Daily Archives: July 2, 2017

Once a drug user in Japan, always an outcast – The Japan Times

Posted: July 2, 2017 at 9:48 am

Since being arrested for possession of stimulant drugs on June 2, it is assumed that 30-year-old actor Ryo Hashizumes career is over. As Mark Schilling wrote in the June 15 Japan Times, Hashizumes latest film, in which he played a supporting role, was pulled from theaters. It reopened June 17, but with Hashizumes scenes deleted. For all intents and purposes, he had become a nonperson in show business.

And I mean that literally. Owing to the way drug busts are covered in the media, anyone even accused of using illegal substances is presented as not just a criminal, but something subhuman. This idea was established in the 1980s with an anti-drug public service announcement that used the slogan, Ningen yamemasu ka?, meaning, Will you stop being a person? By taking drugs, that is.

Media critic Chiki Ogiue mentioned the campaign on his Session-22 radio show back in January.

But do you stop being a person when you have cancer? he asked rhetorically, emphasizing that drug addiction should be treated as a disease rather than as a mortal sin. The stigma is built into the vocabulary used to talk about people with drug habits. Invariably, those who have kicked their habits through whatever means have been corrected (ksei), a word that stresses incarceration, whereas Ogiue thinks a better verb is recover (kaifuku), as if from an illness.

But ksei represents the reality in that drug convictions lead to time in prison rather than time in hospitals, and prisons arent designed to cure addicts of their dependencies. The radio show and other sources mention that in Japan, more than 60 percent of those who do time for drug crimes end up being rearrested for drug crimes after they get out of jail.

The public thinks drug users deserve hard punishment because drug use is seen as a lapse in moral rectitude that can have a bad effect on the community. Ogiue thinks the opposite is actually the case; that downplaying a drugs health-abating properties can make the drug attractive to certain people.

For these reasons, Ogiue, working with experts, former addicts and listeners of his program, came up with guidelines for the media when covering drug-related stories, since such coverage will affect addicts in treatment programs and their supporters, including families. The media should always stress that drug use is an illness requiring treatment rather than a crime that needs to be punished. It should incorporate coverage of people who give and receive such treatment, including recovering addicts. It should also show links between drugs and social problems, such as poverty and abuse, whenever applicable.

More significantly, the guidelines tell reporters what to avoid, including images of white powder and syringes, comments that express disappointment in the accused as either a person or a professional, extreme coverage using helicopters or hidden cameras, suspicion of drug use as the basis for a scoop and creating beautiful stories out of anecdotes of drug recovery with the help of loved ones.

For these efforts, Ogiues show received The Galaxy Grand Prix Award for excellence in broadcasting, though, given the usual overblown tone of the Hashizume coverage, those efforts dont seem to have had the desired effect yet.

In fact, the authorities seem to be moving in a progressive direction faster than the media is. On another radio show, Bunka Hosos (Nippon Cultural Broadcasting) June 13 edition of Golden Radio, writer Maki Fukasawa reviewed Ogiues guidelines and talked about how the government was now considering switching the impetus of drug sentencing from punishment to treatment in line with other countries approaches. Recently, Japans judicial system has expanded its use of suspended sentences for certain crimes. In the case of drug offenses, convicted persons spend part of their sentence in prison and part in a recovery program. The main purpose of the new law is to prevent repeat offenses, and as Fukasawa points out, the program will also need to ensure that ex-offenders can secure jobs once they are back out in the world, since unemployment is a strong incentive for falling back into a drug habit.

That includes show-business people. Fukasawa used the example of Robert Downey Jr., who was a serious drug addict at one point and even did jail time for his habit. He eventually got sober and is now one of the highest paid actors in the world, but as Fukasawa said, that couldnt happen in Japan because the media would never allow the public to forget about his drug use.

What Fukasawa didnt mention is that while Downeys career has been rehabilitated in the U.S., he is still persona non grata in Japan. Some years ago when he came here to promote one of his Iron Man movies, immigration officers detained him for six hours because of his felony drug conviction. Eventually, he was allowed in, but hes never been back since.

