Daily Archives: May 14, 2020

Tesla patents a new battery cell that Elon Musk hypes as way more important than it sounds – Electrek

Posted: May 14, 2020 at 5:08 pm

Tesla has patented a new battery cell with a tabless electrode that Elon Musk hypes as way more important than it sounds.

In the new patent application published today, Tesla explains constraints with current battery cells:

Current cells use a jelly-roll design in which the cathode, anode, and separators are rolled together and have a cathode tab and an anode tab to connect to the positive and negative terminals of the cell can. The path of the current necessarily travels through these tabs to connectors on the outside of the battery cell. However, ohmic resistance is increased with distance when current must travel all the way along the cathode or anode to the tab and out of the cell. Furthermore, because the tabs are additional components, they increase costs and present manufacturing challenges.

The new patent called Cell with a Tabless Electrode describes a new way to build cells in order to avoid this issue.

Tesla wrote in the patent application:

A cell of an energy storage device with at least one electrode that is tabless, and methods of forming thereof, are described. The cell includes a first substrate having a first coating disposed thereon, wherein a second portion of the first substrate at a proximal end along the width of the first substrate comprises a conductive material. An inner separator is disposed over the first substrate. A second substrate is disposed over the inner separator. The second substrate has a second coating disposed thereon. The first substrate, the inner separator, and the second substrate in a successive manner, the first substrate, the inner separator, and the second substrate are rolled about a central axis.

Here are several drawings that Tesla released in the patent application:

Recently, Tesla has been applying for a lot of intellectual property related to battery cells, like a new electrode for its 1-million-mile battery.

As we previously reported,Electrekrevealed that Tesla is working on an internalsecret Roadrunner project.

The goal is for Tesla to produce its own battery cells using technologies developed by Teslas internal teams, including work from Dahns team, and new technologies recently acquired through the acquisition of Maxwell, on a massive scale and at a cost below $100 per kWh.

For this particular new tabless electrode, CEO Elon Musk said on Twitter that this technology is way more important than it sounds without explaining more.

More is expected to be announced at Teslas battery day in a few weeks.

Heres the patent application in full:

While I normally like to highlight that companies, like Tesla, will often patent technology that they dont necessarily plan on commercializing, I think its fair to say that its not necessary in this case if Elon points out that it is important.

I am not sure what he means by that, but I think it might have to do with his recent comments about the possibility of Tesla moving to a battery pack without module. Going from cells to pack would require some changes to cells.

If thats the case, it would be interesting to see what the manufacturing process of those would look like.

What do you think? Let us know in the comment section below.

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Tesla patents a new battery cell that Elon Musk hypes as way more important than it sounds - Electrek

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Is Grimes’ relationship with Elon Musk distracting us from her musical brilliance? – Happy Mag

Posted: at 5:08 pm

Life, death, addiction, trauma and the ethereal. Despite rarely publicising it herself, Grimes is an artist healing her own wounds through otherworldly soundscapes and visions. Throughout the last decade, Claire Boucher rose from the neuroscience labs of Montreals McGill University into an artistic circuit encompassing the greats, proving herself as a production powerhouse, artistic prodigy, and visionary.

However, following the third anniversary of her seminal recordArt Angels, a publicised relationship with Tesla-founder Elon saw her career thrust under the scorn of the mainstream public. Her decade-rich archive of vibrantmultimedia narratives was seen as comical, her nuanced creative choices were easy targets for meme culture. As happens to many female artists in high-profile relationships, her career was overshadowed by her partners reputation.

Photo: Charlotte Rutherford for Rolling Stone

Claire Boucher spent the last decade climbing; through the rankings of Montreals underground with 2010s GeidiPrimesandHalfaxa, through the metamorphosis of indie-pop with 2012s Visions, coming to rest in a rich virtual niche of alt-electro-pop with 2015sArt Angels.With GarageBand, a second-hand keyboard, and no musical experience, Boucher quickly discovered her talent for crafting alternate realities through production at the age of 23.

Layer on volumes of radiant imagination, gut-punching electro-beats, vocals which transform from angelic to piercing in milliseconds, and years of intense visual media co-ordination, and you have Grimes: an ethereal-being ravaged by a realm of gods, demons, and anthropomorphic trauma.

I engineered a popstar but I use myself. I directed all the videos, did all the album art, mixed and produced all the songs, Boucher noted about the project in a 2013 interview with Hunger TV.It was totally DIY, it started out with me finding tapes in the garbage, and a tape copier in the garbage and copying the tapes by hand.

It is her completely hands-on approach that brings so much virtuosity to her work, something that is no more evident than in her latest record Miss Anthropocene.Quoting that the album narrates apantheon of new gods,Boucher designed each of the records 11 tracks around a differentmeans of death, personal crisis, or modern feeling.The title itself, a play on the words misanthrope and Anthropocene, manifests the god of climate change.

I thought trying to give it a name or a face, for me, makes it a bit more digestible and a bit easier to consider on a daily basis, Boucher noted to triple j. I need[ed] to make this easier for me to consume and continue to engage with it because I cant just tap out right now, that was my goal.

The entire record boasts the immense weight of Bouchers arithmetic production, pausing for breath only during Delete Forever the Demon of Addiction. Palatial yet gentle, poignant yet imagined, the folk-esque track was penned about Bouchers experience with opioid addiction, an ailment which claimed the lives of six of her friends.

With an overwhelming subtly and honesty, Boucher transforms an all-too-known narrative into the sorrows of a cosmic empress, looking down upon her ruined kingdom. Flew into the sun, fucking heroin(e), I see everythingI did everything, cannot comprehend, lost so many men. Lately, all their ghosts turn into reasons,lyrics which equally traverse both realities, offering grief and sensitivity.

