Daily Archives: June 27, 2017

Jennifer Garner, Ben Affleck spend time together in Bahamas – Blasting News

Posted: June 27, 2017 at 7:35 am

#Ben Affleck and #Jennifer Garner have been divorced for weeks. However, the ex-couple continues to spend time with each other even if they are not together anymore.

A few years ago, Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck announced that they were getting divorced. However, the ex couple's divorce filing took them almost two years to actually file. Still, the "Pearl Harbor" actors continue to spend time together with their kids as a family.

According to a recent report by The Inquisitr, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner are believed to be in the Bahamas for a vacation together with their children, Seraphina, Samuel and Violet.

Their family is reportedly in Baker's Bay, which is a private resort near the Abacos area where the ex-couple also owns a house.

The publication unveiled that Garner, Affleck and the kids strive to visit the Bahamas every year. Even if they are already divorced, the ex-couple still plan to continue visiting the place and their home as a family.

An insider even told X17 that Garner and Affleck are trying to make their children feel that they are still a normal family. As per an insider, the exes are staying in different bedrooms, but their treatment to each other has not changed at all.

The publication even claimed that Garner and Affleck want their children to feel that their family is still complete. They have decided to take their children for a trip because they are out of school for vacation.

The family reportedly loves staying on the beach and have family meals together.

As for their three kids, reports claimed that they are still adjusting to the effects of the ex couple's divorce. The children are still trying to get used to living without their dad at home. Affleck already moved out of their Pacific Palisades house after their divorce filing.

Meanwhile, Affleck is reportedly doing well as he lives alone in his new home. Fortunately, the "Miracles from Heaven" actress visits the "Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice" with their kids from time to time. The publication revealed that the girls even chose the home decors for their rooms in his home.

Reports revealed that Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck are doing their best to be the best parents to their kids, Samuel, Seraphina and Violet. #jennifer garner and ben affleck latest news

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Like an Offshore Drive-In: D’Backs 6, Phillies 1 – The Good Phight

Posted: at 7:34 am

Welcome home from work! Go play with your kids or talk to a neighbor or just frolic in the sunshine! Thats what I imagine the Phillies were collectively telling us with this game. You probably couldnt watch the beginning and by the time you could watch there wasnt a point.

This game was over early. I could tell because in the third inning John Kruk suggested that Daniel Descalso run from first on a 3-2 count just to work on things. You know, because the Phillies are a summer-long spring training squad. The score at that point was 5-0. By the end of the inning it would be 6-0 and the Phillies starting pitcher, Nick Pivetta, would be done for the afternoon.

Pivetta lasted just 8 outs, walking 5, K-ing 3, and allowing 7 hits, i.e., almost as many as outs. It was a terrible start for a young pitcher riding a small wave of success. In his previous two outings hed blanked the Red Sox for 7 innings and dominated the Cardinals to a tune of 10 Ks to 1 BB. In those games, he threw his fastball for strikes and kept hitters off-balance with a slider, curveball, changeup mix. By way of contrast, today Pivetta could not control, let alone command, his fastball, and his secondary pitches became ineffective as a result. The problem announced itself from the first batter. Pivetta worked ahead of Chris Hermann 0-2 with fastballs in the zone but not particularly well located. Hermann wasted a few fastballs and took others to get back even in the count. Pivetta couldnt put him away. Then, on the last pitch, Pivetta grooved a fastball a little above the knees and right down the middle. Hermann slashed it into the right-center pool where some Phillies fans were partying. (They dutifully threw the ball back.) Pivetta bounced back in that first inning, fanning two. But the signs of his unravelling were already present. For the next inning and a third it would be a struggle for him just to keep his fastball in the zone, let alone keep it off of barrels. If not for a double play following three consecutive walks in the second, Pivetta probably wouldnt have made it into the third inning at all.

