Daily Archives: March 19, 2017

The Caribbean Is Mobilizing 300,000 People for an Epic Tsunami … – WIRED

Posted: March 19, 2017 at 4:47 pm

Slide: 1 / of 2. Caption: Caption: Haitian students participate in an Earthquake and Tsunami Emergency drill in Cap-Haitien, on May 6, 2016. HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP/Getty Images

Slide: 2 / of 2. Caption: CARIBE WAVE Photo Archive/NOAA

If you happen to be sunbathing on a quiet Caribbean beach next week, dont be alarmed if a helicopter flies overhead warning everyone to evacuate to higher ground.

Its just a drill. A tsunami drill, actually, called Caribe Wave 2017, that will mobilize more than 300,000 people in 48 countries and territories in the Caribbean basin. The simulation will test the communication systems that connect those communities to the seismologists in Hawaii whose sensors and algorithms predict tsunamis. And perhaps more importantly, it will test the ability of local officials to get large numbers of people to drop what they are doing and move to safety.

Advertisements on local media make sure that teachers, bosses, and hotel waiters in each country know whats coming. Local police and volunteers put on orange safety vests and direct traffic; choppers issue loudspeaker warnings. But some things cant be replicated. Sometimes, tsunamis create weirdness along the seashore as the ocean recedes for long distances just before the waves roll up. The effect can be mesmerizingand some people are killed when they wander down to the beach to pick up shells or explore the ocean floor right before the big wave hits.

If it sounds involved, it is: UNESCO distributes a 147-page handbook to local officials that details how the whole show will go down next week. The chain of communications starts at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii, which uses the US Geological Surveys thousands of seismic sensors to estimate where and when a tsunami will hit. Each countrys emergency center receives that information, including wave heights and local maps of earthquake effects, through a dedicated satellite line, fax, or e-maileven Tweets and texts.

This exercise is meant to test that chain, says Bernardo Aliaga, tsunami coordinator at UNESCOs Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission in Paris. Some countries are more top down, the police will just give the order and evacuate the coastal zone. Other communities are organized through their local leaders to proceed in an orderly way through established routes.

Some placeslike the French island of Guadalupeget involved big time. There, tens of thousands of schoolchildren, hotel guests, and government workers will (calmly) run, walk, or drive to higher ground on March 21 for the evacuation drill. On islands like the Bahamas, only a few emergency officials acknowledge receipt of the tsunami center warning.

While most visitors probably dont think about the chances of a killer wave when booking a Caribbean vacation, they do happen. NOAA officials estimate tsunamis caused by earthquakes, landslides, or volcanic activity have killed 3,500 people since the mid-19th century, including a 1946 event that killed 2,000 people in the Dominican Republic and a 1918 Puerto Rico quake-spawned wave that killed 140. The Caribbeans tropical islands and coral reefs sit along the junction of several tectonic plates or above subduction zones, where two plates meet and one slides under the other, down into Earths mantle. Other islands, like Haiti, straddle strike-slip faults, where plates rub up against each other.

While the region is seismically active, what really matters is the location of the epicenter and how many people lie in a tsunamis path. Tourism fuels the Caribbean, with nearly $30 billion spent in 2015 by 29 million non-cruise ship visitors, according to the Caribbean Tourism Organization. There could be 500,000 people along the beaches in any given day, says Christa von Hillebrandt-Andrade, manager of the National Weather Service Caribbean Tsunami Warning Program based in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico.

Von Hillebrandt-Andrade and her colleagues have been running these evacuation and emergency response drills in the Caribbean since 2011. This year, the exercise will test three scenarios simulating separate earthquakes: one off the coast of Costa Rica, another off the coast of Cuba and a third northeast of the Lesser Antilles.

On the French territories of Martinique and Guadalupe, Tuesdays tsunami drill will be followed by a two-day search-and-rescue exercise that will see 500 specialized units flying in from France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Spain, according to Patrick Tyburn, tsunami coordinator for the four French islands (Martinique, Guadalupe, St. Barts, and St. Martin) and civil defense chief for the French Lesser Antilles.

These European crews will set up at an abandoned hospital on Martinique, bringing in volunteer victims who have been injured by the incoming wave. We try to take into account tourism, Tyburn says. We used helicopters during the exercise to make alerts on the beaches, and we also started to work with the port to organize evacuation of cruise ships in case of a tsunami.

While visitors might not see tsunami evacuation route signs at every beachside bar, more and more hotels are taking the threat seriously. Staff at many hotels are now training for the rare, yet potentially catastrophic, possibility of tsunami emergencies, according to Aliaga.

They realize there is a cost to not being prepared, says Aliaga. And they are not willing to pay that cost.

