Daily Archives: July 29, 2017

Full text: Senate ‘skinny’ Obamacare repeal bill – Politico

Posted: July 29, 2017 at 7:35 pm

Read the full text of the Senate health care bill. | Detroit News via AP


07/27/2017 11:18 PM EDT

The full text of the Senate "skinny" Obamacare repeal bill:

AMENDMENT NO.llll Calendar No.lll

Story Continued Below

Purpose: In the nature of a substitute.


H. R. 1628

To provide for reconciliation pursuant to title II of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2017.

Referred to the Committee on llllllllll and ordered to be printed

Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed

AMENDMENT IN THE NATURE OF A SUBSTITUTE intended to be proposed by lllllll


Strike all after the enacting clause and insert the following:


This Act may be cited as the Health Care Freedom Act.



(a) IN GENERAL.Section 5000A(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended(1) in paragraph (2)(B)(iii), by striking 2.5 percent and inserting Zero percent, and (2) in paragraph (3) MCG17700 S.L.C. (A) by striking $695 in subparagraph (A) and inserting $0, and (B) by striking subparagraph (D). (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.The amendments made by this section shall apply to months beginning after December 31, 2015.


(a) IN GENERAL. (1) Paragraph (1) of section 4980H(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by inserting ($0 in the case of months beginning after December 31, 2015, and before January 1, 2025) after $2,000. (2) Paragraph (1) of section 4980H(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by inserting ($0 in the case of months beginning after December 31, 2015, and before January 1, 2025) after $3,000. (b) EFFECTIVE DATE. The amendments made by this section shall apply to months beginning after December 31, 2015.

MCG17700 S.L.C.


(a) IN GENERAL.Section 4191(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking December 31, 2017 and inserting December 31, 2020. (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.The amendment made by this section shall apply to sales after December 31, 2017.


(a) IN GENERAL.Subsection (b) of section 223 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: (9) INCREASED LIMITATION.In the case of any month beginning after December 31, 2017, and before January 1, 2021(A) paragraph (2)(A) shall be applied by substituting the amount in effect under sub-section (c)(2)(A)(ii)(I) for $2,250, and (B) paragraph (2)(B) shall be applied by substituting the amount in effect under sub-section (c)(2)(A)(ii)(II) for $4,500.. (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.The amendment made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017.

MCG17700 S.L.C.


(a) IN GENERAL.Notwithstanding section 504(a), 1902(a)(23), 1903(a), 2002, 2005(a)(4), 2102(a)(7), or 2105(a)(1) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 704(a), 1396a(a)(23), 1396b(a), 1397a, 1397d(a)(4), 1397bb(a)(7), 1397ee(a)(1)), or the terms of any Medicaid waiver in effect on the date of enactment of this Act that is approved under section 1115 or 1915 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1315, 1396n), for the 1-year period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act, no Federal funds provided from a program referred to in this subsection that is considered direct spending for any year may be made available to a State for payments to a prohibited entity, whether made directly to the prohibited entity or through a managed care organization under contract with the State. b) DEFINITIONS.In this section: (1) PROHIBITED ENTITY. The term prohibited entity means an entity, including its affiliates, subsidiaries, successors, and clinics (A) that, as of the date of enactment of this Act (i) is an organization described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and exempt from tax under section 501(a) of such Code; MCG17700 S.L.C. (ii) is an essential community provider described in section 156.235 of title 45,Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect on the date of enactment of this Act), that is primarily engaged in family planning services, reproductive health, and related medical care; and (iii) provides for abortions, other than an abortion (I) if the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest; or (II) in the case where a woman suffers from a physical disorder, physical injury, or physical illness that would, as certified by a physician, place the woman in danger of death unless an abortion is performed, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself; and (B) for which the total amount of Federal and State expenditures under the Medicaid program under title XIX of the Social Security Act in fiscal year 2014 made directly to the entity and to any affiliates, subsidiaries, successors, or MCG17700 S.L.C. clinics of the entity, or made to the entity and to any affiliates, subsidiaries, successors, or clinics of the entity as part of a nationwide health care provider network, exceeded $1,000,000. (2) DIRECT SPENDING.The term direct spending has the meaning given that term under section 250(c) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 900(c)).



Subsection (b) of section 4002 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (42 U.S.C. 300u11) is amended(1) in paragraph (3), by striking each of fiscal years 2018 and 2019 and inserting fiscal year 2018; and (2) by striking paragraphs (4) through (8).


Effective as if included in the enactment of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (Public Law 11410, 129 Stat. 87), paragraph (1) of section 221(a) of such Act is amended by inserting , and an additional $422,000,000 for fiscal year 2017 after 2017.

MCG17700 S.L.C.