The suspense of the game was neutered early, but thats not to say the Phillies didnt have a chance to make it interesting. Diamondbacks starter, Zack Greinke, did not have his command to start the contest either. Daniel Nava led off the game with single. Freddy Galvis followed that with an at-bat where he saw exactly 2 of 7 pitches in the zone. Unfortunately, Galvis swung at all but 2 of those pitches. He did manage to crush the last one to centerfield, but Rey Fuentes cruised underneath it. Aaron Altherr would then single to keep the pressure on Greinke. But in the end, Greinke channelled his inner Monica Seles and grunted his way out of the inning. (Literally, he was grunting on every pitch. Ive never noticed him doing this before.)

That inning was particularly frustrating because two of the outs came in at-bats that should have been walks. Ive already mentioned Galviss at-bat. The other was Odubel Herreras. Herrera got ahead 3-1 by taking close pitches. But once the count went 3-2 Herrera swung at everything, close or not. Surprisingly, Herrera made contact with a lot of those pitches and made Greinke work. But eventually Greinke caught on, bounced a slider in front of the plate, and watched Herrera wave at it vainly. Herrera has had a stellar June thanks to an outrageous (but mostly earned) BABIP. If he wants to avoid these swings from abyss to peak, he needs to turn those kinds of at-bats into walks. Despite how well hes hit this month, hes still barely walking.

After the third inning, where Pivetta finally fell apart, the game turned on the autopilot. Greinke cruised until the fifth, where his struggles returned, he surrendered a run, and ended his outing short. Daniel Nava, who had a good game, drove in that run. Hoby Milner and Ricardo Pinto both got their second chances to make an impression in the bigs and fared better than in their first. But for the most part it was just professional baseball played by professionals and indistinguishable from the myriad of other games this afternoon. (Whats that? There was only one other game this afternoon because afternoon games on Mondays are like drive-in movie showings on an off-shore oil rig? Oh. Well, maybe thats for the best.)

The Phillies move on from Arizona and head to Washington to face the Mariners. Everyone say, Hi, Chooch!

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Like an Offshore Drive-In: D'Backs 6, Phillies 1 - The Good Phight

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GeoSea secures offshore wind installation work – Splash 247

Posted: at 7:34 am

June 27th, 2017 Jason Jiang Europe, Offshore 0 comments

DEME Groups offshore marine engineering subsidiary GeoSea has received a notice to proceed from Siemens for fabrication and offshore installation of 16 wind turbine foundations and one offshore transformer module for the EnBW Albatros offshore wind farm.

The project will cover an area of around 11 sq km and will feature 16 turbines with a total installed capacity of 112 megawatts.

Fabrication of the foundations is expected in 2017 and 2018 whilst offshore installation will take place in 2018 together with the offshore installation of the EnBW Hohe See offshore wind farm.

We see the award of the Albatros project as a recognition by our Clients of our continuous strive for efficiency and synergies in the execution of projects. Our presence in Germany also strengthens our relationships with all our German partners and as offshore foundation specialist we are proud to support Siemens in the entry to the German offshore wind market with the Siemens Offshore Transformer Module (OTM). The Albatros contract gives continuity to our project portfolio in Germany and will be handled by our local project team of experts from our regional offices in Bremen, said Christopher Iwens, general manager of DEMEs German subsidiaries.

Jason Jiang

Jason worked for a number of logistics firms following his English degree, then switched this hands-on experience to writing and has since become one the most prolific writers on the diverse China logistics industry writing for a host of titles including Supply Chain Asia, Cargo Facts and Air Cargo Week. Jasons access to the biggest shippers with business in China has proved an invaluable source of exclusives.

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President Trump’s offshore executive order is an important first step – TribTalk

Posted: at 7:34 am

The Obama administration is gone, but many of its last-minute regulatory changes remain. Rushed through and foisted on a public preoccupied with selecting their future leader, it is entirely appropriate that the Trump administration recently announced important regulatory reviews of these changes as part of its Implementing an America-First Offshore Energy Strategy executive order.

Among the most important regulations the executive order will review is an obscure Notice to Lessees from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). An under-the-radar move, it raised the financial assurance requirements on energy companies operating in the Gulf of Mexico. Should it stand, this innocuous-sounding policy measure will sweep the legs out from under independent drilling operators. That would be disastrous for a Texas economy already fighting significant headwinds.

