes are significantly improved through early intervention," he says.

"Added to this, highly targeted precision medicines or therapies are going to transform all forms of healthcare, allowing us to work in parallel with and then ultimately move away from the current archaic centralised healthcare system delivery."

Nanotechnology is forecast to more than double from $54.2 billion this year to $126.8 billion by 2027 and will create a positive force for change when combined with AI and machine learning, forecast on its own to soar 22.5% a year through to 2027 from a $284.38 billion market in 2019.

"We are going to see these twin forces of innovation transform how we live, work, and manage our health in real time as well as develop sustainable models for everything from food production and energy to transport and pollution, all of which improve health and well-being.

"The world of philanthropy and impact investing is also undergoing significant change as we realise that we must advance everything from healthcare for all with more affordable point of care to climate change, improved biodiversity, and reversing pollution."

Naz Bashir, trustee of global technology charity World Science Aid, says, "The world has suddenly woken up to the fact that the global challenges of healthcare, pollution and climate change must now be tackled head on.

"The pandemic has proved that money has no value without sustainable life and a stable economy. The world has reinforced the mistakes of supporting tired funding models for too long, and one positive outcome from the current global crisis is recognition that we now need to invest for the future, and these new technologies can right some of the wrongs of the past.

"For instance, two billion of the worlds seven billion people still do not have access to clean water or simple point of care technology," says Bashir.

"The next generation deserve and demand a better future that these enabling technologies can offer our governments and investors towards building a better post-pandemic future."


Investment in AI and nanotech surges in wake of COVID-19 - IT Brief New Zealand

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NS Nanotech Teams Up with Kryptolights to Offer Far-UVC Sterilization for a Host of Consumer and Commercial Applications – PR Web

Posted: at 2:36 pm

NS Nanotech will highlight its ShortWaveLight Emitter technology at the virtual CES consumer electronics exhibition next week.

ANN ARBOR, Mich. (PRWEB) January 05, 2021

Kryptolights is utilizing revolutionary technology in a new suite of commercial and residential products poised to redefine the way we cleanse pathogens from the environment and interact with the world around us. Known as ShortWaveLight Emitters, NS Nanotechs groundbreaking nanotechnology neutralizes coronavirus and other pathogens with far-UVC disinfecting light.

At the virtual CES consumer electronics exhibition next week, NS Nanotech will highlight its ShortWaveLight Emitter technology, including applications that Kryptolights has under development to clean air and surfaces. Registered attendees will be able to visit the NS Nanotech virtual CES booth to learn more (search NS Nanotech in the CES exhibitor directory).

This essential technology is vital to curbing the current pandemic and in preventing one in the future. Many industries could utilize our products to regain peoples trust by offering customers a clean environment to conduct business, explains Kryptolights Co-Founder Shey Godoy. We know this tech will be a big part of the future. This spectrum of light offers normalcy, as it can seamlessly integrate into peoples businesses and lives.

Far UVC: A New Kind of UV Disinfection

The market for disinfection solutions utilizing ultraviolet light is 100 years old. But the COVID-19 pandemic set suppliers in the UV market on fire in 2020 to address the unprecedented disruption to the global economy and daily life for communities worldwide. The range of UV light known as far-UVC can inactivate pathogens, including coronaviruses, by attacking their RNA and making it impossible for them to reproduce. And recent scientific studies have found that with its short wavelength of 230 nanometers or less, far-UVC light does not penetrate living cells on the surfaces of skin and eyes.

Revolutionary solid-state nanotechnologies from NS Nanotech are making it practical to deploy shortwave far-UVC light in many settings, says Godoy. Unlike standard UV bulbs, which operate at high temperatures and require the use of caustic gases, the solid-state ShortWaveLight Emitters run cool, are smaller, and do not use dangerous materials. Whereas previous UV emitters were difficult to operate, now we can bring Kryptolights UltraClean solutions to the market and make a difference in everyones lives.

We are delighted to announce our partnership with Kryptolights on the eve of CES, where we can showcase the revolutionary properties and potential of far-UVC disinfecting light, says NS Nanotech CEO and Co-Founder Seth Coe-Sullivan. We designed our new solid-state far-UVC ShortWaveLight Emitters to be useful for thousands of applications that will protect consumers and businesses from coronavirus and future pathogens. Kryptolights is an early adopter already developing innovative far-UVC disinfection solutions that we expect will have a big impact in the near future and in coming years.