Section 1332 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (42 U.S.C. 18052) is amended(1) in subsection (a)(3) (A) in the first sentence, by inserting or would qualify for a reduction in after would not qualify for; (B) by adding after the second sentence the following: A State may request that all of, or any portion of, such aggregate amount of such credits or reductions be paid to the State as described in the first sentence.; (C) in the paragraph heading, by striking PASS THROUGH OF FUNDING and inserting FUNDING; (D) by striking With respect and inserting the following: (A) PASS THROUGH OF FUNDING.With respect; and (E) by adding at the end the following: (B) ADDITIONAL FUNDING.There is authorized to be appropriated, and is appropriated, to the Secretary of Health and Human Services, out of monies in the Treasury not otherwise obligated, $2,000,000,000, to remain available until the end of fiscal year 2019. Such MCG17700 S.L.C. amounts shall be used to provide grants to States that request financial assistance for the purpose of (i) submitting an application for a waiver granted under this section; or (ii) implementing the State plan under such waiver.; (2) in subsection (b)(1), in the matter preceding subparagraph (A) (A) by striking may and inserting shall; and (B) by striking only; (3) in subsection (d)(1), by striking 180 and inserting 45; and (4) in subsection (e), by striking No waiver and all that follows through the period at the end and inserting the following: A waiver under this section(1) shall be in effect for a period of 8 years unless the State requests a shorter duration; (2) may be renewed for unlimited additional 8-year periods upon application by the State; and (3) may not be cancelled by the Secretary before the expiration of the 8-year period (including any renewal period under paragraph (2))..

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Full text: Senate 'skinny' Obamacare repeal bill - Politico

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Is Financial Independence A Myth? – The Motley Fool Canada

Posted: at 7:35 pm

Peter Stephens | July 29, 2017

Financial independence is a goal to which many people aspire. The idea that it is possible to be independent of the wider economy and for a portfolio to deliver rising returns no matter how the macro outlook appears is clearly highly attractive. After all, to generate a high and consistent return is the fundamental goal of most investors.

However, is this a realistic aim? Or, is it impossible for an investor to generate high returns without being reliant on one or more factors?

Financial independence

By its very nature, being financially independent means an individuals financial affairs are not dependent

Financial independence is a goal to which many people aspire. The idea that it is possible to be independent of the wider economy and for a portfolio to deliver rising returns no matter how the macro outlook appears is clearly highly attractive. After all, to generate a high and consistent return is the fundamental goal of most investors.

However, is this a realistic aim? Or, is it impossible for an investor to generate high returns without being reliant on one or more factors?

By its very nature, being financially independent means an individuals financial affairs are not dependent upon anything or anyone else. For example, someone seeking financial independence may no longer rely on a salary from an employer, or financial aid from a relative or family member. They may have a portfolio of assets which they believe makes them financially independent, thereby reducing their overall risk profile.

Furthermore, diversifying a portfolio may also provide a greater feeling of independence for an investor. This is because diversifying among a range of companies causes company-specific risk to fall. Similarly, buying shares in companies which report in different currencies causes currency risk to fall, while countering geographic risk by having a spread of companies across the globe means an investor may develop an even greater feeling of independence.

However, no matter how much capital an individual has in their portfolio, nor how well diversified they are, they are still dependent upon the performance of the global economy. Should the global macroeconomic outlook decline, their capital growth and income returns from risky assets such as shares may fall. Similarly, if the world inflation rate increased, they may see their spending power decline in real terms, for example.

As such, all investors depend on stable growth being present in the long run when it comes to risky assets. Even if they are invested in assets which are less reliant upon the performance of the global economy and may even rise during a global recession, such as gold, the reality is that in the long run those assets are dependent upon investor sentiment to a large extent. There is no guarantee that gold would become popular in a global recession, for instance, which means an investor buying gold in order to seek financial independence may in fact be reliant upon a rise in market sentiment in response to changing trading conditions.

Therefore, it may be prudent for investors to seek a state of limited financial dependence, rather than financial independence. Given the globalised nature of the world economy, it seems improbable that any investor could create a situation where they have high returns which are not dependent upon someone or something else in the long run.

As such, while reducing risk, increasing diversification and seeking to become less reliant on other individuals or factors are noble aims, all investors must accept that to at least some extent their financial future is simply out of their hands. Thats why obtaining a wide margin of safety and seeking the best risk/reward opportunities could prove to be the best strategy for Foolish investors.

36-Year Old CEO Bets Over $300 Million on 1 Stock

Iain Butler, Lead Adviser of Stock Advisor Canada, recommended this little tech darling to thousands of loyal members last March... and those that followed his advice are up 127.7% (they've already made 2X their money!).

Not to mention this tiny Eastern Ontario company has already been recommended by both Motley Fool co-founders, David and Tom Gardner, because of its amazing similarity to an "early stage" Amazon.

Find out why Tom Gardner was recently on BNN's Money Talk raving about this company, and how you can read all about it inside Stock Advisor Canada. Click here to unlock all the details about his Canadian rule breaker!

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Is Financial Independence A Myth? - The Motley Fool Canada

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Sealand Natural Resources Inc (SLNR) Ichimoku Reveals Negative Momentum – Rockville Register

Posted: at 7:34 pm

Shares of Sealand Natural Resources Inc (SLNR) opened the last session at 0.3000, touching a high of 0.3000 and a low of 0.3000 , yielding a change of-0.18. The latest reading places the stock below the Ichimoku cloud which indicates negative momentum and a potential sellsignal for the equity.

