Daily Archives: December 6, 2020

From Power to Pitiful: An autopsy of the Saskatchewan Liberals – Regina Leader-Post

Posted: December 6, 2020 at 10:44 am

Karwacki was able to fund the party, in part, out of his own pocket. Funding a third party political movement is difficult, unless youre well heeled, he said.

He was able to rely on a network of personal contacts to build his organization. He couldnt match the money flowing into NDP and Saskatchewan Party coffers, but his efforts brought in $601,510 for the Liberals in 2007.

We were forced as a political party, the Liberal Party, to be fairly leader-centric through my tenure, and thats a dangerous way to build an organization because when the leader leaves, the organization also leaves, he said.

The money left too. The Liberals reported just $80,297 in contributions in the year of the 2011 election.

Given those challenges, its little surprise the party tried to focus its energies. It nominated just nine candidates. Bater targeted his own seat in the Battlefords.

Karwacki views that individual riding strategy as a mistake.

Running a limited number of candidates is just a loser, he said. You need to be in the full game.

People just say, well, youre not really going to form a government so why should I vote for you?

But he knows the odds were stacked against his successors, whatever they did.

The folks that took over after me did the best they could, Karwacki said. I would say that it shows how fragile political parties are.

Lamoureux learned those lessons when he took over in 2013. He ran a full slate of candidates, partly in the hopes that it would win him a place in the 2016 leaders debate.


From Power to Pitiful: An autopsy of the Saskatchewan Liberals - Regina Leader-Post

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The Three Biden Administration Posts That Liberals Should Really Care About – The Daily Beast

Posted: at 10:44 am

So here come the fights between left and center about Joe Bidens cabinet picks. Some of these fights will be worth having. Rahm Emanuel for transportation secretary? Seriously? After all the controversies that took place during his mayoralty, and all his denunciations of libtards when he worked for Obama? I suppose he cant do much harm at the Department of Transportation, but: why? There must be a dozen people who are better suited to the job and wouldnt needlessly provoke progressives ire.

Also: Deval Patrick at the Justice Department? Again, why? Patrick showily floated himself as a moderate, anti-Elizabeth Warren Massachusetts presidential contender last year before deciding not to run. Sally Yates and Doug Jones are both obviously superior, baggage-free choices (baggage-free from a Democratic point of view, that is; how Republicans may feel about them is a different matter). Its one thing to choose people the base isnt crazy about, because thats life; you win some, you lose some. But its entirely another to go out of your way to antagonize the base, which choosing Emanuel and Patrick would do. If Patricks plus column includes his race, hes hardly the only qualified Black contender.

But for my money, if youre a liberal who cares first and foremost about economic policy, there are three big positions to watch: head of the National Economic Council (NEC); chair of the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA); and head of the antitrust division in the Justice Department. Who Biden chooses for these three postsand his reported pick for CEA is promisingwill tell us a lot about how aggressive hes going to be on matters like reducing inequality, promoting public investment, and breaking up monopoly power that define an administrations core economic philosophy.

Whats the difference between the NEC and the CEA? Its explained well here. The CEA is the older entity, started under Harry Truman. Its essentially what its title saysa group of economists who give the president economic advice. The NEC, started by Bill Clinton, takes that advice and formulates policy. So the NEC is more powerful, generally speaking. The famous story from the Obama era is that during the transition, Christine Romer, whom Obama picked to chair the CEA, wrote a paper for internal consumption arguing that the stimulus package should be as big as $1.8 trillion. Larry Summers, whod been tagged to head the NEC, nixed it (and a lower $1.2 trillion figure) as having no chance of passing Congress. Even before they took office, in other words, the NEC director had the power to take information from the CEA chair and decide what the president would or would not see.

So the NEC director is the more important position, but both are really crucial to establishing any administrations economic thrust and identity. And of course the most important of all is treasury secretary, where Bidens choice of Janet Yellen is terrific.

The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that Biden intends to name Cecilia Rouse to head the CEA. Rouse is from Princeton and would be the first Black woman to head the CEA. Larry Mishel, a labor economist with the Economic Policy Institute, described her to me Sunday evening as a solid choicelike him, shes a labor economist, which means by definition that her academic interests centered around wages and poverty and education.

