Daily Archives: July 24, 2017

Southern Indiana families find much-needed support at Community Health Fair – Evening News and Tribune

Posted: July 24, 2017 at 8:29 am

JEFFERSONVILLE For hundreds of Southern Indiana families, the Community Health Fair at Parkview Middle School couldnt have come at a better time.

As school season fast approaches, parents have to load shopping carts with school supplies while making room for everyday groceries. Throw health care on top of that, and some families have to make tough choices.

Chelsea and Victor Nichols, Clarksville, have three kids to shop for ahead of school. Even with two incomes, meeting the requirements can be tough.

And a lot of the stuff they require, they end up sharing with the classroom, so its like youre having to buy triple what you would normally have to buy for one kid, Chelsea said Saturday. And when you have a five-person family, its unfeasible no matter whether you work or not.

Thats why, luckily, a girlfriend of mine told me about this.

This was the sixth annual health fair organized by Eastside Christian Church and Community Action of Southern Indiana. More than an informational event, the fair and its hundreds of volunteers transformed Parkview into a temporary health clinic.

Families on lower incomes went through an intake process before being guided through the school by volunteer hosts. Each room was something different a pop-up eye doctors office, a library-turned-dentist office or even a spa.

The Nichols family mostly came for the free backpacks. Chelsea and Victors 10-year-old daughter, Nevaeh, picked out a backpack decorated with leopard spots.

Because I love big cats, she said with her cheeks perched on a smile.

Inside her new backpack, Nevaeh found glue sticks, notebooks, pencils and more. Chelsea said that alone could make all the difference.

It means everything, because I dont want my kids going to school feeling like, Oh I'm a poor kid because I couldn't afford everything we needed, she said. I don't want my kids to feel bad because we couldn't afford to buy three kids' worth of school supplies.

Health care is always on her mind, but Chelsea said she feels lucky to have her kids on Medicaid. She opted not to visit any of the makeshift clinics, wanting to leave more for the families who have less.

David Parkerson, an event coordinator and Eastside Christian Church pastor, said the timing of the fair is intentional. He knows families preparing to send their kids back to school have an even greater need. Last year, he said, about 250 families or approximately 755 people took advantage of the fair.

kids need glasses, kids need backpacks, kids may just need their teeth checked before going back to school, Parkerson said.

All of which could be taken care of Saturday thanks to the two organizations and around 360 volunteers. In addition to the volunteers from the church and surrounding communities, the fair also relies on medical professionals to donate their time and work.

Dan Brinegar, a local dentist, said about 30 people from the dental community volunteered their time to help adults and children with general checkups or longtime aches. Beyond the day of the fair, 20 area dentists donated a total of 90 free procedures for follow up appointments.

I think dental professionals enjoy coming to this because its a pretty rewarding day of dentistry. You really feel like youre able to help people, he said. So I dont have to beg people to come. A lot of times they seek me out to participate in this.

Brinegar said the clinic just wouldnt be possible without that kind of generosity.

Its the same kind of spirit that Parkerson said makes the event so special. Organizers will get to rest for about three months, but then it'll be back to getting ready for next year.

I just think its valuable when a government organization like Community Action and a faith organization like Eastside can come together and find common ground in a community, because were both after the same thing, he said. We both want to provide help and rest, and help peoples wellbeing in their everyday life.

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Has the Moment for Environmental Justice Been Lost? – ProPublica

Posted: at 8:29 am

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Facing Trumps proposals for cutting programs that help minorities and the poor, Democrats scramble to make up for missed opportunities to protect them.

Facing Trumps proposals for cutting programs that help minorities and the poor, Democrats scramble to make up for missed opportunities to protect them.

by Talia Buford ProPublica, July 24, 2017, 8 a.m.

Given how President Donald Trump has taken aim at the Environmental Protection Agency with regulatory rollbacks and deep proposed budget cuts, it may come as no surprise that the Office of Environmental Justice is on the chopping block.

This tiny corner of the EPA was established 24 years ago to advocate for minorities and the poor, populations most likely to face the consequences of pollution and least able to advocate for themselves.

It does so by acting as a middleman, connecting vulnerable communities with those who can help them. It heads a group that advises EPA officials about injustices and another that brings together representatives from other federal agencies and the White House to swap proposals.

When it works, all the talk leads to grants, policies and programs that change lives.

In the Arkwright and Forest Park communities in Spartanburg, South Carolina, residents were living near contaminated industrial sites and a landfill and dying of respiratory illnesses and cancer at extraordinary rates. They used a $20,000 environmental justice grant from the EPA as seed money to form partnerships with local businesses and government agencies. Those alliances, in turn, helped bring more than $250 million in infrastructure, community health centers, affordable housing, environmental cleanups and job training to the area.

Trumps budget proposal would effectively eliminate the office and the $2 million it takes to operate it. An EPA spokesperson suggested in a statement that the agency doesnt need a special arm devoted to environmental justice to continue this work.

Environmental justice is an important role for all our program offices, in addition to being a requirement in all rules EPA issues, the statement said. We will work with Congress to help develop and implement programs and continue to work within the Agency to evaluate new ideas to properly address environmental justice issues on an agency-wide basis.

In theory, this is right. Federal agencies are required to consider the impacts of environmental and health-related decisions on the poor and minorities anyway President Bill Clinton mandated they do so in an executive order. But, in practice, that order was vague and didnt carry the force of law, leaving each president to decide how little, or how much, to do.

Now, with the Office of Environmental Justices fate in doubt, its become achingly apparent that well before Trump, those who purported to champion environmental justice primarily Democratic legislators and presidents did little to codify the progress and programs related to it, even when they were best positioned politically to do so.

We havent done enough, acknowledged Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey.

Booker and other Democrats are racing to file bills that save the Office of Environmental Justice and similar initiatives on an emergency basis, though they know they have little chance of success.

Theres no time like the present for doing what is right, Booker said. We cant wait.

The concept of environmental justice began bubbling up toward the end of the civil rights movement. But it wasnt until 1982 that it began to really take hold.