Despite the fact that her style of writing comes simply out of creative ease, employing alternate realities and identities as a canvas to mend personal wounds is a feat only achieved by musics most respected. Bowie, Prince, McCartney, and 2Pac all paved the way for what Boucher is currently achieving.

Grimes is the uncensored version, from an artistic standpoint, she noted to HungerTV. What Im doing with music, its stuff that I cant talk to people about. Like I cant say in front of my friends, I couldnt.

Thats the weird thing about this, is that its way more real but because its so surreal, to access such a huge number of people rather than a small number of people.

However, it isnt just her infinite creativity or narrative abilities which give the Grimes outfit its distinct expertise, rather her aptitude for sonic hyper-literacy. An entirely self-directed production allows Boucher the freedom to embed deeply rich symbolism and undercurrents throughout a single or album. Her largest song Oblivionis a poster child of this genius.

Radiating beats and celestial vocals, its an inherently upbeat tune. Yet, Grimes lyrics are a harrowing portrait of Bouchers own sexual assault, and the trauma which has haunted her since.I never walk about after dark, its my point of view. And someone could break your neck, coming up behind you, always coming and youd never have a clue, she sings. See you on a dark night.

Instead of paintingOblivionwithin an alternate universe like her other works, Boucher does the complete opposite. She goes to a motor-cross event, a football final, and a mens change room. The music video is painfully mundane in the most powerful way. Images of her traversing a world dominated by the male gaze illuminate the poisoned reality which victims are forced to return to, and the normalising of rape culture in our everyday. The viewer is left in awe.

And yet, put Grimes name into Google right now and youll come up with this:

What you need to knowabout Grimes, the Canadian musician who just had a baby with techbillionaire Elon Musk.

Elon Musk and Grimes cant agree on how to pronounce their babys name.

What is an X A-12?

Claire Boucher is exercising musical wisdom well beyond her years as an artist. A polymath of production, she crafts songs into teaming universes of hallucinogenic realities and nocturnal soundscapes, full of symbolised agony and double meanings which blend the imagined with the excruciatingly real. All of which have been ignored in her tabloid-promoted persona as the eccentric girlfriend of the Twitter-addicted Tesla founder, and mother of their unconventionally-named baby.

In our hyper-commercialised society, it has become frighteningly easy for these media-circulated identities to plague artists. Once a meme, always a meme. Whilst many do recognise Grimes artistry, as seen in the staggering reception ofMiss Anthropocene, her well-documented relationship has undeniably dominated her public narrative. However, this certainly hasnt stopped Boucher from continuing to push her project and the bounds of creativity as far as it can reach.

People seem to assume that Im an air-head, that Im a druggy, weird and on Tumblr I think its hard for people to grasp that someone can produce and be a front person, maybe Boucher recalled back in 2013.

Its been really interesting for me to see how easy it is to actually create thisI dont want to say fantasy Im in the process of moulding reality.And coming to take great pleasure out of building this idea of what Grimes is, and controlling everything about it.

We have allowed so many under-appreciated artists slip through the cracks before because the world simply wasnt ready. Perhaps its about time we appreciate the cosmic talent that is Grimes.

Go here to see the original:

Is Grimes' relationship with Elon Musk distracting us from her musical brilliance? - Happy Mag

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What if police were ordered to search homes in violation of the Fourth Amendment? – LawOfficer.com

Posted: at 5:07 pm

Would you (peace officers) follow an order to search someones home unlawfully in violation of the Fourth Amendment? You have no search warrant, court order, exigency, parole or probation exemptions, fresh pursuit, plain sight, no probable cause to even secure the residence for a warrant, etc. The answer should unambiguously be, NO!

What if your mayor or governor made the same demand via executive order? Hopefully, the answer would remain, forcefully, NO!

Yet what if there was a really good reason, like a public pandemic? Would you go house to house at the demands of a politician who justified that his or her order was meant to facilitate the greater good? Although the illustration is easy to answer for most police officers since the lines of delineation between right and wrong are clear, this appears to be the roller coaster ride we are currently on.

Things have gotten pretty murky with executive orders being issued in violation of several constitutional rights. Weve clearly seen demands that have violated the First, Second, and Fourth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. Moreover, citizens caught failing to comply with these commands have been warned, cited, and arrested. This is becoming a field day for constitutional attorneys defending these cases, many of which have been immediately dismissed.

The problem for police officers is that many of the orders are not exactly defined as illegal until a court says so. In the meantime, politicians are expecting cops to be mindless robots following directives under the threat of discipline; or worse yet, termination.

We are beginning to see it happen, and it should scare the luster off our badge. Its tyranny, and its currently being practiced across America at this very moment.


As the coronavirus takes on political manifestations demanding safety at all cost, the price being paid includes economic catastrophes, which lead to high rates of domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse as well as suicide. Therefore, in reality, the safety protocols are producing extremely tragic, unintended consequences. Some argue the results will ultimately outweigh coronavirus concerns.

That is why the salon owner in Dallas and other business owners like her have said enough, and are willing to be jailed or cited in defiance. Long-term repression of liberty and freedom ARE NOT the American way.

Police leaders should consult with legal counsel as the stakes are increasing, particularly those working in organizations demanding that police officers enforce orders that discard the Bill of Rights.

Peace officers should also consult with their labor attorneys before they are fired for insubordination, as Ive heard many cops talking about the price theyd pay if they failed to comply with enforcement demands resulting from executive orders issued by mayors and governors.