The Ichimoku cloud is a favorite technical indicator used primarily in Asian markets. The cloud is one of the only indicators that is both forward and backward looking. The cloud produces better levels of support and resistance and is a breakout traders best friend. The cloud is also one of the easiest indicators to use. Any trader, regardless of skill level or expertise, can use the cloud to quickly and efficiently analyze any product on any time frame. The cloud shines in the fact that it can be universally applied to any trading plan by any trader.

It is a type of chart used in technical analysis to display support and resistance, momentum, and trend in one view. TenkanSen and KijunSen are similar to moving averages and analyzed in relationship to one another. When the shorter term indicator, TenkanSen, rises above the longer term indicator, KijunSen, the securities trend is typically positive. When TenkanSen falls below KijunSen, the securities trend is typically negative. TenkanSen and KijunSen as a group are then analyzed in relationship to the Cloud, which is composed of the area between Senkou A and Senkou B.A multi-faceted indicator designed to give support/resistance levels, trend direction, and entry/exit points of varying strengths. General theory behind this indicator states that if price action is above the cloud, the overall trend is bullish, and if below the cloud, the overall trend is bearish. There are also moving averages (the Tenkan and Kijun lines) which act like the MACD crossover signals with the Tenkan crossing from underneath the Kijun as a bullish signal, while crossing overhead giving a bearish signal.

It is no secret that most investors have the best of intentions when diving into the equity markets. Making sound, informed decisions can help the investor make the most progress when dealing with the markets. Often times, investors may think they have everything in order, but they still come out on the losing end. Investors may need to figure out ways to keep emotion out of stock picking. Sometimes trading on emotions can lead to poor results. Making hasty decisions and not paying attention to the correct data can lead to poor performing portfolios in the long-term.

Checking on some popular technical levels, Sealand Natural Resources Inc (SLNR) has a 14-day Commodity Channel Index (CCI) of -106.82. The CCI technical indicator can be employed to help figure out if a stock is entering overbought or oversold territory. CCI may also be used to help discover divergences that may signal reversal moves. A CCI closer to +100 may provide an overbought signal, and a CCI near -100 may provide an oversold signal.

Tracking other technical indicators, the 14-day RSI is presently standing at 46.61, the 7-day sits at 42.80, and the 3-day is resting at 31.97 for Sealand Natural Resources Inc (SLNR). The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a highly popular technical indicator. The RSI is computed base on the speed and direction of a stocks price movement. The RSI is considered to be an internal strength indicator, not to be confused with relative strength which is compared to other stocks and indices. The RSI value will always move between 0 and 100. One of the most popular time frames using RSI is the 14-day.

Moving averages have the ability to be used as a powerful indicator for technical stock analysis. Following multiple time frames using moving averages can help investors figure out where the stock has been and help determine where it may be possibly going. The simple moving average is a mathematical calculation that takes the average price (mean) for a given amount of time. Currently, the 7-day moving average is sitting at 0.39.

Lets take a further look at the Average Directional Index or ADX. The ADX measures the strength or weakness of a particular trend. Investors and traders may be looking to figure out if a stock is trending before employing a specific trading strategy. The ADX is typically used along with the Plus Directional Indicator (+DI) and Minus Directional Indicator (-DI) which point to the direction of the trend. The 14-day ADX for Sealand Natural Resources Inc (SLNR) is currently at 9.99. In general, and ADX value from 0-25 would represent an absent or weak trend. A value of 25-50 would support a strong trend. A value of 50-75 would signify a very strong trend, and a value of 75-100 would point to an extremely strong trend.


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Sealand Natural Resources Inc (SLNR) Ichimoku Reveals Negative Momentum - Rockville Register

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Electric dreams? Utopia or dystopia – Herald Scotland

Posted: at 7:33 pm

LAST week's announcement that new petrol and diesel cars will be banned in the UK by 2040 might have come as a surprise to many car enthusiasts but do fan boys dream of electric cars? And is an electric future really all it's cracked up to be? We look at the pros and cons for the future of motoring.

So you've swapped your old gas guzzler for an environmentally friendly electric car: you can give yourself a gold star for your ethical choices, right? Not so fast. Last year Amnesty International raised concerns that leading electric car makers General Motors (GM), Renault-Nissan and Tesla had failed to disclose the steps they are taking to ensure that cobalt mined by child labourers as young as seven in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is not used in their batteries. "Electric cars may not be as clean as you would think," says Mark Dummett, researcher at Amnesty International. "Customers need to be aware that their green cars could be linked to the misery of child labourers in the Democratic Republic of Congo." Analysts are also expecting a 100-fold increase in the production of lithium, the key component of electric car batteries, much of which comes from South America, particularly Chile and Bolivia places not known for their sparkling record on workers' rights.

Silence: golden or deadly?

