Daily Archives: July 4, 2017

Celebrating Our Federal Republic The Right Engle – Being Libertarian

Posted: July 4, 2017 at 8:44 am

As we celebrate Americas Independence Day this week, its worth reflecting how far the country has come in its 241 years.

The very fact that we call it a single country would be a novelty to many of the Founders, who were frequently adamant about the ultimate independence of their states. The level of independence of member states was genuinely remarkable in its early days.

Until the issue was settled once and for all about four score and seven years later, internal affairs of states were essentially ignored by the federal authorities. Take the Dorr Rebellion of 1841-1842, in which Rhode Island essentially underwent a popular uprising and coup dtat against the elected governor and legislator. The response of the federal government in Washington, D.C. was essentially to shrug its shoulders and keep an eye on the situation. Imagine such latitude today!

The states were once much more different from each other than they are now. Culturally and politically, the various member states have become progressively more alike. That accelerated in the era of expanded federal authority, as well as during the entry of western states into the union (that did the legal equivalent of copy-and-paste of the state constitutions they remembered). Despite that, there are still a number of interesting examples of state government systems that deviate from the norm.

Here are some of the most interesting and unique features of government.

Nebraska is the only state with a legislature with just one chamber. It has the advantage of making legislation drafting and passage much more efficient, but obviously eschews the benefits (and hardships) of the bicameral system employed in every other state and at the federal level that allows for an internal check on and revision of laws before they are passed on to the Governor for signing into law.

The underlying premise of Nebraskas legislature is efficiency and transparency. A smaller legislature with fewer secretive committees may be forced to be more open and responsive to the citizenry.

Maine is unique for two reasons. The first has been an interesting feature of the states constitution for many years the special representation of recognized Native American tribes in the state. Each of the recognized tribes has an observer seat reserved in Maines House of Representatives, similar to the House seat reserved for the District of Columbia in the federal legislature.

The second interesting feature of Maine is a recent development. The state has adopted an instant-runoff system in which voters rank candidates by preference rather than voting for just one. This allows second preferences to be counted if no single candidate gets a majority in the first round, which opens up a range of opportunities for smaller parties to contend, as well as for independents. It eliminates the notion that voting for a party other than Democrats and Republicans is a waste. Of all recent electoral law developments, Maines may be the most consequential for people fighting the two-party duopoly.

New Hampshire has one of the most fascinating governmental structures.

One reason for that is the sheer number of representatives in the legislature. The New Hampshire House of Representatives has 400 members, representing a population of 1.3 million. It is the second largest legislature in the world, after Indias national parliament, for one of the smallest states in the union. That level of representation makes representatives extremely responsive and makes politics exceptionally local. Because the electoral districts are so small, minor parties occasionally stand a chance. The current House includes three Libertarians, the most in the nation. Some small-government advocates might blanche at that number of legislators, fearing the cost of such an institution. But New Hampshireites are a frugal bunch; like in several states, the role of legislator is a part-time job that carries no pay besides limited travel expenses.

Another unique aspect of New Hampshire is its divided executive. Rather than vesting all power in the Governor, there is also a separately elected Executive Council, which has essential veto power over the Governor. A fitting additional check on executive power from a state known for its particular skepticism of government. As far a limited government goes, New Hampshires system is hard to beat.

The reason these various ways of organizing state governments is interesting is because institutional organization directly impacts the way policy can be enacted. A strong executive obviously takes power from the legislature. Meanwhile a split executive like in New Hampshire gives tremendous power to the legislative branch. And electoral laws like Maines are sure to increase opportunities for independent candidates and smaller parties.

We should try to learn more about how neighboring states governments work and try to learn how to make our own systems better. Often institutions are left unchanged and experimentation fails to happen. Awareness of the diversity within our own nation might help us all.

This post was written by John Engle.

The views expressed here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect our views and opinions.

John Engle is a merchant banker and author living in the Chicago area. His company, Almington Capital, invests in both early-stage venture capital and in public equities. His writing has been featured in a number of academic journals, as well as the blogs of the Heartland Institute, Grassroot Institute, and Tenth Amendment Center. A graduate of Trinity College Dublin, Ireland and the University of Oxford, Johns first book, Trinity Student Pranks: A History of Mischief and Mayhem, was published in September 2013.