About NS Nanotech

NS Nanotechs patented technologies, drawing on a decade of work on nitride semiconductors by researchers at McGill University and the University of Michigan, dramatically improve the fabrication process and resulting efficiency of nano-scale light-emitting materials. NS Nanotech ShortWaveLight Emitters are the first devices that utilize solid-state semiconductors to generate far-UVC light.

About Kryptolights

Kryptolights is spearheading the advance of Far UVC technology into daily life. Utilizing expertise in spectrum-specific lighting and product brand UltraClean UV, germicidal lighting is coming to the residential and commercial marketplaces through products such as HomeSafe, Cleanse Light, and the Kryptolight Saber.

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NS Nanotech Teams Up with Kryptolights to Offer Far-UVC Sterilization for a Host of Consumer and Commercial Applications - PR Web

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Aerospace Nanotechnology Market Global Industry COVID 19 Analysis, Growth Trends and Forecast 2020-2026: Glonatech, Flight Shield, Lockheed Martin,…

Posted: at 2:36 pm

Aerospace Nanotechnology market research report provides detailed information on the following aspects: industry size, share, growth, segmentation, manufacturers and progress, main trends, market drivers, challenges, standardization, deployment models, opportunities, strategies, future roadmaps, and Annual forecast till 2026, etc. The report conducted a professional and in-depth analysis of the current situation of the Aerospace Nanotechnology market, including major players such as manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, traders, customers, and investors. The report also helps you understand the dynamic structure of the Aerospace Nanotechnology market by identifying and analyzing market segments.

Combined with important market challenges, the potential of this industry field has been fully explored. The current market conditions and prospects of this segment have also been checked. In addition, key market strategies including product development, partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions will also be studied. Upstream raw materials and equipment and downstream demand analysis are also conducted.

Have a Need More Info, Request Sample PDF of This Research Report:https://www.worldwidemarketreports.com/sample/337971

The major players profiled in this report include

Airbus, Glonatech, Flight Shield, Lockheed Martin, Lufthansa Technik, tripleO Performance Solution, Zyvex Technologies, CHOOSE NanoTech, General Nano, HR TOUGHGUARD, Metamaterial Technologies

Market Segments and Sub-segments Covered in the Report are as per below:

Based on Product Type Aerospace Nanotechnology market is segmented into

Nanomaterials, Nanotools, Nanodevices

Based on Application Aerospace Nanotechnology market is segmented into

Aircraft Parts, Fuselage Structure, Aero Engine Parts, Aircraft Electronic Communication System, Others

Regional Coverage of the Aerospace Nanotechnology Market:

Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa and Middle East, North America, Latin America

Impact of COVID-19:

The industry is mainly driven by increasing financial incentives and regulatory support from governments around the world. The current Aerospace Nanotechnology market is mainly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Most projects in China, the United States, Germany, and South Korea have been postponed. These companies are facing short-term operational problems due to supply chain constraints and the inaccessibility of factories due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Due to the pandemic impact in China, Japan, and India, the spread of COVID-19 is expected to severely affect the Asia-Pacific region.

Get the Covid-19 Impact Analysis, And All updates on Aerospace NanotechnologyIndustry:https://www.worldwidemarketreports.com/covidimpact/337971

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the report cover?The report incorporates an analysis of factors that promote market growth. The report introduces the competitive landscape of the global market. This also provides a range of different market segments and applications that may affect the market in the future. The analysis is based on current market trends and historical growth data. It includes detailed market segmentation, regional analysis, and industry competition pattern.

Does the report estimate the current market size?The report effectively assesses the current market size and provides industry forecasts. The value of this market in 2019 is $XXX million, and the compound annual growth rate during 2020-2026 is expected to be XX%.(*Note: XX values will be given in final report)

How does the report provide the market size of the market?The report effectively assesses the current market size and provides forecasts for the industry in the form of Value (millions USD) and transaction Volume (Thousands Units)

What market dynamics does this report cover?The report shares key insights on:

It helps companies make strategic decisions.

Does this report provide customization?Customization helps organizations gain insight into specific market segments and areas of interest. Therefore, WMR provides customized report information according to business needs for strategic calls.

Customization Link:https://www.worldwidemarketreports.com/quiry/337971

Aerospace Nanotechnology Market 2020-2026: Main Highlights

About WMR

Worldwide Market Reports is your one-stop repository of detailed and in-depth market research reports compiled by an extensive list of publishers from across the globe. We offer reports across virtually all domains and an exhaustive list of sub-domains under the sun. The in-depth market analysis by some of the most vastly experienced analysts provide our diverse range of clients from across all industries with vital decision making insights to plan and align their market strategies in line with current market trends.