Thats when residents in the town of Afton in Warren County, North Carolina, mounted mass demonstrations against a landfill where the state planned to dump contaminated soil. The dirt was laced with toxins called polychlorinated biphenyls or PCBs, a now-banned substance that even then, the EPA knew to cause birth defects and potentially cancer.

We know why they picked us, the Rev. Luther G. Brown, pastor of Coley Springs Baptist Church, said at the time. Its because its a poor county poor politically, poor in health, poor in education and because its mostly black. Nobody thought people like us would make a fuss.

The protests and subsequent lawsuits didnt stop the landfill; in the years since, the site has actually expanded. But the uproar was enough to spark Congress attention.

In 1983, a government report found that three of the four landfills it examined were located in some of the regions poorest or predominantly black communities. In 1987, a more expansive survey by the United Church of Christ Commission for Racial Justice found that nationally, hazardous waste facilities were more likely to be located in predominantly minority communities.

These were invisible problems in invisible communities until they organized themselves and started to have their own dialogue with EPA, said Vernice Miller-Travis, a former member of the advisory council convened by the Office of Environmental Justice.

Pressure was mounting for the government to act.

In 1990, the EPA took a look at its policies, for the first time examining environmental risks through the lens of race and class. It issued a report in 1992 that found that EPA should give more explicit attention to environmental equity issues, collect better data, revise its enforcement and permitting programs, and communicate more with communities of color.

Its worth noting, this was a hot moment in American politics. President George H.W. Bush, a Republican, was defending his place in the White House against a young Democratic governor named Bill Clinton. The tenor of the debate was radically different from the most recent election; these candidates argued over who was a better environmentalist.

Bush announced the creation of the Office of Environmental Equity, which would evolve into todays Office of Environmental Justice. Its purpose in the 1990s was the same as it is today: Listen to communities, get their concerns in front of policymakers, funnel grant money into local projects. We have been negligent, Clarice Gaylord, the offices first director told the St. Petersburg Times. Now we will have to focus more on how we affect people.

Bush lost the election, but his replacement pushed forward on environmental justice, moving the mission beyond that one EPA office.

Clinton signed an executive order in 1994 requiring federal agencies to consider environmental justice in all of their policies. He established policies that would allow people the right to participate in decisions that impacted them and ordered an analysis of health and environmental impacts for projects seeking federal permits. He also declared environmental injustice a violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act the same law that sought to end segregation in schools. Now, communities could ask the EPA to investigate environmental discrimination. EPA could strip violators of funding until they got in line.

I think its important for people to understand that this is a first step, EPA Administrator Carol Browner said at the time. There are many, many more steps to come if we are really going to address the problems that these communities are raising.

In hindsight, this might have been the time to take additional steps.

For the first six years, lawyers were unclear on exactly how much power the executive order gave the EPA to enforce environmental justice via existing laws, like the Clean Air Act. A legal opinion eventually resolved that issue, but a broader problem remained: The executive order was more of a philosophical guide than a rigid list of requirements. Some have wondered, looking back, whether the language directing administrations to enforce environmental justice to the greatest extent practicable could have been stronger or more specific.

Those invested in environmental justice would soon learn just how much rode on the sitting president.

George W. Bush didnt approach environmental issues like his father.

In addition to walking back arsenic standards for drinking water and refusing to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, the younger Bushs administration began to erode environmental justice programs.

Clintons executive order required every federal agency to consider the health and environmental impacts policies had on minority and low-income communities. Under Bush, the focus shifted to ensuring protections for all people. The EPA inspector general rebuked that position in a 2004 report, saying that reversing the emphasis on vulnerable communities had led to confusion, a lack of consistency and return[ed] the Agency to pre-Executive Order status.

In 2006, the inspector general found that the EPA wasnt conducting environmental justice reviews of its policies and programs, nor had it developed a framework to do so. The EPA office charged with policing environmental discrimination ground to a halt, amassing a backlog that stretched for a decade.

The weakness of the executive order prompted Democratic legislators to sponsor bills almost every year to legally establish the advisory groups created under the executive order, force the EPA to abide by the IG report recommendations, and give citizens the right to sue under Title VI for environmental discrimination. The bills were often championed by Democratic heavyweights Sens. John Kerry and Hillary Clinton, and Reps. Hilda Solis and Mark Udall but even when Democrats held the most power in Congress, they never came close to passing.

Theres not been an environmental justice bill thats ever been put to a floor vote, said Albert Huang, director of environmental justice at the National Resources Defense Council.

Politically, its a very attractive issue to introduce legislation around because it threads so many needles: civil rights, environment, social justice, low-income so many issues, said Huang. But for those same reasons, its a lightning rod for moderates and conservatives because those issues are viewed as the most progressive and liberal of each of those topics.

By 2007, it was becoming clear that the promise of environmental justice was stalled. The United Church of Christ updated its toxic waste report and found that 20 years later, little had changed.

Then, Barack Obama was elected. Hed promised in his campaign to resurrect civic environmental responsibility and to prioritize remediation efforts in neglected communities so that living daily with extreme environmental pollution and health risks will be a condition of the past.

His administration raised the profile of the Office of Environmental Justice, audited the Office of Civil Rights and eliminated a backlog of cases against polluters (though it drew criticism from those who said it hadnt done enough).

It also took a laundry list of other incremental steps: developed strategic plans for environmental justice and enforcing civil rights, issued a case-resolution manual to guide investigations, and created a compliance toolkit to help state agencies stay within the bounds of the law. The administration added a senior adviser for environmental justice, who participated in high-level meetings at the EPA and advocated for vulnerable communities in major budget and policy decisions.

But the Obama years also featured plenty of missed opportunities.

Obama could have created an Office of Environmental Justice at the White House or installed senior advisers focused on the issue at every agency not just the EPA to help guide policy. He didnt.

And during the two years Democrats controlled the House, the Senate and the White House, they didnt file a single bill focused on strengthening environmental justice protections like the ones filed during the Bush administration.