Talk about a direct affront. Texas pulled the U.S. economy out of the Great Recession, adding one of every seven new American jobs between 2010 and 2014. But Obamas harsh anti-petroleum mindset led his administration to kick this gift horse hard, with executive and agency actions entirely adverse to pro-growth policies our communities need right now. The Lone Star State is feeling the damage. Since 2014, Texas has lost over 90,000 oil, gas, and mining jobs.

Its no wonder so many Texans rallied around Donald Trump. As a candidate, Trump recognized that oil and gas is overregulated and as president, he has shown his intention to put America back to work. He realizes this will require a strong energy industry. Rolling back the BOEM notice offers an early opportunity to remove the yoke from oil and gas companies and to bolster our nations growth.

Applied properly, financial assurance is a common-sense requirement. To qualify for a lease, energy companies currently must put up bonds or other collateral to ensure there will be funds to decommission a well once the oil and gas have been extracted. This ensures that bankruptcy or malfeasance cant endanger the environment or force taxpayers to foot the bill to plug a well.

The previous financial assurance guidelines were highly effective for decades, even as the industry stared down falling prices and some failed enterprises. Nonetheless, the BOEM made the unilateral decision to require larger bonds or more capital set-asides without a clear rationale.

There are several problems with this. First, higher financial assurance requirements siphon off funds that could be spent on energy exploration, job creation and investment in environmental safety, including well decommissioning itself.

More concerning is the fact that most small operators will be simply unable to comply. Unlike large multinationals, independent energy companies generally lack sufficient capital assets for collateral, so they depend on bonds. But experts suggest the bond market cannot absorb the exponential increase in demand stemming from the BOEMs guidelines.

If ending the day of independent oil and gas operations is the intention, there are few more effective ways to achieve it. Without access to bonds, independent companies cannot get or keep leases to drill. Without leases, they cannot stay in business and their employees will be pounding the pavement looking for jobs.

A study by Opportune LLC outlines the national impacts: production falling by the equivalent of 367 million barrels of oil, a $10 billion hit to GDP, and 85,000 fewer jobs. Thats too high a price to pay. Given the role of Gulf energy in our economy, Texas will bear a disproportionate share of the pain.

There is an alternative. President Trump and Congress are poised to take action to reverse the crippling changes to financial assurance guidelines and the myriad of other rushed anti-oil and gas administrative actions forced in the 11thhour by the departing Obama administration. Domestic energy production is central to the economy, to job creation and national security. All were cited as top priorities for a Trump administration, so we are pleased these new leaders in Washington feel the urgency of action.

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President Trump's offshore executive order is an important first step - TribTalk

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Come See the Value Opportunities I Saw on the High Seas – TheStreet.com

Posted: at 7:34 am

I was out of pocket last week, sailing the high seas aboard a cruise ship bound for Bermuda, and my plan was to try and ignore all things investment-related. We all need a break from this crazy world of the markets from time to time, and I was doing pretty well, at least for a while. However, it is difficult to suppress that side of my brain for long, and I was caught several times checking out the happenings on my iPad.

While it does not look like I missed all that much last week, at least in the ever-narrowing world of value, there were plenty of investment-related observations to be made aboard our ship. First, the cruise industry seems like a cash machine. We were on a Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. (NCLH) ship, and they seem to have it all figured out, especially how to compel passengers to part ways with their money. As my son observed, putting the casino in the middle of everything, out in the open with no doors -- you had to walk through it to get anywhere -- is a brilliant way to draw moths to the lights. For its efforts, NCLH boasts low-teen net profit margins. Yet those of Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. (RCL) and Carnival Corp. (CCL) are even higher, in the mid to high-teens.

Meanwhile, I also noticed a lot of step-counting going on as Fitbit Inc. (FIT) devices were plentiful, even among the 20-plus family members with whom we were traveling. FIT remains unpopular with investors, and seemingly with good reason. Its brief run as a cult stock has ended badly as revenue and guidance fell off of a cliff, leaving shares down 90% over the past two years. Nearly all the luster is gone, and along with it, so are expectations. It's the type of situation where most have given up, driving the stock price into the ground, that can be compelling.