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Aerospace Nanotechnology Market Global Industry COVID 19 Analysis, Growth Trends and Forecast 2020-2026: Glonatech, Flight Shield, Lockheed Martin,...

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Aerospace Nanotechnology Market COVID 19 Increse Factors Outlook, Key Growth Trends on Ke Players and Forecast to 2026: Airbus, Glonatech, Flight…

Posted: at 2:36 pm

Aerospace Nanotechnology Market research report gives detailed information of industry size, share, growth, segments, manufacturers, and advancements, major trends, market drivers, challenges, standardization, deployment models, opportunities, strategies, future roadmap, and 2026 forecast, etc.The report presents a professional and deep analysis of the present state of Aerospace Nanotechnology Market that includes major players like manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, traders, customers, investors and etc. The report also helps in understanding Aerospace Nanotechnology Market dynamic structure by identifying and analyzing the market segments and project the market size.

Overview Of Aerospace Nanotechnology Market:

The potential of this industry segment has been thoroughly explored in conjunction with essential market challenges. The present market condition and prospects of the segment have also been examined. Moreover, key strategies in the market that includes product developments, partnerships, mergers and acquisitions, etc., are examined. Additionally, upstream raw materials and equipment and downstream demand analysis are likewise conducted.

RequestSample PDF of This Research Report: Click Here!

The Global demand for Aerospace Nanotechnology Market is forecast to report strong development driven by consumption in major evolving markets. More growth opportunities to comes up between 2019 and 2026 compared to a few years ago, signifying the rapid pace of change.

Impact of COVID-19:

Aerospace Nanotechnology Market report analyses the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the Aerospace Nanotechnology industry. Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost 180+ countries around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. The global impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are already starting to be felt, and will significantly affect the Aerospace Nanotechnology market in 2020.

COVID-19 can affect the global economy in 3 main ways: by directly affecting production and demand, by creating supply chain and market disturbance, and by its financial impact on firms and financial markets.

The major players profiled in this report include

Airbus, Glonatech, Flight Shield, Lockheed Martin, Lufthansa Technik, tripleO Performance Solution, Zyvex Technologies, CHOOSE NanoTech, General Nano, HR TOUGHGUARD, Metamaterial Technologies

Market Segments and Sub-segments Covered in the Report are as per below:

Based on Product Type Aerospace Nanotechnology market is segmented into

Based on Application Aerospace Nanotechnology market is segmented into

Regional Coverage of the Aerospace Nanotechnology Market:

Competitive Landscape

The report begins with a market overview and moves on to cover the growth prospects of the Aerospace Nanotechnology market. The report covers the details resulting from the analysis of the focused market. The Aerospace Nanotechnology comprises an in the general successful system, confinements, and overall disclosures of the past information along with the present and future needs that may concern the development. The Report provides specific data about the Major factors which are impacting the growth of the Fuels market.

Aerospace Nanotechnology Market report covers the manufacturers data, including shipment, price, revenue, gross profit, interview record, business distribution, etc., this information help the consumer know about the contenders better. This report also covers all the regions and countries of the world, which shows a regional development status, including business sector size, volume, and value, as well as price data.

Key Offerings of Aerospace Nanotechnology Market Research Report:

The Aerospace Nanotechnology market report provides answers to the following key questions:


We provide customization according to the requirements of our clients needs. Following are some of the options of our customized report: Regional and Country-level analysis of Aerospace Nanotechnology report by end-use.

About WMR

Worldwide Market Reports is your one-stop repository of detailed and in-depth market research reports compiled by an extensive list of publishers from across the globe. We offer reports across virtually all domains and an exhaustive list of sub-domains under the sun. The in-depth market analysis by some of the most vastly experienced analysts provide our diverse range of clients from across all industries with vital decision making insights to plan and align their market strategies in line with current market trends.


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Aerospace Nanotechnology Market COVID 19 Increse Factors Outlook, Key Growth Trends on Ke Players and Forecast to 2026: Airbus, Glonatech, Flight...

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Big Tech Is Purging Trumpworld’s Biggest Conspiracy Theorists – Mother Jones

Posted: at 2:34 pm

Let our journalists help you make sense of the noise: Subscribe to the Mother Jones Daily newsletter and get a recap of news that matters.

