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Daily Archives: January 9, 2021
Federal AI Efforts Will Be Greatly Boosted by 2021 NDAA – JD Supra
Posted: January 9, 2021 at 2:49 pm
The National Defense Authorization Act for the Fiscal Year 2021 (2021 NDAA)which was passed over a Presidential veto on January 1represents a massive step forward for American AI policy in areas far beyond national defense. It incorporates a number of AI legislative proposals that will reshape the governments approach over the next two years, as part of a broader emphasis on promoting emerging technologies.
Among its many elements, the 2021 NDAA (1) expands National Institute of Standards and Technologys (NIST) AI responsibilities, including directing it to establish a voluntary risk management frameworkin consultation with industrythat will identify and provide standards and best practices for assessing the trustworthiness of AI and mitigating risks from AI systems; (2) launches the National Artificial Intelligence Initiative, setting up a federal bureaucracy designed to deal both with agencies and outside stakeholders, as well as advise on key issue issues of AI implementation like bias and fairness; (3) gives the Department of Defense (DoD) specific authority to procure AI while requiring an assessment meant to promote acquisition of AI that is ethically and responsibly developed.All of these initiatives will have ripple effects on private sector development, testing, and deployment of AI systemsand heavily influence regulatory expectations on issues like AI bias, accuracy, and security.
Below is a high-level summary of these key AI provisions.
NIST Is Required to Development a Risk Management Framework for Use in Implementing AI
The NDAA gives NIST specific direction and deadlines for developing a risk management framework for use of AI and defining measurable standards that can be used within the framework.NIST already has been very active on AI issues, particularly following the 2019 AI Executive Order.The NDAA expands NISTs AI responsibilities through a specific legislative mandate on AI, placing the agency at the center of working through critical issues involving bias, privacy, security, transparency, and even ethics.And while this directive will result in a risk framework that will be voluntary, NISTs work in similar areas like cybersecurity has proven enormously influential to the private sector and has been closely monitored by policymakers.
Specifically, the NDAA amends the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act to give NIST four distinct missions with respect to AI:
Advancing collaborative frameworks, standards, guidelines, and associated methods and techniques for AI;
Supporting the development of a risk-mitigation framework for deploying AI systems;
Supporting the development of technical standards and guidelines that promote trustworthy AI systems; and
Supportingthe development of technical standards and guidelines by which to test for bias in AI training data and applications.
It directs NIST to develop an AI risk management framework within two years.The framework must include standards, guidelines, procedures, and best practices for developing and assessing trustworthy AI and mitigating risks related to AI. NIST also must establish common definitions for elements of trustworthiness, including explainability, transparency, safety, privacy, security, robustness, fairness, bias, ethics, validation, verification, and interpretability.This mandate aligns with NISTs ongoing work regarding trustworthy AI, but importantly, it provides a more definite timeline and specific elements for the framework.It also makes clear that NIST should work to develop common definitions related to range of complex issues like bias and transparencyand even ethics and fairness, which are not usually within NISTs ambitthat could have broader implications if adopted by regulatory bodies concerned with potential adverse effects of AI.
Additionally, the NDAA requires NISTwithin a yearto develop guidance to facilitate the creation of voluntary AI-related data sharing arrangements between industry and government, and to develop best practices for datasets used to train AI systems, including standards for privacy and security of datasets with human characteristics.The guidance around datasets will have particular importance for mitigating bias that can result from AI making use of data that is not representative.
NIST has a long history of collaborating with industry stakeholders on key issues, including cybersecurity and privacy, and its AI work to date has followed this collaborative approach.Indeed, NIST is planning a virtual workshop on Explainable AI later this month.With NISTs newly expanded role, AI stakeholders will have multiple additional opportunities to engage.
The National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Is Launched with a New Bureaucratic Framework.
The NDAA instructs the President to establish the National Artificial Intelligence Initiative and provides a framework for its implementation throughout the federal government.The focus of this Initiative will be to ensure continued U.S. leadership in AI R&D and the development and use of trustworthy artificial intelligence systems; to prepare the U.S. workforce for integration of AI; and to coordinate AI R&D among civilian, defense, and intelligence agencies.
To implement the Initiative, the law establishes a bureaucratic framework for dealing with AI within the government, complementing efforts that previous Administrations have made without a legislative mandate.These include:
The National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Office.This Office will be housed within the White Houses Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and will serve as an external and internal contact on AI, conduct outreach, and act as agency hub for technology and best practices.
An AI Interagency Committee.The Interagency Committeeto be co-chaired by the Director of the OSTP and, on an annual rotating basis, a representative from the Department of Commerce, the National Science Foundation, or the Department of Energywill coordinate Federal programs and activities in support of the National Artificial Intelligence Initiative.