However, there will also be a price to pay for blind allegiance to violating constitutional rights, assuming our republic doesnt crumble.

The following excerpt is from an earlier Law Officer article, Taking enforcement action on rules that violate the Bill of Rights is bad practice.

Almost all orders related to COVID-19 violate the Bill of Rights in one way or another. Therefore, any government agency taking an aggressive enforcement approach, including the physical use of force, should reconsider its actions. We (peace officers) swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Historically, the enemy has been far more recognizable. Yet now it is masked in the zeal of political leaders willing to discard the Constitution as they flex their power with the explicit desire to be powerful.This is more than the slippery slope we often use as an idiom, its a tidal wave crashing down on freedom and the blood that was shed to obtain and defend it.

Therefore, police officers need to reflect upon the substance of the oath they took when their badge was pinned in place.

So, am Im calling political leaders urging aggressive enforcement of rules as our enemy? If they continue to repress liberty, freedom, or the values that created American exceptionlism, they are not acting like a friend to our way of life. As a matter of fact, the more these individuals demand compliance with unreasonable demands, the more they sound like third-world dictators. Hence, an enemy!

So back to my original question: Would you intentionally search someones home unlawfully in violation of the Fourth Amendment? Of course not! Or would you?

Jim McNeff

Go here to see the original:
What if police were ordered to search homes in violation of the Fourth Amendment? - LawOfficer.com

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Mulhall column: Reading the COVID-19 tea leaves – Glenwood Springs Post Independent

Posted: at 5:07 pm

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, which in these parts was in early March, I have found the data-gathering practices on actual cases, hospitalizations, and deaths unhelpful.

Everyone has.

In full disclosure, I had to take college algebra twice to get a passing grade.

This is no slight on Mrs. Haines or GSHS, but you may want to take with a grain of salt anything I might write related even obliquely to math (unless, of course, it has to do with the Electoral College, where numerical reason always gets offended and leaves the room in a snit).

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Youd think that in the 21st Century, U.S. data gathering and reporting would be spit-polished by ubiquitous technologies like iPhones and wireless networks, but alas, the garbage-in-garbage-out proposition still applies, perhaps now more than ever.

Despite my questionable math background, early on in the pandemic I dumped TV news in favor of Bings COVID-19 Tracker to get a clearer picture about where and how quickly the virus was spreading.

However, I soon gave up on Bing for some of the same reasons I soured on TV news.

Unlike the news, Bings COVID-19 Tracker allocates a spot for recoveries. Like the news, they dont put a number to it usually.

Even as I write, the map lists no recoveries in Colorado and most other states.

I thought maybe recovery data gets protected by HIPPA or the Fourth Amendment, and perhaps some of it does, but some states do cite recoveries.

Wyoming, for example, showed 596 cases earlier this week, 391 of which had recovered. Colorado, on the other hand, shows no recoveries but dutifully updates the total number of cases daily, which on Wednesday exceeded 17,000.

In fairness, KDVR did cite Colorado recovery statistics from CDPHE for about three days. KDVR still leads every broadcast with a fuss over cumulative cases, hospitalizations and fatalities, but apart from an occasional human interest piece on a patients hospital departure, theres little mention of recoveries.

Its not just the absence of recovery data that makes data on COVID-19 unhelpful.

Last month I watched as a news anchor unashamedly reported on live TV that a spike in COVID fatalities was partially due to previously unreported deaths attributed to the virus. The gist of the story was something like, CDPHE found numerous COVID-19 fatalities from previous weeks, so they have been added to todays number.

Its like they had no idea what to do, so they plugged them into the nearest slot.

The tendency of fatality reporting to gin up foreboding has been well-understood since the days of Walter Cronkite, but this kind of sloppy data gathering turns a new leaf. Yet, Colorado and communities like Glenwood Springs base decisions on whether to end mask-wearing ordinances and lift restaurant restrictions on this data.

Modeling based on solid data testing, active cases, hospitalizations, recoveries and mortality strikes me as a valid basis for making decisions about precautionary measures, but that validity unravels if you ignore recoveries, dismiss the temporal integrity of deaths, and focus mainly on cumulative active cases, hospitalizations and fatalities.

That focus yields one grim picture.

Holy moly, Myrtle, you end up saying as you smack your forehead with the palm of your hand, Theres over 17,000 COVID cases in Colorado!

View that number through the prism of recoveries and a different picture emerges.

Of course, we dont see that picture because somewhere along the way someone decided recoveries dont matter as much as active cases and fatalities, or something like that.

Last month Gov. Jared Polis referenced the use of cellphone metadata to analyze human movement and determine the efficacy of stay-at-home orders. He could certainly get his hands on recovery data if he wanted it Fourth Amendment rights or not.

So, listen carefully, friends, whenever someone trots out COVID-19 statistics. The vision of what a hopeful future looks like is often in what the voices of public trust dont say.

Mitch Mulhall is a husband, father and longtime Roaring Fork Valley resident. His column appears monthly in the Post Independent and at postindependent.com.

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Mulhall column: Reading the COVID-19 tea leaves - Glenwood Springs Post Independent

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Arlington gym owner reopens, trying to be as responsible as possible – MyNorthwest.com

Posted: at 5:07 pm

(Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Mike Jellison, owner of PA Fitness in Arlington, Wash., has decided to reopen his gym despite Washingtons ongoing stay-at-home order.

Initially, Jellison did close his business. He took time off, went to Arizona where his family has a home to think about the future, and told the Jason Rantz Show that he even considered retiring.