The one big swing on the environment front came in 2009, with the American Clean Energy and Security Act, commonly known as the Waxman-Markey bill or cap-and-trade. It was the first major legislative effort to address climate change by placing limits on the amount of greenhouse gases facilities could emit, and allowing them to buy credits to offset overruns. It passed the House narrowly, but died in the Senate, as legislators focused their political capital on health care reform. When Democrats lost seats in 2010, the prospect for passing major environmental legislation faded.

There were other ways lawmakers could have pushed to protect or even expand environmental justice initiatives. They could have offered up amendments on federal spending bills that required withholding of funds from any jurisdiction that didnt prioritize environmental justice, similar to riders Rep. Adam C. Powell Jr. proposed for school districts that refused to desegregate.

But when it comes to environmental justice, legislative efforts have tended to be reactive, not proactive.

The one environmental justice law proposed during the Obama administration came with the end of his presidency in sight.

Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., introduced the Environmental Justice Act in February 2016, with the presidential campaign in full swing and Donald Trump thanks to a spree of primary wins emerging as the GOP frontrunner. Even then, the EPA was emerging as a potential target for cuts and regulatory changes.

Mr. Speaker, Lewis said on the House floor, introducing the measure, there is still much work to be done.

But that bill, like the others that came before it, went nowhere.

Six months into the Trump administration, environmental regulation and enforcement is in broad retreat.

Changes at the EPA have made it easier to dump coal-mining waste in waterways, spew greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere and spray a pesticide that has been found to damage the developing brains of children.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has banned settlements in cases that allowed companies to fund community projects not directly related to their violations. For example, when Harley Davidson was cited for selling equipment that polluted the air, it agreed to give $3 million to an American Lung Association program to help people replace wood stoves with cleaner appliances a move toward clean air that was unrelated to motorcycles, but wouldve helped low-income homeowners. Last week, the Department of Justice said it didnt have to pay.

Any settlement funds should go first to the victims and then to the American people not to bankroll third-party special interest groups or the political friends of whoever is in power, Sessions said when he announced the policy last month.

Key members of the administration have sharply different views on environmental justice than their Obama administration predecessors. Trumps nominated top environmental prosecutor Jeffrey Bossert Clark who defended BP against state claims arising from that same oil spill once called environmental justice an overstepping crusade.

In addition to shutting down the Office of Environmental Justice, the proposed budget reduces funding for civil and criminal enforcement of environmental laws, and directs the agency to curtail enforcement inspections as much as possible.

The proposal prompted the head of the environmental justice office, Mustafa Santiago Ali, to resign in March. The cuts send a message that the opinions and lives of those who live in vulnerable communities arent valued a message thats clearly intentional, Ali said.

These are not dumb people leading the agency, Ali said of the Trump administrations choices at the EPA. You may not agree with how they do business, but they have a strategy. You weaken policy development when you dont have an Office of Environmental Justice to play a role in that space.

Youre placing communities health at risk, and most people dont get that, he continued. When youre building a house, if you start pulling bricks out of the foundation, it will weaken and eventually, a collapse will happen.

The White House did not respond to questions from ProPublica about the proposal to cut the office or the presidents position on the federal governments role in issues of environmental justice. A House Appropriations bill currently awaiting a floor vote proposes a less drastic cut for the EPA.

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, who was a longtime opponent of the agency, hasnt explicitly articulated an approach to environmental justice, but his public statements prior to taking the agencys reins echo those of the Bush administration.

I agree that it is important that all Americans be treated equally under the law, he said in written responses to questions raised during his confirmation hearing, including the environmental laws.

The language sounds fair on its face, said Huang, of NRDC, but ignores that environmental harm is not experienced equally by all communities.

Theyre saying environmental justice is for everybody, regardless of your race, he said. Its like saying All Lives Matter but for environmental justice.

Communities have already done the work of proving that minorities and the poor bear more environmental costs than others, Miller-Travis said. Do we have to do that again? Will they accept that data or will we have to go back to everybody is in harms way which is where they started?

Early statistics suggest that Trumps administration may be less stringent on environmental enforcement than his most recent predecessors.

The EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance investigates cases of potential environmental crimes cases, then turns them over to the Department of Justice for prosecution.

Its unclear how many cases the EPAs enforcement arm referred to the Justice Department, but in the first four months of the Trump administration, 133 environmental cases have been prosecuted. By comparison, 315 cases were prosecuted in the first four months under George W. Bush and 171 in the first four months under Obama.

Trumps nominee for head of EPA enforcement, Susan Parker Bodine, a former lobbyist and head of the Office of Solid Waste under Bush, offered her support of environmental justice initiatives during her confirmation hearing.

Yes, I will be a champion for communities of color and communities of poverty, she said.

But Clark, whod decide whether to prosecute the cases Bodine investigated, has been less sympathetic. Clark served as Mitt Romneys energy policy advisor in the 2012 campaign and is a member of the Federalist Society, a conservative legal group.

During a 2010 Federalist Society panel, Clark said the EPAs environmental justice focus overstepped its boundaries and that locating a facility in a low-income neighborhood isnt the same as racial or gender discrimination. That is just not an equation that works, Clark said. And I think actually most of the people who live in those areas now would say if theres a new plant opportunity, bring it on.

Former DOJ officials and colleagues spoke positively of Clarks legal abilities and dismissed concerns that his personal beliefs would filter to his work. At his confirmation hearing, Clark wasnt asked explicitly about environmental justice, but generally defended his ability to be impartial. When in private practice, if you have a client, your job is to defend them, Clark said. I dont think [my past work will] affect my general ability to enforce federal law.

Clark declined an interview request from ProPublica, as did Pruitt. Bodine did not respond to an e-mail requesting an interview.

Just as they did under Bush, Democrats under Trump are once again filing bills to try to preserve environmental justice initiatives.

In the House, two bills proposed in May by three freshmen representatives would create an environmental justice czar in the presidents office and establish by law the Office of Environmental Justice at the EPA. The legislation, and a resolution on the importance of environmental justice, is an extension of the work Washington Rep. Pramila Jayapal, California Rep. Nanette Diaz Barragan and Virginia Rep. A. Donald McEachin did before coming to Congress.