Meanwhile, the Trump administration is avoiding costs of their own. President Trumps proposed budget calls for eliminating 14 percent of NOAAs budgetincluding a tsunami preparedness grant program. It would help local officials buy signs and sirens, and conduct drills along parts of the US coast that are most at risk from tsunamis. The Caribbean may be prepared for a tsunami, but the Pacific Northwest may not be as lucky.

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The Caribbean Is Mobilizing 300,000 People for an Epic Tsunami ... - WIRED

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Recognizing Caribbean community’s on-the-move Michelle Neil during Women’s History Month – The Philadelphia Tribune

Posted: at 4:47 pm

Awesome! Michelle Neil is an awesome sister who is on the move. In acknowledgement of March, Womens History Month, we have decided to feature Neil. She is a successful, well-rounded individual who is making our Caribbean community very proud to call her our own. Yes, our own Michelle Neil was recently appointed by Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf to the State of Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. In this capacity she will work directly with the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention committee which is the planning, coordinating and policy-setting body for the commonwealth.

I feel extremely honored and grateful for the opportunity to serve on this committee, stated Neil proudly. I am looking forward to working with others who have impacted changes that will impact the juvenile population. Neil confirmed that she was recommended to Wolf by either a deputy, chief or possibly the District Attorney. They were involved in the final decision-making.

Neil has accomplished a lot in life. Since 2003, she has been the Senior Victim-Witness Advocate in the Juvenile Court Department of the Philadelphia District Attorneys Office. In this capacity she has seen both negative and positive changes occur in the juvenile system. For example, in 2016, there was a 20 percent decrease in overall juvenile arrests and 24 percent decrease in juvenile crimes in the schools. The decrease, said Neil, is as a result of diversion programs such as Youth Aid Panel (YAP) and Police Diversion programs. On the other hand, juvenile cases involving guns have increased approximately 6 percent.

Neil, who was born in Jamaica, earned a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice from Temple University and a Master of Theological Studies from Palmer Theological Seminary. She is well qualified. She is also an adjunct professor of Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice at Harcum College. She is a volunteer with YAP, a volunteer with Team Jamaica Bickle and a very active member of her church. How does she do it? How does she balance it all?

Everyone needs a good support system and this lady is no different. She shared that at work, she has strong support. One of the chiefs and a former deputy are extremely helpful in pointing me in the right direction, she said. They help me to navigate the new role that I have taken on. However, my faith in God is what gives me balance. My favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me; therefore, if God puts an opportunity in my way, then he will certainly equip me to do the job. He did that with teaching. Teaching comes naturally for me. It is a joy to be standing in front of individuals who have a desire to learn. It doesnt seem like work.

When asked how she is able to balance all of these responsibilities, Neil said that she is currently divorced with no children, so balancing is a lot easier than if she was married with children. According to Neil, time management skills are extremely important.

Her advice to young women aspiring to be great and successful in a competitive world: Females throughout the world are not being recognized for what they can contribute. They are not being paid like their male counterparts. Get your education. Apply for internships in your desired field, volunteer, speak to accomplished individuals in your desired field. Give your best in whatever you do. Learn as much as you can in all areas.

Neil said that she credits her Caribbean background for her success. It taught me all about hard work, she added. It also taught me to give my all and focus on whatever project I am working on. I approach everything that I do with a spirit of excellence. I am fully aware that this is only the beginning.

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Recognizing Caribbean community's on-the-move Michelle Neil during Women's History Month - The Philadelphia Tribune

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Bernal unleashes ‘Dragon in the Caribbean’ – Jamaica Observer

Posted: at 4:47 pm

Chinas involvement in the Caribbean has steadily increased during the last decade, evidenced by the number of public buildings and infrastructure constructed by Chinese companies.

The Jamaican Government and China are contemplating the building of a new parliament, further deepening the relationship that has grown with little study on its implications for both Jamaica and China a type of David and Goliath story, but with the main characters working together as allies rather than enemies.

Why is China engaged in a region of small developing countries of questionable strategic value? Why are Caribbean governments so receptive to the Peoples Republic of China? Why do some regional states side with Taiwan against the One China policy? Why are Caribbean exports to one of the worlds largest markets so small? What is the region doing to attract more Chinese tourists?

The answers to these and many other questions can be found in the book: Dragon in the Caribbean written by Ambassador Dr Richard L Bernal, pro-vice chancellor of The University of the West Indies (UWI) where the much anticipated book will be launched tomorrow at 6:00 pm at the UWIs Regional Headquarters on Mona Road.