This brave new world of motoring is virtually silent. No combustion engine means that typical engine noise is substituted for the benign hum of the electric motor. According to Which Car: "It makes for an eerily quiet, but ultimately relaxing, drive."

But Rodney Kumar, of road safety charity IAM Roadsmart, says it might also mean that we have to rethink road safety. As he points out, we're used to listening as well as looking; a key safety message that doesn't hold when it comes to the electric car. "People need to be aware that they won't hear what they can see," he says. "We might need to bring road safety back into schools too so that children are able to learn how to react."


In the next 20 years cars are likely to become autonomous, indeed Tesla's Elon Musk says all his cars come equipped with the hardware needed to drive themselves. "Wouldnt it be handy if your electric car could drive itself to a near charging station while you slept, and returned ready for the next morning?" said a member of the Which Car team. "The technology were already glimpsing today, most famously from Tesla, may make that possible in the future, but naturally were a long way from that becoming publicly available."

Electric buses are likely to go the same way, especially as low-emission zones become more widespread. Meanwhile Volkswagens research group this month announced that it was working on a "mobile charging robot prototype" why get out of the car to connect it to the charger when the machines can do it for you?

Grid lock or renewable revolution?

The experts are agreed that if half of the UK's cars went electric tomorrow, the National Grid would not cope. But it's claimed there are solutions. According to Michael Rieley of Scottish Renewables, renewable energy has a part to play and Scotland has the wind and wave power to be an important part of that solution. Ian Crowther of the AA agrees. "There needs to be investment in carbon-neutral power generation," he says, claiming just half a dozen solar panels could potentially charge your car for free.

Range rovers

So far most electric cars don't have the range that most drivers are looking for. Though the Nissan Leaf, first launched in 2010 has a range of between 70-100 miles, most mass-market electric cars have slightly more, while Renault's recently launched Zoe again fully electric has a range of 250km and cars such as Teslas electric vehicles can run for 334 miles.

Though it doesn't yet compete with the 400-500 miles a petrol or diesel car would run before having to fill up, that is set to change, according to Chris Lilly, content manager of Next Green Car. "In the last 18 months we've seen the range of electric cars increase by about 50 per cent and I would expect that rise to continue," he says. For those who can't handle so-called "range anxiety" there's always the hybrid car, allowing petrol to take over when the charge runs low.

Volvo has recently announced that all their cars will be electric or hybrid from 2019 and, according to Which Cars, pure electric cars will be ubiquitous within the next decade.

Charging solutions

Currently charging is not exactly quick and easy; on a home plug socket it can take all day or night, while standard council chargers allow access for two to three hours, which should allow you to get home. As Kumar of IAM Roadsmart points out, if each car takes three hours at a charging point, just eight cars in one 24-hour period could use it. "We'd need to move pretty fast on improving the infrastructure if we were going to avoid logjams," he says. But Lilly claims that faster charging is well within our sights, with super-charge points already capable of charging car battery within the hour and ultra-fast chargers now being rolled out elsewhere in Europe. It's only a matter of time before petrol stations start installing them too, he argues.

He admits that for those without off-street parking, home charging is tricky. Cables leading across pavements pose "a health and safety nightmare", he adds. But some London lampposts have already had charge points installed and "induction" charging is being trialled, which means you simply have to park over a charge point set in the road and the car charges using the same technology as your electric toothbrush.

The AA is already planning to include charging points on its app and route planners, though it points out other maps such as the ZapMap also exist: just put in your destination and the car decides how much charge is left and identifies chargers en-route.

Cost considerations

In terms of upfront costs, electric cars are still generally more expensive than conventional ones though Telsa's latest Model 3, at 26,650, is pitched as an "affordable", mass-market family vehicle. Renault and Nissan are also getting around the costs by offering deals where buyers lease the battery. For example, the UKs best-selling electric, the Nissan Leaf, is 16,680 with the battery on lease for a monthly fee, rising to 21,680 if you buy the battery outright.

The electric version of the Golf, the e-Golf, will cost you 32,190 to buy (or 27,690 after the government grant for plug-in vehicles is applied) that's 9k more than the petrol version.

They are, however, very cheap to run. Travelling 100 miles in an electric car will cost 3-4 depending on energy tariffs, compared with 15 in a petrol car and grants of 75 per cent of the cost of a home charger are available. Also, since April this year, only zero-emission vehicles like electric are exempt from paying car tax.

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Electric dreams? Utopia or dystopia - Herald Scotland

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Seebohm Overcomes Health Issues To Defend Title In Commonwealth Record 2:05.68 – SwimVortex.com

Posted: at 7:33 pm

Emily Seebohm of Australia on her way out after winning in the women's 200m Backstroke Final during the Swimming competition held at the Duna Arena during the 17th FINA World Championships 2017 in Budapest, Hungary, 29 July 2017.

Emily Seebohm clambered out of the water and lay on her back on poolside with tears pouring down her face after she defended her 200m backstroke title in a new Oceania and Commonwealth record of 2:05.68.

Fourth at the final turn, Seebohm produced a last 50 of 31.38 the only sub-32 in the field to take 1.13secs off previous leader Katinka Hosszu for Australias first gold medal in Budapest.