Drug convictions leave an indelible mark, and while the Japanese media perpetuates the stigma due to its proclivity for sensationalism, its the law and the rationale behind the law that creates the stigma in the first place. In his quest to change media behavior, Ogiue makes the age-old argument that personal drug use does not directly harm anyone else, but he doesnt go so far as to say that drug possession is a victimless crime. The victim is the user and, by extension, his or her family.

Given the examples he used, Ogiue was obviously talking about methamphetamines, but he doesnt distinguish between stimulant drugs and other kinds, because the police dont either. (There are different laws for stimulants and for narcotics, but no appreciable difference in how theyre prosecuted.)

Marijuana users in Japan are also branded as criminals, but can they also be described as being ill? In many countries now, pot itself is used to treat certain medical conditions. The demonization of drug users is a function of the demonization of recreational drugs, regardless of whether or not they lead to addiction.

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Once a drug user in Japan, always an outcast - The Japan Times

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J. Talbot Manvel: Declaration of Independence joined morality and law – CapitalGazette.com

Posted: at 9:48 am

On the Fourth of July we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence, which Ayn Rand called the "greatest document in human history." Why? Because it was the first time that society was subordinated to moral law. In her seminal essay, "Man's Rights," Rand wrote:

"The principle of man's individual rights represented an extension of morality into the social system as a limitation on the power of the state, as man's protection against the brute force of the collective, as the subordination of might to right. The United States was the first moral society in history."

Previously, men were ruled either by a king who claimed a divine right to rule, or by an elite few supposedly blessed with some superior insight, or by the many, through the mob rule of democracy. Rights were considered grants of permission that could be withdrawn whenever the one, the few or the many dictated. Man was here to sacrifice his life to king or council or to society for the greater good.

America's Founding Fathers changed that. For the first time in history society was subordinated to moral law by making the protection of individual rights government's purpose. Eleven years later they crafted the U.S. Constitution, with the guiding principles that limited government's powers with a series of checks and balances, and the Bill of Rights, demanded by the people for their consent to the Constitution.

As a work of logic, the declaration is a syllogism that it, is a logical argument containing a major premise, a minor premise and a conclusion. The major premise is Thomas Jefferson's brilliant summation of John Locke's theory of government, captured in the first sentence of the declaration's second paragraph, which is worth reading today:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness."

Meredith Newman

Annapolis cancels Fourth of July parade, but Severna Park, others march on

Annapolis cancels Fourth of July parade, but Severna Park, others march on (Meredith Newman)

The minor premise is the list of 27 grievances against the king of Great Britain, who was seeking "the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states."

Notice there is not one grievance against the king for not providing for the "needs of the people." The Founding Fathers understood that for governments to provide for "needs" it must take from the haves to give to the have-nots, which violates the rights of the haves. Indeed, the American colonists, rich and poor, felt the king's lash violating their rights as he plundered their towns to provide for his needs to impose tyranny on them.

The declaration's conclusion is: "We therefore, the representatives of the United States of America ... solemnly publish and declare that these colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states."

As the result of this revolutionary founding, America blossomed into the wealthiest nation in the world. In her speech at West Point to the Corps of Cadets, Ayn Rand paid tribute to America:

"I can say not as a patriotic bromide, but with full knowledge of the necessary metaphysical, epistemological, ethical, political and esthetic roots that the United States of America is the greatest, the noblest and, in its founding principles, the only moral country in the history of the world."

Enjoy and celebrate the 241st anniversary of the founding of America.

Long-time Annapolis resident Talbot Manvel is graduate of the Naval Academy, St. John's College and the Ayn Rand Institute. Contact him at talmanvel@icloud.com.

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J. Talbot Manvel: Declaration of Independence joined morality and law - CapitalGazette.com

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Libertarian Party is trending upwards in Nebraska – 1011now

Posted: at 9:46 am

LINCOLN, Neb. (KOLN) - When you think politics, the parties that typically come to mind are republicans and democrats, but a third party is growing across Nebraska: The Libertarian Party.

One Nebraska senator describes the Libertarian ideals as promoting as little government interference in everyday life as possible, lower taxes, and a free market.

"I vote for the people who I think are going to do the job, I want them to act on their values," said Trevor Reilly.