Were still trying on numerous levels ... to bring forward the disproportionate burden communities of color face and the institutionalized racism that exists within our systems of government, Jayapal said. Its not easy to talk about, but its true. If we want to address environmental justice, we have to recognize that not all people are suffering equally.

The U.S. military burns millions of pounds of munitions in a tiny, African-American corner of Louisiana. The towns residents say theyre forgotten in the plume. Read the story.

A photographer who covered the war in Iraq appreciates how threats can come to seem routine. Read the story.

Twenty-two Democratic senators signed a letter in May asking for the Appropriations Committee to override Trumps budget and fund EPAs civil rights and environmental justice offices, saying the cuts are putting all Americans at risk, and especially those Americans who bear a disproportionate burden of exposures to pollution.

These communities have long been suffering under unconscionable conditions, said Booker, one of the signatories. Were not doing enough to stop this evil.

Booker expects to introduce an environmental justice bill after Labor Day, and while the contours are still murky, the legislation is being guided by conversations with advocates and people dealing with environmental hazards, and by his own visits to hog farms in North Carolina and landfills in Alabama.

Public support for environmental justice efforts has gotten a boost from the Flint water crisis and the Standing Rock protests, which raised awareness. This could encourage more legislators to push back against proposed cuts to the EPA, advocates said.

But depending on how the bill is structured, it could open up settled law and make a target of some existing protections, said environmental justice consultant Miller-Travis.

I wouldnt want to give them a chance to look at amending the Clean Air Act, Miller-Travis said. I dont trust these people. Were in a defensive posture. Were trying to defend that which we have. I would be elated to be proven wrong at the end of the day, but its going to take every ounce of integrity, resources, muscle to defend and hold onto the rights we have so painstakingly worked to achieve.

Republicans have sought to add language or otherwise prohibit funding for environmental justice initiatives in at least 13 bills since 2006. In February, Rep. Sam Johnson, R-Texas, re-introduced his Wasteful EPA Programs Elimination Act, which would cut 13 programs including the environmental justice office and close EPA field offices. The goal, Johnson told ProPublica, is to save taxpayers money and reduce the size of a government agency that has grown too big for its britches. Much of the work of the EPA, including environmental justice, Johnson said, would be better handled by states.

The political climate makes it difficult for proponents of environmental justice to be optimistic.

Unfortunately, for the last 20 years, weve been in a period of trying to find the right political moment when the stars align so that you might be able to get a bill through Congress, said Miller-Travis. Is this a moment when I think we can get something passed that expands civil rights and equal protection? I dont think this is that moment. That doesnt mean we wont try.

Talia Buford covers disparities in environmental impacts for ProPublica.

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Why XPRIZE Is Asking Writers to Take Us Through a Wormhole to 2037 – Singularity Hub

Posted: at 8:28 am

In a world of accelerating change, educating the public about the implications of technological advancements is extremely important. We can continue to write informative articles and speculate about the kind of future that lies ahead. Or instead, we can take readers on an immersive journey by using science fiction to paint vivid images of the future for society.

The XPRIZE Foundation recently announced a science fiction storytelling competition. In recent years, the organization has backed and launched a range of competitions to propel innovation in science and technology. These have been aimed at a variety of challenges, such as transforming the lives of low-literacy adults, tackling climate change, and creating water from thin air.

Their sci-fi writing competition asks participants to envision a groundbreaking future for humanity. The initiative, in partnership with Japanese airline ANA, features 22 sci-fi stories from noteworthy authors that are now live on the website. Each of these stories is from the perspective of a different passenger on a plane that travels 20 years into the future through a wormhole. Contestants will compete to tell the story of the passenger in Seat 14C.

In addition to the competition, XPRIZE has brought together a science fiction advisory council to work with the organization and imagine what the future will look like. According to Peter Diamandis, founder and executive chairman, As the future becomes harder and harder to predict, we look forward to engaging some of the worlds most visionary storytellers to help us imagine whats just beyond the horizon and chart a path toward a future of abundance.

Why is an organization like XPRIZE placing just as much importance on fiction as it does on reality? As Isaac Asimov has pointed out, Modern science fiction is the only form of literature that consistently considers the nature of the changes that face us. While the rest of the world reports on a new invention, sci-fi authors examine how these advancements affect the human condition.

True science fiction is distinguished from pure fantasy in that everything that happens is within the bounds of the physical laws of the universe. Weve already seen how sci-fi can inspire generations and shape the future. 3D printers, wearable technology, and smartphones were first seen in Star Trek. Targeted advertising and air touch technology was first seen in Philip K. Dicks 1958 story The Minority Report. Tanning beds, robot vacuums, and flatscreen TVs were seen in The Jetsons. The internet and a world of global instant communication was predicted by Arthur C. Clarke in his work long before it became reality.

Sci-fi shows like Black Mirror or Star Trek arent just entertainment. They allow us to imagine and explore the influence of technology on humanity. For instance, how will artificial intelligence impact human relationships? How will social media affect privacy? What if we encounter alien life? Good sci-fi stories take us on journeys that force us to think critically about the societal impacts of technological advancements.

As sci-fi author Yaasha Moriah points out, the genre is universal because it tackles hard questions about human nature, morality, and the evolution of society, all through the narrative of speculation about the future. If we continue to do A, will it necessarily lead to problems B and C? What implicit lessons are being taught when we insist on a particular policy? When we elevate the importance of one thing over anothersay, security over privacywhat could be the potential benefits and dangers of that mentality? Thats why science fiction has such an enduring appeal. We want to explore deep questions, without being preached at. We want to see the principles in action, and observe their results.

At its core, this genre is a harmonious symbiosis between two distinct disciplines: science and literature. It is an extension of STEAM education, an educational approach that combines science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics. Story-telling with science fiction allows us to use the arts in order to educate and engage the public about scientific advancements and its implications.