Hosszu, who took over the lead on the third 50, was second in 2:05.87 with Kathleen Baker, of the United States, third in 2:06.48, on her first international outing over 200m.

There was also a world junior record for Australian Kaylee McKeown who clocked 2:06.76 in fourth, eclipsing the previous mark of 2:07.19 held by Regan Smith since Fridays semis, the American finishing eighth in Budapest.

Emily Seebohm of Australia by Patrick B. Kraemer

It has been a difficult 12 months for Seebohm who finished outside the medals in the 100 and 200 back at last years Olympics in Rio where health matters outside her control conspired to debilitate her both physically and mentally going in to the Games.

She was eventually diagnosed with endometriosis, a gynaecological condition, she revealed to Nicole Jeffery of The Australian, but the doctors findings a month before the Games could only be confirmed through surgery, impossible if she was to compete in Brazil.

Instead, she travelled to Rio, finishing seventh in the 100m before exiting the 200 at the semi-final stage although she battled demons both physical and mental to play a part in the 4x100m medley relay squad that won silver.

She then had surgery after Christmas which confirmed she did have endometriosis and although there were still difficult times, Seebohm has adapted to having the condition, in both mind and body.

The 25-year-old has fought back and on Saturday added a fine and mature gold to the bronze she won in the 100m.

It was an emotional night for Seebohm who held back the tears as she spoke following the race.

I guess for me it was really hard after Rio, I knew there was a lot going on in my body and I really pushed through in Rio, Seebohm said through Swimming Australia.

After the surgery (for endometriosis) I got my wisdom teeth out in January, and then I had to rush back into the water and train really hard for this and Im just amazed at what I have achieved tonight.

I think what I did last year helped a lot, I was very mentally and physically tough last year even though I was struggling a lot it definitely helped me coming into this year, feeling better inside myself, feeling better inside my head and to come into this year and just absolutely enjoy every moment that Ive had its just been a fantastic meet.

Honestly, Im pretty relieved, she added.

Im just really honoured and proud, such a fast field tonight and I was going to be proud of myself whether I won or I came last because getting back into the pool after Rio was really hard.

Everything Ive gone through it just proves to myself that it wasnt me, that Rio was just one of those things that happens in life and sometimes youve got to go down, to get back up.

Seebohm had qualified fastest for Saturdays final, her time of 2:05.81 equalling her Commonwealth and Oceania record.

Katinka Hosszu of Hungary during the 17th FINA World Championships 2017 in Budapest, Hungary.

Hosszu who, SwimVortex understands, has been provided with a lock-up cupboard in the prep area near the race pool and a limo at the back door to await her, privileges not extended by FINA to any other swimmer at the meet had squeaked into the final in seventh but, swimming from lane one, she appeared on course for victory, the Hungarian fans almost taking the roof off the Duna Arena when a number 1 came up next to her name on the final turn.

Pipped for victory, second left Hosszu who has been allowed to wear a branded cap with a business behind it on the deck despite FINA rules that do not allow it and at medal ceremonies with a medal of each colour so far with the 400IM to come on Sunday.

Having matched her silver medal from Rio, Hosszu said: I desperately wanted to claim a medal today so I am really happy about the silver.

Although I could not see Seebohm from lane one I knew she was coming and even though she was faster in the final sprint, I am not at all disappointed.

I managed to improve my personal best which I am really happy especially in the light of of my somewhat weaker performance yesterday.

Although there is still a lot to improve, I am not disappointed by my performance.

For Baker the four-length race was new territory, the American better known as a 100m specialist with silver here matching her second place in Rio.

There will be more outings for Baker over 200m, the 20-year-old a work in progress.

Honestly its been pretty amazing and Im definitely growing from this as a swimmer, she said through USA Swimming.

From going to just swimming the 100 back at international races to now swimming two other events, which ends up being six other races, is definitely is definitely a learning experience and learning how to conserve my energy is definitely something I can grow from.

Im just happy to come away with a medal.

With McKeown in fourth with that world junior mark, the race was rounded out by Kylie Masse (2:07.04), Hilary Caldwell (2:07.15), Daria K Ustinova (2:07.35) and Smith (2:07.42).

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Seebohm Overcomes Health Issues To Defend Title In Commonwealth Record 2:05.68 - SwimVortex.com

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Seychelles benefits from UNWTO expertise as work progresses to … – eTurboNews

Posted: at 7:32 pm

The Tourism Department is pushing ahead with its objective to have tangible measurement of the economic impact of tourism that has long been the mainstay of the Seychelles economy.

With work already started to develop a Tourism Satellite Account for Seychelles, stakeholders in the industry have been provided with a better understanding of the statistical framework, the importance of such a tool, as well as the need for relevant and consistent statistics to be made available.

A two-day workshop was held on Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th July at the AVANI Seychelles Barbarons Resort & Spa.