The National Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee.This Advisory Committeeto be established by the Department of Commerce in consultation with a slate of other federal stakeholderswill include members with broad and interdisciplinary expertise and perspectives, including from academic institutions, nonprofit and civil society entities, Federal laboratories, and companies across diverse sectors. It will provide recommendations related to, among other things, whether ethical, legal, safety, security, and other appropriate societal issues are adequately addressed by the Initiative, and accountability and legal rights, including matters relating to oversight of AI using regulatory and nonregulatory approaches, the responsibility for any violations of existing laws by an AI system, and ways to balance advancing innovation while protecting individual rights.It also will include a subcommittee on AI in law enforcement that will advise on issues of bias (including use of facial recognition), security, adoptability, and legal standards including privacy, civil rights, and disability rights.
This Initiative also presents an opportunity for private sector engagement.The Initiatives many priorities include coordinating R&D and standards engagement and providing outreach to diverse stakeholders, including citizen groups, industry, and civil rights and disability rights organizations.In particular, the National Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee is required to include industry representatives as it makes recommendations on key issues including AI oversight by the government.
DoD Is Directed to Assess Its Ability to Acquire Ethically and Responsibly Developed AI Technology.
The NDAA provides the Department of Defenses (DoD) Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC) with authority to acquire AI technologies in support of defense missions.Additionally, it puts into place procedures to ensure that DoD acquires AI that is ethically and responsibly developed and that it effectively implements ethical AI standards in acquisition processes and supply chains.
Specifically, the NDAA requires the Secretary of Defense to conduct an assessment to, among other things, determine whether DoD has the ability, resources, and expertise to ensure that the AI it acquires is ethically and responsibly developed.The assessment must be completed within 180 days, and following that, the Secretary must brief the Congressional committees as to the results.
These provisions will impact DoD procurement and contractors, and given the size and scope of the Defense acquisition budget, will also likely impact private sector development of AI to meet ethical and responsible standards.
AI technology has been an area of increased focus of the federal government in the past several years, most notably following 2019 and 2020 AI Executive Orders.The new efforts launched by the 2021 NDAA add to existing work and make clear that AI will be a continued focus of federal government activity.
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Federal AI Efforts Will Be Greatly Boosted by 2021 NDAA - JD Supra
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Artificial Intelligence Market Classification By Suppliers, Consumption, Application and Overview – KSU | The Sentinel Newspaper
Posted: at 2:49 pm
Wide-ranging market information of the Global Artificial Intelligence Market report will surely grow business and improve return on investment (ROI). The report has been prepared by taking into account several aspects of marketing research and analysis which includes market size estimations, market dynamics, company & market best practices, entry level marketing strategies, positioning and segmentations, competitive landscaping, opportunity analysis, economic forecasting, industry-specific technology solutions, roadmap analysis, targeting key buying criteria, and in-depth benchmarking of vendor offerings. This Artificial Intelligence Market research report gives CAGR values along with its fluctuations for the specific forecast period.
Artificial Intelligence Marketresearch report encompasses a far-reaching research on the current conditions of the industry, potential of the market in the present and the future prospects. By taking into account strategic profiling of key players in the industry, comprehensively analysing their core competencies, and their strategies such as new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, and acquisitions, the report helps businesses improve their strategies to sell goods and services. This wide-ranging market research report is sure to help grow your business in several ways. Hence, the Artificial Intelligence Market report brings into the focus, the more important aspects of the market or industry.
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Major Market Key Players: Artificial Intelligence Market
The renowned players in artificial intelligence market are Welltok, Inc., Intel Corporation, Nvidia Corporation, Google Inc., IBM Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, General Vision, Enlitic, Inc., Next IT Corporation, iCarbonX, Amazon Web Services, Apple, Facebook Inc., Siemens, General Electric, Micron Technology, Samsung, Xillinx, Iteris, Atomwise, Inc., Lifegraph,, Inc., Zebra Medical Vision, Inc., Baidu, Inc., H2O ai, Enlitic, Inc. and Raven Industries.
Market Analysis: Artificial Intelligence Market
The Global Artificial Intelligence Market accounted for USD 16.14 billion in 2017 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 37.3% the forecast period of 2018 to 2025. The upcoming market report contains data for historic years 2016, the base year of calculation is 2017 and the forecast period is 2018 to 2025.
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Ehave, Inc. Partners with Cognitive Apps to Add Artificial Intelligence-Powered Mental Health Analytical Platform for Psychedelic Use in G20 Countries…
Posted: at 2:49 pm
MIAMI, Jan. 07, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ehave, Inc. (OTC Pink: EHVVF) (the Company), a leader in digital therapeutics, announced today the Company has signed a partnership agreement with Cognitive Apps Software Solutions Inc. (Cognitive Apps) for its Artificial Intelligence- (AI) based Workforce Mental Health Analytical Platform. The terms of the agreement provide Ehave with the rights to exclusively offer the Cognitive Solutions platform to all psychedelic applications and endeavors in the G20 countries.