Reilly is the chair for the Lancaster County Libertarian Party, but just a few years ago he was in the marines and a registered Republican, then he decided he wanted a change.

"Being a prior Republican I didn't agree with a lot of it, I didn't agree with the Trump media going on, so when I found the Libertarian party, I jumped into the campaign," said Reilly.

Trevor's not the only high ranking Libertarian who is a former member of the Grand Old Party.

Senator Laura Ebke is the only Libertarian senator in the unicameral, and said the political shift is becoming more and more apparent.

"I think that what we are finding is that people, especially young folks, are more and more turned off by the partisan rancor that goes on," said Senator Ebke.

Right now there are less than 13,000 registered Libertarians, but Senator Ebke believes this is only the start.

"I'd like to see it be a competitive party I think that a long ways coming, but I think we can become an influential party," said Senator Ebke.

The latest registered voter numbers show the Libertarian party is growing at a faster rate than the two major parties.

These numbers from the Nebraska Secretary of State show the percentages of registered Libertarians in Nebraska are just a little more than 1% of the almost 1.2 million Nebraska voters, but it's trending upwards.

Party members understand they are still a very small percentage, but there are plans to grow.

"Starting to run people for local elections, city county offices, school board and things like that, so I think that's a win and that's a way you build a party," said Senator Ebke.

And there are now specific benchmarks Libertarians want to hit by the next presidential election.

"Right now the state party's goal is to actually get 50,000 registered Libertarian voters by 2020," said Reilly.

"If we get to 50,000 that's big, for Nebraska, that's a significant amount of the voting population, and we can make a difference in a lot of elections then," said Senator Ebke.

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Libertarian Party is trending upwards in Nebraska - 1011now

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Meet the guerrilla artist plastering a liberal metropolis with pro-Trump posters – Washington Post

Posted: at 9:46 am

Look, its Sabo, the conservative guerrilla artist of Los Angeles. A rare sighting. Sort of.

Hewas spotted this weeksmotheringrent-a-bike baskets withMake America Great Again stickers in one of the most liberal cities in the country. On a wall between two movie ads, heslapped upposters of President Trump in the lotus position, serenely raising two middle fingers to whomever.

And stuckto a sidewalk bench, before Sabodisappeared back into semi-anonymity: REPUBLICANS ARE THE NEW PUNK.

The news profiles saySabo, 49,works under darkness adorninga city that overwhelmingly wantedHillary Clinton forpresidentwith posters of her wearingan ill-fitting thong, tattoos and nothing elsebefore the election; andportraying the transgender icon Caitlyn Jenner as a monster clownfrom the movie Itearlier this year.

But Mondays spottingtook place in broad daylight, so afilm crew couldfollow Saboaround.

Peopleused to doubt Sabo even existed, so novel wasstreet art with conservativepolitics,David Weigel wrotefor The Washington Post in 2015.

He rosefrom obscurity on the streets ofLos Angeles to become a minor starin 2015 by encouraging Sen. Ted Cruz to run for president.

The artist had portrayedCruz asa muscled rebel against conventional politics, covered in prison tattoos.

The Texas Republican did run for president, and Sabo a retired Marine who named himself after a round of ammunition lent the candidate his urbanstreet cred, absorbing fame in exchange.

Sabowas then all over Fox News and CNN, and ever since has stoked his celebrity with artwork perfectly synced to the spasms of national politics.

[How Ted Cruzs street artist gets it done]

Sabo hasmanaged this evenafter some of hisracial-slur-filled tweets made newsin early 2016, promptingCruz to stopselling his works.

But the artist would go on to find other muses.

Saboslatest round of attention a short documentary withRuptly and a profile in the Guardianlast month follows him as he plasters Los Angeles in pro-Trump art, his latest guerrilla campaign.

At the beginning of his fame,heopenly despised Trump.

Hes a circus clown, the artist told the Daily Beastin early 2016, when he began selling posters ofTrump as Il Douchin military garb The Reich Choice.

Despite his early disdain for the man who is now president I just didnt think we had the luxury of taking a chance of electing a reality star, he told The Post Sabo used the Republicanslikeness to poster-bomb an L.A. art showsupporting Democratic candidate Bernie Sandersin January of that year.