Guest speaker will be Dr Peter Phillips, former minister of finance and former lecturer at UWI, with remarks from Sir Alister McIntyre and comments from Sir Hilary Beckles, noted historian and UWI vice-chancellor. The event will be followed by a reception courtesy of LASCO and is open to the public. The book, which is not yet in bookstores, will be on sale at the launch.

One of the principal recommendations of the book is that, given the importance of the relationship with China, the Caribbean needs to learn more about that Asian giant, its history, culture, economic prowess, and political system.

Professor Franklin Knight of Johns Hopkins University suggests that Dragon in the Caribbean adds significantly to the understanding and appreciation of the policy-making powers at play in the relationship between the Caribbean and China. He notes that the book provides an overview of Chinas changing position and rise in power in the global landscape as well as its growing economic and political presence in the Caribbean.

The nature, extent and character of this development is then examined and analysed by reviewing development assistance, trade and foreign investment in the Caribbean. Bernal, the former Jamaican ambassador to the United States, outlines some of the considerations and motivations of China and the countries of the Caribbean for deepening their relationship, and discusses the challenges and opportunities for the Caribbean that this relationship presents in the immediate future.

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Bernal unleashes 'Dragon in the Caribbean' - Jamaica Observer

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Bahamas National Constitution Party hits out over landfill fire | The … – Bahamas Tribune

Posted: at 4:47 pm

Smoke rising from the landfill on Sunday.

THE Bahamas National Coalition Party (BNCP) has joined the chorus of critics of the Governments handling of the burning New Providence Landfill, calling it indecisive and insensitive in its efforts to deal with the threat to the health of nearby residents.

The party said the situation with the dump exposed 30 years of the PLP and FNM administrations callous attitude towards those who they seem to regard as poor black Bahamians whose life and limbs are of no value worth and dignity. This situation speaks clearly to the level of greed, corruption and moral indifference that has become the excepted (sic) norm. The BNCP also called for the cost of losses suffered by residents to be subject to a law suit and for a five-year medicial services plan to be put in place for those affected paid for by those it held responsible.

BNCP members stood at the entrance of Jubilee Gardens, the area most affected by the smoke and from which residents had to be evacuated, to add to the public attention on what they described as a national issue of critical importance. In a statement on Friday, the party criticised the decision to create the dump on Harold Road, borrow money from the Inter-American Development Bank, not to follow the agreement signed by the FNM to build a proper waste facility and account for the $35 million properly.

The PLPs indecisiveness, insensitivities to this national (issue) and subsequent inability to confront and deal with this perplexing issue that now affects the life, safety, health and wellbeing of all persons living in the surrounding areas is immoral, the BNCP said. This weekends explosion of the fire and wind condition finally exposed the perilous situation we as people are facing and this situation cannot be left unattended. It is too serious.

The BNCP raised several questions, including why an Environment Impact Assessment report had not been undertaken by the original developers; why a government would permit the building of houses within 200 yards of a dump site; and why the necessary safeguards were not put in place at the beginning or at some stage to minimise the crisis. It is our understanding that the lack of political will and indifference to the respect for the dignity of life of our black working class citizens is at the heart of this contemptible PLP and FNM behaviour, the statement continued. Therefore BNCP demands a quick resolution to this vexing life threatening crisis now. The original developers and PLP and FNM must be held accountable.

All losses experienced by the residents of this area should be borne in a class action suit against both governments and developers. Medical service to ensure the health and safety of all residents for the next five years must be put in place to monitor our people and the cost of this must be born jointly by PLP, FNM and the developers.

This dump issue must be addressed forthwith and it must be done in a manner that deals with the immediate threat to life, to cause remediation, and secondly it must attack the structural, systemic and fundamental issues thus creating the long term resolution of this crisis to the satisfaction of our people in a manner that is fair just and equitable. It cannot be business as usual.

BNCP has a plan and a vision that we believe is the solution to this problem. While we are here demonstrating our support, solidarity and moral correctness, Jubilee is prophetic because it enables us to show our people that the vision of a new Bahamas where the wealth is made common and government uphold the rights and dignity of all of its citizens in a new economic arrangement that puts life and value at its core; and thus begin a new chapter moving our nation forward upward and onward.

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Bahamas National Constitution Party hits out over landfill fire | The ... - Bahamas Tribune

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We March Bahamas To Call For Carnival To Be Postponed – Bahamas Tribune

Posted: at 4:47 pm


Tribune Staff Reporter


WE March Bahamas intends to stage its third protest on April 9 to, among other things, demand that an election is called before May 7 and the postponement of Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival.

In a Facebook post, the civic group mentioned the successes of its two previous protests, noting that efforts mounted by the group had averted several major events.

At the conclusion of the post, We March declared, Now, we march again.