Ehave will offer psychedelic companies the AI-based platform as a means of providing actionable insights into the workforce dynamics and mental health of its employees and patients. The platform provides instant, data-driven and actionable insight into the workforce dynamics and mental health of employees and patients. The tool is in the form of an app, which was designed by an MD and PhD-qualified psychiatrist using diagnostic techniques approved by the American Psychiatric Association and the World Health Organization. The app is an AI-controlled mental health monitoring tool based on voice tone and context analysis of an employee or patient's 5-second audio or text messages daily to analyze his or her tone and emotional state. The platform is based on Apple HealthKit and GoogleFit for data processing and background mental health monitoring, considering factors like physical activity, surrounding noise, work-life balance and sleep. Employee data is not stored but instantly deleted after the analysis and all storage and data solutions are HIPAA and GDPR-compliant.
Todays healthcare providers need to find new ways to connect with their patients and improve processes across the continuum of care. Having access to a complete patient history pulled from multiple sources is the first step on the journey to better communication, higher productivity and improved patient outcomes. The Workforce Mental Health Analytical Platform designed by Cognitive Apps addresses this problem for mental health disorders in both hospitals and clinics. As a pioneer in psychedelics, Ehave intends to distribute and deploy this advanced speech-based AI technology in all the G20 countries. By providing this disruptive technology to clinical researchers, academic researchers, clinical surveys, retract clinics, and various mental health clinics, the Company plans to set a new standard for both research and clinical settings in the psychedelic space.
Cognitive Apps has filed an FDA pre-market notification 510 (k) process to make this solution a part of clinical workflow in modern mental health care facilities across the world. A technical study done by MIT and Harvard Medical School on speech-based AI technology to diagnose mental health disorders can be found here Additionally, a link to a study done by the American Psychological Association can be found here
Dr. Manideep Gopishetty, CEO of Cognitive Apps Software Solutions Inc., said, "Information and technology is the lifeblood of modern medicine, and our technology is destined to be the circulatory system of information." Dr. Reddy continued, We chose to partner with Ehave because we want to disrupt the way data is captured and measured for various mental health disorders in modern healthcare.
Ehave CEO Ben Kaplan said, Shareholders and potential investors are encouraged to do a deep dive into the capabilities of what Cognitive Apps' platform can accomplish. Employers will be able to determine if any employee or patient is near the red zonestress, exhaustion or increased risk of depression. Our goal is to help mental healthcare professionals and individuals stop life-threatening behavior before it happens."
The Yuru stress test & self-care app by Cognitive Apps Software Solutions Inc. is available on the Apple Store at
Additional Ehave Inc. Information
We are truly grateful for the support of EHVVF shareholders! Please join the conversation on our Ehave supporters' telegram group at
The company posts important information and updates through weekly videos from the official company YouTube channel
Please follow Ehave on Twitter @Ehaveinc1
About Ehave, Inc.
Ehave, Inc. (EHVVF) is a leader in digital therapeutics and developer of KetaDASH, a home delivery platform for patients who have been prescribed Ketamine infusions. Our primary focus is on improving the standard care in therapeutics to prevent or treat brain disorders or diseases through the use of digital therapeutics, independently or together, with medications, devices, and other therapies to optimize patient care and health outcomes. The Ehave Telemetry Portal is a mental health informatics platform that allows clinicians to make objective and intelligent decisions through data insights. The Ehave Infinity Portal offers a powerful machine learning and artificial intelligence platform with a growing set of advanced tools and applications developed by Ehave and its leading partners. This empowers patients, healthcare providers, and payers to address a wide range of conditions through high quality, safe, and effective data-driven involvement with intelligent and accessible tools. Ehave also owns 75.77% of psychedelic company 20/20 Globals outstanding shares. Additional information on Ehave can be found on the Companys website at:
About Cognitive Apps Software Solutions Inc.
Mental health disorders and other cognitive impairments are hampered by our ability to identify at-risk groups before the onset of clinically significant symptoms. Cognitive apps are addressing this problem by pioneering a speech-based AI technology that could help accurately predict risk for various types of depressions and mood, anxiety-based and psychotic disorders years before a clinical diagnosis is obtained. Our technology can help detect and monitor subtle changes in mental health by assessing individuals more frequently and more objectively than the assessments used today.