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Profiting from the Golden Rule – Valdosta Daily Times

Posted: at 8:44 am

Hopefully, we dont treat people well just so they will treat us kindly in return. We should treat everyone we meet with dignity, respect and kindness because it is the right thing to do. We want to treat others as wed like to be treated.

That is what the Golden Rule tells us to do.

I love this quote from Mother Teresa, Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of Gods kindness.

But it is sometimes helpful to believe that what goes around comes around. That belief can make doing the hard but right things a little easier.

Today, I want to show how doing the right thing as an organization is the most profitable thing you can do. I also want to show you can measure how well your organization is following the Golden Rule.

How well you and your organization live out the Golden Rule is reflected in your reputation. We all want to be treated with honor and respect. Being treated with honor and respect makes us happy, so happy we want to tell other people about the experience.

Think about the last time you received amazing service. Did it make you happy? Did you tell others about your experience?

When we recommend a company or service were signaling our trust that our friends will be treated the same. Recommendations are also an indicator of how customers feel about their relationship with a company.

When customers feel so well treated they enthusiastically recommend a company to friends, they are promoters. When customers are treated so badly they recommend avoiding a company, they are detractors. The idea of promoters and detractors is the foundation of the Net Promoter Score.

What is the Net Promoter Score? It is a lot of things. First, it is my go-to survey tool for customers and employees. Second, it is the brainchild of Fred Reichheld. Reichheld is a Fellow at Bain & Company and founder of their Loyalty Practice. He has spent most of his professional life quantifying the link between customer loyalty and profits.

The Net Promoter Score focuses the entire organization on generating promoters, who buy more, stay longer, refer friends and are less price sensitive. It also helps minimize the number of costly detractors, who are not afraid to loudly proclaim the organizations deficiencies.

Reichhelds research has found that across multiple industries, the company with the leading Net Promoter Score grew more than twice as fast as their competitors.

Are you ready to grow twice as fast as your competitors? Well explain how to do it in future columns.

Curt Fowler is an organizational growth expert and president of Fowler & Company, a business advisory firm dedicated to helping leaders create and achieve a compelling vision for their organization. He has an MBA in strategy and entrepreneurship from the Kellogg School, is a CPA, and a pretty good guy as defined by his wife and four children.

Have a business growth topic youd like me to cover? Send suggestions to cfowler@valuesdrivenresults.com.

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Profiting from the Golden Rule - Valdosta Daily Times

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July 3-9 Proclaimed Golden Rule Society Week In Coronado – Coronado Eagle and Journal

Posted: at 8:44 am

Coronado Mayor, Richard Bailey, issued a Coronado proclamation recognizing the Golden Rule Society charity for the work theyre doing to support our Troops, Children, Churches, Charities and their families.

Len Kaine, founder of the Golden Rule Society, accepted the proclamation from Mayor Richard Bailey.

Our primary focus, for more than 45 years, is a free success program for every child anywhere in the world. We are touching the lives of children in all 50 States plus 73 other countries using The HOPE Blog-Talk Radio Network. said Kaine.

The free programs are educational, motivational, inspirational and character building. Ourpromise to children and their parents is very simple and very powerful. Every child that follows the teachings of historys most successful people will logically be more successful in their lives. The Golden Rule Societys programs are available at: http://www.goldenrulesociety.org

In issuing the proclamation Mayor Bailey stated, These Coronado-based programs are wonderful to see and easy to use And, The City of CoronadosProclamation is our way ofthanking the non-paid, volunteer leadership team in the Golden Rule Society for their valuable service in helping to make it a better world.

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July 3-9 Proclaimed Golden Rule Society Week In Coronado - Coronado Eagle and Journal

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WWE News: Kurt Angle breaks WWE’s golden rule – Sportskeeda

Posted: at 8:44 am

Whats the story?

As seen on Twitter, WWE superstar and Hall of Famer Kurt Angle broke one of WWEs golden rules by mentioning the name of former wrestler Chris Benoit. The incident occurred while Angle was giving a press release regarding his involvement in the upcoming WWE 2K18 video game.