In Sabos imagination and the walls around the gallery Trump was depicted asa human finger, rising from the center of a disembodied fist.

Trump-as-middle-finger was not an ambiguous statement, Sabo told The Post. It was asymbol of contemptfor the art world.

More than any ephemeral political fury, Sabo is fueled by disdain for his fellow artists. Hesettled in Californiaafter a stint in the Marines in the 1980s, he told The Post, and studied art in Pasadena before moving to Los Angeles, where the liberal culture scene turned his stomach.

For eight years, Obama was dropping missiles on wedding parties, he said. A lot of these artists in L.A. were doing pretty pictures. They werent doing anything.

Prime example: Shepard Fairey, whose art essentially became Obamas campaign poster. AndSabo is more often compared to Banksy a conservative inversion of that world-famous street artist and his progressive causes.

[Banksys striking new mural imagines Steve Jobs as a Syrian refugee]

But Banksy works in true anonymity; the world has never seen his face.

Sabos face wasfully visible graying beard and calm smile in a photo that ran above aCNN story on Election Day, when the artistdeclared he would be voting for theman he once calledIl Douch.

One thing Trump consistently did was attack the media and attack liberals, Sabo explained toThe Post. I fell in love with the guy the minute I realized.

His conversiondidnt seem to hurt his credibility. Sabo appeared on Fox News with Tucker Carlson in February, after plastering Hollywood with posters attacking the Oscar lineup as unwatchable movies from unreadable books.

Carlson called it a pretty coherent critique of Hollywood.

But two months later, Sabo would be poster-bombing the same Fox News host asCarlson prepared to interview Caitlyn Jenner about transgender rights under President Trump.

Sabo put upfake movie posters around the studio:Tonight on Tucker Carlson. IT.

And so it goes: a cycle of bombastic street art, offensive tweets and surprisingly polite interviews with the same media that Sabo says he loves Trump for attacking.

Heis no longer the only conservative street artist in Los Angeles,the Guardian noted when it profiledhim last week,and some on the right consider Sabo a showboater.

For his part, he portrayed himself to the magazine as more introspective than his art suggests.

The blacks, the Jews, the underdogs no one has a bigger heart for them than me, Sabo told the Guardian.

On the phone with The Post, Sabo said he told the same Guardian reporter that he would happily kill liberals along with militant Muslims when the great culture war came.

That line wasnt inthe profile.

Anyway, Sabo is pushing up on 50 now, a little tired of the media rounds, he says, and he no longer stalks the streets of Los Angeles every single night.

Hes thinking of taking a few months off to study up on the latestPhotoshop techniques, he said.

The artistsanonymity has withered a bit under all the media attention, too. His neighborsall pretty much know who he is, he said.

The girls upstairs are probably social justice warriors, Sabosaid. A Mexican-Mexican Latina chick, and a blue-haired writer, both super liberal. They both tolerate me. We just wont talk politics that much.

And looking back onall his artwork, he is not without second thoughts about some pieces.

The posters depicting Jenneras a monster, for instance.

I thought it was a funny idea, but I knew it was hurtful, he said.I dont care if youre gay. I dont look down upon you or anything like that.

Sabohas since designeda sequel to that series. Restroom woman symbols, he explained, with male genitals coming out of the figures dress.

IT, the stickersread.

Sabohasnt put them on display yet; heisnt sure he has the heart. A tweet from last week suggests otherwise. And anyway,youcanbuy them on his Web store.

More reading:

Banksy takes on Brexit in new mural

Fearless Girl ignites debate about art, Wall Street and the lack of female executives

10 years after his graffiti campaign, the artist known as Borf paints a new life

How Yayoi Kusama, the Infinity Mirrors visionary, channels mental illness into art

Originally posted here:

Meet the guerrilla artist plastering a liberal metropolis with pro-Trump posters - Washington Post

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Liberal States Get Jittery as Trump Looks to Clamp Down on Voter Fraud – Breitbart News

Posted: at 9:46 am

Trumps Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity has asked the states to hand over data from their voter rolls. According to Axios, that includes voter information regardingfelony convictions, military status, and voter history. They have set a deadline for the middle of July.