Forward-Looking Statement Disclaimer
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements may be preceded by the words intends, may, will, plans, expects, anticipates, projects, predicts, estimates, aims, believes, hopes, potential or similar words. Forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions and are subject to various known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's control, and cannot be predicted or quantified and consequently, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements: (i) the initiation, timing, progress and results of the Companys research, manufacturing and other development efforts; (ii) the Companys ability to advance its products to successfully complete development and commercialization; (iii) the manufacturing, development, commercialization, and market acceptance of the Companys products; (iv) the lack of sufficient funding to finance the product development and business operations; (v) competitive companies and technologies within the Companys industry and introduction of competing products; (vi) the Companys ability to establish and maintain corporate collaborations; (vii) loss of key management personnel; (viii) the scope of protection the Company is able to establish and maintain for intellectual property rights covering its products and its ability to operate its business without infringing the intellectual property rights of others; (ix) potential failure to comply with applicable health information privacy and security laws and other state and federal privacy and security laws; and (x) the difficulty of predicting actions of the USA FDA and its regulations. All forward-looking statements included in this press release are made only as of the date of this press release. The Company assumes no obligation to update any written or oral forward-looking statement unless required by law. More detailed information about the Company and the risk factors that may affect the realization of forward-looking statements is contained under the heading "Risk Factors" in Ehave, Inc.s Registration Statement on Form F-1 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on September 24, 2015, as amended, which is available on the SEC's website,
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Gabe Rodriguez
Phone: (623) 261-9046
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Be Ready As Europe Is All Set to Win the Artificial Intelligence Race – Analytics Insight
Posted: at 2:49 pm
The United States received huge rewards from the last influx of benefits development, getting home to a portion of the worlds best tech organizations, for example, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Intel, and Microsoft. Then, numerous parts of the world, including the European Union, paid an economic price remaining uninvolved. Perceiving that missing the next wave of developmentfor this situation, AIwould be comparatively dangerous, numerous countries are making a move to guarantee they play a large role in the next digital transformation of the global economy.
As of now, the worlds digital goliaths, for example, Amazon, Facebook, Google, Intel, Microsoft, and Alibabaoverwhelm Europes AI landscape without offering a lot, assuming any, financial advantage for European nations and organizations. Without local rivalry, they can work without making significant investments locally, without making occupations on the continent, and frequently without paying much tax. At the point when European nations push back, it leads to cross-border tensions.
Until now, the EU has requested little from the digital giants besides essential compliance with data-protection laws, platform business rules, and other related guidelines. In any case, the EU is progressively awakening to the fact that it is one of the worlds greatest digital markets, appreciates significant negotiating power, and that it should utilize this power for its benefits
Albeit multilateral negotiations will proceed, the EU appears liable to take one-sided measures to guarantee a level battleground. The EUs policy climate has changed an incredible arrangement lately, with the presentation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and rulings against digital giants, for example, Facebook and Google. A few different changes are in the pipeline, including the recently unveiled data strategy by the European Commission. The EUs mentality is progressively isolated, with policymakers calling for EU digital sovereignty and respect for EU values for AI.
The AI startups in Europe are far greater in number than youd most likely give them acknowledgment for. While Europe isnt popular for startups, the numbers are very reassuring. Of the 2,451 AI new companies that Statista reports as of 2018, 675 have a place with European nations (the UK alone has 245).
Digital goliaths need to perceive the essential opportunity introduced by the EU. Its not just about size or buying power; the EU is quite possibly the most refined and differentiated AI markets, particularly for industrial applications. The EU gives opportunities to create and train algorithms for a few enterprises, and it will be outlandish for any digital giant to guarantee it has a worldwide contribution if it doesnt have access to European business markets, information, and Europe-trained AI applications. Besides, by supporting the EUs huge talent pools, IT organizations can supercharge their AI teams.
Europe doesnt need to fight each and every AI conflict to win the war. There are regions where Europe could be facing a losing conflict as well.
Yet, there are plenty of fronts on which top AI organizations in Europe may handily be clear victors. It, for example, as of now has an edge in B2B and industrial robotics. That, and a pan-Europe network of AI-based advancement hubs could be more than what China or the USA might deal with.
AI4EU is an on-demand AI platform. It pools together 80 partners across 21 nations. Subsidized with Euro 20 million, AI4EU is a project that will run for a very long time. Its activities will zero in on the utilization of AI for healthcare, agriculture, robotics, and IoT, in addition to other things. Artificial intelligence in healthcare in Europe is quite promising, and when worked with farming, it could change various things.
Essentially, it looks to make the advantages of AU available to all. Todays AI guidelines will play a significant role in molding the EUs business environment of tomorrow. Just consenting to regulations wont set up the digital giants for success; picking up the upper hand requires understanding Europes nuances and assisting with shaping future regulations. Besides, numerous global organizations have just applied the EUs GDPR prerequisites to their overall tasks, strengthening the requirement for the digital giants to acquire a seat at the table in Brussels, where future policies will be fashioned.
In certain regions, nonetheless, the competition to create or embrace AI is definitely not a lose-lose situation. Improvements of AI science, especially at colleges, can and do spread all through the world, consequently helping the whole AI ecosystem. Also, numerous AI headways, especially those focussed on the environment, health, and education can profit all nations. For instance, the advancement of AI frameworks that can discover diseases quicker and more precisely than clinicians, or produce new medical treatments, offers conceivably worldwide advantages.
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Use Cases of Artificial Intelligence Integration for Your On-demand Cab Platform – socPub
Posted: at 2:49 pm
AI is all over in the year 2020. From your mobile applications to worldwide search algorithms, artificial intelligence is changing the means we interrelate with technologies. In part, AI has streamlined decision creating for businesses and improved expediency for end customers.