According to the National Science Foundation, research on art-based learning of STEM, including the use of narrative writing, works beyond expectation. It has been shown to have a powerful impact on creative thinking, collaborative behavior and application skills.

What does it feel like to travel through a wormhole? What are some ethical challenges of AI? How could we terraform Mars? For decades, science fiction writers and producers have answered these questions through the art of storytelling.

What better way to engage more people with science and technology than through sparking their imaginations? The method makes academic subject areas many traditionally perceived as boring or dry far more inspiring and engaging.

XPRIZEs competition theme of traveling 20 years into the future through a wormhole is an appropriate beacon for the genre. In many ways, sci-fi is a precautionary form of time travel. Before we put a certain technology, scientific invention, or policy to use, we can envision and explore what our world would be like if we were to do so.

Sci-fi lets us explore different scenarios for the future of humanity before deciding which ones are more desirable. Some of these scenarios may be radically beyond our comfort zone. Yet when were faced with the seemingly impossible, we must remind ourselves that if something is within the domain of the physical laws of the universe, then its absolutely possible.

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Ascension, Goodwill program leads to job placements – Journal Times

Posted: at 8:26 am

RACINE COUNTY Since July 2011, Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin and Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare now Ascension have teamed up to train nearly 1,500 people in the health care and customer service industries.

Of that number, which includes people from Racine County, 426 have been permanently placed within Wheaton/Ascension.

The program that facilitates this opportunity for placement is dubbed Project Prism.

Applicants work through Goodwills TalentBridge program to get paid training by Ascension in either medical group operations or patient access/business office in order to create great patient advocates, according to Suzanne Maldonado, managing director of professional services for TalentBridge.

Prism was born of a desire for better customer service for Ascension customers. Trainees need not have an extensive work history, but soft skills and a strong sense of empathy, emotional intelligence, critical thinking and organization are preferred, if not required, Maldonado said.

The biggest change from a hiring perspective is: In health care there was a big focus on people who worked in health care before, Maldonado said.

By shifting the narrow focus of prior experience to a larger swath of workers who have good soft skills, it has fostered a more fluid workforce, she said.

One such example is Mirabel Berinyuy Kongnyuy, a woman originally from Cameroon who now lives in Greenfield. Growing up, she said, she knew the job market in her home country was sparse at best.

Kongnyuy said she observed people who went through years and years of school but did not get hired for any work, so she took a gamble and came to the United States last February. She started in Project Prism in August and was hired by Ascension as a customer service representative.

There was somewhat of a language barrier at first though she and most people she knew in Cameroon are bilingual but Kongnyuy said she quickly picked everything up.

I thought people might not accept my culture, Kongnyuy said. (My classmates) made me feel at home.

Customer service representatives are started at $13 to $14 an hour, Maldonado said. This allowed Kongnyuy to help out her family back home.

When you can train people and make them comfortable in jobs, thats when they succeed, said Cheryl Lightholder, manager of communications for Goodwill.

The program itself lasts about 11 weeks, starting with three full days of training with Goodwill, then 10 to 11 weeks with Ascension.

Though Ascenions takeover of Wheaton could have easily thrown a wrench into Project Prism, the transition was smooth, and Prism will continue as it has been for the past six years until further notice, Maldonado said.

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Ascension ESPY’s – Weekly Citizen

Posted: at 8:26 am

I cant hand them shiny trophies or whisk them away to Hollywood for the glamorous red-carpet treatment, but Ive written this column to honor these parish athletes for their terrific play throughout the season.

All of the biggest stars in entertainment and in sports showed up for the ESPY Awards last week.

There, professional and collegiate athletes were honored for their great achievements during the sports year.

Well, I thought Ascension high-school athletes deserved the same recognition.

I cant hand them shiny trophies or whisk them away to Hollywood for the glamorous red-carpet treatment, but Ive written this column to honor these parish athletes for their terrific play throughout the season.

The first award is for Breakthrough Athlete of the Year. There are many players that could have earned this distinction.

Off of the top of my head, I can think of two freshmen softball players in St. Amants Alyssa Romano and Dutchtowns Paige Patterson.

Ultimately, I decided to go with East Ascension football player Cameron Wire.

Prior to last season, Wire was strictly known for his exploits on the basketball court. As a football player, he was still a work in progress.

However, Wire seemed to flip the switch in 2016. He came out of nowhere to earn a starting job on the Spartans offensive line.

In addition to making the all-district and All-Parish teams, Wire became one of the hottest prospects in the area and received scholarship offers from powerhouses like Alabama and Florida State. He ultimately chose to make his verbal commitment to LSU over the summer.

He now heads into his senior season as one of the top offensive linemen in the state.

For Best Game, look no further than the classic the Ascension Catholic baseball team had against Central Catholic in the state semifinals.

The Bulldogs took a 4-0 lead against the defending Class 1A state champions, just to see Central Catholic storm back to tie the game.

The contest remained deadlocked after seven innings, creating bonus baseball.

After 11 tension-filled innings, the game finally came to a close when Central Catholics Mitchell Lemoine came up with a walkoff RBI single to punch their ticket to the title game.

The nod for Best Coach goes to St. Amant footballs David Oliver.

Oliver was one of the many residents of St. Amant that had their house flooded last August. Many players on his team suffered the same fate.

Despite dealing with the personal hardships, he was able to get his squad ready for the 2016 season, and they had the best year of any team in the parish.

The Gators went 9-1 during the regular season, finished as runner-up in District 5-5A and reached the state quarterfinals.

Best Comeback Athlete goes to Dutchtown football player Kyle Sarrazin.

Sarrazin came into 2016 hungry after being forced to miss almost all of 2015 with a serious knee injury.

He recovered beautifully, becoming a great anchor for the Griffins defensive line, on his way to being named all-district and All-Parish. He signed with Louisiana College.

Best Female Athlete goes to St. Amants Taylor Tidwell. Tidwell was the driving force behind both the Lady Gators volleyball and softball teamsboth of which reached the state quarterfinals.

In volleyball, she was named All-State and the districts MVP. In softball (where shes committed to LSU) she made first-team All-District, All-Parish and All-State.