I understand. I get it. Everybodys got their own job, but now Ive got my job and Ive got to reassess, understand what I need to do, Jellison said. And then I started digging into a proper procedure, a proper way of actually running our situation.

WA salon owner believes they could safely reopen now, if allowed

Jellison said he listened to the federal briefings with President Trump and understood that health and fitness is essential for a persons mental and physical well-being. Knowing that, it seemed reasonable to expect a gym or fitness center to be included in the early reopening phases.

I mean, thats what he had stated, and thats what I thought the situation would end up being, Jellison said. So coming back up here after that situation, with all my ducks in a row and all the plans and procedures and understandings to make us CDC qualified, and everything in order, come to find out it wasnt to be.

Then, Jellison said, he was infuriated.

I started looking into our constitutional rights and checking out my Fourth Amendment, for business purposes, understanding that we have certain rights, he said. Were all Americans. Everybody has a say in whats going to happen, and whats going to go on, and what were doing. Its called the Constitution. It was put in place for us.

The last straw for Jellison was that any county would have to go three weeks, at least during this phase, without a positive case or a death. Spokane County was denied the ability to move to Phase 2 because of this rule.

I listened to that, and I was outraged, he said. I was totally outraged because of the idea that this cant be true.

So then he opened, with proper rules and restrictions in place.

In my facility, what we did is we put everything at six feet apart, he said. We got rid of half of our stuff. Were doing cleanings through a cleaning company, through us, bleaching. Were doing everything we need to do once an hour. Were taking temperatures at the front door to make sure that nobody is compromised.

The person at the front door checking temperatures wears a mask and gloves. Once the temperature is approved, each person signs a waiver from the insurance company.

We hand them a disinfectant bottle, which is a hospital disinfectant and a towel. They have the personal stuff, and then they go on about their business and do their workout constructively, Jellison said. We have a couple of rovers that are on the floor, and what they do is they make sure that the customers are doing their job.

Jellison said his gym wants to set a good example for the community.

We want to make sure that the community understands that were trying to be as responsible as possible, he said. But physical and mental health is important, and its been pushed to the side for a long time. Its just not right.

Jellison said PA Fitness was contacted yesterday by the state. They had received one complaint, Jellison said. While Jellison said he respects others opinions and right to complain, he also has heard from many more people who recognize that he is trying to do the right thing and being responsible.

Why one customer defied the rules to get a haircut at Snohomish barbershop

He said hes not worried about his business license because he understands his rights as a business owner and has thought about the recourse to his action.

I understand what, legally, what can and cant happen to me. I get it, he said. Like I told my other partners, Ill be the shield, you be the sword.

His message to Gov. Inslee is to put the people as the first priority.

Dont use us as second, third, or fourth priority of what you have going on, he said. I mean, we cant be a sub line, the people, to your agenda. Put the people first because we deserve it.

PA Fitness in Arlington will remain open, Jellison said.

Read the original here:
Arlington gym owner reopens, trying to be as responsible as possible - MyNorthwest.com

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Appellate Rulings Not Argued By Any Party; Or Too Many Fingers In The Pie – JD Supra

Posted: at 5:07 pm

Last year, I blogged about State v. Elliswhere a passing motorist gave a Highway Patrol trooper the middle-finger salute and was arrested for his trouble. A divided Court of Appeals allowed the defendants conviction to stand. The case made it to the Supreme Court, which recently issued an opinionreversing the conviction.

A quick recap of our story. A trooper was assisting motorists when he noticed that the passenger in a car driving by had extended his hand out the window and was waving. After the vehicle passed, the trooper kept watching and saw that the waving stopped but the passengers middle finger remained extended. The trooper pursued and stopped the car. The passenger would not identify himself until cuffed and placed in the patrol car. Having determined that no one was in distress, the trooper issued a citation to the passenger for resisting, delaying, and obstructing an officer.

At trial, the defendant moved to suppress evidence of his refusal to identify himself, arguing that the facts did not establish reasonable suspicion to justify the stop. After hearing evidence from the trooper, the trial court orally denied the motion without making written findings of fact or conclusions of law, stating instead that [b]ased on a review of the evidence, the Court does find reasonable suspicion for the stop. In addition, based upon the totality of the evidence the Court does find probable cause for the arrest. The defendant then pled guilty, but reserved his right to appeal the denial of his suppression motion.

In its first opinion, filed on 6 August 2019, the Court of Appeals majority found no error. In the absence of written findings of fact and conclusions of law, the Court of Appeals inferred findings based upon the trial courts oral ruling and assessed de novo whether those findings supported the trial courts legal conclusion.

The Court of Appeals noted that the issue was not whether shooting the bird was a crime and that the defendant was not charged on the basis of that behavior. Instead, the issue was whether the trooper, when initiating the stop, had reasonable suspicion that criminal activity was afoot. The majority concluded that the defendants actions reasonably could alert an objective officer to a pending breach of the peace. In dissent, Judge Arrowood argued that no reasonable suspicion existed for the stop.

Heres where it gets interesting. The majority noted that the States brief did not argue that the stop was predicated on reasonable suspicion. Instead, the State had contended that the community caretaker exception, whose application does not require reasonable suspicion, justified the stop. The majority disagreed, finding the community caretaker exception inapplicable. However, the court went on to observe that, because the State was the appellee, the majority could still affirm the trial courts decision on an alternative reasonable suspicion theory. In so doing, the Court of Appeals stated that it is our duty to affirm the trial courts ruling if there is any legal means to justify that trial courts ruling, even if that reason was not argued by the appellee. Indeed, it is our duty to consider all possible legal bases to affirm the trial court even if the State, as appellee, had not filed a brief at all.