The organisation announced six issues that it wanted to have addressed by government within the coming weeks.

The post read: Now, we march again. This time to postpone carnival and use our tax dollars wisely while promoting our own culture. To have the dump fires addressed immediately. To demand that we have elections on or before May 7. To demand that the Baha Mar case be unsealed.

To demand that the government stop playing politics and allow the commissioner of polices plan to crush crime to be implemented immediately.

The group also said that it wants to put an end to the spy bill and spy agency, referring to the governments proposed Interception of Communications Bill 2017.

Last month, We March urged residents to mount a protest against the proposed legislation, suggesting that if passed, the bill could impede some civil liberties.

Several politicians, attorney Fred Smith, QC, and many civic groups also came out against the legislation after The Tribune revealed the contents of the bill, which was tabled quietly in the House of Assembly in the evening session on February 9.

The campaign mounted in opposition of the proposed bill ultimately resulted in the delay of the legislation being debated, with Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson granting a period of public consultation before the legislation is implemented.

Earlier in February, We March announced that it planned to staged 12 more events and protests throughout The Bahamas before the next general election.

At that time, lead organiser Raynard Henfield said the group was still on mission and would continue to stay focused despite the tactics and anger of people that want to resist change.

He said We March would take its message to various islands throughout the country.

The group also launched a Go Fund Me page with a view to raising $120,000 to aid with expenses.

The group said of the need for the funds: The Bahamian people are suffering from political corruption, victimisation, a frightening crime culture and the most arrogant administration in our history.

It added: Our organisation, We March Bahamas, picked up the baton on November 25, 2016 and began raising the awareness of the general population while demanding that the government account to the people and be transparent in its dealings.

Since stepping to the forefront as lead organiser of We March Bahamas, Mr Henfield has been at odds with members of the governing party.

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We March Bahamas To Call For Carnival To Be Postponed - Bahamas Tribune

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‘Beauty And The Beast’ Enchants With $350M Global Bow; $180M Offshore International Box Office – Deadline

Posted: at 4:46 pm

Refresh for latest: Disneys Beauty And The Beast charmed its way into the international box office this weekend with a wild $180M start. Combined with the equally monstrous domestic opening, that puts the global tally for the live-action update of 1991s animated classic at a magnifique $350M worldwide. The Bill Condon-directed film is now the No. 2 March debut of all time both globally and internationally, behind Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice.

We had a sense yesterday that BATB was headed across $300M global and indeed it sprang past pre-weekend estimates on all fronts.

Looking at the same suite of offshore markets, and at todays rates, the opening BATB frame is running 35% ahead of The Jungle Book, 96% ahead of Alice In Wonderland, 100% ahead of Maleficent and 148% ahead of Cinderella.

The Emma Watson/Dan Stevens-starrer was No. 1 in virtually all debuts its playing in 44 material markets this weekend. A dazzling $22.8M in the UK gave BATB the highest grossing 3-day opening weekend ever for a PG title; and China opened to $44.8M for the biggest-ever Disney Live Action launch weekend (note that Disney Live Action refers to non-Lucasfilm/Marvel releases).

In other highlights, this is the top March opening ever in several territories, including the UK, Germany and Mexico. BATB also had the No. 1 bow of 2017 in those markets as well as Italy, Sweden and Brazil, among others. The film further surpassed the lifetimes of Maleficent and Alice In Wonderland in China, Korea and India.

In IMAX plays, BATB waltzed to a record-setting $21M on 1,026 screens worldwide. In 55 international markets, the gross was $8.5M on 649. The movie, which features an expanded aspect ratio that is exclusive to IMAX, is the 300th DMR (digital media remastering) title in the formats history and pushes IMAX past the $6B total global box office mark.

BATB is the No. 1 global bow ever for a PG-rated film in IMAX, topping Disneys own Jungle Book ($20M) from last year. It is the No. 2 overseas launch for a PG movie after TJBs $9.7M and the No. 3 international opening weekend in March after BVS and Logan.

Overall, the UK is a big part of this fairy tale. Along with the PG record noted above, the $22.8M score is the 5th highest grossing 3-day launch of all time. The Saturday was the 2nd biggest ever only behind Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The film is doing Jungle Book-style business overseas and indeed outpacing it with a launch in the UK that is +83% on that film. This is further the biggest Disney Live Action opening in the market and the top March debut frame ever. It also tops the start for all musicals in the market.

The Top 5 hubs this session are China ($44.8M), the UK ($22.8M), Korea ($11.9M), Mexico ($11.6M) and Germany ($10.7M). Market breakdowns are coming below.