Best Male Athlete goes to St. Amants Briggs Bourgeois. Bourgeois was a standout in three sports for the Gators.

In football, he was All-State and district MVP. He also signed with Southern Miss.

In soccer, he was district MVP for the fourth straight season and the states Offensive MVP, and in baseball, he was a starter on a Gator squad that reached the second round of the playoffs.

The Best Moment would have to be when the St. Amant football team played their first home game at The Pit on Sept. 9. Just a few weeks earlier, the stadium was under water.

It was a great moment for the St. Amant community as they were able to come together and experience a little bit of normalcy in the face of so much strife and heartache.

The Best Upset was during the boys basketball regular season when Donaldsonville made a road trip to face two-time defending 3A champion University.

The Tigers were huge underdogs, but they werent intimidated. Ladarius Jackson hit a buzzer-beating 3-pointer that gave them a scintillating 81-78 victory.

University went on to finish the season as Division II runner-up.

The distinction of Best Team goes to the Ascension Catholic baseball squad.

The Bulldogs had a terrific regular season, and in the first two rounds of the playoffs, they dominatedwinning by a combined score of 17-3.

This pushed them through to the state semifinals for the first time since 2005.

There, they played defending champion Central Catholic in the 11-inning marathon, falling just short of the championship game.

Nine of their players made the All-District 6-1A team.

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The task of the church – The Hillsdale Daily News

Posted: at 8:26 am

Jesus ascension is a key event in the history of redemption. The ascension of Jesus is when he returned to heaven, and is recorded for us in Acts 1:1-11. In fact, his ascension into heaven is on par in importance with his death and resurrection. Without the ascension, redemption would be incomplete.

Why? Without the ascension we would not have a high priest in heaven who is praying for us. If youre not sure whether thats even necessary, Id encourage you to read through the Old Testament. It makes clear that we cannot approach God without a mediator. In the Old Testament the mediator was the high priest, and the New Testament declares that we have an even better High Priest in Jesus!

But the ascension raises some questions. What was supposed to happen after Jesus ascended into heaven? If Jesus was just going to be gone for a generation, or two, then it might not have been much of a problem. However, he left with no indication of when he would return. Moreover, here we are almost two-thousand years later and still no return.

Some in church history have tried to make up a kind of return. Some will say that he returned in 70 AD at the destruction of the Temple. Others pinpoint a specific date much later, like 1914. What is clear, though, is that none of these dates really line up with what Jesus said his return would be like (new creation, end of sin and sorrow, etc). Others have tried to argue that Jesus left the kingdom-building up to his disciples. This is where we get ideas like Christendom or attempts to make America into a Christian country.

It should be comforting to know that Jesus own disciples at that time didnt fully understand it all. In Acts 1:6 they come to Jesus and ask, Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?

John Calvin famously says of this verse that there are more errors here than words. Throughout Jesus ministry, the disciples misunderstood what he had come to do. When he was rejected in a town, two of his disciples asked if they should call down fire from heaven to consume the people, reminiscent of Gods judgment against Sodom and Gomorrah. Jesus rebuked them.

When Jesus tells his disciples that he must suffer death, Peter tells him no. Jesus rebukes him with the stinging words, Get behind me, Satan! For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.

Just as in those instances, so here they do not fully comprehend what Jesus has told them. They display three errors: they think that the time is now; they think that it is geo-political kingdom that Jesus came to establish; and they think that the center of the Kingdom is in a particular land.

They still miss the point. They do not understand that Jesus is not just the fulfillment of the Messianic King but the fulfillment of all of Gods promises. He is the true Israel; he brings the kingdom. All of it centers on him.

What, then, should they do? Jesus tells them, It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. (Acts 1:7-8)

The first helpful part of this answer from Jesus is that his disciples are not supposed to worry about dates. Whenever you see someone predicting the return of Jesus, then, theyre doing something that theyre not supposed to do. Its not for them to know. God is working things according to his timetable, not ours.

What are we supposed to do then? If were not just to wait around for the kingdom to come, but were also not supposed to force the kingdom to come, what do we do? Jesus is just as clear here. They were to wait for the Holy Spirit (who comes in Acts 2) and then they are to be witnesses to Christ. That is, they were to begin the ordinary work of the church. This is the very thing that he commanded in the Great Commission. The church is to be active in spreading the Gospel of Christ. This is precisely what the book of Acts is all about.

Pastor Everett Henes, the pastor of the Hillsdale Orthodox Presbyterian Church, can be reached at pastorhenes@gmail.com.

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The Summer of Love was more than hippies and LSD it was the start of modern individualism – The Independent

Posted: at 8:23 am

Something remarkable happened to the youth of the Western world 50 years ago. In the summer of 1967 a huge number of American teenagers nobody knows exactly how many, but some estimate between 100,000 and 200,000 escaped what they saw as their suburban prisons and made for the city district of Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco.

We now look back on the Summer of Love the name originated at a meeting of counter-cultural leaders in the spring as a lost golden age of bliss, excitement and adventure; a paradise which can never be recreated. But in actual fact, this centre-piece of the Sixtiesstill looms large over popular culture and social mores today.

Drawing on utopian traditions which date back to the founding fathers, and fuelled by the euphoric and hallucinatory powers of marijuana and LSD, the summer of 1967 saw an extraordinary culture rise in a remarkably short space of time.

There was a creative explosion in the arts, music and fashion combined with a belief that the world could be born anew. Characterised by the vivid, flowing colours of psychedelic art, and a belief that love was the solution to all problems, hippy culture set out to transform the world by rejecting every social, political, economic and aesthetic feature of mainstream Western society.

This hippy revolution became a media sensation with the release of Scott Mackenzies song, San Francisco, in May 1967, which was a huge hit in the US and much of Europe.

The story goes that a paradise of peace and love prevailed in San Francisco for much of the year, but came sadly unstuck very soon after. This new Garden of Eden was destroyed progressively by the sheer numbers of teenagers who descended on Haight-Ashbury. One leading figure described the resulting chaos as a zoo.