Autonomous vehicles are a bigger advance for the transported fragment when it emanates from AI. Rendering to the Market Research report, self-driving technologies will develop from $55 billion in the year 2019 to $566 billion by the year 2026.
Taxi App Development solution is only the tip of a huge iceberg. Artificial Intelligence delivers significant possibilities for disruption, growth and innovation for the on-demand taxi industry.
How Is AI Transforming the Prospect of On-demand Ride Services?
Many Startups are powering AI to form intelligent systems in the taxi-hailing and transport domains. And one important use case has appeared in the system of an Artificial Intelligence-enabled taxi dispatch platform.
The AI-empowered taxi dispatch platform is a probable game changer. It lets startups to complete efficiency in processes and also potential enhanced customer experience.
Taxi startups around the world are integrating Artificial Intelligence in their routine processes. One of the main success levels is from the business.
Cultivating Your Cab Booking Startups with Artificial Intelligence
Taxi business success with AI-empowered taxi dispatch platform depicts the probability of artificial intelligence in on-demand cab startup purview. Therefore, when you contemplate evolving a mobile application for the cab business, connecting AI will benefit you blow competition. Here are around impending use cases that users should keep in notice during taxi application development:
Concurrent Request Forecast
AI and analytical scrutiny can benefit from evaluating historical information efficiently. Data mining on past information along with post-study assistance taxi startups informs a powerful request forecast algorithm.
Direction Optimization
AI-enabled mobile applications for taxi professionals can optimize availability and routes. Reasoning algorithms can be assimilated in the application for correct optimization, which keeps time and diminishes the probabilities of getting caught in transportation. At a similar time, direction optimization helps cab drivers find the quickest route to the end.
Automated Dispatch
Surely, this is fairly a stimulating use cases and the turning aspect of an AI-based cab dispatch platform. By using configuration recognition and information searching, startups can systematize cab dispatch and remove chances of mistakes due to social intervention.
Personalized Customer Experience
Everybody is staking bigger on personalization nowadays as customers love adapted experience. When you are discerning about constructing a taxi booking platform, AI abilities can assist you to gauge your users better and provide them extraordinary experience, too.
Make Cannier Business Judgements
Information is the new medal you must have caught a million of periods. And artificial intelligence can help you make meaningful networks and get actionable views.
Decrypting Rider Sensibility
Who classified that technologies would help in evaluating a persons approach? In good health, artificial intelligence can effectively be expanded to understand customer psychology. The trip patterns, payment manner, usage account and timetables can give a ration of understandings into the views of your ideal consumer.
Intelligent Driver Onboarding Processes
The automation and suitability proportion of AI integration measure is unbounded. Not simply for the cab riders, artificial intelligence can support the cab operators in making a modernized enrolling experience for taxi drivers as well.
Artificial intelligence can be incorporated in the system of the chatbot with replies to common demands, and AI-powered preparation modules can be brought in concurrent whenever the cab driver is trapped with a matter.
Artificial Intelligence will surely change the means people move everywhere in the imminent. And if you do not think of a method to incorporate artificial intelligence in your progression soon, you have a chance to turn out to be obsolescent. So, if you are ready to build for taxi application and need to engage AI, experts can benefit.
Taxi App Development Solution business with opulent experience of constructing AI-powered platforms for development-oriented mindset. If you are intense on AI and its impending, lets associate and discover the opportunities together.
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Use Cases of Artificial Intelligence Integration for Your On-demand Cab Platform - socPub
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WPD Pharmaceuticals to Collaborate With IAG to Deploy Artificial Intelligence and Quantitative Imaging to Assess the Effects of Berubicin -…
Posted: at 2:49 pm
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 06, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WPD Pharmaceuticals Inc. (CSE: WBIO)(FSE: 8SV1) (the Company or WPD) a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company, is pleased to announce that it has engaged Image Analysis Group (IAG), a leading medical imaging company, to provide important critical imaging services during the Berubicin phase 2 clinical trials which are scheduled to start in February 2021.
IAG has deep expertise in partnering with global biotech companies to provide centralized reading and analysis of patient responses in real time. IAGs scientific and clinical imaging expertise in the field ofglioblastomamultiforme (GBM), coupled with IAGs proprietary Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered platform DYNAMIKA will allow WPD and its partners to review efficacy assessments, objective responses, and to thoroughly explore Berubicins effect in patients with GBM.
Advanced cancer therapies often lead to pseudo-progression, a local tissue reaction resulting from immune cell infiltration, causing inflammation, tumor necrosis and oedema which are often misinterpreted as tumor growth on traditional MRIs. Under the arrangement, IAG will utilize its advanced AI-driven methodologies that provide reliable early efficacy readouts. Pseudo-progression is difficult to distinguish from disease progression using routine clinical MRI assessments, and having IAGs advanced technology will be crucial for early detection and progression.