However, the outlet reports that the commission is getting pushback from mainly liberal states such as California, Virginia, Connecticut, and Vermont with some refusing to comply altogether and others handing over what is publicly available. However, some red states, such as Oklahoma and Kentucky (which is headed by a Democratic governor), have also pushed back againstthe effort.

Trump has frequently highlighted alleged cases of voter fraud and has even claimed that he would have won the popular vote in the 2016 election if the number of illegally cast votes wasdiscounted. In May he signed an executive order setting up the commission to investigate those reports.

However, the states objecting have said they wont comply if they believe the effort is more likely to produce voter suppression rather than the stated goal of election integrity.

Californias Secretary of State, Alex Padilla, objected in part to anti-immigration hardliner and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobachs appointment as vice chair of the commission.

His role as vice chair is proof that the ultimate goal of this commission is to enact policies that will result in the disenfranchisement of American citizens, he said.

This entire commission is based on the specious and false notion that there was widespread voter fraud last November, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a close Clinton ally, said in a statement. At best this commission was set up as a pretext to validate Donald Trumps alternative election facts, and at worst is a tool to commit large-scale voter suppression.

It is not clear how such a commission could be used to commit voter suppression. States such as Alabama, Missouri, and Kansas have said they would provide the information, Axios reported.

Groups that highlight alleged cases of voter fraud referred to McAuliffes statement as posturing.

McAuliffes posturing should surprise no one. Every time someone takes a good look at Virginias voter roll, they find evidence of election crimes that his policies inspired, Logan Churchwell, spokesman for the Public Interest Legal Foundation, an election integrity group, told The Washington Free Beacon.

Adam Shaw is a politics reporter for Breitbart News based in New York. Follow Adam on Twitter: @AdamShawNY


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Liberal States Get Jittery as Trump Looks to Clamp Down on Voter Fraud - Breitbart News

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Pope Francis drops conservative German Cardinal Mller for more liberal option – Deutsche Welle

Posted: at 9:46 am

Pope Francis shook-up the Vatican's administration Saturday by replacing the church's top theologian with whom he often clashed.

Pope Francis chose not to renew the five-year term of 69-year-old German Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Mller, who headed the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith, which is responsible for defending Catholic doctrine.

Instead, the pope has turned to the department's deputy, Archbishop Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer. Like Francis, Ladaria is a Jesuit with a more liberal view of theology.

The pope has upset conservatives by suggesting that a ban on remarried divorcees taking Holy Communion could, in carefully scrutinized circumstances, be overcome without the traditional annulment. Mller, one of the pontiff's chief critics, said such an approach undermined Catholic dogma on the permanent natureof marriage.

In 2015 Mller was among 13 cardinals who signed a secret letter to the pontiff complaining that a meeting of bishops discussing family issues was stacked in favor of liberals. The letter was leaked to the media, embarrassing the signatories.

Pope,cardinal spar

German theologian Wolfgang Beinert said Mller and Francis never got along.

"They are chemistry-wise two different people who are incompatible by nature," he said. Beinert described the pope's decision to cut ties with Mller as a "punishment."

A priest, who works at the Vatican, and knows both Mller and his replacement, Ladaria, said the latter will get along with Pope Francis much better.

"They speak the same language and Ladaria is someone who is meek. He does not agitate the pope and does not threaten him," said the priest, who didn't want to be identified.

Since becoming pope in 2013, Francis has given hope to more progressive voices inside the church who want him to push ahead with his vision for a more tolerant church that focuses more on mercy than on a strict enforcement of rigid rules, which they see as outdated.

Mller's ouster was the second major shakeup at the Vatican this week. On Thursday, Francis granted Vatican hardliner Cardinal George Pella leave of absence to return to his native Australiato face trial on sexual assault charges.

The absence of Mller and Pell, the two most powerful cardinals in the Vatican, after the Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, will likely create a power vacuum for the conservative wing in the Holy See hierarchy.

Mller was also allegedly lax in addressing sexual abuse cases that have come before the Vatican. During his tenure victims from Latin America, Europe and beyond came forward to press their cases.