Other notable numbers this frame include Foxs Logan passing $100M in China; Warner Bros Kong: Skull Island getting thisclose to $150M international after two sessions; Universals Split crossing $250M worldwide; Unis A Dogs Purpose sitting up to over $100M international; and Illumination/Universals Sing nearing $600M global. New was the opening of Jordan Peeles Get Out from Universal and Blumhouse.

Breakdowns on those and others are being updated below.



The tale as old as time was expected to resonate around the world and just continued to run all weekend. Thats despite any controversy that reared up over Josh Gads gay moment in the film. Any distraction over Russia giving the film a 16+ rating (on par with Dis Pirates films, btw and equivalent to a PG-13 in the U.S) did not damage the start there (see more below).

With all this cash in the castle, there are still openings to come in such majors as France, Australia and Japan. BATB has lots of runway ahead of it and with ongoing play, plus the addition of those markets which are poised to belly right up to the beast, $1B global looks all but assured.

Currently offshore, China is in the lead with $44.8M to become the biggest ever Disney Live Action opening weekend of all time. BATB repped 67% of the market share there and has already bested the entire run of both Maleficent and Alice In Wonderland. In 2015 dollars, Cindy opened to $25M across her first 3-day with BABT almost doubling that start this weekend. In IMAX, the film grossed $3.4M on 386 screens.

The UK, as noted above, had a fairy tale launch with $22.8M and several benchmarks set including the highest grossing 3-day opening weekend ever for a PG title; the 5th highest grossing 3-day bow of all time; and the 2nd biggest Saturday ever only behind Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Korea, which is the No. 3 play on BATB this weekend, came in at $11.9M for the top Disney Live Action opening frame ever. With 67% market share the opening already exceeds the entire run of both Maleficent and Cinderella. Belle and her Beast are 80% ahead of Jungle Book currently.

Mexico comes in as the No. 4 offshore hub with $11.6M, again the biggest ever DLA bow; the No. 1 March opening of all time; and the top industry start of 2017. It is also the 6th industry opening weekend ever. It dominated the market with 74% and is running 91% swingier than Jungle Book.

In Germany, the table was set with $10.7M for the top March opening weekend on record and 2017s best so far. There, its 118% ahead of Jungle Book.

Brazil is next with $10.4M: top DLA ever, top 2017 start and 7th industry opening of all time. The score more than tripled The Jungle Books launch.

Italys first dance was worth $7.6M for 2017s biggest start and 124% over The Jungle Book.

At $6M, Russia defied the local controversy which saw it slapped with a 16+ rating. Disneys Dave Hollis tells me, The result is as impressive in Russia as it is anywhere else in the world. Its also more than double Cinderellas first sweep.

The Philippines and Spain round out the Top 10 with $5.9M and $5.8M, respectively. In the former, this is the top DLA opening and the No. 4 industry bow ever. Shattered are the entire scores of Jungle Book, Cinderella and Alice In Wonderland. In Spain, this is the biggest non-local March opening ever and is running 36% ahead of Jungle Book.

In other notables not cited above, BATB is the biggest March opening ever in Albania, Austria, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Rep, Denmark (non-local), Finland, Macedonia, Norway (3-day only), Slovenia, Switzerland and Ukraine. It is also the biggest opening of the year in Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, Serbia, Switzerland, U.A.E. and Ukraine.

Further openings across South East Asia that are DLAs best include Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand.

The only markets where Mrs Potts didnt top the box office were Vietnam (Kong: Skull Island was still No. 1 there), Turkey (with two local movies and Logan ahead) and India (where Foxs Badrinath Ki Dulhania retained No. 1).

Tuning up for next weekend are France, Australia, Belgium, Hungary, Israel, Trinidad and Argentina. Japan, a huge Disney market, bows April 21. This Beauty will also open on 22 more IMAX screens in nine markets next frame.




Warner Bros

Particularly notable is the performance in Vietnam which figures in the film. Kong beat the new Beauty in the market with a No. 1 and $5.3M total to become the 2nd highest-grossing movie there ever behind Furious 7.

Overall, the UK was the best play this frame with $3.3M on 931 screens, ranking No. 2 with a $13.5M cume. Korea followed at $2.5M on 644 for the No. 2 spot and an $11.1M total so far. Up next was France where the film maintained No. 1 (Belle arrives next weekend there) with $2.4M on 540 for a 31% drop and a total $7.3M to date. Australia (which also has BATB as a new guest next frame stomped on $2.4M/388 to bring the running total to $7.2M. Mexico similarly added $2.4M (on 1,597) for $10.1M running. There is a long-holiday weekend in Mexico and WB is looking at strong numbers in an expanded market.