In addition, the Journal reported that Jared Bernstein and Heather Boushey will sit on the council, and theyre both solid progressives. Finally, Neera Tanden will be the first woman of color to head the Office of Management and Budget. These are all people who believe in government intervention in the economy and arent going to be howling at the president about deficit reduction. So this is all good news. The priorities of this group will tend much more toward full employment than austerity. Theres going to be more emphasis on workers under Biden than any president in my lifetime, Mishel says.

Adds Jesse Rothstein, an economist at Cal-Berkeley: All three CEA nominees have worked extensively on issues that will be of direct relevanceRouse on community colleges and on student loans (in a paper I coauthored with her); Boushey on paid leave and automatic stabilizers; Bernstein on deficits and full employment. Thats not what youd see in a normal CEA, where people are plucked out of academia for short stints in Washington.

Then, late Sunday, after this column was written, news broke that Biden was leaning toward Brian Deese to head the NEC. I dont know a lot about him. He works at BlackRock, which isnt great on paper, although his position there involves sustainable investing. He played a central role on the Paris climate accord, and he was a key player in the auto bailout. And he worked for Gene Sperling, who was among the more liberal of Obamas economic advisers. Well see what happens, but the good news is that if all these conjectures are correct, Biden has named an economic team that includes some progressives and has no domineering centrist banker to push the liberals around.

Nowantitrust. The monopoly power of the big tech companies is only the most visible manifestation of a disease that has taken over so many sectors of the economy, from hospitals to telecommunications to food systems tomy favorite micro-example, as noted by Sarah Miller in Democracy journal, which I editcheerleading equipment and uniforms, which are controlled by Varsity Brands, which in turn is owned by Bain Capital, the private equity company whose founders included Mitt Romney and whose employees included Deval Patrick.

Monopolies dont just increase prices, although they certainly do that. They make inequality worse because they drive down wages, since theres less competition among employers for workers. Miller cited a study that found that an individual workers average wages would be $10,000 higher today if the government had ensured markets were as competitive as theyd been in 1980.

Finally, monopolies are bad for democracy. You dont have to look any farther than the pernicious role Facebook plays in our elections to see that.

So in some ways Im more interested in who heads the DoJs antitrust division than who heads the department itself. If the Republicans keep the Senate, were going to be putting more and more hope in things that can be done administratively. Aggressive antitrust policy is one of those things in a major way.

There are other important positions. U.S. Trade Representative and the head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau come to mind. Its unrealistic to think liberals are going to fill every position. But Biden should definitely be bolder than Obama was.

Liberals today are critical of Obama and Clinton for being too neoliberal in their economic philosophies. Its a confusing word in this context, because it really means free-market conservative for various historical reasons that are too complicated to go into. But that was then. The economics profession is changing, and inequality is much more central to economic discussions than it used to be.

And one of the many lessons these election results taught us is that a lot of voters dont get the Democrats economic message and dont trust them to be good economic stewards, even though history says otherwise. Biden says, and I think he means it, that hes on the side of the middle and working classes. He needs to hire an economic team that will prove it, and so far, hes on his way.


The Three Biden Administration Posts That Liberals Should Really Care About - The Daily Beast

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The Liberals Are Ramping Up the Marketization of Australia’s Public Schools – Jacobin magazine

Posted: at 10:44 am

For most of the year, Australian teachers have worked harder than ever before, scrambling to adapt lesson resources for online learning, checking in daily with stressed-out students, and fighting for basic PPE such as hand sanitizer.

At the same time, representatives of big business,including the Liberal Party and the New South Wales (NSW) Productivity Commission, have seen an opportunity to reduce costs and ramp up productivity. As the commission makes clear, students are human capital and the goal is to further impose a competitive corporate culture within schools, in order to extract as much added value from teachers as possible.

They are proposing, for example, to give supervisors more power over lesson observations and to use test results and student surveys to assess individual teachers, as a stepping-stone toward performance-based pay. Its the latest development in a decades-long effort to impose a market-based logic on Australian schools.