Some would call it a falling knife, but Fitbit does have a long runway, with $726 million, or $3.21 in cash and short-term investments, and no debt. With so little expected, any good news -- a new product that re-engages consumers or some better-than-expected numbers -- may put some wind back into Fitbit's sails. FIT may turn out to be a great representation of the oscillation between greed and fear that plagues many of us as investors. Clearly, the stock was not worth $50 a share (greed), but at just over $5 a share (fear), you have to wonder. This one is not for the faint of heart, and I am under water so far on this trade, although I kept the initial position small, with the idea of adding opportunistically (or stupidly).

Fogo de Chao Inc. (FOGO) was also on my mind as my wife and I had dinner one night on the Norwegian Breakaway's version of a Brazilian steakhouse, our first visit. That was quite an experience, and not one to undertake if you are not overly hungry. While I've written endlessly about not being a big fan of the restaurant sector these days in light of potential headwinds and stretched valuations, Fogo de Chao is one of the few I have on my radar. At about 14 times 2018 consensus estimates and with profit margins in the high single digits, it is one of the cheaper names out there.

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Trouble on the High Seas – Raddington Report (blog)

Posted: at 7:34 am

A report out this month from global piracy watchdog Oceans Beyond Piracy (OBP) paints a mixed picture of crime on the high seas off Asian coastlines, long the piracy capital of the world. Although piracy remains an under-reported crime globally, reliable statistics on it have been collected by the International Maritime Bureau since 1993. Since then, nearly 60 percent of global pirate attacks have occurred in Asian waters.

Asias seas retained the dubious honor of being the worlds most dangerous in 2016, with South-East Asia posing a particular challenge for regional law enforcement agencies. Two-thirds of pirate attacks in Asia were concentrated in the South-East, with Indonesia alone accounting for 23 percent of world piracy (1993-2015) according to a recent report from the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime (GITOC). Nevertheless, during 2016 the number of recorded incidents of armed robbery and piracy at sea fell from 199 to 129, a fall of 35%. Meanwhile ,attacks in the second worst affected region, West Africa, rose steeply, nearly doubling from 54 incidents in 2015 to 95 in 2016.

Since the end of the Cold War, South-East Asian piracy has been a particular problem along the narrow, 800km long Straits of Malacca and the Singaporean coast; this global shipping superhighway sees more than 120,000 ships each year moving slowly along predictable shipping routes and unsurprisingly traffic there has long been targeted by hijackers, thieves and pirates. Asias littoral states have taken steps to crack down on criminal activity within their waters in recent years, with OBP suggesting that traffic transiting the Straits of Malacca and Singapore was now a lower risk following a fall in hijackings for cargo theft from 12 incidents in 2015 to just three in 2016.

Greater coordination between regional states has clearly had some impact. However, robbery and armed robbery continued to be the most common type of crime committed against merchant shipping in Asia. Meanwhile, a surge in kidnappings in the Sulu and Celebes Seas has led to a spike in violence in both those regions and caused great alarm among shipping circles. Perpetrators often moved their victims to land shortly afterward, where mistreatment and abuse were commonly reported after captives were released. OBP reported some captives were also used as slave labour by their kidnappers, who have executed several of their victims in 2016 and 2017.

In fact, there is a lot of overlap in the region between actors engaged in hijacking, armed robbery or kidnapping and groups involved in other criminal behaviours such as smuggling and terrorism. The GITOC reported that criminal syndicates involved in hijacking ships for cargo in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore had switched to smuggling because falling commodity prices made hijacking thefts less attractive in 2015-16. Meanwhile the surge in kidnapping for ransom in the Sulu and Celebes Seas was driven by the notorious Abu Sayyaf group, a fractious Filipino terrorist network with links to jihadist groups in the Middle East and East Asia. The group is supposedly fighting to establish an independent Islamic state in the southern Philippines but has alarmed Indonesia and Malaysia by disrupting trade routes with a string of hijackings at sea. Abu Sayyaf also blew up a ferry in Manila Bay during a 2004 bombing that killed 116 people.