The Statistics and Tourism Satellite Workshop saw the participation of statisticians and representatives from the Tourism Department, the Seychelles Tourism Board, National Bureau of Statistics, Immigration, Finance Ministry, Seychelles Ports Authority, Seychelles Civil Aviation Authority, The Central Bank of Seychelles and the Seychelles Licensing Authority.

The Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) is a standard statistical framework developed the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the main tool for the economic measurement of tourism.

The need to develop such a tool for Seychelles, to determine the economic contribution of tourism, which interacts with a great variety of other economic activities, was first highlighted in 2008 but has since recorded slow progress.

In her opening remarks, the Principal Secretary welcomed all stakeholders back on the Tourism Satellite Account wagon.

Being in the inception phase we are calling on all partners to be fully engaged in the processAs a ministry we are aware of the resource constraints faced by many stakeholders and we are prepared to work towards a method that is less tedious and overbearing on your organizations, said Mrs. Lafortune.

The sessions were led by UNWTO attach & tourism statistician, Mr. David McEwen. The Tourism Ministry has sought technical expertise from the World Tourism body to identify the current gaps and propose a way forward in the development and implementation of a Tourism Satellite Account in Seychelles.

Mr. McEwen said: We do have gaps and issues in the tourism statistic and Im hoping that we put forward suggestions on how to deal with these issues realistically during the workshop.

Seychelles welcomes thousands of tourists from across the globe each year. At the recent mid-year tourism marketing meeting, the Chief Executive of the Seychelles Tourism Board Mrs. Sherin Francis said Seychelles looks set to welcome between 350 to 360 thousand visitors in 2017 if the current rate of 18 to 20 percent growth in visitor arrivals is maintained, adding that the country could thus easily reach the 500 thousand visitor mark over the next two years if the trend continues.

While the arrival figures are important, the collection of statistics on other aspects of tourism related activities are equally vital to help the country to develop the right policies.

Mrs. Lafortune said: We need to understand the supply and demand, how much money is coming into the country from tourists, and how much it is costing us. This will allow us to better acquire the added value hence the amount of profit the economy is making.

For her part, the Chief Executive of the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), Mrs. Laura Ah-time highlighted the need for the private sector businesses including hotels to also come onboard and be committed to the process to ensure the availability and reliability of data, which is a key component of the Tourism Satellite Account.

The NBS is the government agency responsible for collecting, compiling, analyzing and publishing statistical information.

Mrs. Ah-time said: Currently our organization is producing statistics from different demand and supply routes, but with the elaboration of the Tourism Satellite Account there will be an exponential demand for desegregated statistics, and the commitment from other stakeholders, particularly from the private sector which better allow the bureau to expand and elaborate on the gaps.

The Tourism Department is hoping the Tourism Satellite Account will be ready by next year provided all necessary tools are developed on time.

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To Curb Violence, Start Time of Caribbean Festival Is Changed – New York Times

Posted: at 7:31 pm

In recent years, however, the party has been punctured by violence. Last year, despite an increased police presence and numerous floodlights, four people were shot and two of them died. The year before, Carey W. Gabay, a lawyer in Gov. Andrew M. Cuomos administration who was out celebrating with his brother, was caught in a shootout, apparently between rival gangs. He died of his injuries. Another man was stabbed to death that night.

Unlike other major cultural celebrations like St. Patricks Day Parade and the Puerto Rican Day Parade that take place in Midtown Manhattan during the day, Jouvert snakes through residential neighborhoods in the predawn darkness, through pockets of Brooklyn that still struggle with shootings and gangs.

At this years event, more police officers will be present, according to city officials. The city also plans to have more floodlights on the street and will set up security checkpoints. Officials said the police, elected officials, parade organizers, clergy members and groups that focus on combating violence were all involved in discussions about how to make the event safer.

Weve been working on this since the day after Jouvert last year, said James P. ONeill, the police commissioner.

Yvette Rennie, president of JOuvert City International, which organizes the event, said, So we can make Jouvert a safe Jouvert, the groups and the community decided to do it in daylight. News of the early start time was reported by The Daily News.

City Councilwoman Laurie A. Cumbo, whose district encompasses the parade route, said moving the parade to daylight would change the environment of the event. Ms. Cumbo said the event should be a world-class festival, but that it had not received that level of support.

At this stage it should have graduated to being something televised, celebrated, she said. Hotels should be participating in terms of promoting the festivities, tourism boards. It should be something welcomed in the city of New York and supported in a way that changes the atmosphere for how people participate.

Bryant Smith, 53, has lived since the 1970s on Bedford Avenue, a block from where Mr. Gabay was killed. He said that changing the timing of the festival would trample on its meaning without changing much else.

Jouvert wont be the same, he said. In West Indian culture, Jouvert is supposed to start before the carnival. If they try to start it in the daytime, people will just hang out all night anyway. Theyll make their own Jouvert.

Mr. Carrin from the community affairs unit said that while there would be nothing in place to stop people from arriving at the parade route early, all they would find there would be the police, and the festival setting up. Jouvert centers around an organized event; it would be like showing up at a parade before it starts, Mr. Carrin said. Why people show up to Jouvert, its for the cultural expression, the music, the dance, and that would start later.