In 1988, the NSW Liberal government introduced corporate management principles into the NSW public service, hoping to find cost efficiencies to help reduce its $46 billion debt. For then-minister for education, Terry Metherell, one solution was to sack 2,300 teachers, alongside thousands of administrative support staff. For teachers who kept their jobs, it meant bigger class sizes, bigger piles of paperwork, and less time to spend with individual students.

Metherell also pioneered a long-term attempt to force public schools to compete with private schools. He relaxed restrictions requiring students to attend a local school claiming that it would give parents more choice in effect providing schools with an added incentive to promote their unique brand, compete for customers, and exclude students based on their performance. At the same time, the government began to create specialist schools, catering to high academic achievers or students with talents in technology, sports, languages, or the creative and performing arts.

Previously, public schools had been forced to compete with private schools. But these moves introduced market competition into the public school system, over time exacerbating existing educational inequalities. Better-off parents were now able to shop around for the best schools, while students with poor academic records or behavioral problems, often from the most disadvantaged parts of Sydney, were concentrated together, effectively creating a two-tier public education system.

In the words of one teacher:

Sometimes well now have three or four or even five students in a classroom that are emotionally disturbed children or have special needs it affects what you can actually do in the class; you have to curtail a lot of your curriculum to cater for these children.

The Australian Labor Party (ALP) has proven to be just as enthusiastic about the marketization of education as the Liberals. In 2008, thenprime minister Kevin Rudd introduced standardized testing known as the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) exam. Shortly after, in 2010, Julia Gillard launched the My School website, which uses NAPLAN results to allow parents and the media to compare schools.

NAPLAN was criticized by principals at the time, who argued that comparing schools has led to a stifling of creative and effective teaching [and] a narrowing of the curriculum. Meanwhile, sales of exam coaching and sample tests doubledfrom 2012 to 2013.

Unsurprisingly, academic studies have found that NAPLAN rewards students for writing that is predictable, unnecessarily complex, and lacking in logical reasoning. And most concerning of all, as the Australian Primary Principals Association has argued, NAPLAN creates anxiety and fear in primary children. Subsequent studies have found that the tests have induced vomiting, sleeplessness, [and] migraines. In one tragic case, the pressure led one year-five student to attempt suicide.

Despite the evidence of such harmful side effects, the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) has followed other OECD countries in arguing that standardized testing ensures quality of education and economic competitiveness. More simply put, the point of NAPLAN was to create a blunt, quantitative measure of school performance. The goal was to run schools like education factories, and NAPLAN became the standard measure of the human capital they produce.

In 2012, Barry OFarrells Liberal NSW government transformed schools into self-managing units, under the slogan Local Schools, Local Decisions (LSLD). Principals were redefined as business managers and given increased control over budgets and staffing.

In the private sector, rhetoric about flexibility disguises insecure, casualized work. Similarly, under the cover of empowering parents, LSLD has undermined conditions and made teaching more precarious by accelerating the spread of temporary teaching contracts. Anxious to secure long-term employment, temp teachers invariably end up serving on more school teams and projects and working for longer hours. The threat of not having their contract renewed also coerces temp teachers into situations that contradict their legal rights for example, when they are required to attend meetings during non-teaching hours.

The corporate drive to maximize value-added teacher quality and school productivity has not spared permanent staff members, either. Today, NSW teachers work an average of fifty-five hours per week, while over 60 percent report suffering unacceptable levels of workplace stress.

By forcing individual schools to pursue growth and demonstrate excellence, LSLD has achieved the opposite result, burdening teachers with mountains of paperwork replete with meaningless buzzwords, to demonstrate compliance, professional development, and evidence of learning. As one teacher put it:

With so much more time spent on tasks unrelated to programming and lesson preparation for the children . . . it feels like work and tasks related to the classroom and preparing quality lessons for the students in your class is only 50 percent of the job.

Teaching programs themselves are increasingly subject to corporate-style audits. As a result, teachers are required to write extensive commentaries explaining exactly what is being taught, when, and how.