Chris Benoit has been a taboo name in WWE for many years now, ever since he murdered his wife and son before killing himself back in the summer of 2007. The former World Heavyweight Champion has barely ever been mentioned on WWE television since that fateful weekend, and understandably so given the nature of his crimes.

As you can see in the following tweet, Angle lists Benoit alongside a string of other top superstars when talking about some of his greatest matches. Whether or not WWE has reprimanded Kurt in any way remains to be seen, but given his position in the company, we cant imagine that itll be anything more than a quick telling off.

Also read: 5 men who could face Kurt Angle in his final match

The focus will continue to shift towards the video game in the coming weeks and months, with WWE promoting it to the high heavens as they always tend to do. It seems likely that this issue will be swept under the rug completely, with all future mentioning of Benoits name coming courtesy of his matches on the WWE Network instead of anything else.

Its a shame that were at the point where a wrestler even saying Chris name is considered illegal by the company because recognising some of the great matches he had should be separated from what he actually did. Obviously, we dont condone his actions or putting him in the Hall of Fame, but erasing certain portions of history will only serve to aggravate the fans further.

Send us news tips at fightclub@sportskeeda.com

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Letter: Jesus didn’t endorse gay marriage – Quad City Times

Posted: at 8:44 am

This letter is regarding the Quad-City Times editorial cartoon of June 29, Little known passage from the Bible. The same Jesus who taught the Golden Rule also said, according to Matthew, Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh?

Thus Jesus affirmed the biblical teaching that God made two sexes, male and female, and marriage is the one flesh union of one from each sex: A man and a woman. Until a few years ago, there was nothing controversial and certainly nothing hateful about those nearly universally accepted teachings.

What do we make of the fact that Jesus taught both the Golden Rule and marriage as the union of a man and a woman? Did he contradict himself? Was he a hypocrite? Was he too stupid to realize the conflict? Or is it possible to love your neighbor and also accept his teaching on marriage?

If we cannot trust or accept Jesus teaching authority on a subject as important as marriage, why should we care or give any credence to the Golden Rule or love your neighbor?

If we accept the teachings we agree with, while rejecting the teachings that are contrary to cultural trends and public opinion polls, arent we setting ourselves up as the judges of his teaching thereby making ourselves a higher-truth and moral authority than Jesus?

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Letter: Jesus didn't endorse gay marriage - Quad City Times

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Nationals senator reminds Liberals same-sex marriage plebiscite part of their deal – The Guardian

Posted: at 8:43 am

Nationals senator John Williams also says Tony Abbott needs to just fit into the team and be a team player. Photograph: Mike Bowers for the Guardian

National party senator John Williams has warned the Liberal party that a plebiscite on marriage equality is part of the Coalition agreement, signed by Malcolm Turnbull and Barnaby Joyce.

The agreement was signed when Turnbull took the leadership from Tony Abbott in September 2015 and Williams said it was part of the deal for National party support.

I know that it is in the Coalition agreement, a signed agreement between Nats and Liberals by Barnaby Joyce and Malcolm Turnbull, Williams said.

The Coalition agreement is signed by every incoming Liberal and National party leader. In the last agreement, Turnbull agreed for the water portfolio to go back to the agriculture portfolio with Joyce as minister, which happened immediately. The agreement also states there will be no policy move to a carbon price and no change to the definition of marriage without a plebiscite.

Williams chastised the defence industry minister and leader of the government, Christopher Pyne, for telling his moderate Liberal colleagues that marriage equality might be resolved sooner than you think, a boast soon scotched by Turnbull.

Williams said if the Nick Xenophon team or Labor had supported the plebiscite, the issue of same-sex marriage could have been resolved by now.

But instead these issues keep bubbling along and get so much media attention and Chris Pyne shouldnt say those things, Williams said.

He was worried the ongoing Liberal division would risk marginal seat holders such as fellow National MP Michelle Landry in Capricornia in Queensland. Landry holds the seat by a margin of just 0.8% and Williams said her seat creates the one-seat majority that keeps the Coalition in power.

Im annoyed with the Liberals because everyone knows division is death and they are so divided every time Tony Abbott makes a statement publicly, he said.

We need to concentrate on their job, which is to work for betterment of all Australia.