Other residents said they were unpersuaded about how effective the change would be.

Day or night, I dont think it will be safe, said Grace Collins, 59, a retired administrator for the Army Corps of Engineers. People dont know how to act. Its a free-for-all for guns, but its supposed to be a celebration of Caribbean culture.

Ms. Collins, who grew up in Brooklyn, said she used to go regularly to the West Indian American Day Parade and some of the events surrounding it.

We used to follow behind those drums, just dancing, she said, shaking her hips and showing off her dance moves. But she eventually stopped going because she was concerned for her safety.

This year, Ms. Collins said, she will be tucked away in her apartment when the festival starts, but her 22-year-old daughter plans to attend.

I dont want her to go, but I cant stop her, Ms. Collins said. Ill hug her and kiss her before she goes, but whats going to happen will happen.

Joseph Goldstein, Jeffery C. Mays and Ashley Southall contributed reporting.

A version of this article appears in print on July 29, 2017, on Page A19 of the New York edition with the headline: Starting Time of Caribbean Festival Is Changed in an Effort to Curb Violence.

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To Curb Violence, Start Time of Caribbean Festival Is Changed - New York Times

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Caribbean Currents: Beware of scams targeting unsuspecting new immigrants – The Philadelphia Tribune

Posted: at 7:31 pm

Welcome to America, the Land of Opportunity, where the streets are paved with gold. At least that is what we think when we hear about this place. Many immigrants who come to this country, come here with the impression that they will be able to be successful. They have a dream of uplifting themselves and their family. They dream of owning a home, a car and having a good job. But unfortunately, it does not always work out that way. The fact of the matter is the reality is far different! Some people end up jobless, homeless, living with family members just to make ends meet until they can find a job, any job.

Because of financial instability and uncertainty, immigrants are prime targets; they can fall for a scam in the blink of an eye. Many have learned the hard way, after losing their savings when they decided to capitalize on what was presented to them as a great money-making opportunity. The most vulnerable in our society are obviously our elderly but young people get scammed, too.

One day one of my nephews, who had been here for about six months, came to me and asked, can you give me your opinion on something? This guy that I know said that he has a check for $2,000 and he doesnt have a bank account but if I cash it for him, I can keep $500. I was thinking about doing it for him because I really could use that $500. What do you think?

As I listen to him, I immediately realized that this guy was up to no good and my nephew was about to fall for it. All he could think about is the $500 he would get for doing this guy a favor. I explained that the check was fake and would not clear and he would be out of $1,500.

As a new citizen, you may be unaware of the dangers that a person who makes hasty uninformed decisions can be exposed to. For instance, you get an offer from a financial company for a pre-approved loan: use it for mortgage, use it for a new or used car they say, and of course it is even harder to resist this temptation when the offer is possibly your first pre-approved credit card.

Wow! I know a lot of us from the Caribbean, would have a hard time resisting their first Visa or MasterCard. Many of the younger people would give very little thought to the fact that the interest rate is extremely high. These kind of offers did not come their way back in their country.

Companies today are very creative with their offerings. They recognize that attractive packaging sent to unsuspecting persons are more likely to get a positive response. Consumer reports have stated that many who have accepted these offerings have found themselves trapped in bad debt for many years. Why? Because in addition to the high interest rate, the terms of the loan may make it impossible for the borrower to pay them off. Today there are hundreds of telemarketing companies that target new Americans on a daily basis.

How about solicitation via the internet or social media? Seniors fall in this trap because they dont fully understand how the technology works. The companies doing the hacking and posing as Microsoft are based overseas.

With modern technology, even when the phone rings and the number on the caller ID is disguised to make it seem local, it could very well be an overseas call. Recent reports have warned that if your phone rings and someone says can you hear me? you should not answer yes because they will record your voice and use it to say that you agreed to buying a product that you never ordered.

A new Caribbean American citizen could be deceived by the offering of a fantastic prize. This prize may vary; a free airline ticket, a free hotel stay, a free cruise, a new car or a large sum of money but there is always some type of small fee associated with collecting the prize. Some companies will send actual checks in the mail that are already made out to you. The only requirement is to sign on the dotted line and you are caught up in a hellish whirlpool that you cant swim your way out of.

Buyer beware is a warning that most consumers are familiar with. A popular quote back in the Caribbean is not everything that glitters is gold. If you fell for one of the above scenarios you can contact the Better Business Bureau or consider filing a complaint with the consumer protection agency. If your credit got messed up because of a scam, another option is to join a credit union. They have programs set up help people to rebuild their credit. We all know that if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.

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Caribbean Currents: Beware of scams targeting unsuspecting new immigrants - The Philadelphia Tribune

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2017 Caribbean Heritage Festival And Parade: A Showcase Of Diversity And Talent – TAPinto.net

Posted: at 7:31 pm

ORANGE, NJ - Mayor Dwayne D. Warren, Esq. and the City of Orange Township Municipal Council will host the 18th Anniversary of the Caribbean Heritage Day Festival in Monte Irvin Orange Park, on Saturday August 5, 2017.