As these commentaries must refer to individual students, teachers are forced to spend evenings and weekends reporting absurdities such as provided 1:1 literacy support by sitting next to [student] and showing them how to write a persuasive paragraph. The irony, of course, is that this leaves teachers with far less time to think about and plan lessons.

The situation was already bad before COVID-19. Now, by further applying performance-management principles to individual teachers, the NSW Productivity Commission hopes to turbocharge economic productivity. If adopted, its recommendations will disadvantage teachers and students even further.

Take, for example, the Commissions proposal to evaluate teachers individual performance using value-added measures. These are purported to estimate teachers contributions to students progress over time, adjusting for their initial performance and characteristics, and identify the teachers who make larger-than-average contributions to learning growth.

Putting aside the dehumanizing language for a moment, this begs the question: what value is being added, and how is learning defined? The NSW Productivity Commissions green paper gives a hint. It praises the Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System (TVAAS), Tennessees statistical growth model, which was upgraded to a higher-stakes evaluation system that, while controversial at the time, led to gains on national tests that earned Tennessee the title of Americas fastest-improving state in math and reading in 2013.

Which is to say, under TVAAS learning growth simply means higher scores on standardized exams. The green paper confirmed that this is what the Commission has in mind for NSW by praising Reddam House, an elite Sydney private school that subjects students above year three to weekly fifty-minute cycle tests effectively drilling them to boost the statistics.

Instead of benefitting students and society by enriching the curriculum, the focus on adding value has incentivized teaching to the test. Worse, the Commission is also proposing to penalize experienced teachers whose students do not score highly by abolishing salary progression based on years of service, and instead tying pay raises to productivity outcomes (read: wringing higher test scores out of students.) True to the customer service model imported from the private sector, the Commission is also recommending that pay raises be tied to positive outcomes on student satisfaction surveys.

Finally, the Commission is also proposing to tie remuneration to lesson observations. Lesson observations have already become a tool of compliance, in some cases leading to bullying as unscrupulous supervisors are given additional control over their colleagues. But as it stands, at least teachers have some say over lesson observations they are hypothetically permitted to choose a colleague and negotiate the time and class. And for the time being, observations have no bearing on pay rises.

The Commission has declared that this is at odds with modern standards of management and accountability, and has argued that supervisors should have the absolute right to enter a teachers classroom whenever they choose.

These moves are also designed to pit teachers against each other. No doubt a minority who most effectively game the system will be rewarded. However, with the NSW State Government already cutting public sector wages, the net result will, by necessity, save money by lowering salaries for the majority of teachers, especially impacting those who work at disadvantaged schools.

Far-right politicians like Labor renegade and One-Nation bigot Mark Latham have endorsed the Commissions recommendations, while arguing that the government should go even further by placing principals on temporary contracts with higher salaries and tying additional funding to improved NAPLAN scores. This threatens to transform principals into the key agents of corporatization within schools, while accelerating the spread of temporary teaching contracts for classroom teachers.

And lastly, this agenda creates a long-term danger that underperforming schools will be singled out, shut down, and transformed into privately run charter schools, as has been the case in the United States. How long before an under-performing schools teachers are fired en masse, and forced to reapply for their jobs? And faced with this kind of pressure, how long before standardized test cheating scandals erupt here, as they have in the United States?

For industry and establishment politicians, education is not a public good with intrinsic value to society. Its key mission is not to promote difficult-to-measure intangibles like empathy, critical thinking, and democratic citizenship. From the business point of view, schools are primarily an economic resource.

Unless teachers, parents, and students want to import the dystopian American education system into Australia, they must reject further corporate reforms of their schools.

Originally posted here:

The Liberals Are Ramping Up the Marketization of Australia's Public Schools - Jacobin magazine

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‘The New Map’ and the New Liberal Arts | Learning Innovation – Inside Higher Ed

Posted: at 10:44 am

The New Map: Energy, Climate, and the Clash of Nations by Daniel Yergin

Published in September 2020

Where you stand on Daniel Yergins The New Map will likely depend on where you sit on climate change.

Suppose you believe that global warming is an existential crisis, one that warrants coordinated actions to lower carbon emissions even at the price of slowing economic growth. In that case, you will read The New Map as tepid and underargued. Conversely, if you view climate change as a manageable (rather than existential) crisis, then you will appreciate Yergins even-handed approach to the shifting global energy economy.