Williams reminded Abbott that Coalition MPs had been team players when he was prime minister but he would not give advice about whether Abbott should leave parliament after the Guardian Essential poll found 43% thought Abbott should resign.

I think what Tony needs to do is just simply be more of a team player, as we were with Tony when he was prime minister, Williams told ABC earlier.

I certainly was. We had a couple of disagreements on the odd occasion but I think Tony needs to just fit into the team and be a team player. What he does in the future is his decision.

He said the continual division made it impossible for the government to talk about its positive messages such as budget commitments on inland rail, roads and education.

These things cant get any light of day because of this division, Williams said.

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Nationals senator reminds Liberals same-sex marriage plebiscite part of their deal - The Guardian

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How should an angry liberal celebrate the Fourth of July? Fly the flag even higher – Los Angeles Times

Posted: at 8:43 am

The Fourth of July used to be a happy occasion. It smelled like chlorine and tasted like rocket pops. For a time, it looked like Barack and Michelle, dancing together for the first time as president and first lady as Beyonc sang At Last by Etta James. When the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in 2015, it sounded like a roar of triumph that echoed from coast to coast. That year, the fireworks, and our future, never seemed so brilliant.

When Barack Obama was president, there was a growing sense among us young progressives that the arc of the moral universe was indeed starting to bend toward justice. It was slow and it was imperfect, but our fitful progress along it endowed many of us with a sense of pride. The flag looked a little different. It looked like something that could be ours.

This year, the holiday weekend finds many of us in a darker mood. It is our first Fourth of July with President Trump. The refugee ban is back on. And somewhere in America, Paul Ryan is cracking another cold one while 22 million Americans are at risk of losing their health insurance. The arc isnt bending as fast as we thought.

In light of so much injustice, how should we observe Independence Day? Should we dismiss the holiday all together roll up our flags and boycott the barbecues? Like Los Angeles considering scrapping Columbus Day for Indigenous Peoples Day, we could scrub the Fourth of July and give it a makeover. Instead of red, white and blue, we could don black.

Such a response would be in line with recent trends. Over the last year, patriotism has been dropping sharply among Democrats. According to a Gallup poll from March, 67% of Democrats said they are very proud to be an American, compared with 92% of Republicans.

While denouncing the Fourth may be emotionally satisfying, cognitive science suggests it would be politically unwise. As UC Berkeleys George Lakoff preaches, people are drawn to positive messages far more than negative ones, even when the negative ones are backed up with facts. According to Lakoff, this is why Trump won the election.

It is also why we cant afford to be downers on the Fourth.

If Lakoff is right, we should salute the flag instead of burning it. Instead of railing against Trump, we should talk about why we care so much about the Constitution. If our uncle shows up wearing a This is what a REAL patriot looks like! shirt, we should put one on, too. The point is not mimicry, but reframing.

For too long, progressives have relinquished the word patriot to conservatives and freedom-fry hawkers. In doing so we concede defeat. If we say we arent proud of our country, then we are letting someone else define what our country is. America is far bigger than Donald Trump. In fact, it is 2.8 million voters bigger.

If the left can learn to make the stars and stripes its own, it will appeal to some Trump voters, too. As social psychologist Jonathan Haidt argues in his book The Righteous Mind, conservatives vote based on certain moral values that liberals do not typically articulate. Among these are loyalty, sanctity and authority all of which Trump played to with his Make America Great Again message. The standard liberal response America was never great was correct from a civil rights perspective, but also continued to portray liberals as fundamentally irreverent. If Democrats want to win another election, this is an image they must change.

This Fourth, lets show weve learned our lessons, and are ready for 2018. Fly the flag. Take back the power.

We, too, are America.

Cassady Rosenblum is an intern in The Times Opinion section.



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How should an angry liberal celebrate the Fourth of July? Fly the flag even higher - Los Angeles Times

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Liberal vs Left – Patriot Post

Posted: at 8:43 am

Thomas Gallatin Jul. 3, 2017

What is a liberal? Or maybe a better question is, what does the term liberal refer to today? Well, according to Jacques Berlinerblau, a professor from Georgetown University who recently wrote an article for the Washington Post, there are liberals and then there are radical leftists. Berlinerblau admits that American academia is mostly comprised of liberal professors and that those professors who identify as politically conservative are utterly under-represented in Americas halls of higher learning, with humanities departments in particular being the least politically diverse. In other words, it is not wrong to suggest that leftist ideology is controlling most of the nations colleges and universities.