The Festival is a tradition dating back to the Oranges in the 1970s. Today, it is the premiere Caribbean Festival in Essex County, with thousands of people from numerous countries participating every year.The Caribbean Heritage Day Festival creates an environment where people can participate in the creativity of different cultures while celebrating their similarities and diversities, which emulate the history of Carnival and demonstrate the strength of the Caribbean American community in New Jersey.

This years' festivities include the Caribbean Heritage Parade at 10 am at the corner of Scotland Road and Central Avenue and winds its way down Central Avenue into Monte Irvin - Orange Park.

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Scheduled to perform at this years' Caribbean Festival include Adrian Dutchen, Shelley G., the Fanoko Cultural Singers, Harmony Music Steel Pan Band, Young Soca Sensation - The Big Show and International Monarch King - Rikki Jai.

There will be carnival rides and games for the whole family. Attendees are invited to join the Powder Tee Shirt section to be part of the action and celebrate the culture.

The Mayor's VIP Tent sponsors for food and beverage donations include: Golden Krust, El Salvador Restaurant, Toast of the Town, and other home cooks and caterers.

"The Festival showcases the energy and diversity of our Caribbean community in Orange and Essex County," said Mayor Warren. "Every year, we look forward to the music, the live acts and the fantastic crowds representing all of the island nations. The festival not only showcases the best of our Caribbean and West-Indian communities, but reminds us because of our immigrant communities that our City thrives."

The Mayor added, "I'd like to thank Essex County Executive Joseph N. DiVincenzo, Jr. and Freeholder President Britnee N. Timberlake for their continued support in making our Caribbean Heritage Day Festival a success."

Vendor applications are being accepted at City Hall, 29 North Day Street in Orange.

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2017 Caribbean Heritage Festival And Parade: A Showcase Of Diversity And Talent - TAPinto.net

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It’s not always better in the Bahamas – Grand Island Independent

Posted: at 7:31 pm

My wife hopes Ill join her on a cruise someday. The odds are not good.

Why in the world would I ever go on a cruise?

Like most men, I go on a trip only if theres a ballgame involved.

Theres no stadium on a cruise ship. Id be bored out of my mind. Id be incarcerated at sea.

My wife loves everything about oceans and beaches. Shes happy sitting on a beach even without a book.

I just like being around water, she says.

When watching an oceanfront TV show, her gaze always shifts toward the water.

On the beach, sitting and looking at the water gives her deep satisfaction. She likes to soak in the rays and forget about everything. She even enjoys the breeze.

I like everything about it. Its therapeutic, she says.

What gives me satisfaction, meanwhile, is watching a 6-4-3 double play.

I know that Im not alone. Even famous singers feel the same way. Josh Groban once said, When Im on tour, I try to visit as many baseball stadiums as possible.

You cant do that when youre stuck on a boat.

Kenna can have the Caribbean, Bermuda and Turks and Caicos. Id be happier at a state American Legion baseball tournament. To me, a vacation is worthless unless you take in a sporting event.

Ive always wondered why my brother-in-law, Larry, goes on cruises with his wife. A Nebraska farmer, Larry doesnt strike me as a cruise guy.

I called him this week to ask how he endures it.

Going on a cruise, he said, is a good way to get away because cellphones dont work and internet service costs $15 a minute.

So you dont have to deal with work, he said. Everybody takes care of your food, your room and your entertainment. You can do as much or as little as you want, he said.

Dollar for dollar, a cruise probably offers the best return on investment as far as quality of food, room and entertainment, he said.

Larry has been on 15 cruises over the years. Im a Diamond Member in Royal Caribbean, he said.

For the money you spend, its still probably one of the better vacations you can take in my book, said the Perkins County farmer.

Cruises are relaxing and usually warm.

But by the seventh day, even Larry is ready for it to be over. Hes actually getting tired of cruises. Hes been to the same ports so many times hes ready for something different.

His wife, though, is happy whenever somebody else is doing the cooking and cleaning.

Kristines sister, my wife, is the same way. The thing Kenna likes best about a hotel is the maid service.

I tell Kenna she should have married a farmer. Seed companies pay for trips to Mexico and Hawaii and cruises.

Or she should have just married someone whos fun.

Other than lying on the beach, Kenna freely admits that shes happiest indoors. Shes not crazy about wildlife. Shed much rather cool off in a swimming pool than a lake.

Last week, Kenna and I celebrated my birthday at an Omaha Storm Chasers game. I enjoyed the game, but I admit it was a hot day.

According to Kenna, she battled the elements to help me celebrate the day. Kenna, who always checks the weather conditions on her phone, had a tough time of it.

Later, she sent this email to our kids:

The main thought I had, while suffering 96-degree heat and 59-percent humidity, no breeze, is but one: Without a beach or pool nearby, being outdoors is greatly overrated.

Jeff Bahr is a reporter for The Independent. He may be reached at (308) 381-9408.

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It's not always better in the Bahamas - Grand Island Independent

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