Since The Prize, Daniel Yergins books have been the ones by which I measure all other energy nonfiction. The New Map may not be as original as The Prize. Still, it is useful in that the book synthesizes the complex story of our 21st-century global energy transition within a fast-moving 512-page narrative.

The overall story of global energy can be summarized in three trends: 1) fracking changed the energy game, as now the U.S. is the worlds largest oil and natural gas producer; 2) electricity is fast emerging as an essential type of energy (think electric cars), and natural gas and renewables are quickly replacing coal in producing electricity; 3) while renewable technology is improving quickly, wind and solar and hydro still only account for roughly 20percent of global energy production.

Yergin believes that the transition to renewables is inevitable but will come more slowly than progressives would like. Declining demand for oil makes it cheaper, which reduces incentives to switch from gas to batteries. (Or home heating oil to solar.) The New Map provides an excellent primer on the relationship between energy production and international political relations, with Russia (an enormous producer) and China (the worlds biggest energy consumer) at the center of this story.

Ive long thought that the study of energy and society should be included as an essential element of a liberal arts education. Whether you believe that climate change is an existential or manageable crisis, there is little doubt that global warming will be the defining challenge of this century.

The New Map should be on the syllabus of any course on energy and society.

What are you reading?

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'The New Map' and the New Liberal Arts | Learning Innovation - Inside Higher Ed

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Understanding AIMIMs rise: Muslim voters have rejected the counterfeit liberalism of secular parties – Economic Times

Posted: at 10:44 am

The spectacular, but not totally unexpected, electoral success of Asaduddin Owaisis party, the All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM), in Bihar has been linked directly to the erosion of tolerance and pluralism under the Modi regime. The sense of unease in left-liberal circles over the rise of AIMIM is best reflected by the label Muslim BJP. The phrase is for most parts intended to warn fellow travellers against the pitfalls of rooting for a for, by and of Muslims party a mirror image of the Hindu BJP.

But thats not the only reason for hyphenating AIMIM with BJP. The moniker is a dog whistle aimed at elevating anxieties about minority alienation arising from BJPs perceived majoritarianism. It is as if to suggest that if it were not for BJP and its emphasis on a muscular Hindu majoritarianism Muslims would not have been persuaded to vote for AIMIM.

But is this a reasonable inference? Has Indias tolerant pluralism not been challenged in the past by Sikh, Kashmiri, Tamil, Maratha and Naga chauvinism? Didnt each of these sub-nationalisms spawn political parties whose appeal for votes would subvert laws discouraging sectarianism? These movements, after all, preceded what historian Romila Thapar has called the syndicated Hinduism under BJP. Indeed, are the authors of the Hindu BJP appellation in a position to say with certitude that a BJP-Mukt Bharat would be any closer to becoming a model inclusive democracy than it is today?

It would be an omission not to concede that power has had a tempering influence upon BJP. As things stand today none of NDAs policy decisions have been struck down as discriminatory by the courts. The decision to nullify the special status given to Jammu & Kashmir under Article 370, linked to RSSs divisive Hindutva project, does quite the opposite. It arguably strikes at the very root of sabka saath annulling discrimination in the Kashmir Valley. Even the notification of the contentious Citizenship (Amendment) Act, widely described by BJPs ideological opponents as an anti-Muslim legislation, has precedent in similar laws in some of the worlds most established democracies.

NDAs approach to governance since 1998 has shown us that, just like the Christian Democratic parties in Europe that won power, BJP too has moderated its ideology. Today, the party is not just more palatable to voters beyond its upper caste constituency but also open to them.

Some would counter that the party doesnt hand out tickets to Muslims in adequate numbers. However, it was Mohammad Karim Chagla, the first chief justice of the Bombay high court, who remarked, If it is communalism to pass over and ignore a man with merit simply because he happens to be a Muslim or a Christian or a Parsi, it is also communalism to appoint a person merely because he happens to be a Muslim.