Big tech companies are clamping downon far-right accounts, personalities, and apps. On Friday, YouTube banned former Trump strategist Steve Bannons War Room podcast. Twitter permanently suspended President Donald Trumps account late on Friday. The company also banned former national security adviser Michael Flynn and attorney Sidney Powell, two high-profile promoters of Qanon conspiracy theories who had aided Trumps efforts to overturn the presidential election. Meanwhile, Apple is threatening to pull conservative social media site Parler from its app store unless Parler immediately institutes a moderation policy, according to a report from BuzzFeed News.

The purge comes days after a mob of Trump supporters stormed theUS Capitol Building, clashing with law enforcement and leaving five peopleincluding a Capitol police officerdead. The mob,which shut down counting of the Electoral College vote for hours,was incited by months of false election fraud allegations promoted by Trump, Powell, and their allies. Trump spoke to the mob shortly before the violence and encouraged them to march to the Capitol.

The suspensions come after years of Trumpworld allies using social media to create alternate realities and outlandish conspiracy theories. Trump has used Twitter throughout his presidency to bypass the mainstream media and speak directly to his followers, once even bringing the United States to the brink of nuclear war with North Korea. It took an unprecedented siege of the Capitol for Twitter to finally act decisively, and only after Trump used the platform to repeat his election fraud lies and praise the insurrectionists, whilehalf-heartedly telling them to go home.

YouTube, in particular, has been a hotbed of misinformation over the years. Experts have blamed it for the radicalization of disaffected viewers through algorithms that offera continuous stream of incendiary content, as described by reporter Kevin Roose in his 2019 New York Times investigation. More recently, Bannon used the platform in November to call for the beheading of FBI director Christopher Wray and Anthony Fauci, the countrys top infectious disease expert who has often been at odds with Trump over the handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

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Big Tech Is Purging Trumpworld's Biggest Conspiracy Theorists - Mother Jones

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Psoriasis: Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

Posted: at 2:34 pm

Articles OnPsoriasis Psoriasis Psoriasis - Psoriasis What Is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin disorder that causes skin cells to multiply up to 10 times faster than normal. This makes the skin build up into bumpy red patches covered with white scales. They can grow anywhere, but most appear on the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back. Psoriasis can't be passed from person to person. It does sometimes happen in members of the same family.

Psoriasis usually appears in early adulthood. For most people, it affects just a few areas. In severe cases, psoriasis can cover large parts of the body. The patches can heal and then come back throughout a person's life.

The symptoms of psoriasis vary depending on the type you have. Some common symptoms for plaque psoriasis -- the most common variety of the condition -- include:

People with psoriasis can also get a type of arthritis called psoriatic arthritis. It causes pain and swelling in the joints. The National Psoriasis Foundation estimates that between 10% to 30% of people with psoriasis also have psoriatic arthritis.

Other types of psoriasis include:

No one knows the exact cause of psoriasis, but experts believe that its a combination of things. Something wrong with the immune system causes inflammation, triggering new skin cells to form too quickly. Normally, skin cells are replaced every 10 to 30 days. With psoriasis, new cells grow every 3 to 4 days. The buildup of old cells being replaced by new ones creates those silver scales.

Psoriasis tends to run in families, but it may be skip generations. For instance, a grandfather and his grandson may be affected, but not the child's mother.

Things that can trigger an outbreak of psoriasis include:

Physical exam. Its usually easy for your doctor to diagnose psoriasis, especially if you have plaques on areas such as your:

Your doctor will give you a full physical exam and ask if people in your family have psoriasis.

Lab tests. The doctor might do a biopsy -- remove a small piece of skin and test it to make sure you dont have a skin infection. Theres no other test to confirm or rule out psoriasis.

Luckily, there are many treatments. Some slow the growth of new skin cells, and others relieve itching and dry skin. Your doctor will select a treatment plan that is right for you based on the size of your rash, where it is on your body, your age, your overall health, and other things. Common treatments include:

Treatments for moderate to severe psoriasis include:

Theres no cure, but treatment greatly reduces symptoms, even in serious cases. Recent studies have suggested that when you better control the inflammation of psoriasis, your risk of heart disease, stroke, metabolic syndrome, and other diseases associated with inflammation go down.

Psoriasis affects:


National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease.

National Psoriasis Foundation.

The Psoriasis Foundation.

American Academy of Dermatology.

UpToDate: Epidemiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnosis of psoriasis.

FDA: "FDA approves new psoriasis drug Taltz," FDA approves Amjevita, a biosimilar to Humira.