Last year the pope confirmed there was a 2,000-case backlog, and he set about naming new officials in the congregation's discipline section to process the overload.

bik/jm (Reuters, AP, dpa)

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Independence Day and Fiscal Responsibility – Summit NJ News … – TAPinto.net

Posted: at 9:45 am

The4th of Julyis far more than hotdogs, fireworks, and swimming. Its a time to reflect upon the sacrifices our forbearers made so that we would be free, that liberty would reign among all.

Foremost among those liberties was economic freedom, often summarized in the phrase: No taxation without representation.

Unfortunately, our economic freedom is very much in peril. Puerto Rico is essentially bankrupt. The Virgin Islands may soon follow. Illinoiss debt ratings have been slashed to near junk, and unpaid bills total over $14 billion. Our Federal debt has nearly doubled to $20 Trillion in the last nine years. No economist believes those trends are sustainable.

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New Jersey is in very difficult straits, too. Its public pensions are massively underfunded, and our politicians are loathe to come up with concrete plans to remedy.

Here in Summit we are very proud of our triple A credit rating. But, ultimately our footing is no better than the ship we stand in, and Summit and its taxpayers must ultimately backstop our States financial responsibilities. Indeed, the auditors of the Board of Education have required a notation in our financial statements of our contingent responsibility for the pension obligations of BOE employees.

Evaluate each candidate this election season with a simple question. Are they more apt to exercise fiscal restraint, look for the most efficient approach to each problem, and treat the taxpayers dime as if it were their own? Or, are they inclined to say tax my neighbor or the next generation, we are owed this new goodie, and appeal to the short term desires of their supporters?

I am proud of my financial record as Board of Education President, two time chair of the Operations Committee of the Board of Education, and three time member of the Board of School Estimate, as all budgets have come in below the mandated cap.Yet such fiscal discipline has had no adverse impact on the quality of our educational system; we were recently ranked quite highly in the national media for quality of our programs.

If elected as the At Large Candidate to Common Council, I would bring this fiscal experience and diligence to the issues that face our great City.

I wish you and your family a most enjoyable4th of July!

David Dietze is the Republican candidate for Summit Common Council, At-Large.

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Independence Day and Fiscal Responsibility - Summit NJ News ... - TAPinto.net

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GST will be India’s ‘economic freedom’, says Anil Ambani – The Hindu

Posted: at 9:45 am

The Hindu
GST will be India's 'economic freedom', says Anil Ambani
The Hindu
The leadership advantage is backed by strong macro-economic stability, he said while adding that the economy has moved from low inflation to high growth, from fiscal rectitude to prudential current account management, and from one of the highest ...

and more »

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GST will be India's 'economic freedom', says Anil Ambani - The Hindu

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Financial matters: American independence and economic freedoms – Helena Independent Record

Posted: at 9:45 am

On Tuesday we proudly celebrate Independence Day. We celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence which proclaims that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

In a time of kings and monarchs it was a bold declaration to state that governments derive their powers from the consent of the governed. It was equally as bold to define the proper role of government as securing a persons unalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

In declaring their independence from England the colonies had several complaints against King George III and the State of Great Britain; the one we all remember is taxation without representation.

Under British rule the colonies operated under an economic and trade system known as mercantilism. Leading up to the American Revolution, British mercantilism required that all goods and trade imported or exported through the colonies had to travel on British ships and through British ports. In this way those goods and trade could be taxed and levied with tariffs and duties.

The most famous of the taxes Great Britain levied on the colonies were the Stamp Act of 1765 and the Tea Act of 1773. The Stamp Act required that all legal documents and printed material must bear a stamp provided by commissioned distributors who would collect the tax in exchange for the stamp. It applied to wills, deeds, newspapers, pamphlets, and even playing cards. The Tea Act imposed duties on imported tea. It was an effort to rescue the financially weakened British East India Company. The Tea Act led to the famous Boston Tea Party.

Smuggling was a big problem for the British Crown in the colonies. The colonies smuggled goods in and out to avoid the taxes and duties that the British Crown was able to levy under mercantilism. For much of the colonial period the Crown had a policy of salutary neglect which meant that the trade laws which most hurt the colonies were not enforced. However, that changed with the implementation of the Stamp and Tea Acts which helped spark the American Revolution.