In sharp contrast, the inclusivist Congress party has seen its vote bank shrink. Today, as the Bihar elections have demonstrated, even Muslims have begun to break away from Congress, despite its leadership championing secularism and tolerance. For sure, secular parties like Congress have unlocked the key to power for Muslims and other marginalised groups, but have they empowered them?

Sadly, under Congress secularism has become a means to an end: a carrot to dangle in the hope of capturing a vote bank. And from 2004 for ten years UPA dangled many of its own carrots. Harking back to its electorally finessed identity-centric approach to governance UPA contemplated several morally elastic schemes: from batting for minority quotas to exempting minority educational institutions from a mandate to reserve seats for lower castes. There were also attempts at cringe-worthy sentimentalism: one UPA minister went as far as to claim that Congress president Sonia Gandhi reportedly wept bitterly on seeing images of the Batla House encounter site in Delhi where security forces took out alleged Islamist terrorists.

Even the Sachar Committee, set up by UPA Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, concluded that beyond mawkish tokenism very few policies pursued by Congress improved the lives of minorities in India.

It hasnt taken long for Muslims or voters of other denominations to reject the counterfeit liberalism of Congress and some of its ideological bedfellows. AIMIM is but the latest alternative for Muslims to try out. However, as history has taught us, sectarian alternatives often turn out to be insidious and those who forget the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them.

Views expressed above are the author's own.


Originally posted here:

Understanding AIMIMs rise: Muslim voters have rejected the counterfeit liberalism of secular parties - Economic Times

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Opinion/Letter: There’s no compromising with sanctimonious liberals – Seacoastonline.com

Posted: at 10:44 am

Portsmouth Herald

Dec. 2 -- To the Editor:

Not unexpectedly, the first published letter in response to Ken McCords most recent column appealing for compromise among the groups comprising the center of the political spectrum in light of a supposed Biden electoral victory took him to task for not being kinder to those opposed to Trump. But, for many of us, the election was stolen in broad daylight.

The Trump administration and their legal team are right to obstruct any attempt to prematurely legitimize the pretender. There are myriad examples of election tampering, fraud, and organized mischief. An extraordinary percentage of the American peopleRepublican and Democrat alikebelieve the election was not fairly conducted, that the reporting was censored and biased, and that the depth of deep state corruption has permeated to even local levels.

Trump was originally elected because his message of American exceptionalism resonated with voters who (correctly) thought their votes had been wasted on weakspined collaboratorsso-called conservativeswho favored compromise with the liberal Democrats. As Mr. McCord characterized it, the sanctimonious moral pulpit from which they judge millions of fellow citizens they have never met became repugnant to decent, hardworking Americans. In my memory, the only outcome of such compromise efforts has been the loss of liberty and diminished allegiance to the Constitution, morality and ethics. Winston Churchill may have said it bestAn appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last. Thats the essence of compromise with todays brand of sanctimonious liberalsthe only compromise ever accepted by liberals completely erodes the fundamental principles of the constitutional republic. Ken McCord was too kind to Bidens supporters. To capitulate now is to accept that the cannibals have eaten the last missionary...it may have happened, but we should not willingly play nicely with the cannibals.

Terry Allen


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Opinion/Letter: There's no compromising with sanctimonious liberals - Seacoastonline.com

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Covid-19 clouds election prospects of Romania’s ruling Liberals – The Irish Times

Posted: at 10:44 am

Romanias governing Liberals hope to retain power in parliamentary elections on Sunday, despite seeing their popularity dwindle in recent months as coronavirus took a heavy toll on the nation and battered its economy.

Surveys suggest the National Liberal Party (PNL) of prime minister Ludovic Orban will attract about 30 per cent of votes, ahead of the opposition Social Democrats (PSD) with about 25 per cent and the progressive USR-Plus party on about 17 per cent.

If victorious, Mr Orban is likely to seek a coalition with USR-Plus, which is popular among younger urban voters. He may also approach Romanias ethnic Hungarian party or the party of former Romanian president Traian Basescu, if they gain the 5 per cent needed to enter parliament.

The PNL was eager for snap elections before Covid-19 struck, but the impact of the pandemic has soured sentiment towards the government and eroded its lead over the PSD.