But while Berlinerblau rightly concludes that conservatives are not to blame for the recent havoc wreaked in places like Middlebury, UC Berkeley and Evergreen College, he also attempts to shift the blame away from liberals. According to Berlinerblau, three groups exist in academia: a small conservative minority, a sizable liberal contingent and the dominate radical left who he blames for the current campus intolerance. The question remains, what is the difference between a liberal and a leftist?

Berlinerblaus answer to that question ends up sounding more like a difference in the manner of application of ideology rather than an actual distinction in form. He cites as examples liberals reactions to certain events, such as liberals didnt exult over Irans 1979 Islamic revolution, or that liberals didnt refer to the victims of 9/11 as little Eichmanns. He also notes that liberals are generally made highly uncomfortable by censorship, speaker boycotts, trigger warnings, safe spaces and the like. Berlinerblaus argument sounds eerily similar to the one made by Muslims who may reject the methods of Islamic terrorists, yet refuse to disavow Islamists.

The truth is that modern liberalism stands in stark contrast to those classical liberal values expressed by our nations Founding Fathers. It is todays conservatives who hold most closely to those classical liberal principles. Todays radical leftist social justice warrior is merely the logical manifestation of modern liberal ideology a distinction without a difference. It is modern liberalism that can be credited with teaching the ideology of socialism that glories in the utopian ideals of Karl Marx. It is modern liberalism that sees little value in Christianity and has a long mocked Christians as backward fools. It is modern liberalism that has questioned the very nature of truth itself, opening a Pandoras box of relativism. No, Professor Berlinerblau, liberals may not like it, but the radical left is their creation; they are to be blamed.

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Hollywood Liberal: NRA Might Be A Terrorist Organization – Townhall

Posted: at 8:43 am

I hate to admit it, but the talks of a so-called truce, or a toning down of the political rhetoric, by our members of Congress was crap. We all knew it. Cmonyouve had to see this lie coming a mile away. We have two separate parties that have deep, systemic divisions on how government should be run and its associated issues, free speech, gun rights, health care etc., so a truce on the rhetoric was never going to happen. Just like it didnt happen after Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-AZ) was shot. Even as House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) fought for his life, liberals were more or less saying he deserved it because he had the voting record of a conservative Republican. Scores more were hoping that he died. Now, as the health care battle is upon us, Democrats are saying the GOP wants to kill people, and that the GOP health care agenda will lead to thousands of people dying. This truce was never going to last long because a) were on the verge of an election year; b) Democrats want to try and retake Congress; and c) this is politicswin at all costs. And health scare tactics work very, very well.

On the issue of Second Amendment rights, what better characters to fan the flames of nonsense than the Hollywood Left, like actor Michael Ian Black, who thinks the NRA might be a terrorist organization. He even looked up terrorism in a dictionary. The FBIs definition is probably the one you should cite in a debate: There is no single, universally accepted, definition of terrorism. Terrorism is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations as the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.

This is all because NRA spokeswoman Dana Loeschreleased an awesome videoshowing that conservatives will fight liberals on the battlefield of ideals with the clenched fist of truth, right? A video where she condemned violence used in the context of a political debate by anyone or any side. Right now, its the Left who are engaging in politically motivated violence, rioting, burning stuff, vandalizing college campuses, attacking pro-Trump demonstrators, and taking shots at GOP lawmakers as they practice for a charity baseball event. Yet, its the NRA, the oldest civil rights organization in the country, thats the real problem because they want to protect something thats enshrined and codified in our Constitution. Second, there was no call for violence in Loeschs video. If you think words that denounce violence is itself a call for violence, I dont know what to say other than see a doctor and ask if Xanax is right for you. Its that or youre just fragile. Too fragile and must need a safe space in case a triggering occurs. These people have the right to say what they want; it provides for hilarious entertainment. But we dont have to take them seriously.