Mariusz Olejniczak, CEO of WPD commented, We are very pleased to partner with IAG to collaborate on the upcoming Berubicin trials and other studies including WPD101, if possible in the future. IAG has a strong track record of working with leading biotech companies to provide critical imaging collection, analysis, and assessment which is a very important part of our Berubicin phase 2 trials. We look forward to working with them leading up to and in preparation of the commencement of these Trials.
Olga Kubassova, CEO of IAG commented, We are pleased that IAGs unique focus on the use of quantitative imaging and AI will help accelerate WPDs development programs while reducing R&D costs, timelines, and uncertainties. This work will support the field of advanced cancer drug development as a whole and provide much needed treatment options to patients with glioblastoma.
Diana Dupont-Roettger, Chief Scientific Alliance Officer of IAG commented, The integration of advanced imaging and AI driven image analysis will prevent a false response assessment in patients experiencing pseudo-progression and thereby enhance the efficacy read out of Berubicin, avoid early patient drop-out and save costs. IAG is excited to collaborate with WPD and to support the clinical development with optimal imaging trial design, efficient imaging data management and response assessment.
About Image Analysis Group
Image Analysis Group (IAG) is a unique clinical development partner to life sciences companies. IAG broadly leverages its proprietary image analysis methodologies, power of our cloud platform DYNAMIKA, years of experience in AI and Machine Learning as well as bespoke co-development business models to ensure higher probability for promising therapeutics to reach the patients. IAGs independent Bio-Partnering division fuses risk-sharing business models and agile culture to accelerate novel drug development.
About WPD Pharmaceuticals
WPD is a biotechnology research and development company with a focus on oncology and virology, namely research and development of medicinal products involving biological compounds and small molecules. WPD has licensed in certain countries 10 novel drug candidates with 4 that are in clinical development stage. These drug candidates were researched at medical institutions, and WPD currently has ongoing collaborations with Wake Forest University and leading hospitals and academic centers in Poland.
WPD has entered into license agreements with Wake Forest University Health Sciences and sublicense agreements with Moleculin Biotech, Inc. and CNS Pharmaceuticals, Inc., respectively, each of which grant WPD an exclusive, royalty-bearing sublicense to certain technologies of the licensor. Such agreements provide WPD with certain research, development, manufacturing and sales rights, among other things. The sublicense territory from CNS Pharmaceuticals and Moleculin Biotech includes for most compounds 30 countries in Europe and Asia, including Russia.
On Behalf of the Board
Mariusz Olejniczak
Mariusz Olejniczak CEO, WDP Pharmaceuticals
Investor Relations Email: Tel: 604-428-7050 Web:
Cautionary Statements:
Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
This press release contains forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that contemplate activities, events or developments that the Company anticipates will or may occur in the future. Forward-looking statements in this press release include that IAGs technology will enhance our analysis of the effects of Berubicin, that we may partner with IAG regarding our other compounds and that WPDs drugs could be developed into novel treatments for cancer. These forward-looking statements reflect the Companys current expectations based on information currently available to management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that may cause outcomes to differ materially from those projected. Factors which may prevent the forward looking statement from being realized is that the IAG technology may not provide the benefits expected and we may not engage them further; competitors or others may successfully challenge a granted patent and the patent could be rendered void; that we are unable to raise sufficient funding for our research; that we may not meet the requirements to receive the grants awarded; that our drugs dont provide positive treatment, or if they do, the side effects are damaging; competitors may develop better or cheaper drugs; and we may be unable to obtain regulatory approval for any drugs we develop. Readers should refer to the risk disclosure included from time-to-time in the documents the Company files on SEDAR, available at Although the Company believes that the assumptions inherent in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, they are not guarantees of future performance and, accordingly, they should not be relied upon and there can be no assurance that any of them will prove to be accurate. Finally, these forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this press release and the Company assumes no obligation to update them except as required by applicable law.
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Bangladesh in the age of Artificial Intelligence – The Daily Star
Posted: at 2:49 pm
Artificial Intelligence or AI, which appears to be the newest and most exciting frontier in science and engineering, attempts to emulate humans in performing complex tasks by means of learning, adapting and automation. Alan Turing, who is widely considered to be the father of artificial intelligence, presented his ground-breaking Turing Test in 1950 setting a benchmark for AI. In order to be intelligent, a system needs to have certain capabilitiesincluding natural language processing, knowledge representation, automated reasoning, machine learning, computer vision, and robotics. It was proposed that these six technology branches would collectively form an AI and surprisingly, all six components remain relevant today even after 70 years.