Asias seas retained the dubious honor of being the worlds most dangerous in 2016, with South-East Asia posing a particular challenge for regional law enforcement agencies

The GITOC argues that the involvement of pirates in other types of crime is why any counter-piracy efforts at the multi-national level in the region must also include tackling other transnational maritime crimes. Other observers would add maritime terrorism and terrorist insurgencies on land are also fuelled by crime on the regions high seas. Islamist militants from several factions which have pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group recently joined together to battle Filipino troops in Marawi City. Their ranks include members of Abu Sayyaf, a leader of whom (Isnilon Hapilon), was named as Islamic States designated leader in the Philippines.

The battle in Marawi City began when troops moved to arrest Hapilon, only to find that in pursuit of his goal to establish a wilayat or Islamic State province, he had joined forces with a coalition of Islamists lead by an ex-criminal faction known as the Maute Group. The members of this group are extremely influential both within insurgency on Mindanao and with other groups of Islamic radicals across the South-East of Asia. A Singapore media outlet even reported that Indonesian terrorist network Jemaah Islamiyah had set up a training centre in the Southern Philippines to train foreign recruits attracted by the Maute Groups struggle, and warned of the threat posed to commercial shipping lines passing through the Philippine-Malaysian waters. But highlighting the porous separation between the Filipino criminal underworld and terrorism, siblings Omar and Abdullah Maute, the founders of the Maute Group, were petty criminals before they became leading extremists.

Partly due to terrorist-fuelled kidnappings, OBP reported that 2016 was much more violent year at sea than 2015, which saw no deaths. By contrast Malaysian security forces killed three perpetrators during a kidnapping incident aboard a fishing vessel in Semporna waters on 8 December 2016. Two other perpetrators and a hostage were left missing after the clash, in which several other kidnapped victims were freed. Meanwhile Abu Sayyaf militants murdered a German woman during a kidnapping attempt in 2016, and in 2017 they executed both her husband and Filipino sea captain seized with his crew last year. The threat posed to trade in the Sulu and Celebes Seas by the Abu Sayyaf group was so great that Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines agreed to launch the Sulu Sea Patrol Initiative (SSPI) last year.

Modelled on the Malacca Strait Sea Patrols Program (MSSP), which is credited for reducing hijackings in that region, the SSPI calls for coordinated air and naval patrols, intelligence sharing and a right of hot pursuit in emergencies. A large number of other countries have expressed an interest in involving themselves with the initiative in some capacity, including the US. Meanwhile, Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has called on China to aid the effort by sending ships to patrol the waters of his country plagued by pirate attacks on commercial shipping. However when the average cost of stolen goods per attack in Asian waters last year was $4.5 million and when only 23 arrests for pirate activity were made across the whole region, the effort to end piracy in Asias oceans clearly has some way to go.

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Councilor: Give minorities a stake in pot biz – Boston Herald

Posted: at 7:32 am

City Councilor Ayanna Pressley wants the marijuana legislation now churning its way through the State House to include language that helps minorities take part in the states nascent pot industry.

The single word is equity, Pressley said on Boston Herald Radio yesterday. If you take away the word cannabis and all that might go along with that, ultimately, this is about industry. And I want to make sure that everyone has an equitable opportunity to have full inclusion and participation in our economy, she said.

What we know is that a rising tide does not lift all boats, unless you are intentional about it. Im lobbying to ask the conference committee the equity provisions in the house and senate bill that we not have a one-off, that we include all of them to ensure that those who have been disproportionately impacted would have an opportunity in licensing, in ownership, and in workforce, and also that we have specific goals to minority business enterprise.

Pressley has said that there are prohibitive startup costs in obtaining a marijuana license, and that criminal checks may prevent some in Boston neighborhoods from getting jobs at facilities that sell marijuana.

It is a very blunt tool to introduce any industry by ballot measure, as we saw with medicinal marijuana, she said.