When James Hodgkinson, an avowed leftist, tried to execute a mass assassination on Republican lawmakers, that probably could be construed as an act of terrorism. We may never know for sure because the FBI decided to screw up the endgame by saying this was a totally random act, or something. Right, and the list of names that were found on him was just a constituent call list, right?

Weve got to the point, where advocating for issues that liberals dont like makes you a possible terror suspect. Thats insane.

Yeah, this is just patently false. There are scores of stories where a good guy with a gun saved lives (here, here, here, and here). Second, the two cops who saved Rep. Scalise and other GOP members of Congress are another example of guns saving people. Keep in mind, the Capitol Police charged Hodgkinson, who was armed with an SKS rifle (7.62mx39), with their service handguns. They were outgunned. Side note: concealed carry holder are not only better trained than police; theyre also some of the most law-abiding in the country, but keep denigrating people who dont live in Los Angeles, or any big city, by suggesting they might be terrorists because theyre not liberals.

Correction: Itll be the next seven years if you guys keep this up.

Fake News: Website Says Dana Loesch NRA Ad Said 'Americans Need Guns To Shoot The Resistance'

South Korea Military: North Korea Launches Ballistic Missile

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Hollywood Liberal: NRA Might Be A Terrorist Organization - Townhall

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Your place or mine? Texas liberals and California conservatives swap states – The Guardian

Posted: at 8:43 am

Paul Chabot is a native Californian who stood for Congress last year as a Republican, in a district near Los Angeles. After his defeat, he decided the only option was to move to Texas.

Californias become a lost cause, he said. I was born and raised there when it was a Republican state. Ronald Reagan was from there, Nixon was from there, we had great schools back in the 70s and 80s, low crime, great paying jobs. Now its a 180, its a complete opposite of that.

I lost to a very liberal Democrat that the people elected and I came to the conclusion that you cant help people who dont want to help themselves. That really was the end of it for us in California. We realised then that the majority of the people around us no longer shared the same values that my wife and I believe in.

Chabot, his wife Brenda and their four young children relocated to Collin County, which covers some of the most affluent and manicured suburbs of Dallas and where a four-bed home can be yours for under $350,000. And all 38 elected officials, from the sheriff to the district attorney to the tax assessor-collector, are Republicans.

In California we always jokingly said, If this state goes to hell well end up moving to Texas. And a lot of people say it and some people actually do it, Chabot said.

He is now a player in a long-running and freshly escalated ideological and economic battle between Americas most populous liberal and conservative states.

A new adoption law that critics describe as anti-LGBTQ has prompted California to ban state-funded trips to Texas. Chabots strategy is quite the opposite. In May he launched Conservative Move slogan: Helping Families Move Right a company to help fellow sufferers flee their liberal hellscapes and find asylum in the warm, red glow of suburban north Texas.

Its not the same state it was 30, 40, 50 years ago. So you have a base who are frustrated with California and want out

The 43-year-old said the response has been fast and furious: about a thousand expressions of interest, three-quarters of them from Californians.

The people who are contacting us are very upset with state politics, he said. They might have been a lifelong Californian like I was, but theyre saying the state doesnt represent me any more, its not the same state it was 30, 40, 50 years ago. So you have a base of people who are just frustrated with California and want out.

A couple of years ago, he said, he saw a news article that declared the fast-growing county seat of McKinney to be the finest place to live in the US.

As a Californian what I love here is that theres no state income tax, the politics here supports the second amendment, they dont support sanctuary cities or any of that stuff that weve dealt with in California and Texas is very tough on crime. They also have excellent schools where we are, Chabot said.

He is surrounded by Californian ex-pats, he said: My neighbour across the street, my mail man, the guy at Home Depot in the plumbing department, the police officer I met in a coffee shop.

According to a Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) analysis of American Community Survey data, 502,978 people older than 25 moved from California to Texas between 2005 and 2015. Some 290,214 people went the other way. Texas was the top destination for Californians, and vice-versa.

With 27 million Texas residents and 39 million in California, the figures suggest that roughly 1.1% of Texans over 25 moved to California and 1.3% of Californians moved to Texas over that decade. That hardly depicts a flood, or a clear winner in a rivalry that has come to symbolise the growing divide between right and left in the country as a whole. But it is a philosophical gulf that will become even more entrenched geographically if Chabots business flourishes.