Today we are at the crossroads of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and AI is gradually occupying the centre stage of this unprecedented transformation. It is no wonder that all the tech giants are now involved in a relentless race to surpass each other in acquiring superior AI capabilities, while their non-tech clients and partners are heavily embracing AI to sharpen their competitive edges. Harvard Business Review in one of its recent editions suggested that companies should look at AI through the lens of business capabilities rather than a mere collection of technologies. Thus, AI should be integrated as one of the core components of any complex business process instead of being categorised as a supporting tool. Specifically, AI can cater to three important business needs: process automation, extraction of cognitive insights, and cognitive engagement with clients and employees. Interestingly, AI applications are no longer restricted to corporations, but is gradually encompassing a variety of domains, from farming to manufacturing, hospitality to healthcare, public services to professional services, judiciary to defence and others. Innumerable examples of successful AI applications can be cited to demonstrate the and ubiquity of AI and its farreaching and profound impacts.
It is now obvious that AI has started to fundamentally disrupt the way we live and work. This will continue to happen in the foreseeable future with even greater speed, intensity and coverage. As AI penetrates every sphere of human life, it is imperative for us to formulate a roadmap to see the opportunities and identify its likely threats. Like any other technology, AI is neither an unmixed blessing nor a silver bullet for all our problems. Rather, AI poses some genuine concerns that must be addressed with appropriate strategies.
Unlike the preceding automation boom, AI is not only taking over the routine back-office roles or bluecollar jobs but also threatening to pervade the cognitive domain that has traditionally been under human control for thousands of years. Now the question arises, what approach is suitable for a developing country like Bangladesh? Should we turn a blind eye to AI? We can't afford to ignored it because the powerful AI-wave generated on both sides of the Atlantic is transcending continents and is not far from reaching Bangladesh. As a matter of fact, an AI-driven world is no more a matter of choice but an irreversible destiny that we are all heading towards. Nevertheless, we should not blindly follow other nations in adopting AI applications. Instead, we should frame policies and strategies which are commensurate with our own needs, necessities and priorities. For instance, we have a large young population and as such, we wouldn't want a big chunk of the available jobs to be taken over by AI. Hence, we should choose those problems for applying AI at the first phase that we haven't been able to solve with the traditional approaches and age-old systems. For instance, we are now facing serious problems of credit scam and cyber heist in our financial sector, corruption and inefficiency in public service delivery process, rampant violence against women, frequent violation of traffic rules and road accidents, wastage and pilferage in the utility delivery system and so on. Along with fixing some of these pressing problems of our time, AI can also be chosen to perform those tasks which involve a lot of risks and/or very high levels of precision such as firefighting, ship breaking, handling industrial chemical, predicting natural disasters, diagnosis of critical diseases and so on.
We must revisit our education system and reinvigorate it with soft skills such as critical thinking, creative problem-solving, leadership, collaboration and teamwork, social responsibilities, and ethics along with emphasis on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). In this way, we'll be able to convert our young population into skilled manpower, a critical input for realising our AI ambitions. Besides, we should also attempt to develop capability to serve the overseas markets, where AI is gaining ground very fast. Thus, we can diversify our heavily imbalanced export basket and realise our aspiration for economic prosperity. Countries like Taiwan and South Korea have leapfrogged as a developed nation through harnessing the semiconductor revolution, while countries like India and Philippines have enormously benefited from the business process outsourcing boom. Today, another revolution is beckoning that Bangladesh can attempt to exploit for its economic prosperity. If this train is missed, our path to prosperity might be harder and longer.
No matter what technology we opt to develop or which algorithm we choose to apply, fostering social welfare and upholding humanity through the sensible use of technology should be the ultimate goal. Again, no technological development should be allowed to widen the gap between the rich and the poor, or create any form of disparity or injustice. Therefore, a carefully crafted policy should be adopted and implemented to secure our future in the AI-driven global order.
Md Abdul Bari is a civil servant who is currently pursuing his Master's degree at the University of Queensland, Australia.
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Is The ‘LeBron’ Of Artificial Intelligence? 4 Analyst Takes On Recent IPO – Benzinga
Posted: at 2:49 pm
One of the best-performing IPOs of 2020 was SaaS company Inc (NASDAQ: AI). The stock priced at $42, above its initial range of $30 to $33, and closed at $161 in their first week of trading.
Growth Ahead: is called a disruptive enterprise software vendor by Wedbush analyst Daniel Ives.
It's "the LeBron of AI setting up for massive growth," said Ives,who initiated the company with an Outperform rating and $200 price target. has a subscription model that could drive 30% revenue growth annually and strong gross margins, said KeyBanc analyst Michael Turits.
The analyst has a Sector Weight rating on shares of based on valuation.
"AI is the new internet for the enterprises," said Piper Sandler analyst Arvind Ramnani, who rates the stock Overweight with a $166 price target.
Ramnani said the company's revenue and gross margins are supported by strong gross retention and partnerships that will drive sales.
Related Link: IPO Outlook For The Week: Airbnb, DoorDash Lead Highly Anticipated Week
Partnerships: The company's partnerships with Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ: MSFT) and Baker Hughes (NASDAQ: BKR) area positive for Ives.
Turits mentioned a partnership with Baker Hughes and said it has a minimum value of $450 million for a five-year contract. Raytheon (NYSE: RTX)and Adobe (NYSE: ADBE) are were also mentioned.