We were not ready, and we also saw zero equity in the medicinal marijuana industry. There were 182 applicants.

There were eight provisional licenses awarded, and not one went to a person of color. In the 20-plus states that have decriminalized and legalized marijuana before us, less than one percent of those dispensaries are owned by people of color.

Pressley said she opposes giving communities the power to ban marijuana dispensaries at the local level.

Im actually not in support of city councils having the jurisdiction, the authority to ban dispensaries, she said.

Ultimately in order to ensure real equity in the industry, this needs to be state-wide. I dont think that any one industry should be concentrated. Were not looking for folks to have a monopoly. This is about equity. ... Whats exciting about this, is that we have the opportunity by being intentional, and by being proactive, and being thoughtful about this to be the national blueprint, and the model for equity in the cannabis industry. No one has been able to get this right.

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Final Fantasy 15: Ascension Guide – Grids to Focus on – USgamer

Posted: at 7:28 am

Here's how to navigate Ascension, Final Fantasy 15's skill tree system.

Guide by USgamer Team, 06/27/2017.

Final Fantasy 15 features fun, fluid combat that's heavily influenced by action games, but at its heart is your party's progression as you level up, and here that's marked by the Ascension system. With so many categories of upgrades and pathways of nodes, though, it can be difficult to plan ahead and know what to work towards. Here's our Final Fantasy 15 Ascension guide to get you started on filling in the Ascension trees.

For more guides, tips, and opinions on Final Fantasy XV, check out Final Fantasy 15: Guides, Tips, Cheats, and More.

Like most Final Fantasy games, you still get experience which lets you level up and increase your stats, but you also get AP which you can use in Ascension, a skill tree system similar in concept to Final Fantasy X's Sphere Grid, but a lot less constrained. It's divided into eight categories: Armiger, Magic, Recovery, Techniques, Combat, Teamwork, Stats, Exploration, and Wait Mode. You can truly tailor your character growth to your playstyle, but let us walk you through where you should get started.

You're going to want to first get some basic battle functionality up and running. Blink and Airstep under the Combat grid are absolute musts, as they help you stay more nimble and defensive in combat. Airstep in particular works extremely well with polearms, resulting in combos that feel a lot like the Jump Dragoon ability from previous Final Fantasy games when combined with Death Drop, which is in a neighboring node. In the Teamwork grid, get Link Up to boost link-strike damage, but more importantly, to get access to Deathblow, which lets you close out battles faster after you leave an enemy Vulnerable. Also make sure and grab Analyze right away so you can use Libra in battles to learn enemy weaknesses. Boosting your HP in the Stats grid is a good idea, but it's even more vital to give your party access to two accessories as soon as possible.

One thing you're going to want to heavily prioritize, though, is getting more techniques for your characters. Their initial ones, Piercer, Mark, and Tempest, all do damage in slightly different ways, but end up being somewhat redundant quickly. Prompto should switch over to Starshell as soon as possible, as it makes for an excellent distraction/debuff that can turn the tide of battle against daemons. Ignis needs to go a little deeper to get Enhancement, but it's worth it, as it allows him to infuse Noctis's attacks with whatever element the current enemy is weak against, which is huge considering you only have limited quantities of magic spells to work with. Gladiolus should stay the course when it comes to damage-dealing Techs, so start by getting Cyclone and working your way up the branches to see which one works best for you. Lastly, don't forget that you have to equip new techs to your characters in the Gear menu.

Don't neglect the Exploration grid, as the earlier you can get some nodes on there going, the sooner you can start to rake in more and more AP to use on even more nodes. Roadrunning, Happy Camping, and Appetize are the three that you're going to get the most use out of. Aside from those, focus on getting nodes of things that you like doing more of. If you like fishing, go down the Angler Action branch. If you're going to be riding on chocobos a lot, get Chocobump. If you like racing chocobos, get Chocojockey. There's even one for using elemancy, Magic Action, but it's on the Magic grid. It's worth getting, though, as the node before it, Powercraft, gives you a nice head start when crafting new magic. For more tips on how to gain AP fast, check out Final Fantasy 15: Tips for Earning AP Fast.