This language caused a bit of a stir in the appellate practitioner world. Questions arose as to whether the issue of reasonable suspicion had been fully argued and preserved below or whether the issue merely had been noted in the trial courts ruling, abandoned by the State in its appellees brief, and then invoked by the Court of Appeals majority sua sponte. Also, the language about the Court of Appeals duty to affirm was generating debate. Just as I completed a blog post discussing the original opinion, the Court of Appeals withdrew it and filed a new opinionon 20 August 2019.

In its reissued opinion, the majority again affirmed the trial court, but with two significant modifications. First, the reissued opinion specifically stated that the question of reasonable suspicion had been raised and argued before the trial court, thereby quelling any question whether the issue had been preserved under Appellate Rule 10, even if it was not argued on appeal as contemplated by Appellate Rule 28. Second, discussion of the States brief was relegated to footnote 5, where the opinion stated that the State argues, as an alternative legal basis justifying the stop, that the troopers traffic stop was justified under the judicially-recognized community caretaking exception, then noted that exception was inapplicable. The footnote could be read to suggest that the State had argued both reasonable suspicion and community caretaker, though as we will see below, the States sole contention to that court was the latter. Judge Arrowood maintained his dissent, modified in light of the revised majority opinion.

Taken together, these two Court of Appeals opinions suggest some limit on a reviewing courts ability to strike out on its own when resolving a case. As indicated in the first Court of Appeals opinion, an appellee can prevail on appeal without filing a brief. The burden is on the appellant to convince the reviewing court that the trial court committed reversible error; a bold (or broke) appellee can just sit by and watch. So the reviewing courts opinion in favor of such a silent appellee will be based on a premise that was not briefed, at least not by the prevailing party. May the reviewing court reverse based upon a theory no one ever argued? The original opinion emphatically said yes. The revised opinion suggests a more limited approach, that a reviewing court may rely on an issue that was preserved, even if not presented on appeal.

The defendant appealed to the Supreme Court on the basis of the dissent. The States brief to the Supremes makes unusual reading, to say the least. The State advised the Supreme Court that while the Court of Appeals found that the trooper had reasonable suspicion that justified the stop, [t]he State did not assert this argument in its appellate brief or raise it during oral argument. Rather, it solely contended that the community caretaking exception to the Fourth Amendment applied. The State added that it does not believe that the specific articulable facts included in this record established reasonable suspicion of the crime of disorderly conduct. Lest there be any doubt, the State closed its brief by stating that the decision of the majority of the Court of Appeals should be reversed.

In a unanimous opinion filed on 1 May 2020, the Supreme Court reversed and remanded the Court of Appeals opinion. The matter was determined on the record and briefs without oral argument. The Supreme Courts straightforward opinion reviewed the inferred facts and concluded that no reasonable suspicion existed to justify the initial stop.

Think about what happened here. Recall that the State, to its credit, candidly acknowledged the limited basis of its appeal and conceded that it had never argued the theory on which the Court of Appeals relied. Even so, the Supreme Court, without discussion, followed and analyzed the reasonable suspicion argument that the State did not argue but the Court of Appeals embraced. The original blog post in this chain discussed cases where the reviewing court found that the trial court reached the right result while using the wrong rationale. Here, in a bit of a twist on that earlier post, the Supreme Court found that the Court of Appeals reached the wrong result but had based that result upon a misapplication of the right rationale.

Various permutations of this process are not hard to find. Another prime example where a reviewing court decided issues neither briefed nor argued is Nelson v. Freeland, 349 N.C. 615, 507 S.E.2d 882 (1998). In that case, the Supreme Court abolished the distinction between invitees and licensees in premises liability case. This result came as a surprise to the litigants, none of whom had advocated for such a significant jurisprudential shift.

Similar events can be found in the Big Leagues. Ever-vigilant Beth has pointed me to United States v. Evelyn Sineneng-Smith, U.S. Supreme Court case number 19-67, issued this month, reversing a Ninth Circuit opinion. Writing for a unanimous Court, Justice Ginsburg remanded the case for an adjudication of the appeal attuned to the case shaped by the parties rather than the case designed by the appeals panel. Ouch. RBG noted the issue addressed in this post when she added A court is not hidebound by the precise arguments of counsel, but the Ninth Circuits radical transformation of this case goes well beyond the pale. Ouch again.

Often, these appellate gyrations may be a practical necessity. Trial courts and litigators need to know the bases for the reviewing courts decisions. Thats why we have written opinions. The reviewing courts obligation to oversee the states jurisprudence and reach sound conclusions will sometimes lead it to a rationale that those below did not see coming. It only makes sense for the ultimate reviewing court to be explicit in those rationales. As Beth and Matts treatise notes, the ultimate responsibility for jurisdictional oversight lies with the jurisdictions court of last resort, though intermediate reviewing courts also have a role. Elizabeth Brooks Scherer & Matthew Nis Leerberg, North Carolina Appellate Practice and Procedure, 2.05[4].

Unanswered is the question how far a reviewing court may (or must) go to reach a correct result. Ellis illuminates the risks inherent in a courts decision to reach what it sees to be the right outcome. The Court of Appeals majority found for the State on a legal basis that the State deliberately had not argued on appeal and later explicitly rejected when in the Supreme Court. In other words, the Court of Appeals majority reached beyond the issues briefed for a result it thought correct, but no one else did, including the beneficiary of the courts reaching.

Litigants and trial judges would surely like to know the limitations, if any, on the reviewing courts ability to look beyond the issues the parties have chosen to present. The process illustrated here in Ellis can be frustrating for those involved in a case who were giving it their best effort but were unexpectedly second-guessed by the reviewing court.