The Liberals took power in October 2019 when a PSD government was ousted in a no-confidence vote, following three years of turbulent rule in which the party sought to weaken anti-corruption legislation to the benefit of some of its most prominent members and backers, including its then leader Liviu Dragnea.

The PSDs bid to blunt anti-graft laws and extend government influence over the judiciary sparked Romanias biggest protests since its 1989 anti-communist revolution and strained ties with the European Union.

Ultimately, the PSDs efforts failed, Mr Dragnea was jailed on graft charges and the party was forced to go into opposition.

Yet recent months have shifted Romanians focus away from corruption to coronavirus, which has infected 500,273 people in the country of 19 million and claimed 12,052 lives.

The PSD accuses the government of mishandling all aspects of the crisis, from harming the economy by closing shops and markets, to failing to improve Romanias ailing health system and allowing millions of defective face masks onto the market.

They closed your kids school. They closed your market where you bought Romanian products. They destroyed your business . . . They didnt test you, they made you buy non-compliant masks and told you its your fault for getting infected, PSD leader Marcel Ciolacu wrote on Facebook on Friday. Vote to take your life back!

Mr Orban says Romania cannot afford the PSDs populist promises, such as a 40 per cent increase to pensions next year.

He has pledged to keep fighting corruption and modernise Romanias infrastructure, including its ageing hospitals, after 10 coronavirus patients died in a fire at a clinic in the city of Piatra Neamt last month.

Romanian president Klaus Iohannis who strongly supports the PNL has said that with a new majority in parliament, that is responsible and fully committed to the good of Romanians he and the next government will rebuild the entire health system from the ground up.

Read the original here:

Covid-19 clouds election prospects of Romania's ruling Liberals - The Irish Times

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Letter: Libertarian Party has the answers – Times Herald-Record

Posted: at 10:42 am

Times Herald-Record

The Republican Party has no values and nothing to offer New York State. They have no ideas and no solutions.They trot out a sacrificial lamb every four years to run against "King" Cuomo and complain about how bad things are, then disappear until the next election.

Worse yet, they voted with Democrats to give Cuomo unlimited emergency powers to address the pandemic, which translated into a months-long lockdown that decimated small businesses and destroyed thousands of livelihoods. If thats how they legislate, then they deserve to be relegated to third-party status with zero influence on state politics, which is exactly what will happen come January when a Democratic supermajority takes control of the State Senate.

Theyll be able pass legislation with impunity and continue to implement disastrous policies that have created an exodus from this state.The Libertarian Party offers a viable alternative. Learn more at lpny.org.The Republicans cant save you.Change your party, change your vote.

Pietro S. Geraci

Chair, Orange County New York Libertarian Party


The rest is here:

Letter: Libertarian Party has the answers - Times Herald-Record

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Libertarian Ron Paul: Legalize Bitcoin and Abolish the IRS – Decrypt

Posted: at 10:42 am

In brief

Former presidential candidate and libertarian Ron Paul thinks that the best way to deal with Bitcoin is to legalize it.

The ex-Libertarian Party congressman for Texas today said on the Stephan Livera podcast that he is interested in the cryptocurrency because it is not a creature of the governmentbut he added that the government was watching the asset very closely.

Bitcoins legal status in the US depends on different state laws, rules and regulations surrounding the cryptocurrency, which are constantly changing.

Ron Paul wants to make Bitcoin legal. I thought the important thing is that we should do whatever we can to make it legal, he said. I wanted to make it legal from the start.

Let people make their decision, he added.

In the US, a number of statessuch as New Yorkhave strict regulations surrounding cryptocurrencies. But most still havent legislated on cryptocurrency.

Ron Paul argued on the show to not even tax the assetbut thats unsurprising considering that the libertarian is against taxes in general.

I dont even believe in the IRS, he boasted, adding that it was illegal to own gold up until 1975something he doesnt want to happen to Bitcoin.

So that's why, you know, I got into politics, and that's why I've remained the skeptic, he said.

The perfect system is freedom of choice, then you and I can decide exactly what we should use as our monetary system.