Other top cumes include Russias $9.3M; Brazil with $6.9M; Germanys $6.2M; Taiwans $6M; Malaysias $4.8M; and Spains $3.2M.

Next weekend, Kong travels to China and Japan.


20th Century Fox

Elsewhere, Logan is now 10% bigger than the lifetime of X-Men: Apocalypse at current exchanges in the UK with a cume of $25.3M. Brazil held this frame at No. 2 for $23.4M so far after a 43% drop. The next biggest market is Russia with $15.7M so far and 19% higher than X-Men: Days Of Future Past at todays f/x rates. Korea has grossed $15.3M to date and held No. 3 this session. In most plays, holds were better than -50%. Japan releases Logan on June 1.



We talked about the success of this film in China last week and its marketing prowess with local partner Alibaba has continued to pay off. The movie was No. 2 behind new opener Beauty And The Beast after playing well throughout the week. It normally has about two weeks left to wag there. Universal will next release in Russia on March 30 and Japan on September 23.










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'Beauty And The Beast' Enchants With $350M Global Bow; $180M Offshore International Box Office - Deadline

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Helly Hansen NOOD Regatta San Diego: Action Offshore | Sailing … – Sailing World

Posted: at 4:46 pm

With the addition of offshore keelboat racing on Saturday, sailboats competed off Point Loma and on San Diego Bay on the second day of the Helly Hansen Hansen National Offshore One Design Regatta San Diego.

One of these classes, the Beneteau First 36.7s, is led by 2017 San Diego NOOD overall winner Chick Pyle in Kea, with three first-place and one second-place finishes on Saturday. When asked for his recipe for success, Pyle raved about his secret weapon his son, Nick, who used to be the head sailing coach at San Diego YC along with an optimized boat and in-sync crew.

We do something that's really unusual, Pyle said. On our way out to the racecourse, we talk through everybodys position from prestart to upwind and windward rounding to downwind and leeward rounding, and even penalty turns. We discuss every single position in detail, so theres no guessing.

Leading the International 14 (I-14) fleet, one of four classes that began the regatta on Friday, is local skipper Brad Reutenik and crew aboard Astralgus. Despite what he described as pretty funky wind conditions, the team was able to shift gears well between light-air lulls and stronger gusts to win three of four races, but another obstacle stood in the way of these extremely fast, physical boats.

We have to sail through some of the slower fleets, Reutenik said. Its challenging to go through a wall of boats and we have to be confident in our boat handling, because these boats are very difficult to sail. They make really good sailors look really bad, but the fun factor is so high.

Saturday also featured the North Sails Rally two races designed to give local crews on boats of any size the opportunity to participate in a single, day-long race. First place prizes went to skipper Lawrence Adam and his team aboard the Corsair 31 F Bomb and Greg Stewarts team on Sprig, a 6m.

Other notable day two results include a three-way tie in the ORC fleet, which is a handicapping system that allows one design sport boats that dont have fleets at the event to sail together. Drew Belks Precept2, a Melges 32, leads the group with 3-1-1-3 finishes on the day.



Beneteau First 36.7 (One Design - 7 Boats) 1. Kea, Beneteau First 36.7, Chick Pyle, Jamestown, RI, USA, 1 -2 -1 -1 ; 5 2. Kodachrome, Beneteau First 36.7, Jerry Twomey, San Diego, CA, USA, 2 -3 -3 -6 ; 14 3. Melokia, Beneteau First 36.7, Mike Whittemore, Coronado, CA, USA, 3 -1 -6 -5 ; 15

Beneteau First 40.7 (One Design - 6 Boats) 1. Lugano, Beneteau First 40.7, Mark Stratton , Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2 -1 -1 -2 ; 6 2. Wiki Wiki, Beneteau First 40.7, Mike Honeysett , Ramona, CA, USA, 1 -2 -4 -1 ; 8 3. Sweet Okole, Beneteau First 40.7, Rick Harris , Coronado, CA, USA, 3 -3 -2 -3 ; 11

J 120 (One Design - 7 Boats) 1. caper, J 120, John Laun, San Diego, CA, USA, 6 -1 -3 -1 ; 11 2. J Almighty, J 120, Mike Hatch, Des Moines, WA, USA, 2 -2 -4 -4 ; 12 3. Mad Men, J 120, Ernie Pennell, San Diego, CA, USA, 3 -4 -2 -3 ; 12

ORC (ORC - 5 Boats) 1. Precepts 3.2, Melges 32, Drew Belk, Coachella, CA, USA, 3 -1 -1 -3 ; 8 2. M2, Melges 32, Kym Kapalla, San Diego, CA, USA, 2 -3 -2 -1 ; 8 3. TroubleSpot, Farr 30 OD, Oliver Michaelis, San Diego, CA, USA, 1 -2 -3 -2 ; 8