Should the parties be notified and given the opportunity to be heard when the reviewing court is considering a theory that no one argued? While that sounds sensible, implementing it would be a jolt to the cultures of both of North Carolinas appellate courts, at least as existed when I was there. The judges and justices rarely discussed cases before they were calendared, so the panels did not know the outcome and rationale of a case until the judges or justices discussed it in conference and voted on the resolution. Only then could supplemental briefing be ordered if the court was considering going in a direction unanticipated by the parties.

What are the lessons from this case? For one, if you are of a mind to tell a trooper or officer that they are Number 1, use your index finger.

Has something like this ever happened to you? Can you recall any opinions where the appellate courts admitted that they were deciding the appeal based on a theory not argued in any of the appellate briefs? Or where the reviewing court went off on a frolic of its own sub silentio?

[View source.]

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Appellate Rulings Not Argued By Any Party; Or Too Many Fingers In The Pie - JD Supra

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How to achieve financial independence in your small business – Business MattersBusiness Matters

Posted: at 5:04 pm

The COVID19 pandemic has affected lives and economies at an astonishing pace.

Although experts predict an unprecedented economic recession, challenging times should be no more than opportunities for small business owners.

With this goal, making a strategy should be a natural response to events. From creating an emergency support fund to hiring employees and get the help you need, all options should be considered. This includes the federal low-interest loan, although it can be hard to repay. Crisis management requires staying focused as a vital step. This will allow you to make objective decisions and fill yourself and your team with confidence.

The ultimate goal when owning a small business is achieving financial independence. This is when you will start to feel that this is truly your business and that you are on the path to success.

In order to get there, its necessary for you to overcome obstacles and adjust the way in which you see things and change your perspective. Here are eight instrumental steps to get the financial freedom you have been looking for in your small business.

The decision to start saving money to attain financial freedom should be a no return point as a small business owner. Every risk and measure taken to achieve that goal shall be executed with effort and determination. You might have to apply for an online payday loan or business cash advance which is a form of short term financing used to help with a companys immediate financing needs. A small business can usually apply and get a preapproval within an hour or two by providing a minimal amount of personal and business financial documentation. A small business payday loan can then be funded very quickly, with the money deposited into your companys account within days, if not the same day.

It is crucial to not get carried away by external influences because these sacrifices are not easy to do, and not everybody is up to it. It would be like adapting to a fitness nutritional lifestyle.

The first few steps are small changes in your daily meals and later on, the necessary strategies will come naturally.

A vital thing is the acknowledgment of yourself and your business. All the info you can gather will help you know best what are your strengths and weaknesses for this process.

Taxes and investment sheets, financial balances, insurance outcomes and covering, and other business documents will help you develop a plan that suits you according to your expenses and incomes. This is how those adjustments become truly effective.

You must set your goals and objectives in a way that these can be met. Your financial business goals -and the way to achieve them- should be as clear as water is.

Establishing savings accounts and investments should be the number one priority. Moreover, take everything (profits, expenses, clients and employees satisfaction, pricing of your product or services) into consideration while planning.

Smart decisions require preparation. For a goal to be achieved, small goals need to be reached first! Fill all the gaps along the way.

Despite experts recommending to keep minimal insurance cover (to lower the business expenses rate), the truth is that it is wise to constantly review your coverage to protect all of your assets.

Another good way to keep long-term savings is through retirement plans. If you dont have full-time employees, a solo 401k plan could be a great start.

However, if your small business doesnt qualify for a solo 401k, a Simple IRA will do the job.

Retirement plans have also a great plus; they are the best way to shield your business income from excessive taxes.

If feeling unsure while choosing a retirement plan or if you dont understand their implications- hire an insurance agent and get professional advice.

Dont just wait for something to happen to start saving. Whether you are waiting on market growth or buying resources for your business, if in your current situation you handle a tight budget, try to find a way to raise your income.

Marketing experts convinced us of the necessity of having good debt. However, there isnt such a thing. Financial independence implies you dont owe anything, to anyone, independently of if it is for a good reason. Try to pay-off debts as soon as possible.

Do not focus on a single action; it should be a whole system in motion. Analyze your expenses pattern and control unnecessary spending. Determine which investments are better for your business, find new clients, avoid problematic clients and employees, and renew your sales plans.

Design a whole plan for managing your small business with the lowest expenses rate possible and a high income.

Make sure your career is on its path to success. As Benjamin Franklin said, An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. You should become knowledgeable about financial matters so that you can invest in yourself and see the fruits of your effort.

Eventually, your income will increase because youll diversify how you make money. Gaining more and maintaining a low expenses rate will take you closer to the main goal.

Set up a system, a way you and your business can run with a monthly or weekly budget. Continuously refocus your goal and keep track of your accomplishments, and above all, build attainable goals.

Smart investing creates second, third, and infinite sources of additional financial income. It is risky because of market fluctuations, but it is important to invest despite what other businesses might be doing.

If the market feels unstable, reduce your investments in equities and diversify across several types of investments like stocks, cash, and real state. This is a great way to protect yourself from unexpected loss

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Easy Investing Secrets to an Early Retirement – May 14, 2020 – Yahoo Finance

Posted: at 5:04 pm

Building sufficient financial resources to retire early may sound like a dream, but making that dream come true is not as hard as it may sound. The main thing is simply to save more money each month. No big deal, right? Well ...