Finally, when you get access to the Armiger grid, get Iron Armiger right away, as it will make your Armiger attacks last longer.

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Final Fantasy 15: Ascension Guide - Grids to Focus on - USgamer

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Psychedelics and Virtual Reality Make a Trendy but Illegal Therapy – Inverse

Posted: at 7:26 am

People have been altering their perceptions of reality for as long as there have been people, and in 2017, the newest and oldest tools for human transcendence are coming together: lately were eating psychedelic mushrooms to heighten or otherwise enhance our experience of virtual reality.

The relationship between people and psychedelic substances dates all the way back to prehistoric times. In his book Food of the Gods, notorious ethnobotanist and cultural critic Terence McKenna lays out his stoned ape theory of evolution, hypothesizing that hallucinogenic mushrooms were back in the day a staple food item, readily available from the ground. He suggests that these humble fungi acted as neurological lightning bolts, jumpstarting the brain development that saw Homo erectus turn into Homo sapien about 200,000 years ago.

McKennas suggestion is that psychedelics made the human mind modern. It makes at least a degree of sense: the digital, high-tech species that straps a virtual reality headset on its face was bound to first have a low-tech method for making the authentic world disappear. To put it reductively, you dont get to the Oculus Rift without going through a few magic mushrooms first.

Were alive at a time that we have access to both the new stuff and the old stuff, so what happens when these two perception-shifters tagteam each other? Whats it like to escape reality in analog and digital at the same time?

Alexandre Tomic, co-founder of Slotsmillion VR, the worlds first virtual reality casino, agreed to talk with Inverse on the record about combining psychedelics and VR.

My most recent psychedelic experience in virtual reality was about 9 months ago, says Tomic, who recalls using Tilt Brush, the virtual reality app by Google that lets users doodle in 3D space, and a horror video game.

I ordered mushrooms from a Dutch website, ate them dry, then played Tilt Brush and admired the magical colors. After that, I played Alien Isolation and screamed like a 17-year-old girl.

Tomic suggests that psychedelics work to make ones experience of virtual reality more real. The pixels are more prominent in virtual reality displays, so theres often a grid- or matrix-like effect as you play. Mushrooms make this effect stronger, resulting in more hallucinations you perceive the full environment as well as the grid that makes the environment possible. Super trippy.

Our present-day relationship with psychedelics doesnt much resemble that of our stoned ancestors. This category of drug were talking LSD, mushrooms, MDMA, and the like is federally classified as a Schedule 1 controlled substance, a family that includes heroin. Though psychedelics are federally criminalized, medical research professionals acknowledge them as bursting with potential for treating victims of trauma, PTSD, and other disorders.

See also: Why a soap company is investing millions to study MDMAs effects on PTSD

Psilocybin has been shown to be safe and non-addictive, George Greer, medical director of the Heffter Research Institute, the mission of which is to study psilocybin for cancer distress and addiction with the highest standards of scientific research. Greers organization has the primary funding body for psilocybin research throughout Europe and the United States for more than 20 years. Hes even done a reddit AMA about his work.

Early results indicate that, when used with medical screening and therapeutic support, it could be more effective at treating some significant psychiatric diseases than existing pharmaceutical approaches, and without having to take a medication every day, Greer tells Inverse. A single treatment has improved symptoms for months.

Virtual reality has also demonstrated therapeutic efficacy since the early 1990s. Ralph Lamson of the Kaiser Permanente Psychiatric Group cured his own acrophobia with VR technology between 1994 and 1995, then set up a scientific study to try to do the same thing with 40 study participants; 38 of them showed significant improvement.

See also: The scientific difference between LSD and mushrooms

Because this technology figuratively enables you to go anywhere and do anything, exposure therapy becomes completely safe. However real the sensation of fear and dread may be as a virtual spider crawls toward you, or as you peer over a steep ledge, nothing inside of virtual reality goggles can actually touch your body or harm you. The Heffter research team holds that psychedelics unexplored potential requires careful scientific study before they can be elevated to the status of mainstream medicine.