Commercialisation of the hippie dream compounded the problem and disillusion set in. The twin shock of the Manson murders in August 1969, and the brutal killing by Hells Angels of an audience member at the Rolling Stones concert at Altamont a few months later, provided the epitaph to an era.

According to this version, the survivors renounced psychedelia, abandoned the vain belief that love would solve everything and knuckled down to political action gay liberation, second wave feminism and environmentalism. Or they found gurus and became new agers. The Sixties were sealed off, preserved in aspic as a lost golden age, a time of innocence. It was over, finished, forbidden to anyone who wasnt there.

However, like all golden age stories, this narrative is largely bogus.

Happy together

Criticism of the Summer of Love mythology dates back to 1967 itself, to the Diggers named after the English radicals of 1649-50. This guerrilla street theatre group regarded the hippy phenomenon as a media creation, a distraction from the true attempt to build a new and more just society. They denounced the irresponsible preaching of psychedelic guru Timothy Leary, who urged teenagers to take LSD and renounce work and education, and attacked the catchy nonsense of MacKenzies song as a marketing ploy.

The truth is that like all apparently simple cultural phenomena, the Summer of Love was complex. There was a deep tension between the Diggers back-to-basics idealistic communism, the commercialism of hippy capitalists selling bells and beads, the advocates of psychedelic transformation, and the politicos of the new left based in Berkeley, California.

The single issue all these groups opposed was American involvement in Vietnam. When the war came to an end with the Paris peace accord in 1973, there was no longer a binding external enemy. The illusion of a single, principled counterculture vanished.

Flowers in your hair

In reality, there was no single Sixties, no golden age, and nothing to come to an end. Instead there were three taste cultures that all coincided, and started to change societys values.

The first of these cultures was based in fashion and music. Peacock styles for men long hair and bright colours and women in mini-skirts or flowing hippy garb. The second group were political revolutionaries, post and neo-Marxists for whom the transformation of socio-economic conditions was the pressing priority. The third group believed in inner transformation and liberation achieved through marijuana and LSD.

Though the three groups priorities were fundamentally different, they shared a belief that the past was old and stale, along with a commitment to unfettered individualism. There were, of course, still significant overlaps, and when psychedelic culture met the radical left, notions of protest as play and performance took centre stage.

Half a century on from the height of the Summer of Love, all three taste cultures have survived, but with a different relevance. Individuality and self-expression in fashion and music has continued unhindered. Traditions of political protest flourish as new targets are found in environmental activism and sexual politics. And new generations of spiritual seekers find inspiration in psychedelic drugs, now also known as entheogens.

Defining the Sixties as a single unique period, a lost golden age, seals it off from contemporary experience. The sun may have set on the Summer of Love, but the warmth of its rays are still being felt today.

Nicholas Campion is anassociate professor in cosmology and culture, principal lecturer in the faculty of humanities and the performing arts at The University of Wales Trinity Saint David. This article was originally published on The Conversation (www.theconversation.com)

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The Summer of Love was more than hippies and LSD it was the start of modern individualism - The Independent

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The other half of Trance DJs – Trance Hub (satire) (press release) (blog)

Posted: at 8:21 am

It is said that behind every successful person, lies the hand of their significant other. The same works with all the artists in this industry. They all needed that one person to pull them through and support them in their struggling stages. So, we decided to list down some of the most influential trance spouses in the industry! You guys are partly responsible for these guys making it big today! This one is for you!

Talk about a perfect pair! Sarah was crowned Ms Vermont before she met the king, Psymon. They met at a trance event and it was love! He went down on his knees and proposed to her in the most romantic manner on Miami beach. They got married last June.

They even have a wedding website! You can also check out a couple of pictures from their magical wedding here! : Simon and Sarahs website, Simon and Sarahs Wedding

Wives sometimes do make the best managers when it comes to managing artists. They tend to strike a perfect balance in between the time they spend on work and at home. Ruth and Lange are a perfect example of this!

Armin first met Erika in 1999 at a party and he was in love. In fact, his friend even had a crush on her, but Armin being the wonderful man that he is, managed to win her heart. After years of dating, he finally proposed to her in Australia, their favourite country.They were married in 2009 and are now the parents to two beautiful kids. You can watch more about their story here: Armin and Erika

The only married member of the one and only Above and Beyond, Jono Grant met Giselle in 2008. Giselle is a fitness trainer in London. She even formulates anjuna workouts for the fans! Power couple goals right here!

They met in early 2000 at Club Orange. After 7 years of friendship and two years of being committed to each other, this lovely couple finally tied the knot. They have two lovely children.

German trance legend Paul Van Dyk took his wedding vows earlier this year. He married his long-time girlfriend, Margarita, who hails from Colombia in a lavish ceremony at the Charleston Santa Teresa

Gareth and Kat have been together for almost over a decade. They got hitched four years back. Kat owns the Art Angels Gallery in Los Angeles. They have a daughter together named Sansa. Gareth also recently took to Instagram to announce that she just gave birth to their second daughter, Elsie. Congratulations Kat and Gaz!

Dutch Born, Australian raised,MaRLois a talented Trance producer who makes most of his songs with his wifeJano. She is his promoter and provides the vocals for his tracks. They met back in the day when Marlo was a budding DJ. She is partially responsible for his massive fan following in Australia. Sometimes, she joins him on stage to perform live for fans who love hearing them both together. Earlier this year, she gave birth to their son, River Hoogstraten

Ukraine based trance producer, Omnia, tied the knot to make-up artist Ann two years back. They are one of the cutest couples in the industry with some of the most beautiful photoshoots together. Do check out her Instagram for a glimpse into their lives!

Their story is a dreamy one. It was love at a trance gig! Could we have asked for anything more perfect? They tied the knot recently in 2016 in Denmark. We wish them the very best for their future!

Speaking of Power couples, how could we leave out this one? Christopher and Sara also have a side project called Mr and Mrs Smith where they DJ together. They made their debut at the Burning Man in 2009. Sara was a regular in the Australian club scene, post which she moved to Los Angeles where she met Christopher who was then a Bedroom DJ. They fell in love and were married soon afterwards.