Typically, advisors peg 15% to 20% of total income saved each month as a goal - but if you want to retire earlier, you probably have to ratchet that number up to 40% or 50% of your income. Not a feat easily accomplished when you review your take into account that a good portion of your paycheck goes to essential, non-negotiable lifestyle items. However, if you are willing to make some serious lifestyle changes and sacrifices, it's possible.

A relatively new movement called Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) has been developed around this "sacrifice and over-save now to retire early" concept. FIRE followers develop strict savings programs (up to 75% of income) and make associated sacrifices like living in small apartments, walking to work every day, restrictive diets, and so on. This path may be too restrictive for many, but the mindset offers some takeaways that might be worth considering.

First, stick with the fundamentals of long-term growth investing: Choose a diversified portfolio of stocks with exposure to different styles, sizes, sectors, and regions.

To accelerate the retirement investment cycle, you can construct a portfolio designed with more risk - and the potential for higher returns - but it should still be appropriately diversified to protect against larger than average market drawdowns that can be difficult to recover from and ruin any chance to accomplish your early retirement goal. There are numerous ways to diversify a portfolio, and how you do so should depend on your age, your risk tolerance, your growth and income needs, and your long-term goals.

After accelerating your savings and setting up an ongoing plan, invest your savings into your portfolio at the earliest opportunity. Try not to attempt to time the market. Stay put, and let the compounding characteristics of the markets do its work to help grow your retirement wealth exponentially over time.

Growth stocks with low beta, strong earnings estimates, positive sales growth, and expected future growth are an excellent way to determine investable growth stocks for your retirement.

Zacks offers investors useful rankings for lower risk growth stocks for retirement portfolios. The following are a few selections that merit a closer look: Meridian Bancorp (EBSB), Virtu Financial (VIRT) and H&R Block (HRB). Earnings and revenue has seen growth of at least 5% or higher over the last five years, with a beta of 1 or lower.

Do You Know the Top 9 Retirement Investing Mistakes?

Whether you're planning to retire early or not, don't let investing mistakes derail your plans.

If you have $500,000 or more to invest and want to learn more, click the link to download our free report, 9 Retirement Mistakes that will Ruin Your Retirement.

This report will help you steer clear of the most common mistakes, like trying to time the market, lack of diversification in your portfolio, and many more. Get Your FREE Guide NowHR Block Inc (HRB) : Free Stock Analysis ReportMeridian Bancorp Inc (EBSB) : Free Stock Analysis ReportVirtu Financial Inc (VIRT) : Free Stock Analysis ReportTo read this article on Zacks.com click here.

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Easy Investing Secrets to an Early Retirement - May 14, 2020 - Yahoo Finance

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Advisor Group And Woodbury Financial Recruit Financial Professionals Joseph Di Biasi And Gregory McElheny, Facilitate Succession-Driven Merger With…

Posted: at 5:04 pm

OAKDALE, Minn., May 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Advisor Group, the nation's largest network of independent wealth management firms, and Woodbury Financial Services today announced the successful recruitment of two independent financial professionals with combined client assets of $170 million. The financial professionals, Joseph Di Biasi and Gregory McElheny, joined Woodbury as part of a transaction in which they acquired Life Certain Wealth Strategies, a five-person Woodbury-affiliated practice with $240 million in client assets. The transaction will enable Life Certain's President and Founder, Herb White, to execute his succession plan and successfully retire from active management of the business according to his preferred timeline.

Woodbury Financial Services is part of Advisor Group, which also includes FSC Securities Corporation, Investacorp, Inc., KMS Financial Services, Inc., Royal Alliance Associates, Inc., SagePoint Financial, Inc., Securities America, Inc., Securities Service Network and Triad Advisors, LLC.

The combined practice, which will retain the name Life Certain Wealth Strategies and now has total client assets of $410 million, has offices in Greenwood Village, Colorado (in the Denver area) and Colorado Springs and comprises the following financial professionals:

Advisor Group's Succession & Acquisition team, led by Senior Vice President of Succession & Acquisition Todd Fulks, JD, played a key role in facilitating the transaction and recruitment of Mr. Di Biasi and Mr. McElheny, as did Woodbury Regional Vice President Nathan Anderson.

Mr. White began identifying and evaluating potential merger partners in hopes of bringing strong successor candidates to his practice in 2019. Mr. Di Biasi and Mr. McElheny were clearly drawn to the resources, support and flexibility provided by Advisor Group and the Woodbury platform, and signaled that they would be open to joining Woodbury in order to minimize potential disruptions to Mr. White's practice and clients. Mr. Fulks and Mr. Anderson worked closely with the principals to help structure the transaction, assist in securing financing, facilitate a seamless transition for Mr. Di Biasi and Mr. McElheny, and resolve questions and concerns along the way.

Rick Fergesen, President and CEO of Woodbury, said, "Welcoming two seasoned independent financial professionals such as Joe Di Biasi and Greg McElheny to the Woodbury family is a tremendous win in itself. In addition to this great news, we are very pleased that we were able to play a critical role in facilitating a win-win transaction that will enable one of our highly-successful veteran financial professionals, Herb White, to realize his succession planning goals while ensuring that his clients are well cared for. We're in the business of providing financial professionals with the support they need to grow and succeed over the long term. This merger and recruitment do just that, and we are proud to have helped it reach completion."

Mr. White said, "From my perspective, it was crucial to find succession partners who were a great fit for the culture we had built over the years at Life Certain Wealth Strategies, both within our organization and with our clients. At the same time, it was equally important for me to stay with Woodbury, which has been an indispensable part of our success since we joined their platform nearly two decades ago. This transaction and succession plan gives me the reassurance of knowing that my clients will be in great hands after I retire, and I could not be more thrilled to work with Joe and Greg moving forward."