"C3 has established lighthouse go-to-market and development partnerships with leaders in industries like energy (Baker Hughes), defense (Raytheon), financial services (FIS) and horizontal partnerships like CRM (Microsoft/Adobe)," the analyst said.
Analysts On's Valuation: Wedbush Ives' price targetcomes from a valuation of 27x EV/revenue for fiscal year 2026.
Turits is cautious on shares due to valuation. The analyst said three customers equal 44% of the company's revenue and has a relatively small number of customers.
"Despite its large, dynamic market opportunity, we view AI as fully valued at 82.2x EV/revenue (CY21E)," he said. is valued at 35x 2023 estimated revenue of $325 million by Ramnani.
Morgan Stanley analyst SanjitSingh initiatedshares with an Underweight rating and $100 price target. The analyst said there is "compelling growth ahead," but success is priced in.
AI Price Action: Shares of were trading down 13.65% at $120.11 at last check Monday.
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2021 Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.
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Artificial Intelligence: Growth and Development in India – Analytics Insight
Posted: at 2:49 pm
In order to solve social problems, Indian start-ups are growing and developing AI solutions in education, health, financial services, and other fields.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is bringing a dramatic shift in the world of technology where it can be applied for more productivity and success in order to simplify the system. From just your cell phone to the diagnosis of diseases, AI is now being used in many fields, offering high-performance and precise device operation with quality. In every area and not just technology, it has proven to be a path-breaking technology.
As the fastest growing economy with the worlds second-largest population, India has a big stake in the AI revolution. The leading technology institutions in the country, such as IITs, NITs, and IIITs, have the ability to be the cradle of AI researchers and start-ups. In order to solve social problems, Indian start-ups are growing and developing AI solutions in education, health, financial services, and other fields.
For instance, the Deccan Article notes that the first Community Centre for Artificial Intelligence was launched in Hyderabad. They also mentioned that The HexArt Institute is an initiative of the Hexagon Capability Center India (HCCI), the greatest product development center of the technology major Hexagon AB. It recognizes this institution as an initiative of timely societal responsibility. The center will train over 350 students in several batches per year.
Some of the AIs main prospects in India are:
Digital assistants to be used by several highly advanced organizations to communicate with customers, saving the need for human resources.
Together with other innovations, organizations can use AI to make machines take decisions faster than an individual and perform actions faster.
In almost every area, AI powers several inventions that will help humans overcome the majority of complex issues.
Trade and Development agreement to operate together to leverage the power of cutting-edge technology to improve and expand trade, such as AI and blockchain.
Additionally, companies like Google, Microsoft, Amazon are trying to achieve the governments needs of cloud computing and machine learning. Private companies will rush to win big contracts, add to the stream of funds to create innovative technology, and establish new AI and data scientific startups as the Indian government pushes for digital transformation and introduces more AI initiatives.
However, some of AIs major adoption challenges are:
India has a comparatively small number of researchers in the field of machine learning and research production.
India has very little local awareness of the latest knowledge that is being generated by others each day.
Given the existing and potential possibilities, Indian businesses have been reluctant to accept AI.
Despite the number of available standard packages, India does not have sufficient qualified personnel to apply machine learning to its own challenges and data.
In its capacity to handle challenges, current AI strategies are minimal, and they will have to develop to deal with the complexity of life in India.
In general, Indias digital footprint has seen tremendous growth. The government is also moving different programs toward the objective of technical infrastructure. Different agencies and artificial intelligence institutes including sectors are developing policy structures and programs that instill such skills. With a little more drive towards resources and frameworks that boost its development, the Indian artificial intelligence market, which is still regarded as emerging, can certainly take a leap.
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Artificial intelligence app will use Alexa to enable people to talk to dead relatives – The Sun
Posted: at 2:49 pm
AN artificial intelligence app will enable people to talk to dead relatives using Alexa.
The ghost bot can generate 3D images of a person and mimic their personality.
It uses recordings of them to copy their style, diction, tone, voice and intent to make what they say appear to be genuine.
Details from their social media accounts and letters could be mixed in to add to the effect.
App users could keep a loved-ones memory alive with catch-up chats.
It is believed the technology could be used to interact with historical figures or dead celebrities.
The patent states: Social data may be used to create or modify a special index ... to train a chat bot to converse and interact in the personality of a specific person.
It says a 2D or 3D model of a person could be generated using images, depth information, and/or video.
Microsoft has applied for a patent for the app, which could operate through smart devices like Amazon Alexa or Google Nest.
Some experts, however, consider the idea terrifying and have questioned the ethics behind the app.
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It comes after rapper Kanye West, 43, gave wife Kim Kardashian a hologram of her late dad Robert for her 40th birthday.
Lawyer Robert, who died of cancer in 2003 aged 59, was brought back to virtual life as a surprise.
In a clip online, the hologram is heard to state that Kim is all grown up and Kanye is a genius.
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