It doesnt look like Bitcoin will be banned in the US anytime soon, but one thing is for sure: regulation is coming.


Libertarian Ron Paul: Legalize Bitcoin and Abolish the IRS - Decrypt

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Why conservatives in the US today are really libertarians – Business Insider – Business Insider

Posted: at 10:41 am

It was 65 years ago that National Review founder William F. Buckley Jr, in a mission statement defining his new conservative magazine, argued that conservatism "stands athwart history, yelling 'Stop,' at a time when no one is inclined to do so, or to have much patience with those who so urge it."

Buckley's call to arms has always struck me as both untenable and strange. You can't stop history, after all, and merely saying "no" isn't a functional political position. But Buckley's National Review certainly set the tone for the Republican Party over the next handful of decades. The rise of Ronald Reagan codified within the party what was once a fringe philosophy: Except in the case of national security, any amount of government is too much government.

Reagan established trickle-down economics with its anti-tax, anti-regulation, anti-worker ethos as the sole guiding economic principle of the Republican Party. And the next forty years of Republican leadership turned trickle-down into a religion. Grover Norquist encouraged a generation of Republicans to sign a pledge vowing to reject every single tax increase that comes across their desks, with no exceptions.

Read more: How the 2020 election revealed 2 Americas, divided by wealth and opportunity

Through their obstinance, Republicans essentially trained a generation of Democrats to become what we now call neoliberals. As Democrats tried to negotiate in good faith with inflexible Republicans, their policies and proposals moved further and further rightward.

Donald Trump, with his nationalistic, trickle-down-on-steroids economic agenda, could represent the culmination of that rightward economic tilt. When one entire political party believes that anything to do with government is by definition bad, is governance even possible? Can Republicans find a new economic ideology that doesn't result in a blanket rejection of everything that makes a society function?

In the latest episode of Pitchfork Economics, Nick Hanauer and David Goldstein interview Oren Cass, the domestic policy director for Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign and the executive director of a new think tank called American Compass. In his work with American Compass and in his book "The Once and Future Worker: A Vision for the Renewal of Work in America", Cass is attempting to find a new way forward for American conservatism.

"I think the important starting place is to recognize that what we casually call 'conservative' in America today is, for the most part, not conservative at all it's libertarian," Cass explained. "And what I mean by that is it places almost absolute priority on free markets to the exclusion of a lot of other things that are really important to human flourishing and a prosperous nation."

"The free market is a wonderful thing," Cass said, "but we don't serve it it serves us." Prioritizing unregulated commerce above virtually every other aspect of American life has left the two national political parties without any common ground.

"Having a successful system of market capitalism isn't simply a matter of getting everything else out of the way," Cass said. Conservative economics must make room for "healthy institutions" that are necessary for America to continue, like "strong families and communities" and "education and infrastructure." Those institutions have largely been abandoned by the libertarian right.

Conservatives must find some way to reincorporate the fact that rules are necessary to keep the market running efficiently and "to channel competition in productive directions," Cass argued. To do that, a conservative political party with national appeal must support an economic platform that is "heavily dependent" on "a system of labor that ensures that workers are well-represented and can look out for their interests."

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"We've converted our high schools, basically, into college prep academies. So we almost make sure you don't learn too much useful in high school besides how to pass tests to get into college," Cass said. This leaves the huge number of Americans who don't go to college unprepared for the workforce.

By instituting educational programs that would prepare high school students to enter the workforce on graduation, and by subsidizing employer-led training for recently graduated students, Cass believes you could create "more good jobs for people without college degrees." Private enterprise would still lead the way, but it would be guided by government policy.

A progressive might argue that giving businesses tax breaks to train their ideal workforce is hardly an ideal economic scenario for Americans who choose not to go to college. But at least that argument would be happening outside the intractable libertarian frame that American politics has been locked in for most of my lifetime.

The point isn't to achieve total agreement between the conservative and liberal side of the spectrum, Cass argues it's to get back to a place where conversation and compromise is possible. After the bitter partisan civil war of the 2020 elections, a reasonable economic discussion between two opposing parties about the future of the nation sounds downright heavenly.

This is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed are those of the author(s).

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