Mr. Di Biasi said, "Transitions can be difficult without the right expert resources and guidance to smooth the process. In this case, we went through both an affiliation move and a merger at the same time, and we could not have done it without the teams at Advisor Group and Woodbury empowering all of us to stay focused on our clients and businesses from start to finish. Woodbury and Advisor Group's experience, expertise, and responsiveness were invaluable to us and helped us establish a powerful combined business that will help our clients effectively pursue their goals for years to come."

Jamie Price, President and CEO of Advisor Group, concluded, "We are very pleased to bring Joe Di Biasi and Greg McElheny to Advisor Group and Woodbury, and to contribute to the success of Herb White's succession plan. This was a complex transaction that would never have been possible without the diligent collaboration of both parties, the support of Nathan Anderson and other senior Woodbury executives and the guidance of Todd Fulks and his experts on Advisor Group's Succession & Acquisition team. At Advisor Group, we stand, as always, in our financial professionals' corner, and our teamwork and dedication were on full display here as we worked to ensure that this transaction was a win for all involved."

About Woodbury FinancialWoodbury Financial Services, Inc. is part of Advisor Group, the nation's largest network of independent wealth management firms, and is a Registered Investment Advisor, member FINRA and SIPC. Woodbury Financial has nearly 1,600 affiliated independent financial advisors and is headquartered in Oakdale, MN. Woodbury employs a client-driven approach focused on meeting the unique demands of businesses and individuals. For more information visit https://www.joinwoodbury.com/.

About Advisor GroupAdvisor Group, Inc. is the nation's largest network of independent wealth management firms, serving approximately 11,300 financial professionals and overseeing over $450 billion in client assets. The firm is mission-driven to support the strategic role that financial professionals can play in the lives of their clients. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through its affiliated broker-dealers: FSC Securities Corporation; Royal Alliance Associates, Inc.; SagePoint Financial, Inc.; Woodbury Financial Services, Inc.; Securities America, Inc.; Triad Advisors, LLC.; Investacorp, Inc.; KMS Financial Services, Inc.; and Securities Service Network, LLC, members FINRA and SIPC, and Registered Investment Advisers. Cultivating a spirit of entrepreneurship and independence, Advisor Group champions the enduring value of financial professionals and is committed to being in their corner every step of the way. For more information, visit https://www.advisorgroup.com.

Media InquiriesJoseph Kuo / Chris ClemensHaven Tower Group424 317 4851 or 424 317 4854jkuo@haventower.comor cclemens@haventower.com

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Advisor Group And Woodbury Financial Recruit Financial Professionals Joseph Di Biasi And Gregory McElheny, Facilitate Succession-Driven Merger With...

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LesLTC Announces a Virtual Educational Seminar on May 21st to Remove the Threat of Medicaid, Nursing Homes, and Long-Term Care Event – Press Release -…

Posted: at 5:04 pm

Les Robinson created a virtual education seminar on May 21st that will emphasize on How to protect Money from Medicaid.

Les Robinson CLTC, the founder of LesLTC, is pleased to announce that he will be conducting an virtual educational seminar on May 21st at 6 PM to tackle the topic of the threat of Medicaid, nursing homes, and long-term care on your money.

This planning structure aims to bring together long term care and retirement planning to safeguard people from losing their money and independence to long-term care as well as Medicaid event. This is the goal of Les Robinsons virtual education seminar on May 21st at 6 PM. Click on link to sign up for the seminar https://calendly.com/les-robinson/may-21-remove-the-threat-of-medicaid-to-your-money?month=2020-05

A person can start their path to secure and more fruitful retirement and long-term care plan that will enable them to profit from pre-planning. This is important rather than waiting to begin the plan much later that could take longer to execute, waste valued time, and would cost clients a huge amount of their money.

The outcome will be more fruitful retirement, reducing the future care expenses of the client, and lessen the distress of the unknown. One can safeguard their legacy, family, income, and money, not depending on their family for money in a long-term care & Medicaid event.

The LesLTC Process helps to reduce the greatest threat to a persons retirement plan and will protect their personal choices and financial independence; remove the hidden financial threats to their money by Medicaid and inflation; understand the consequences of not having a plan on your money and income stream; how to avoid Medicaid spend down mistakes and maintaining eligibility for Medicaid; what other long -term care options available and so much more.

According to Les Robinson, For more than twenty-five years in the industry, I have been helping a lot of people reduce their emotional and financial liability to their loved ones from a care event. I developed the LesLTC Process to deliver long-term care and retirement planning together into one planning process.

People looking to set up an information meeting with Les Robinson CLTC: click here to set up a 10 minutes meeting.

About Les Robinson

Les Robinson, CLTC is a long-term care agent, special care planner, educator, media resource, recent board member of FPA. He was also the co-author of Essentials of Long-Term Care Planning. Robinson also was part of the Genworth Long Term Care E application development team New York State insurance instructor at Bryant and Stratton College, for CE and licensing for Life and Health.

To learn more about the educational seminar, call Les Robinson at 1-800-875-1040 or send him an email at les@lesltc.com. Visit his official website at http://lesltc.com/ to get a long-term care quote.

Media ContactCompany Name: LesLTCContact Person: Les Robinson CLTCEmail: Send EmailPhone: 1-800-875-1040Country: United StatesWebsite: http://lesltc.com

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LesLTC Announces a Virtual Educational Seminar on May 21st to Remove the Threat of Medicaid, Nursing Homes, and Long-Term Care Event - Press Release -...

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