Etchells - Bill Bennett Memorial (One Design - 21 Boats) 1. Rock n' Roll, Etchells, Argyle Campbell, Newport Beach, CA, USA, 2 -6 -1 -1 ; 10 2. Viva, Etchells, Don Jesberg, Belvedere, CA, USA, 3 -3 -3 -4 ; 13 3. Rhino, Etchells, Bruce Nelson, San Diego, CA, USA, 5 -5 -2 -2 ; 14 J 105 (One Design - 11 Boats) 1. Sanity, J 105, Rick Goebel, San Diego, CA, USA, 2 -2 -1 -3 ; 8 2. Juiced, J 105, Tom Hurlburt / Chuck Driscoll, San Diego, CA, USA, 3 -1 -3 -2 ; 9 3. Wings, J 105, Dennis Case, San Diego, CA, USA, 4 -3 -2 -1 ; 10

Flying Tiger 10 (One Design - 6 Boats) 1. Relapse, FT 10M, Tom Hirsh, San Diego, CA, USA, 2 -1 -1 -2 ; 6 2. Arsenal, FT 10M, Andrew Picel, Cardiff, CA, USA, 1 -2 -3 -3 ; 9 3. Ruckus, FT 10M, Brian Werner, Aliso Viejo, CA, USA, 3 -3 -4 -1 ; 11

North Sails Rally A (One Design - 5 Boats) 1. F Bomb, Corsair 31, Lawrence Adams, San Diego, CA, USA, 1 ; 1 2. Athena, Beneteau 44.7, David Cheresh, Encinitas, CA, USA, 2 ; 2 3. Aeolos, First 44.7, Gregory Price, San Marcos, CA, USA, 3 ; 3

North Sails Rally B (One Design - 7 Boats) 1. Sprig, 6m, Greg Stewart, San Diego, CA, USA, 1 ; 1 2. American Girl, Alerion Express 28, Lisa Leweck, San Diego, CA, USA, 2 ; 2 3. Lucky Charms, Kirby, Mark Clements, San Diego, CA , USA, 3 ; 3

Ultimate 20 (One Design - 7 Boats) 1. 222, Ultimate 20, Travis Gregory, Farmington, UT, USA, 1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -1 -1 ; 8 2. Junta, Ultimate 20, Mark Allen, Holladay, UT, USA, 2 -3 -2 -2 -1 -2 -4 ; 16 3. Juiced!, Ultimate 20, James Ulatowski, Denver, CO, USA, 4 -4 -3 -3 -3 -4 -3 ; 24

J 70 (One Design - 19 Boats) 1. Minor Threat, J 70, Jeff Janov, Malibu, CA, USA, 2 -1 -3 -1 -2 -4 -1 ; 14 2. 3 Big Dogs, J 70, Pat Toole, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 1 -5 -1 -6 -4 -9 -3 ; 29 3. Huckleberry, J 70, Jim Murrell, Torrance, CA, USA, 5 -3 -2 -7 -6 -1 -8 ; 32

I-14 (One Design - 12 Boats) 1. Astragulus, I 14, Brad Ruetenik, Encinitas, CA, USA, 4 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -3 ; 12 2. USA 1189, I 14, Kris Bundy, Bellingham, WA, USA, 5 -2 -3 -3 -2 -4 -2 ; 21 3. Sweet Jane, I 14, John Gilmour, Richmond, Ca, USA, 2 -3 -6 -2 -3 -5 -6 ; 27

Viper 640 (One Design - 9 Boats) 1. Cobra, Viper 640, Timothy Carter, Harbor City, CA, USA, 1 -3 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 ; 14 2. Ranga.Ranga, Viper 640, Peter Graves, Post Falls, ID, USA, 3 -4 -5 -1 -1 -1 -3 ; 18 3. Breakaway, Viper 640, Eric Chadwick, Pasadena, CA, USA, 2 -1 -1 -4 -3 -6 -4 ; 21

Formula 18 (One Design - 11 Boats) 1. Casi Listo, F 18, Scott Miller, Ramona, CA, USA, -1 -1 -1 -1 ; 4 2. Wet Rodeo, F 18, Steve Stroebel, San Diego, CA, USA, -3 -3 -2 -2 ; 10 3. Le Zebra, F 18, Galvez/ Marfeng, Mission Viejo, CA, USA, -2 -2 -4 -3 ; 11

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Submerged Platforms To Revolutionize Offshore Oil & Gas – OilPrice.com

Posted: at 4:46 pm

Efficiency is the new buzzword for the oil and gas industry in case someones missed it. But it is more than just a buzzword, at least for some industry players as well as tech giants like German Siemens and Swiss ABB. These two have partnered with E&Ps to bring the concept of automation a step further a huge step.