Medscape: "FDA OKs Biologic Guselkumab (Tremfya) for Plaque Psoriasis."

National Psoriasis Foundation: Statistics.

PubMed Health: "Plaque Psoriasis."

World Health Organization: Global report on psoriasis.


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Psoriasis: Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

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This may be the ‘beginning of the end’ for big tech following Capitol siege: Scott Galloway – Yahoo Finance

Posted: at 2:34 pm

Social media giants are facing backlash following the Capitol siege. NYU Stern Professor of Marketing Scott Galloway joins Yahoo Finance Live to discuss.

- President Trump is back on Twitter this morning after the platform temporarily blocked his account in response to the Capitol building riots on Wednesday. The president tweeted a video last night ensuring a quote, "smooth, orderly, and seamless transition of power." Facebook, meanwhile, continuing to ban the president from the platform indefinitely. Both social media companies now facing growing backlash over their perceived role in inciting the violence that engulfed Washington.

Let's bring in Scott Galloway. He is a professor of marketing at NYU. Scott, I know you have been looking at this issue for some time. You got a lot to say. Where should the conversation go from here in terms of how Congress and lawmakers move forward on regulation?

SCOTT GALLOWAY: Well, I think a fair question is, how did we get here, when we have essentially a mob Insurrection on our capital, and our lawmakers have to use furniture to secure the doors. And we find that the most meaningful action or what we find the next day is that we're begging 30-something-year-old CEOs of companies to block their account. So you sort of have to wonder, how did we get here?

So, you know, I'd like to think that this is the beginning of the end of big tech as we know it. I think this is another example that when you have algorithms that are profit-driven, and these algorithms are different, and figure out the tribalism, and dividing us, is very profitable. And it ends up in an overrun or a seizure of our capital, I think it's just another data point or another point in the line that moves towards increased scrutiny, increased regulation. But I absolutely think it's coming. And this is just going to put on the exclamation point of the fact that something needs to happen here.

- And Professor, I mean, when we talk about what needs to happen, that seems to be you know one of the key areas around social media. But it's not just social media. When we talk about how we got here, too-- and it's something that a lot of focus has not been on some of the traditional media players-- but you look at the viewership at some of these cable news programs during the Trump administration. I mean, this week, when that siege on Capitol Hill happened, CNN hit record numbers in terms of viewership.

Story continues

You can make the case that terror, fear, is very good for them. A president rallying his base with lies is very good for them. And you think about advertising around that, it's not just social media. So are you kind of surprised that these companies are getting hit with those questions when maybe perhaps, traditional media outlets are not as much?

SCOTT GALLOWAY: No, that's a fair point. So Facebook and Twitter aren't doing anything that CNN and Fox aren't doing it. They're just doing it at scale using processing power and networking effects. And about 30, 40 years ago, first, CNN, and then mostly, Fox, recognized that news used to be 97% truth in reporting, and 3% novelty and opinion. And they slowly but surely flipped that, recognizing the tribalism and opinion and novelty, which is kind of code for misinformation, drives much more engagement, which leads to more ads.

So I think all of them deserve a certain level of scrutiny. But there's just no doubt about it. And to your point, Facebook and Twitter aren't doing anything new. They're just doing it at a scale that's much more damaging. Instead of a dumpster fire, we have a mushroom cloud. But I think a lot of us are thinking, OK, there needs to be some sense of truth. The truth is a thing, and our media plays such an important role in our society. The question is how do we best-- who is the arbiter of that truth, and how do we best implement and create incentives such that misinformation and divisiveness doesn't result in creating massive wealth for people, which it is done at Facebook and Twitter?

- Scott, you talked about the cable news outlets. But how much of this conversation needs to broaden out to actually, the providers themselves? Those like our parent company, Verizon, who by the way, do show OAN or a Newsmax that have peddled the same conspiracy theories that we've seen on these platforms, too? I mean, is there a broader conversation that needs to happen here? And once again, where do lawmakers start?

SCOTT GALLOWAY: Well, I would argue-- so sure. So is it the content or is it the pipes that ultimately bears responsibility? And I think the answer is yes. And I think that there's probably going to need to be some sort of modifications or carve out to Section 230. There's already a carve out.

And Section 230 briefly protects, quote, unquote, "interactive or nascent interactive platforms that are no longer nascent" from being subject to legal liability if somebody puts content on the platform that inflames, antagonizes, or slanders a party. So they've basically been exonerated from that. And by the way, most traditional outlets are not exonerated or don't have exceptions from that. Just the online platforms.