This careful scientific study is also being carried out by the Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies, whose research focuses on MDMA, an acronym for the chemical name 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine. MDMA has the greatest promise for PTSD, and we believe that it has the greatest chance to be approved by the FDA soonest among all psychedelics, Brad Burge, communications director for MAPS, a Santa Cruz, California-based non-profit, tells Inverse.

I think the use of VR to help cultivate a therapeutic setting could be quite valuable in the applications of psychedelic medicine, Merete Christiansen, executive associate at MAPS, tells Inverse.

Theres also the government: the Department of Defense has been actively funding virtual reality therapy research for soldiers returning from war, but theres no word about the DoD combining VR and MDMA, although research into using MDMA to treat post-traumatic stress disorder has a number of backers and research is beginning.

Tomic, the virtual reality casino operator, contextualizes his VR trips as an experiment in user interfaces.

We know when applications make information visual, that information speaks more directly to your brain. Mushrooms plus VR means we can create the interface to display this information, and give our brains the ability to see patterns that you couldnt see before, Tomic tells Inverse. You become able to relate things that seems completely unrelated.

Virtual reality and psychedelic drugs both have associations with nonproductive, pleasure-seeking behavior, but Tomic says this mentality should not figure into your VR trips. He specifies that does this home alone, in a work context; Im working on myself, not doing it recreationally. When youre young, you seek pleasure. When youre old, you seek happiness.

Pleasure is for losers, says the virtual reality casino entrepreneur.

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Psychedelics and Virtual Reality Make a Trendy but Illegal Therapy - Inverse

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Entheogens : Al-Kemi : spagyrics and alchemy

Posted: at 7:25 am

As we discussed in our post about our new line of Spagyrics, Theurgica, we have returned to our original focus on making Spagyrics to support meditation, ritual, and spiritual practice of all kinds. Many Spagyrics fitting this category were already part of our work, and as promised, here are a few more. Click here to go [...]

Weve been busy this Spring, what with setting up our new home and lab, working in our yard, and catching up on all the work we set aside during our move. Somewhere in there, we managed to create two new Spagyrics, and more are on the way. Our first new Spagyric isnt a new herb for [...]

Years ago, before we even met, Paul was in the rare books business, dealing in out of print and special books on Western esoterics, Alchemy, Qabalah, philosophy, alternative healing and science, and related topics. When we met, it was in his bookstore in Boulder, Colorado, and since then, both our relationship and our stock of [...]

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Note that this sale has expired; were leaving the post up so that the information about these Spagyrics is available. To see whats currently on sale, click here. Inspired by our new Vervain Alchymical Initiatic, we decided to have a 20% off sale on Old World initiatic [...]

To many of you, knowing and supporting our work for so long, that may seem like a very basic and easy to answer question. If so, thanks for paying attention all this time! But, if youre new to our work, or would just like a better understanding of what we do, this question is a [...]

February 26, 2012 by Micah Filed under News

Our newest Spagyric, an Alchymical Initiatic of Vervain,was inspired by my own Irish heritage and the deep reverence that many ancient European cultures held for this special plant. My own history with Vervain goes back a few years to a personal tradition I practice every year on Samhain, the ancient harvest festival more commonly known as [...]

Note that this sale has expired; were leaving the post up so that the information about these Spagyrics is available. To see whats currently on sale, click here. Looking out the window, searching the view for Nature to inspire us for a sale theme, all we see is water. Water falling from the [...]

Welcome to the conclusion of our series on the spiritual practice of flight and the plants that support it! In our first article, we talked about the legends and truths behind the witches flights, their brooms and ointments, and the tricky chemistry that practice entailed. In our second article, we discussed Eastern legends of gravity-defiance, including flying [...]

In our first article, we were inspired by the season, and talked about witches as practitioners of shamanic flight in Europe. We looked at their legendary flying ointment from a chemical perspective, and learned about its properties and dangers. Shamanic flight is not confined to archaic Europe, however, and examples of the phenomenon are common around [...]

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Entheogens : Al-Kemi : spagyrics and alchemy

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