The ones soon to join the list!

We always had a doubt if these love birds were dating. And the rumours were recently put to rest by the man himself. As he himself went on to state, if you love it, put a ring on it! We couldnt be happier for them! Their wedding will truly be a trance filled one! We really hope they collaborate for a beautiful track which they can use for their first dance!

Anjunabeats prodigy Jason Ross and Melissa Rad have been together for quite a while. He proposed to her recently and they are to be married soon!

Did we miss anyone out? Do let us know in the comments below!

Trance enthusiast. Armada Ambassador. Content writer. Im not afraid of 138! Making people give Trance a chance.

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Record-breaking heatwave leaves panda in a trance at Shanghai Zoo – 9news.com.au

Posted: at 8:21 am

As a record-breaking heatwave plagues much of China, pandas in the countrys capital have struggled to battle the scorching temperatures.

Authorities on Friday issued a weather red alert as temperatures in Shanghai reached a new high of 40.9 degrees, troubling animals at Shanghai Zoo.

A panda was filmed ambling slowly through its enclosure before idly sitting down in a trance.

Pandas need an indoor temperature of about 25 degrees Celsius. If it gets hotter than 28 degrees Celsius, we dont let them out, a zookeeper told AFP.

Pandas arent afraid of the cold but they are afraid of the heat.

Zookeepers left large blocks of ice inside enclosures to help animals brave the heat, with pandas particularly enjoying a frozen apple or three.

They werent the only ones troubled by the stubborn heatwave, with local media reporting an increase in hospital patients suffering from heat-related illnesses.

Chinas most populous city has baked under soaring temperatures for more than two weeks, reaching its hottest point on Friday afternoon since the launch of its benchmark weather station in 1872, the municipal weather bureau said.

A red alert is triggered when temperatures in excess of 40 degrees are forecast and comes with a warning to members of the public to remain indoors.

Fridays alert was the first to be issued this year.

Shanghai's weather bureau on Thursday said a stubborn subtropical high and hot south-westerly winds were to blame.

The city is expected to continue to bake at least until early August when typhoon season begins and the weather begins to shift.

With AFP.

Nine Digital Pty Ltd 2017

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Record-breaking heatwave leaves panda in a trance at Shanghai Zoo - 9news.com.au

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fMRI, EEG Tests May Detect Consciousness in Severe TBI Patients – PsychCentral.com

Posted: at 8:20 am

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG) may detect consciousness in ICU patients with severe traumatic brain injuries when a standard bedside neurological exam comes up short, according to new research at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH).

Studies have suggested that up to 40 percent of patients who have been deemed unconscious may actually be conscious on some level.

While prior research has used fMRI or EEG to detect this sort of covert consciousness in patients who have moved from acute-care hospitals to rehabilitation or nursing care facilities, no such study has been conducted in ICU patients.

In fact, the study is the first to test such an approach in acutely ill patients for whom critical decisions may need to be made regarding the continuation of life-sustaining care.

Early detection of consciousness and brain function in the intensive care unit could allow families to make more informed decisions about the care of loved ones, said Brian Edlow, M.D., of the Center for Neurotechnology and Neurorecovery in the MGH Department of Neurology, co-lead and corresponding author of the study.

Also, since early recovery of consciousness is associated with better long-term outcomes, these tests could help patients gain access to rehabilitative care once they are discharged from an ICU.

For ICU patients with serious brain injuries, the standard bedside neurological examination may inaccurately identify a patient as unconscious for several reasons: the patient may be unable to speak, write or move because of the effects of the injury itself or sedating medications or a clinician may mistake a weak but intentional movement as a reflex response.

For the study, the researchers enrolled 16 patients being cared for in MGH intensive care units after severe traumatic brain injury. Upon enrollment, eight were able to respond to language, three were classified as minimally conscious without language response, three classified as vegetative and two as in a coma.

fMRI studies were conducted as soon as patients were stable enough for the procedure, and EEG readings were taken soon afterwards, ideally but not always within 24 hours. A group of 16 healthy age- and sex-matched volunteers underwent the same procedures as a control group.

The screenings were taken under three experimental conditions. To test for a mismatch between the patients ability to imagine performing a task and their ability to physically express themselves what is called cognitive motor dissociation patients were asked to imagine squeezing and releasing their right hand while in the fMRI scanner and while EEG readings were being taken.

Since it is known that certain parts of the brain can react to sounds even when a person is sleeping or under sedation, the patients were exposed to brief recordings of spoken language and of music during both the fMRI and EEG tests.

These screenings were developed to detect activity in areas of the brain that are part of the higher-order cortex, which interprets the simple signals processed by the primary cortex in this instance not just detecting a sound but potentially recognizing what it is.

Of eight patients who had been classified as unable to respond to language during the traditional bedside examination, the researchers found evidence in four patients of covert consciousness based on the hand-squeeze exercise, including the three originally classified as vegetative.

In two other patients, higher-order cortex activity was seen in response to either language or music. Although higher-order cortical activity doesnt necessarily prove that a patient is conscious, Edlow notes, a response in these brain structures could have implications for a patients future recovery.

Edlow also notes that negative responses to these tests should not be considered a poor likelihood of recovery. For example, about 25 percent of the healthy controls had no detectable brain response during the hand squeeze imagery test, and one of the comatose patients who showed no response to language, music or motor imagery during the early fMRI and EEG tests made a complete recovery 6 months later.

In fact, no links were shown between early brain responses and long-term outcomes, which could be due to the small size of the study or the fact that several patients were sedated during the fMRI and EEG tests.

The findings are published in the journal Brain.

Source: Massachusetts General Hospital

APA Reference Pedersen, T. (2017). fMRI, EEG Tests May Detect Consciousness in Severe TBI Patients. Psych Central. Retrieved on July 24, 2017, from https://psychcentral.com/news/2017/07/24/fmri-eeg-tests-may-detect-consciousness-in-severe-tbi-patients/123683.html

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