There is scant evidence that politics is a main migration factor. Hans Johnson, of the PPIC, said the data indicates economic and family reasons are key drivers.

Housing prices in California have escalated quite rapidly over the last five years and that of course will push more people out of the state, he said.

As a Sacramento Bee headline put it in March: California exports its poor to Texas, other states, while wealthier people move in.

When he was governor of Texas, as the oil and gas boom helped the state prosper despite the recession of the late 2000s, Rick Perry voiced radio advertisements seeking to woo Californian businesses an effort that the Democratic governor, Jerry Brown, termed barely a fart.

They can laugh at Californias travel ban to Texas but itll be more than a travel ban from one state

With a Republican in the White House, California now makes an appealing scapegoat for Texas politicians who fired up their base by disparaging Barack Obama.

Its funny how the very state that is so adamantly against keeping terrorists out of our country they oppose the presidents travel ban now wants to keep Californians out of Texas, a spokesman for Texas attorney general Ken Paxton told the Houston Chronicle. I guess thats California logic.

But an energy industry downturn has hurt Texas economy, and though Arizona and North Carolina endured boycotts in recent years for legislation perceived as discriminatory, Texas is likely to pass a bathroom bill this summer to limit restroom access for transgender people. In protest at a new immigration law, the American Immigration Lawyers Association has switched its 2018 conference from the Dallas area to San Francisco.

They can laugh at Californias travel ban to Texas but itll be more than a travel ban from one state, said Sylvia Garcia, a Democratic state senator from Houston. Itll be more states and it will be more companies who do not want to relocate here and it will be more conferences and more visitors who wont want to come here.

While Texas lawmakers fulminate against liberal values with the rallying cry, Dont California our Texas!, the states biggest cities have turned bluer, most obviously Austin, where Silicon Valley giants such as Google and Facebook have a significant presence. Last November, Hillary Clinton secured more than 54% of the vote in Dallas, Houston, Austin and San Antonio, even though Donald Trump won Texas easily.

Tanya Santillan, a 30-year-old attorney originally from northern California, moved to Houston last year from Washington DC. Especially as a Mexican American in the current environment, she said, she is cautious about discussing politics in her adopted state, but Houston has been a pleasant surprise.

You always come in with a preconceived notion that its going to be super-conservative, maybe more racism, a lot more backward-thinking, more religious. You dont necessarily expect for there to be as much diversity as there is, and I think Houston, its a bubble inside of Texas, people are a lot more progressive. I think maybe if I lived in a smaller town than Houston my experience would be completely different.

When I first mentioned to some of my friends that I was moving to Houston, they just kind of asked, like, Why?'

Santillan has a pragmatic attitude. This is where you get the most for your money, she said, and the political climate is not enough to disincentivise you to move there.

Kyle Loftis has a similar view. The 34-year-old grew up in southern California and lived in San Francisco before moving to Houston four years ago. He works for a parking company and said the transition was smooth.

When I first mentioned to some of my friends that I was moving to Houston, they just kind of asked, like, Why? Why would you move to Texas? he said.

There were a few jokes about Texas being gun country and all that kind of stuff, but nothing too bad, really. I would say it was just more of a little bit of confusion, like, Why are you moving out there? You can get a job here.

But the Bay Area is notoriously expensive. My biggest thing was just the affordability. The cost of living is just far lower in Texas, Loftis said.

Another transplant from the Bay Area to Houston, Chris Pedersen, a 34-year-old who works in the oil and gas industry said the cost of living in California was getting ridiculous. Its become very problematic.

My grandma lives in a two-bedroom, two-bath townhouse [20 miles south of San Francisco] which just got appraised for a million dollars. Its crazy. We just closed on a house actually a week ago, were moving in as we speak, and its half of that, and its a great neighborhood, great house. Theres no way we would have been able to afford it in California.

Do I agree with all the Texas politics, no. But do I agree with all the Californian politics, not at all. Youll have your challenges wherever.

Read this article:

Your place or mine? Texas liberals and California conservatives swap states - The Guardian

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