It is important to understand our history and heritage, including the principals set forth in the Declaration of Independence. As the British statesman and philosopher Edmund Burke who served in the House of Commons and spoke out in support of the American colonies in their dispute with King George III said, Those who dont know history are doomed to repeat it.

In the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson and our founding fathers established that the new United States would be based upon the principals that our liberties and rights are not granted by government, but are instead unalienable and that government derives its powers from the consent of the governed, not that the governed are granted rights from the government.

As we watch and listen to the debates on healthcare legislation, tax policy, financial and other types of regulation, the debt ceiling, the federal budget, etc., take place over the next several months, try to think about those issues in the light of the principals set forth in the Declaration of Independence. For example, how will a rise in the debt ceiling and a corresponding increase in the federal debt help to secure our unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? And does the passage of any proposed piece of legislation or implementation of regulation serve the government or the governed?

I suspect our founding fathers would have a vastly different view of our laws and government than is common place in our day.

Barry Nielsen has worked in capital markets for over 20 years with a focus on fixed income portfolio and risk management. He has an MBA from George Mason University and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. He currently works for Opportunity Bank of Montana.

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Financial matters: American independence and economic freedoms - Helena Independent Record

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5 powerful steps towards financial independence and retiring early … – Motley Fool UK

Posted: at 9:45 am

Kevin Godbold | Sunday, 2nd July, 2017

Many people dream of retiring early with enough money to be able to do as they please for the rest of their lives. Turning that dream into reality is possible, as long as you take it seriously and commit to taking action. I reckon that if you take these five steps you?ll be well on your way to creating the conditions necessary for you to retire early and be financially secure. It probably won?t be easy to achieve, but with persistence and determination, I?m sure you can make it happen.

1. Believe you can do it

Many fail to achieve

Many people dream of retiring early with enough money to be able to do as they please for the rest of their lives. Turning that dream into reality is possible, as long as you take it seriously and commit to taking action.

I reckon that if you take these five steps youll be well on your way to creating the conditions necessary for you to retire early and be financially secure. It probably wont be easy to achieve, but with persistence and determination, Im sure you can make it happen.

Many fail to achieve financial freedom because deep down they dont really believe they can do it, so they end up fighting against self-sabotage.

Accumulating a fortune seems like a daunting task when you are at the beginning of the journey, and I reckon many people have a tendency to give up in a thousand little ways along the way. Perhaps you end up blowing your savings on that holiday of a lifetime. Perhaps you keep on doing that kind of thing. If youre striking for early retirement, thats self-sabotage.

To be successful, I think step one is to adopt a mindset of belief and determination that will guide you on your journey and help you make better choices along the way.

With your can-do mindset in place, step two is to grab your finances by the whatsits and get in control of debts and outgoings with the aim of living below your means. Its a well-touted concept, but it works.

Spend less than you earn and cultivate a saving habit. Plan to save, and work your plan as hard as you can. If you do that, the magic starts to happen.

This is like step two, but magnified then put into action and underlines just how important control of yourmoney is. With your domestic finances working better, step three is to really toughen up and act decisively, bearing down on personal outgoings and making hard choices. Hone the management of domestic finances until they work like a well-oiled machine so you can squeeze every penny possibleout of the leaky bucket and direct it towards your dream of financial freedom.

Im not suggesting a life of total abstinence and austerity, just a measured, balanced and controlled approach to your finances with you firmly in charge. Every pound counts because those pounds will compound over time into many more pounds.

Now that youve fixed all the leaks in your domestic budget step four is to direct your creativity to earn more income. Direct the surplus you earn straight to building up your savings and dont be tempted to self-sabotage by raising your standard of living and spending if you are already enjoying a happy and fulfilling lifestyle.

After applying yourself to building up your saved capital, step five is to make that money work hard for you by looking for ways to compound it, such as investing on the stock market.

Over time, shares have outperformed all other asset classes and you can get involved by using such vehicles as low-cost index tracking funds, managed funds, directed stock-picking services such as those offered here at the Motley Fool, or by embracing the concept of private investing completely and picking your own shares and investments.

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5 powerful steps towards financial independence and retiring early ... - Motley Fool UK

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