Siemens and ABB are competing in the development of automated, unmanned, entirely submerged offshore oil and gas platforms. The advantages of such structures are many, and there are a couple of major challenges to match these. Yet Statoil, which has a reputation for innovative solutions, plans to deploy the first such platform at one of its fields in 2020.

Siemens calls these platforms self-sufficient oil and gas extraction factories, which explains the nature of these structures better. They would remove the risk to human life caused by accidents on traditional platforms. They will, in fact, remove most of the safety risks associated with offshore oil and gas extraction because operators will control them from land.

The seafloor factories would also come with lower maintenance costs due to the lack of workforce needed on them, and the fact that they will be deep below the surface and far from storms. They will be easier to install and dismantle after the productive life of the well ends, which is another huge advantage over traditional platforms. Related:New Oil Price War Looms As The OPEC Deal Falls Short

From a pragmatic perspective, which is the dominant perspective of E&Ps, of course, subsea platforms will be much more productivethey will extract oil and gas directly from the well drilled into the seabed, without the need for miles-long structures that bring the hydrocarbons to the surface. The only thing such a platform would need is a power cable to the surface and a pipeline to move the oil from the well to either land or a floating vessel.

It sounds almost too good to be true, and in a sense, it is. Depths of more than 3,000-4,000 meters, which is where deepwater offshore oil and gas projects are located, present engineers with a unique challenge. The challenge comes in the form of finding materials and components strong enough to withstand the water pressure.

Siemens engineer Jan Erik Lystad puts it succinctly: We have a kind of torture chamber for technical components, he says. We put parts under enormous pressure. The technology has to withstand up to 460 bar thats how high the pressure is at a depth of 4,600 meters. This amount of pressure equals a weight of 469 kilos per square centimeter a scary weight, especially considering all the different components and structures that have to be able to withstand it, and for a very long time.

Power supply in these circumstances has also been challenging, ABB admits. Power needs to be brought to the submerged structure and distributed among its different parts, the Swiss company says. This means underwater transformers, which are already in operation at traditional platforms, but at minimum load, which will not be the case with an entirely submerged structure with a lot of systems relying on substantial amounts of electricity. Related:Deciphering Todays Oil Markets

The good news is that there are already cables capable of transmitting electricity at distances of up to 600 km, with multiple loads, which has sort of solved this part of the power supply problemfew, if any, deepwater deposits are more than 600 km from the coast. Solving the puzzle of making this supply safe and reliable is next.

So, engineers are getting thereslowly but surely. Future oil and gas production will come increasingly from offshore deposits, most of them in the deep waters of the worlds oceans, as those on land and in the shallow waters get depleted. Siemens and ABB have a pretty good timing on their projects.

By Irina Slav for Oilprice.com

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Race to Build Offshore Wind Farms That Float on Sea Gathers Pace … – Bloomberg

Posted: at 4:46 pm


March 17, 2017, 11:24 AM EDT March 18, 2017, 3:00 AM EDT

Plans to install turbines on platforms that float in the sea are gathering pace as renewable energy developers seek new areas to harvest wind power.

Scotland has granted planning permission for as much as 92 megawatts of floating offshore wind capacity, including two separate projects in the past two weeks. In Ireland, the developer Gaelectric Holdings Plc and Ideol SAS, a French floating wind company, agreed on Friday to develop floating wind projects in Irish waters, starting with a 30-megawatt array.

The deals bring to about 237 megawatts the capacity of floating offshore wind projects that will be installed worldwide by 2020, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance. Thats just a fraction of the 38,000 megawatts of turbine due to be fixed to the seabed by the end of this decade.

Floating wind has the potential to bring clean energy to island nations that might not have much land and the seabed is too deep for normal offshore wind, said Tom Harries, Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

The nascent technology is seen as key to cutting the costs of offshore wind power and opening up swathes of seabed that would otherwise be undeveloped because of poor seabed conditions or because its too deep.

In Scotland, developers are rushing to meet a deadline to get the only subsidies available for floating offshore wind farms before they have to compete with other cheaper renewables. In order to get that support, floating projects must show theyre on track to produce first power by the end of September 2018.

The projects recently approved in Scotland both target deep waters that would otherwise require massive concrete or steel structures to anchor turbines.

Recent projects include:

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Diamond Offshore wins court ruling against Petrobras – Houston Chronicle

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Seeking Alpha
Diamond Offshore wins court ruling against Petrobras
Houston Chronicle
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