I think the place to start is with breaking these guys up. I think that it's telling that we seem to be always begging the same one or two firms. I think increased competition would be good. I think you're going to need to see regulation. I think we're going to need to have profit incentives more aligned to the externalities, so I think it would be helpful to have a tax on media that's produced by an algorithm, because that is usually where you find the majority of the trouble starts.

And look, at the end of the day, I think when you have a platform that is consistently weaponized and used for organizing and spreading misinformation that results in the overrun of our Capitol and five dead people, I think those individuals should be held accountable. I'm not sure that anything is really going to change here until there's a perp walk.

And that is these individuals have delayed and obfuscated, slow rolled, they've had the ability to identify hate speech, they've had the ability to get in the way or to predict when there was going to be violence. And instead, they put their hands over their eyes and over their ears. So simply put, competition regulation. And if it's needed, criminal prosecution. This has gone so far beyond where we thought we would be.

- Scott. let me press on that point, because you're certainly right about that the scope and scale of these platforms-- and we're talking specifically Facebook and Twitter. But what we also saw in the lead up to these riots were conversations that were popping up outside of those platforms. Some users, of course, who have been kicked off of those platforms now going to a place like Parler. There was a thread that was going on Reddit-- that was taken off. So they started another site, and started the thread there, too. It feels like there's a bit of whack-a-mole that's happening.

SCOTT GALLOWAY: That's right. And it needs-- there needs to be regulation that applies to the existing guys and any new guys that's-- the side that they can profit from this information and pitting Americans against each other. So yeah, if we were just to say-- if we were just to get angry at Facebook and say, all right, you need to shut Trump down, you're going to see Trump just probably could go somewhere else, and his followers.

I don't think that solves the problem. I think it needs to be what I'll call systemic solutions that say, all right, let's be thoughtful around the harm that any media platform, when they knowingly spread misinformation because they know it creates greater engagement and more Nissan ads and more profits-- so they knowingly spread misinformation that results in harm, that they have liability. And that should be spread across-- I don't see why that wouldn't be spread across any media company. So you're right-- just trying to punish one or the other, like you said, it's just going to-- it's just going to pop up somewhere else. Needs to be a systemic solution.

- But Professor, I mean, we've been talking about that for years. At what point does it become, all right, they need to do something about it. It's just not-- it's clearly not working or Congress can't figure it out, because, you know, Cambridge Analytica was years ago. And now, when we're seeing groups kind of-- I guess the main difference would be actually using these platforms to plan things and act on maybe some of the messages we're seeing play out in more traditional media outlets. I mean, at what point do you just say, all right, look, enough is enough, and you have congressmen and women just come out and say, look, we just have to shut it down, because this has gone on too long?

SCOTT GALLOWAY: I love it when someone is more cynical than me. So yeah, you're right, it has been too long. And, I mean, just as an example, Mark Zuckerberg all of a sudden deciding to suspend the president's account-- it wasn't him calling on his better angels. The reason that President Trump was kicked off of Facebook for two weeks was because of Stacey Abrams. And that is Facebook has done the calculus here, and they recognize the people overseeing these committees are going to have a different view on them.

There was an unholy alliance between Zuckerberg and Donald Trump where basically, the deal was you don't break me up, and I'll let you to continue to weaponize and spread misinformation. And that-- that alliance has been broken. So I'm hopeful that there's a new Sheriff in town, and the shadow being cast by the Biden-Harris administration has already resulted in more change at Facebook in the last 10 days than we've seen in the last 10 years.

So I'm hopeful. I've been hopeful for probably too long. I think you're right. There's been-- there's been a total inaction. They have slow rolled the whole thing effectively. But I think that's about to change. I think all of us were really rattled by the events of this week, I think we're fed up. I think we have an administration now that is probably more inclined to do thoughtful action. But there is going to be action. If it doesn't happen at a federal level, it's going to happen at the state level. I think people are fed up and don't like having to beg 30-somethings to save our country.

- Yeah, far be it for me to steal the cynical crowd away from you. But very, very interesting stuff to see it all play out. And obviously, perhaps, convenient that they would have made these moves against President Trump just two weeks before he's now out of office. And of course, we'll see how it all plays out. But Professor Galloway, I love having you on. Appreciate you taking the time today.

SCOTT GALLOWAY: Thanks, guys.

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This may be the 'beginning of the end' for big tech following Capitol siege: Scott Galloway - Yahoo Finance

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